(2007/01) Jan

sherl if i can tell i m pregnant i will feel i m. sometimes i dun feel i m pregnant. hahaha.. i still run for buses la.. sometimes very bu xiao xin will lay flat on tummy. oops..

janey normally gynae will advice preggies to control abit. coz esp during 3rd trimester, our baby gets bigger. if we put on more weight, we will have difficulties in walking.

doggiebebe infact i didnt put on much weight during my 1st trimester. i ate more during my 1st trimester. now in my 2nd trimester i eat as per normal like before i m pregnant.

I oso never increase much.. so far 2kg. But then can see tummy ley. Hmm, now supposed to be 24 wks, but gynae says bb is of size 23 wks, but she says average size. So hehe, ok lah.

You might soon find that the kgs just pile on like nobody's business. That's what happened to me last two weeks - put on 2kg! First four months - put on 1-2kg in total.

I find it very inconvenient now leh, I've slowed down a lot and have difficulty in moving sometimes, esp after meals. Maybe just lazy hor. kekekekekekekeke...

Don't run for buses la, just wait for the next one.. very dangerous leh.
sherl i dun feel pregnant tats why i will run for buses. always forgotten that i have a baby in me. hahaha..

mummies do you baby kicks you always? everyday??

I only put on 2kg in week 20. But my tummy is big, especially later part of the day. Starting to feel so xin ku.

Yalor, u better dun run for bus. Got to control yr movement. Must remember...we are QUEEN.... let the bus wait for us. HAHA
morning mummies,

icylemon, me also receive the rompers from reading room yesterday.. haha.. very nice n sweet.

anyone encounter back aching?

alamak, u hor! Pengz...

hmm, my bb does kick me everyday, he is a very active baby.

hehe i onli koe my sis goes for tui na at JE central, but where exactly, i oso dunno ley.

i put on 10kg, even more slow in movement.. wahahaa...

I cant really run now.. walk fast fast still ok.. hiak hiak..
Hi gals,

Would like check with you how's the schedule of your antenatal class, how's the charges? As my current hospital - SGH only has weekday classes and start fm 6pm to 8pm, start too early and not suitable for me. Thx..
<font color="119911">babymilk</font>, same here.. my bb kick everyday but when hubby feels it, it stop.. haha...

can we paste the medicated plaster? or rub with the yoko yoko? my back ached terrible too.
<font color="ff6000">Zenn,</font>
I didnt order from website. I ordered from a supplier.. But she has no stocks now and heard that the prices are being controlled now so cant give BP prices anymore.. U can look for this person "auction_typing" in yahoo auctions. Some mommies bgt the LP from her at quite a good price also..

<font color="0000ff">Alethea,</font>
'xiu dor' means the stomach/tummy tuck in very well so its nt obvious lor..

<font color="aa00aa">doggiebebe,</font>
Nt true ley.. Our wt will shoot up during 3rd trimester i tot?? Most of my frens put on alot during their 3rd trimester..

<font color="119911">Glass bottles &amp; sealing discs:</font>
Finally managed to take the pictures of the glass bottles and the sealing discs to show u gals today...

my bb moves quite a lot, not necessarily kicking. Think recently she started punching leh, because I've started feeling movements much higher up then normal. But some days she'll be very lazy and dun want to move at all. Occasionally my tummy hardens after i do a bit of exercise, my mum says either she's tired or in a bad mood, dun disturb her. hahahahaha
Good morning...

Had nitemare again! Dream of seeing my nephew but he is a ghost and ve to part wif him. The moment was so sad that i wake up still have tears in my eyes. Now feeling very headache and stone again

<font color="119911">KC</font>, gg holiday? Enjoy!

<font color="ff0000">Alethea</font>, Guo Da Li during my wedding.....

<font color="0000ff">doggie</font>, I realised my bb more active at nite
bb milk u oso put on 2 kg only ah. u got a bigger water bag??

kate i oso got abit of back ache.

bb milk my baby dun kick me tat often. how??

ginsengmum hehehe...

janey walk fast fast i oso can...

doggiebebe ooh...

mummies my girl dun kick me tat often. but sometimes i can feel my tummy like haveing roller coaster inside.
serrich, oh izzit. we will be in 3rd trimester at week 28 rite.

zenn, my bb these few days very active at nite too. i felt few times punching/kicking both at right n left sides at the same time.

Read before that most bbs are very active in the middle of the night, so their mummies actually miss out on their most active periods. Once or twice I've been woken up by my ger because she was kicking so hard in the middle of the night, disturb my sleep...

So maybe you are just not noticing when bb is most active? But anyway different bbs also got different levels of activity wor...
Kate, my gynea says can put those medicated cream or plaster...YoKo YoKo also can.

I have been using these in my first pregnancy...it does help to relieve abit.
My baby is more active in the day. Can feel the kick quite frequent. Same as baby_milk, baby stops kicking when her daddy wanted to feel. My hb very jealous now and says that how come only I can feel baby. Heeh...
Hi hi, back from my mtg.

Have not weighed myself since 2 weeks ago. Think I should have put on about 4.5-5kg. M supposed to put on more to reach at least 15kg through this whole pregnancy. Dunno how I could increase my wgt.

The foetal movements are getting stronger by the day. Even as I'm typing, I can feel kicks on my right, at least 3cm above my naval. So strange, tawt BBs should be positioned lower down. M very confused as to my BBs' positions, cos' the knocks are very random - sometimes lower in the abdomen, sometimes in the middle, sometimes higher, but mostly on the right. Need to get peace of mind from the detailed scan....
same here same here. so now i will ask my dear to watch the movement rather then feel. cos can c whenever our baby kick my tummy will pop out. Maybe u all can try that so that your hubby gets to c it at least.
Now I can feel the kicks nearer to my pubic area. So confusing! Dunno if they take turns, or all these kicks are from 1 extremely active BB!
kekekekekeke.... how come all our bbs all so naughty? My ger also dun really like anyone to feel her, including daddy and mummy. Even when I put my own hand on my tummy she will stop kicking. But recently she's becoming more playful, the other day she played with daddy the tapping game when I was half asleep.
baby also kicking mi there. yesterday i was playing online game, then i wanted to pee but i think i can endure for awhile, and suddenly my baby starts kicking mi there then i feel like i going to urine on my pants le, so i faster run to the toilet. nowadays her kicks are getting stronger.
morning all!

sherl/icy, my bb v active at night, when i slp she kick and move then awake liao, not painful ones tho, just v cute!

zenn, u also dream when u slp? nowadays i always dream of lame and stupid things, sometimes funny but sometimes v ridiculous ones!

muffins and brownies and ice cream *drool*
alethea, maybe ur 2 bbs inside playing with each other!

milder, also got that feeling, sometimes if i try to "endure" awhile after that go toilet pee abit weird feeling at the tummy, like cramp or dunno wad

my bb v naughty! maybe cos last time when i was a bb also v naughty, inherit from me haha. when i gonna fall aslp at the "wrong" time then she will kick/move until i wake up, if pat/touch my tummy at left side then she purposely kick the right side or middle lol

Alethea, my friend told me that show is good.

icylemon, I buy, watch then sell. Cos own time own target.
I watch all types...Korean, Japanese(seldom), Taiwanese, HK and also movies.
