(2007/01) Jan

morning mummies!!

Sherl, my ger ger also super active nowadays. Punch here kick there. Sometimes punch and kick concurrently. Haha..
Maybe I should also drop by Seiyu these few days. Haven bought disposable panties yet.

Alethea, update us on ur checkup later!!!

Serrich, u have got mail!!

milderina think is ok for bb to sleep in air con room. my friend's bb girl can sleep better in air con room. wake up later.
Morning all,

been meddling whole day with creating new blogskin last night, but still looks weird. feel free to give some comments :D http://willalwaysremember.blogspot.com

was wondering whether to buy the confinement massage oil, and get my uncle to teach my mom to assist me with wrapping after the massage's lady's sessions. he's a masseur but not specialise in these massages :S

when i carried a bb 5-6 mths old the other day, he still feels very "soft and wiggly". wonder how will be able to carry newborn cos they're even "softer".
Dear Mummies, I have placed the order this morning. It takes about 1 week to deliver. Will contact each of you again on the payment mode and when the items are ready for collection.

<font color="0000ff">Bluegrapes, Alethea, Pinky, KC, Fariekim &amp; Nana...</font>
<font color="ff0000">Aquarius is helping me to pass the items to you at Cityhall area during weekday between 12.45pm to 2pm. I will inform all of you again at the nearest date for the arrangement.</font>
BB Milk - I work at Raffles City so it'd be convenient to collect from Aquarius at Cityhall area. No need to trouble Icylemon

Milderina - My gal has been sleeping in aircon room since she was borned and no problem so far. But daytime she doesn't sleep with aircon, only fan and windows opened. Actually if I on the aircon for her to sleep during noons, she can sleep better and longer.

my hubby also hokkien peng type la... knn and kl/ll all over the place... hahahahahahaha... Very worried later gerger turn out to be like the baby in Meet The Fockers, whose first word was less than desirable!

My hubby wants everyone to speak to gerger in Mandarin, because he says he wants her to master Mandarin first, then next time when she go school she can learn English slowly. But I'm thinking of him speaking Chinese and me speaking English leh. As it is now I'm always speaking to her in English liao.

40-50 panties??!! *faint* but you're right, particularly during the 1st 12 days think we'll be changing quite often hor... otherwise very gao wei.

My ger is trying out all sorts of actions in the womb leh I think. Sometimes she's very violent, sometimes she'll gently creep from one side to the other. Wonder if she's playing hide-and-seek with herself inside, that's why must creep around so gently??!!

aircon should be ok for babies. Afterall, hospital also aircon mah.
But dun switch on too hi-power, and dun let the vent blow directly at baby can liao. I'm asking my mum to sew 'potato sacks' for my ger to sleep in, keeps her warm and snug, like grobag like that.

snow, I also dun dare to carry other people's newborns, hahahahahahaha. Been six years since I last carried one (my niece) and I've kinda forgotten how to liao. Their most scary period is until about 4 months, because they still have little to no neck support, but once they have they should be solid enough to have fun with liao. Dun worry la, think our own children we won't be so scared of holding.
Mummies &amp; Daddy,

I think you might interested at this talk organise by MediaCorp Channel 8 regarding the Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pregnancy. The talk covers

1) Pregnancy Through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

2) The Delicate 10 Months of Pregnancy

3) The Confinement Dos and Donts

Please go to the link below for more details

You may also buy the ticket online thru SISTIC
<font color="ff6000">blue genle and icy</font>, paiseh i tot its a must to buy the tooth paste! blur me. any idea how much is Desitin Diaper cream sellin in spore?
Hello, mommies, just wanna share a good buy
. I just bought a pair of GAP pants for my baby from this lady on the net, at $10.50. Received it yesterday and thought it's very cute and most imptortantly material is soft and nice. Thought you all may be interested. There's the beige one for boys and pink one for gals. Let me know if you are interested and I'll email you the photos (dunno how to upload on the thread for all to see
). BTW, she only has sizes for 0-3 months, 3-6 months and 6-12 months.

Just wanna make things clear
I'm not (definitely not) a supplier and I do not earn anything from this. All I'm doing here is sharing my purchase and helping mommies place orders from this lady. The lady herself will be the one doing teh $$ collection and posting out the items to you
this few days my baby quite lazy to kick. so this morning when i wake up i decided to wake baby up too. so i started shaking my tummy and i think baby was quite annoyed and did a big turn. ahahhahaah................i am so bad.
Milderina - I think PM cannot attach the file which is on powerpoint. Maybe you PM me so I can reply via email and send the file to you?
Hi mummies...am on childcare leave today.

Alethea no probs, sorry I can't meet at other place cos not too convenient. The Karmy pjs they have the shorter and smaller type...did you see it? Think it's $13.90.
Aqua, never leh. THose that I saw all came in only 1 size, and super super big. My DH said it was very unappealing, so I didn't buy. Where did u see the smaller-sized ones?

Paiseh, got to make u go all the way down to City Hall, cos' u've still got to take a bus and all....
<font color="ff6000">ashley</font>, got it thx! this is a long pants?

<font color="119911">icy</font>, duno leh. duno will end up as sales talk cos by Eu Yan Sheng.
Milderina - email you already.

Zenn - Frankly I dunno
I thought when baby still small, can wear as pants and when the legs are longer, can be bermudas for boys (and peddlepushers for gals
) But trust me, the material is very soft.
phew! finally done with updating the blog >.<

mildy, me too, when im awake and baby isn't kicking, i'll disturb her abit. her kicks not really very painful so it's ok, but will continue kicking for some times. but i think if u talk to her she will calm down!

zenn, my orders are the same as the ones u linked me just now

ashleymom, does the lady sell the infant girl's version?

suggestion i've heard from many experience caretakers for infants, diaper cream dun use too much
in fact dun really need to use diaper cream if baby is taken care of the right way
<font color="ff6000">bb milk</font>, pandan me, destin cream is used oni when bb got rashes rite n not to prevent? abit confused
Snow - the infant girl's version is the pink one. You want me to email you the photo? Actually she also has a very sweet RL terry sundress for gals which I like very much. I deleted the email when I found out mine's a boy
If mommies are interested, I can request from her again.
Zenn - I email you another dress. Very sweet hor
Wish I can buy. Anyway, the lady is setting up a separate email to take orders from you mommies and liase with you directly.
bb milk, thanks for arranging!!
City Hall is perfect for me.

cashewnut, thanks for the info on the chinese talk as I was hunting up and down for the details!!!

zenn and icylemon, am going for the talk.

ashley mum, can i have the contact too!!!!!!!
Zenn,all nappy rash cream works the same - to prevent and to cure rashes, including redness.

I have been using it since Malcolm is a newborn. Babies skin is super sensitive, sometimes without realising they have already poo poo, by the time you check it out....the buttock is already very red. Good to apply nappy rash cream (thin layer) on babies bottom.

And also do not put powder on babies buttock/pte parts, coz the powder might get into thier urinary tract and cause infection. (especially for girl)
Bluegrapes - Maybe you give me your email add and I email the photos to you first. Frankly I'm not sure if the lady is willing to contact the buyers directly. Aiyah... actually long story.. not sure if she's a supplier or not, but she is somehow logged out from this forum and cannot post anything here. I continued buying stuff from her coz I have her personal email and now she hopes I can collate the orders for her. Since most of you want to contact her direct, I've also asked her if she could liase with you all directly instead.
alethea the smaller size one is shorter and some not totally button front one. Try metro tampines?

Ladies, I just realised my thighs now so big and got cellulite...
wonder if it will go off when I start exercising after delivery? so depressing now...
Bluegrapes - Maybe you give me your email add and I email the photos to you first. Frankly I'm not sure if the lady is willing to contact the buyers directly. Aiyah... actually long story.. not sure if she's a supplier or not, but she is somehow logged out from this forum and cannot post anything here. I continued buying stuff from her coz I have her personal email and now she hopes I can collate the orders for her. She's reluctant to give you her contact coz she's worried she'll get me into trouble by providing another source for her to get into the forum.

I can collate the orders, if you all don't mind. Just that at the end of the day, the $$ is transferred to her account and the postage of items will be done by her.
