(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Morning mummies

Thanks for ur suggestions regarding to Roy's sleeping problem

yeah I think it is like getting to be a habit for him which I must certainly break.
I have tried letting him sleep better during the day by switching on the air-con but he n Ryan has the bad habit of having to open their eyes midway during sleeping to SEE if you are STILL next to him or within eye distance or else will start wailing n moving.

Have tried letting him during the daytime
1. Sleep with the radio/cd on. He gets even more agitated then without music so it is not suitable for him
2. Feed him more so he is "FULL" and will sleep longer.

The only thing that will make him sleep at least 2hr straight is to sleep next to him but it is not physically possible all the time.

Have read about the cry it out method etc.. have tried it out but it doesn't really work for him as it makes him more cranky and he will be shouting at the top of his voice. " MAma!" so sure heatt soft and will stop.

Daytime he wakes up the latest 7.20am then can tong till 11-12pm then sleep for 1hr the most..
In the afternoon it is the most another 1 hr.
On good days the total daytime nap may increase to 3hrs.

At night- he goes to bed earliest 9pm.. latest 10pm..will wake up 12mn, 3/4am and 6am...sometimes it is not for milk..also dunno for what.. so only choice is to rock him back to sleep.

*On a side note.. have noticed that Ryan is sleep talking at night and he still wakes up and open his eye and look when Roy disturbs him... so hor.. a lot of night activity in our house.

Roy also wwants to be carried all the time but I don't I alternate him between his playpen/playard/ bouncer n pram in the house when I need to do stuff which cannot have him superglue to me.

Hello mummies

wah so many postings read until I blur liao

Dun worry abt Philson lah, the rattle hearing test not accurate wan sometimes. Cos not ALL babies like the sound of rattle one mah, rt? Like JT will respond to certain rattles only...the one that she likes lah.... and she will totally bo chup me when I call her...but I know her hearing is perfectly normal, cos if she is sleeping and I go into her room to open the cupboard, she will turn around and open her eyes to look for me.... win liao lor...
Er... SWEET and DEMURE??!! after that incident at expo, you think me, Kimi and Vanessa will believe that you are sweet and demure??! WAHAHAHAHA

JT also cannot sit steadily leh... she will topple wants she reach out to take something.... haiz... and she is soooo lazy lor.... dun wan to practise her crawling. She will give up and then turn on her back and then creep on her back to her destination and then flip back on her tummy to take her toy, faintz... at this rate she'll never be able to crawl leh.... but I should be happy that she knows problem solving lah!

Glad to know that you are feeling better. Yah, JT also low wt gain, cannot sit/crawl.. not to mention stand lor... BUT she is very happy everyday, always smiling one.... It's normal to complain abt the wt lah, I still do.... but just dun get too depressed over it ok?

Haiyo... I hear Roy's schedule I also want to faint.... you're really 1 super woman!!

I totally agree with you abt men sleeping thro... like sometimes on weekend mornings I told hubby I'm very tired, go and entertain JT while I sleep for another 15 min cos she woke up twice to drink milk the previous night... then hubby will say "Huh? Really ah? How come I din hear anything one?" :p But to give him credit, sometimes he will hear and scramble out of bed, but I normally stop him cos he got to work the next day mah...
wow, then Roy 's sleeping pattern will kept u busy and tiring man. are u still bf?
for me, bb tx since NB till now, her slp pattern has been fixed by my mum, she made sure that bb tx slp at 0800++pm daily (last time, she handled us also like that, establish the fixed slp routine). that's the only compliment thing that my mum does(hand clasp...) . so now, bb tx is just like an alarm clock, when clock hit 0800pm+, she will want to slp. if we bring her out (at in laws hse or outside), she will be cranky. I think she prefer her familiar envirnoment - bed. even she is tired (can see her eyes purpish red), she will be cranky and dun wan to slp at the new envirnoment.

so the fix routine work.

motherhood is a 'killer' of our health. haa..yeah, u know man leh, slp like log...my hubby also. always wake him up on wkend to ask him to feed bb tx cos need to pump that time. then he took his own sweet time man...buay tahan

hmm..hubby always train bb tx and pull her up by holding her hand. then this little xiao jie will then lift herself up loh. so now, recently, she is doing push up, holding her buttok high high up. also she likes to cruise, wriggle like a 'mao mao chong".

CF chang
haa buay ta han, all mummies 'dun seem' to agree(PROTEST WOR) that u are sweet n demure?? oops...anyway, u are quite comical.

bb tx sometimes also like to play during drinking. then we just burp her and then continue her feed later loh. after that, she did finish drink it.

ai-yo, dun said u are lousy lah. we must said we are more wei da compare to hubby. what is Zam Bak?

how many tin of fm do tim consume per mth?
hiyoh, v cham like tt. hmmmm, how come both ur boys r so active huh? looks like u've tried all means n ways... hai... just hope it'd pass soon... *pat pat*

hahahaha, another lazy bb huh? mandy can't crawl yet, n not creeping oso. how she gets 2 her destination leh? she'd unflip herself, n flip. each time more 2 e left/rite depending on where she wanna go. by flipping n unflipping, she gets closer n closer 2 her destination lor... not bad lah, so tiring oso die die must reach. at least it shows tt she has determination. i hope.

lil, bloom, dora,
sometimes my hubby oso cannot hear mandy cry. he wldn't noe i woke up 2 tend 2 her. but like dora's hubby, i must gif him credit too cos most o e time he hears n wld sometimes jump up 2 tend 2 her. occasionally, he wld feel he can handle better n ask 2 take over.

v funny how some hubbies can ask their wives y their kid is like tt. it's OSO THEIR KID WAT! it's not as if they haf no responsibility over e bb. haiz...

hiyo. dun put selinna on e bed liao. even w pillow oso cannot. i agree w hwee n SH, cry 4 a few min nvm one. rather they cry then put them at risk o hurting themselves rite? sometimes i wanna bathe n mandy cries 4 me i oso bo chap, at most bathe n change quickly then tend 2 her. i can still dig my ear, comb my hair, pee/poo, drink water etc b4 i go 2 her... heheheheh.... must finish wat i wanna do 1st mah. cos once i go 2 her, i'll b stuck w her 4 q a while. so just let them cry 4 a while nvm, they oso shld learn tt their mummies can't b there 4 them 24/7 n can't always respond 2 them immediately mah

cae has such rosy cheeks! so cute!

mandy finally took one meal fr e bottle yest. tho it's only 80ml. i suspect tt's e amt she drinks everytime lah cos even if she latches, wld only latch 4 5 mins. but i'm v HAPPY!!!!!

but she's suddenly afraid o sitting up. dunno y leh. she'd cry like she's v scared. hmmmmm....

Mandy oso latches on for 5 mins nia ah?...issit norm...cos when Cae latches for oni 5 mins...I wil wonder if he really has enuff...
ya ya noted liao lor altho everytime say wont make the same mistake again. now realli hv to put her in cot to let her cry her heart out while i fast fast finish my biz or whatever lor. dunno when this superglue thing will stop & she try to be independent.
Somemore her motorskill so fast master for all the more worried i am.. scare she stand also will fall back also lor.

now wish to copy some mothers here to buy play yard.. but thinking of budget dunno want to get a play pen instead & put in living room while i can do cooking or washing up in kitchen.
yeah still latch on Roy 24/7 but trying to give him FM also (if he takes it).Gd that fixed sleeping pattern works for you. I don't think trying to fix it will work with Roy coz everyday sleeping time can be different even for Ryan.(and for that one.. I give up forcing Ryan to sleep early)

Zam buk is an oinment used for insect bites/balaku etc.. but if using for balaku I would recommend Hurodroid...much more effective then zam buk
i cant believe it, another candidate never come for interview, never call oso!

out of 4 candidates i only saw 2!

at least tx guai, drink her milk after burp. we used to do that wif hannah...but nowadays after burp oso dun want. dun wan means dun wan. she is sit up, use her hand push bottle away, burp her oso she wriggle and wan to get away...dunno wat she so busy to rush to do man!

nowadays hannah like to do a wriggle, left shoulder up, right shoulder down, then alternate and the times it with her backside movement as well...her grandparents all very amused. Me, i find it hard to hold her properly when she does that.
Our bb mah, so have to wake up lor. Plus my hubby also help (though usually it me that wake up)

My boi back to normal last night, sleep ard 830pm and wake up 620am for mlik

Really have to PIAK u ah......Why alway drop your ger???? Baruku is external, you dont know the damage done to her brain leh....Sigh

I can understand how you feel. Last friday one candidate suppose to come for interview. At the end never turn up and also end call. These young ppl really irresponsible
afcai, now he takes abt 4 tins a month. on the average its 1 tin per 6-7 days. before we start him on solids, he has another feed a day and he'll finish a tin in 5 days. so hor, you know how broke i am. :p its a good habit for bb to sleep early and at the same time everyday. try to get her to adapt to sleeping while you carry her as well, so its easier if you're out. if not, train her to sleep in the pram. that's wat i do when i go out past bb's bedtime.

bobianah, well, like you said lor, mkt good ma. as long as you find somebody ok, take first lor. if not the search may take a while.

Ruffybear, wow, yr bedroom so happening at night huh? ever try to separate the both of them since they are light sleepers? dun think everyone will get proper rest like that lei.
initially, I also wanted to get a play pen and place it in my mum'plc but then after consideration, think I would like to get a play yard (have not bought cos cc out of stock, ask to call bck mid july).why leh? cos play yard quite spacious compare to play pen so let bb tx roam ard.

hmm...still feeding Roy on friso? is it a must to throw away the unfinish tin of fm within 4 wk?

is Hurodroid same function as Zam buk? won't bb go and brush against the area apply then later rub the eyes or then suck their finger?

hmm..why dun u let Ryan and roy slp in separate rm?

wow piang, so many ppls fly u kites? haa..for me, I 'forced" (actually not force lah just tricked her) by playing with her. then maybe she forgotten she might be full juz now and then continue to drink loh. sometimes, sing to her(her fav song " twinkle little star), she just stare at u and then continue stucking the milk. after finishing it, will praise her and clasp her hand. she is so contented then.

haa.same same, bb tx is just that a caterpilla nowsaday.

wow, tim is a good milk drink leh (that's why chubby chubby hor)..milk powder so shiong man... 1 tin per wk man...omg. haa...as bb tx is still on ebm so sometimes 1 tin of 400g can't finish per mth also.

every fri when we went mum'plc to take her bck ard 0830pm+. I let hubby carry her fr this mth onwards but hubby can't make it, she will scream and hubby passed bck to me. b4 that all along, I carried her home and hubby took the barang barang thing. but she did not scream so jialat.only one of the time, she screamed on the bus and everyone is staring. wow piang, these ppls hor, dunno what to scare, loves see a screaming bb and panic mummy meh and then doing nothing...ai-yo... so when she screamed, I just repeatly talk to her and then use handi to cover her eyes and then hold closely. then she doze off.
Hi ladies,

I must be crazy to be asking this..

Anyone wants to take over my slot for MBB's Aquaduck tomorrow at Suntec?

To reach at 5.15 and lesson starts at 5.30pm..

My dad's relatives suddenly got something on and my mum wants us to go. Thus I need to leave around 6pm thus unable to get into the pool.

Pissed, I had been waiting so long and looking forward get ace into the pool with professional ppl's help!!!

Afcai, Shihui,

Hee hee.. Me too, my boy boy didn't get in either.. That's what I told hubby straight when he told me tat Ace cried when the whoever puts the hand in to check his teeth..

Talking bout teeth, how come the 1st 2 lower teeth are out at the same time, then the 3rd teeth comes out faster than the 4th?

Now Ace got 4 teeth of 3 different height. Instead of 4 teeth with 2 different height? I thot teeth grow side by side at the same time?
watched HP yesterday.. aiyo.. it's sooo summarised.. hb fell asleep in the movie.. den kept waking up to ask me wat's going on.. duh... :p had kuishi bo buffet yesterday... yum yum yum.. so shiok.. hahaha...
initially supposed to co-pay with hb.. but he da4 fa1 ci2 bei1.. he decided to treat it as kai1 gong1 da4 ji2 lunch treat for me.. hehehe..

wah.. ur boys really active leh...

yup.. we played tt with PH too.. will pull him up to standing position.. but this lazy boy dun want to pull himself up.. :p

aiyo.. wat's wrong with these pple.. hai~~ nvm.. lucky they never turn up for interview.. can't imagine their work attitude if u suay suay employ one of them... hai~~

ace din get in too? aiyo... dunnoe how they select hor?? starting to feel tt it's a matter of "heng suay" leh... if heng heng bb smile at them, maybe will get in lidat.. :p ace so big n healthy.. how can dun get in one... sian....


aiyo! selinna fell again!


huh?dun know how kK choose leh??afcai,gan yr bbies got in??

these two nights Ivan didnt sleep too well...thur night he wake up thrice n was every two hr!! i kept asked him'are u a newborn bb'??so i just kept nurse him to sleep..maybe its just a phase bah...

just to ask:ANy bbies on BM can sleep through already? i was tinking if i switch to FM can Ivan sleep thru? wat if switch liao he still cant sleep thru? cos i cant be always make FM for him rite since only can drink FM 4times per day?I still bf leh..dun know HOW n if really WANT give him FM...like 'bu she de'...

one ting i buay tahan him is every monring when he woke up at 7plus am he will crawl,slowly hold the cot railing n climb up n stand at the cot there...i pretend not to see him..he saw me then smile cheekily!!
:p cannot tahan that!!he has been climing n standing at playard,sofa,cot ...
Hi Choo,
none of us get into KKH bf contest.

saw yr posting that when Ivan woke up, he will crawl,slowly hold the cot railing n climb up n stand at the cot there.(haa Ivan looking out for somebody leh...) etc...wow...my bb tx can't do that leh. A big clap for Ivan who can do that....

as for the qns, any bb on bm can slp thru the night. oh...bb tx since 2mth onwards can slp thru the night. I shd be consider lucky.

hmm..maybe yr last feed before Ivan bedtime, u can try to give him fm and test it out to see if he can slp thru the night. can't gurantee that by switching to FM will keep the bb slp thru the night.
i really wanna enrol Meg in Aquaduck coz the class is fun but the shower facility sucks!
how do you shower and change Hannah?
Hi Mummies
Alamak...Just noticed that there is a proof of purchase stamp for 4 points on each pack of huggies ultra diapers. Does anyone know what the points can be used for? Couldn't find any info on the kimberly-clark website.

Aiyo.... poor selina, must be careful ok? cannot even leave her on the bed for 1 sec. Like I always tell my MIL, it's ok for her to cry if she is in a safe place like playpen or cot. Cos she won't be harmed in anyway with crying... so just let her cry in a safe place if you need to do something.... who knows after a while she won't be so sticky liao....

JT is on TBF, and has been sleeping thro' since 1 mth, but recently she has been getting up in the middle of the nite, but apparently not due to hunger, but she wants to crawl or something :p You can try with the FM lah, but not sure if that's the reason.

Yesterday JT accidentally put her fingers in her food while hubby was feeding her and she enjoyed having her whole face and finger covered in food.... and we were outside leh.. I just went toilet for a while only...faintz.... I was telling hubby abt Mandy's reaction when she touched her food, then hubby says "good mah, Mandy is so smart, knows how to keep herself clean, not like JT, SOOOO MESSY!!"

The young pple nowadays are really hopeless one... like my students, always late for class, and even FYP, I have to wait in the lab for their arrival.... told them if they are always late for work next time, sure get fired one... then they'll tell me the same thing lor.... they are still students... hmmm.. apparently these young pple dun change even if they go out to work lah.... seriously I think old habits die hard, if they cannot have good attitude in their tertiary life, I dun think they will change their attitude when they go out and work..... haiz...
Hi Ladies,

Long time no post liao, but had been reading the postings, wow, really got many postings everyday, read till I hai hai chuan man.

Aiyo, Selina falls again? Got to monitor her for 24hrs for any sign of concussion leh (Guess it's already over :p) Reyna also sleeps in our bed, I will block her up machiam she's sleeping in a "confined' area with pillows, any feng chui cao dong I will run into my rm to see her liao.

This pix is delicated to you:


"Thanks, Aunty Sylvia, for choosing me this cute and nice clothes while I'm in mummy's tummy. It really suits me
Show u this pix:

The bb on the left is my hb's nephew gal, she is 3 weeks younger than Reyna and she's on total FM.

Today I'm celebrating Renise's 2nd bday and like to share the cake I'd baked for her. A pooh bear playgroud

I just do a quick shower for hannah at the outside shower...mainly to wash of the chlorine water. For me, I will wear slippers in shower. I oso do a fast fast shower and go home to bathe. :p I try not to get my hair wet, so i dun bother wash hair till go home. Actually, Suntec pool not too bad liao...other public pools are worse. at least suntec hv hot and cold water taps and the shower stall is wide. :p Now u know why i try to "con" my poor hb to go into the pool?
men easier and faster to shower too! And for me, Suntec convenient lor...plus can shop...:p

wow! the cake is soooo pretty with the winnie the pooh and roo on a swing!
Heated pool sounds very interesting. May take Roy there to try also

Can't remember who asked why don't I put Ryan in the next room to sleep.
I don't want to seperate the boys coz Ryan may feel slighted since his brother gets to sleep with us and he get kicked next door. Anyway I want them to learn how to give in and accomodate each other since young.
2. His room is now an entertainmend/guest/playroom where all his toys are. You should see the mess at the end of the day.can't walk in with all the toys littered on the floor. Still working at getting him to keep his own toys after playing. However at least better now he keeps the toys in his own room and not all over the hall :p

Nice cake you made: So lovely and creative
Darren is on tbf and he never sleep thru the nite! now i try to feed him 3 solid meals, but he not v interested la. how many times he wake up at nite will depend on how much he eat that day. THe best nite i have is when he only wake up ONce at nite (only happened once!) and most nites is wake up every 2-3 hours. Hope you feel better after hearing my story.

glad to hear that ewan is v kwai now. Does he still need to be rock to sleep? mine still need le. dont exactly need to rock la, can be stationery, but he will only sleep on our shoulder.
Hi Van!
Thanks for the pix! Glad u like the clothes.

Choo, LiL, Karen, Ruffy, Roo,
Haiz, count me in the sleepless nights club. Regina sleeps everyday after 10pm, cries for milk at abt 2am and 5am every night and only finally wakes up after 7:30am. There're no signs that she's going to sleep thru anytime soon...

And the next 4 days will be super challenging for me coz hb is going back to SIN for meetings. By the time he comes back, I'll have racoon eyes and hopefully don't smell too bad (if Regina can release me to bathe), hah hah hah.
Hello long time no news frm u. Good to hear that Darren improved liao. E is more kwai but still long way to go lar
Like last nite he "eh eh eh" whole day then at nite sleep also like tat...tossing turning n "eh eh eh" every hr or so. But he had a slight fever cos teething again lor. Nowadays dun really hv 2 rock him 2 sleep lar. He will play play until sleepy liao will be very whinny...then we just hug him in sleeping position, stick pacifier in his mouth n let him hug his bolster...his eyes will close. We pat pat him a few minutes, sleep liao we put him in his cot. So far that's the ritual these days.

Smelly racoon...Mua hahahaha
Then u become full fledge European liao lor...dun bathe wan...just spray perfume nia
R and E same same routine. E also sleeps 9+/10+pm then wake up abt 2am n 5am. Then if I m lucky, will go back to sleep immediately after drinking milk. Otherwise must carry him ard hse to show him tat it's still nite time n everyone is sleep etc b4 he is willing 2 go back 2 sleep. Then 7+am wake up liao. Tough 4 me man cos I m a nite person n looks like my boy is a morning person.
Lil..ahahah.. ur colleague's wife is so funi..and she never told him that she woke up in the middle of the night? at least my hb does btoher to ask sometiems :p

Jen..eheheh.my hb actually dunwan bb :p cos he is too pampered liao ... or maybe on those times u put her on carrier and do ur stuff with her?

hwee, my hb will do maybe once or twice a week.. while i do twice a night..ahahahha

Fizz..ahaha.ur bb monitor got earphone or not ..plug into ur hb's ears loh :p

ruffy,..ahahha..roy and ryan are so funi..they really miss u even during sleep :p

dora..ahah..so JT still crawling on her back...

kimi..ahhaha..or maybe she finds flippign more fun than crawling so she sticks to flipping! sometimes i thnk its so easy for a SG men to have a family cos they only loan the surname thats all... the less are optional..

bohbianah, i think its the location too.my company also never get ok candidate..the location is a huge turn off! yeah shihui is right..imagine the work attitude..i got colleageus that szzzz openly in office one...

choo, kate will also sit up (she canot stand yet) and smile at whoever athat enter the room early in the morning...

vanessa, u make the pooh urself or is it a toy tat u got from somewhere?

sylk..ehehe.u dwunana fly back to SG with hb? :p

Lil, sylk, kate also same routine most of the time just that she usually sleep at 9+pm!

yest my hb attempt to climb up steep wet grass with kate in his arms..i think he is trying to get her killed! what immaturity!
what u mean hb too pampered??

your cake is very very very nice leh. cake shop also lose to u leh.. soo nice leh. Renise words also nicely done.

how much is the swim class @ Holland one? hehe Looks interesting leh...

Hey mommies help help..
BB selinna rejct milk leh. how come ar? if teat almost reach her mouth & she smell or knw is milk she dun wan leh. why ar> isit a phase that bb rejct milk totally?? somemore i want her to drink milk as the impt nutrient still in milk. somemore i din carry her back since sat night until this coming wed i supposed cos hb got to go other camp & cant send bb to MIL hse. so i hapi to leave my bb in my mom hse lar. hehe.
Any mommies giving Enfalac & then want to introduce Enfapro liao ar??
morning mummies

JT got constipation last nite.... can see the poo stuck at the anus and its very hard.... i think it's the brown rice cos she never used to get constipation one.... haiz.... she was crying and crying, in the end still cannot come out, then I wrapped her diapers up then carry and hug her.... she calmed down after tat, then when I checked her diapers again, the poo went back in, cannot see already.... haiz... how ah? any advice? She does drink water leh... maybe not enuf? How much should water should she be drinking? actually I also never track how much she drinks cos I spoonfeed her....Think I'll stop the brown rice for a while... but meanwhile, how to get her to poo?!

why you never follow hubby back to Sin? I know what you mean.... I also hate it when hubby got to work late or go for dinners.... he will be travelling soon, and I am soooo not looking forward to it!

Wow!! The cake looks pro leh!! What flavour is tat?

haiz... sometimes men overestimated themselves and they are really risk takers. Like 2 weeks ago, hubby put JT on the sofa while he was reading newspaper... he say he is looking after her.... but then, men can never multi-task in the 1st place, and JT can just fall from the sofa in 1 flip!! So I had to stop washing the dishes and carry JT away.... he bo bian got to stop reading his papers lor.... haiz... men are really strange creatures sometimes....
Yah, JT is still crawling on her back. actually she can crawl on her tummy for a while liao, but she is not good at it yet, and everytime she finds it difficult, she'll flip over and crawl on her back, which she can do at such ease and speed... haiz.. lazy girl....
Meg juz went thru such an episode!
55 bring her to PD to clear her stool. or else she will gek gek and then will cause tear and u will see bleeding.
very heartache de!!!!!!

PD will help dig out the poo and then offer stool softerner. advice to feed prune juice also.

tat swim lesson is $20 per lesson.

Cae's poo is oso black n hard tis am after her brown rice lunch yest...how ah...I spoonfeed Cae as well...abt 10 tiny spoonful after his lunch...he doesnt like plain water leh...any mummies who hvnt intro plain water to their bbs???


Yr kids r so lucky...get to hv a mummy's ai xin cake on their bday...
That Pooh Bear is a toy I bought from Birthday Direct.com. I'm not that clever to do that toy :p

This cake got mango sandwiched in between, cos my gals cannot take too much chocolate, so this is just a plain vanilla cake with mangoes sandwiched in between.

Thanks for your compliments. I'm also happy, cos I like this cake very much :p too bad my oven too small, can't baked a bigger cake.
so many posts!!!
same thing read until i dun know who mentioned wat..

Karen,sylk n those who replied me..
yes thanks thanks!!! glad to know Ivan is not the only one....aiyo...i dun know when he will start sleeping through....aiyo...


aiyo!!!! ok lah! me n my FM tots lah!!
but thanks leh!! i realy love Reyna's thighs!! can i have a bite!!
she so chubby mah n she is on total BM leh !! :p


Kate so sweet hor..
ivan can recognise..if he see me n hubby once he wake up he will smile ..if he see his ye ye and 'A MA ' he will 'bian'mouth n want cry liao !!


sorri i missed the earlier posts but its ok lah..treat it as an exposure fot the bbies

Lucky u leh!!! TX is so good girl!can sleep thru!!

Today i starting Ivan on porridge..porridge with pumpkin.the slow cooker is so slow that i have decided that for tomororow i will use stove to cook it first then move to slow cooker.hope Ivan will like the porridge since for cereal he still dun 100% accept it!

mummies nid yr output!!

for one type of food tat we introduce it is better to try for about 4 days to test for any allergy rite?so meaning we cant try two new food at one time?

Wat other ingriedents can we add to porridge?
Wat other food can we blend?

Last week we tried avocado,sweet potatoes...still quite okay...

He is very active now..when latch on..for awhile he will turn...sit up.then slowly move to sofa n stand up ..then slowly walk toward his side like a crab...then drool n drool..then slowly turn ard give me his sweetest smile...u see lah!!he more interested in his physical activties than makaning....

saw tat u ordered many tins of Enfrapro!!do u order straight from the FM co or one particular supplier?
darren having constipation too. cry on and off this morning, each time poo a little bit. so heartache. I been giving the gerber prune juice but he doesnt like it.

mbb, can we give the sunsweet prune juice and just dilute it?

lil, glad to hear that ewan dont need rocking too.

5-minute hinting by Shichida
ladies, i been wanting to share with you gals on 5-minute hinting by Shichida that i read in his book. According to shichida, bb's subconscious mind is still active in the first 30mins after falling asleep. you can use this period to give good hints and potentially change your bb's life. e.g. say "bb, sleep tight. bb is a good boy/gal. bb is a smart child, mommy love bb, everyone love bb. bb is very obedient, and always listen to mommy."

I have been hinting to my boy for the past one month (always ask darren to be a happy boy) and i find that he is indeed a much happier and easier boy now. But the reason behind could also be that he is getting solid now and no longer iron deficient (which he could be earlier since he was on tbf). ANyway, for those having difficult bb, no harm trying out.

Just called MIL. She said JT poo-ed this morning. She cried before poo-ing, and the stools was very hard initially, but after that quite soft liao.... Think won't bring her to the PD lah... but will buy the gerber prune just and let her try tomorrow.
Any fruits/veg that will prevent constipation? Papaya? Pears?

I like Mango cake!!! Next time can order or not?
Hi mummies,
very very long never post redy! glad to see u guys are all still here!

SAME SAME! lucas hasnt poo-ed in like... 5-6 days!! and i think its cos i've started giving him brown rice cereal too!
last time he was still on full BM and yet din poo for 7 days! so i scared and brought him to doc and doc gave hi ma stool softener (lactulose solution). I've given that to bb few days ago but still no go leh! Yesterday i also gave diluted prune juice...i'm at work now so think my mum giving today also...sigh... Stress ah when he doesnt poo! Hope today's the day! btw, today's his 7th month bday! heh

also SAME SAME! hahah!
Lucas' pattern also like that... day time MAX he will nap ard 3 hrs by 3pm. After 3pm, he will not nap again no matter how tired and cranky he is until bed time... which could sometimes be 9+ cos i come home late or worst, is 10pm. These days i'm trying to get him home earlier from work then pick him from my mum's place, bring him home n bathe him etc by 9pm if possible. He very cute lah... once bathe, he knows it's bedtime and he will lie down w/o crying and stone until he sleeps.haha! sometimes will crank abit if he's too tired then i just give pacifier lor..haha

but at nite... aiyoh...terror!!!!! if he sleeps at 9, he will wake up ard 11+/2/4/5/6 then i feed him lying down and we both can sleep another 1+hrs before i go work and he goes to my mum's place! I duno if it's cos he's teething... now only half a mini tooth sticking out abiiiit...But wah... sometimes, he will just SCREAM but his eyes are still closed leh!!! very frustrating but aiya... wat to do?

fwaaah, u baked that cake?!!??! wow!!!
u take orders or not? hehe

re. bb food, do u blend/ mash up the porridge or is it still rather "solid"...like er..can u still see the rice grain shape (hehe, e.g. the kind adults eat?). Cos my mum made porridge but strain the thing until still look like liquid so er... not very solid leh. haha
She put in fish also altho i thought bb so young shdn't take fish yet issit? My boy is very greedy... he will eat ANYTHING but i just need to make sure he is not too young to eat it! Like bread cannot yet cos it's got wheat issit? My cousin asked me buy this book from Popular - parenting series called Weaning. Think i'll so get later today

how the doc dig it out?? aiyoh... poor baby!!
hope he can poo today o/w think i'll have to bring him to doc too

Any mummies have same problem as me? Last nite, lucas woke up (one of his many many usual night wakings) and started wanting to get up and flip over like wanting to crawl like that! very scary leh... and i could tell that the poor boy also was still sleepy and tired!
Hi mummies,
very very long never post redy! glad to see u guys are all still here!

SAME SAME! lucas hasnt poo-ed in like... 5-6 days!! and i think its cos i've started giving him brown rice cereal too!
last time he was still on full BM and yet din poo for 7 days! so i scared and brought him to doc and doc gave hi ma stool softener (lactulose solution). I've given that to bb few days ago but still no go leh! Yesterday i also gave diluted prune juice...i'm at work now so think my mum giving today also...sigh... Stress ah when he doesnt poo! Hope today's the day! btw, today's his 7th month bday! heh

also SAME SAME! hahah!
Lucas' pattern also like that... day time MAX he will nap ard 3 hrs by 3pm. After 3pm, he will not nap again no matter how tired and cranky he is until bed time... which could sometimes be 9+ cos i come home late or worst, is 10pm. These days i'm trying to get him home earlier from work then pick him from my mum's place, bring him home n bathe him etc by 9pm if possible. He very cute lah... once bathe, he knows it's bedtime and he will lie down w/o crying and stone until he sleeps.haha! sometimes will crank abit if he's too tired then i just give pacifier lor..haha

but at nite... aiyoh...terror!!!!! if he sleeps at 9, he will wake up ard 11+/2/4/5/6 then i feed him lying down and we both can sleep another 1+hrs before i go work and he goes to my mum's place! I duno if it's cos he's teething... now only half a mini tooth sticking out abiiiit...But wah... sometimes, he will just SCREAM but his eyes are still closed leh!!! very frustrating but aiya... wat to do?

fwaaah, u baked that cake?!!??! wow!!!
u take orders or not? hehe

re. bb food, do u blend/ mash up the porridge or is it still rather "solid"...like er..can u still see the rice grain shape (hehe, e.g. the kind adults eat?). Cos my mum made porridge but strain the thing until still look like liquid so er... not very solid leh. haha
She put in fish also altho i thought bb so young shdn't take fish yet issit? My boy is very greedy... he will eat ANYTHING but i just need to make sure he is not too young to eat it! Like bread cannot yet cos it's got wheat issit? My cousin asked me buy this book from Popular - parenting series called Weaning. Think i'll so get later today

how the doc dig it out?? aiyoh... poor baby!!
hope he can poo today o/w think i'll have to bring him to doc too

Any mummies have same problem as me? Last nite, lucas woke up (one of his many many usual night wakings) and started wanting to get up and flip over like wanting to crawl like that! very scary leh... and i could tell that the poor boy also was still sleepy and tired! How ah? before bedtime alrdy we try to keep his activity down leh... but day time, he's reaaaaaally active lah.. really cannot keep still one.
haha, u want to be my ger? U sure or not? Asked Meg to jie bai with REyna, then every year I "sponsor" them cake for birthday....hahaha...then u get to eat also.

Hihi, yes I do take order.

U want har? Let me know early lah, cos I need to get mangoes. FOr this cake I only put 1 mango in it, cos last min I decide to use the mango I had at home for the cake :p
think some of you shared before, but dun mind sharing ur views again?
My MIL enjoys feeding my ger solids, so much so that she wants to feed her solids like 4 times a day. then, she complain that my ger "waste" milk and dun drink.

How many meals of solids do u feed ur bb and how much?
i tink it's better to give bb prune juice either fr heiz or gerber.

i dun tink u wanna know in details.....

bb at tis age should not have more then 3 meals of solid. milk is still their main diet. even FM company recommended 1 or 2 solid feed per day. but as long as Hannah can stomach at least 750ml of milk then ok (tis is wat my PD advice me).
thanks. yah, on weekends i usually give hannah 2 times of solids or 3 (a snack of teething rusk). My MIL quite stubborn sometimes. I told her to start intro sweet potato or veg, she keep buying fruits only. Weekend i bot sweet potato. Then just now she tell me morning feed cereal, just now feed sweet potato, later she feed sweetpotato again and then our dinner time i can feed her fruit. I keep trying to explain to her feed 3 times can oredi, she like "deaf" lidat, then say i confuse her! Wah piang! Her idea is creal and sweet potato is "food" and fruits is not counted as a "meal"!
Then like annoyed wif me and said "fine, for the rest of today will feed hannah milk". I mean, i keep trying to explain to her that if she feed so many solid meals, no wonder hannah dun want to drink milk!

Haiz, sometimes, i think we are lucky my MIL etc loves hannah, but sometimes I think everybody loves her so much they forget we are her parents.
Then we dun want to offend them, or hurt their feelings cos they r very sensitive...I think many of u mummies experience this too.

My MIL last week say Hannah very "dao", got her daddy dun want my MIL to carry her liao. She kept going on an on abt this and wanting to "test" hannah. I mean, I told my hb, of cos hannah wants us to carry her when we are around la! We are her parents mah! Plus, we work and she dun get to see us much, so when we are around of cos prefer us to carry la! Lately they keep going on and on abt who Hannah prefers to carry her etc etc etc...
I hear oredi oso getting sian. For me, even if sometimes hannah prefer my hb to carry, i oso dun care, cos it means i can take a break!
thanks. yah, on weekends i usually give hannah 2 times of solids or 3 (a snack of teething rusk). My MIL quite stubborn sometimes. I told her to start intro sweet potato or veg, she keep buying fruits only. Weekend i bot sweet potato. Then just now she tell me morning feed cereal, just now feed sweet potato, later she feed sweetpotato again and then our dinner time i can feed her fruit. I keep trying to explain to her feed 3 times can oredi, she like "deaf" lidat, then say i confuse her! Wah piang! Her idea is creal and sweet potato is "food" and fruits is not counted as a "meal"!
Then like annoyed wif me and said "fine, for the rest of today will feed hannah milk". I mean, i keep trying to explain to her that if she feed so many solid meals, no wonder hannah dun want to drink milk!

Haiz, sometimes, i think we are lucky my MIL etc loves hannah, but sometimes I think everybody loves her so much they forget we are her parents.
Then we dun want to offend them, or hurt their feelings cos they r very sensitive...I think many of u mummies experience this too.

My MIL last week say Hannah very "dao", got her daddy dun want my MIL to carry her liao. She kept going on and on abt this and wanting to "test" hannah. I mean, I told my hb, of cos hannah wants us to carry her when we are around la! We are her parents mah! Plus, we work and she dun get to see us much, so when we are around of cos prefer us to carry la! Lately they keep going on and on abt who Hannah prefers to carry her etc etc etc...
I hear oredi oso getting sian. For me, even if sometimes hannah prefer my hb to carry, i oso dun care, cos it means i can take a break!
Oops, sorry, become mini compain session...
bobianah, so how? did you manage to find the staff you wan? i guess for MIL issue its really tacky... as long as hannah get at least 4 bottles of milk, i guess can't complain too much. just nicely tell your MIL solids is additional not milk replacement lor.

choo, i didn't get enfalac. i bot dumex from the supplier.
dora, your bb have the same problem as mine last time.
I think 1 mummy here teach me to massage bb's stomach.
Although, I try, but does not really work.

How I solve my Gabe's constipation :
Step one : when u see the tiny litte bit pertuding out try to pull it out by using a forceps.(of cos will break the poo,but it's ok)
then use a toothpick dig some out fm the centre of the poo (bcareful dun pok onto bb's flesh)
During this process, will b painful to bb 'cos poo stuck there. Then, take a break.dun force bb anymore.

Step 2 : Aft finish bb's next feed , feed him wz GP or PD's provided medicine for stool softening.
Then wait.....

Step 3 : BB start want to poo again. This time bb
will cry again. 'cos they start to acknowledge pooing is painful. never mind help them by "hmmming" together.

Step 4 : finally come out. but to let them get over the pain experenice, for the time being dun
use wipes to wipe , use soft cloth to wipe the buttocks.

*Remember to feed 250ml of plain water each day & 1 feed of fruits.
Lots of Spinach for roughage.

Hope the above helps.
ops another thing not more than 1 meal of brown rice each day.

The above are my own experience & so far it works for 2 months liao.
i missed the dark side!!! and i'm suffering from forum withdrawal syndrome!! ahaahahahhhhhh!!! :p

started my first day of work.. it's orientation today n tml.. nothing much to do.. juz walk to different lab for chit chat session.. hehehe.. :p wed will start job training... stress ah...

there's no comp for me there.. sob sob.. so i can onli read the forum n hopefully msn at night... i miss u gals...... sooooob......

fed PH oat cereal last sat... he hate it... he was crying so badly tt i had to stop feeding halfway... hai~~shall try again this wk.....

MIL issue really tricky... sian...
sometimes really dunnoe how to convey msg to them... but no choice lor... u say liao, they dun follow.. wat can we do.. if we still insist, will onli hurt the relationship lor.. juz like my bottle cleaning incident.. now other pple try to comment on me too... tt day my hb's godparents came to see PH.. out of the blue, his godmom started saying tt in the past, they dun clean bb's toy bb oso grow up to be healthy adults.. seems like she's hinting tt i'm a cleaniness freak... i hate pple who go n meddle in other pple's affair.. hate gossiper... hai~~ so sad.. she tarnished the gd impression i had of her... :p
jen, his parents used to pamper him, dont have to do household chores (dont even need to bring keys out cos mom will open and close door for him!) so he is not used to having to take care of other pp...

dora, ayoh , pls lah, its so easy to fall off sofa cos its so small! tsk*tsk at least he stop reading his newspapers rather than continue cos u have taken JT away.. hehehe... when it comes to snatching toys, speed is of essence..style is secondary :p

vanessa, hehehe.. ok... maybe u can learn to do those toy figurine made of sugar :p get mbb as god daughter not bad leh! :p

choo..ahahah..so ivan so dont give face to ye ye and ama! :p be careful when u use stove to cook first..thats what i try then end up play with kate till i forget then porridge become rice :p :p :p

stephanie, next time when lucas sleepy still 'wake up' and try to crawl, u try to push him back to sleeping position then gently 'press' him down so that he cannot get up... see if he will feel drowsy again..

bohbianah, kate can take 0/1/2 solid meals a day.... never > 2... but cos i am lazy lah :p is hannah her only grandchild?

shihui..wah..u mean nowadays still got office jobs w/o need to use pc ah..ehehhe... first time u feed ph cereal? or first time feed oat cereal? tell PH's godma last time no rotavirus lah.
ok with me.... but what time though?? maybe can meet for early lunch so not as crowded...

let's see what roo & lil say...

bloom, shihui, hwee
haiz, hannah is 1st grandchild for BOTH sides of the family...(and very likely to be the only one at this rate!) hence she is VERY well loved...until i feel like as parents we get "sidelined". yesterday, my mum said in her "disapproving way" tt she thinks hannah doesn't like sitting in the bath ring as it confines her. I told my mum, it's not a matter of like or dun like but for safety!
And you know what? hannah only fussed just that once and she said that!!! We've let hannah sit in bath ring for past 2-3wks liao and she's perfectly fine (other than still attempting to stand up in the tub unsuccessfully). Luckily, this time my dad is sensible and also agreed with me that hannah is perfectly happy in it. Sigh!
See, EVERYBODY thinks they know wat is best for hannah.
They all can't get enough of her...I guess I shdn't "complain" as it is a good thing and my ger is very priviledged, but...sometimes they get out of hand lor.
Really ah....all of them dun remember what it is like raising a baby anymore. I have to hint to my MIL and mum not to wear too much jewelry when playing with hannah cos she will grab and pull and maybe even scratch herself, they oso wont listen and must learn the "hard way".
Now i remember why my MIL not really sure how to cook porridge for hannah...i think cos last time they hv servants at home...:p
I really try to keep one eye closed liao, since i dunno wat goes on when Im at work...as long as hannah is healthy and happy. But hor, sometimes...really frustrating lor!
What i cannot stand is things like, feed hannah too much solids, then complain that she not drinking milk...i mean, isn't it obvious why?? haiz!

yah, i know what u mean abt ur hb godma. it's like telling us we dunno how to raise our kids! :p sometimes i wanna tell them last time infant mortality rate very high ah...and they just got lucky that nothing happen to theirs! :p

finally hv email from Rita! Ergo lai liao!

Today still interviewing...2 more candidates...but one of them england very "cha". I hv my doubts.
