(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Ur fren so funniee....
Bb fall got blood???? Fainted???? why so gan cheong arrr??? Ya all bb's develop at different pace. No need 2 compare 2 much lar. Compare compare already get depressed nia. U know my boy ahh has neber slept thru d nite. Till now so big boy liao still wake up twice at least. Noticed tat many other mummies can hv good nite's sleep...some frm 9pm - 9am. Envy envy...

u oso give up Dumex uh? :p
now Denise in the mid of changing Dumex step 1 to similac follow on. This wk is 1:1. If ok, then next wk will b 1/4 dumex, 3/4 similac.
me oso same fate as u lah. Denise nv slept thru since birth. Last Sat when I chatted with doggiebb n kimi at the dark side abt this issue she slp thru for tt 1 nite. I so happy. ma chiam tio bay bio. keke

doggiebb, kimi
mayb I shd chat w u both more :p
hihi! busy morning....

bobianah & roo, will definitely go catch the HP movie!
fan ma, dun care abt anything, die die must watch.
watched transformers last night. it is a good movie. i like it a lot. its worth the time and money.

CF, glad to know that philson is alright. well, he's not the last, my boi also can't sit well yet. hee hee... its ok. i'm ok with a little slow development and i know generally bois are also slower so not overly concerned. hee hee....

kimi, think gers are mostly xio jie one la. my ger until today still dun dare to walk bare foot. she claims its dirty! only recently she dare to walk on sand! faintz!

lil, enfalac is a good choice! no problem one la! E will like it.
ya lor...fall on carpet, no blood, nothing la. They very drama hor? i hear oredi cannot believe it oso. Bring to ER leh! But they a bit "high maintenence" type of ppl...i hope they dun overprotect their kid...

ur gal quite funnee! :p
btw, the swim awards hor, cost $15! they really pass all the cost back to parents....oh well, we are suckers anyway. Hb and i said go lor...hannah's 1st one, shd be fun.
forget to thank u for the info and offer abt the tics. both hubby and me preferred GV cinema.

btw, I happened to browse thru the posting n saw bloom n u talking abt the exp date of the cereals. (hope I gt the correct msg :p)
When the expiry date is short, it cld be less perservative/no preservative is added and vice versa. When I was in Japan, most of the fd prdts in the supermarket hd very short expiry hence the fd is very fresh.
bobianah, yes, finally got the letter in the mail yest. thinking to go or not. dun wan to skip service cos following week already not attending. i saw the cost! dunno for wat lei.

roo, its ok la. fyi, my ger last time stil wake up for night feed when she was 18mths old. :p

so mummies all no like dumex huh?
I accepted it liao haha....When she is at my parents plc fr Sun to Tue nite, I oso auto wake up at mid nite. Whenever I saw the MTM advertisement, I told Denise u hv to slp esle every1 including urself is turning into panda :p

I gt bad experience with their packaging. Think I'm e only heng wan bah.
High maintenance parents = high maintenance kids

Anyway...where got bb never fall down one. Last time my bro 2yrs old, run, run, trip over furniture, fall bang head until pengsan
Then cycle cycle, roll down porch, face smash into gate, gums bleeding n his teeth all loose. Mua hahahaha

Ur ger v xia jie hahaha

Ya I oso wn 2 change 2 FM wif higher good fats.
After compare compare enfalac win.
wa, seems like dumex losing mkt share liao. i stil loyal to dumex lor. just ordered 12 tins from them. :p

roo, dun 'kwa chang' la. won't end up like panda lor. so young you teach her need to be pretty pretty huh?

lil & bobianah, i last time 4 yrs old also fall down until go hosp for stitching. but nowadays, parents are more worried la.
hi mummies!

thanks for those who consoled me ....
thanks ...the biggest enemy is me myself...think maybe i just love chubby bbies bah....look cute n good to carry...
bt now i have to accept that GOD has created Ivan this way.Ya as long as Ivan is happy,cheeky,lovely then i shd have noting to worry!

anyway i will be starting porridge this weekend ...hope he like porridge :p


hehe Sweet n demure wife!!
thanks very much for yr words...yr words certainly brighten up my day!!

btw is enfalac same as enfapro? ya heard tat bbies on enfapro put on weight quite fast..bt i havent start ivan on FM...


Mandy forever so CUTEEEE!!! hubby alway see mandy very cute leh!hope to meet mandy in person one day!
bloom, chang,
yah.. it definately feels GREAAAT! strange hor, after so many months of me doing more or less the same thing, she suddenly accepted me. previously her mood changed very fast.. one second happily playing with me, then next second suddenly cry one. but what even better was 2 days ago when i was carrying her and then my dad wanna carry her, she turned away. usually she will just jump ship. then my mum oso tried, and we all thought definately she will lean forward, but to our surprise, she also turned away! wahhhaahaa.... my heart just swell!

cf chang,
my gal oso on enfa.. but not fat fat lei. maybe my gal late developer oso.. coz she cannot sit on her own yet and dont make attempt to stand either . but me not overly worried (as yet! :p). i got one colleague was just lamenting that her daughter 16months liao but cannot really talk yet... then another colleague said that the top PSLE student started talking only when he was 3 years old. so i think baby development now not an indication of greater things to come. (my opinion to console myself la :p)

so glad you are feeling better
Yes yes...u shdn't b worried abt Ivan. He appears 2 b developing v well. Ur PD also say he is fine rite?? FYI Enfapro is follow-on milk. Enfalac is 0-6mths FM. But my PD say actually no need 2 change 2 follow on milk wor.

HAhaha...my hb also v late bloomer...oso can only tok after 3yrs n only start 2 do well in secondary school. Then after tat dunno wat happen...suddenly bcome the type of student u hate...dun hv 2 study oso can get A type....GRrrr!!!
Hi choo, good to know you're ok!

bloom, my mum buys organic veg cos she's taking those. she's sick, so dun want to burden her liver and kidney with unneccesary pesticides or chemicals.

starluster, me not pinning hopes on my boi to start walking early cos my hb only walked at 18mths. :p so hor, i'm leaving all to himself to decide.
hear or not? top PSLE student talked at 3 wor! u want philson 2 b top PSLE student rite? but u must teach him 2 b honest wor! dun b like his mum leh, say dunno wat sweet n demure... tsk tsk..

sophia, chang,
same lah same lah. mandy's oso late developer. i tink hor watever achievements e bbs make here hor, mandy wld only achieve them oe mth later at e earliest!

u find mandy cute ar? but she so skinny wor! thx anyway, n thk mr choo too.
i oso wanna meet ivan leh.

CONGRATS! u must feel really gd. these bbs hor, we do so much 4 them, but they dun always show appreciation. v qi gek sometimes.

YA MAN! she's sooooo xiao jie. her mother me q gung ho one mah, can trudge thru mud kind how come she's so xiao jie?

n she dun like crowds, dun like too much noise, dun like ppl 2 handle her roughly... faint...
xiao jie + deh + laid back + passive! win liao lor! killer combo wor!
n i tot being xiao jie is nurtured, now i noe there r ppl who r borned xiao jie... hai... cannot cannot, must train her 2 b otherwise. i dun wanna haf a xiao jie kid! ahhhhhhhhh!!!!

oh yah... after she felt her food, she even found it disgusting when she ate it.. hai... made e same kinda face.. but i had a gd laugh tho!
Congrads on getting Sophia to accept you

And now anyone have proven method to try to make bb sleep at least 3-4hr at night pls share with me hor.. getting rather irritated with Roy's frequent awaking at night.

* maybe he is still not sufficiently tired during the day.. but hor..y'day we went out from 8am-8pm

yeah I question..demure Chang keke

When are u free..want to meet up with Mandy n u again
wei LIL, bobianah......the two of u laughing at meeeeeeee huh???? :p if philson fall off the bed......i will IMMEDIATELY bring him to A&E n yes....i will cry n call my parent n all the family members will all rush down to the hospital....i m serious :p btw.....i m very low maintenace nia kekeke

juz somethg funnie to share.....last time....my dog bite me.....i howl like mad n my dad cant stand it n brought me to A&E cos it was already very late.....clinic not opened....anyway...the doc was very shocked 2 see me crying so loudly cos there was another person beside me, head bleeding n leg bleeding n in wheelchair.....but didnt make a single noise....:p

star, Lil
wow.....talk at 3 n so smartie!!!!!!!!!! gd gd.....if philson talk at 3, gd for me......no need 2 ans so many questions with no answer.....imagine....our life will b so peaceful
n got chance to b top psle student n no need 2 study oso can get As!!!!!!!!!! wowwwwwwwwwww.....a dream comes true!!!!!!!! kekeke

ah choo.....very gd.....b positive......next time u think of anythg negative.....rem this.....what if next time ivan ask u....*y u re not like this?????.....y u re not like dat????* very sad one hor.....btw....the diff between enfalac n enfepro is....enfapro protein level higher so is gd for those bb who re not on dat much of solid n who dun really like solid. anyway, i started philson on enfapro liao cos i m still slowly introducing him new veg n there is no meat or fish in his diet yet so i think he needs the protein. n his poo poo ok ok.....so far no constipation n poo at least once a day.

wei kimi......i m telling the TRUTH hor......:p
no laughing at u la...but really ah? u will bring to a & e ar? :p for me, depends lar... ur story abt dog biting u very funnee leh!

glad u got the letter.
ya...will miss service...and communion somemore...heehee! :p

ur story abt ur bro very funnee!

glad u feeling better.

I second ruffy, if any mummy hv method to make bb sleep thru the nite PLEASE SHARE!!!
wow wow as usual so many postings.tooo tired eyes are painful to finish scan all. sob sob.

is ur headache better after every alt wk rest?? do take care lor.

ruffy bear, do u want to try giving roy brown rice ceral to drink be4 he goes to slp. i did that for my gal . every nite be4 slp time i give her brown rice with FM to let her drink then slp.

i am facing a big pblm.. want to complain also.
MY gal now reject papa if i am not with her sight leh. i want to wash face to go slp she see me turn away from her , her hands will come up raising high high for help . WANT MUMMY. my hb say she is superglue to me one. why is this so ar? isit i look after my gal in my room whereas hb seldom look after her, as he is playing games in another room?? lidat become no bond with daddy. she glue until i go toilet also hv to bring her in leh. omg..

then i am sinful mama. yday my gal fell dwn the bed again.. i been very careful after her last fell. but yday i put her in cot.. after playing awhile she found her mom missing she cry while i am bathing. so i faster bath come out & carry her. then i nid to put back my towel & comb hair mah. put her on bed in the middle of the bed leh. then i turn away 1 sec oni leh. fell liao. somemore knock onto my yaolan metal rail leh. soooo guilty. i am a sinful mama u all knw. after awhile she can smile liao then i more fang xin.

then hb heard bb cry out loud immed ran into the room. then scold me say why i cant put her in the cot, i say she was crying mah. he say ALWAYS is me make bb fell down one leh. he realli F**ker leh one leh..say all my fault. i was thinking he go eat his own food lar hor.. no wait for me.. then play game always no take care. any "shu hu" is all my fault. this kind of ridiclous MCP also hv leh. realli my night mare marrying to him & help him hv a kid leh. i tell him no No2 liao with current situation. knw how to "song" but dunno how to help take care family. this kind of pax die off better la.
no lah not teaching her to be pretty. Me tom boy type. Hubby happy cos low maintenace save $$$
The panda cute so I showed her loh. Hmm....actually panda gd oso hor rare species ned protection haha...

hwee,lil, bobianah,
me oso hospitalised at 3yrs old cos kana scalded by hot water. Really scare the hell out of my mum. I dun think I can handle this if I'm in my mum shoes.

glad u r feeling better. when the mindset chg, everythg chg
High 5 leh, me also stay in Sydney for 1 year only

roo, bobianah, lil
Another panda here....My boi still wake up once for feed. But last night he siao siao, wake up every 2 hrs...FAINTZZZZZZZZZZZZ...Now super zombie............

U r making my toe laugh ah whahahaha....U really drama leh kekekeke

Glad that you are finally accepting the way Ivan is
enfapro is the 2nd stage after Enfalac.
aiyooo u like philson look for u that feeling ar?? aiyoo i also glad lar. but then superglue i very scare...
aiyooo nid to make myself busy here as in typing & typing. wow lau.. my ofc colleague 1 aunty very nagging & also very "ji chou" one. will dig back old colleague story to tell me tales leh. even i knw its not right i argue with her back she insist she is right that pax no good means no good. old pple thinking hor realli cant stand leh. cant wash her brain one.. she very baised also. very petty also. she invited us to her hse warming those who din go one. she no talk to them or greet them liao.. walk pass also like stranger. very petty hor..
aiyoooooooo jen jen
selinna ok bo????? did u bring her see doc????? sigh....can u stop putting her on the bed????? ur ger so active now......1 sec oso cannot lah......put her in the cot where it is safe n let her cry for 1 min better than put her on the bed n let her fall....

anyway.....u fell off the bed or selinna huh???? philson is my boy leh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! choo's boy is ivan.......kekeke
wow u directly order the dumex fr the co?cheaper? now, giant is offering at $18.39 for 900g tin.

yup, slight ok after rest but still need more rest which time is running out and insufficient for me to rest.

yr gar has the same situation as my bb tx.not only supergue but magnet man....when I arrived my mum'plc after work, she will sit in the walker and wait at the door. then see me, stand up jumping like a monkey, hand raise up high high...then I follwed me where I woke. I always run cos scared her no licence walker knock me man...

haa...go toilet need to bring her...

err.. can't comment abt yr hubby but think u are too fed up when u post this msg. ai-yo, hubby - man are like that....hai...

CF Chang,
*wave*..long time din see u online...haa u are so comical...
Ya ya bet u r low maintenance, just as u r really sweet n demure hor!!!! :p

I also found my bro's accidents funnie...Mua hahahaha...

Jen ahhh
Ur poor selinna neber learn cos she still bb leh. U must learn mah...dun put her on bed liao lar. If she is super sticky then just let her cry for awhile lor. Dun hv 2 gan cheong carry carry. N pls pls dun carry her one hand n hang bamboo pole one hand hor.
wah...i cannot believe it...2 persons i supposed to interview never show up. 1st one call and say not coming. 2nd one call in morning say confirm and now nvr show up!
nowadays ah, young pple attitude so bad!
afcai..ahahha..i think that one sleep too much liao.. sigh... or u wana bu3... take those herbs to boost ur energy? duno what is good though..

doggiebb..wahh....now we know YP writer actually read blogs !

cf, sometimes its not that philson fail the test, its just that he is not in the mood to entertain the doc during teh hearing test? like my niece can respond when pp call her name..but i try on kate she never respond, then one day i try again, she still din respond, but she face the other side secretly smile smile so i tink she just noti dunwana respond rather than she 'fail' my hearing test. hahah.i think the bleeding guy too shocked to see u crying like that to cry for himself :p

bobianah, i think ur frens din know that all bbs fall down at least once! :p like first time kate scratch till scalp bleeding i was also very gan cheong!

Lil, kate also wake up at twice a night... hahah then how ur bro glue back the teeth :p

roo, hope that is the reason why the exp date is so fast!
cos the organic heinz got longer exp date :p

choo, fyi fat bb NOT good to carry hor..very bad on the back and arms :p

starluster..wow. u din change ur style and she just suddenly get it? thats great! my bro learn to talk i think 2 yrs old and he is the smartest kid at home!

ruffy, is roy overstimulated so canot sleep?

jen, rem it this way, he never make selinna fall cos he never take care of her! its the main caregiver that always 'cause' trouble cos we do those things so often! keep cool and write down. rem we are petty women, we will take revenge next time..*evil* liu zhe qing shan zai, bu pa mei chai shao! ignore ur colleague auntie..so petty...
all the bb who cannot get mummies out of sight, you all bring to toilet like afcai? faintz... last time i just place the high chair outside the toilet and dun close door lor. no choice, once dun see you they cry....but until i cannot tahan, also dun care liao. let bb cry then a while ok liao. dunno if it'll work for you.

afcai, i order from dumex step 2 directly its cheaper. they have buy 3 get 1 free. they sell $26.10 per tin. NTUC sell $25.90 per tin. so works out stil cheaper. the one offer at Giant is step 3.

jen, ouch! be careful. dun care abt the remarks of your hb la. they dunno how difficult it is to take care of bb sometimes. dun let all his remarks affect you.
enjoy time with selinna...

bobianah, any news from rita? cannot access my mail from office now. haiz!
no not heard from Rita since her email on tuesday.

wah, turned out my 2nd candidate today lost her hp, got lost, hence 1 hr late...poor thing.
U look after Kate urself at nite? Xiong ahh xiong ahh... Use superglue loh...
Hahahha...NO lah. Strangely enuff my mum say none of his teeth fell off leh...after a few days the gums healed n the teeth also bcame firm again. Then now his teeth stronger than mine somemore.

Wah...U one shot buy 12 tins of milk??? I enjoy walking down the bb food aisle so still prefer buying fr supermart weekly
I dun think roy is overstimulated leh. coz this is like everyday like dat. wake up so many times.. very sian lor.
so trying to tire him out but didn't work.. drain my enegry instead
lil, its 16 tins altogether after the 4 free tins.
i also wan to go supermarket but its cheaper and they deliver, so i just buy lor.

bobianah, me go home tonight and send her email.
so nowadays young ppl are still quite ok hor?
cheer up!

Congratz on yr bb's acceptance of u...I m stil tryin very hard...sometimes ok...sometimes not ok...

Chang, Choo, Hwee, Lil n Starluster

Cae is oso on Enfalac...my pd asked me to continue wif Enfalac...which is for 0 to 12mths wor...

Today I m down wif sore throat n runny nose...dun dare to hug Cae too much...now I miss him so much...
*Pat pat* Poor u...get well soon so u can give Cae lots of hugs n kisses. Enfalac tin is for 0-6mths but my PD say not much diff one...only more protein n calcium. More protein = constipation for some bbs so my PD also advice me not 2 change 2 stage 2 milk.

Poor u...it was like tat 4 me when E was younger...so tiring. But as he grew older can sleep longer. Like now noon nap sometimes can nap 1-2hrs (previously only 15mins nia) then at nite only wake up twice. Most of the time quite lucky...drink milk then Zzzzz again. Only occasionally dun wan 2 sleep. Like I told u he was a light sleeper so we leave radio on (softly nia) to make the background noise more constant. Tat seemed to help alot. But as u say this wld not work 4 u cos wld disturb Ryan.
hi hi everyone,
wow, din post for some time, so many messages! b4 i forget hor... i extended the deadline for the july collage until next wed. the theme is eating. send me pics ok? [email protected]. wun hv time to do a collage in aug cos madeleine's surgery is scheduled for aug. so sorry abt that.

i went to watch harry potter with hb today. eh.... i think this movie's pacing is not so good, but the 3 kids r acting much better now. quite a bit of things not explained in the movie, so if u haven't read the book, go with someone who did so u won't come out blur blur.

did someone say they like transformers? i like transformers too. :p

cf chang,
u sweet n demure?!
i think i saw ur growing nose going past my windows.

aiyo, i read abt ur reactions at the pd's office hor, it sounded very kua zhang leh. all of us hv expectations for our children, some minor, some major, some realistic, some less so, but we need to remind ourselves that our children r all individuals n not be so hung up abt getting everything our way.

jen, afcai,
all kids go thru a stage where they stick to their mummies. my hb is at home these 2 wks n plays with madeleine everyday, but madeleine is still sticky to me, so i dun think it's simply bcos hb dun spend enuf time with bb. bb in this stage can tire us lah, but it's one of the more enjoyable experiences of motherhood bah. in the future when they r in sec sch, we beg them to eat with us instead of cheonging everywhere with their frens they also won't listen lah. so treasure these moments lah.

i read that sleep begets more sleep. maybe if u can force roy to nap better in the day, he might get better sleep at night. my fren actually left her boy to cry it out in the day until he learned to nap well. took a few days, but after that, he could sleep better at night too. with roy's sleep schedule hor, it must be exhausting for u.

jac, roo, lil, bobianah,
madeleine also started waking up at night after her surgery. haiz. so tiring! n her milk intake dropped after her surgery to 600ml a day.
if she carries on like this, i can study her bones again v. soon.
Hey mummies,
I soo tired and just come in to rant as I been doing OT this wk and rushing home to pick Hayley fm my mom place b4 her bedtime.

Anyway, another news to share. Just received the letter fm KK this evening in regards to the Best BF contest. Haiz.. Hayley is not selected for the final round.. sob sob. Anyway we enjoy the process lah. Hee seems like I was more disappointed than Hayley who just smile bindly at me when I wave her the letter. Haa

hmm how about Afcai/Shihui/QH?
hope your bbs get into the final round and fight it out !! Good luck.
hi mummies,
been a while since i post here...as usual, read till blur blur... @_@

lil, ruffybear,
nice meeting u all on wed...
too bad i gotta rush off as have another appt...otherwise, can chat more...

u are so "zai" lor...bringing ryan & roy out all by urself...& both ur boys very well behaved...
i love ryan's dimples leh...& roy's hair... kekeke..

ewan is such a smiley baby!! he must be in good mood that day hor... hehehe.. so cute... hey, we are so near to each other...can meet up more often in tiong bahru plaza & chit chat...or after makan, go ur place i also wont mind...hehe.. next time, my boy got playmate liao...

glad u r feeling better now...agreed with the rest, every baby is diff... my boy hor now still "bo gei", cannot stand & cannot crawl properly also... he moves backward instead of forward...hahahaa...
hmm...is yr bb ok? ai-yo, even a sec also need to surround them with load of pillow.

my mum did boil 'pu'(black chicken with martel vsop) for me every end of the month. once or twice in the month, she also boiled black chicken soup with those herb (dates, dang gui etc).

hmm do Roy slp a lot during day time? ai-yo, he a night 'owl"...

have sent you the photo of eating theme for July.

yeah, the sweet moment of bb stage will pass as bb grow up very fast. agreed, need to cherish every moment.

yr boy smile so cute. wow can see his teeth.

Same same, hubby opened the mail box and saw KKH bf contest letter and he shake head before opening the letter cos receiving the letter so early is no hope(by right, shd be receiving in 2 wk time mah).

haa..anyway, we also enjoy the process of the contest and explore bb tx to the surrounding. maybe next time, can enter other bb contest loh.

ai-yo...same bb tx also give buay siong face to the judges during the semi final...anyway, it 's just an experience right...

oic. afterall, there's some saving for the fm. Dumex fm quite ex than other brand loh. ppls said it is sweeter than other fm also.
Lil..actually not as scary lah... just that canot tahan hb always losing his temper cos kate wakes up at night. hehehe.. ur bro's gum develop muscle after that so stronger :p

ruffy...i think then roy becomes habit liao.... sighhh

och..what is aug surgery for?

fizz..wah..towkay can stand liao!

Gan, poor gan.. gota work OT.... weekend is coming..rest abit more!

afcai...mmm... ok at least got bu... i guess slowly build up the health again loh..motherhood is killer on our health...

buay tahan..hb complaining why kate wakes up at night saying his colleagues bbs all sleep thruout the night..i suspect all his male colleagues SLEEP thruout the night and din hear when their bbs cry....
wah.. alot to catch up aft 1 day not reading.. :p

glad tt u r feeling better now..
PH oso small small mah.. n he's such a lazy boy.. till now still dunnoe how to sit up by himself fr the lying position.. den oso dunnoe how to pull himself up in the cot etc.. but i dun care lah.. he seems happy.. so i happy too..
else hor, if compare compare, sure feel terrible... :p think on the gd side.. he's small, so it's easier for me to hug him long long hours.... he's so lazy.. so i dun hav to worry abt him knocking n hurting himself while trying to sit n stand on his own... hahahaha.. :p

Gan, afcai,
i got the letter too... aiya.. guessed so lah.. not easy to win lah.. happy tt he managed to squeezed into semi finals liao.. :p but abit disappointed lah.. PH is so cute (erm.. okie.. every bb are cute.. :p).. y din he enter finals.. hahaha.. :p

ya lor... it's something interesting lah.. first time i'm in a "beauty pagent"... maybe in future can bring PH for more competition...

cae is so cute.. wah.. can stand steadily in the cot liao.. when i let PH stand in the cot, he still dunnoe how to balance himself.. will go all wobbly... :p

aiyo... poor selinna.. really muz be careful wor... even if she's crying n u r in a rush, dun panick.. coz even if u rush, it's onli like saving a few mins of ur time.. tt's my philosophy.. :p tt's y i'm always late for appt etc... hehehe.. :p next time put her in the cot if u got to leave her alone.. else, can put her on the floor too.. anywhere is better than bed, sofa etc..
very dangerous if place bb on higher level than floor without guard.. coz bb still haven't develop the perception of depth yet.. so anything oso appear same level to them.. they dunnoe tt the floor n bed is actually of different heights yet...

u sweet n demure?? :p if u r, i dunnoe wat word i can use to decribe myself liao.. :p

aiyo.. ur doggie bite u ah.. serious anot? need stitches?? take care leh...
Hahaha...agree...my hb's fren oso told me his bb sleep thru the nite. Then when I told his wife "wah ur r so lucky bb sleep thru most nites liao"...she say where got, hb sleep like pig dunno tat she has 2 wake up 2 feed bb. MEN...sigh!!!!

Och, Jac
Hehehe...so still quite a few mummies must do nite duty lor...not juz me nia!!! Kinda makes me feel better

Nice 2 meet u 2. Quite lucky me lor...Ewan is always v smiley...tat's why can't be angry wif him one...c him smile u oso can't help but smile oso
Ya ya can meet up chat chat but seems our bb nap times dun coincide hor so more difficult ya
hannah oso dun drink much sometimes...my MIL say she always "play" and drink a bit dun want to drink anymore. In the end, a good half bottle of milk wasted! But she still wakes at nite to eat... sigh...wish she;s drink more during day and sleep at nite

All the best for Made's Aug surgery. Her recent one for hearing all ok yah?

heehee! little towkay! got future!

haiz...sometimes young pple nowadays ok, some not ok...depends on whether we lucky or not.of the 2 yesterday, 1 play us out. Later i hv 2 more...and next week another 2. I just praying that I can find good staff that can at least stay 2-3yrs...not asking for much rite? I lower my expectations liao cos i know, outside market better....
seems like we shd watch transformers!
think we hv to rent VCD to watch...rarely go cinema. This HP movie was a rare one cos it's hb's office "charity" function...:p

aiyoh...how can ur hb say that? bb is bb and all different. plus, u r rite, his colleague may hv slept thru it too! heehee!

me me! oso do nite duty...but onli weekends la. :p
<font color="0000ff">chang/afcai/Lil/SH</font>
thanks for all your concerns.. thanks.. but this mommy very idiot & lousy always make gal fell dwn one. i realli very "shu who" lor. always think awhile nvm lor. i aldy bot the bed guard but then my mattress is thick also mah. she even can fell off from the bed guard but lucky i aldy put with my ABC mats+ cushion + thick towel. at least impact not so bad.
She fell on Wed night 7+pm.. then i gave her eat jin feng shan immed, then use ice to apply on her baruku .. then after that wipe her body & apply Zam Bak..OMG.. Moni be4 send to MIL hse again put Zam Bak, Yday fetch her from MIL evening her baruku GONE.. my hb say she is "tie tou" leh.. fall not scare & very fast recovery one. :p

<font color="0000ff">hwee/bloom</font>
Ya of cos wont put it to heart else i would hv kana PND early lor. might die together with bb lor. But i wont do that. i trasure my life & bb life alot. so i shall see what retribution my hb will get in future.

<font color="0000ff">Lil</font>
U mean PD advise u to continue to drink Enfalac until 12mths or what? but Enfapro got carbo & protein that enfalac dun hv leh.

<font color="0000ff">och</font>
Your saying makes sense leh. realli leh. in future wait they go sch liao, beg them eat with us stay superglue with us they also dun want aldy. But gal gal will still be close to mama lar.

<font color="0000ff">Fizz</font>
realli ur bb got the towkay looks esp with the folded up sleeve leh. lolz. hehe maybe realli be towkay in future then u can shake legs liao.
my hb also comment bb very noisy at nite cant let him slp. why guy lidat ar.. if they MIND then why ask us have bb for them?? PISS manz..

<font size="+2">Anyone whose BB is drinking Enfalac & not ready to change to EnfaPro yet??? I got lobang. my frd over purchased her Enfalac for her son. Bot 3ctns leh be4 GST hike. but she wish to chg to enfapro after 6-7mths mah. per tin is $27. Now she say NTUC sell $32+ liao</font>
I wonder if i want to swop to Enfapro anot also leh. very dilemma leh. cos Enfalac still hv the best for bb since is for NB sure ingredients are the fullest mah. hv to call Meadjohnson & ask later aldy.
bloom, lil,
I like tt comment u both make. Cmf wan loh since they all so well trained by army can zzz under any condition. keke

Cae v jovial.

lil, och, jac, ruffybear,
Really peifu u all on duty everynite. me fr wed to sat already xiong.

we r the part-timer for nite duty :p

lil, nana,
u both meet up liao so gd. Dunno when I can meet u both n snowy.
jen and other mummies, yes, enfalac is for bb until 12 mths old. its ok.the later you let them take step 2 the better cos step 2 usually contains some sort of sugar. dun worry abt the calcium or carbo, bb is already on some solids. dun rush to change. my ger took enfalac till 1 yr old. wa, enfalac still the d most expensive! that's why me no give my bb tis time. haha!

bobianah, good luck to you. i know your expectations not high but unless you get someone with family and appreciate the working hours, the young ones will sure move when there's another opening with higher pay. such is life.....

fizz, yes, towkay in the making.... guess starting young is very impt.

lil, bloom, in actual fact not many bb will actually sleep thru the night. no need to rush la. guess all of us are on night duty.... whose hb take turn?

och, is made better after the last surgery? so 'ke lian'..... all the best for the next one!

afcai, you not bad huh....still got 'pu' to drink once a while. think i have to go ask my mama to make some for me too! haha! yes, me buy fm cos bb take quite a lot, so b4 the gst hike, i got all at one go.
Wat PD say is tat it is not essential 2 change 2 stage 2 milk. Stage 2 milk not tat much different fr stage 1 milk. Main difference is tat stage 2 milk got a liitle bit more protein n calcium nia. Higher protein may cause constipation which is true esp for bb's who r already not pooing well on stage 1 milk lor. But dun just follow us mummies lor...if u not sure then u better consult ur PD ok.

Roo, Bobianah
Wish I can also do part time nite duty nia

Afcai, Bloom, SH, Bobianah, Jen, Roo n Hwee

Thx for yr compliments on Cae...yah...he is a very cheerful bb...he can cruise fm one end of the cot to the other end liao...even if he is to b a towkay...I wld nid to wait for at least 40 long yrs...aiyo...


Even wif the bb monitor in our rm...my hb wil sleep thru it...unless Cae cries very loudly...we mummies r more sensitive to our bbs' cries lor...

Btw...I wake Cae up in the middle of the nite to relieve my engorgemt sometimes...haha...me a bad mummy...


I dunno y Cae has gotten an or chay on his forehead...haizzz...I dun even noe wat happened...
