(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Ya I also noticed E after eating wholegrain brown rice cereal must strain harder when pooing. More fibre, not enuff water = constipation lor.

Wow...how u manage 2 get ur boy 2 drink so much water. Mine if can take 10-20ml a day is super good liao. Besides is it good 4 them 2 drink so much water. Shd be drinking milk bah...cos water is empty calories.

Just "lun" ur MIL. She is already v good,u r so lucky. My MIL hah say to me wor...u know how 2 look after bb or not. As if she is so much better at looking after bbs. Tat day went to visit her, she was looking after her other grandson (already 3yrs old). They live in kampong mah so just leave front door open one. My MIL was happily chit chatting etc then I suddenly notice her grandson disappear liao. So I ask her if she knows where he had gone. She suddenly panic then run outside hse to find him. Aiyo...this kind of attittude jaga children, some more dare ask me whether I know how to look after my own boy. I think if I let her jaga my boy...head dunno kena bang how many thousand times liao cos she so bo chup. Treat the bbs like rubbish like tat...just throw there n they grow up themselves one.

More complaining...then I was so annoyed. She damn kapo keep asking me to hv no 2 now. She thinks so easy 2 jaga bb. I suppose 2 her is easy lar...no need 2 teach one mah...just throw there n they will anyhow grow up one. She just lucky nia nothing happen 2 any of her kids last time. But scary hor...she got 8 kids n except for my hb n 1 other bro, all bo education one.

Lucas prob having trouble going into deep sleep. My boy always like tat. I carry him pat pat then put him on his cot. He immediate flip, sit up n want to pull himself up to stand at the cot. I will then carry him n pat pat him for longer until he is in deep sleep then only put him down again. Otherwise he will make noise n climb again. Think bbs teething body discomfort n cannot sleep well bah.

I would like 2 meet up but this wknd hor cannot leh. Saturday got ppl coming to repair defects at home (prob take quite long bah, then I hv 2 clean hse after) so Sunday has to be my grocery/shopping day liao. Then the subsequent 2 wknds oso cannot cos I m flying back to KL. U n other TB mummies go ahead 1st lah.

hi snowy, nana,
Is it ok if I jus meet u gals for 2hrs on Sat?
If hubby dun hv to go office, I cld stay longer.
Venue Tiong Bahru Plaza?
hi ladies,
my boi turning 8 mth this sat. time flies so fast. nowsaday, when i saw small bbs around 2mth -3mth outside, i kinda of miss my javier when he was 2 - 3mth old : (

i always too busy @ work, so seldom come into the forum in the daytime, nite time also too busy playing wif Javier. i m wondering how are e rest of ur darlings progressing n growing stages.

1)Javier sits veri well
2)Javier can stand firmly wif support
3)Javier loves to walk around the hse. be it in his walker or when holding to his hand.
4)Javier likes leopard crawling, he too lazy to use his knee cap to crawl.
5)Javier eats porridge 2x, rice cereal 1x, drink milk 4x a day.
6)Still wakes up 2x @ nite for milk
7)Start yanky mum mum when he wanna mi to carry him.
8)Love to put his head on my chest to shao jiao wif mi.
9)Show him flash cards he oni interested in grabbing the cards to bite
10)Like to put everyting into his mouth to bite
11)currently 2 bottom teeth is growing up.
12)He is such a friendly boi tat he smile @ people he sees, even strangers. When i talk to my neighbour while carry him, he can stretch out his hand wanna the neigbour to carry him..
13)When he watch his favourite show, elmo's world, he can smile n start yanking.

I m wondering whether to register him for any workshops (playing n learning) now. any recommendation? any mummies register for such workshops?
wah! i can't believe it!
once again a candidate for interview, dun bother to call and don't show up! I called the person, a sleepy voice answered an said "oh, i got a job offer oredi". So i said "you should at least inform us as we were waiting for you!" Of cos the fella bo chup la...just pretend say "sorry, i didnt call, i got another job oredi" I can tell from tone of his voice he bo chup la...wah piang! shen me tai du!!!

JT loves to eat spinach and so far she has no constipation, only after the brown rice meal.... and I think also on Sat, cos we were out the whole day, she din really eat veg.... so now I'm going to stop brown rice for a while, then add more veg and fruits, and make her drink more water. I also bought the gerbers apple prune juice. Hopefully after poo-ing out the brown rice yesterday, today will be normal liao... crossing my fingers!!!

JT also does the same thing! Last time when she was learning to flip, she can also flip with her eyes closed and then keep'eh eh eh", then when we flip her back and pat her, she'll go back to sleep. But this can happen like 5-6 times a nite... recently she has also been trying to crawl in the middle of the nite. I will flip her over and pat her then she'll go back to sleep. I read in books that it's normal for them to keep waking up to practise when they are abt the reach a milestone...

I understand how you feel *hugz hugz* JT is also the first grandchild from both sides, and possibly the only one in the near future. My MIL is the opp of yours. She keep dun wan to give JT more solids cos she says JT can't digest. And can only give spinach to JT, cos everything else is either too cooling or heaty. actually she was even against spinach cos she said bb shouldn't eat veg one until my FIL says spinach is ok. Her idea is bb should be fed plain porridge... veg and fruits are absolute no-no.... haiz.... so now on the 2 days that JT is with her, she'll have spinach with rice cereals. Luckily only 2 days, if not imagine JT eating the same thing everyday??!
Then JT constipation she blamed me for giving her heaty stuff to eat... she said pumpkin is heaty one.... I want to faint liao....

wah... your hubby only son ah?

No comp access is temp or permanent? Wah if permanent then very sian liao lor....

oh dear... really bad leh...look on the bright side lah, lucky you never hire that guy.... good luck to the company that he is joining!
wah liao nowsday young ple all got attitude problem!!! Very self-centred and no manners. Tat tm my colleague was sitting down in the bus, a poly gal hold the handle n pulled her hair very hard but never said sorry. When my colleague looked at her, she just shuddered her shoulder. Next she turned to her fren and said 1 hand very difficult cos e other hand holding laptop. Her fren replied ya wat to expect! Talked abt these youngster can make my blood boiled. Take bus dun move in, cut q, bump into ple nv said sorry!!! Everyday ned to squeeze bus with them. Last yr when I was pregnant they oso dun bother to give up their seats!
bobianah, outside mkt now too good i think. and of course the youngsters are not responsible too. sigh! dun angry, k? at least blessing in disguise, what if you employed him and he dun turn up for work?

yes, got the mail from rita. dun think she bothers to read the mail i send to her. told her dunno how many times on my collection method and now still asking. sigh! hope to get it by this weekend so that i can start using.

you registered hannah for the duck awards thingy? i'm not registering tim. anyway, just curious, dunno how long should the bb be in the swimming program.....maybe for like 6 months or so? cos they eventually need to learn proper strokes and that will be when they are at least 2 or 3 yrs old right? hmmmm....check with coach ann this weekend.

all other mummies, well, whether mothers or MIL, its like that, they claim that they are old and experienced. so hor, whenever you can, just close both eyes if possible. they also love their grandchildren and want the best for them as much as us.
my MIL almost same pattern as ur MIL lor. maybe last time GEN is all meal feed porridge since they wean liao. my MIL also tell me she feed porridge 3meals leh. OMG. MOrning, afternoon & evening be4 i fetch her back. also morning after porridge liao bath then take a rest wakeup eat cereal.. then where is my bb milk intake?? oni i bring her hm pump her with milk., either i latch on or at nite be4 slp give her FM to drink. tell her Milk still most impt source she say she knw she knw. feed bb so full liao no wonder bb reject milk liao lar. so full liao mah.

u say ur PD say 1day drink 750ml ar. i doubt my gal hv half of it also leh. how ar?? somemore now she rejecting milk. unless is brown cereal mix with milk then she drinks.

how new work environment & everything. sure wil hv a PC for u lar. no PC how to work manz..
i also scare i go to new jobat NTU liao i busy until no time for dark side & even forum also.
what position u looking for to work for u?? why all sooooo ya ya one? mkt is growing so jobs are lot for them to choose isit? sooo ireesponsible. this time i went NTU to interview. somemore take taxi so scare cant find my way & be late. end up appt is 2pm. i reach 130pm even the interviewer say wow u so early. but actually is i thot i at home dee lee dey lee until i scare i late who knw take cab abt 10mins reach liao.
sigh.. mils again.. errggghh..
y all the mils r the same.. they dun seems to realise we r the PARENTS of our bbs. they r oni GRANDMAs lor.
i already close both eyes yet she likes to step on my tail. at least u bobianah, Jen, Dora, u dun live wif ur mil. mi face her 5 days a week. n sometimes she will come up wif different pattern one lor..
jen, dora, roo, hwee
i oso agree...good luck to the company who hire him! Haiz! really bad attitude lor. At least hv courtesy to call mah...everybody wait for him for interview! Even if job market good, thre is no excuse for bad attitude!

Jen, me oso, when i go interview, very scared late and give bad impression so always Super early! :p I'm hiring for EO position.

yah, think i'll go for the swim awards for fun. Hmm...oso dunno how long to join this class...depend on wat they teach next. I think will do 1 more mth, then take a break for a while cos hannah too young to follow instructions for proper swim strokes. at least now, she's used to water, that's the key learning objective...we can follow-up on our own.

wah, ur MIL really opposite of mine. :p sometimes, really dunno to laugh or cry man...laugh cos it's so ridiculous...cry oso becos it's so ridiculous! plain porridge where got enuf nutrients? now they need a bit more iron and other nutrients too.
But then hor, the older generation always say - last time they oso lidat and all ok wat. Win liao lor! But hor, i honestly think their memory is oso NOT accurate! Hai, bo bian....unless i am able to look after bb myself, i hv to lun my MIL and give my mum dirty looks when she say silly things.

Tok abt cleanliness, U know ah, last time she tell my dad, wash milk bottle no need use detergent. I said how can?! milk has fats and is oily one! no wonder not clean!
Then, my MIL, altho go lasik n all, eyesight still no good one la...then dun want admit mistake. I say hannah's highchair table not clean, hv some crusts. She say how can it be? she clean after every meal! Make me feel like i wrongly "accuse her...
Then once or twice, I spotted bottle/teat not wash properly, i actually keep to show her proof! then hor, she can still say cannot be her. Faintz! Then over weekend, she say the teats must poke more holds cos flow too slow. Then when i check, WAH! the holes are SUPER BIG cos she poke so many holes, all the holes connect and BROKE OFF to one big hole!! out of 4 teats she spoilt 3!!! 2 off them the "flap" still there...3rd one no flap! So my hb worried if hannah swallowed it!! aiyoh, then wanna explain to my MIL, she dun want to listen...took 3 tries and a "show and tell" before she listened. She just want to avoid discussion and want to sweep it under the carpet! Haiz!

wah, ur MIL....lucky for u at least 2 of her kids (including your hb) got an education.... nowadays, no education cannot survive in this market...
bobianah, oh you intend to do for 1 more mth only huh? maybe lor if they keep on teaching the same thing... oh no, will hannah choke on her milk or not if the holes are too big! yup, agree wif you that hannah may have swallowed part of the teat....but sigh! you let her use the bottle cleaning detergent from pigeon? i find it very good.
you using avent bottles right? let your mil use the variable teats. she can at least see the hole bigger so hopefully won't poke any more. it comes with the 330ml bottles. i will soon be moving to that bottle.

any mummies know where still got 20% discount on avent products? didn't stock up enuf teats the last time. sigh!
wah! so much water??? i've e same concern as lil tho, so much water can or nt? cos i read a lot o wedsites, all say can't drink too much, they might get full on water n drink less milk instead. but if u bb drinks a lot o milk i tink ok bah. mine hor, sigh.... doesn't really like milk but loves water... so i dun dare 2 feed her too much water, at most 30-40ml a day but she poos fine.

hiyoh, e youngsters nowadays... i used 2 b in HR. can u imagine my exasperation? interviewing is nt e worst, e worst is when e part time youngsters act start working. their attitiude is HORRENDOUS. everytime there's a young part timer working in my co, i'd boiling w anger everyday... then when it's her last day, my superior said she wanna gif them a treat, i asked her not to. but she insisted, so i din turn up. hehehehe...

haiz.... bt e grandparents issue, it's inevitable. i'm super scared o these kinda things. tt's y we insist on taking care o e bb ourselves, din even allow them 2 do confinment 4 me. rite fr e beginning, me n hubby just took care o mandy by reaing books, internet n this forum + lotsa OJTs. hehehe... u noe hor, tt day my mum fed mandy rice-coated cereal, i saw n immed grabbed it n threw it away, while shouting 'CANNOT FEED HER THAT!!!' i tink my mum was stunned. hehehehehe... but i'm glad i did tt tho i guess i over-reacted a bit, cos i'm q sure she won't do tt again. 4 me, it's more o trying 2 make sure my mum n mils dun feel left out n yet dun feel like they haf e power 2 interfere. we do deliberately keep our dist sometimes. q mean but it's 4 e harmony o e family n 2 keep my sanity... n i believe, 4 e best 4 mandy too... i guess u're rite, since she's e main caregiver, really haf 2 close one eye. impt things still nag lah but compromise lor. e only way 2 haf almost complete control is 2 b a SAHM n it's nt ez.

ur mil is v weird!plain porridge??? eeeeekssss.... poor JT, likes 2 eat but only fed plain porridge. how sad wld tt be... hehhehee
haiz, ya lor...once during dinner my MIL can say "give her the baked potato see if she like" and btw, the baked potato is oredi fried with seasonings etc hor. I immediately told her NO, cannot eat table food with all the salt and seasonings! Then she say just saying onli!

actually, i hvnt decided how long more, but definitely i think next mth will still continue. My hb likes the class and basically, we want her to do some physical activity....maybe we just discipline ourselves to take her swimming weekly? :p
When I didn't look at the teats with the large holes properly, i gave hannah and all the milk spill from her mouth!
I used variable teat b4...i think it's still not fast enuf for hannah...think it's abt the same as the size 4 (biggest in avent range). I'm thinking of moving to the sippy cup liao...
wow tday the thread gone leh..luckily managed to locate it...


yr hubby also only son??sound like my hubby..only child who never ever helped his mum in anyting haha
i tried using slow cooker to cook porridge took so long for it to be nua..ivan took half a bowl.tink he shd like it


First day at new job!!
wat a pity leh...cant access msn.....


Sigh...i have noting to say liao...n cos hubby is looking at this thread too ...so i wont comment on my mil liao..bt basically..MIls seem to forget we are the parents lor...n now i have to prepare that my MIl will spoil Ivan .


saw that yr jumperoo is finally here!!!
i got mine too bt ivan dont really like...he just dun like to be confined to a corner...
hope Javier likes it..*sayang*10more mths to go n u can put Javier at Childcare liao

hmm...i ask questions on the bb porridge yesterday..no one answer me??

for one type of food tat we introduce it is better to try for about 4 days to test for any allergy rite?so meaning we cant try two new food at one time?

Wat other ingriedents can we add to porridge?
Wat other food can we blend?
my hb also a spoilt brat. dun do hsework be4 marraige his MOM will do everything during SARS she even more hardworking come in the rm w/o knocking to santilise(sp) the HP of my hb & cordless phone & clean windows & tables. wow she realli too free. she is hsewife lar.
then after marraige no nid to say. hb lagi no help out. even preg hb oni take over when i complain say tummy too big. he oni since 5mth onwards then help me sweep & mop flr. then slowly will ask me sweep he mopped. cos he say he will sweat like hell. then toilet also still i wash with my big round tummy squat up & down. if i slipped he gg to answer for it manz.. but lucky my gal stay firmly inside lar.

I thot now shld hv alot of candidates lookiing for job?? all lidat one ar? apply liao call them but no turn up one ar? sooo rude., if dun want in the 1st plc say dun want lor.

for me my porridge i add potato, pumpkin, carrot .. but abv cannot eat everyday lar. plus i add spinach leaves, vegetarian ham, then will try to intro tou kan.
I din wait for 4days rules cos MIL dun believe all my sayings one. so be4 6mths i feed my own daughter porridge on 1 sat, then nxt sat feed again. so is 1 wk monitor time. ahaa
We try giving Denise baby potato n baby carrot individually b4 we start her on porridge. I read it smwhere saying to intro 1 new fd for a wk n observed for allergy. But we only intro a few days then we see she ok then ok haha....

now Denise had potato, carrot and threadfin fish in her porridge. We do put in lean meat to enhance the sweetness. Ocassionally, we chg the carrot to spinach or heng cai (dunno wat is the English name). We tried to replace carrot with pumkin but think she dun like the taste. Mayb same as me dun like pumkin hee. Can put broccoli oso.
lucky my mil share the same views. No seaoning n salt on the porridge for javier.
but my mum was surprised when i told her javier porridge oni put fish, carrot n potato. she told mi put some light soy sauce which will make the porrige taste better. See my own mum also like tat. How i wish i can b a sahm so tat i can look after javier @ my own way.
always introduce 1 food @ a time n see for 1 week. if no diaharrohe or allergic, then intro another food.

for the porridge, i put in fish, potato n carrot.
i intro potato 1st when javier is 5th mth plus. then intro fish, potato porridge when he reach 6th mth. wait for 1 week. no prob. we also got add in papaya to the porridge as tat time he abit constipated. We intro carrot to him when he reach 7th mth..
tink intro new food 1 week by 1 week to play safe.
glad to know ivan like his porridge.
mandy is soooo sweet!

i saw those animal rompers at suntec last weekend. but all seems so small so didn't buy any for my bb.... :p
M Looking for a pic on baby sitting steadily to submit to och but then saw this pic of my gal & hb sleeping pattern. both sama sama one leh. OMG.. soo cute leh.

Big daddy & Small Baby.
bobianah..hahaha.sometimes i find that singaporeans (assuming ur ILs are SG) complain too much.... my hb also..kate drink too much, he complain. she drinks to little he also complain. nowadays alot of pp english very bad... my office got pp speaks english chinese-style.

Lil, har? i thot more fibre is always good? so must be more fibre and more water? i think last time pp dont think abt their kids' future one..like my ILs, know that they dont have money to buy milk also want to have children...

dora, choo, he is eldest, but his father very mcp, sons dont need to do household (not sure abt daughters though). can even throw clothes on the floor instead of hanging up. he does help in household chores now.. but always complain why i wear so many clothes and why kate pee so often!

kimi, u r smart..set the standard from the beginning..now got less nigthmare :p

choo, ok i reply u :p better to intro one food at a time (else if allergy duno which food is the culprit,unless u wana stop both then then intro one and see how). duno what food to add to porridge cos have not started yet, but i think since we do puree can throw anything inside plus scallops ir ivan no allergy?

Jen, ur hb is so bad! at least my hb tries to do more household chores when i was pregnant.... but then now he see like no mishap duno if he will be so helpful if there is no 2. hahah.ur pic so funi!

kimi, if by photo i think pp will say mandy look moer chubby than kate..ahaha

yest kate wake up 3 times at night crying and only drink 1 oz after much coaxing.... wasted the other 8 oz (prepare 3 oz each time)... sian....
btw, anyone from the dark side encounter the intermitten problems with network during office hours? cos i always kena kicked out with that error..duno if its office prob or msn prob during daytime
Ya...misconception tat more fibre = cure for constipation. This is only true if u drink lotsa water to accompany high fibre diet. diet, else will kena constipation. Ya lor... I really dun understand my ILs...no money last time but still wanna hv so many children, then now the children also suffer, blue collar worker, cannot find wife. Then she look at my mum like alien like tat cos my mum only 2 kids nia ma. Aiyo, then my mum hor say to her, hv so many kids like rubbish like tat.
morning mummies

yesterday afternoon cannot access this thread, so miserable leh!!!

Yay! JT's poo back to normal yesterday!!

Yah lor....and you know what my MIL say? Last time she feed all her kids plain porridge with soya sauce only!! No wonder all her children are soooo skinny like stick insect and always fall sick one.... my hubby only put on weight after he got married hahaha... last time park tor I always call him stick insect! But at least now JT gets to eat spinach + rice cereal when she is there.... that's why I always try to rush down after work so that I can feed her dinner, she can eat almost 3 tablespoon of cereal(before mixing) now, and yet MIL always stop at 1.5!!

I also saw the animal suit at Suntec last weekend. The person say got bigger size ones, but hubby say I siao, buy for wat :p

Wah yesterday was a nitemare for me.... got 2 units in my block under renovation, noisy till JT can't sleep so very cranky.... luckily my rented jumperoo came in the late afternoon, and she was so excited, jumped jumped until very tired and slept 2 hours straight! Wahahaha!! I told hubby next time she refuse to sleep will put her in the jumperoo!! Hubby say I'm a horrible mother :p

I haven't started porridge either. But think you can add pumpkin, carrots, spinach, ground ikan bilis (must soak to get rid of the salt)....

If you add scallops, dun add too much, cos scallops can be quite salty also.
Your hubby ok lah, at least tries to do housework when you're preggie. If you have no.2, remind him you had high blood pressure the last time, you need lots of rest!

The pic is so funny! Aiyo, your hubby really need reformative training!

I think last time parents are like tat, esp if they are at kampong. Cos in kampong no education also can survive one.... they are not aware of the changing world. Tsk tsk... your Mum actually said that to you MIL?? :p
Hehehe...Yalor my mum really did say tat to her. But it was because she was annoyed my MIL keep asking me to hv more bb's asap. After she say tat, my MIL's eyes were like bulging. I thot she deserved it. Whether to hv more kids or not is my prerogative as the one who will be bringing them up, not her.

U all go ahead wor...I hv things on this wknd. Have fun
hi dora,
my jumperoo also come yesterday evening. keke.. Javier quite lazy leh. Jump Jump abit then busy playing wif the toy infront or bite the cushion.
Hi Dora
glad to know tht your bb's poo back to noraml.
continue to feed more water if possible.

Hi Lil & Kimi
yap at first I hv the same concern also. but drink lots of water does not mean reducing milk intake. Gabe still have his 180ml of milk 5 feeds/day. Plain water at least 50ml/feed after each milk.

I always feed him plain water 1hr10min after each feed.(His milk feed is every 3hr)

Initially, I complain over here b4 tht Gabe dun like plain water. Then, I realised not really true. It is just a matter of routine I need to set up for him. So I slowly set a target to make him drink 20ml/feed aft milk drink, then slowly inc. until now 50ml/feed.
Yes, I think someone mention tht high fibre not = to no consitpation. Fibre need water to flush out from system. Just milk is not enough('cos milk is thicker than water)

I also hv a difficult time to feed him wz plain water.but it will pass if make known to him tht it is a routine.(fortunately he "he zhou")

but of cos I realised tht he pass the water out more often. So diapers more'siong' now. but I dun mind if it's for his own gd. For him to clear his bowels, rinse mouth(wz all the food)& clear his intestine.(I think bah...)
that photo is soooooooooooo cute!!! must develop and keep!

dora,bloom, LIL
thanks for the tips... i've tried patting him back to sleep when he wakes up trying to flip over but he's verrry strong! always still manage to flip then cry cos uncomfortable or he shocked himself or sthg! :p

scary thing is past 2 nights, he's been waking up at 4am then stare at the ceiling and dun sleep until 5am after i let him suckle! He's really just stoning lor! hahah...thought he'd stone then go to sleep easily but no leh...it's like he just insisted on staying awake. haha...no actually, not funny cos i had to stay awake too!! He din cry and sometimes will like talk to himself summore.. like "ah puuu, ah bu bu..." haha so cute but aiyoh so naughty! I tired telling him night time is for sleeping and even switched off the night light but sigh... he was still staring at me with big eyes through the dark! jialat ah! :p any other babies like that?! :p
and oh yeah!! lucas finally poo-ed yesterday afternoon and another big one today... trying to get rid of one week's worth mah...haha

must take ur advice and start making him drink more water...he does now but like play play only when he's thirsty but it's not milk time
he also drinks milk every 3 hrs but nowadays, we've reduced from 180ml few wks ago to only abt 150ml cos sometimes he doesnt even finish cos he's playing with the bottle alrdy. But oh this is EBM...so digest faster rite? so does this mean he's prob hungry faster too? yikes :p but he still got so much energy to jump and creep, shd be ok lah hor? haha :p
snowy, roo,
10.30am shld be ok for me... if Mac no seat, then we can go the foodcourt...hopefully got food liao..hahaa..
i wld PM u all my hp no...
my hubby shld be joining too...cos after that we wld go ntuc for grocery shopping...hehe..
i wld need to go off by 12 plus as my boy lunch at 1 plus normally...
snowy, roo
both of u cant accept PM leh... u all PM me ur contact lar...i logging off liao....
just click on my nick, then send private msg to me... thanks ya...
see u n bb then.
paiseh urs is bb gal or boy? btw hope u dun mind if I cld only stay for a shortwhile. This is the 1st tm I bring bb out all by myself.
I pm u my hp
ya, i think EBM is easier to digest than FM.
Gabe sometimes also play wz his bottle. so I often try to divert his attention by turning on the TV for him to see.Then, slowly bring the teats into his mouth...then he guai guai drink until 50ml(less than 3 mins)Water flow faster than milk lah.
Gd wah! he have so much energy meaning he is happy & healthy...dun worry so much lah...i think there is more to come if we everything also worry will 'ki siao'...hee...say easier than done loh...

how i wish Gabe can start crawling now. Tht's the thing I'm concern now. I see alot of bb his age already knw how to sit very stable liao.haiz...dun knw when's my Gabe's turn.
Welcome to the club. I m used to my boy waking up n not wanting 2 go back 2 sleep liao. When tat happens no choice just carry him ard the hse for bit...show him tat every room is in darkness. Then sit with him on the bed n just let him play play / chat chat for awhile. Then after 30min-1hr will try to let him finish his milk n hope he ZZzzz or will stick pacifier in his mouth n try to pat him back 2 sleep. Sometimes need a few tries b4 he is willing 2 go back to sleep. Fortunately 4 me this doesn't happen everynite lah. Used to be almost everynite when he was younger.
...Tat's what I said b4 Ewan started crawling. Trust me...enjoy ur days b4 Gabe starts getting mobile. When they crawl, u can't just leave them...their hands sometimes giveway n their face will smash onto the floor, or sometimes they turn n lose balance n may knock their head. So u'll soon find urself crawling with them n ur knees wun like it
mbb, conniemummy, dey, calynn
wanted to drop all of you a hello and it was nice meeting you on saturday. anyone going to sign up for aquaducks eventually? was thinking if got kaki then i will sign nat up...hee

thanks again for organising the trial, we enjoyed it.

dora, anywya will kiv scallops till kate is > 1 yo cos of allergies.

Lil, i like ur mom, got guts!

stephanie, if he dont sleep but din cry then u bochap him lah :p

Li, i agree with Lil, with crawling comes another set of problem... now kate likes to crawl towards the tv wires... btw, she only figure out how to crawl after 7 months so dont worry!
