(2007/01) Jan

joy's mum yup that one close already but was thinking if cheap we can organise on our own.
mummies i dun know wats wrong with me. recently i feel very depressed.

sensitive to wat my colleagues said. sensitive tat my MIL & my mum didnt bother abt my pregnancy. i m not as lucky as you gals. my MIL & mu doesnt seems to bother abt me & my bb at all. i m feeling very tired,

i m oso worried hpw m i going to handle my bb the 1st day i bought her home. i have too many worries until i have to think & think everyday. i sms my hubby how i feel. i dun feel like talking to him face to face. i sleep early to avoid talking.

the only thing that keeps me forward is talking to you mummies here in the forum.
icy, I think it's normal to feel this way. My mil also dun really bother much...my mum will ask me to take care etc...I still feel own mum is the best. I also keep thinking about this and that...about caregiver, about whether my MIL is happy to help with confinement...think until I sian...my hubby travels quite frequently too...next week travelling again then first week of Nov travel again. I also try to keep myself occupied. You know, I have been caning my son and yelling most of the time cos he is quite a handful nowadays...I know it's not good for me and baby but sometimes it's so tough when you have no one to help you.
Hey, Icy, don't worry. Sometimes, I also get the feeling that my ma doesn't seem that concerned about me. But then again, she does show it in other implicit ways. U sure u're not reading too much into this? I'm sure both your ma and MIL will be absolutely delighted to see your DD
As for your hubby, u know, sometimes, men are just so insensitive. But with a little prodding, they will buck up. Don't think so much, cos' u've to be positive for your DD. Must think happy thoughts.

Likewise, I also look forward to talking to you mummies here everyday!
Icy, no one is born to morph seamlessly into the role of a 1st-time mom. I too, am feeling apprehensive about taking care of my 2 BBs, but then, we are going to be moms, and MOM's THE BEST, so we will make it, one, don't worry!!

*Alethea gives Icy a BIG hug*
Icylemon - It's quite normal to feel down now and then when pregnant. Don't worry, nothing wrong with you. Remember it's just the pregnancy hormones making your emotions haywire.

There are always people making comments wrt our pregnancy that we don't like and doesn't make us feel good. For me, during my 1st pregnancy, I hate it when my sis-in-law always asked how much weight have I put on, or people commenting that I've put on weight. I felt so irritated
It's perfectly normal to be more sensitive to all these comments. Just move away when people say things you don't like. It's better for this pregnancy as I have learned to listen to only things I want to and avoid those that make me unhappy.

I'm sure it's not as if your MIL or mom doesn't bother at all right? Whatever, it is, take heart that you have your hubby
and forum friends who do care about each other's pregnancy.

Who's helping you when you give birth in the 1st month? Don't think or worry too much. Take things as they come. Coz no matter how well prepared you are, you will still feel overwhelmed when baby arrives, especially for 1st time mommy. To share with you, I didn't dare clean my baby's poo or urine for the 1st few months (I scream for my mum whenever need to change nappy
) I only start to bathe my baby after she turns 2 months coz I don't dare to
I always say I'm a lousy mommy. But don't worry, learn as you go along. You're not the only one feeling that way. Even as a 2nd time mum, I don't dare to carry other new-borns and dunno if I can handle a newborn again (been so long).

DO things that make yourself happy and cheer up okie. Talk it out and you will feel better. I'm sure all of us here can empathize coz many of us would have the same feelings as you

Paisei, for my very chionghei posting
<font color="ff6000">icy</font>, *pat pat* pregnant lady is usually more emotional. like i shared b4, i can even get upset cos my nephews were still laughing when I scolded them. hope you feel better after pouring out.
Good Morning ALL Mummies,

snow, i oso dun noe which is mozart 3...
the shelf ar??
i spent ard 1/2 hrs to fixed them...

bluegrapes, not i have so many soft toy...
all belong to wifey..
yeah lor..
that time eat happy meal like siao...
Q oso like siao...

icylemon, relax, dun worry too much...
do have a good talk with ur HB...
communciation between HB n wifey very important...

ur mum n MIL does care for u...
but just that they dun show it out...
dun worry too much...
icylemon, dun feel depressed. sometimes i also feel that i m neglected by my family, esp. my hb cos he has been working late and is doggy tired when home..wanna sa jiao with him also cannot..*blushes*

though this is the case, i believe they still care abt me in one way or another. so most impt, muz keep one self happy and be positive.

aletheat: like u, I also look forward to talking to you mummies here everyday!
icy, i understand how u feel.. sometimes its our hormones acting up on us.. i oso start to feel jittery abt copin with new bb and cleanin up the house.. its like an obsession that i need to clear tis n tat..but in the end, some days so tired never do it, then i start to be angry w myself for not doin..

Oso don forget, as asians, we tend to be more conservative in our display of emotions. Your mom and mil may do it in another way..

I know its difficult, try if u can do take your mind off it.. mayb watch tv, shopping or doin up your blog.. things you think you will enjoy.

Sometimes when we compare, it will be worst... there will definitely be pple more fortunate than us while there are others even worst off... my mom and mil oso bo-chap kind.. instead of lookin at it in a bad way, i tell myself tt they trust that we are capable of making sound decisions and when we look on the bright side.. i tell myself m so lucky i can be independent, take in whateva they may advise but eventually have the autonomy to make my own decision regardless on whateva issues. Isnt that beta than havin 2 old folks breathing down ur neck to tell u what u MUST DO and what you CANT do? I for one m v strong-headed, i may be able to take some nonsense from my mum (u know we are always so forgiving to our mothers) but I will not tolerate if my mil tries to force her views on me. So, they bo-chap oso suits me..kekek!

U know my mil only calls my place to ask how am i only when my hb is in spore? She doesn otherwise. If i were to think too deeply into it, wouldnt i be unhappy too? I brush it off that m glad i have my space.

Icy, u r such a nice lady and fren, m sure there are loads of pple who is v concerned abt you - at least we mummies in the forum are!

Jus blame it on our hormones and watch wu zhong xian for some laughs ok? Oso, a pc of good tip not only for you but for all mummies.. oso something I am trying to do :

If you can sit, don't stand.
If you can lie down, don't sit.

Try to rest as much.. we are moving into our 3rd trimester so it is inevitable to be really tired and exhausted.
Good morning mummies~!

dun feel sad liao ok? now for me, ppl dun show concern i also sianz, show too much concern i also sianz. dunno wat i wan also.. think i am now in a stage where i am stuck in nowhere. everything also sianz. start to become "anti-social"

me also keep thinking can i handle my bb alone etc.. n even thinking abt the delivery process now.. a bit stress...
mummis i hope i m not thinking much.

i know my mum is the ne helping me with the confinement. but before tat do u know how difficult for me to persude her to do confinement for me.

my mum claimed tat my MIL told her not to worry, she wil get me a CL. dunno need my mum to do confinement for me. (tat is between their phone conversation)

then when my hubby asked my MIL she said "ooh, tot ur MIL willing to help?"

then i called up my mum. so how? are you helping me? she replied see how la... ur MIL said she will get you a CL.

i was like come on.. if you ppl are not willing to help. said so. dun treat me like a fool. i can survive w/o going thru confinement. ang mohs oso dun do confinement.

it seems like they dun bother abt my pregnancy at all. they only know how to use mouth to say. but?? no action..
Zenn - I've that email too. It's pretty sweet but the top got so many gathers, dunno if it's comfy.

Icy - Why not take some time off to chill out with hubby? There's a long weekend coming up in 2 weeks time. Go somewhere to chill and enjoy couplehood
There's a new resort at Sentosa opened only in Aug, now got promotion rate of $150/night (usual $260). You may wanna think about it as a short getaway.
i agree w ashley_mom.. there are jus so many insensitive pple around.. y'day i was so pissed off by my fren who msg me.. she asked whether i popped oradi?? Is she nuts or wat? she knows damn well m due in Jan!! When i said "Of course not lah, Jan mah!" she then said why u so slow?? I retorted her, "Wats the bloody hurry? bb needs to develop and grow!" Some pple ah...

Now m oso v v sensitive abt such comments cos m so worried abt my pre-eclampsia acting up again.. Some pple jus hare-brained!
<font color="ff6000">ashley</font>, yalor. hopefully my sis droppin by UE this wkends. will ask her to check out for me
morning mummies &amp; a daddy!
iceblue, it's the white one.

icy, dun be sad, find that we have loads of extreme feelings when preggie. dun worry about baby first, as we dun know wad tomorrow brings for us

ashleymom, wad other stuffs does the lady have besides the pants. also that pic of the dress u sent is 9-24 mths?
Icy - It's a fact that nowadays there are many grannies who do not like to help with the grandkids. But it doesn't mean they won't coz afterall, they will be there when we need help. My MIL is also one who states outright that she will not help with the grandkids at all. And she hardly calls me to check on my pregnancy. To her, it's giving me space and not wanting to intrude unnecessarily. I can say she doesn't care but at the same time, I can say I appreciate her open-mindedness coz I've gfs who complain about how their MILs wanna chap in everything they do. Anyway, now that your mum is confirmed helping you, just take it as it is, don;t dwell on the past okie
Everyone cares in different ways.
Snow - if you don't mind, I can email you the whole list of emails she has sent me. You can take a look and choose and contact her direct? I've bought several things from her but most of her sizes tend to be a bit big so may not be suitable if you want it for below 6 months wear.
Aquarius - It's called Siloso Beach Resort
It opened only in Aug 06 so should be very new and clean. The family villas are still under reno but I booked on Sun so no reno on that day. At $150/night with 2 buffet breakfast is a pretty good deal coz Rasa Sentosa is charging $240/night.
I'm going for the Oct long weekend, bring my gal to Sentosa to play
Hey mummies, are you girls still plagued by nausea? Dunno why, was hit by a bout of nausea this morning. Feeling quite lousy. U think it will get worse in our 3rd trimester?
alethea, want to ck w u on your ocean wonders aquarium as m keen to get one too. Sherl told me that there is 2 kinds is it? Which is the one u bought? I think we saw one at toys 'r' us and it was $40+ and i remembered urs was $69.90 or so.. wats the diff do u know and which is yours?
Snow - I just checked through my emails. Most of her current items are for boys rather than gals. Anyway have forwarded her items to show you.

Zenn - Sorry, forgot yours a boy or gal? If boy, got more emails to forward. Also, what's your email again?
Morning ladies.

Before reading through the posting today i thought i was the only paranoid one, but i can c that all of us is going through the same stages. Nowadays I also feel very insecure. Aquarius, like you my hubby travels a lot. u still can talk to your boy wor, i talk to my 4 walls or baby in my tummy........he just went off to Melbourne for a week and only b back next week. makes mi so lonely and always think of this and that. I think try to make yourself busy will make you not think so much ba. but at this time u really hope that your hubby could be with you all the time and give u all the love and care. But we do need bread..........no work no money..........

I think your MIL and mum not say they dun care ba, just that they dunno how to express it. and sometimes hor between MIL they scare that the other wan to look after then they also wan to look after the other might not be too happy, so they kind of like giving in to the other thus in turn become like they dun feel like looking after. have a talk with your hubby to c who is going to look after. the most u just tell them u employ confinement lady le, dun need them to help.

i hate ppl who are so insensitive. as most of u have already know there my office especially got this lot of super insensitive and foul mouth ppl. I now choose to avoid them. just yesterday they can tell mi things like y your tummy so big? can ask your tummy dun so big or not. i think you need to go for a diet. really feel like giving him a tight slap. its not his business. ask him go home and care abt his wife. dun come n provoke mi. i detest and look down on this kind of ppl.
ashleymom, yes pls send them to me. so sry to trouble u
am trying to get some clothes 3-6 mths and +++ for my baby

alethea, yes the nausea period seems to make its comeback. appetite so-so, last few nights was once i drank some plain water before slp..threw up everything i ate b4 dinner after that -_-
icy, dun be sad. Probably your mum and mother in law didn't mean it that way *pat pat* could it be some miscom between them? Furthermore, its through tele-conversation. Am sure both of them care about you.

aquarius, I puke occassionally at night too
Dunno why my digestion is really slow after dinner then I keep feeling food gushing up the gut!

Ashley, the siloso beach resort sounds good. Think I will suggest to my hb for a weekend getaway.
Thanks for the info!!
yeaps, i only feel nauseous when i brusing teeth. just yesterday i was puking out all this yellow liquid. eeks!!!
milderina i m telling myself to ren till deecmber. my MIL or my mu got to give me answer, if not i wont need to do confinement at all. is nothing to me. i dun give a damn.

for ur colleagues. i oso have a super insenisitve lady boss. she can suan me like... hey are you really pregnant? seems like ur bb has going to your butt coz ur butt seems bigger than your tummy. i was like. fxxking bitch!! i kept quiet. i ren. i was telling myself. she got 2 kids oso. she should know how pregnancy is like. she is a manager she should know wat to say is correct or incorrect. master holder somemore... simply no brainless!!

as for ur colleague, if i were you i will tell them off the same thing too. "if i can tell my tummy not to grow so big then can i tell ur mouth to shut up or maybe you can consider dun eat shit for your daily meals or not. coa your mouth stinks!!" hahahaha...
mildy - ya lor... y some pple jus can shut their trap? if got nothing good to say, don say la, right? Is tt so difficult meh?

M oradi so paranoid abt pre-mature births and small babies and tis stupid bugger mus say y i stil haven popped?
really ass*&amp;^%! Sorry, i oso become foul-mouthed when i thot of her msg y'day.. some more, sms actually not to ask abt how i was but really to ask abt whether i know some industry related stuff!

Icy, take heart, at least you have hb with u all the time... mildy and me hardly have our hb at home...only got my dog, bb and tv to talk to..
Maybe get ur hubby to sort out wf ur MIL? Ask if she is helping or nt? If she is nt willing to help then get ur mom to help lor.. Really no choice wat?! Btw u say they getting CL for u, meaning they gg to pay for the CL??

I also cant help thinking tat my own mom cant be bothered wf me at all.. She only call me up to complain abt her work and my bros. Never ever call to find out how i am doing.. Very sad rite? Then always tell me to bring my gal home cos she misses her.. bt when i was back home she locks herself in her room to do her work!! Everytime i need to go to her room must knock knock first.. How irritating rite?! Then always preach to me abt how i should treat my maid. She treat my maid even better than how she treat me lor.. Still serve drinks to my maid!!

I approached her to help out during the last week of my confinement in case my sil bb's due ard tat time and my mil might nt be able to cope having to run ard 2 houses.. Guess what! She told me she ran out of annual leave! She has never taken more than 10days leave in a year even thou she has more than 28days of leave entitlement lor!!! Even if she took leave, she will still go back to work.. Told me that she cannot afford to take leave also.. And assured me tat my MIL will take good care of me cos i am married into their family leow!! Even still, my MIL sure more concern abt her own daugther mah.. Afterall she's her own flesh and blood wat, rite?! Haiz.. How come pple treat their daugthers like gems whereas my mom just treat me like rubbish? The mention of this really makes my blood boil!!
Snow - No problem
Send to you already.

Bluegrapes/Zenn - will send to you now. Actually wanted to show you gals earlier but scare you all think I'm a supplier pretending to be a mum
Alethea, you want to try taking some biscuits or snacks before getting off bed? It helps for some pple. Go see your boy boy and ger ger's 3d pic if feeling lousy. Am sure they will cheer u up
ashley mom,

I agree with u lor.. i know my MIL tries v hard not to give comments abt bb/confinement/preg stuff.. but i will feel v "fan" everytime she says make a remark/advise... v bad hor?

relax ok? maybe there is some miscommunications between ur mum n MIL? i know some mis-comm happens when ppl talking over the phone.. dun think so much la.. *hug hug*

Re New resort @ sentosa:
wow.. got new resort!! feel like gng for a getaway!!
why do we keep meeting this kind of ppl. but its good to trash it out here and we scold them together right? hee hee.....

i also having the same worries as u, thus this guy come tell mi all this i was somehow a bit paranoid and start my worries again. i wan my baby to grow, i am only 26 weeks leh. how can he say this kind of things. somemore say in front of me. after tat i tell my baby to ignore that nonsense uncle. i tell her that dun listen to all the nonsense that uncle say. i think this thing is going to make mi worry for a few days again. gr........
Serrich, sigh! My mom is only super good to one person i.e. her own mom. I'm not expecting her to help me much during my confinement too....Somre more, I'm her only child, leh. Sigh!

Mildy, yes, usually when I puke in the car in the morning, it's the orangy-yellow liquid. Looks like orange juice! YUCKS!!! This morning, I was trying to tahan, so didn't puke in hubby's car. Bought bee hoon to eat, but the more I ate, the more I had the urge to puke, so threw the pack away. Only just felt better after eating so giam giam stuff.

Sugarbean, I go search the website and show u the pic of the musical aquarium I'd bought.
Bluegrapes, yah, this morning, I looked at their pics again! Made me so happy
, that's why I forced myself to eat bee hoon even tho' I was feeling unwell, cos' I want to fatten them up. But too bad, this morning was one of nausea.
Snow - you can order from her direct. But she only has beige for the bigger size and pink for 0-3mths. Anyway you confirm with her

Bluegrapes - Your mail box quota is exceeded, all the emails bounced back
Ur lady boss is so insensitive.. How could she make such remarks.. Haiz..

Looks like lots of us having loads of grouches hor? Even my hubby has been complaining to me abt his work.. Ofc politics and targets nt met, etc.. Think it's time he start searching for job leow.. Haiz..

I also very angry wf my boss... Gave me additional scope now.. They knew tat i am gg for maternity soon still they insist that i am the best person to take over the new role!! How sick and unsympathetic rite?! Now i feel so dreadful every morning having to drag myself to office!!

icy, ur lady boss is very mean.
just close ur ears when she starts to utter rubbish. some people like to say things to hurt other people's feeling indirectly/deliberately.

think confinement is quite important to us, why dun u search for a confinement lady for urself instead, talk with ur hb about it, instead of letting ur mom and mil decide?

mildy, we can look at bb clothes and stuffs awww

mommies dun feel down. we shd be enjoying our pregnancy atm! feel the bb inside, talk to him/her, the reactions feels very amazing! music also helps

sugarbean, was talking about some recipes the other day :D teach meee :D
