(2007/01) Jan

snow: nope, i dun stay nearby there..i work nearby there..

sherl: dun worry, the mummies here will keep u inform of the carter sleep suit BP.

<font color="ff6000">evelyn</font>, no problem. i ve booked oct class

<font color="ff0000">blue genle &amp; alethea</font>, i just bought the CD last fri. they ve mozart effect 1 and 2. 1 seems nicer. btw each package has 3 CDs for $5.90
Oic.. keep us posted of the sales hor.. Might be helping my aunt to get some brand new bb clothings.. She said things in Aussie super ex! Even her maternity wear also want us to buy from mkt then shipped over to her.. Hahaha...

Iceblue so yong xin liang ku hor.. Not only bring wifey ard to have good food, can also bring wifey ard island to exchange old stuff wf new ones..
Sherl, ok. Let me set my Outlook calendar to remind myself to check the BP on Fri.

I realise that whenever I'm glued to my seat for too long, then when I get up to walk, I will feel a paingful tug on a vein on my left buttock. And I've to hobble slowly, before my entire left leg regains normacy. Any of u experienced that?
alethea.. i oso have tat pain u metioned. if will get worst later when we are in our 3rd trim.

but u r carrying twins so u better be careful. u mite have double pain compared to us. u got any pillow to support ur back when you sit down?
Hi Mummies...

just wan to complain...

a guy colleague of mine jus now say to me : wow ur tummy so big.. like gng to explode soon.. u got check w ur gynae u only got one bb inside?

as this is not the first time he ask me if i cfm got only one bb.. i reply: ya.. ya.. i got 3 inside, u happy? then he say.. if u really got 3, then i really peifu u.. can stop production liao..

then he say: then u like my dog.. can have 3 bb at one go... i was boiling n i reply: F**k you.. say i like ur dog.. then he still continue saying really v big hor.. tmd..

haiz... fed up..
Thanks for reading..
janey cool down ok.

but i like the way you end your post.

"thanks for reading"..

cheer up gal. in this world there are alot of strange ppl de.

sometimes juz dun understand why they react like tat.

you no good la you, like that then my Charlene gotta go to sleep naked liao...
Luckily bluegenie/Alethea nicer to me. whahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha

aqua, I cannot think of a better way leh.... you must stop tempting me la... hahahhahahaha

Can slap your colleague or not? very guo fen leh! If it's me I will kick him. better still, kick where it hurts! Tell him, "At least I already have one baby, now dunnoe whether you still can or not."
sherl woah... sleep naked wor... *saliva drool* hehehe....

alethea &amp; sherl some ppl are so idiot de... wat to do.
Dear all~

thanks for ur support.. hehhe... i alr F him liao lor... crazy one le.... keep asking me if i got more than 1 bb... i think he too free la..
i will kick him hard hard if i can~ hahahaha
Date: 30 Sept 2006, Sat
Time: 1pm
Venue: Either Marche or Fish &amp; Co (Suntec)

1. icylemon
2. bluegrapes
3. sugarbean
4. baby_milk
5. janey
6. sherl
7. snow
8. Alethea
Janey, u r not alone....
I just came back from 1 of my retailer shop, I have a chat with the boss...and he asked me how many mths liao. I told him 20weeks....Same response: Wah your tummy so big.

Nevermind, I'm quite used to it liao.
janey, your colleague sounds very childish leh...no point getting angry with this type of people. Cool down.

sherl, ok I will try not to tempt you so much...kekeke
yalor.. i am ok if ppl say my tummy big.. but not say other things like. u sure u only got 1 bb? or say i like dog etc..
icy, i think rachel sounds sweetest.

janey, step on his foot when he says ur tummy too big gng to explode!

the other day i was talking to my ex who stay nearby, dun believe i got baby somemore say very cool. -_-!! got baby can be fake one meh haha

zenn, the price of the disc u buy really a gd deal! haiz why so far
janey, your colleague damn crap and irritating!! does he always talk to you like that..how old is him liao? Still behave like a kid!!
<font color="ff6000">janey n bb milk</font>, my col also commented my tummy v big but of course they not as no brain as janey col lah haha
rin oic.. come in more often la..

all the mummies here very fun de...

snow *sob sob* 1979 u said old man. then i better dun let you know my age.. i lagi old...

janey now daddy ass itchy. came out with another name he likes "Joy".. sometimes i feel like telling him.. why not name our girl January Chan. muahahaha....
paiseh.. i mean YR 79.. not age 79.. hehehehe...

think he will come up with more names... maybe Kit Chan? hahahahaha
icy, actually your hb is v sweet to come up with the name Joy as it represents the Joy she has brought and will continue to bring everyday...
<font color="ff6000">HELP</font>!!! Anyone here happened to know how to use Casio FC 100 finanical calculator? I trying to figure out how to reset to 2 or 4 decimal point.

I also vote for Rachel. hahaahha, when I was very irritated with the name selection last week I also thought of naming my ger January.
