2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

These are the shops that i have been checking out to buy stuffs for the baby

Other than that i simply get advice from the experienced mummies here and the other twins thread
Hope this helps

Hi Best_Twins
I am a working mum coz we need to 2 persons to work to support the family.
Hi Verona
WOw....your triplet are born with good weight. Really salute you!

How are you coping right now? Did you employ any maid? Currently, I have 2 maids plus my MIL to take care of them..They are becoming a handful coz all of them want our attention now.
The garage sale was quite well organised. They tried to sort the clothes by age and by gender using diff tables. So I zoomed straight into the girly stuff at the 0-1 yr old table. Their clothes range from $1 upwards. Bought 4 rompers at $2 & $4 each for newborn (with Disney, Target, Winnie the Pooh labels). Saw some mothercare items but were a little large. Hubby chose some mittens for them...and sneaked in a pair that says "I love Daddy" when we were paying. So notti...so now I'm going to have to find a second pair that says "I love Mummy" now...
Had to control hubby a bit, cos he wanted to buy some nice clothes even though we could only find only one piece...aiyoh, had to ask him how to buy one piece, which twin would get to wear it? Haha...

Have you asked your gynae approx when you will be delivering? Will be within the CNY period like me if we deliver around 37 wks, right? My MIL said she heard from others that next year is supposed to be very good...year of Golden Pig. Dunno what that means though.

Almost completing 22 wks
I just PMed you regarding the stroller.

I salute those who can take care of twin babies alone. I have to ask my MIL to move in with me for the time being cos really cannot handle. Must at least have another pair of hands around during the day.
Icic! ya loh...i can imagine how much u would have to spend with triplets all x3 liao...x2 ready cannot tahan for me hehe...

$2-4 is cheap for branded ones if they are of good condition leh...not bad
me too have some handme down stuffs which i dont have two pairs but i thot just use them at home and wear nice identical ones when we go out.

Oh i can understand how ur hubby must be excited to buy all that he sees, my hubby also everything i see i must buy...he will say "hey..please buy la". I really have to control him.

I m also not sure about the lucky pig year....I m a drogon and hubby a monkey so when i first learnt that babies are gonna be piglets i was kinda hiaz.......but later then learnt that pigs doesnt mean no good, its good

Aw dear, me too thinking of handling the babies alone once they are 3 months....wonder whether i will be able to
Good that ur mil will move in with u, for me my mil wont move in but she wil come down to help may be.

u r most welcome
Hi! to all mummies,

Glad to hear that many of you are consulting DR SF LOH at KKH. Trust me, you're in good hands. He's very patient, informative and encouraging. I even send him email should I have any doubts during my pregnancy. My twins were delivered by him thru normal delivery at wk 36. Both are fraternal girls and are 21 mths now. I have a 5 yr boy too.

Extra pair of hands would definitely be appreciated to lighten your workload. I have a FDW for about 15mths till the gals can walk steadily and I take over the reins of mother, teacher cum foc maid mindling 3 little ones. Giggles.

Went down to Twins garage sale as well, but dunno which one are you. Busy choosing and hoping from 1 room to the other while hubby takes care 3 of them at the grassland. All I can say, good buy, must buy.

Wishing all of you have a smooth and safe pregnancy.
Hi Twins_MTB,
SMSd you my reply.

Hi Sincerity,
What's a FDW? Wow, admire you for handling 3 kids. Did you manage to get anything at the sale? Any tips from an experienced mummy of multiples will be very welcome on this thread.

Hmm, I must go read up abt year of pig...cos I also don't know much abt pigs.
Hi All mummies,
I have a twin stroller, Peg Perego Duette to let go.
Bought 3 months ago from an Expat couple stationed in Singapore.
Can hardly find in Singapore.
Is sturdy and value for money.
As slightly bulky and my MIL don't really like it as bought for my triplet babies.
Interested email [email protected]
Hi Peacy,

I am thinking of getting another maid too to help to look after the bbs. Currently, I have a filipino and my MIL and myself looking after the bbs. However, I often worry whether they can cope when I go back to work after my maternity leave. It is already quite tiring for all of us especially with the night feeding. Did you employ both filipino maids or one indo and one filipino?
Hi Mummies,
In case anyone keen on getting Neurogain PB Plus supplements (suitable for pregnant/breastfeeding mums), I'm organising a BP this afternoon. I'm running low on my own supply so got a contact number from the girl who organised the last BP. Actually the response was so good this afternoon, I already hit the min number of bottles. But wanted to let you sisters know, just in case. Thread at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449156/568816.html?1162885199
hi hi sincerity,
U had normal delivery??? wow first time i meet someone who had normal delivery liao! How did dr loh decide to do norma D? Please share. hmmm....like choco says, do share ur expertise here with us

whats this supplement for??? never heard before leh
Are we supposed to be taking this?? Me never take so far....any website to learn about it?? thanks!
It's a fish oil supplement...for baby's brain I think. Gynae ask me to take since 2nd trim. Depends on your gynae...some ask you to take multi-vits, but mine didn't...
:p I m such a blur queen la...just went to check my medications and yes i have been taking it too...sooo paisey!!! sorry hor
I already bought 3 bottles from kkh liao...so may not order
thanks for sharing
Hi Twinsmum, I am quite worried about taking 2 piglets at 1 go
think I will take care of them with my mom/mil's help intially then think I will be a sahm for a while
cause I want to spend more time with them
Oh Ya, next time, please let me know too (if not too much of a trouble) about such garage sale (ie twins sales etc)
Hi Choco and best twins,

While at twins garage sale, bought some educational toys and children sleepwear. Worth it. I understand the unsold items were donated to knights org at clementi area.

Just to share, 1st twin was engaged head down but hand touching her head but DR Loh managed to ease her hand away and 2nd twin was head up and he and 2 other doc managed to ease her into head down position too. Not every doc wants to do this as it carry high risks of incidents. Only the professional and well endowed can do it. They were born about 20 minutes apart. Please check with your own gynae for more details and read up reference from library. After reading and consultation, I'm all in for normal delivery unless due to unforseen+unexpected cases. My cervix was 2cm dilated during consultation. After that spin around Chinatown to see CNY decor and ate my favourite soon kueh and went home. Midnight, felt the contractions coming tightening and back aching. Count down and time myself...Clean the house, wash the clothes and sterlise the bottles etc. Bathe and wake my hubby let's go..he rubbed his eyes and asks me go where? I told him go hospital, I have contractions now. Speedy as an arrow, he carried my son and we were in hospital in less than 20 minutes. Giggles.

For the Nero Gain, I remembered I have been taking it after birth too. Check with Dr Loh it's safe and furthermore EBM, all nutrients ++ will pass to our precious.

I'm glad to share my experiences with you gals.
Hi Verona
Both are indo maids. Having 2 maids do make a difference. So far my first maid is very good and I can trust her, so at night, she and my 2nd maid will wake up to feed my babies. My MIL only comes over in the day. Basically, my 2nd maid does all the housework and my 1st maid helps with taking care of the babies and cooking. When she is free, she also help my 2nd maid with housework. We are actually thinking of doing away with the 2nd maid coz we felt that our babies are much bigger now and they only need 1 night feed. But we know that this is going to make a big difference to my 1st maid.
dont worry la, its a blessing to have more than one baby at a time and i m sure we can manage somehow
I will definitely post here if i come to know of any sale k?

Thanks a lot for sharing this with us, wah...wonder how long did the entire labour lasted for u? U r really brave...I wish to have normal delivery too but need to check with doctor first. My hubby and mil keep saying i should go for c-sect only cos they think i cant take the pain...:p
hi sincerity,
i'm so glad to find someone with mutiples who has undergone natural birth. i really hope to do a vaginal delivery as well, even though dr loh did admit that it is less traumatic for the babies if they are delivered via c-section. i'm not keen on major abdominal surgery. dr loh was really pleased that i wanted to try natural delivery - guess he doesn't get very many requests for that. fortunately, both my babies are head down (last time we checked anyway).

did you have an epidural? how long was your entire labour? did you upgrade your ward before/after the birth?
Hello-o-o...so quiet today. I went to Kiddy Palace at Compass Point yesterday. Bought a pretty yellow Winnie the Pooh baby pillow to support my tummy cos getting uncomfortable when I sleep on my side. Now my PIL suggesting to get 2 single strollers instead in case only want to bring out one twin when the other is sleeping. So was curious about those stroller clips you mentioned, and I asked one of the salegirls in the stroller section but she didn't know anything abt it. Personally I'm more keen on the twin strollers rather than singles but I see their point. Also never seen anyone clip 2 singles together before, wouldn't the middle wheels get tangled? What about you, are you going to buy just the twin stroller or both?
Hi Choco-latte
regarding the stroller clips you can order thru babyCenter from BP if anyone order as I saw it...as I have a set of triplets and previously looking for it too but too bad discover a bit late as bought two single stroller + 1 twin stroller already.
You interested in my twin stroller as wanted to sell.
ya loh....most of the mtbs have given birth so its sooooo quiet here hehe...

Oh i thot kiddy palace sells the clips?? Looks like we are staying not much far from each other
where do u stay? me in punggol 21. wld u belive me, yesterday only hb was telling me i should get such a pillow to support my tummy, wil go and check it out. About the stroller, i also dont know how do they clip, but one mummy from the other twins thread suggesting this long time ago. For me i m gonna buy the twin stroller and then buy one single (may not so ex one la) so that when oni one have to go out i'll use the single stroller. This is what hb suggests cos he is worried i cant manage alone if i m going to clip two different one together when i go out alon, and i thot sounds better. i have already decided to buy the maclaren but wil oni buy after the babies are born. Have u bought the other stuffs like baby clothes, milk bottles, blankies, toileteries, diapers etc? Me waiting for some good lobang near christmas then will go and get all in one day
Oh if u r shopping alone then may be we can go together
for now i only go when hubby is in singapore.

thanks for the tips that babycentre is selling the clip will check it out and see what brands can be used to clip
Hi Choco, Best twins, Toh and all mtb

Glad I've given all of you a pat and encouragement. Rest and relax is your motto now. I've saw those clips on stroller at The First few years boutique. You may want to check it out. For my birth, it lasted ard 12hrs. I was on epidural but didn't feel much pain when they switch it off after cervic was dilated. This is to allow you to feel the contractions and push the baby out. Maybe pain till numb with epidural.

Intially, I don't get used to those stares and worst ppl stroking and touching your babies. Feel like putting a sign can see cannot touch, we BITES. Haiz...Germs everywhere, you never know for sure, right? At times, human traffic jam at baby/nursery area cos of the twins. I've learnt to buy and go and most of the time order my purchase for them thru internet (local supplier)No need to lug and queue.

Till then, take good care of yourself and little ones.
Hi Choco & Twinsmom
Pai sey sooo long didn't log in. but I am still reading ur posts. =P

Choco, I knew u bot 2 identical car seats at the garage sales. how much was that? have u managed to sell off ur twin stroller?

For the stroller clips, how it look like? if got lobang, pls let me know ya? Thks!

Twinsmom, i have been eating beef at least once a week. maybe that's why i grew this big. =P
FYI. Metro having 20% storewide sale from today till Sunday. Saw the Medela Mini Electric Pump Plus U.P. $299.90 also 20% off (not sure if need Metro card). But the Medela PIS Advanced is nett price at $739, no discount.
Thanks for the info on the clip. WIll check it out as I'm wondering how it works. As for twin stroller, we're very keen on Maclaren, just as to when to get it.

The salesgirl was trying to sell me this pregnancy pillow (only one piece left) for tummy, which is made of foam and shaped like a sloped wedge...umm, the shape looks like those ramps that stores use so that they can push their trolleys up a step. Anyway that was abt $25. But I thought it was too big for me to move if I changed sleeping positions (it's slightly smaller than normal pillow), and also didn't quite like the printed cover given. I already had my eye on the Winnie the Pooh pillow for kids which was only $12.90...so sweet and pretty too! Also can pass to my kids to use once I don't need it anymore.
Slept a little better last nite with it. Now using it to support my back with 2 normal pillows when I'm sitting up in bed.

As to the other baby stuff...sigh, haven't bought anything yet...dunno if it's too early to buy all the daily baby stuff now like wet wipes, diapers and milk bottles, still need to keep for at least another 3-4mths. Clothes I think should have enough 2nd-hand ones for now, just need to wash them. Will buy more later when the need arises. Also dunno if too early to buy b-pump now... So many things to think of...
I'm also in the NE, so maybe can arrange to go shopping together when the Xmas sales starts...

Dunno how are Chloe and Alethea...long time never hear from them, miss their posts...
Where's The First Few Years located? Vaguely remember seeing the shop somewhere (is it at Suntec or Paragon), but now my ST memory not too good.
I know what you mean abt strangers touching your babies, think I'll feel protective too next time...hee hee, people can't resist twins.

Hor hor...got time to read our posts but never contribute hor...

Hee hee, kidding lah...Yah, managed to sell my stroller. Now have to decide when to get the new one, b4 or after delivery... Paid $100 for both car seats.
Have you bought all your stuff yet? So your twins will be born in the year of the dog just b4 CNY?
Hi Choco, there one at KK's hospital, can log on their website and check. By the way, Medela Advance PIS selling at $500+ there. Yeah..bought those wedges for my bulging tummy then, comes in 2 seperate case. join them together, it becomes longer. seperate them later on can use on newborn to prevent them from rolling. One side of the foam got tore off while changing the case for washing. If not fussy, get give it to foc.
Oh was it that difficult to bring twins out, i know pple will stare but din know will oso cause jam haha..., do post ur bbies photos here if possible

hubby said will drive me to kiddy palace tomorrow morning to buy the pillow yeah...

Oh u stay around here oso ah, good good! For me, I m thinking of buying a bit of very essential things like diapers, milk bottles, toileteries, etc...cos am scared later no one will know how to buy, my mil dont know all these stuff (very olden style) hubby wont have time as he will be coming down on a few days leave during my delivery and moreover, he doesnt know oso...so no choice for me will have to stock up at least for 6 weeks. After that i can go and buy myself.

I oso have some handme down clothes but hor me still buying from the bulk purchase and business thread. Just ordered four sets of carters rompers fro 3 months olds, hehe cant resisit the "daddy's little helper" and the "baseball romper".

Ya loh me too wondering how are chloe and alethea!

Icic, i dont eat beef, anything as good as that?
Hi to all twins/triplets mummies,

Oh pls give me advise as in how to potty-train my twins.
Im alone taking care of my 22mths twins-girls n my elder daughter who's turning 5yrs this Dec.
Many ppl advise me to potty train my twins but til today is only 2nd day n i can't take the stress,coz i ned to do hsechores,cook n taking care of them is already alot of things to do,as they are eczema kids who needs to regularly applying on moisturizer n steriod cream on them.
This is d 2nd day,n i can't handle anymore,so should i continue? It's so busy until my elder daugther who needs to bath for her after that applying on moisturizer n i can't do it for her anymore.
this 2 days im thinking whether should i or not continue potty train them.
Pls give advise.....Sign!
Twinsmom and other mtbs
It's been long long time I didn't come in the forum, as sitting too long I will have hips ache.

Went for a scan today my 17th week, and both twins are doing well. Both of them are still on my right side, no wonder, at night my right hips and leg are more aching and painful. Even when I walk, sometimes my right leg will go weak and it's very dangerous if i walk on staircase, need to hold the rail at all times. With both of them on my right side, more pressure on the right side.

Doc scan twin A and said this is going to be a princess
and twin B not sure yet. Doc say can see something but can't confirm bb gender, gotta to wait till detailed scan in 3 weeks time. Both of us are happy, and of course wish for B/G
But nvm, as long as bbs are strong and healthy.

17th week
Detailed scan 1st Dec
Twin A - Princess
Twin B - TBC
Gain 2.3 kg so far
Best Twins, YE....S ! traffic jam from staring at twins, I believe there all stares of envy as this is what I think to myself when I see twins b4 I am pregnant with them and I do not hesitate to tell the mummies that the babies/ children are CUTE
, btw have you bought any breastfeeding pump already ? really headache and clueless as to which pump should I get
Hi all,
I tried downloading photos but file size too big. By the way, you can view them if you happen to see the Motherhood magazines.

Alyssa grace Jan 2006 Motherhood cover baby while Isabella was Baby Plus cover baby. Meanwhile, I'll try till I succeeds.
All experienced Mummies,
I don't know whether to start buying all those disposable stuff like diapers or wet wipes now and then keep for a few mths. Which brand do you use that is good ah? And where can we get it cheap? For example, for wet wipes, there's Pigeon, Pureen, Tollyjoy, etc...any recomendations? For diapers, I really have no clue...did you all start with buying the newborn size when you delivered? Did anyone use those cloth diapers for your newborns?

Did you manage to get the pillow at Kiddy Palace? Which one did you buy?

Hi there, sorry can't help with your potty training blues...I'm still looking forward to the newborn stage...hee hee...

Hello! Long time no hear from you. Congrats on having one princess identified so far! Hee hee, your other twin is more shy, to make you wait a few more weeks until your detailed scan. You must be very excited, yeah? I remember we were very happy during our own detailed scan 2 weeks back. It took almost an hour to complete, so it gave us a lot of time to look at our twins moving and we were also relieved that everything was progressing well for them, as they were inspected organ by organ. So cute! When they told us "this patch here is the bladder and these are the kidneys", we were like "o..k.., all we see are dark patches on the screen but if you say so..." Ha ha!
Hope you have as much fun in your detailed scan too...

I'm also wondering which pump to buy. Many friends recommended Medela, but even then I'm not sure which model to get...whether is it worth it to get the Medela PIS Advanced which is quite pricey but supposedly allows you to adjust the suction, or to just get the Mini Electric Plus (dual). Also, hubby's friend mentioned another brand Ameda...but didn't hear much abt it so far. Sigh... any other sisters can share their experience?

Wow, both your twins are cover girls!
BTW, you can just use any photo editor software to resize your photos to a smaller size for posting here. But just remember to save as a new file so as not to override your original pic.
Hi Choco Latte, hmm, I also heard that medela pump is good too, but quite ex and how long do you intend to breastfeed ? and I also heard that manual pump is better than electric pump. Hope that some experienced mummies can help us out here
Hi Choco, you can pm me for details as to where I get my baby wipes, diaper and milk powder from. Then you can compare with supermarket, sales, medical hall and decide for yourself where to buy. I'm a SAHM and would like to share experience with you all. Don't want to advertise free for any company.

Just my few cents of worth. Eager to breast feed and knowing the benefits it'll bring for my first child, I bought a medela single electric pump. It works wonder for engorgement, or simply pump out EBM for me to know how much he consumes and for hubby to have a chance to feed him...But as I breastfeed or pump on 1 side, the other leaks...so wasted. So this time around, I invested on a medela Pump In Style duo pump, simuthaneously, pump both b and saves time. It comes with a handy manual pump should your milk ducts is block and you can relieve your b with it. It work wonders for me. In order for my twins to have an opportunity to latch on, I will let baby latch on 1 b and the other b will use electric pump at the same time. I'm amazed those mummy who can TBM for twins. My Milk supply not enough , sadly have to supplement with FM after 2 weeks. 1st twin will drink BM and 2nd twin FM, then alternate on each feeds with them. I also jote them their intake and time taken for both of them so as not to miss 1 feed and the other taking too much. Giggles. Hope this helps you to make sound decision.
Hi Choco
Pai sey. Pai sey. didn't post so frequently cos its not convenient for me to login to internet in office for too long. Its open concept there.

Just bought a baby mattress and some other small items yesterday at kiddy palace... just realise that kiddy palace at toa payoh is so big! i so swai ku.

I also bought the milk bottles liao. Bought 4 B-free milk bottles of the same size at baby hypermart. don't know if it is enough for my 2 boys. How many milk bottles are you girls buying? Me & hb decide to buy baby stuff bit by bit.

My EDD is 13 Feb which is just 5 days b4 CNY...

Just went for my check up yesterday. My boys each weight abt 1.1kg each.

Hi Twinsmom
I was like you who don't take beef at all b4 pregnancy. I dislike the taste of it. But now I ok with beef as long as its black pepper steak or korean bbq beef. at least the taste of it is being covered by the sauce. i'm not sure if there are any other food that can be replaced. maybe durians. but heard can't take too much cos it may be too sweet for us....

could u pm me where to get the supplies too? Thanks!

Welcome cuties!

I understand how difficult it must be for u to be able to potty train two little ones at one go. I m a first time preggie so no personal exp to share but i have worked in presschools so will share what i know...

First important thing is dont be pressured by others to train your kids, find out if they are ready. If u push kids who are not ready they will take longer time to learn and worst some may develop phobia for toilets. secondly, no matter how difficult it is for u, u should try to put on a positive outlook, in other words the child should not sense any tension in u, make it a pleasant exp for both of u. For us in preschools we dont train all the kids at the same time we will see who is ready and take two at a time (one child per teacher), so see if u could train one by one.

The below link provides some tips and advise hope it helps!

welcome back after a long time, Glad to know that u have found out the sex of one baby.....wow princess liao! Hope the other one is boy for u....Take care and post here whenever possible!

didi and choco,
me not going to buy b.pump now la...cos mil keep saying try latching them directly if cannot then we'll buy one later. If I buy i will buy the medela dual pump.

today i went to vivo city, wah sooo many branded baby shops leh....i cant resist. I bought sleepsuits and bibs from mothercare at 20% off thats all.

wah cover gals ah? soo cute.....I'll try to get the magazine!

didnt go to kiddy palace yet la...so busy cos hubby wants to buy a video cam so dragging me to all the electronic shops and after that i m soo tired! May be will go on wednesday after check up
Heh! ur bbies are good weight leh...I asked doc during my 23rd week and he said they are abt 400 kg
hiaz....wondering wat to eat, cant eat much oso lately having heart burn and gastric pain after meals. I also dont like durian smell leh but i dont mind eating mutton, does it help as well??

during my last appointment dr asked me to eat more fruits and vegetables and has given me iron supplement think i may have been anaemic.
Twinsmum, are you talking abt the same Medela pump that Sincerity mentioned ? ok, thanks will see how
I also thought of latch on, but two at the same time ? thought I can latch on one and hubby can feed the other bb. Wow, your hubby can't wait to shoot his bb's actions huh ?
yes, hb is too excited but i m worried abt my wait gain leh
Yes i think its the same as sincerity mentioned, will show it to mil and if need she will go and buy later.
Twinsmom, I see .... yep, all these bbs stuff are not cheap, how are those carter's rompers, I love to see bbs wearing rompers, and my sis bought them from mothercare. The sleepsuits that you bought from mothercare is it those in terry cloth and covering the toes as well and long-sleeved ? hmm, I love those too esp in white, it makes bbs looks like rabbits
Thats a nice piece of photo, very beautiful! Truly happy for u....

I also like mothercare clothes, very nice
Yes the sleepsuits cover the feet and long sleeved. I bought the set (3 in a set) green, printed and white, bought new born baby size. The carters rompers are not bad aswel, its just that they seem to be longer than the ones sold in mothercare. But its really cheap leh..5 for 12 only.
Twinsmom, you bought the new born baby size ? I remember once I bought for my god-bro, and the newborn size is way too small for him (but that was at least 13 years only, maybe they have changed the sizing), did you open up and see the size ? the carters rompers are cap-sleeved ones ?

Nice family photo! I've just PMd you my email add. Thanks, will look out for your email on the diapers and wet wipes. Sounds like you prefer the Pump In Style..I'm eyeing that too 'cos of the many features. Like what Didi mentioned, if expressed, then hubby can get a chance to feed them too. And come to think of it, it's pricey but if divided by 2, the price doesn't look so high...hee hee...

Heard from some colleagues that manual pump may be quite tiring, as they usually have to pump for abt 30-40min per session so they bought the electric pump instead. I'm not sure how long I intend to breastfeed, guess I will try to do so for at least 3 mths, after that will see how to manage it if I start work.

Yah, I'm also tempted to buy milk bottles now, but as usual, blur abt which brand to get...hee hee... Don't worry, you're not the only swah ku one, I've never been to the Kiddy Palace in TP. Wah, your babies weights are good!

I don't eat beef or durian too...hee hee... And I saw the 5-pc carters rompers too...very nice and different from the ones we bought before...very tempted to buy more but maybe size S instead of newborn.
