(2007/01) Jan

<font color="ff6000">aqu</font>, hey u still keen in mini pizza? one of the gal got spare.

also wats the diff btw this wrap n the normal one which massage lady using?

got website to see? heheheh... If I'm not wrong it's the discovery pal, but I need to double check, and at the same time see if there's anything else..
<font color="ff0000">KIDS TOOL BLACK, WHITE &amp; RED FLASH CARD</font>

UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. I am looking at 5 sets only unless response very good.

1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
Total : 3

2 more to go!!
zenn, how many packs she has? This one you can use even after you stop doing the massage. The one massage lady use is totally cloth one...then she will help you to tie. This is velcro so easy to put on. You can use when not using the cloth binder. I normally use this type when I sleep at night cos cloth one I find it too tight and hot. I use this type of velcro binder during confinement month.
<font color="aa00aa">aqu</font>, she has 6 doz n i gettin 3 fm her. so should ve 3 left.

u tried b4? effective to slim down?
I very sad. my gynae called mi. my GD test shows that my sugar level quite high. now i got to test my blood sugar twice a week. per day got to test 7 times. sob............sob..................
Mildy *pat pat*
Dun be sad dun be sad. The delivery date is near..endure for a few more weeks for the sake of the little darling in your belly.
all my life i never control my diet before. sob.....sob........i also dunno how to start..........haiz..........somemore gynae says cannot take big meals..........must take small meals, but i working wor, where got so much time to monitor this monitor that..............haiz........
<font color="ff0000">KIDS TOOL BLACK, WHITE &amp; RED FLASH CARD</font>

UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. I am looking at 5 sets only unless response very good.

1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
Total : 4
*hug hug* Mildy.... Dun be sad ok... A few more weeks and Charlene will be in your arms liao, and it'll all be worth it....
Mildy, my colleague who is in her 37 weeks now also have this problem. Her gynae advises her to take wholemeal products. Maybe can get some whole meal snacks and put in the office.
<font color="aa00aa">bluegrapes</font>, beside taking whole meal snacks, wat else must we take note? less sugar n salt?
37 weeks still ok leh, mi only 31 weeks. got to take the test for the reminding 8 weeks i dunno if i cant or not..........
Milderina - take care, don't worly 2 much......everything will be fine...

Zenn, I take the last set lah


UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. I am looking at 5 sets only unless response very good.

1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
4) Yosimite
Total : 5

Opps.....Shhhhh.....must nt let my wifey knw abt it

Mildy, my friend had this blood sugar problem since week 32. She has been pricking her finger since then and adjusted her diet. Her condition has improved. So dun give up!!

Zenn, according to my colleague, she cannot take food which is too oily, salty and sweet. So she usually takes soupy food nowadays like fish soup etc.
Opps....juz received call frm wifey. She is feeling nt 2 well....got 2 chao &amp; pick her up.....c ya tmr....bye....logging out......sayo nara
<font color="ff6000">yosimite</font>, oh no. hope nothing serious. seems like the daddies here all very nice one ya

<font color="aa00aa">bluegrapes</font>, ic. i also tryin to avoid too salty
zenn, I think more or less it will help.

milde, don't be sad. I have been thru this before though that time dun have to prick finger to test blood everyday. I try to take wholemeal bread in the morning...then take soupy stuff like bee hoon soup...dun take soft drinks...just take plain water, and avoid certain fruits like durian, honeydew, grapes etc. Orange and apples ok. Endure a few weeks more. Jia You!


Date : 10 December 2006, Sunday

Time : 3pm - 5pm (4.30pm last order)

Venue : Tea House @ China Square

Address : No. 51 Telok Ayer Street, Level 3

Price : $16.80 ++ per pax


1. icylemon (ok)
2. bb milk &amp; family + maid (4) (ok)
3. zenn (tbc)
4. snow (ok)
5. janey &amp; hubby (2) (ok)
6. sherl &amp; hubby (2)
7. nana &amp; hubby (tbc)
8. iceblue &amp; wifey (2)
9. Hui &amp; hubby (2)
10. sugarbean (1)

Total 17 Adults 1 Baby

Zenn - tks for updating the b/w/r flash card for me!

yosimite - ur gynae is indeed v ex but he is v good with multiple births n delicate pregnancies so I think u have made an excellent choice but choosing him.. $$ can earn again ya? The lady who shared my hospital rm oso used him n i bumped into her y'day.. she delivered oradi.. can u imagine she kept her twins till 36weeks? not an easy feat at all and the girls' weight were good too - 2.5 &amp; 2.7 kg! BTW, i like the character yosimite sam! so cute old man!

mildy - don be upset k? *hug, hug* High sugar level can control and make it beta so don worry.

If u put urself in my position, its worst.. there is little or non i can do to control my condition.. not within my own hands.. Worst still, in my case, chances of placenta aging and deteriorating v high.. tis means bb may be deprived of blood, oxygen, food, etc.. very dangerous. And there is nothing within my control I can do.. Only rest, rest &amp; rest &amp; pray my BP don go up.

The first thing u really need to do is cut back on your carbo.. that's the killer! Change to brown rice n take smaller portions but up good protein, fruits &amp; veg.

Cut out red apples &amp; grapes, switch to green apples. Reduce intake of rock melons, mangoes, etc. Can take but in moderation. Also drink plain water and forget abt anything that has sugar in it or at least limit to only 1 small cup a day. If u r taking any of those enfa mama stuff, beta stop as alot of sugar, beta to drink fresh milk or rice milk or soya milk.

Also reduce intake of nestum/oats as oso a form of carbo. If u need the fibre, up them from fruits and veg. Try to take more veg juice instead of fruit juices as it can elevate sugar levels too. U can try taking like combo of carrot, celery, green apples, tomatoes,etc if u not used to jus veg juice. The green apple can help to dissipate the strong veg taste/smell.

Sorry gals for such a long post!
hi hi girls! Finally managed to borrw a laptop with Internet access tho' I've to retun this laptop by next Mon morning *boohoo*!
I miss u pple so much!

Time flies, I've been in Mt.A for 4.5 weeks already.Another 4 weeks to go if my contractions don't worsen into the painful type. Hoping to be discharged by 15-17th Dec, else I've to miss Xmas and New Year to guai guai stay here till I pop (not to mention that my hosp/ bills will inch close to $20K by then!!
). Gynae says if I pop by the 36th or 37th week, she will be mighty pleased cos' 38th week is not possible for twins.

Did my growth scan recently at 29th week. Both twins are around 1.26kg. Gynae said it's quite a good weight for twins. Hope to pile on at least 1kg more in 4 weeks' time. So far, I've only put on 10+kg, gynae said I've to add another 5-6kg more. Sigh! Please give me tips on a sure-proof diet to pile on the kilos leh.

Mildy, thanks for your link on the BB boy rompers. Can always count on u for the best BPs!
Will check with my hubby and place my order tonight.

Sugarbeanie and Iceblue, my hubby said he saw u both at the Pigeon sale and wanted to say 'hi' but too bad, he lost sight of the 2 of you in a flash. Betcha both must have been scurrying around for the good picks.

Icy, can't join u girls for the gathering, much as I want to. Can only count on meeting u gals at the nect gathering after we've all popped!

Yosemite, welcome! Another daddy has joined the forum, finally! And boy, do I lurve Yosemite park when I was there 2 years back! We stayed in a log cabin with a fireplace. During our stay there, we saw so many beatufiul waterfalls and lakes. No bears but we did see deer
ladies, nice meeting for lunch! ^^

aqua, serrich, just received my polo tee but karen said have not refunded me the $$ yet. just checking, the tees u've received for ladies got a #4 on the right sleeve?

*pats mildy's shoulders* jia you charlene and mummie!
sherl - red apples are higher in sugar. Sherl, can pls help me update my bb's weight? He's 1.5kg at 30 weeks. tks!!

alethea - happy to see u back online.. pls perservere ok? It's all worth it! Remember the lady I told you abt? She has delivered and the twins are so cute..can discharge with her somemore, she was almost 37 weeks when went to caesar! Amazing right? Pack up on protein, my dear! Beef n fish is good!! Ask HB bring extra as hospital food very little lah! Sorry I din see him, guess I couldn recognise him and yes, I was desperately scurrying around! haha!
Thank you all so much for your comfort, support and advises. It did really made mi feel so much better. I think I really must watch my diet. Must go get some green apples. Thanks sugarbean &amp; aquarius for the kind of right diet which i should take. For the good health of baby charlene, i will be good and presevere.
Hi alethea! Nice to see you around and glad that everything is fine. Do login more often n take care!

Some of the gals were asking abt the flash card. Here are some info :

mildy - don worry too much ok? its only a matter of weeks when we will hold baby in our arms! Last time our weeks to wait is 2 figures, now only 1! So exciting right? After that can eat all u can, haha!
Zenn, how many flash cards are there in a pack? Is it in series, like diff. species of fish, birds, animals, etc? How much, huh?

Sugarbeanie, yes, yes, I will persevere. I will do anything for my babies' sake!

Mildy, I believe u can do it, one! A few more weeks only, must 'tong', k! I apply the same perspective &amp; spirit to myself so as to make the hospital stay more tolerable.
Hi alethea,

Total 6 cards with 12 designs at UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. It's mainly for new born so not in series etc.
<font color="ff0000">KIDS TOOL BLACK, WHITE &amp; RED FLASH CARD</font>

UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. I am looking at 5 sets only unless response very good.

1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
4) Yosimite
Total : 5
<font color="ff0000">KIDS TOOL BLACK, WHITE &amp; RED FLASH CARD</font>

UP $11.35 - 10% for min 5 sets &amp; 15% for 20 sets or more. I am looking at 5 sets only unless response very good.

1) Zenn x 2 sets
2) Milderina
3) Sugarbean
4) Yosimite
5) Snow
Total : 6

<font color="119911">alethea</font>, mistake! total 12 cards - one side design n the other side wording.
Sugarbean, thanks for ur advises on the vege and fruits
realy admire perserverance on healthy diet! think i have a lot to work on keke.
dun be sad leh.... i also got GD...mine even worse...that time only 23 wks failed the GTT leh... so been pricking my fingers once a wk... 7 times a day also... so far ok...
try to take food not too high in carbo... like go for wholemeal bread instead of white bread... but i find that the gardenia high fibre white bread actually got less carbo than those wholemeal one (that's what the nutrition label says lor, unless they bluff...haahaa) i eating the high fibre bread for breakfast...so far ok...
not to say cannot take cereals at all... can take but in moderation...
can take fruits also...just that not too much...
sweet drinks better avoid... though i take a sip once in a long while... hubby see i so deprived..he allows ...
my hubby's dad said bee hoon is purely rice flour...so wld release sugar into ur blood very fast.... try to avoid mee hoon.... other noodles actually better choice cos they r wheat flour...
got one day i took mee hoon, my reading actually shoots up....so scary.. :s
now i just stick to noodles &amp; rice ...
Gd Morning~!
Ytd cant post anything.. cos the loading is too slow at my side.. zzzzzz.. now forgot wat i wan to post ytd liao..

the flash cards seems good.. can i get 1 also?

Jia you~!~! left few more weeks only~!
actually i tot kway teow same as beehoon leh.. all made from rice flour..

take good care n jia you also~!! =) try to eat more beef n fish like wat sugarbean suggest.. but also remember to take ur veges / fruits ya?

Dun eat air lah... eat liao then dun think so much abt it... maybe kway teow different from beehoon leh? eat too much air will bloat one lor.. kekeke.. so early come in search for BP??

Hello girls! browsed thru' the BPs, nothing very much leh. Seems like I've already missed all the good ones like the Disney Height Charts, the Disney Rompers, Where's Elmo cloth books, etc.
