(2007/01) Jan

Serrich, how about those square BB basket, like what the Chinese scholars carry in the olden days as they travel to the capital for their exams? Someone wants to pass me one but I for certain, wouldn't want to be seen in that. And neither does my hubby. Haha! But is it any good?

Orh so its u.. Kekeke.. Personally i think cotton sateen will be good enuf. U can check out momsinmind website. They have quite a wide range of designs to choose from.

Duh.. u ask me this kind of qn i dunno how to answer u ley.. personally i have nvr seen babies in those square bb basket ley. In my opinion those baskets are so hard and tough, nt suitable for our babies until they can support their own back and sit uprite bah.. If someone passes it to me, i also wouldnt use it lor.. imagine the basket rubbing agst my back sure kena backache one..
Preg 4 a 2nd one,
We share the same tots ley.. I also planning to have my #3 before i hit 30. Now already 26 leow.. Financially if we can afford, DH & I want to have more children (ideal is 4).. Best combi will be 2 gals 2 boys lah.. If #3 still gal i wont try for #4 leow.. # gals will be good enuf. if #3 is boy then we hoping to go for #4.. Hahahaa.. Think so far also no use, must make sure got $$ to raise the children..

When i was haveing such severe ms during my first trimester i also said i will stop at 2! Kekeke.. once my sufferings over, I find myself thinking far ahead leow ley.. Kekkekee
alamak!!! my hubby juz called me. he had another name in mind. Joy Chan... wah lao... 1st: Rachel, 2nd: Janice, 3rd: Joy. which one to choose...
serrich to me having kids is good. but in spore raising a kid is really not cheap. unless we got a lot of susides from govt.

Whoa 4 kids. i cant imagine myself with 3 kids at home especially when they are in school.

me too. During first trimester, the MS was killing me so i told hubby i will stop at 2 no matter what. But hubby say if finances allow, he wants to have #3, if finances allow. But i told him unless he tell me it is 100% sure boy then i may consider. cos preg very scary leh.
Check out this website for the differences: http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/slingfabrics.html. Mine is the Tropix Batik u see in the third photo from the left.

Ur hubby so excited over the name of ur bb!! So funni... My hubby cant even bother to think of a name for our gal now.. Must wait till he go library and borrow his "mi ji" first..

Yah think so far no use cos must make sure we can afford financially ley.. Think difficult for me to strike 4D & Toto lah.. A master just told me that i can only put my hopes on "zheng cai", "pian cai" can dun think abt it leow.. *sad*
preg hi5!!

serrich ur hubby not gan cheong coz is ur 2nd kid. mine is still 1st one tats why.

sherl rachel nice hor. old folks said hard to pronouce.

no la, think Rachel is ok. At most they will call her Lay-chel lo... kekekekeekekekeke. Anyway most of the older folks will prefer to call the kid by the chinese name, if you dun mind.
Preg/Serrich, u both are very lucky! If I've a girl, I will tell her to find an older man when she's the the uni, so that after 1-2 years of working, she can get married and have kids liao! Better still, if she marries a PD or Gynae. Then my hubby and I will be well taken care of! Hee

keke, i only pray that she marries well. cant expect them to look after us old folks when gals grow up. cos for our generation, it seems that we can only give our old folks a token sum. so for our kids sake, it is even tougher when the standard of living is higher.
Afternoon mummies!

Bluegrapes/mild - Actually, i made ginger chicken n stir-fry veg but type too fast. Of cos can share the recipe, its HB and my fave dish, he asked for it again for tonight's dinner. It is super easy n fast to prepare. If u r not a ginger fan, u can reduce ginger n add in other ingredients like mushrooms, chinese sausage, etc. As i had some celery left, i threw in 1 stick of celery (sliced) for steaming.

Steamed Ginger Chix
- 300g chix fillet, sliced @ an angle *
- A sprinkle of salt/pepper
- Dash of sesame oil & chinese wine
- 1 to 2 thumb-sized fresh ginger, finely julienned

Mix all together leaving some ginger shreds on top of ginger. Place in steamer n steam for 15-20 mins.

To make things easier, i put in my rice cooker ao that dish is ready when rice is cooked.

* If using chix breast, add 1 tsp of cornstarch to chix to soften the meat. Chix fillet is quite tender so not necessary. Also juice from the ginger has natural tenderising properties. Enjoy!

Sherl/Zenn - i oso keen on the leap frog thingey..

Icy - I saw some good disposable panties at OG Orchard, maternity section. It is very stretchy and a bit like cotton - not so paperlike until if u perspire or the panty too tight, splits in the centre of butt cheeks! Sorry, so crude!

Icy, wat u have experienced is carpal tunnel syndrome. I have tt too when i work my right hands too much, esp too much washing. Women gets it all e time as we do too much washing. But situation is made worst with pregnancy.. so far i only kena once during my pregnancy (touch wood!). Last time mine was so bad tt i can hold my toothbrush in the mornings so all my fingers were swollen n can't grip.
Be careful of your wrist position when typin at pc and try to reduce salt intake. U can apply some deep-heat or use those vibrating massages to temporarily ease the prob.. Most impt try to give your hands some rest and don 'sup-sui' (cantonese) too much.
So qiao wor!!

I tot of buying for my gal cos i saw some of her toddlers frens wearing to Sentosa.. Looks so cute and cool! I so tempted!! But $35!! She will outgrow it very quickly no doubt i can still keep for my bb gal lah.. Hahahaha....

Yah i would also encourage my gal to marry an older man with stable job, high income & lots of savings lor. At least financially more stable as compare to guys at her age lah.. No wonder my mom keep insisting that i shld marry my ex-bf(when we were still dating then lah) instead! Hahaha.. Now I know y leow.. Kekeke...
janey - i oso want to get sling but don know which as got a few kinds right? Was it u or mildy tt oradi ordered 1? Slightly diff as she described as like a kangaroo pouch.. mummies, any experience to share which sling is good besides material wise?
i haven buy yet.. think milderina bot alr..
i was thinking.. if i am going out w my bb alone for a while or gng back to mum/MIL place, i will use it lor.. rather than using stroller
U girls are all so happening. So many things to learn from u all! Imagine what I would have been if I hadn't joined this forum - toally ignorant!
mummies, talking abt names... i oso headache.. hb keep criticising the names i suggested.. when i asked him to suggest.. nothing.. these are wat he said of the names i proposed :

Elliot - sounds like idiot

Ashton - too americanised (its actually english)

Ross - Don go well with surname as sounds like screw in hokkien, I think. Ng is our family name.

Randall/Randolph - Don want to be associated with his fren..? (they oso not in touch leh??)

Ezra - Sounds like israel

HB wants a finnish name but am afraid singaporeans may find tt too difficult.. He suggested Kimi.. I like tt too but jus found out that Kimmy is a Jap girl's name.. scared now too feminine for bb.... pengz!!
i bought it in a BP for $50. love it to bits. so cool. hee hee..........cant wait to use it when baby charlene arrive.
serrich/alethea, so fast thinking of bb's future hb!!

think sling wont be so handy when baby gets older, cos all the weight of the baby on one shoulder...

anyone dragon year :D
Mildy - u r most welcome! Need more, I can give u.. kekek!

Janey - I totally agree w u.. am jus thinking when maid leaves in Mar, easier to bring bb down in tt when I bring my doggie for his pooh-pooh downstairs (when HB not in spore)... so ley-chey to lug stroller plus hold leash..
mildy - me too! my 1st choice was elliot n then ashton or ashtor but hb don like american sounding names.. another which i liked was ethan and he said like kena 'eaten' like tt! give up!
the sling u bot looks v funky.. i like~! but hows the material... is it thick?

sling for maybe first yr only la.. or maybe up to when my bb know how to walk.. after that.. she will walk herself.. ahahahaha.. u born in yr of dragon ar? yr88? OMG~! so young~

yalor... hehehe
i find it quite thick but i think i will only use it when i go shopping and shopping got air con ma, so should b ok. then can use till they quite big so i think quite alright.
hahahahaha... looks like many of our hubbys very similar hor... their test of the names we choose is always to see how much fun they can make out of it.

Actually even Charlene my hubby also got something to say about it - he says it sounds like "sha - lin" (i.e. dumb girl) but it's the most ag
rin - we in same boat

Mildy- tks for the link

mummies - now my turn to fret liao...i was in so much anticipation for detailed scan, now tt its coming, 14/9.. i so paranoid... last few nights nightmares!
Also mummies, last thu, i had my 1st leaky breast.. i was at home (happened to be not wearing a bra - airing..hehe) when i felt my right nipple so cooling..then i saw it was wet and abt size of 3-4 $1 coins.. then no more. Next day, oso the same but smaller in size.. Have any of u experienced tis yet? I find it a bit early right? 2nd time mummies?
