(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

bobianah, no get the letter lei....dunno wat happened? when is that duckie award thingy?

Linette, thank God you're ok. i lost a lot of blood during my first delivery also. but not to the extent of transfusion. had to be monitored for a while too. well, after you see the baby, everything else also forgot liao. that's why went ahead with #2. :p

bobianah & linette, 55 go take refresher course. start with weekends lor, i only get to drive during the weekends...

Yes, my delivery is via C-section...but the problem lies with my uterus. It simply refused to contract, and was in a relaxed mode, hence blood could not coagulate, and kept on flowing. I had to be kept on the drip medication to coagulate the blood for 24 hours.

Yeah lor, I am now trying to find some refresher courses. But the moment I think of ducking the cars on the roads, it made me freeze, man. I delivered in NUH under Mary Rauff. Heh, I also dunno how I ended up in education...pay is quite sucky compared to other industries leh.

Went to read your posting - well done! But erm, I was more distracted by your yummy muffins. Oreo muffins!!?? I WANT!!!!

Yeah I guess as time passes, we kind of forgot our trauma and dun mind thinking of other kids, heh heh. Your experience also scary - somemore for the 1st kid!! You thinking of a 3rd one??
it's on 5 Aug i think. nvm, this saturday ask coach anne. i oso wanna ask her wat its abt...:p

About the Blood transfusion case
imho, i think we cannot jump into conclusions. Cos when pple get upset, sometimes the real story gets twisted (u know, like the game broken telephone?). I'm not defending the hospital or blood bank, but massive blood loss and blood transfusion is not as simple as we think. It takes a while for the donor blood to be "pumped" in and for the body to accept it. If the bleeding is faster than the transfusion and than the body can cope, it is oso no hope.
as for the folks waiting to donate, I dun think it has anything to do with it cos its not like the blood the 200 ppl donate go straight to the patient since not all the ppl will have the same blood type. Oso, its not so simple as u take out from one person and immediately put in another person. Tests hv to be done. Usually ready stock is released to the patient.

all i'm saying is that if we are too quick to blame and point finger without knowing the truth, we are just going by herd mentality. That is the same mentality that is very scary as it is what's behind all the riots/public demonstrations and all the fighting that go on in the world. *shudder*

So, everyone, no offence, but relax lar...
hee, i oso very scared...SG drives dun "pan chan" one...
education line pay is bad, benefit is almost non existent. If it is to their benefit (and not ours), they say follow civil service or follow pte sector accordingly. we always get the short end of the stick. Hai, wat to do...think want to change line now oso difficult...too bad i'm not good at numbers....
bobianah, okie, ask on sat. 5 aug, i'll be ard. i've booked to go sydney on 7 aug! yippee! dunno why i got left out? hee hee...

linette, guess if you dun mentioned i may have forgotten... well, it was ok for my #2, so i'm open to #3.
bobianah, yup, reserved liao. i'm using points to do redemption. at the sheraton also next to hyde park. will make a trip to blue mountains too.
not intending to spend the night. just a day trip. wanna come along? its short, only 1 week, cos huby can't take leave for too long.
bobianah, hwee,
make me envy.
Will hv prob with the milk powder at the customs or nt huh? Oz very strict in the food quaratine plus nw the new rules in customs. Plan to hv a holiday too but dunno when.........
bobianah, need to ask you abt the bringing of water on board. did you bring any? all take from the flight? wat abt milk powder? like roo said, can bring in or not?
soooo nice! yup, the sherton there shd be a good location. By the way, if u like cupcakes, there's a place called Cupcakes on Pitt (along Pitt street) that hv really yummy cupcakes. U can surf and find them on website i think. If u need any suggestions/recommendations, let me know.

thanks for the invite, wld love to go, but my students start class then and i doubt my staff can handle
. plus i just come back la...how to go again? if only i were a tai tai...heehee!
roo, hwee
ok, cannot bring water on board from SG side. My hb stubborn, bot a bottle of mineral water, say not open can bring. I told him no liao, he dun want to listen. In the end, at the gate, they say cannot and we ended up drinking most of the water. Going home, my hb dun dare liao la. :p If need water to make milk, can ask the flight attendents. They'll even wash bottle for u. As for formula, yes, i put some in those dispensers and we are allowed to take in...powder mah, not gel.
But Oz very strict abt dairy pdts, so i brot an unopened tin of FM there and it was ok. They are very understanding. I went to the "something to declare" lane at customs (as it's better safe than sorry), told them i hv formula milk for my bb and they just waved me thru. Didn't even ask me to open bag to check. Even say hannah very cute. Heehee!
Oz is very bb frenly...dun worry.
no la...lecturer benefits n pay v good one!
me a lowly administrator...the bao ka liao type...cham hor? :p but ok la, i enjoy interactions with my students. Industry so good, they graduate and get better pay then me arh! But i quite proud of them.
bobianah, ok no water, noted. will take note of the milk powder too. thanks! did you go to port stephens or nelson bay? saw the bus timings, need to spend a night. may give it a miss. actually would love to go dolphin or whale watching. unless we drive there. still thinking abt it. okay, pitt street cupcakes will be in my must do list.
just wondering what to do at night. shopping will be out right?
txs for the info. Must go pyscho hubby for the trip haha.......

Haha...baokaliaologist :p Actually the nature of 9 to 5 job oso gd. Then u can spend more tm with Hanah and family. Got a fren who is a lecturer said they have so many days of leave oso no use cos cannot anyhow take. If during sch term need to take 1 or 2days urgent leave also must have very gd reason cos when they on leave the lesson will get disrupt.
For me so long every mth pay cheque come and can get by with the living can liao. haha I very 'bu zhan jin'
roo, dun say that lei. me too lor. dun care abt anything. only work 5 day wk and 9-6 only. end of the month got pay can liao, the rest i dun care also. haha! if pay so high but need to work all day and night then cannot spend time with family i also dun wan.
no, didnt go dolphin or whale watching cos did before and it might be quite cold out now. I always enjoyed taking a ferry to Manly beach...eat fish n chips for lunch...very pleasant.
still winter so sunset maybe 5/6pm? Shops close by abt 7 or 8. But, u can shop at supermarket like Coles or Woolworths then, they close late. I love going to supermarkets. Heehee! World Square has a huge Coles and its near sheraton.
With a bb, by nite, after dinner exhausted liao, so didn't do much. U can try Betty's Soup Kitchen at Oxford Street - ang mo soup la...but i love it. free bread and butter. There's a yummy Jap restaurant at Crown street, very hidden cos just one small door leading down one level:
I love their beef sashimi...:p must make reservation oso...bz on friday evenings. But, not very exp la.
Oso had gyoza and terriyaki chicken or smthing...not bad.

cupcakes on Pitt: http://www.cupcakesonline.com.au/index.html

If u like markets, other than Paddy's and the Rocks, there's also Paddington market open on Sat only: http://www.paddingtonmarkets.com.au/

Oso went to a Spanish restaurant at Sir John Young hotel Cnr of Liverpool n George st. Paella very nice but must order 1 hr in advance! hence we didn't get to eat it but we had other items that were just a yummy: http://www.eatability.com.au/au/sydney/grand_taverna.htm

In the evening, U can oso go to Circular Quay. There's this restuarant called City Extra. 24hrs. Lite meals not bad, plus nice view of harbour without the price! hahaha! Strolling around there is very nice...but cold la i think...

Bondi Junction Shopping Mall is HUGE! and there is Kum Fook restuarant there....good for Yum Cha. Go early cos quite packed.
Glebe oso hv good restaurants...otherwise, Pitt St is a nice pedestrian mall and there is a big food court in the basement that can be accessed from many buildings like David Jones, etc.
roo, above info is for u too if u do go on hols.

for me, it's like revisiting an old fren cos i used to study there...:p

roo, hwee
same same...i like it that i get to see hannah...9-6 job la. not much OT, it gets bz, but i can plan and within my control.
roo, hi-5!!

thanks for the info bobianah. no wonder you so enjoy and familiar, oic you studied there. thanks! thanks! thanks! i've been wanting to go sydney for a while but didn't get down to do it. now finally but was afraid too short. well, its ok, another reason to go again...hee hee.....
txs a lot.
Its my dream to study in Oz but din fulfill cos of finacial issue tt tm.

I think Sagittarian like to be at crtl in suitation but they love freedom. I'm a Sagi too. I get panicked when thg is nt organised keke. Jus hope next tm our gals dun crtl us
ur welcome.

i went everywhere by public transport or walk, cos very easy to take bus even with pram. Bus drivers very patient, give u directions etc, ppl very zi dong, will give u the wheelchair area seat. I bot a Blue Travel Ten (for 10 trips).
Only to blue mountains then we had a car. :p

if u need more info, let me know la.
oh, for factory outlet:
But warn u first, there the foodcourt quite crap...not much variety. But go there to shop not eat rite? heehee!
U can check the websites to see if the stores/brands interest you.
roo, hwee
next time, when ur kids bigger, take them to the Royal Easter Show. Sure enjoy one! I oredi plan my next trip will be when Hannah is abt 4yo. :p

same, Saggi too...maybe that's why when Hannah not born on EDD i felt very lost...cos not in control...bwahahahahah! finally induce her. :p
aiyah, dun say, till now i still slowly paying off my education "loan". heehee!

Oh yah, disclaimer:
What I like u may not necc like hor...:p But i hope with recommendations, u will also enjoy some of the places/things la.
thank you again bobianah! no need disclaimer la. i'll go and see what other info i need. will check out those websites. thanks! so much first hand info.

roo & bobianah, huh? saggi lidat one meh? my papa and my younger sis not lei. dun scare me later i kenna controlled by my boi.:p
funny story abt Betty's Soup Kitchen. It's at Oxford Street...gay district la. Hb and i were speculating abt our waiter, who "looked" gay. Then we started chatting with him (they are very frenly) abt hannah cos he said she's very cute. Next thing u know, he pointed to one of the younger waiters and proudly told us that's his son! Hahaha! So, nvr judge a book by it's cover.... even tho u are in the "district"!
no worries lah. Its very kind of u to share the info liao.

at least for me is lah keke. I think I'll fight with Denise next tm :p

ps: suddenly this thread become the chat rm for 3 of us :p
:p once u get me started on sydney, i can go on for a while...

tonite gg to watch harry potter...not my movie of choice, but hb bot some tickets for fund raising...bo bian ah! I told him if only it's Ocean's 13, then at least i hv good looking actors to look at. kekekeke!
bobianah, agree dun judge a book by its cover.
you can go on abt sydney but others may not enjoy lor, except me and roo for now. :p

me going to watch transformers tonight. heard its good. better be good.
i know ocean 13 has so many handsome men to look at but heard not worth watching lor, except the men la. haha!
thanks bobianah, you enjoy harry potter too! i'm actually a fan. used to read it... now i guess no time? haha! excuse.

and to roo too! enjoy!
Me use to study in Sydney too, reading through all the plc u mention bring back fond memories of Sydney. Really miss the care free days of being a student

bobianah, hwee, roo13,
High 5 ladies, my focus in life change upon the arrival of Jovey. Now i only want to knock off at 6pm and 5 5 go home and play with Jovey. Than end of the mth collect pay cheque
hi all, wanna show u a vid. i took o mandy. was trying 2 train her 2 hold e spoon 2 feed herself n oso wanted her 2 feel e food a bit, 4 sensorial play. i tot all bbs like 2 squeeze food w their hands... but ALAS!!! watch e vid.. notice mandy's expression when she touches e food... *grin*

yup. agreed that it took a while for the blood transfusion to flow into the body. for me, the next day after I delivered, the process of tranfer blood took 3-4 hr.

2 yr ago, I also went sydney but too bad bad weather and miss the manly beach cos it is raining. also blue mountain become cloduy , can't see much.

yup, same, I also lost a lot of blood during my delivery cos veins burst and then midwife etc can't stop bleeding. then after that, stand up gizzy and then need to bed-ridden for 2 days. nurse dun let me walk.

yeah loh. thks for the compliments of the photos. maybe one of the sat can chio u out with yr gars.
mandy is so cute...
heee~ seems like food taste yummy to her but feels yucky.. :p

true true.. agreed tt it may not entirely be the hosp fault for the lady's death.. we know too little to point fingers.. :p but feel tt hosp shd be more compassionate n understanding to patients n family.. however, guess they see too many similar cases until they numb liao...
hahha... mandy really xiao jie ahh... dont like her fingers to get dirty. sophia will try to grab the spoon, bowl and get herself super messy. food all over her face, hands and sometimes feet!

last nite browsed thru your blog. very interesting to read! mr doggiebb very good lei - can bake, do those coffee art, do research abt baby development etc; and cookie gal's post are really entertaining as well!

mummies, i am sooooooo happy! finally after every night of sophia crying when i try to put her to zzz (coz she wanna my mum instead), she finally didnt cry for the past 3 nites liao
Mandy expresssion v funnie...It's like she's thinking...Is this what goes in my mouth...Yuckie!!!

I must write down ur recommendations...next time I go Sydney again no need bring guide book liao

Bobianah, Hwee
Envy, envy...u can still go watch movie... Me can only watch movie at home so must wait until HP is released on DVD...sniff sniff

I love HP...have the whole set of HP books n waiting eagerly for the next one...keeping them so can read wif E next time
BTW...the books much better than the movie lar.
Aiyoh, mandy sooooooo CUTE!
her face expression so cute!
So far i hvnt let hannah feed herself except for the rusk.

jackie, ruffy,
hi 5!
i did my PG studies in sydney - almost like 2 yrs holiday lidat. :p had sooo much fun, and i played "da jie" to a few pple too lar, cos most were there for UG studies.
The last time i was there was in 1999 for my graduation....so when i went back, i went to look for as many makan places as i cld! I told my hb, I'm not a sentimental person, but i can get sentimental abt FOOD!!!
there was one place i didn't go to cos it was closed...
my fav thai restuarant. I was dying to eat the shredded catfish salad "yum pla duk foo"...dun have!!!
very hard to find this dish in SG.
Oh, lately there's a lot more korean restaurants there then in the past! So, I had some nice korean food. Try to scout around and aviod the nice restaurants like those at World Square cos quite expensive! U get cheaper yummy korean food at some small informal restaurants. i just see if the place is relatively crowded, shd be ok food.

roo, hwee,
harry potter movie effects were good....storyline, erm ok la...it's a kid's movie anyway. But hor, some scenes a bit scary for little kids i think...

shihui, afcai
ya...sometimes massive bleeding is more complicated then we layman understand lor. If only it were so simple. And then hor, sometimes in any organisation, u'll find "stupid" ppl who anyhow pass wrong comments, like the person who told them "must get higher authority approval". Sometimes it cld be a junior staff, dunno how to handle, panic so anyhow try to avoid responsibility. They dun understand when they say wrong thing, can get pple into trouble. Haiz, i'm saying this cos i've met quite a few of these type...in the end, the organisation gotta do service recovery even tho its misunderstanding. Even my staff hor, sometimes lidat. now u know why i so stress!
i oso used to donate blood and i ever donated blood platelets twice to a fren with leukemia before...wah...long process! In the end, my fren succumbed to it and passed away...leaving behind a young widow...so sad...

congrats on sophia!

hee, anytime u going sydney, just ask me lor. I've give wat info i hv.

wish me luck mummies, today, tomorrow and next week, im interviewing for NEW staff!! yippee!
bobiahah, use youtube to upload the video loh... ur story abt A and B reminds me abt what my colleageus said..before i join this company they got a colleague from china..the wife so tradition she never see doc when she was pregnant, only when she was in labour then she walk in..and she did that for all her children...

hwee, wow..ur mom very 'modern' leh..i think alot of our mothers will never understand the concept of organic!

afcai, sound like u r in alot of pain leh..... does sleeping makes it better? if not might be something else leh...

linette..wah lau..why the hospital like that..its one thign not to alarm the family but anotehr thing to keep them in the dark leh...

kimi..ayah..office block youtube..will view at home...

starluster, hahaha.kate also like that..try to grab spoon (i am the one that make food go all over her face hahah) then suck on her toy..yest hb just discover that i din clean one of the toys well enuf and there is still puree stuck there from the weekend! :p wow! sophia is starting to get used to ur style ! thats great! feels great right?
afcai, your delivery is c-section?

Doggiebb, i kinda outdated was flipping thru June YP magazine this morning while having breakfast then saw a bb who looks familiar looked more closely realised she is talia ann together with MR Doggiebb
How did they get featured in the mag?
Mandy so funnie. I think she dun like the 'nuai nuai' feeling

congrats to ur happy problem

wah u die hard fans of HP. The books oso not cheap ya? Me lazy plus no patience so I pay to watch the moive keke.....

the description of the fd make me

glad u enjoy the movie. txs for the feedback. I looking forward to it now.

Gd luck to ur interview.

u enjoy the transformers movie?
err mandy is really a xiao jie, dun wan to dirty her hand and express a kind of fnny expression. bb txx will grab and make a mess out of it mah.... as the co-ordination between her hand and mouth is not stable so she will place the spoon over her nose and face. sometimes, she can place the spoon into her mouth. but all these spoon thing need to be careful cos dunno which country got this incident that a dunno how many old kid die bec the spoon protude out of her throat.

wow , yr col fr china's wife so steady man, dun need to go for antental checkup one....steady man.

err...one of the time when I was on mc, I slp the whole day except pumping bm session (set alarm clock to wake up). then after that, felt a bit refresh loh but still a bit sleepy.

wow...which hosptial is that? ai-yo....making family member esp hubby so worried.

mine is normal VD, not c-sect.

gg to movie, wow, envy...anyway, just for yr info, if u are gg to GV theatre during wkend, one got discount (only $8 per ticket) when one produce SAfra card. if u go Eng Wah cinema, I got movie voucher(WORTH $9.50 but can sell u original price only $7.50) which can use any day. quite worth the discount.

hehehe! it was through our blog. The YP writer was browsing through our blog and thought she would like mr doggiebb to say a few words for the Father's Day special so she contacted us through our blog. He didn't want to initially but i strongly encouraged him since it's NOT me who is going to be featured!
YO YO EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! Long time nooooooooo seeeeeeee *HUGZ EVERYONE* keke

Anyway.....i m lost in all the post....cant catch up......so juz see the babies pix :p ALL the bbies are soooooooooooo cutie.......brighten up my morning

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know dat kind of happiness u get......cos all along.....i thot philson is bored of me as he sees me 24/7.......then last week......my hubby told me dat when i m not in the same room as philson.....he will fuss n cry for meeeeeeeee......wuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu....can u imagine my joy!!!!! yeah yeah yeah....so nowadays when he fuss cos i left his side....i will carry him n kiss him until he scream for help :p

aiyoooooooooooo......mandy like meeeeeeeee....i hate 2 dirty my fingers too....we are so xiao jie keke.....However, philson loves 2 put his whole hand in his bowl of cereal so more work for me 2 do now while feeding him......but those cereal that drop on the floor will b cleared almost immediately by my dogs......so now philson n my dogs are the best of friends :p

Congrats on passing ur driving.......u very fast wor.....i still rem dat time u failed ur driving.....so fast retake n pass liao......*zhen li hai*

er......choo....i saw u crying over ivan's weight again......sigh.....if u are very worried n upset abt his weight......y dun u seek help from nutritionist to work up a somethg so dat ivan can b the fat n chubby bb u wan.

dat time i m oso very concern dat philson still can sit on his own when most of the bbies here can sit liao....n yes...dat include Ivan n PH who is younger than Philson (even until now he is still *bu dao weng*) anyway, question 1: backbone has prob n weight.....which is more serious???? So as i worried dat somethg is wrong with his backbone, i make an appointment with pd to check him.....thank God....all turn out well.....However, even until now.....my friends whose sons are the same age as philson but afew mths older are all asking me.....y philson still cant sit well????.....well....to me, if philson is a late developer then let him be.......i oredi done my best 2 make him happy n healthy....as long as end of the day he can sit.....crawl.....stand....walk....bla bla bla....i m happy (btw....he still cant crawl, stand, not like ivan who can do all these liao)

THEN.....new prob arises....philson has no response to the *rattle test* question 2: hearing impt or weight???? So i make another appointment with the audiology, a ear specialist to check his hearing......well.....the doc told me....philson passed his hearing test...BUT his response is slower for his left ear n doc cont to say.....anyway is ok lah.....at least he can hear with ONE ear......#@#$%^*(&&^$#@$#$ wat is this????? passed his test but response slow????? sigh.....like school exam grading.....50 marks is passed.....100 marks oso passed....so my philson hearing test is 50 marks passed lah????? sigh.....

Anyway, i dun think dat ivan is grossly underweight or super skinny.......my hubby has the same weight as me (btw, i m not fat....so can u imagine how skinny my hubby is) BUT he has a happy family with a cute son n a gentle, demure n sweet wife......so weight is not an issue wat.....y u so upset???? most impt is ivan is happy n healthy n U ARE HAPPY so dat ivan can b happy then everythg is gd......

N which bb dun cry.......we shld b happy dat our bbies re crying n fussing now.....when they can talk.......then u know wat is nightmare!!!!!!....they will ask u *y elephant has long nose????* *y mouse has tail n we dun ve????* *y grass is green????* *YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????* *faint*

Anyway....time passes very fast.......in afew more months......our bbies are going to b one yr old liao.......enjoy ur moment now as once time passes.....u can never get it back.....jia you
oh abt the milk powder.....i didnt do any research lah......cos enfapro is the most ex milk powder in the mkt (more ex than similac by afew cents).....so i choose dat lor.....haaaaaahhhaaaaa....anyway enfapro has the highest AA, DHA, AHA.......so both hubby n i think is gd keke anyway......philson is not really fat althoug he is on enfa since 2 mth old cos i heard people saying dat bbies on enfa will grow fat fat (er...choo mayb u wanna try enfapro :p)

wah, u had so many "worries" abt philson recently? I'm glad that everything is ok. Ya, not all bbs develop same speed, no worries one la...i've seen so many of my fren's bbs, some fast some slower but all turn out okay.
As long as bb happy/healthy can liao.
But the ear specialise a bit "toot" hor? give u this kind of assessment and bo liao response.
But, i think dun worry, sometimes will grow out of it. at one stage a few mths back i oso "worried" a bit that hannah like not always respond to sounds....then i thot, maybe she just bo chap lor and too engrossed in whatever she's doing....now when i make sounds near her ears, she will turn to the direction. I think she's fine lor.
quite funny, the other day i had frens over at my place. Their bb is 5wks younger than hannah and we exchanged stories. Turned out, they practiced "kan cheong parenting" and in comparison, we practice a slightly more "bo chap parenting" hahaha!
for example, both our bbs had fallen from the bed once, me and hb, made sure hannah ok, comforted her, and everything ok. They brot their bb to emergency room and was freaking out crying...now they look back and laugh. :p

U v cute leh...$$$=quality???
Noticed something v strange...true enfa range got highest AA, DHA but enfapro hor v low Omega 3 n 6 leh (only 2000 n 200mg nia) but enfalac hor got high everything so tat's what I will try 2 change 2. Besides PD say no need 2 use stage 2 FM cos may cause constipation. Just hope Ewan will accept.
