2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Hi hi, have not visited the forum for some time. Only managed to borrow a laptop with Internet access today.Needless to say, so many things I have missed!

It's been 4.5 weeks since I've been warded at Mt. Alvernia. Another 4 weeks to go and if my contractions are still within normal range i.e. no pain, but tightening, gynae will allow me to be discharged in 4 weeks time (roughly 15 Dec). Else, it'll ve till I pop, so perhaps got to spend X'mas and New Year here. *boo hoo* An estimation of the hospitalisation bills will be in the range of $16K plus, excl. gynae fees *boo hoo hoo hoo*
But then again, if this helps me to tahan till the 37th week before the twins arrive, think it's worth it....

Did a growth scanearly this week and at the onset of my 29th week, both twins are around 1.26kg. Hope by the 33rd-34th week, they would have piled on another 1kg. During my stay here, I've taken the shots for BBs' lungs to mature on 2 occasions and have been on 2-hourly dosage of Ventolin for my contractions. And every Fri, I'm scheduled for CTG test, damned stressful cos' if it picks up too many contractions, off to the labour ward I go again wheere it's TOTAL bed rest. Last time round, I did everything on the bed, very depressing....

Hey, saw tat many of u are keen on MacCLaren strollers. None of u considering Combi? Tawt the former is quite heavy, not sure it will be cumbersome to lug 2 around. Also, any idea where I could get the stroller clips?

thanks, me not a memeber la

icic, looks like its good to have a sterilizer hor? wah sounds difficult hmmmm....I was actually thinking that mil, my mum and myself will handle both the bbies for the first 3 months and then i'll take care of them myself....dont know if this is possible??? But since last week my mil has been asking me to employ a temp maid. I personally dont like having a live in maid also...but think its best to get one at this time. So will get a maid and let the maid cook and clean. Mil will take care of the bbies and my mother can take care of me. But will not keep the maid for long la...oni until 3 months after delivery. Hope my plan works!

I have also heard a lot of scary stories abt the CL and the agencies so i m not going for it
. thanks for sharing a lot of useful info...take care please!

Aw dear, sooo nice to see u back, I m so glad that things are working out well so far. Thats good the bbies are weighing on track i think. I can understand how u will being in hospital for so long, hold on dear time will pass quickly.

Wah the hospital bill is sooo ex leh...how many bedded room are u in now?

About the stroller, i heard the combi is light but not very sturdy, but i have not seen one yet. One of the mummies was saying that we can get the clips from the First Few Years or order thru bP from children's place (hope the info is correct)

Ok u take good care or urself....we'll be thinking of u.
Hi twinsmom, m in a 4-bedder. Daily fees are around $300. If I can be discharged in my 34th week, by then, I would have incurred close to $16K or more. But 90% should be from Medisave. It's the gynae fees which I'm more worried since it will be upfront cash and tho' she doesn';t pop by everyday, she does so alternate days or once every 2-3 days. So far, I've not seen her bill breakdown, but it it's $100 per day, then we've to pay thru' our noses.

Btw, I've only piled on 10+kg so far. Gynae sayds I've another 5-6kg more to go. Any tips on how I can do so within the next 4-6 weeks? I'm still only eating on demand, and not gorging myself cos' I've been suffering from indigestion and gastric pain. Maybe cos I've been on bedrest so hard to digest the food.
Thanks for sharing...hmm, for me, it'll also be 3 of us at home looking after the twins when they are born...looks like it's going to be a stretch too...So far have not considered getting a maid yet. But will have to try out our arrangement first to see how feasible it will be. *gulp*

Looks like you twins' weights are good, right...Don't worry, take this chance for a good rest...Your babies know that you are doing all this for them. Good that Medisave can cover most of the hospital bill. As for food, is there anything you like? 'Cos I think that after all that healthy hospital food, if you crave for some fatty food food once in a while, can get your hubby to buy for you. Hehe, as for me, I've been eating a lot of choc lately...
As for the clip, I haven't seen it too...

I'm very tempted to buy something at the sale...hee hee... Will see whether I have the time to go. Anyway, if you are thinking of getting Pigeon pdts at a disct, you can also go to the shop in Kovan.
Hi Twinsmom,

Kindly accept my apology for not explaining in detail. Normally, we would sterilise 6 bottles in a row. Presume 4 bottles have been used and rinse off the milk and soak in the rectangular lock&lock container. I would wait until I have 6 or more than I'll wash with pigeon bottle cleanser and sterilise the bottles. At least, I can save on cleanser, water and electricity.

I have bad experience with my CL too. She's can cook but the whole kitchen is oily and messy. My poor maid have to clean up everytime. She dozes off in the afternoon and wakes up my maid to feed 1 of the twin at night. Haiz...

I have a Fillipino maid after birth. She went back home after 3 months to settle her children welfare. (the same old story of hb having affair) but she came back and prove her worth to us. During the 1 month when she's not around, I have to rope in help from family and gf to feed the baby. Sometimes, before they arrive, I have to feed them using my wildest imagination. I place them on 2 bouncinette and feed them with my hands outstretched. Alternatively, I'll feed one in my arms and my right leg rocking the other twin in the bouncinette and interchange position after feeds. Very tiring, I'll suggest you gals get someone with stamina&tender loving care to help you take care of your children. Rest as much as possible during confinement and avoid carrying heavy stuff. Trust me. Your reserved energy will be of good use. Train yr hubby to change nappy, feed baby and night duty. I took over the reins of taking care of twins and my elder child when they are 15 mths old, can walk steadily..baby signs and ability to comprehend what we say.
icic! are u sure ur gynae's fee is oni $100 in mta, i remember paying her close to $200 when she visited me after my surgery excluding the operating fee. (minor surgery to remove ovarian cyst in mta). Wah just 2 days stay and minor op and i ended up paying more than 5K leh...worst is my current gynae told me actually u didnt have to do that surgery at all:p

Oh abt the weight my gynae was saying twin mtbs will put weight frm 12 kg to 20 kg, for me so far i have put on 9+ kg oni. For me i eat whatever i feel like eating no particular food. I heard from one of the sisters here that beef and durian will help but i dont take both. I m also having bad gastric pain since the past few days...wondering how bad it will get???

may be see if i can go to kovan on monday? how long is the discount?

No worries....u have explained clearly, i just had some doubts keke...Thanks for the very clear and detailed explanation. Very informative to us.

hmm...looks like feeding time is the most difficult? so is ur maid still with u? sorry cant remember if u have said that u r a SAHM or WM? Pardon me for my forgetfulness!

My hubby not in singpaore so i have to handle it without him for the first 3 months, after that i will join him
Hi Twinsmom,

I'm a SAHM. It's alright, I've been there and my memory coming back to me. You tend to be even more forgetful after delivery while taking care of the twins development. I've transferred my maid to look after my mother who have very bad knee injury. Recuperating now. My advise when employing the maid, better to let her know you're expecting twins and her workload. Some may reject working with you once they hear twins or more children. Personally, I'd rather get her mentally prepared and don't want her to suffer from shock and waste my time training her on how to perform household chores. It's nice if employers can remember their birthday and would appreciate if their outstanding perfomance are rewarded after 1 yr. say $10 increment up from their salary. At least, they have something to look forward to. My 2 cents worth of advice only.

You mean after 3 mths, you're going overseas to stay with hubby?
Hi Mummies, would like to check something with you
can I know how many weeks will I feel the babies's kicking ? how will it actually feels like ? thanks
Thanks for the tips.

Not sure, but think the Pigeon discount is on till end of Nov...don't know the name of the store but it's on the 3rd flr of HMall next to the vcd shop. Anyway, I bought more Pigeon stuff today at Robinsons...hehe, quite a lot of pple there too...
Hi Didi,
I started feeling the kicking prob in my wk 20-22 (can't remember), but it was the occasional light tapping, esp when lying on my side in bed, so sometimes I'm not very sure. Some others mummies started feeling the kicks even earlier, like from wk 18 onwards...so it depends...

Then this past week, it got pretty obvious as the taps were stronger, so I knew it's definitely the babies. Now even when sitting down, I can feel their kicks... feels like there's some kungfu fighting going on in my tummy when I get simultaneous kicks on both left and right sides...haha...
Hi choco_latte, hmm, what a relief as I am in my week 16 and doc ask me do I feel any movements ? I am worried as I don't feel anything yet
Good to hear that you have a 'fruitful' day of shopping yesterday
did you buy your bbs apparels ?
Best Twins,

Just to share with you my confinement arrangement. I have a helper at home and my mum. Helper to do all the houseworks while mum cooks the confinement food and handles babies. So I think if you have your MIL and mum with you, that should be fine.

I do all the feedings and expressing at night. But if both needs to drink at the same time, I will wake mum up. And since I am exhausted from night feeds, I will sleep most of the day time and mum will cook and take care of babies.

I really don't think you need your mum to just "solely" take care of you since it's just cooking for you. Then again, everyone's requirement is different.

Hope this helps.
wow, that means u take care of ur three kids on your own? thats great to know......thanks so much on the tips abt the maid, will keep that in mind if i employ one

Yes will be joining hubby after 3 months, i m not very confy abt it la...but feel bad for hubby...poor him if i dont go he wont get to bond with the babies
Once i go there I will find a part time maid to clean and wash everyday. Probably we will be back in 2008 beginning

I have been feeling babies movements since 14 weeks, but at that time i didnt know that it was babies....i used to panic and worry every time i had the feeling thinking it should be too early, but later around week 18 it became strong and now i know it was definitely babies
so i think different people start to feel the movements at different weeks.

choco, thanks for the info...see if i can drop by this week, feel so tired to walk even for 10 min leh...how to shop then
how abt u? are u able to walk around still?

thanks for the info....Ya i agree with u, but my mummy hor very funny dont know how to cook leh!!! Moreover she is too old unlike my mil who is in her 50s. so all she can do is follow simple instructions like "take this" "keep that" etc hehe....But now i have another thot, whether i can get catering food for the first one or two months until i get well??? Me very particular and fussy abt food lately la...so need to find a really good one. If i manage to find one then i will not employ a maid cos hubby too dont like a live in maid
Wow, you felt your babies' movements so early... Yah, I feel tired after walking for abt half an hour to an hour. So shopping after a while is very tiring and my tummy gets a little tight sometimes...and I start to walk slower and slower... I use a maternity support belt now as it helps support my tummy a little.

Are you intending to follow the confinement mth customs? 'Cos if you need confinement food, you can get a caterer to provide you with it. But also not cheap, according to my friend who used it.
i felt my two little munchkins move ard 20 weeks. i was actually feeling a little down that day when i started to feel the first real clear kicks - it was like they were trying to cheer me up. it certainly made me smile.
now they won't stop moving - i can see and feel sharp little elbows and knees moving ard my tummy, like loch ness monster. but i'll rather they are so active - at least i know they're fine.

i would prefer natural birth, and although my doc is pro-natural, he told me that my hubby wld not be allowed in for natural, but rather for c-section. took me by surprise becos i was expecting the reverse. forgot to ask whether it's for all stages of the delivery, or just stage 2 (active labour) - will check with him again during next checkup. felt rather demoralised after hearing that becos i don't fancy the idea of spending hours and hours of labour all alone in a cold, sterile OT. i would rather not have a c-sect, but it seems that i'm being forced to seriously consider it. sigh.. will see how it goes.

not sure what sort of advice i can really contribute, but here's my 2-cents worth:

1. buy secondhand if you can - saves tons of money which u can channel towards medical bills. many of the pre-used stuff are actually in excellent condition, and you can find really gd deals. i'm only particular abt getting some items (like baby clothes) firsthand. fav online shopping haunts: marketplace want to buy section on this website, yahoo auctions, ebay (but not as gd as yahoo), mumcentre, twinsplussing. Always try to negotiate for a better price - no harm trying. remember to wash/wipe down with dettol everything you get, even if they're supposed to be brand new.

2. nursing bras - the cheapest place to get comfortable bras are at OG - range frm $9.90 to $15 per pc. don't get them until you're past 7 mths otherwise they may not fit after birth. mothercare sells one for abt $30-40.

3. reading - if you have the time, National Library main branch has a small but pretty decent collection of bks on multiple pregnancy and bringing up twins. note: the collection is located within the children's section (took me a long time to locate them). they're good for general info but take some of the stuff u read with a pinch of salt - most are written by western authors, which may differ from our Asian parenting philosophy/style.

4. for special occasions (yr birthday/x'mas/etc), try to drop broad hints to those pple getting u presents that u prefer angpows or store vouchers, which are more useful for getting baby stuff. i know this sounds rather mercenary, but i'm being practical here. besides, i think most of the time pple are actually glad to get u something u can actually really use. it can save you even more $$ if you spend it during sales.

um, that's all i can think of for now. hope it's helpful.
Dear all,
I'm new to this forum and it's my first message here. Like all of you, I'll be expecting my pair of twins and they'll be joining our family next April.
Hopefully, we can learn from all your experiences during this period of pregnancy.

Hi Twins mum and all mommies,

Keep it up gals, you're almost reaching there. I know it's tough to go shopping at this stage, I was already panting walking around the house. At times, feel breathless and have giddy spells. The 3 trimester was homestretched and if I have to change my sleeping position, with both hands lift tummy and swing to side first, then both knees lock against each other and turn to desired position. I find it even more difficult to sleep towards the end as I couldn't and dare not lie on my sides, felt tickling and kicking afraid 1 of the twin on top of the other. Haiz.. So have to sit up and sleep with pillows around me. But listen to your doc advice and rest and stay cheerful. List down what you want and shop and go and get hubby to familiarise with the essentials and places to buy them. Don't forget to buy your own essentials too.

It's advisable to check and confirm on the receiving country on immunisation requirements for the twins. I have friends who fly off with their baby as yound as 6mths and 8mths to Europe and suffer from pneumonia. Were hospitalised for 2 weeks or so but have since recovered. So be extra careful, try to get those portable air purifier with you.

Take care of yourselves and pm me if needs to chat. Cheers
K Toh,
I always thought for multiples that c-sect was the norm based on the experiences I've read abt, until I realised that there are a few who went natural. Hmm, how come your hubby is not allowed if you have natural birth? Did they give you a reason?
I'm at my 17th week now.
I'll be going on 9th Dec at Thomson Hospital for my detailed scan. I just went to my gynae yesterday, and one of my darlings closed the legs, so gynae couldn't figure out the gender while the other being too active, kept tossing around.

Glad to know both babies and you are well. Take good care, and keep us updated, okie? I hardly have time to drop by here nowadays but I'm free to communicate via SMS. Can PM me to exchange HP numbers if you keen to SMS-chat when bored, okie?

When I had my CL during the first month, life was really a breeze. She takes care of them day and night + do cooking and housework. She's an iron lady! I only get to help her feed babies occasionally during the day. My hands-on with showering babies started week before she left. And I thought if she can do everything alone, so can I. But reality is... when she left, I found myself very stressed up! Like sincerity, I had to come up with the most strange "pattern" I never thought I would --- just to feed the 2 gals at the same time and coax them when they cry together. That's why my MIL is now staying with me on weekdays to "save" me from turning insane. Both of us can manage quite well now. However, on weekends, my HB and I will manage with the help of neighbours/friends/sisters when my MIL goes home. HB can handle feeding (including night feed) and diaper changing very well, but not patient enough with the gals when they cry for attention. So you have to train your HB as early as you can, yah?
So cute! Yah same here, one of my twins also crossed the legs when we had our wk 16 scan. We could only confirm their gender in our detailed scan at TMC which was in my 21st wk. You must be very excited...
Hi Choco,
haha :)
May I know at which trimester you are at now? So what's their gender? Yeah, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep for the last few nights, thinking that the gynae was able to confirm their gender when I went for my regular checkup yesterday, 20th Nov 2006 In fact, I was pretty disappointed when I had to go back home without the results coz my mother, sister and friends kept swarming me with questions about their gender. *sigh*. Should I go back for another scan at my gynae before the detailed scan 2 weeks later. Wonder how I can sleep well for the next 2 weeks..hahahaha..kinda paranoid ya.....
i think a high proportion of twin moms choose c-sect - less trauma for the babies, esp for the second twin. as for hubby, i think doc doesn't really want him in the way esp if there're any complications with no. 2, and they need to perform any emergency procedures.
I'm in my 24th week now...tummy feeling more uncomfortable as it gets bigger and heavier... I understand how u feel, I was very excited the night before my detailed scan too...

K Toh,
Even c-sect got a lot of blood according to my relative who had a singleton birth. My hubby said he might faint from seeing all the blood...haha...maybe that's why the doctors don't want them in there...hee hee... Not only have to look after mummy, but also have to look after daddy too...
You've met my HB. He was with me throughout the C-sect and he think it was not a big deal. But he wasn't this brave before. Starting from my 5th month of pregnancy, I asked him to watch "Discovery Home & Health" channel with me, especially programmes like "Birth Stories". He is mentally prepared after watching the programmes and had no problem with the "blood" issue. In fact, he was able to tell me how big and bloody my placenta was when the gynae removed it from my womb! Kekeke... You can try that with your HB too! :p
Hi Choco,
wow and are you expecting boy/boy, girl/girl or boy/girl...:p
haha...think i am so excited now that I might go for a scan before the detailed one....
Hi K Toh/ Choco,
Hopefully, mine can be born naturally
Choco_latte, vineyard_seven, K Toh
I think its great if you can deliver your twins naturally. I was very happy when my gynae said I could try becos the twins were both head-down at 35th week. Unfortunately, one of them turn breech at 37th week, broke the water bag and we ended up with emergency C-sect. So there goes my hope of trying for natural delivery. All the best to you mtbs who are keen to go natural!
Do you have any pics of your 2 lovely ones? I'd like to take a look. :)
Choco_latte and KToh,
Yeah, let's pray that we'll be able to deliver naturally. :)
Hee hee, your hubby so brave, still can describe your placenta... Good idea, to condition the hubby first by letting him watch all those shows...

2 princesses based on detailed scan...
wow...this thread is full of life today

welcome to the thread.

no la...me not intending to follow any confinement custom, just want healthy food during that time thats all. Not bad leh, u can walk for 30 min to 1 hr. For me, its really terrible now cant walk well even inside the house. But my tummy looks the same size for the past few weeks except it feels heavier and painful.

K Toh,
fantastic tips, many thanks for the detailed explanations....will keep that in mind

I got some hand me down clothes but the rest am buying new leh. Thanks for telling me where to get nursing bra, will go OG one of these days and see what else i can buy there.

ya me too sleeping with five pillows all around me keke...

hmmm...ur confinement lady seems to be nice leh? u r really lucky. so how much did u pay her? which agency is she from?

all mummies and mtbs,
i will be updating the table tomorrow so if u have any changes please post to me
Hi all

Hope all mummies are doing well. I am more than halfway through my uncomfortable confinement period. Only at day 19 can I manage to walk around without the help of binder (before that, the tummy will press down on the wound), so only manage to bathe on that date. What a relief!

Also struggling with BF issues, low milk ss that's insufficient for the boys. But will still press on and express frequently, cos latching them on is really too tiring (they are 2 very sleepyheads!)

Here's some more recent pics of them in week 3, looking at them makes me persevere with my BF!
Aiyoh...your babies so cute....just wondering, how do u keep cool in this weather? Do u leave the aircon on? I know there are some prdts for dry bath or washing of hair. Did u try those? Sigh, I don't know how I will be able to tahan not bathing or washing hair... Good that you have passed the crucial 1 couple of weeks of confinement...

Yeah, my tummy quite heavy too...and I keep feeling the need to pee every 2-3 hrs, sometimes even when I didn't drink water. I read that our bladders also have to do more work to expel the urine of our babies...maybe that's why...hee hee.
Hello! It's my pleasure to meet you and all mothers-to-be here!
Hi Jessp,
Your princes are so adorable....:)
Hi Choco_latte
I'm going through the same experience as you, having more and more toilet visits by the day. Besides, I see myself waking up in the middle of the night, relieving myself more regularly than ever before.
hi mummies,

glad to be here in this thread. got lots of qs in my head.
i'm currently week 17 now, tummy becomes bigger now. will be going for detailed scan nxt mth, gynae couldn't cfm the gender yet but told us bbs may be boyz....
i'm hving water retention at week 15, left leg is more serious n swollen. any mummies experience early swelling?
how do you all choose delivery hospitals and the package? i'm quite confuse on this.
Hi Choco_latte

I only on aircon when I latch babies on or expressing milk, other than that, I have the fan on at level 1 (small wind) so CL says that's OK. I only towel wipe for 1st 2 weeks, wash hair abt once every 4-5 days, now improved to wash hair on alternate days and bathe everyday.
Hi okeansomao,
Nice to see you here too! I'm currently at week 17 too but my darlings are not as cooperative as yours, either crossed their legs or tossed around and simply refused to reveal their genitals to us. :)
I do not experience early swelling and is not sure what is the cause of it. However, occasionally, I do get migraines. I wonder if any mothers go through that?
I chose Mount Alvernia which was recommended by my close colleagues. So far, they feedbacked to me that the nurses are very warm and caring. I took the package by Thomson medical group.
I'm sure you have a few options at hand, don't you? Perhaps, you can see which gynae you are most comfortable with and stick with it till delivery.
hi blesse,

me too, got migraines pratically everyday for the 1st few mths but gradually it reduces..gynae told me to take panadol if really can't tahan. but not to take stronger panadol.
i'm seeing this gyane for past 3 yrs so i beta stick to the same till birth. its only on the delivery pkg tat i'm confuse. do i consider caesearan GA or epidural pkg first?
my colleagues oso recommend mt A cos got nice service n nurses.
when is yr EDD?
Hi Okeanosmao,
haha...looks like we are in the same boat but I think a lot of sleep does help in this area.
Alright, are your 2 sweethearts your first births? Hmmm, KToh and Choco_latte are hoping to go through natural delivery first. However, should any need arise, I'll go for the latter of the two that you mentioned, i.e epidural pkg. :p I don't really like the idea of leaving a scar on my abdomen coz I still wana continue wearing bikinis after childbirth.......:p I know i'm kinda vain..hahaha....
yeah, that's what my colleagues advised me to go for too.
It's 27th April 2007. What about yours?
Missed out something in my 2nd to 3rd lines,-->I mean, like myself, KToh and Choco_latte are hoping to go through natural delivery first..........
Hi okeanosmao,
Welcome! For hospitals, you still have time to decide...you can try going on a hospital tour to see if you like the place. Some hospitals post their delivery packages on the web, but I'm not sure if it differs for twins. As for natural delivery, I'm not sure if I can take it or not...Will have to read up abt it more, and check with doc. Also depends on babies' positions later.

Think I'll get very cranky if I don't wash my hair for 5 days...will try to negotiate...hee hee...
Morng mummies,
I got woken up by my two darlings...who were kicking vigorously away on my abdomen. I supposed they were very hungry...coz I could feel a lot of gastric juices in my stomach as soon as I woke up. I have since pacified them already with two big buns, one for each of them..haha

You should have taken 3 buns! You need one for yourself as well.

I paid S$2,600 for my CL. This rate is quite reasonable for twins. I didn't go through any agency. Just a middle person who kind of act as an "agent". If you are keen, I can give you the contact to the "agent" or the CL directly.

Yup, changed my name to twins_mommy bcos I'm no longer a "MTB". Hehehe... Yeah, please use dorayaki instead. Else, quite confusing. ;p
