2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Hi Choco & Didi,

Just a gentle reminder, I bought my pis backpack after I delivered, at least the 1 yr gurantee period starts from there...while in hospital after delivers can try latch on and borrow their medela pump to stimulate. Also, don't ebm more than 20 minutes each session and stick to 3 hourly. If not, you'll get sore nipples soon. Let's say 1 can of FM is $30, twins will complete them in 1 wk. 1 mth x 4tins= 4, multiply by 5mths = 20 tins. Total cost $600. If
you EBM for at least 6 mths to benefit twins, you have already covered up the cost of Medela pump. If you decides to sell away, then you can even recovered the cost. By try to Breastfeed as long as you can.

Choco, kindly check your email.


Hi twinsmom,
Thanks for ur info,n btw,im oso working in pre-school before heeheehee but after 6 yrs resign to look after my elder daughter 1st dan my twins.
Hi Sincerity,
dats a very blissful "quan jia fu" u got there.. ur girls are beautiful, no wonder they were "cover girls".. so did someone approach u for dat or did u send their photos to the magazine editor directly?

I'm also hoping dat my girls can be "cover girls" too.. as a memento of themselves when they were younger.. hee..
Hi all, thanks for the compliments. I was just trying out my luck send photos for contest to win prizes but didn't win but was offered photo shots later and hence was selected. Mamachic your're right, just didn't ask for anything in return, want to keep as a memento for them when they grow up. Also, my son Nicholas was featured in Abbott calender before.
Thanks, rec'd your mail & will check it out...Yah, that's a good calcn when deciding to invest in a b-pump. As for warranty, I checked w baby hyperstore and they said they can start the warranty of their strollers and medela b-pumps from the babies' date of birth, not from the purchase date, which is a relief.
Hi Sincerity, thanks for the helpful info on bf

Choco_latte, think now electric pumps are better, I don't want to too much time expressing the milk, as with twins we will already be busy with other things
I oso dont know la...the sales person told me for twins it should be fine and hubby said dont want to buy everything big later they wont have anything that looks nice on them keke...For me it looks like i may not use it for long

haha..ya loh me too thot of buying but later decidd not to as i have bought quiet a number of rompers already

Icic...so i m sure u can manage la...
I bought my mclaren twin stroller from hyperstore too. They replace for me the whole seat cover and fix up faulty part in a whiz. Excellent service!
Hi Cuties, yes and it was @ $500. We have the same no. of kids and about same age group and furthermore SAHM. Just started to potty train them too. Instead of seating down, they put their feet inside or use it as a stepping stool. Will try a few times each day. Good luck
Twinsmum, ya hor, we are having twins so they will be smaller in built ? maybe my god-bro is big, he was a eight-pounder
think you bought the right size
Saw the sleepsuits at 20% off at Mothercare that you mentioned...so cute...was tempted to get some too. But had to hold myself back...'cos I've already bought some rompers.

Was busy browsing all the threads on BPs.
Saw one BP thread on Maclaren strollers, but they were just testing response first. Hopefully if they go ahead with the BP, it'll be cheaper than what baby hyperstore is offering.
Thanks again for the twin stroller. My HB reminded me to thank you and your FIL for his help as well. My family is very impressed with the condition of the stroller. The babies take a ride in it this Friday when they go for their 6-in-1 jab.

Haven't had a good rest ever since my CL left. No chance to drop by this thread too! I'm taking care of my babies with the help from my MIL who is not physically strong. She moved in last Monday tp help me on weekdays. My HB and me will cover weekends on our own. Very "siong" but I'm hopeful things will get better once the routine sets in. Managed to get my girls to sleep on their tummy already, so they sleep longer in the afternoon. That's why I can drop by here. Hope everyone's getting on fine too. ;)

How are you? Babies doing well, I believe? I was bored to death when I was home bound during the last months of my pregnancy. Now, I miss those days when I had nothing much to do. Hahaha... So ironical but hang in there. Babies will pop before you know it. *wink*
Hopefully, hehe...so u have started shopping already?

ya loh cute cute rite? I bought the one with green and white
ya me too saw the maclaren stroller bp, but was wondering whether the shipping charges will add up to be more expensive than we buy from hyperstore, moreover not sure if we can still get the one year warrenty like in hyperstore?
I can understand how busy it must be especially to hav only one help(mil) but like u said, i m sure things will get better once the routines are set. Ya you r rite must rest as much as possible now later cannot..........Take care!
Hi all, how's things? Have not posted for a while cos is busy with working though I am still not back to office yet.

Cutie, if you think your girls are not ready, maybe you should wait. I waited till my son was 2.5yo before training him and it was quite fast. In fact, once he was trained, he was immediately able to hold his urine during nap time as well. For this round with twins, I think I will train one at a time, less stressful for everyone.
hi mommies,

i'm looking ard for a twin stroller, and i'm thinking of getting the mamalove tandem (front back) twin stroller that's retailing now at some dept stores at $169. it's foldable, and the front seat can be pushed down completely flat to form a long "bed". has anyone used/is using it?

does anyone have any tips/advice on what to look out for for twin strollers? i'm partial towards a front-back one because I can imagine myself getting stuck at doorways with a side-by-side one

also, did anyone opt to use a carrier/sling to carry their twins around instead?

any feedback will be much appreciated.
Hi TwinsMTB,
Hello, nice to hear from you! *wave* You're very welcome. Glad you like the stroller... Can imagine how busy you are when you only another pair of hands to help you with your twins. Jia you!!

Hmm, didn't know that there was extra shipping charges for the bp...and I also have the same concern with the warranty. Unless the bp price is really cheap...hehehe...Anyway, at the moment, I'm more inclined towards getting the stroller from baby hyperstore 'cos they're the agent and also their service so far so good when I went there to check out the place. Oh, I must have been standing at Mothercare for at least 10min staring at the same rack of pink sleepsuits and pink rompers. Had to force myself to walk away empty handed...Did I also mention I went into the shop twice...hee hee...
So far, I cant remember how many times I would have window shopped at mothercare at kkh :p since there's one at kkh i go there during my check ups. Think am going again tomorrow. Ya loh, pink stuffs are soo cute, I saw some very cute girls sleep suits somewhere cant remember where???? wil let u know if i remember or come across again. Aiyo think i should nevr bring my hb to baby shops again cos he doesnt seem to think much see oni wanna buy....we saw a levis baby jeans set sooooo cute....$49 per set on promotion...hb almost bought it i have to literally drag him out haha...

me too will buy from baby hyperstore, I have already shown the place to hb and we have spoken to the sales girl there so he will buy during my confinement. Hey do u have the list that twins_mtb shared with us last time on what to buy before the baby arrives? ITs usefull!
K Toh,
Can we place both the babies to sleep in the front and back stroller? For me I initially wanted to buy the front and back also but later decided to buy side by side cos thot cant put both babies to sleep at the same time. I know that moving around with the side by side can be a bit more trouble some but it looks great, thats why wanna buy that
Twinsmom, I have yet to start shopping for my bbs, but I will definitely get the sleepsuits that you have mentioned, I loved those very much and bbs will look so cute in them
have you bought any stroller ? any models that we should consider ? my hb was thinking if we get the clips will they be stable ? oh, can you also pm me the list that twins_mtb provide, thanks a million again
Hi Choco, Twinsmom & Twins_mtb
My concern of getting a side-by-side stroller is if can go into HDB lifts? It look slight too big for it leh.

Twinsmom, could you send me the shopping list as well? I don't thnk i have it. thks a lot!
The Maclaren twin traveller stroller fits into the standard HDB lifts. And both seats recline fully and independently. Twin Techno shld be the same.

For front-back strollers, I think the baby in front won't be able to recline fully, as there's another baby behind.

The attachment given by TwinMTB last time can be founf in the "Archive Through Sept 18" and comprises of 2 files called "Things for my new tenants"...very helpful...(Thanks TwinsMTB!):
hi sistas, sorry haven't been on this thread lately.

was reading about your threads, wats BP?

i jus turn 9 weeks tomorrow and will be having twins. first time mom, so quite blur blur leh..
Thanks for posting the link for BK and didi
I was soo busy today. Oic! so front and back is not good idea i think!

To all,
went for my second detailed scan today, babies are doing OK....twin A 780g and twin B 800g. Dr said they doing fine in terms of weight but i m still not convinced
Can the experienced mummies share with me their twins weight during week 25 if u can remember? Thanks in advance!

Doctor has given me more medications to prevent contractions (progestrone + Nifedipine) was anyone else on this before?

choco and BK,
are u two on any medication to prevent contraction?

didi, I hav not bot any stroller yet but have decided to buy maclaren twin techno, a lot of mummy recommended it. I wil not be buying it now only after the baby is born
Ya the sleepsuits are quiet nice and green is a unisex so i chose that.
BP means bulk purchase, there is a bulk purchase board where mummies get to gether and order things in bulk so that can get for lesser price or get things from overseas, do check it out regularly, sometimes there wil be good lobang leh
Hi Twinsmom,
How come you have a 2nd detailed scan leh? Is it also approx one hour long to check all the organs again? I thought we only have one detailed scan in week 20/21. Don't worry abt your babies weights, since your doc already said they're doing well. So far not on any medication...only taking supplements. Is it std procedure to take the medication your doc gave you? Will ask my doc when I see him next week...
This scan wasnt similar to the other one but was almost abt 40 min oso. They said they are checking the babies blood cirulation and the placenta i think. This time the lady who scanned me explained everything very patiently and clearly to me. Usual scans are done in doc's room oni detailed scans have to go to ADC. Abt the medications, I m oso not sure leh...dont know if doc loh will give this to all his patients this or is it oni me
Hi Mooch,
Must really take care of yourself during these few weeks while you're still in your 1st trimester... Don't do anything too strenuous. And keep a positive outlook...and the time will fly... If you have any qns, the sisters on this thread are very helpful and will share their experiences. Main thing is to enjoy your pregnancy.
I see...I'm also waiting anxiously for my next appmt so that can see my babies dancing around again and see how they are doing. But will prob be just the normal u/s abt 5min...
Twinsmom, I was on medicine when I was in my 20+ weeks to stop contraction too.. at some point, I was on nifedipine.. but cant remember when already. The other medicine is salbutamol (not sure abt the spelling).

You may want to check this webby for twins weight. If I remember correctly, this website was previously posted by Jovial Ger http://www.twinstuff.com/twinweights.htm
Hi Twinsmom, okie, regarding the stroller do you know how much is that ? so they are a twins stroller cannot be separated ?
ya i was also enjoying watching them kicking and yawning....my bbies seems to have hiccup almost every now and then, do u feel that too?

Thans a lot
at least i feel i m not the oni one on this medication, take care! many many thanks for the website...i'll b rite there now!

I think its abt 590 after discount, it cannot be seperated

I think you can fit both twins down on the mamalove stroller if they're newborns, although it might be a little cramped once they're bigger. another mom with twins who was selling her tandem stroller online actually advised me to get 2 single strollers instead, so that at least i can have the flexibility of taking just one out. apparently the tandem stroller weighs a hefty 13kg (no joke to haul around if you don't have a car and hubby's not with you).

I think you're referring to the fetal growth scan (FTS) at the ADC as the second detailed scan. You'll have another one at ard 30th week to measure the same thing. Yours seems to take longer than mine - i think mine took only abt 20-30mins each time. BTW, fyi, the baby weights given from the FTS differs from Dr Loh's ultrasound scans. I was a little upset that my 2nd FTS gave their wt as 1.51kg each while Dr Loh gave theirs as 1.6kg at my usual checkup 2 weeks later. I was expecting them to be much nearer 2kg. He explained that the U/S machines at ADC differs from the ones they use for regular scanning.

Dr Loh also prescribed me similar medications as you - Nifedipine to prevent contractions (3x daily) and Progesterone (2x daily) to relax the uterus. That's on top of the Neurogain and Obimin supplements.
My babies' movements are now more pronounced... started being more obvious this week. In previous 2 weeks, only very light taps and only noticed it randomly, so not sure. Now, I can really feel that the sudden jerking of my tummy is actually the babies, esp when I'm lying down...
. Tried to let my hubby feel last time, but the babies stop whenever he put his hand on my tummy...hee hee...He finally managed to feel it last nite, and was smiling after that!
But haven't felt their hiccups yet. Seems like my baby on the right is more active...more kicks on the right side of my tummy. But then again, I'm also not sure of their positions now, dunno if they have shifted much.

thanks twinsmom and choco latte! i shall check out the BP thingy!

i so far can't really enjoy on preggie yet, still very worried lah. i feel sick most times, which i hate, and on good days i dun feel sick, i also worry that why i not sick.. so cham..

lately i also less tired, dunno why also.. normally i go out lunch also can't sit down for a proper meal, cos i will suddenly feel like lying down. so wierd..

can't wait till first trimester is over
K Toh,
Icic! ya many mummies also advised me to get two seperate and attach but me dont very comfy with the idea scared will not be sturdy.

Thanks for the clarification on the scan
...:p din even know what scan am i going (very blur me). Oh so how many weeks are u now and how heavy are the bbies?

Your bbies movement pattern seems like mine aswell. I felt hiccups in my 22nd weeks already but then din know that hiccups now its very clear

I bought the classic pooh pillow from kiddy palace today. It seems to be small to me leh....but let me try sleeping with it tonite

Ya its like that one la...u will feel tired on and off and on somedays wonder whether everything is fine or not....it happened to me aswell, just hold on a bit more and you will be in 2nd trimester soon
I still haven't seen the stroller clip leh...the girl at mothercare centrepoint didn't know anything abt it. I chose the Pooh kid's pillow cos I wanted something small and flatter than our normal pillow...if too high then might be uncomfortable to put tummy on it when sleeping sideways. Hope it works for you too...

I couldn't resist and bought 2 Pigeon milk bottles today...the std-neck size 5oz bottles with the special teats (dunno what it's called).
Hope it's good...hee hee... Was wondering if the Medela pump can also fit the Pigeon bottles.
Yes, i too bought the pooh pillow for kids, It does support tummy while lying sideways. Me too thinking of buying pigeon brand, i heard oni avent doesnt go with other feeding acessories, so pigeon should be fine leh

Oh want to ask any idea where can i get those napkin kinda cotton towels white in colour for bbies, I prefer that cos it wil absorb water well. I saw 6 pcs at $20 in kiddy palace yesterday but hor that looks like napkins leh....wld be great if anyone can point me to where i can get it.

Huh! still got lots a things to buy, cant wait for the christmas sale. Oh oso, did u come across any nice long dress kinda clothes with front open? I prefer wearing long dress kinda clothes at home esp when there are visitors.
I'm 33 weeks going on to 34 weeks right now. Expecting to see my babies in 2-3 weeks time. I'm not too sure how heavy are they right now. Will prob find out during my checkup next Fri. Hopefully they would have hit 2kg each by then.
Do you mean those long nightdresses for sleeping and wearing at home? I saw some at Metro SK near the ladies' swimsuit section and shld be less than $20. If you're referring to those dresses for going out, then I'm not too sure. Also not sure about the towels you are talking abt.

Are you buying the Pigeon rapid steam steriliser? Saw one at $99 and bundled with free Pigeon starter kit too. Maybe I'll get a couple more bottles for standby.

K Toh,
Wah, you are going to deliver soon...how exciting!
Are you trying for natural or c-sect?
K Toh,
icic, wow few more weeks to go oni for u
jia you jia you..........so have u bought all the essentials ready? If yes, any advice?

Yes, long dresses to sleep and wear at home but din see any front opening dresses in metro leh??? let me check it out next week.

I thot we would need at least 4 bottles for each bby? my mil said keep two for water and two for milk for each baby...dont know if its too much! Me dont think will buy the sterilizer, thinking of using hot water to sterilize....will anyway have to check with the experienced mummies here.
Umm...I have 2 of those front-close type of nightdress where there are buttons running down the front, but after that, realised that can see thru the gaps betwn the buttons when I sit down. So my mum sewed the front shut...haha...so ended up having to pull over my head. Can't remember which type metro has...saw them quite a while back...

Oh, the Pigeon bottles I bought comes with the new Peristaltic Nipple...dunno if anyone else has used this and whether it's good. Also bought the std-neck 'cos I wan't sure whether to get the wide-neck. BTW, got them at the kid's shop at Heartland Mall that is selling Pigeon pdts at 20% off. First time I ever stepped in...
haha...so cute ur mum sewed the dress, cant it be opened up again? I'll see where else can find that type one.

I didnt know that there is a baby shop at heart land mall, i hav been there soo many times. Very blur hor.....

will pm u something k...
Hi Mummies,

I bought quite a no. of the front button babydoll/ankel length dress at Taka lingerie section. Brand is Karmy 100%cotton and very comfortable. Where drawstrings pants can't fit anymore, I wear those and also during EBM. For your information, I have 10 avent milk bottles for my twins also use steam steriliser. Don't have to sterlise their bottles everytime, must reserved 2! Try to arrange in a tray and those get sterilise arrange in front, while those fresh, sterilie later behind. You have to use those bottles within 24 hours or it'll breed bacteria. My elder twin can finish 1 feed at a time while the younger twin have to split her intake into 2 feeds. Maybe she's smaller stomach to contain. Overfeed, she will puke out her milk. Happy feeding.
Mummies, just to share.. my boys prefer the Pigeon bottles with peristaltic nipples to the avent bottles. They have 2 pigeon bottles and an avent bottle each. I'm using the avent bottle to feed them with water only. As for sterilising, I only sterilised the bottles+teats+pacifiers in the morning. After that, I'll just rinse with hot water before each use.
sincerity and jlyn,
million thanks for the info....we really appreciate that.

u mean we just wash and keep first and then sterilize when we want to use? Is it important to buy a sterilizer with twins? Pls advice dear!

so are u using the steriliser or just sterilize with hot water? Hey, how are u coping with ur new arrivals? How many pple are helping u? me still blur blur abt certain things....keke.
FYI. Robinsons sale is now on for card members till Sun. The 20% off also applies to the maclaren, pigeon (regular priced) and also medela. But better call them to confirm if they have stock.

Twinsmom, I am using the pigeon steriliser. Every morn ard 6am plus, I will put all the bottles, teats & pacifiers into the steriliser. After that, when I need to re-use the bottles or pacifiers, just rinse in hot water.. didnt use the steriliser again.

Initially, it was just me, my hb and mum taking care of my boys. HB took a week leave. By the 4th day, hb fell ill. Mum and I turned panda-eyed. After some "family conferencing", we decided that we needed help. I called in a 9-6pm CL to help cook and take care of my babies. Couple of days later, my Filipina maid came and things became better. Now, my maid will take care of one in the night and the other twin will sleep with me. My CL will be leaving in 2 days time.. honestly, didnt think she is of much help. Her cooking isnt up to my taste. I got her primarily to take care of twins cos she'd done confinement for 2 mummies with twins before. I am not the sort who'll follow confinement rules ;p After my maid came, she has been shaking legs alot "tolak-ing" all the work to maid.. hai.. I've got alot of complaints abt her.. some more paying her 1K for her 2 wks service.. arrghh. As for maid, I definitely dont feel comfy with a stranger around but maid is a cheaper option as compared to putting the twins in infant care centre. So what abt u? do u intend to get a maid or u have already standby helpers?
