(2007/01) Jan

Maybe Mr Sherl want your ger to come out early so that can bring her out for CNY lah...If stay inside till 40 weeeks...the CNY first few days, u cannot go out lor...Actually for me I dun mind bb come out after 37 weeks. I am just worried that bb weight is smaller only... Very excited now cos I not seen my bb for 10 weeks liao...will be seeing him this wed...hehehe...


yeah, that's his idea... but actually me not too keen on bringing my ger around for CNY coz I think I'll be very tired, then my hubby's side of the family is the kind that will have gathering lasting from morning till middle of the night (2-3am sort)... Then cannot leave early to go home and rest, and I think it'd be very tiresome to bring a bb around for this long, plus I dun want her to get unsettled by all the action. kekekekeke
Maybe for this time u can excuse to leave early with your little Clarie around...My hubby also very excited when mentioned abt bringing his son to visit relatives...
Gofy Morning All

zhuzhu, ok

update from icy: gynae said her bb too small for 32 weeks and she might develop high blood this 2 weeks, if condition still not gd might have to deliver in 34 weeks.
hopse she'll be fine.
Sherl: i also will "scold" my boi too, think he knows that he's making uncomfortable, then keep v. still for a while, then come again *OMG*
morning gals & guys!!

oh u all meeting on wed..... aiyah, if is on thur, i can join u all le.... but wed i cant cos still at parents' place...

wld u be going town area on sat? then i can pick up the neurogain from u...

hope icy wld be fine.....
I am nt too sure what is the ideal wt for a bb at 31.5weeks gestation bt my gynae always tell me that Asian bb's have smaller frame.. My bb must be very small for him to raise his concern right?! Anyway judging from the bb's wt here.. Most of the bb should be ard 1.8-2kg at 31.5 wks gestation ley.. My first gal was 2kg+ at 32 wks.
liyen, im not sure, smsed but havent got a reply yet. *pray for icy* all mummies here v strong willed like alethea, will be fine!
heheheh... snow faster than me at update... kekekeke

anyway to add on... icy says her gynae says the placenta is not providing enough nutrients to the bb at the moment because got a lot of blood or something, which is why her baby is not growing much and she's in danger of pre-term labour. Is this what is known as placenta aging?

Her gynae told her the condition cannot be treated :{ and asked her to eat more high-calorie foods to help bb gain as much weight as possible these two weeks. Any suggestions for her diet?

Icy may log on later in the afternoon when she gets home...
what is considered high calorie food?? her gynae nvr recommend what food she shld eat more so as to increase weight of baby?
i gotta wait till next fri then have detailed scan on baby....wld be 31 wks then *scared*

today is my finger poking day... :s

ooh, washing machine "beeps".... means my clothes are ready....going to hang clothes now...
be back in a while...
Snow, Pancakes only consist of carbo..fat fat leh...I think Jap sweet potato can increase foetal weight, this one i read from Today parents, under one of the articles...

my hubby read from another forum that Nepia distributor having offer now, selling at $14/pack. I'm planning to get 2 packs, but need to get up to 4 packs to get free delivery. Anyone wants to share? Can pick up from Bukit Batok or if you are coming to the next gathering (10 Dec) I can pass to you then.

icy's gynae suggested that she eat icecream (!!!)... kekekeke... but problem is that she dun really take junk food lo.
Sounds like Icy & I in the same boat.. Placenta cannot nourish the baby thus bb's growth is very slow. Very high possibility of delivering the bb at 35-36 weeks.

I have been trying my best to take as much beef for the last 2 weeks. When i go for my checkup on Thurs, should be able to know whether taking beef really helps to increase bb wt or nt!

No need to worry abt ur bb. I have frens who also had the same pbm. They deliver their babies ard 36-37 weeks. Their children are growing very well despite the fact that they are rather small at birth..

Do pop into the thread on pre-mature babies and read up.. It's really inspiring and makes me feel very optmistic of my own condition as compared to theirs.. I am sure our gals will be fine!
Har, her gynae really suggested tat? My gynae didnt tell me to take high calorie food ley.. He just told me to avoid 2nd hand smoke and sleep on my left, continue to have a healthy diet, dun take junk food. Will see how it goes 2 weeks later, which is this Thurs..
Morning everyone,
just taken the poking kit from my gynae today. going to start this friday.....

Hope icy will be fine. Everyone of us now is worrying if baby is too big or too small. Icy worries too small, mi worry too big.....haiz.....actually eat ice cream really helps leh, cos mi previously everyday also eat ice cream thats y baby so big. but then also will run into the risk of GD leh. I heard durians also good for baby gaining weight.

yeah, her gynae suggest that she eat ice cream. kekekekekeke... but scarlee it's I hear wrongly, coz I very blur nowadays also... maybe it's her own idea, hahahaha... later let her log on and tell us herself better...
Other than beef, wat other food u being taking for this 2 weeks? Very keen to know the way to increase bb weight...so waiting for your good news on thurs. Thanks...

Really at $14 per pack arh..Good buy...Me bought at $14.70 leh...

as of now I still consider it unverified info la, kekeke... will double check with them when I call up to order lo.

yeah lo, think we will never really stop worrying, and now that got so many problems among us we are all a bit scared... but must help each other keep positive!
Personally i find tat taking ice-cream doesnt help cos 2 weeks before i went for my last checkup, i was indulging in Magnum Almond (cos there was a promo and my hubby bgt alot for me) almost everynite.. Bb turned out to be very small ley.. Also i have been taking Coke very often.. Doesnt seems to help bb increase wt at all ley..

Hopefully beef does help to increase bb's wt lor.. If my bb still very small despite taking ice-cream, beef, coke, etc.. then i guess whatever we eat will nt help cos the placenta is not able to absorb the nutrients and pass to my bb ley.. Ended up I am the one gaining tonnes from my indulgences.. Hahaha..
yeah thats right. super important at this stage too. especially after i know the results for my glucose test until now i am still quite down, even harder becos hubby was not with me this 2 weeks.

In a couple of weeks we will be hearing popping sounds in January thread. so exciting. Lets all hold hands and hang in there for a few more weeks.
i think there is something wrong with our thread leh, nowadays seems that it will be go to achive when it reach a 100 post. takes quite a bit of time to open up the page after refresh.

hm.......you baby under how many percentile? just now i checked with my gynae my baby under 97% percentile, i almost fainted.
<font color="ff0000">KIDS TOOL BLACK, WHITE &amp; RED FLASH CARD</font>

UP $11.35
1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
4) Yosimite
5) Snow
6) Janey
7) Sunsweet (from Feb07 thread)
Total : 8

Hey the shop has agreed to give us <font color="119911">20% discount!!!!</font> of all purchase on Kids Tool &amp; Softbook!!! Pls cfm your order by today. Thanks!!!

<font color="aa00aa">mrs wong &amp; mildy</font>, they dun ve stock for the soft book you order. next shipment is around 3 wks. Do you mind waiting?
<font color="ff0000">KIDS TOOL BLACK, WHITE &amp; RED FLASH CARD</font>

UP $11.35
1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
4) Yosimite
5) Snow
6) Janey
7) Sunsweet (from Feb07 thread)
8) kate
Total : 9

All purchase on Kids Tools - does this mean the Discovery Pal is included? If so I want to order 1 set of the Discovery Pal can???
paper type one..

OOooohhhh, i know liao.. is those selling outside OG type one ar.. can suck up everything one rite? selling at 100+?
