(2007/01) Jan


Never heard comments about this brand before leh. But seems like quite a good bargain, cheaper than Nepia and Pampers premium.

icy, you going to cut off next month liao? Me trying to tong until give birth leh... kekekeke... Not just ai mei, but also I find long nails very useful things.

Been having long nails for so long liao, wonder what I'll do without them.
i dun go mt.A to do blood test leh.... i actually at sgh, but becos their antenatal class only on tue & thur, hubby wont be able to make it one...so we go for the classes at mt.A....kekeke
is it the same bldg where we had the class last fri? or diff bldg?

durians!! i also like..... lucky my hubby loves it too..... but hor, we prefer the bitter type...heehee
Hi serrich,

is not a difficult task, just need to wash it clean, and the rest is drying it in the sun. And finally tie them up for use.
ya my baby is due around 19 Jan, just decided to deliver at Mt A.
swc urs is a girl or boy?? 19 jan... pretty close to my date too. mine is on 16 jan.

bluegrapes u going ah. can checked out for me the baby wipes??
Hi, my HB also dun like durian, so forbidden durian in the house too...so sad...

Is the EQ Sealer diapers considered the cheapest? But 1 carton for NB size seemed like too much....Anyone intending to share?

I just bought kodomo detergent 2L bottle for $14, which I think is so far the cheapest. Is at chinatown, the newly renovated one, at #03.
J&J bb bath(blue bottle) is sellign at $5.90
me lo, me going to open door. If anyone wants I can sms on whether it's worth going or not since it's quite a far drive for most of us. Just let me know and leave me your number if you wanna be kept updated.
bluegrapes i think kiddy palace & kids mall selling at $16-$18.30. i cant recalled the actual price. is 6 packs of 80 pieces of wipes in a box.
Sherl, yep yep..i have the discomfort of feeling 'baby head drilling downwards'
Can be quite painful..usually when I stand up or walking.
mummies any idea wat is the english name for YONG CHUN YUAN RESTAURANT @ chinatown area de... i cant find their no.
By the way, Taka was having offer for Pigeon products on Sat, the detergent going for $6 (Usual $8.10). Would have gotten if I'm not going for Pigeon sale.

SWC, Pigeon sale is on this Saturday, 10am to 5pm at the agent at Genting Lane. Think the building is called City Neon Centre or something...
Bluegrapes/Sherl - My baby is in the breech position so even worse for me, always feel him stamping around on my uterus/bladder area
Yah Marriott's durian snowskin so much nicer than Goodwood Park's!!

Better cut away ur nails.. Our babies very fragile and have dedicate skin.. We must make sure that our nails are short and clean.. Esp if u are gg to bf ur bb, will need to use ur fingers to free the bb from latching on..

Nope i nvr try EQ before ley.. Is it good? I find Pureen a good buy and my gals' sensitive skin can take it..

Nope, the one we go for our class is the main building. From the reception counter of the hospital, you turn right, walk to the end, make a right turn and walk right to the end again. On the way you'll also walk past the A & E.
hi serrich, i did reply....
anyway here's the message:
Hi serrich,

is not a difficult task, just need to wash it clean, and the rest is drying it in the sun. And finally tie them up for use.
ya my baby is due around 19 Jan, just decided to deliver at Mt A.
Serrich - never use before. Think will stick to Pampers Premium for the 1st 2 months, after that change to something cheaper for day use. I like pampers premium also they have the indicator line that shows when the diaper is fully soiled or not, makes it easy for night change.

Sherl - Agree with Serrich to cut nails. I didn't paint or keep long finger nails till my gal is much older. Mainly coz don't wanna accidentally scatch her (especially when they start wriggling around) and also, not sure if the smell from the nail varnish will be bad for the baby.
Pigeon Sales:
Are we still meeting up to go to the sale this sat??

Sounds easy.. Where to buy the da feng cao huh??
ashley mom tat is wat i m worried of. if i step in to any manicure shop... the smell la.. dunno will affect bb or not.
U gals have pbm posting ur message? Everytime i post will enounter error ley.. Super pek chek.. Haiz..

I am getting Nepia for bb Shania..

Yah i posted that message so much earlier (before ur reply) bt apparently it went missing so i posted it again.. Then realised that u have actually replied. Hahaha.. Tats y i edited my post again.. Sigh.. Dunno wat went wrong..
Icy - I still go and do pedicure now, although hubby not too happy about the smell. But at least only for an hour or so, I'm at the shop. But when baby is borned, I won't paint my fingernails coz our fingers are in close contact with baby so the smell may not be good for them (eg. sometimes when breastfeeding, you may need to insert the pinky into their mouth to stop the sucking so they can switch to the other breast). Even till now, I don't paint my fingernails coz I handle my gal's food and sometimes I stroke her face, etc.

Serrich - i bought those da feng cao thingy from chinese medicinal shop. Cost $1/pack. Bought 30 packs to last the entire confinement month. Actually, they really stink and you won't feel clean after bathing in the brown water (they cause the water to turn brown) but was told they help get rid of wind so just endure the smell. After the 1st month, you can imagine what a joy it was to bathe in clear tap water
serrich yes i oso encountered.

u oso getting nepia? me oso intend to order 2 pack of NB & 2 pack of S size de.
serrich, actually my mum has this plant in her garden. I duno where you can buy it. the herbal leaves for the shower consist of 3 different types of leaves. But not sure what the medical hall have in their package, never see before...
ashley mom i dun paint my nails unless got function. i m not good in doing filing of the nails tats why need to go for manicure.
ashley mom/serrich,

yeah lo, no choice, now bb comes first, so for her sake I gotta cut off my nails. sigh...

*munch munch donut from Taka basement*

think we all going at different times ah? Dunnoe if can meet leh. Maybe just see if we run into each other there lo...
Icy - Actually I don't really like to do manicure coz I also don't like the smell on my hands
Also the pain chip off easily and I'm very fussy, once chipped a bit, I will clean off coz I think ugly with chipped nails
But I love to do pedicure... Oh yes, also no point painting fingernails when baby is borned coz the colour will fade even faster with bathing the baby, washing/cleaning baby stuff.
My mom bgt the prepared ones from the chinese medical hall. I am thinking of DIY cos it sounds easy to prepare mah.. Hahaha.. I think my mom also bgt it for $1.50/pkt at chinese medical hall.. Cant really remember the price leow..

U find it stinking arh? Actually I am ok wf the smell.. I remember I always got those minty feeling after the herbal bath ley..

for diapers me intend to see if Pigeon having sale leh, because heard that Pigeon diapers not bad.

Dun dare to buy too many until bb comes out because heard before that bbs outgrow NB diapers quite fast leh, then if bb big hor, even sooner cannot wear NB diapers liao, if buy too many packs scarlee all go to waste.
Sherl - I just ate those kueh kueh thing from Jollybean. ACtually not really hungry, mouth just itchy...
Think I overate these 3 weeks... went buffet at Ritz Carlton 2 Sats ago, had dinner at Paddyfields last Fri, had BBQ last Sat, snacking on chips.... Don't dare to stand on the scale for this Sat checkup
ashley mom i realised ever since preggy. my finger nails grow real fast.

btw where do u mummies normally do ur manicure & pedicure??

i did mine at fave nails @ citilink. i will not do pedicure coz i scare ppl touch my feet. i did once,.. screamed like hell man... hahaha....
Serrich - Minty mei? Maybe coz the water turns brown after adding the herbs, I feel dirty after bathing in it. Towards the end, I cannot take it, I still quickly shower for a few seconds after using up all the herbal water.
Icy - FavNails was opened by an ex-colleague of mine
I like Good Earth Nail Spa at Plaza Sing. The seat are elevated so gotta "climb up" to sit while the manicurist sit at your feet, feels a bit like a princess every time I go there
But after pregnant, I don't go there anymore coz not safe to climb. Now I go to Pinc at Causeway Point.
actually hor... w/o using the herbal stuff to bath. we still can bath as normal la..

actually now i m preggy. i have been bathing with cold water every nite. dunno good or not. but hot water vvery hot... cold water very shiok.
Paddyfields!!!! *collapses and crawls on the floor* Always wanted to eat there, coz always on lookout for good thai food.... *drools*

I used to do mine at Nail Arts at Shaw Tower, but think they close down or change name liao leh, the last time I passed by they were no longer Nail Arts...
<font color="aa00aa">Sherl</font>!!!! U eating again!!!!
think your gynae must scare u with Claire's weight, then u would know....

<font color="119911">PIGEON SALE!</font>: I want to go too! Noted down the details le...but won't go so early... <font color="ff6000">Sherl</font>, can sms me whether worth going? really very far...n somemore after that got antenatal class at 4pm...

Address of Pigeon Sale on 11 Nov, 10am-5pm:
84 Genting Lane #05-06
CityNeon Design Centre
Tel: 67423001
Icy - I find PetPet not bad. Was using MamyPoko for a long long time... until I got some samples for PetPet and find that it's not bad. At least it's soft enough and doesn't scratch my gal's skin. I use that for daytime and at night, use MamyPoko. It's cheaper also so help to save some $$. Having said that, not sure if you wanna use that for newborn coz newborn's skin is so soft and delicate... I never try PetPet on newborn before.
EQ diapers. My son tried before...so-so only. I find another brand better. Xiao(3) Tao(2) Qi(4) but it's not so common, can find at Sheng Siong and Giant if I am not wrong.

Ashleymom, I have stopped painting my nails cos of the chemicals in nail polish and the remover. I love to paint nails but has stopped ever since preggie.

There's one website that says this: Although there's no evidence that getting your nails done is dangerous, I'd err on the side of caution and avoid nail salons during your first trimester, when your baby is most vulnerable. That's because organic solvents like toluene in nail polish or acetone in polish remover pose a theoretical risk to a developing baby.

Sherl - Paddyfields serves beautiful Thai food
Ritz serves great buffet too. You are 1 funny lady
trying to imagine you crawling...keekee...
