(2007/01) Jan

hey, have anyone bgt bean sprouts pillow for ur babies?? i have been looking for it. i come across some, either too big for newborn bb or too exp.
anyone has any lobangs?

snow, mayb he noe he coming out before CNY..
now practising inside first...

Honey star, i make them myself...
need sometimes n effort...
but it comes free...
waaa, can help me buy mozart effect for babies vol 1 and 2
no rush tho.

btw, u added the chocopet thingy too right? how it works!!
snow, no pro...
but i not sure which is vol 1 n 2....
cos they nv put it on the front cover...
mayb i scan n let u see got wat title available there then u tell me which one u need?

wat do you mean by how it works?
it something like a small games...
just click n drag the ball or instruct the pet to go aft the ball...
something like that....

just mine 2cents worth!
Mommies - The supplier for Little Dreamers has gotten back to me. She says will give 15% discount for purchases above $500-$700. If we do exceed $700, perhapes can ask for 20%???

BB Milk - I've asked her for a direct number to call so easier to liase. Are you consolidating the orders now or still waiting for a while more?

snow: yap, the CD shop is the one at seragoon north ave 1. but i dun think the mozart cds are of original. if u dun mind, u can get them cos it's really v. cheap.
<font color="ff0000">Morning to all of u... TGIF!!</font>

<font color="ff6000">aqua,</font>
U trying Nisah tomorrow?? Must share wf us ur review after tat hor?!

I will be gg Rustic Nirvana for the pre-natal massage tomorrow.. Let u know how it goes after tat!!

<font color="ff6000">Mildy,</font>
I also called Naini bt she also told me tat she super busy and she is giving priorities to those doing post-natal now.. Cant start the pre-natal massage wf me until 2 weeks later.. *Sob*

<font color="ff6000">Beansprout pillows/bolsters:</font>
It will be much cheaper if u all can DIY.. Get ur mil/mom to do it if they are homemakers... My mil also DIY my niece and my gals' pillows &amp; bolsters.. Kekeke..
Good morning!

<font color="ff6000">Happy</font> <font color="119911">Mid</font>-<font color="ff0000">Autumn</font> <font color="aa00aa">Festival</font>!!!

Hey what kind of mattress are u gals getting for bb cot n playpen? Necessary to get latex or normal is good enough?
<font color="0000ff">Morning!</font>

Did u girls catch Child of our Time last night? The toddlers have all grown up, yet still so cute!
oh ya today is Mid Autumm Festival hor...

sad me.. celebrating alone. sob sob...

alethea i forgotten abt it... oh no...
Happy Mid Autumn~!!

while i was waiting for the show to start... i fall asleep.. wahahahaaaa.... faint.

i bot latex one.. but i think normal ones also can ba.. up to u lor
Icy, why alone? Your hubby out of town?

Honey Stars, which lesson are u at already? I'm in the midst of the antenatal class at KKH and will be completing the course by 4th Nov.
Janey, what's the diff btw latex and normal ones? And where to buy such mattress? like bumper mattress? Can find these at BB Kingdom or Hyperstore?
I bgt the normal foam mattress for bth bb cot and playpen. The Babysafe latex pillow and bolster are bundled in with the Disney Pooh mattress &amp; bumper set which I bgt during Robinsons Sale. U can check it out. I find it quite a good deal..
Kiddy Palace, Robinsons, OG and other major departmental stores does carry mattresses for playpen and bbcot. Nt nec must travel all the way to BB Kingdom / Hypermart..
alethea my hubby @ live firing area lor.. got shooting today whole day imtil tonite 12+ or 1am then come back. haiz...
serrich, how much is usually the set?

alethea, ya agreed wif what alethea said. anyway i dun find bb kingdom/hypemart stuff really v cheap as compared to outside. perhaps oni certain items
i think latex ones are suppose to be better? cos its breathable.. but last time i dun think we sleep in latex ones rite? so.. up to u on which to get lor.. the one i bot is bbsafe... think lollipop also a good brand..

i not sure if bb kingdom or hypermart got sell.. never been there b4..
Icy, aiyah, not so bad, at least he's not overseas. If my hubby's overseas, think I shall cut a slice of mooncake, sip some tea, while staring at the moon, with 2 streaks of tears streming down my cheeks *hahah* Drama!

Serrich, is the Pooh set still on sale at Robinsons?

Any of you can share with me tips on decorating the nursery? Did u all buy cute wallpapers or wall borders to paste?
i will use playpen as cot.. cos my mum says.. she put me in cot when i am bb... i scream like mad once put into cot.. so i better dun waste money..
gals, ve u start buyin bb stuff n what brand do u use. i was at bb kingdom, there r so many diff brands. see until blur.

1)Baby Powder
2)Bathing Towel
3)Body Bath/Wash
4)Body Lotion
5)Brush (for washing milk botlles)
8)Wet Tissue
Bo bian lah.. Hubby got to work to earn $$ mah.. At least he's nt gg out wf frens to enjoy rite?! U can work on ur blog! Kekekeke..

I think before discount is btwn $129-149.. Cant really recall the px leow.. Cos I bgt it 1.5 years ago..

Yup, I bgt it during 20%off storewide sales.. Kekeke..
Yah, but I feel bad, cos' prior to that, gynae will order bed rest most prob by the 30th week, so I will be out of office like, for 20 weeks. Feel very bad for my poor colleagues who have to cover my duties.

Have the rest of the mummies started planning for ML? All spoken to your boss aldy?
alethea, like that very dramatic haha

janey, i'm also not buying baby cot. gonna get cot from cousin's friend. bought and only used for the 1st month. was told to put baby to slp with me on the bed so better bonding :D
zenn the items u mentioned abv i have yet tio bought ah... jia lat..

any mummies like me oso have not buy yet. i intend to get it during december leh.
Serrich, so the sale was 1.5 years ago, ah? Is Robinsons haveing sale now, huh? Wonder if the Winnie the pooh matress set is still around....
<font color="ff6000">icy</font>, dun worry me too haha would dec b too late? by then we will b easily tired rite?
Icylemon - I'm taking 12 weeks at 1 shot, and then taking another 2-4 weeks leave. But the extra leave haven't told my boss yet

Anyone knows whether Robinsons will have a sale soon?
Dun worry.. The Pooh design is so sellable so wouldnt be discontinued one lah.. I am nt sure if there is any sale gg on now bt u can go check out the designs u like..
Mommies - do you all feel the urge to springclean and get all things ready for the baby? Every weekend, i keep thinking of repacking my wardrobes, wiping everything clean... My hubby thinks I'm a bit mad coz I wanna do all these myself even though got maid to help. The only thing he forbids is climb ladders to clean the top shelves.
zenn maybe i slowly slowly buy some stuff. kekeke...

btw when moving furniture at the bb room. were you mummies there to see or leave the hse &amp; let hubby settle?? coz chinese beleive tat we can moved furniture ard esp we are pregnant.

ya any idea anymore robinsons sales....
1)Baby Powder <font color="0000ff">J&amp;J? I grew up with that</font>
2)Bathing Towel <font color="0000ff">can use the receiving towel we bought from OhBaby, right?</font>
3)Body Bath/Wash <font color="0000ff">not sure leh</font>
4)Body Lotion <font color="0000ff">not sure, but J&amp;J? Grew up with that</font>
5)Brush (for washing milk botlles) <font color="0000ff">got the starter kit when I bought my Pigeon striliser</font>
6)Detergent <font color="0000ff">for washing of bottles and all? Bought the Pigeon vegetable detergent</font>
7)Pacifier <font color="0000ff">planning to get Avent, but some of my frens don't encourage using pacifiers</font>
8)Wet Tissue <font color="0000ff">not sure if Kodomo or Pigeon is better</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hello</font> <font color="ff0000">Sugar</font><font color="0000ff">Beanie!</font> Long time no see!
