(2007/01) Jan

hi gals

wah how come tonite forum so "hot"??
all not sleeping yet ahh?? i waiting to feed my boy at 1 plus then wld let him zzz till tom morning liao... i can go zzz then also...

what qn?? now i blur blur cant think liao... haha

zhuzhu, janey,
u all no need work tom meh? still nvr sleep?

ooh ur off day tom?? good leh....
nope, waiting to feed my boy at 1 plus then retire for the nite....hehehe...
Hi mummies you can redeem the baby journal, cd and height chart @ compass pt libary just go in and turn left there is a counter. I just redeemed mine last week.
the meeting place so far leh.... we have no car so travel on mrt then lrt wld die man... esp with baby...scarli he fuss & cry on the train... then super malu...
next time if have gathering in town area, i sure join!! hehe

what spree?? u the spree queen mah... u tell us..hehehe
so late u also still nvr zzz?
tom no need work ahh?? hehe
hi snow
aiyoh my pooh height chart still with u hor... pai seh...hehehe...
next time got gathering then get fr u le...

i sleepy liao... sterlising bottles now then can feed my boy then can zzz...
good morning!!!
haiz.... back at work. miss Claire.

wah, my future son-in-law looking very good! Good work, keep it up! hahahahahhaahha

Spree? BP? *eyes open big big*

Claire just went thru growth spurt over the past month I think... at 8 weeks, she was about 5.1-5.3 kg, and last night at 12 weeks when my hubby weighed her she was at least 6.5kg!

kekekeke... must wait for my pumping schedule to get more regular first... right now I'm planning to pump 4 times a day, so must tarik abit on lunch hours...
wow 4 times a day! I only pump max 3 times...on weekends only 2 times cos feeding direct. Somehow I find eating the bai chye like will reduce supply...tat day I took kimchi soup...the next day bm like reduce so much. Anyone has any experience with certain food that will reduce supply? can share?
Morning Mummies

Do they look alike? One is fair, the other is tan.
Hmm.... seems like gor gor is more handsome.Well, will compare again when Matt reach 7mths old.


first one is Malcolm (my elder son when he is 7 mths old). The other tan tan one is Matthan (3.5 mths old)
Morning mummies..

Sherl, welcome back to work. Think baby grow very fast during these few months.. will bring my boy for his vaccination in month end. Think he might already about 7~8Kg, by then he is about 3 months 3 wks old liao...In later stage they might gradually reduce their weight too.. Like my galfren baby drop to 8+Kg, she is 1 year old now

Icy's gal have op today, rite.. Hopefully she and mummy will put through this difficult time. Any mummies have her news do update here yah.

Matthan and Malcolm both very adorable.. kekekeke... Look quite alike, but think Matthan look a bit more plump? Must compare when Matthan is 7 mths old la... kekekeke

yeah lo, but to me she looks like the same size as she was when she was born (just that when I carry her I know it's definitely not the same!). Still find it very amazing.
sherl - hi hi.. how're u coping on ur first day at work? hee.. thot i'd be able to find u here.. eh, abt e apple cheeks shoes, if cannot change size, u still want? coz it was my fren who ordered e wrong size.. so not sure if supplier will change..


Find that Cindy's advice (drink more water) helps.

I gotta pump so many times coz my milk supply per session is not very high leh. This morning without feeding Claire I pumped out 250ml. Will see how it is later in the afternoon.
