(2007/01) Jan

ashley mom ya i oso hope my flu is better... haiz..

is ok la.. no hurry gal.. ; )

alethea didnt mentioned abt any contractions. so should be ok le.


yeah la! After the last world cup I lost faith in the integrity of football. Esp when my BIL will surf the bookie websites and tell us what the bookies' predictions are, and a lot of them are very zhun lor.
Great to hear from <font color="aa00aa">Alethea</font> again! She's such a brave girl! Bet she missed all the chatty mummies here huh.....
hui, ya, couple of the mummies here watches World Cup.
I also buy 4D.

icy, yeah man u is the best. But guess what, I dare not play man u's match cos against Portsmouth...and I thought Portsmouth will be a tough one. Then those I bet din win...those I didn't bet won. hiaz...

Pinky, good that the flu is gone.
aquarius nowdays all EPL matches hard to predict leh.. like man u la. on form liao siao siao one lor. can have 4 goals, 3 goals... how to bet.
Thanks.. My gal is better now. Her fever has subsided bt she seems to have rashes all over her tummy and back.. We suspect tat it's heat rash. Hopefully the rashes will nt spread to other areas..

Wah u gals so onz arh betting on EPL matches. I only betted during the WC period. Won abt $500 and washed my hands off since then.. Hahaha.. U all dun get hooked on it, win leow better stop.. Some pple lose leow bet even more hoping to recover their losses bt ended up lose until "qing jia dang chang".. So we better dun follow their footsteps..
Serrich - Good to hear that she's better. Hope you manage to get some rest as well. Could it be chickenpox? Coz sometimes chickenpox starts off as fever or flu and then progress to rashes. And rashes usually start at the tummy and back. Did she take her chickenpox jab?
serrich, WC I won some $ too.
Yup, I know what you mean about betting more to recover losses. I dun bet a lot...usually about $50 - $100 each time.

icy, hehe. last night's arsenal vs west ham = thumbs down keke. those players all nua nua...

sherl, baby is 1.2kg at 29 weeks 3 days. looking forward to appt on wed :D
mommies - Anyone got contact for those rice wine for confinement? This lady whom I'm supposed to order from had problem with the latest batch that she made. All turn sour and she had to dumped all away and she's worried that she can't make it in time for me (coz the rice wine takes 2-3months to ferment).
I got durian craving. DURIAN... DURIAN... WHERE ARE YOU..... anyone knows when will be durian season again???

Me ordered papaya for dessert tonight. Going back to my mum's place for dinner coz Mr Sherl got function to attend. Must begin to change my diet to encourage milk production liao. kekekekekekekeke
mummies i have a brand new avent manual pump to sell it off. not use before. bought it ard sept. want to let go at $100. help me to llok for buyers can... usual price at $139.

which avent manual pump is that? That one is the out-and-about set with the bag izzit?

Coz normal price of manual pump is think 89 for the via cup one and 99 for the bottle one leh.
icy, are they still selling durian now?? *sniff sniff* Me got bad craving... very long never eat liao.

cheezels will be my afternoon snack later. hahahhahahahaha
Nope I didnt let my gal take the chickenpox vaccination ley.. U dun scare me ley.. I dun think its chicken pox lah.. Didnt see any blister like rashes ley..

I just called home to check on her condition.. No more fever and rashes seems to subside also.. Its prob just viral fever bah..

I also got sudden craving for durian on Sat.. Hubby drove to Geylang in search for durians bt hor dunno y i see all the durians funni shape like king kong size one ley.. See leow also turn off lor.. Somemore all so exp, charge by wt.. Can u imagine 1 king kong durian can cost as much as $39?!

Hahaha.. So far u very lucky on winning strike har?! Can give me so tips boh? My hubby's tips all buay zun one.. Always go to those forum and get tips and get burnt until chao tar leow..
serrich, ok lah...but last weekend quite bad...I think many people lose $...bookie must be grinning until mouth cannot close...kekeke...

so good, your hubby go look for durian for you. Mr Sherl cannot stand durian smell, so I have to look for durian myself or beg my brother to go Bt Panjang buy for me.

So expensive ah??!!! What is it, D48??!!
Tink the king kong size durian cld b fro thailand... alot of flesh but abit hard n not much fragrance as compared to durians fro m'sia.
wahahah sherl why buy durian from bt panjang, the ones here nicer?!

upgraded from 3x2 piececs of bread to 4x2 pieces keke lol! i think i need an elephant for breakfast.
I sometimes cannot understand how come lose so much yet still want to continue betting.. I always ask my hubby bt he dont like me prob too much into it lor.. Maybe he find me such a nag.. Hahaha..

No lah.. I was complaining to him tat i haven eat durian for mths and got a bit of craving.. Wanna eat before bb Shania pops.. Mr Sherl and Mr Serrich can shake hands leow, bth hate durians.. Hahaha.. He will keep nagging on the way home cos of the "pungent" smell..

I also dunno wat durians they are selling lah.. They just put Sultan durians.. Bt my aunties suspect that its Thai durians cos they say taste like ice-cream ley.. Nt the usual durians we eat..
afternoon gals....

as usual, by the time i come in....most probably most of u r having lunch....heeheehee
just had my cereals cos woke up at 11 plus.... later most likely wld be eating bread &amp; fried egg...

<font color="0000ff">zenn</font>
wishing u a happy birthday!!

<font color="119911">hui, sherl</font>
nice seeing u all in fri's class.... kekeke
didnt get to chat much though.... so sad wont be in same class as u all on sat....

<font color="aa00aa">sherl</font>
where is the pharmacy at mt alvernia? maybe wld go there to buy the disposable sheets when i go for my class on sat....

regarding durians, i still see them being sold in supermarket leh....but those wrapped nicely one... saw in carrefour the other day... not bad lar..i tried before...

<font color="ff6000">icylemon</font>
do take care &amp; rest well.......take vit c...
serrich, true lor...actually if I lose few matches...I will shrink my bets or just stop betting cos prob that weekend's luck not so good. Take it as lose lesser...you will never know if the next bet is going to make you lose more or win back the money to sometimes rather not take the risk.
So sad that the Gymboree Spree is cancelled.. Maybe i ask elmobbger if she keen to organise a mini spree for us??

Wat u wanna get from Gymboree?

Is also homemade rice wine. actually is my mum making it for me, my baby is also due around mid Jan. So if you really want, she can make extra, it will be $10 per bottle.
SW Chong - Oh,really?
How big is each bottle? And where is the collection point? I'm having a planned c-sect which is around mid Jan also. If I order from you, able to collect end Dec?
$10 For 500 ml type bottle. (like a chinese rice wine bottle size)
$15 For 750 ml type bottle. (like a red wine bottle size)
Collection will be around Woodlands area. End of Dec is ok. How many bottles do you need?
Oh, great, I stay near Admiralty MRT. I'll let you know how many bottles to order tmr can? I go home to see roughly how big is a 500ml bottle. Many thks
sherl the avent manual breast pump which i want to sell off comes with a bag, 2 125 ml btls, 2 250ml btls, 2 ice pack &amp; 8-10 breast pads.
