(2007/01) Jan

alethea & sherl then these few days very odd leh.. i cleared my bladder le.. but after less than 5 mins i feel like going to the toilet again. but only a few drops of pee only. but i can feel liek the bladder like very full wor...

I also got a bit of incontinence now leh.
No choice gotta wear panty liner lo.

Yeah, gals are indeed closer to mummies. I was hoping to close shop at 2 if it is a boy. But my hubby keep wanting to have 3 kids. But i scare 3rd one also gal. Then pengz. So i tell hubby, if got confirm is boy for no 3, i may consider trying for 3rd one before i reach 30 in 5 years time.
haha, really scare of pregnancy as this one is not a really smooth sailing one.
morning mummies,

wow.. all tinking of names already.. hehe..
my princess will be starting with "K". any nice names that start with "K"?
Imagine u're peeing halfway, and u've got to hold your pee. That's when u need to tighen your vaginal muscles. So during this exercise (don't do when u're peeing), just tighten your muscles there, for about 5 secs, then release and repeat this for about 10 times for each set of pelvin floor exercise.
Icy, I have that kinda of problem too. Have already cleared bladder but still have the sensation of wanting to pass urine. Heard that is normal for preggies to experience weak urinal. Doing more pelvic floor exercise should help. Do update your gynae on your condition and see what she has to advice.

Mummies, I like name ending with 'cia' like Tricia, Alicia, Felicia, Patricia but these names have been taken up by friends or relatives around me leh.
Got any suggestion along that line?

I'm also like that. Think could be baby's position, sometimes she is in a position that could exert more pressure on the bladder. I told my gynae liao but he say it's normal lo. so gotta grin and bear with it. haiz.
I go ask my hubby how much first hor! But i dun have picture of it ley.. it's still intact in the original box..

Y u stop swimming? It's a very good form of exercise for preggies ley.. I still enjoy my swimming sessions very much.. Kekeke..

Ur hubby so funni.. Can relate Jaron to Jurong. My DH also abt the same lah.. I told him i shortlisted Sapphire & Rosalyn. He said Sapphire sounds weird, might as well call Gold or Diamond even better.. Then Rosalyn he also dun like.. So now i dun have any names in my list except for Shania(intended to gave this name to my #1 but later agree on Sherilyn).. Haiz.. He say he will go and find his "mi zi" for nicer and beautiful names.. So KNS rite??
alethea & bluegrapes ya i think i will need to seek my gynae's advice le. the numbness really scaed me.. more than 6 hrs... started to get numb ard 10.30am. recovered ard 7pm... haiz...

Me intending to follow the chinese calendar chart for next bb lo.. already picked out my fertile periods for boy liao. kekekekeke

I always thought Sancia is nice. Would you consider? kekekekeke.
mummies yesterday i was reading the newpaper. article abt this indian mummy lost her baby stillborn. her baby girl was 8 mths liao leh. end of this month she will delivered at KKH. she complaint abt the responsive of KKH.

i read liao oso very scare. keep asking my girl to give me a kick. after tat she really kick me. feel better after her kick. hahaha...
morning!! 2 more days to detailed scan.

naming my girl Bianca

btw robinson got 20% sale until next week iirc, not sure if storewide or just baby items though. yesterday i saw this really nice baby cot-bed and another lady walk pass with her hb "see i told u baby bed v cheap only $159" then me and my mom laughed cos the price is "$1159" lol. saw a baby cot-bed for sale now @ $299 + classic pooh bedding and mattress, worth anot?
Snow, where did u see the $299 bed? What are the dimensions? If it's 28 by 52, then the price is quite standard, can find it at Baby Kingdom, Baby Hypermart, JL, etc.

A lot of people on this forum has also complained about the responsiveness of KKH in this kind of situation before. Read before the story of one mummy who was forced to deliver her 5-mth still-born by herself and with only hubby by her side, because the nurses never put her on priority, never call the doc down for her. Very sad hor.
I dun think the hospital is completely wrong la, because after all the 'live' emergencies are the hospital's priority, but I feel that they can be much more sensitive about handling this kind of matters lo, cannot just chuck the mother one side or tell her to her face that "you are not important to us anymore since your baby is already dead."
alethea, at robinsons. i saw the same one around at Kiddy's palace, but this one comes with free mattress and bedding, so not sure yet. but if buy now then no space to put cos need to throw and change some furnitures in my room... but my mom says now cannot adjust any furniture in the room, so it has to be done in the 2 days i go deliver baby lo :S

kkh -> insensitive to patient's feelings? i think that's very bad. they may see many of these cases in a week but for that couple it's a totally different experience.
my cousin was "force" to abort her first bb during 3-4mths.. cos doc say her bb not normal.. she dun even have time to think.. they push her into theatre liao... she was so lost, cos its still early in the morning n her hb wasnt there yet.. after that incident, she change to MAH..

her bb also suffer a lot in KKH during an operation there.. haiz.. think back also angry w them...
Yes.. if u stay at A class.. the treatment is difference...

i think cos a lot of attachement nurse at B/C class.. my 3 mth niece was kena poke at all 4 limbs 8-12 times n we can see 8-12 holes.. after all the trauma, they still cant find a vein for drips...
Sherl, I also dunno. And to think that I had entertained the tawt of switching over to KKH cos' of my twins. But having thought abt. it, I would still prefer to pay more for private treatment.

But no matter what, me and hubby have already decided, if we find out that baby got any serious problem or what we will probably transfer to KKH lo. Coz for the really serious matters KKH is still the premier hospital to go to, the other hospitals may not have the facilities to handle, and they will still transfer you to KKH.
Oh, is it? But they will still charge u A-class rates, cos' transfer from pte hospital, right?

My concern initially was cost, so tawt of their B-class wards, cos' if transfer to their A-class, the rates are abt the same as pte. But from what u've said, should the unfortunate happen, BBs' health is the most impt.
Alethea, if the problems can be detected before birth, I will go under subsidised healthcare at KKh straightaway liao. You are right, if you give birth at pte hospial then transfer over, think they will charge you A-class rates.

I am suffering from very bad backache recently.

For my first baby, I only get backache in my last tri. And usually the ache is stll bearable. Just need to sit down or lie down to rest. And to aviod walking long distant.

However, now... only in my 20 weeks, and I'm suffering fm damn bad backache.
I couldn't even stand for more then 5 to 10mins.
The pain is killing me... and worst of all, something is pressing on my nerves.

I did suffer fm nerves pressing in my first pregnancy, around my 6th mths. Imagine I have to carry umbrella around whenever I walk ...coz of sudden sharp pain, I will fall down without any strenght to even support myself. (that lasted for abt 1 mth)

NOw am worried of the 2 combination - backache & nerve pressing...seems like these 2 are starting to combine together. which also mean my life will be badly affected...might need to stay at home to rest, no walking around.
u got go see gynae? urs sound quite serious le...
try not to walk too much now first n hope the pain will go off soon..
baby_milk, take care...for my first baby, I suffered from backache at the second month cos I injured my back before...I cannot lie straight if I do, when I try to get up I will feel a very sharp pain...this pregnancy also cannot lie straight for too long else will feel the aching.
u better take care n dun walk too much. for mi i also have very bad backache. its at the tailbone. is this normal or not huh? cos sometimes i lift 2 leg also pain leh.

re: KKH
Hmm, i oso dunno whether there is different treatment for the different class. For my DD, i opt for A class ward, very satisfied with their svc lor. & oso, i remember my gynae came at 7am every am to check on me. Even at the delivery suite, the mid wife actually forgo her lunch coz i was able to deliver. This time round, i will still be opting for A1 ward, coz wanted hb & DD to stay with me.

I do have backache.. but was wondering was it becoz of the epidural last time. haha since it doesnt really disappear b4. nonetheless, this time round, i feel pain lower left down. Dunno Y? Then i oso got rashes.. arghh.. hated tt. Hehe (touchwood) no big red nose like last pregnancy though. & so far, no swollen legs.. hopefully wont have oso.

Oh, my elder sis, who is 7 mths preggie now oso got terrible backache like u. she goes to "tui na" quite often now, seems it helps to ease her pain. Maybe u can try prenatal massage?
bb_milk i scare i will have such problems like yours.. sob sob..

msn_queen u were asking abt the change of IC ah.. i think no need to pay one leh. i will be getting my new IC next year. yeah!!
msn_queen, I just changed my IC....$10. Apply online, it takes only 3 working days...Thus I will be collecting my new IC tomorrow.

Icylemon, dun think so much. You will be alright.

Ginsengmum, can help me to check where your sis go for her tui na?
Ask ur hubby to help u massage ur back if u're having frequent backaches.. I also sometimes experience aches at tailbone area.. But after i started swimming it seems to get better ley.. Now i dun really experience much backaches.

I also have the same pbm as u ley.. Sometimes i sneeze will exp urine leakage.. Bladder always feel full in day.. At nite still ok ley.. Only need to wake up once at most but nt very occassional.. strange hor?! i tot at nite will pee quite often one.. Hahahaha..
Mine back pain is not only at the tailbone area. But the entire lower back. Now expreience pain while sitting down. Sigh
<font color="ff0000">Baby Sling,</font>
Think i read abt someone enquiring abt baby sling this morning.. I have a cotton baby sling from momsinmind. Hmmm if any of u intend to buy a baby sling i wouldnt recommend u to buy cotton ones cos it can be real stuffy and hot if u sling ur bb and walk ard.. Do get the cotton sateen or silk ones if u buying..
