2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Here's the updated pix of my gals taken using my mobile. No time to take them using camera now. Just snap them whenever the timing is right.

Gracia looking sleepy after a hot shower

Chloe with her "Qing Dynasty" hairdo after her shower

Here's the updated pix of my gals taken using my mobile. No time to take them using camera now. Just snap them whenever the timing is right.

Gracia looking sleepy after a hot shower

Chloe with her "Qing Dynasty" hairdo after her shower

They weigh 3.8kg and 4kg respectively now. That's about twice their weight at birth 6 weeks ago.
Opps! Thought the first posting failed cos received error message, so posted a second time with the pix size reduced. Hmmm... Sorry for taking up so much posting space, ladies!
Dorayaki! ur daughters sooooo cute!!!

I remember someone here wanted to hire maid... Here are the some interview questions and house rules for your reference. Hope its useful to u gals. =)

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
House Rules for maids
Home Rules for maid1.doc (20.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Interview Questions for maids
Interview Qn for maid1.doc (22.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Thanks for using the term "cute" and not "fat". Hahaha... My sister think I over-fed them, hence their "double chin" now. I'm only worried about my arms and shoulders. They ache like I've been working out in the gym for days. Arghh...
Yeah, I was so noble that I forgot all about myself.....hahah..and all that was on my mind was to feed my darlings..hahahahaha...LOL...*like real*
Your princesses are so adorable and chubby....feel like cuddling them...:)
You mean your arms and shoulders are now aching from carrying your 2 sweethearts....mmmm..guess i've got to train myself before they are born..hehe..
Think I would be real excited to see two lives emerging out of me on my day of delivery. haha...can't wait to see them born into the world.
I just went to the gynae earlier on and the doc confirmed that one of them is a boy but he is only 75 % sure that the other one is a girl, coz he/she still refuses to open up the legs.
Hi Dorayaki,
Haha, "qing dynasty" hair, you're so funneee. Sigh, they're both so cute...and with 2 to carry, at least now you'll get nice toned arms, like having a free gym pass...hee hee...
Forgot to ask you both...Which brand and size of diapers did you use for your newborns? I was looking at all the diff brands at Kiddy Palace and saw that only Fitti and Pampers Premium had the NB size, but the Pampers one was almost double the price of Fitti. Which do you recommend (also how abt MamyPoko and Nepia)? Do you think it's a good idea to buy a pack or two of diapers now to stock up? Hee hee... I'm in my shopping mode...
Hi mommies,

just call up nepia 62262650 and confirmed that the price is back to $14 per pack and the promo till end of November only. As for the collection and redemption of the 10 Nepia pts must be send and they should received them before 31 Decemeber.

Hi dorayaki,
Twins?! They're so adorable!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Hi vineyard_seven,
Enjoy your pregnancy journey...
Rest more....

Hi jessp,
Muz rest more to recruperate...

<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>EDD/DOB</TD><TD>NAME(optional)/BIRTH WEIGHT</TD><TD>NO. OF BBIES/GEND</TD><TD>HOSPITAL/CLINIC</TD><TD>DR. </TD></TR><TR><TD>mamamic</TD><TD>DOB 3rd April 05</TD><TD>Gwyneth 2.48kg Lyneth 2.52 kg</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>DR Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peacy</TD><TD>DOB 29th May 06</TD><TD>Kaylyn-1.5kg Nicole-1.4kg Ashton-1.3kg</TD><TD>3(girl/girl/boy)</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Tan HK </TD></TR><TR><TD>TCH</TD><TD>DOB18th Aug 06</TD><TD>Dion 2.47, Ethan 2.78 </TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggies mummy</TD><TD>DOB 20th Sep 06</TD><TD>Jun Heng-2.8kg Jun Wei-2.2kg</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>dorayaki</TD><TD>DOB 6th Oct 06</TD><TD>Gracia-2.165kg Chloe-2.095kg</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Audrynzen</TD><TD>DOB 18th Oct 06</TD><TD>boy-2.753 gal-2.730 both of them 48cm</TD><TD>2(boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>YC Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jlyn</TD><TD>DOB 26th Oct 06</TD><TD>2.81 and 2.82</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Verona</TD><TD>DOB 2nd Oct 06</TD><TD>1.77kg, 1.81 kg, 2.10 kg</TD><TD>3 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovia|Ger</TD><TD>DOB 1st Nov 06</TD><TD>Cayden-2.95 Jaydon - 2.88</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ants Ants</TD><TD>DOB 19th Oct 06</TD><TD>girl-1.2 boy 1.4 kg</TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>TB Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>K Toh</TD><TD> early dec 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alethea</TD><TD>27th Jan 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Cathryn Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>5th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3(boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>LC Foong </TD></TR><TR><TD>BK</TD><TD>13th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trips</TD><TD>5th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 (boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinsmom</TD><TD>8th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choco_latte</TD><TD>16th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>Private</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irin</TD><TD>9th Apr 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(girl/?)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>John Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>qoo</TD><TD>16th April 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(girl/?)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mooch</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>vineyard</TD><TD>27th April 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>??</TD><TD>?? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Okeanosmao</TD><TD>??</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(probably boys)</TD><TD>??</TD><TD>?? </TD></TR><TR><TD>May</TD><TD>??</TD><TD></TD><TD>??</TD><TD>??</TD><TD>?? </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Hi may, vineyard and okeanosmao...pls post ur other details for update

cuties, pls post ur details if u also wanna be included in the table!

Hope the infos are correct if not let me know i wil correct it, wld be great if u gals can update on your own if u know how to</font>
soo cute leh....feel like toching their cheeks sooo chubby!

thanks for the tips,
me speculating whether to hire a maid or not?????

choco, how are u? hope u r doing great today..

welcome to all new comers, I have included ur nicks in the table and the other info that i found here...
Choco_latte,just to share..I have tried pampers premium &amp; Mamy Poko both are equally good and they absorp urine well, can last quite long (esp in the night) and no leakage. Personally I prefer mamy poko, their NB size is smaller and fit my boys better. I also tried huggies &amp; drypers (samples given by hosp), dont like drypers, huggies still ok.
Twinsmom, no prob. do u know u have to go http://esp.sp.edu.sg/fdw/ to take a e-learning course before u can hire maid? the course costs $30. I confirm hiring a maid liao... currently sourcing around. btw, i confirm i will deliver at TMC liao. pls update for me. thks! =)
Thanks for the advice on diapers, i oso wanted to enquire abt it, good thing choco did

icic, me still thinking la...cos hb dont want as he thinks there are 2 elderly at home and that i can also help once i recover....But i will be having a part time maid to clean up. probably will decide in december. Wld it be too late to hire a maid??
Dorayaki/Jovia, your babies are super cute!!!
I can't wait to cuddle my own!

Choco/Jlyn, m planning to order from Nepia 4 packs of NB diapers ($14 for 60pcs each) and understand that these are good for NBs of up to 5kg. But usually, our multiples arrive at around 2+kg, so in the initial month, will the diapers be too big for them? Are Nepia diapers recommended? Or must get the more exp type?

Thanks BK, for the info on the maids. I've more or less confirmed one Indo with ex-Spore experience. She's in her early 30s, am going to pay her $320. She will be coming in by mid Dec. Quite weird to have a stranger living in the house henceforth....

Some time back, I recall there was a mummy who posted info on her delivery fees at Mt.A (1-bedder) for her twins. Who's that mummy? I would like to find out the cost again. M now curently at Mt A, it's been almost 5 weeks already. Thinking about the bill gives me a headache. Still got 3.5 weeks more to go before reaching my 34th week and before my gynae will allow me to go home. Praying hard that my condition will be stable by then, then no need to stay till I pop!
AletheaT, though my babies were 2.8kg+ at birth, they looked small. S size quite big for them then. In fact, I used up quite a few packs of NB size already.. I intend to order nepia also. So far, many mummies commented that nepia diapers are quite good.
Hi May,

I'm fine thanks...but very tired after walking around Toy's R Us trying to buy xmas gifts...saw that Babies R Us also has their own brand of diapers and comes in newborn size. Thanks for always updating the table.

Thanks for the info on diapers...understand that we may not need to buy such expensive ones at the beginning since the newborns usually poop very frequently and we have to constantly change them...maybe use the cheaper ones in the day and the more exp ones in the night or when going out, right?

You ordering the Nepia ones? Yeah, I'm also worried abt whether the size is suitable for each of the brands.
Hmm, Nepia good for NB? Anyone want to share Nepia NB size? Was thinking of trying out 2 packs first, but need to order 4 packs to get the promo price.
Abt maid.. hai.. how I wish I was equipped with BK's "interview questions for maid" and "houserules for maid". I blur blur take one maid and she has been working for my household for abt 2 wks. She has 2 children herself and is able to handle my twins. BUT, I cannt accept her way of handling of boys. She will carry them at the slightest whimp and then start "dancing" (shake baby left and right in her arm). Now my mum also started to "dance" abit cos bbs just wont stop crying. I knw it's tough to handle nite feeds cos I sleep with one of my boys during the nite and so, I allow maid to rest/ sleep a while in the day. She eats alot and that I am ok with with it too but last nite at 4am, I woke up and saw my younger one wide awake and alone on the mattress. Fan blowing at him with no blanket. I went to the kitchen and saw maid picking up veg and meat from the plates of food we had for dinner with her finger! Aiyah.. many other things.. I am sure my PUB bills will increase tremendously also. I agree with AletheaT that it's awkward to have a stranger in the house. In fact, I am nego with my aunt to take care of 1 of my boys and let my mum handle the other 1 when I return to work and if this doesnt work out, I will place both at infant care when they are 2mth old.
Jlyn, u mean u want to return the maid to the agency? Will they penalise u? I've also tawt abt infantcare, but for both, the fees will be quite high, around $1K plus, right?

Choco, I'm thinking of biting the bullet and just grab all 4 packs. U see, each baby minimally needs 7 diaper changes a day, so for my twins, that works out to 420 a month. For your triplets, it will be even more so. Thus, getting 4 packs is actually no sufficient for the 1st month. But yar, I would also like to hear the comments from the mummies here, on whether Nepia is recommended.
AletheaT, nepia shld be ok. 4 packs not alot mah. Believe me, they use diapers very fast one. Both my boys can poo, stopped and after I changed their diapers, they'll poo again. I learnt my lesson, now I put nappy liner after the "1st poo". If 15 mins later no poo then I remove the liner. As for maid, I havnt decide what to do with her. Will keep her for another month then see how. I'd checked with the infant care centre around my house, they'll charge $850/ mth for 2 ($50 discount). The nearest is NTUC infant care but they are so ex... ard $1400 for 2.
Twinsmom, I don't think it will be too late to start finding one next mth since ur EDD is in Mar. But try to find a reliable agency. Let me know if u need the contacts.

Jlyn, I try asking around b4 I start sourcing for maid cos heard too much stories. Just hope that with the interview qns and house rules will minimise the problems that i may face.

Sincerity, is this nepia diapers available at stores? cos I don't think i have seen it b4. did u call to order? do they deliver? pai sey so many qns for u... my sister who has just delivered said that pureem diapers (not sure if i got the spelling right) also not bad. but they don't come in NB. But S is ok for my nephew who is 2+kg when born.
Twinsmom, I will prob. pop by mid Jan and if your EDD is in Mar, maybe I could recommend my CL to u once she's done, provided she's good. For my twins, she's charging my $2300.
hi best twins, sorry so long never get online. my comp has been crashing on me, and i can't seem to log on.

had a scan on tuesday which was my 9 1/2 week check. babies are at 3 cm each and were frantically waving to us! really so cute!

oh and for my info, the data is not right. EDD is 22 June tho doc say twins will be earlier? and i go to Doc Fong Yang, have not chose hospital.

any other info needed? thanks.
Hi BK and all,

You can call and they will deliver to your preferred address at minimum 4 order, you can mix and match, for example 2 nb pack and 2 small pack.

Just to share, when I had my children, I used pampers premium for the 1st 3 mth (very xiong) but trust me no rashes or anything on their bottoms. Absorbency is great. Subsequently, tried other cheaper brand like pureen ended up rashes and have to switch to Mamy Poko, which is next best to Pampers but of slightly cheaper price. Now all 3 of my children all using Nepia pull up pants. My 2 gf who just delivered also used nepia newborn and they find it great and don't have any rash/skin problems. My paed told me the only diffence in higher and lower cost diaper is the absorbency. Higher cost mean high absorbency. You can use the good ones during night till morning and outings. While the lower cost during the day. Hope it helps.

Dignus is also offering free delivery on Nepia diaper but at $14.70.
Choco_latte and twinsmom,
I'm using Drypers and Fitti currently. Drypers is not so ideal but its cheap and able to fit my gals "tiny thighs" when we were discharged, so I use them during the day. At night, I use Pampers Premium initially but its really expensive, so I switch to Fitti once their thighs got a little bigger. Fitti is so much more comfortable, so I hope they sleep better with it.
And you should stock one or 2 packs before delivery. You won't believe the number of times their diapers need to be changed, especially if you are breastfeeding. They literally need to be changed after every feed! Gongz!!!

Are you looking forward to boy/girl combi? So exciting!!!

Hi AletheaT

My CL also charging $2,300. She is pretty good with my twins, and really takes a huge burden off me and my mum for these past few weeks. She knows how to prepare nutritious food for me during this period, though some of the confinement food not that much to my liking... Overall, I would recommend her if anyone wants a CL in the future.

I will be ordering from Nepia too, 3 packs NB and 1 pack S.
Hi dorayaki,
Yeah....hopefully, the other one is a girl so that we can close "factory" and I can focus solely on my slimming regime after birth....hahahaha....
dorayaki and mummies
Juz checking with you...how many pieces of diapers do u exhaust in a day?
I went shopping at Carrefour yesterday, saw a few items I cld purchase but I wasn't sure about the market price of such items like play pen, stroller..etc. where do u suggest we can shop for such items?
Both my hb and I want to be as economical as possible coz we believe that no sooner or later the bbs will outgrow their beds, strollers, clothes...
Let me list down the price of the 2 items that i noted and you can provide your kind opinion to me
1) playpen ---> $99
2) twin stroller ---> $169
wow! so much of info on diapers....now i can decide what i wanna buy! thanks to all those who have contributed

din see your baby's pictures earlier....your boys are adorable! Cant wait for my turn but soo scared lately
Do u have any difficulty feeding them, my mil said its easy to fee boys than gals, dont know how true

icic, dont know there's baby's R us leh...where is it? so what else u got to buy?

k....no prob will update soon

Alethea, dorayaki and jovia,
Thinking confinement nanny will be a waste for me cos i m not going to do any traditional confinement, will just eat what mil cooks and bathe as per normal if the nurse gives a go. Actually i have found a infant caregiver who will just take care of the babies for 2 weeks or 1 month until i can do it myself. Am getting her to come from 9 am to 5 pm. She has exp taking care of 3 babies at one go....After that will go overseas with hubby or put the babies in infant care and go back to work. This is my latest decision dont know what will i decide later :p...

$850 for both infants not bad leh...where is the centre? wld u mind sharing the name either here or u can pm me. Is it a void deck or landed property centre? I have been thinking of this option since yesterday after hubby said he's yet to confirm whether he is gonna bring us with him or not...haiz....so confusing.

Sorry all, I m not able to read all the postings well like last time....cos too difficult to sit for more than 5 or 10 min, moreover, the boys seem to be playing football inside me so it gets pretty painful at times, especially my twin B whose head is near my ribs... so pardon me if i have not answered or responded to any of ur postings.

Dunno how to open the 2 word docs u attached leh. They seem to be .unk files.. Can u resend the files again?

Hi Best Twins

U are in same situation as me. EIther I join my hubby with the twins, or I will go back to work. Then again, I figured the twins will grow very fast in their 1st year, so dun wan Daddy to miss this impt period.. so decided to join my hubby overseas in Feb next year (babies will be 3 months plus) =)
Thanks, in that case, I'll prob get 4 pks of Nepia NB to try out on my twins too...looks like one pack of NB 60pcs can prob only last for abt 4 days...like what you calculated...

Yeah, Toys R Us Tampines has a small section called Babies R Us, but nothing much... just a few types of diapers and some toys. Didn't buy anything. Oh, forgot to tell you, was at Kovan on Wed and the Pigeon 20% disct is still on there. Bought the Pigeon bottle/food cleaning detergent for $18.90 (one 700ml bottle + one refill pack). Hee hee...

For twin strollers, really depends on what brand you want, as the prices really vary from $100+ to $600+. And also the type (front-back or side-by-side). You can also try Baby's Hyperstore or Baby's Kingdom, both at Kaki Bukit Ave 1.
the wallables are really sweet. very tempted to buy...

are you referring to the mamalove twin stroller (same price point)? if so, you may be able to get it even cheaper if you buy from OG during their 20% off seasonal sale.
Both files are word document file. or u wanna pm me then i send u the file? =)

Vineyard_seven, you could go to baby hypermart or baby kingdom at kaki bukit to shop for baby stuffs. I bought a car seat at baby hypermart @$134 which is for 0 to 4 year-old child. I also saw a playpen at baby hypermart on sale at $89. Is the stroller that you saw the front back design. I saw one at kiddy palace around that price, if not cheaper. =)
KToh, BUY BUY BUY!! U won't regret it, one. I'd missed out on the previous BP, so this time round, I ordered 3 sets!
Could you give me the address of these 2 stores?
yeah, should be the same one. Oh wow, great! I can go down to OG to take a look over the weekends.
Thanks for all your valuable advice.....!
You are right. Babies outgrow their stuff really fast, so try to get hand-me-down items from friends/relatives if you can. I didn't shop for cots/playpen and prams. My relatives offered theirs, so I didn't bother to find out the price of these items. As for stroller, I bought over the second-hand MaClaren twin stroller which Choco_latte offered to let go previously. For cots/prams/strollers/high chair, I think the condition and safety of the item is more important than the price.
They are both located w/in Shun Li Industrial Park on Kaki Bkt Ave 1, just a few doors from each other. One is at no. 69 and the other is at no.83 I think. Make sure you compare prices first and can bargain a little. Also ask abt their warranty policy, as hyperstore starts warranty from babies' DOB for stroller/b-pumps.

I'm very tempted to buy from the BP too...all so sweet...
When I called them up, hyperstore gave me one price for the stroller. When I went down to the store, they gave me another price and when I asked what if I buy something else as well, what's the lowest they can go. So the price kept going lower. Anyway, I haven't bought anything yet from them, I just told them I will think need to think abt it. Hee hee... but they were still cheaper than kingdom for the maclaren range bcos they are the agent.
Thanks, Choco! i make sure i bargain the next time i am there. =P

I just created this baby feeding time chart (with indonesian translation). Hope its useful for you gals. =)

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Feeding Time Chart
Baby Timetable-Jadwal Bayi.xls (15.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>
My hubby persuaded me to buy only for the next round, after we've shifted to my ILs place so that we can use it there. How often do they do the bulk purchase - monthly? Let us know how you like them. Or even better, share yr pix of your nursery decor with the wallables!

There's someone selling the same brand new stroller at sg yahoo auctions ( http://sg.auctions.yahoo.com/sg/search?p=twin+stroller&amp;cat=0 ) at $145. But OG is still cheaper after 20% off, if the offer applies to that brand (Some brands are not applicable). I might be buying the same stroller after my twins are born.
Hi twinsmon,

here's my update:-
my EDD 29th apr, clinic - tow yung clinic, gynae - dr tracey lim. hospital - tbc

hi blesse,

yr EDD is near to mine, mine on 29th. gd to hv boy/gal hor, aft tat can close shop. if mine are princes, i wan another princess leh..
u oredi can feel bbs kicking? i can't feel anything yet leh..
oh, wat's the diff to buy twins pram or stroller? i saw twins pram is v expensive..stroller cheaper..

oh mummies, do you place twins together in a bb cot to sleep or in separate cots? my room is too small to put 2...so will hv to separate them in 2 rms..but i dun bear to separate them leh, tot of putting them 2gether in one cot so tat i can have full attention to them..jus in case in can't hear the other 1 crying at nite..

havn't been coming in for a long time. Just did my detailed scan last week. I have a boy &amp; a gal.
So happy!!!
I've only got one cot so far, so thinking of putting both twins in there for the first few mths...

Hi Wiky,
Congrats on your B/G combi!

Initially for the first 3 months, I place them side by side in a 28x52 inch cot. When they know how to flip over and attempt to wake the other twin up, I have to seperate them in 1 small cot and 1 playpen. Space constraint too.
Hope it helps.
okeanosamao, same as sincerity, I've already prepared the 28x52 inch cot for my twins and will be getting a playpen soon. When they are older and can flip, will place one in the playpen.

Irin, congrats on your Long Feng Tai! M also eagerly awaiting mine to arrive

Anyone can advise on where to get those frong-fastening type of night dresses (to be worn after c-sec delivery in hospital and back home)? I know there's a Karmy brand but before I was warded, I had gone to JL to have a look but those dresses are like super duper huge. Any other brands which come in more petite sizes?
