(2007/01) Jan

alethea, disney rompers can get from the RL polo tee supplier

Good afternoon!

Janey, sure. Who ever interested just add on.

Mildy, eat air not necessary healthy hor. nowadays so populated. btw i just had 2 eclairs. very nice leh but i dare not eat too many. my dad had 7! aiyo i so worried for him meh cos he has high blood haha
<font color="ff0000">KIDS TOOL BLACK, WHITE &amp; RED FLASH CARD</font>

UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. I am looking at 5 sets only unless response very good.

1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
4) Yosimite
5) Snow
6) Janey
Total : 7
Thanks~! hehe..

hehe.. u better guai guai n eat wholemeal food.. and stop eating unhealthy things like polluted air..
Serrich - The brand for the 5 tier drawer is Century

Zenn - Last ngt my wifey is complaining of numerous contraction. Nw resting @hm

Sugarbean - Yea we believe tat we r in good hand thou' he is ex.

AletheaT - Hi. take care &amp; rest well. Hope u have a smooth delivery. Yea, when we were in Yosimite Park, we also didn't c any bear but we did c deers *we r like sua-ku, was so excited*
The sceneries were fantastic!!!
<font color="ff6000">aquarius</font>, u are so early too!! at my dad hse now cos hb went reservist. everyone is still sleepin except me

UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. I am looking at 5 sets only unless response very good.

1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
4) Yosimite
5) Snow
6) Janey
7) Sunsweet (from Feb07 thread)
Total : 8
Hi <font color="ff6000">yosimite &amp; sunsweet</font>, can you pls leave down your email? thanks. For Jan mummies, we will arrange collection among ourselves.

<font color="119911">sunsweet</font>, would you mind collection from me at punggol or by post?


UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. I am looking at 5 sets only unless response very good.

1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
4) Yosimite
5) Snow
6) Janey
7) Sunsweet (from Feb07 thread)
Total : 8
Afternoon ladies and gentlemen (wah, finally can say gentlemen liao, before this it's gentleman... kekekekeke)...

Will update for you on Monday ok, my list is saved back in my office.

Good to hear from you again, glad to hear you're doing well! For the Disney Height chart hor, actually if you are really interested there is a shop at Change Alley selling them (the bridge leading to Clifford Pier) at $9.90... It's open on Sat afternoons as well.... It's a children's branded clothes fctory outlet, so can ask Mr Alethea to take a look. kekekekekekeke

Yesterday met my hubby's cousin. She touched my tummy and asked me, "How come your tummy so hard?" I told her it's always been hard, she says in that case I will probably deliver early leh, prob three weeks earlier.
Gave me a fright. I also dunnoe how come she say that leh... now I'm in a bit of a panic... Got so many things haven't do! Hope she's just saying it according to some old wives' tale. Never entertained the idea of Claire coming early because my family babies always come like on the dot or overdue... both me and mum are overdue babies...
Thanks, Sherl for the tip. Will let my hubby know. My tummy has always been very hard and very stretched. The skin is like almost translucent, so many green veins popping out, not to mention stretchmarks!

Snow, how do I contact the RL supplier for the Disney rompers? They are super cute!

Yosimite, when's your wife due? Are her contractions the painful type or just tightening?
<font color="0000ff">Sherl</font>, my tummy also always tight tight one.. n also got green veins too! nowadays dunno why, kept feeling itchy when sleeping....hope it's not becos stretchmarks appearing...*sigh*

<font color="aa00aa">Alethea</font>, brave girl! u have been so strong n positive! must salute u! heard so much abt how beautiful u are n how handsome ur hubby is, would love to c u both in person....kekekekeke

Also to <font color="ff0000">mild, nana, ginsengmum, sugarbean, icy</font>, after hearing ur stories, i also start to be more cautious in terms of food intake..... it'll be just ard 10 weeks or less b4 our babies come out! So let's all JIA YOU! JIA YOU! JIA YOU!
<font color="ff6000">sherl &amp; alethea</font>, tummy hard is a form of contraction rite? gynae says it will be more frequent as our tummy gets bigger
Hui, thanks for the compliment. Like what I've mentioned to Icylemon, I can't wait to meet up again with all u mummies, but that will be after we've popped....

Zenn, even before I've experienced the Braxton HIcks, my tummy has always been hard hard one, when I stand upright. I don't have much loose skin or fats around and the skin is just very very taut. The BH contractions I'm warded for are not the pre-labour type of pain, just a tight pressure, and the tummy goes all hard and most of the time, scrunched into a funny odd shape. After 30 secs or so, it will go soft and u see the BBs wriggling free and kicking away.
alethea, sry just got home. i've forwarded u the mail with pics of the disney rompers, not sure if those are the ones u like
can also ask the supplier karen to send u more pics of whatever stocks she has, got a few clothings from her all quite cheap and cute. but my RL tee refund havent receive

finally, today went to clear all the remaining things which i've not bought.
<font color="ff0000">UPDATES : BP for Neurogain</font>,

I just received sms fm the lady saying its ready for collection! I will be picking up tml.

<font color="ff6000">icy</font>, do u wanna me to meet u over lunch to pass you the west collection. But I realised its quite a no of bottles leh. Would it be too troublesome for you? Alternatively is I can leave at my dad place at clementi and you pick up from there when ur hb is free?

<font color="0000ff">snow</font>, how you wanna me to pass to you?

For those picking up fm me, you can pick up from me from tml nite. Let me know...

<font color="119911">Punggol (from zenn)</font>
1. zenn - 4 bottles (Collection Pt : Punggol) : $84
2. Milderina - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection Point : Punggol) : $63 PAID
3. Mrs Wong - 3 bottles (Collection : Punggol) : $63 PAID
4. babymilk - 3 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection point: Punggol) : $63 PAID
5. blue_genie - 2 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point : Punggol ) : $42 PAID
6. iceblue - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point: Punggol ) : $63 PAID

<font color="119911">West (from Icy)</font>
7. sherl - 14 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection Point :west ) $294 PAID
8. icylemon - 4 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection Point: West) : $84
9. Cindy - 4 bottles [email protected] Collection point: Jurong East - West. : $84 PAID
10. Zhuzhu - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point : west ) : $63 PAID
11. LiYen - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection pt: West) : $63 PAID
12. janey - 3 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection pt: West) : $63 PAID

<font color="119911">Town (From Nana)</font>
13. bluegrapes - 5 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection point: Town) : $105 PAID
14. KC - 5 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point: Town/Yishun) : $105 PAID
15. nana - 4 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point:Town ) : $84 PAID
Total : 63 bottles
<font color="ff6000">iceblue</font>, no problem. i remember u were saying ur wife left abit oni rite.

<font color="0000ff">snow</font>, paiseh should be for <font color="aa00aa">NANA</font>. see how blur m i :p
<font color="ff0000">UPDATES : BP for Neurogain</font>

Mummies, our kind SNOW has offer as collection point. Any mummies prefer to pick up fm her? <font color="aa00aa">sherl</font>, as she is not driving, I am afraid you ve to pick up urs fm Icy if Snow has too many to handle k?

<font color="119911">Punggol (from zenn)</font>
1. zenn - 4 bottles (Collection Pt : Punggol) : $84
2. Milderina - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection Point : Punggol) : $63 PAID
3. Mrs Wong - 3 bottles (Collection : Punggol) : $63 PAID
4. babymilk - 3 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection point: Punggol) : $63 PAID
5. blue_genie - 2 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point : Punggol ) : $42 PAID
6. iceblue - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point: Punggol ) : $63 PAID

<font color="119911">West (from Icy)</font>
7. sherl - 14 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection Point :west ) $294 PAID
8. icylemon - 4 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection Point: West) : $84
9. Cindy - 4 bottles [email protected] Collection point: Jurong East - West. : $84 PAID
10. Zhuzhu - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point : west ) : $63 PAID
11. LiYen - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection pt: West) : $63 PAID
12. janey - 3 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection pt: West) : $63 PAID

<font color="119911">Town (From Nana)</font>
13. bluegrapes - 5 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection point: Town) : $105 PAID
14. KC - 5 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point: Town/Yishun) : $105 PAID
15. nana - 4 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point:Town ) : $84 PAID

<font color="119911">Bt Panjang (From Snow)</font>

Total : 63 bottles


Date : 10 December 2006, Sunday

Time : 3pm - 5pm (4.30pm last order)

Venue : Tea House @ China Square

Address : No. 51 Telok Ayer Street, Level 3

Price : $16.80 ++ per pax


1. icylemon (1)
2. bb milk &amp; family + maid (4)
3. zenn (tbc)
4. snow (1)
5. janey &amp; hubby (2)
6. sherl &amp; hubby (2)
7. nana &amp; hubby (tbc)
8. iceblue &amp; wifey (2)
9. Hui &amp; hubby (2)
10. sugarbean (1)

Total 17 Adults 1 Baby
zenn, yeah...

mine wifey dread to take the NEW type...
thou it the same, she find that the NEW one got a smell she cant stand...
therefore, thinking of changing the NEW one with the OLD one...
PS: the NEW one i got 3 bottles from zenn..
Daddies &amp; mummies,

Mrs Wong from TMC mentioned that for the start we no need to use detergent to wash bottles? Did I hear wrongly or ?? Anyone could advise?
yes zhuzhu, u got 3 bottles right? all stay at bp easy to pass

iceblue, i thought the new neurogain is better? maybe ask ur wifey to ren and swallow fast fast? i also do that for my stinky iron pills!

btw, meeting zenn n icy for lunch on wed. more mummies wanna join? (shd be around imm/JE/westmall cos nearer for icy as she has work) non working mummies hui and liyen and others wanna join?
Morning mummies...

Wah, last night in panic mode leh, cannot sleep. Keep worrying about what if Claire decides to come out early...
Think today lunchtime I'm going to go Kuan Yin temple at Bugis if it's not raining... cannot rest my mind.
Very silly hor... I also keep telling myself that I'm being very silly but I cannot stop the panic leh. Suddenly got this fear that I will not be able to handle being a mother - aiyo, now then start getting cold feet!

Re: tummy contractions: Actually I also dunnoe leh... I always thought contraction will feel like menstrual pain like that? Right now I dun feel anything like it, but for past three or four days, noticed that Claire is very restless and she keeps going into funny shapes, very few minutes will have a new bulge sometimes... I'm still having fun wondering if it's her knee, elbow, head, etc. I'm feeling... Feeling-wise all along my tummy has been hard...

I still got enough bottles of the old neurogain to exchange with you if you like, but if you remember hor, I tore the bottles out of the boxes at the last meeting... kekekekekekeke... so got no box, but they are sealed bottles la, never open before. If you dun mind I can exchange with you at the next outing. Let me know.

no worries. I'll pick my order up from icy la, somemore glass bottles, quite heavy leh. Let Mr Sherl go carry. kekekekekeke....

Hope icylemon's appt goes well today....
Good morning!

Any changes on collection of Neurograin pls update fm here :

UPDATES : BP for Neurogain

Punggol (from zenn)
1. zenn - 4 bottles (Collection Pt : Punggol) : $84
2. Milderina - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection Point : Punggol) : $63 PAID
3. Mrs Wong - 3 bottles (Collection : Punggol) : $63 PAID
4. babymilk - 3 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection point: Punggol) : $63 PAID
5. blue_genie - 2 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point : Punggol ) : $42 PAID
6. iceblue - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point: Punggol ) : $63 PAID

West (from Icy)
7. sherl - 14 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection Point :west ) $294 PAID
8. icylemon - 4 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection Point: West) : $84
9. Cindy - 4 bottles [email protected] Collection point: Jurong East - West. : $84 PAID
11. LiYen - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection pt: West) : $63 PAID
12. janey - 3 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection pt: West) : $63 PAID

Town (From Nana)
13. bluegrapes - 5 bottles (Email: [email protected] Collection point: Town) : $105 PAID
14. KC - 5 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point: Town/Yishun) : $105 PAID
15. nana - 4 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point:Town ) : $84 PAID

Bt Panjang (From Snow)
10. Zhuzhu - 3 bottles (Email : [email protected] Collection point : west ) : $63 PAID

Total : 63 bottles

<font color="ff6000">sherl</font>, haha same here. that day during mrs wong class my tummy pop out. think bb listening too :p i cant figure out its bb which part but hb says its elbow cos quite hard
oh ya i m meeting snow n perhaps icy for lunch on wed. janey n those in the west can make it?

gg office liao...bye
Yoz mummies,
Any of u wanna order FOCUS DAILIES WITH AQUA RELEASE? I have a contact who can get it at $25/box. Will need to submit orders by today.. If u are keen, do PM me ur orders by 5PM okie?!

I can only join u gals if u all meeting for dinner ley.. Lunch time i cant meet leow.. My office very ulu one so inconvenient for me to go out unless my colleagues wanna drive out for lunch..

Just smsed Icy. she is at TMC now...

quite fun when that happens hor... kekekeke... Has your baby started to hurt you with her movements? Mine does strange things to my bottom area sometimes, painful...
Morning mummies!!

Alethea, welcome back to the forum. Really happy to 'see' you here again

Sherl, thanks for our update! Do let us know if you hear anything from Icy!!
Sherl, i have pain at my pelvic area nowadays ..I think its due to the pressure exerted by the baby. Sometimes she kicks so hard that my belly skin feels a bit pain as well.
For me, the urge to pee has been getting more frequent.... Sometimes my babies get so violent, I'm kinda worried that my skin may tear. They love to jut their limbs out around my navel area where the skin is super thin. And when I lie down totally flat on the bed, my belly will rock from side to side. Really very keen to know what they're doing inside.
Hi snow...
Would like very much to join u gals for lunch too..but this wed I got checkup at Jurong east with hubby...He is those kind that dun like to mix around de...Got Guai Pi...So near each other but yet so far... Btw...I am going to IMM after the scan...I will keep look out where u gals going for lunch...see can pop by &amp; say hihi...

I am had such mixed feeling last week too, feeling very lost...but now ok le...ya...go pray pray can help u feel better...
Sorry I was nt able to reply to ur sms yest.. Too busy monitoring my gal cos she was struck wf high grade fever.. Sigh.. She is down with viral fever again.. I spent the whole Sun sponging her, monitoring her condition..
I have emailed Karen ur orders.. She told me that the stocks are nt in yet so she is nt able to confirm the availability yet.. Anyway she will keep me posted once the stocks arrive.

Do keep us posted after ur checkup.. Dun worry, ur gal will be fine! Must stay positive.
My bb is also very small.. 1.43kg at 31.5weeks.. I will only be gg for my nxt checkup on Thurs.. At least ur gynae KS, send u to TMC for detail scan the next working day leow.. I still gotto tolerate for another 2 weeks then my gynae will do a thorough check. I hope all is well for my bb too.
zenn, i attended Mrs Wong's 5th lesson last weekend. She mentioned in our class that we need not use special BABY detergent to wash the bottles. Juz normal detergent like mama lemon will do. Afterall, its our choice I guess. She says "need not"..not "do not".
<font color="0000ff">Serrich</font>, thanks! Will await the reply. Is your daughter better now? Viral fever can be quite tricky. For Shania,is 1.43kg considered very small for a 31.5-weeker?

Your description of your babies reminded me of something... That time Ginny Phang from Four Tri came to my office to give a talk and she showed us this video which was very touching... Think it's an excerpt of a program that's something like Child of Our Time... So they were following this pair of long feng tai from conception till toddler age, and they discovered that at 20 weeks in the womb, the babies liked to explore and touch each other's hands and faces through their respective waterbags... and guess what? At one-plus their favourite game was to have one hide behind a sheer curtain, and the other would touch the other's face/hands through the curtain, just like how they did in the womb! So interesting hor? kekekeke... Maybe Jayden and Shannen are playing with each other like that.

sometimes I will "scold" her and ask her to please settle down (not like that helps... LOL).

quite surprising lor, looking forward to her arrival for so long liao, then suddenly now that it's just around the corner I keep telling her to stay inside for as long as possible. I was quite irritated last night when my hubby keep telling her to stay inside 7 weeks more can liao... I want her to stay inside for the full 10 weeks left. kekekekekekeke
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Actual DD</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Name</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>BB Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ginger</TD><TD>22/12/2006</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2.4kg @ 33 wks 1 day </TD></TR><TR><TD>ginsengmum</TD><TD>2/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Jovan</TD><TD>Dr K T Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>2kg @ 33 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Aquarius_888</TD><TD>3/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Desiree</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2kg @ 32 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>pinky</TD><TD>4/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Huixin</TD><TD>Dr SP Teo</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>1.994kg @ 31 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Msn_queen</TD><TD>5/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan</TD><TD>East Shore </TD></TR><TR><TD>Monsta</TD><TD>6/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Shanghai </TD></TR><TR><TD>pearlein</TD><TD>7/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan KT</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>serrich</TD><TD>7/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Shania</TD><TD>Dr Chan KH</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>1.43kg @ 31 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blue_genie</TD><TD>8/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr SM Phua</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>8/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD>8/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Yu Su Ling</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snow</TD><TD>8/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Bianca</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>1.5kg @ 31 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kate</TD><TD>9/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Don Wong</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>1.88kg @ 32wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jas</TD><TD>10/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr SP Teo</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phyllis</TD><TD>11/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>janey</TD><TD>11/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Alyssa</TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2kg @ 32 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Van</TD><TD>11/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>berrymum</TD><TD>11/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>faeriekim</TD><TD>11/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>East Shore </TD></TR><TR><TD>zhuzhu</TD><TD>12/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Hilary Ng</TD><TD>Dr Fong</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>1.8kg @ 30wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yosimite</TD><TD>12/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Prof Christopher Chen</TD><TD>Gleaneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mabel</TD><TD>13/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Loke</TD><TD>East Shore </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinoopy</TD><TD>14/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC / Mt A (TBC) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlinda</TD><TD>14/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>tinkie</TD><TD>15/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>AletheaT</TD><TD>15/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font>+<font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Jayden/Shannen</TD><TD>Dr Cathryn Chan</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>1.26kg each @ 29 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluesky</TD><TD>16/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milderina</TD><TD>16/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Charlene</TD><TD>Dr Chen Chern Yi</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>2.05kg @ 31 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>icylemon</TD><TD>16/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Rachel Joy Chan</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjan</TD><TD>17/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sugarbean</TD><TD>17/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Kimi Tuominen Ng</TD><TD>Dr Gordon Tan WT</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1.5kg @ 30 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yingzi</TD><TD>18/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Koh CH</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Leeann</TD><TD>19/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>rin</TD><TD>19/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Jayven</TD><TD>Dr Christopher Chong</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Li Yen</TD><TD>20/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Vanaja</TD><TD>NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggiebebe</TD><TD>20/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr CK Chow</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>firstbaby</TD><TD>20/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hazel</TD><TD>20/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Fong</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zenn</TD><TD>20/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Estelle Chan</TD><TD>Dr Woo</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1.15kg @ 29 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>iceblue</TD><TD>21/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Janson</TD><TD>Dr Woo</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hui</TD><TD>23/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>1.2kg @ 28+ wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>24/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Eugenia</TD><TD>Dr HY Ang</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>bluegrapes</TD><TD>24/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Carys</TD><TD>Dr Cathryn Chan</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherl</TD><TD>26/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>dressaholic</TD><TD>27/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Kowa</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Arya</TD><TD>27/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>baby_milk</TD><TD>28/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Matthan</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1.3kg @ 28 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Wong</TD><TD>30/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Winston</TD><TD>Dr Woo</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashley_mom</TD><TD>30/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Matthew</TD><TD>Dr Tanny Chan</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lynn</TD><TD>30/1/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr SC Quek</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Janice</TD><TD>End Jan 2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TBC</td></tr></table>

Total expected bundles of joy:

Princes: <font color="0000ff">22</font>
Princesses: <font color="ff0000">23</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Baby blogs </TD></TR><TR><TD> Iceblues Janson </TD></TR><TR><TD> Milderinas Charlene </TD></TR><TR><TD> Zenns Estelle </TD></TR><TR><TD> Snows Bianca </TD></TR><TR><TD> Serrichs Sherilyn</TD><TD> Serrichs Shania </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Juz to share that Carrefour having sale for <font color="0077aa">Pigeon Bottle and Food Warmer</font>. Original Price $59..now selling at $43 (more than 20% off). Was there on Sat and still a lot left.

Mothercare suntec also having sale for selected items. Check it out.

Serrich, sorry that I did not managed to check on the toyoga models you asked for as I left the piece of paper at home and didn't bring the model numbers with me. Pai seh
