(2007/01) Jan

Icy - Don't find it practical lei. Seriously do you think you will bring the potty out with you??
Even if the outside toilet is dirty, you will just carry baby and pee into the toilet bowl right?
Hi, my mum is also drying the herbal leaves for shower during confinement. She can dry more leaves if anyone interested, since she is already doing it for me 1 bunch is $1.
SW Chong - Wah, your mum very good, all DIY
I'll order 2 bottles of the 750ml bottle from you. Will collect from you some time in Dec or whenever they are ready. Is that ok?
Good afternoon....

<font color="ff6000">serrich, sherl, hui and nana</font>, thanks!! better but still slight cough n sore throat

<font color="aa00aa">icy, janey &amp; aqu</font>, i also had nose blk on sat. super xin ku lor. till at nite i really cant tahan n pop the medicine.

<font color="119911">icy</font>, u are arsenal fan too? my hb was so mad when watching the game! hahah
afternoon zenn

zenn nose block very xing ku hor. luckily mine not so bad. still can smell good food. kekeke...

zenn me not arsenal fancy.. i m a man u fancy... kekeke... but those hot clubs played i will watch too. arsenal, chelsea, liverpool, everton etc...
<font color="aa00aa">RE : BP FOR NEUROGAIN</font>

I just got sms from the lady saying that there will be at least 1 wk delay due to over demand n manufacture cant deliver. Will keep you gals informed again...
Hi I have a friend selling self-made beansprout pillow. 1 pillow + 2 casings is $9.90. Anyone interested, please let me know. Thanks
back from lunch. HAd KFC... kekekekekekekeke

there's this stall in Bukit Panjang that sells very good durian!! Not sure where it is though, I just ask my bro to get for me when I want. kekekekekekekekeke

You'll have to kill Mr Sherl before you can bring a durian into his car. Even when I eat durian, I'm not allowed to open my mouth in the car on the way home.

The Mt A pharmacy is at the far end of the building at the medical centre, right next to where you go to get your blood tests done (if you go to Mount A to do it la).
sherl u had KFC ah,,, u got tried the fish one? i tried last fri. not very nice leh...

sherl why no durian in the car? why cannot open mouth??
<font color="119911">icy</font>, yalor. but nose blk stop after medicine. now left wif slight sore throat.

<font color="ff0000">bluegrapes</font>, thanks!

No ah, coz I wanted chicken, but I had the buddy meal with my colleague and she had the fish.

Cannot have durian in the car because durian smell is very long-lasting.... You know how you tend to be sensitive to things you dun like? That's the case with my hubby and durian lo, so even the slightest durian smell he'll also be able to detect.

ashley_mom, if I eat durian then must rinse and brush teeth first lo. kekekekekekekekekeke
Btw, I previously registered for a talk (for two pax) this saturday but not able to go as didn't expect my antenatal class to be delayed.

<font color="0077aa">Modern TCM-Pregnancy
{Mandarin Seminar) - Sat, 11 Nov 2006 02:30PM
HDB Convention Centre
Auditorium Basement
1 GA GA Seat(s): GA</font>

Anyone interested? It was the talk featured in Channel 8 few weeks back. I paid $17 due to early bird registration. Will let go at $12.
Hi swc,
Wow ur mom so good.. Help u make homemade rice wine and prepare the da feng cao. Any idea how she goes abt preparing the da feng cao? Is it an easy task??

Care to intro?? Ur bb also due in Jan 07?? Where u gonna deliver ur bb?

Same lah. Mr Serrich will curse and swear if he cant stand the pungent smell lor.. In the end, spoil my mood.. Also dun feel like eating the durians leow..

Mr Sherl &amp; Mr Serrich hate durian to the core lor.. So a little durian smell they cannot tahan and will make big fuss lah.. Sometimes I cant help but burped in his car after taking durian also kena scolding hor.. Think i eat durian until very cham.. Hahaha.. If buy durians, must leave it at my pils place.. Durian is a forbidden fruit in my house.. Hahaha..

yeah, that's why very long never eat liao. 1st tri also coincided with durian season so had durian 3 times, after that when I want to eat then no more durian to buy, plus scared Claire grow too big. kekekekekekekeke

hahaha, serrich, we really in same boat.
zenn i oso gpt slight sore throat now. nose still kana block.

sherl ur hubby dun like durian ah... ooh...

serrich &amp; sherl u two very charm leh.. heng my ah lao like durian. so not tat big. infact my whole family likes durian including my dog. kekeke...

I will be the first to sign up for it.

think it's the herb that you can use to boil bath water during confinement?
sherl kekekeke....

ai yo.. talking abt durian. i still have 6 pieces of mariott durian snowskin in my freezer.

hopefully still can eat.

EQ sealer (for heavy usage eg.nite or something)

Newborn (24's X 12 pkt = 288's/ctn)S$62/ctn
Small (22's X 12 pkt = 264's/ctn)S$62/ctn
Medium ( 57's x 4 pkt/ctn = 228's/ctn)S$62/ctn
Large (51's x 4 pkt = 204's/ctn) S$62/ctn
XL (45's x 4 pkt = 180's/ctn) S$62/ctn

EQ regular (for day time usage)

small (40's x 6pkt = 240's/ctn) S$42/ctn
Medium (54's x 4pkt = 216's/ctn) S$42/ctn
Large (48's X 4 pkt = 192's/ctn)S$42/ctn
XL ( 42's X 4 pkt = 168's/ctn) S$42/ctn

Yah we tong ming xiang lian.. Hahaha..

The cham thing is even Sherilyn also dun like durian lor!! She is exactly like her daddy. Think she inherit 90% of his genes and only 10% of mine!!

Da feng cao is used as a herbal bath during confinement. U can buy from Chinese medicinal hall too..
<font color="ff6000">icy &amp; ashley</font>, my sis said its available in NTUC &amp; giant. she tried b4 n ok for her boys.

the marriott durian snowskin very nice leh!!! Nicer than Goodwood Park's!

Sometimes will feel Claire machiam drilling her head downwards lo. bluegrapes also gets this I think.
zenn ya lor.. i see liao oso abit blur...

yesterday i was telling my hubby. i need to go for manicure next month le.. cut off my long finger nails. sad leh... no long finger nails when handling bb mah...
