(2007/01) Jan

icy, nono i thought he's 79 yr old hahaha blur blur liao. rachel won the votes!

old or not isnt really determined by the age keke! my cousins of same generation mostly already 30-40+ even..but cos both my parents youngest in the family so i'm younger in comparison

hahahahhahaha! i was still wondering how come janey's col so old! lol!
Yes, I agree with Sugarbean.. think your hubby feel Joy is a good meaning for your first child..Me too, like rachel and joy.

Tell you a chinese name joke..Actually my husband like the Jie character in chinese.. so, he intend to name our baby boy as Yong Jie, Jun Jie or Zhi Jie.. we have the naming topic with family, sil say if gal she prefer a Tong in the name...Suddenly my hubby say can name our boy as Yong Jie, if second child a gal then call her Tong Xin... So, next time can be a Yong Jie Tong Xin.. Must be very funny when we outside and call their name together
evelyn, farnee~!! but meaningful! aiyo.. cant even settle name, have to think of chinese name! wah piang.. feel like going to those shifu.. saw a few recommendations in some threads..
Date: 30 Sept 2006, Sat
Time: 1pm
Venue: Either Marche or Fish & Co (Suntec)

1. icylemon
2. bluegrapes
3. sugarbean
4. baby_milk
5. janey
6. sherl
7. snow
8. Alethea
icy - izzit? heheh!! my poor boy next time worst still... hb wants to use my surname as 2nd name...he say keep my family name going as my dad only has 2 girls.. so sweet!
sian.. whole day meeting.

icy, i vote for rachel too...
me like this name too and wanted to name my princess but hubby dun like.
You Long Zi - S$388 for baby name (remember write down the date and time of birth, bring along parents'and grand parents' '8 characters')

rachel joy chan is a good resolution to the problem!!! Kekeekeke... Not long la, and both names very simple, so ok... I wanted to call my ger Charlene Grace but hubby say cannot, two names very weird
but I dun think so lor. Very nice, and if your ger dun like her first name she can always use her second name.
I just went to him last week, will dig out the namecard and post. If take the S$188 package, he does not take the parents and grandparents '8 characters' into consideration. only use baby's date and time of birth.
Sugarbean, many parents think it is good investment. S$388 for a good name that will help 'ensure' your child's future. I personally changed my chinese name after marrying also.
sherl i will prefer rachel chan will do.. actually getting a nice name for her kid is very impt hor,.. using for life leh..

my parents gave me a nice christian name but i dun like. "Angel" end up i use my own de.. "Yvonne".

joy think $188 enough liao.. $388 is too costly.

yeah lor, very impt! Suppose that's why all the daddies on this thread all test out the names by making fun of it. haiz.
hi hi!
sighz, so tiring...
long time nv log in liao...
suddenly see so many posting nearly fainted!

btw, wifey at hm NEVER wear bra, onli when going out or got visitors then she wear those w/o underwire type...
izzit ok?
she complain very uncomfortable wearing them...

Date: 30 Sept 2006, Sat
Time: 1pm
Venue: Either Marche or Fish & Co (Suntec)

1. icylemon
2. bluegrapes
3. sugarbean
4. baby_milk
5. janey
6. sherl
7. snow
8. Alethea
9. iceblue
i HB leh... if HB not allow, then how i go?

serrich, in fact, that serial they happened to be at hougang, so wifey say go try lor...
anyway if not selected, still got free chocolate...
but i'm still glad i did went...

snow, yeah, i oso brought the CD..
btw, i do lived nearby the shop, if u need me to buy for u, just say so...

janey, cool down!
y get fed up over some other ppl stupid comment?
learn to forgive n forget...
they will know what the feeling next time when their wifey got preg n ppl commented the same thing...

sugarbean, i oso doggie...

icylemon, sherl,
Mmmm... me oso...
that y i choose JANSON = SON of JANuary...

y everytime mine posting so long one?
still need to open to IE, then one page use to read, the other used to reply...
actually speaking of shifu and picking names that baby will like, I have a question. What if the shifu pick a name that doesn't sound good and we dun like it?
Date: 30 Sept 2006, Sat
Time: 1pm
Venue: Either Marche or Fish & Co (Suntec)

1. icylemon
2. bluegrapes
3. sugarbean
4. baby_milk
5. janey
6. sherl
7. snow
8. Alethea
9. iceblue
Sherl, they will give you a few names to choose.

Rin, need both side grandparents' '8 characters' to ensure the name won't 'clash' with them and cause disharmony in the family. In fact, after he gave my baby her name, my MIL was much nicer to me.
When is the show that Iceblue appear? over already?

Me seldom watch tv program now...too tired, and need to watch Hi5 with son every night. Dun know what's going round the world right now.
wah so expensive? 3 yrs back I paid only slightly more than $100...even my BIL's baby who went to him for naming also paid $100+ and that was about 1.5yr ago.
Since end last year, You Long Zi has been widely advertised by young couples in bridal forums. As such, his popularity increased along with the pricing.
I just called to check...they still charge $100 for naming...he says the $388 is for the feng shui side. He also told me since yr2000 no increase in price.

Yiu Rong Zie Geomancy Consultation Centre at 393 Guillemard Rd, tel: 6743 5738

Am also given names to choose from...then master will explain what are the dos and don'ts and also the character and temperament of your child.
sherl, they will give u a combo of middle n last name...
then u can mix n match...
like 10 middle name n 10 last name...
then u can have up to 100 name combo..
i know that cos mine uncle go to yu long zi...

icylemon, me?
busy over IMF..
today take off...
but wifey say wanna go fishing, so morning early wake up wash clothes then bring her to east coast do some fishing...

u must watch then u noe lah...
tell u in advance no fun liao...
but got some "juicy" stuff!

baby_milk, the show tmr, 2030hr on channel 8...
do catch if if got time..

sherl, Mmmm, most likely but yet to confirm...
cos need to seek more advice...
now still call baby "BABY"!

bluegrapes, hopefully he guai guai come out Jan...
iceblue is right! that's what I got too...he will also choose for you one or two name that he find is nice.

bluegrapes...I cannot say here lor. too public already.

JANEY is a nice name.
