(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

gan, well, at least lots of cushion works... kate wil still fall off sideways with lots of cushion... wahhh..going on tour..thats good!

ruffybear, so do u use the cross/line blade? I got it for $69.90. Hb likes the idea of making soya milk on his own..ahah.but he is so lazy I don't think he will ever make it :p

kimi, can u try to see if u can edit posts? Just in case the prob is a ID-blog combination... if u can edit then will have to mah fan u to update the pics from mid March till now liao :p

berry, mbb, i got it from isetan orchard $69.90.but read frmo nov thread that it is available at isetan tampines too! The promotor at isetan orchard is a mommy of 8 month gal so must pong chang hor! :p :p :p

berry, Bbsiter had started kate on brown rice... i am thinking of starting with sweet potatoe puree
Kate was so funny..yest we went indian wedding, she was eyeing all the indian food :p :p :p I need to get a set of plastic utensils for kate first! Do u sterilise ur utensils?

Starluster, are u still interested in the winnie the pooh chart? I think kiasu mum got some spares..pls go to bulk (overseas) and look at her thrend. thanks in advance for posting the eubos ingredients! can post a picture too? then if ok i ask my bbsitter to get from JB cos she goes there regularly... why is ur bb back in msia?

mbb, have to agree...when kate is very cranky she will only drink if hb carry her and shake her and walk around the house. i tell hb my wrists are so painful i will drop her if i have to do that (if in the end she is so spoilt she only drink when being shaken)

koru, mbb, ruffybear, dora, cf, linette, starluster me also very happy that the units above are taken. hopefully they are considerate neighbours. The last time the ex owners always hang wet dripping clohtes!

afcai..ok..so i will force hb to finish drinknig the nan himself :p :p :p my hb also sleep like a log sometimes..then i suspect its deliberate ! cos when it rains he will wake up to close the windows but when bb cries he sleep like a log ! :p btw, bb on nan HA will drink more than bb on other FM cos nan HA is more easily digestable... ur bb good leh.. still find time to cook.... my hb also cook sometimes but sometimes only :p

shihui, so eng until u login from KL!!!!! alamat..go for spa and jacuzzi with hb lah! :p

alabone. how bad is her cough? why must dilute the milk? kate also starting to cough abit

cf..oh no..that sound so dangerous.... better apply ointment on ur knees...wahh ur mom very good..sponsor fm and diapers..the 2 most exp items...

och..ayo..why the backup doc so likethat one... is madeleine better today?

doremi..u dont hug me hor..me very not affectionate one .... now cannot delete ur blog link cos i canot login cos blogger got some strange error
if u dont mind can release to all one..cos i think qianhui did that...

Hi mummies,
finally bought my shopping pram from OG( bb pram with big basket underneath for grocery shopping). Also bought a bigger liferacer swimwsuit at $23.xx frim there as the were having 20% off.

haven't really used the line blade to grine dry stuff as yet
I use the soya bean thingy to make "Purified" apple juice.

That was a very close shave with philson. Hope ur injuries go away soon

Broncholitics is no joke for the caregiver.. just got my finally bill.. Roy's hospital stay cost $2.7K!!!

Yesterday left the kids with my mum and finally got to go shopping for myself with HB.. felt so free.. no other baggage to carry along.. however leh...cannot find any suitable jeans!!!.All straight cut and low waist type which is not suitable for my pear shape body. End up buying capri from Giordano. Don't want to buy too many pieces coz still haven't reach my target weight (5-6kg away).
Morning mummies

Oh no!! Sounds so scary! Luckily philson is ok... wah next time I go lot 1 must be careful liao, cos I also very clumsy one. Your knees must really hurt... I was still thinking of asking you to go lot 1 for lunch later leh.... think you better rest at home lah... can do it next week

Oh no!!! Poor madeleine.... hope she recovers soon!! Hugz hugz....

Poor nat, how come cough must dilute milk? Hope she recovers soon

Any type of neighbour is better than your in-laws rt? *wink* *wink*

Yah,no more seiyu liao... bought over by BHG, a China company....

Aiyo, dunno wat's wrong with JingTing over the weekend, totally not interested in milk. I latch her, she still yi4 shi4 yi4 shi4 drink a bit, but when hubby fed her bottle on sat, had to struggle for 1/2 hr before she finally drank. Then last nite went to celebrate my dad's birthday, brought EBM for her, she struggled for 1 hr still refused to drink... Hubby carry, walk around, shake shake, all no use
then bo bian got to go to the toilet for handicapped, then latch her on, but she still only yi4 shi4 yi4 shi4 drink a bit only.... haiz...
but she is very interested to sleep these few days.... just now I left her in her cot, she auto sleep on her own!!! Yeah I hope this will continue, then she'll also be a guai bao bao like Mandy and Philson!!
Oh, and she can flip from her tummy to back liao... so now she can roll over already... and at lightning speed. So now I can't leave her alone on my bed even for 1 sec already...
JingTing turns 4 mths today!!! Wah so many bb 5 mths liao, my JT is only 4 mths today :p
Hi mummies,
today I very heartpain coz my darling hayley is also down with flu and cough since last night. She been coughing whole night and din sleep well. I took urgent leave today to bring her see doc early this morn. Today the clinic is very packed.. all seems to having flu virus. Think now the flu virus is back, so all mummies try not to bring yur bb out too often at this point of time. I really regretted bring my bb out too often and causing her this. Now hope she recover fast fast.

Hi Alabone,
oh dear yur bb nat also falls sick? Take care too. Mine also has a big reduction in her milk intake too. Hayley used to drink 200-220 ml and now can only drink up to 130ml. At this rate she is going to lose her bb fats n moreover she only got 4 feeds a day. I very heartpain seeing her like that.

** If my hayley does not recover by this friday, think I have to give this gathering a miss as to prevent passing the virus to other bbs.

Hi Doggiebb,
can u pm me Dey's contact? I need to contact her to help me send the doll by postage since maybe I not attending Alabone's gathering.

Hi Chang,
wow.. Lucky nothing happen to bb philson. Whew.

Hi Linette,
I leaving for tokyo on 9th june morning flight and coming back on 13th june. How about you? It is my first trip to Japan.. and already aiming for the hello kitty toaster and cute cooking bento stuff n not forgetting BLUE Labels (my bunch of colleagues already asking me to buy for them, i scratch head dun know if i got enough hand to help them bring back). U know where to look out for BLUE LABEL boutique?
Hi mummies,
today I very heartpain coz my darling hayley is also down with flu and cough since last night. She been coughing whole night and din sleep well. I took urgent leave today to bring her see doc early this morn. Today the clinic is very packed.. all seems to having flu virus. Think now the flu virus is back, so all mummies try not to bring yur bb out too often at this point of time. I really regretted bring my bb out too often and causing her this. Now hope she recover fast fast.

Hi Alabone,
oh dear yur bb nat also falls sick? Take care too. Mine also has a big reduction in her milk intake too. Hayley used to drink 200-220 ml and now can only drink up to 130ml. At this rate she is going to lose her bb fats n moreover she only got 4 feeds a day. I very heartpain seeing her like that.

** If my hayley does not recover by this friday, think I have to give this gathering a miss as to prevent passing the virus to other bbs.

Hi Doggiebb,
can u pm me Dey's contact? I need to contact her to help me send the doll by postage since maybe I not attending Alabone's gathering.

Hi Chang,
wow.. Lucky nothing happen to bb philson. Whew.

Hi Linette,
I leaving for tokyo on 9th june morning flight and coming back on 13th june. How about you? It is my first trip to Japan.. and already aiming for the hello kitty toaster and cute cooking bento stuff n not forgetting BLUE Labels (my bunch of colleagues already asking me to buy for them, i scratch head dun know if i got enough hand to help them bring back). U know where to look out for BLUE LABEL boutique?

Hi och,
thanks.. yur bb madeleine also very cheerful n chubby
hi all,
back in s'pore now.. wah... so much to catch up.. :p was really happy to see PH aft the short break.. :p but hor, naughty PH disturbed me througout the nite.. kept waking up... hai~~ end up i got to carry him in my arms so tt i can get some sleep... :p

seems like quite a few bbies down with flu.. hope they all recover fast fast..

admire u leh...
my idol..

lucky tt ur in laws not ur neighbours.. phew.

so nice... can go japan.. i like japan.. a very nice place for holiday...
u going free n easy?
ruffybear, wahh..another pram..but ok lah..since u go grocery shopping quite often... the bill for roy is so high! which ward is that?

dora..ehehe...i hope so... scarly its nosiy neighbours throwing cigarette butts , drip water, and drag chairs in the middle of night kind :p never know that BHG is a china company..i thot they just rename themselves.... Could JT be teething?

Gan.oh no.... poor hayley.... u can ask dey to leave the doll with alabone then u pick it up loh..since only 1 MRT away...

seems that today alot of people are not around...
i can update. in fact, haf been updating e whole morn. tough job. how did u manage 2 do all tt while working n taking care o kate? pei fu pei fu...

gan, och, alabone,
so sad 2 c bbs falling sick. hope they all get well soon!
dee, linette, star, dora,
nope, made is still coughing like crazy today. think there's a natural progression to this illness n she will just keep getting worse until she gets better.

u mean the medication the new pd gave her? she only gave her rhinathiol n some flu medication which i cannot remember offhand. her regular pd gave her nebuliser for a wk, actifed to clear her nose n let her breathe, nose drops n antibiotics. but he told us to hold off the antibiotics until we think she is getting v. much worse, cos she just came off a wk of antibiotics for her surgery.

$2+k includes medisave portion? cannot compare to made lor. her treatment already costs us $20k liao.
hope she doesn't need to be hospitalised for this, else we pok gai again.
kimi...alamat..blogger must have hated me so block me from updating the blog..luckily u also got admin rights!!! eheheheh
me only do at night when kate is sleeping lah... thank you for updating!

och..can madeleine's 20k be offset by medisave? sighh..got insurnce for bb even before they are born or not har...
Bloom, what I do is I wash the bowl and spoon then I use boiling water to rinse it I dunno how to put the bowl inside the sterilizer pot leh but actually can la take out all bottles but ma fan leh u started brown rice? Does she like it? Which brown rice u gave her? Nov thread mummies saying simi si sen fen from eu yang seng is good
My boy likes the rice cereal but hor he v impatient after 1 mouth after 1 mouth, he cannot wait patiently for me to put cereal into his mouthhe will keep wailing I tot of giving him milk first then when hes full liao then I give him the cereal how many times of brown rice u gave Kate per day?
Will u be giving Kate solid food this sat at alabones place? Hee
I also having flu so if im not well by then, I may not join the gathering but should be okgan, I think now is the flu seasonmy boy also having flu last weekcoz my mil taking care of himmy nephew staying with themso nephew flupassed flu to my boynow he passed the flu to me
hayley is very handsome & cheerful.

hi mmommies,
i m guilty yday cos i left my gal on bed & i went to hang my bedsheet @ 5+pm after gg out with MIL to see a Shifu. tell u abt my story ltr.
bef i hang my bedsheet, i put my gal in the ctr of the bed, she was playingh happily on bed,no sound. then i hang halfway, bi waiing came & i ran to the rm & dun see Selinna on bed. <font color="ff0000">SHE FLIPPED & TURNED HER BODY UNTIL SHE LAND ON THE FLR LEH.</font> i 55 carried her up & 55 rub her head but no blue black til todayy leh, 55 let her drink water & talked to her. after drinking water & calm her dwn she ok aldy & after this fall she become talkative & talk & use bb language to communicate w me loud & clr. somemore machiam singing one. soooo guilty leh. nw i tell her mommy wont throw her alone on bed & go outside.. i will put her on mat while i cook or do watever in kitchen. my hb din knw. if knw my head will roll...

talking bck abt my fortu telling @ shifu thr. he say my money luck is good. not pblm gt "pian cai" one & i m one who will "wang fu" brong luck to hb. i rem b4 marriage, hb won a car w COE all pymt. my gf all say is my luck to pass him oso wedding mah..(ren feng xi shi jin sheng shuang). then he tik tik * count count. ask me this mth must buy both our age in chinese one. but must hb buy not i buy. end up realli strike exactly in consolation. 3130. yeah.. hb bot $6 in all oni win $360.
oso say if i wan another bb must b born in yr of cow. best for my family of snake hb, horse myself & bb dog. if nxt yr born of rat, will b bad for me.
but i tell hb that i wont wan liao at his current performance of looking aft bb. i m tired taking care alone or when night time refused to slp & drink & CRY like last nite.
r u ok now? the way u describe ur stunt makes me laugh leh. so sori ar i m so rude & dun sypmathy lidat. but ur act realli alert & die die want protect philson makes me SALUTE. I believe this r all mommies brave act. i oso clumsy pax. i must ensure i got balancing skill oso.

so sad & wan to complain leh. all becos MIL wants to use my car yday & wan see shifu wic i dun wan to go. but hb insist me to go. i say i dun wan & ask him go for wat. he say ask u go means go in a loud manners. then i fight bck say bring me go sell i oso dunno & walk bck to my rm. he later came & snatch bb from me when i m feeding her wif water & go to his computer rm & slammed the door hard leh.. reallu CB leh.
I lun. cannot teared cos his mom coming mah... then after long time bb want milk, auto throw her in bb cot while i washing clothes in toilet. i then telll my bb her daddy is a bad man in future cant married this kind oftypid man. i wish to divorce with him leh... but duun dare ask shifu since kpo MIL sit with me thruout the session. else i would curse him dead better off. like for example, few wks bck got 2 police coastal dead right. the chinese guy is my sch mate, the guy studied nxt to my class one. I knew hw is regular & i heard that govt will pay his family all thing. eg, flat, wife lifetime allowance & kid studies fees until she is 18. i wish the pax is me. see how bad i am but he force me to hv this kind of thinking one. he doesnt seems to appreciate me well. Esp i hv a good frd just seperate with her hb becos she felt they got no feelings liao, she worked late everyday , then hb in room study when she reach home, she at hm oni watch DVD & slp. not even have Sex for mth & maybe yr lidat leh. I listen to her story is like also implying to myself. but my frd ask me dun siao. cos i got bb liao.
we din buy any new insurance for her n anyway, no hospitalisation plans we could buy will cover madeleine's condition cos hers is a congenital birth defect. i believe only ge shield plan will cover her case, but we must hv the policy for 2 yrs b4 expecting her. eh... think she was conceived b4 the ge shield plan was conceived.
abt 7-8k can be covered by medisave, the rest is all cash. n there's another op n more doc appts coming up, so the sum will only go higher.

Aiyo, see your post felt a bit sorry for u..
Why snatch BB from you, you are the mother leh!

Can understand the frustration of not being able to tear becoz your MIL coming, very very pissed rite?
U 'wang fu' leh, why he still treat u like that? Me surely wouldn't stand that.. of coz with BB around, things are very difficult liao..

Sometimes, my hubby also a bit rude to me or my mum, take me and my mum for granted, or throw temper at my mum, esp when he is stressed by his work.
Then he will quarrel, etc.. me is crazy when being angered, then I also dunno what I'll do. Coz suddenly all kinds of thoughts will come to my mind, last time I will inflict some injury to myself, coz so pissed with myself, but now that I got BB, mentality changed a bit liao.. sometimes I also almost wanted to added some pesticides to his food liao!
Nowadays where got really those kind of 'til death do us part' wan.. It's more of every man for himself..

I think, if I die, his family will come and take over the house and all my stuffs (they super jealous type, everytime like suan suan us got nice house, stuffs etc.. esp my SIL! coz my MIL and SIL only got 3 rm flat, old and messy)

and worse of all, if I'm not around, they will take over my boy.. then what will become of my parents!!

Being a guy, they can easily remarry, girls hard leh.. by then old old also no one wants..

So, Jen, u also must fight for your rights, still must be nice to your hubby, but also have your reserves.. still doll yourself up nice nice also..
Make sure that bb is closer to u than him or his side.. If can, be the financial controller..

My mum often tell me, that women married liao still must doll and dress up. Dun be a Yellow-faced-woman.. so I sometimes also a bit scared lah.. coz I realised tat me after married liao also gets more lazy to dress up, esp hv child liao, everything also goes to child..
Also, must spend time with BB so tat BB would want the mother, etc..

Dress up nice nice not to go out and fool around lah, but at least still a Married-and-notavailable-but-still-a-desired-one. At least some form of treat to hubby. Some more u 'wang fu'..

For me, I believed tat the wrong-doers will be punished, coz very weird, when ppl cheat me, they sure kanna something bad.. (but not I curse wan..)

Someday, find some way to imply to him that without u, wat will he be? He think he will still be lucky with everything?
berry, but no guarantee that the bowl and spoon that i buy can be sterilised leh..scarly the plastic melt..cos when i go jalan at kiddy palace the packaging never state if can sterilise or not. bbsitter is giving her the rabbit brand si sen brown rice. bbsitter said she finish training kate liao then i start feeding her..so i lazy mommy until now never feed her..but heard from bbsitter that she can eat a few spoonful everytime.. once a day if i am not wrong.. rem reading from the bb super food book to feed some milk frist before feeding cereal, else hungry bb not receptive to the new slower method of feeding.. i will feed kate fm at alabone's pl lah..else all the solid food will end up on her wall!!! ahahahah wahh.. even adults catching flu..jia lak liao..maybe i bring liang chai to alabone's outing.ahahhaa...

jen! ur bb is like mine! after that time she flipped out of the mat onto the tiled floor she was talking NON STOP for almost one whloe day.. !!!!! wahh..ur shifu not bad leh... but i dont dare to go scarly hear all the bad news
sounds like u r not really happy today (totally understand btw)... tell u what.. u go start a blog and write down all ur unhappiness for this marriage... will make u feel better... and even if not..next time pp say things like 'ur hb so good' u know u got proof of what happen .... (ok i am a bad wife... but i did mention my marriage is dsyfunctional)

och..thanks... mmm... u make me scaerd..maybe i go get GE insurnace too NOW... cos i got pre-eclampsia... who knows what will happen if i got 2nd bb...
Hi mums...
I am new to this thread - been reading but not posting yet cuz busy busy..
My boy is 4 mths now, born 4 days before Christmas..

Can i ask, for mummies who started cereal for their babies, can anyone share with me a typical timetable? like what time milk and how many ounces, and when cereal ..

My elder son is taken care of by nanny, so nanny weaned him very well, now my 2 boys taken care of by my mum, who is totally clueless about weaning.. so am i.. heehee
so will appreciate if anyone can teach me?!

i really clueless on how much to feed and when to feed sigh.. a bit stress..
so funny i posted something this morning before going out...but nvr appear...
heng still in my history page...here it is... haha..

hi all

managed to pop in a while.... going out later to meet icy & some other mummies in jan07 thread...
wld love to join u all for the gathering at alabone's hse... i put my name down first hor... if cannot make it last min, then wld post here...

<font color="aa00aa">Gathering at alabone's house (woodlands) on 5 May:
1) alabone, hb and kids - providing drinks/ice cream/konnyaku jelly
2) Gan, hayley (hubby not cfm yet as I havent ask him) :p
3) bloom and kate (hb not confirm) (hope hb wont suddenly say want to go in laws place)
4) Vanessa, 3Rs n hb
5) CF Chang, Philson n hubby
6) Linette (first time joining you ladies!!) and 2 daughters - satays
7) Shihui n PH (haven't ask hb.. not sure he in s'pore tt time anot.. :p) - jiao zi
8) Calynn & Megan (hb overseas) - dessert, cake
9) Jackie & Jovey. - muffin
10) Kimi n Mandy
11) Dey n Nathan n hubby - kammis
12) Berry n Kieran n hb - otah
13) Serene n Javier
14) RainV n Vernice n hb (1st time joining, v shy)
15) siman and bb Jolayne (1st time joining too, also shy)- Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs
16) qianhui and ace
17) dora and jingting (grilled chicken wings)
18) nana & ryan & hubby (1st time joining three
) - tiong bahru zui kueh</font>

Linette, RainV, siman
Let us partner each other on sat since we all first timers...hehehe...

i still remember u r my partner on that day hor... kekeke...

ok gotta go liao! see u ladies ard

CF chang,
wah u so superb!! glad u not injured badly, & also not a scath on ur boy!! u r one stylo mummy!

really really gotta go liao.... no time to scroll thru the postings yet.... hmmm
hi bloom,
i send my bb back to muar coz can sense my mum is getting sadder by the day. she cant get used to stayin in sg n misses home, though she never say or suggest anything. i have been contemplating & postponing this for a long time, so finally decided to act on it lor, but with a heavy heart. but at least my mum happier.

me cried on the way back to sg.. then today keep lookin at her photos. miss kissing, hugging n smelling her. can't wait for the weekend!

anyway, here's the eubos ingredients..

active phytogenic systems : extracts from avocado and shea fruit, with high contents of phytosterols enriched with allantoin and vit e to enhance cell regeneration, smoothness and protection of skin.

Hygro-derm factor : a balanced mixture of natural moisturizing factors (nmf) with amino acids, urea and lactic acid for effective, long lasting epidermal hydration.

Glycerol : has a smoothing effect, improves and stabilises hydration content of the skin.

macademia nut oil : helps in strengthening the skin's lipid barrier against the loss of moisture and keeps skin soft n smooth.

here's the photo but its the shower oil.. coz the lotion is back in muar. it's exactly the same shape n color except for the wordings. it came in a set for RM56.22. got free hand repair cream (25ml) somemore. my gal so far use for 2 days liao. so far okay.. no rashes.

oh.. i remember during antenatal class mrs wong say no need to sterilize after 4mths, just need to scald w hot water (till 1 years old). but i ks, planning to stop sterilizing @6mths (which is the time i plan to start solid for sophia).. so no need to worry whether can sterilize the spoon/bowl .

wah.. made's treatments really expensive.

aiyo.. hope your gal is alrite. very dangerous n scary lei. why your hubby like dat. does he know u are his lucky star? still dare to treat u like that? can get your mil to side you/speak up for u? since she was the one who wanna see the shifu n was there to hear what the shifu said.
oo...it's ok lah, just help me to delete my link when u can log into the blog. i wld like to make my multiply account for public viewing (previously this account was for public viewing), however due to certain reasons, i can't set this account for public viewing anymore. i will try to create a new blog if possible. sorry for the inconvenience caused.

oo...hmm...tik i will hv some "hidden kongfu" when i came to the rescue of my boi kua..hehe... imagine myself wif "no shadow leg", "qing kong", etc...hehe...it's true dat we as mums will try to rescue our children when in critical conditions, really cannot underestimate ourselves..^^

oo..really very scary loo~ lucky dat ur gal is ok le. ^^
as for ur insensitive hb hor, can understand ur feeling loo. there were times dat i olso "hated" my hb very much especially when i hv to bathed my boi, change his diapers, change his clothes, etc wif my trigger thumb. and my hb just sit there play his psp. when i called him, he olso can't hear me..haiz...cham one loo. there are several times dat i told him abt this problem leow n not much changes were done..haiz...i keep telling myself dat mayb it's due to hormone depression dat i'm very sensitive to his behaviour but so far, i tik i'm rite abt his insensitivity. jen, u dun b upset abt ur hb too much lah, try concentrate all ur "jing sheng" on ur gal gal 1st. tik when our senses are more "awake", we can c things more clearly?? dun let ur fren influence ur tiking loo~ wat happened to her, doesn't mean it will happen to u. like qianhui said, try to make urself mei mei loo even though u r married (err.. i fail to do tis due to laziness). sometimes hor, i feel dat self-confident is very impt loo~ jia you, jen. dun sad.
today, hubby babysit bb tx again. haa, bb tx poos twice (once in the morning and once in the afternoon). hubby said bb tx poos on fri and won't poo liao and I told bb tx she must poos on mon to let papa clean for her. haa...she indeed listen to me and poos...even twice. that's my gd gar.

just now, started the first fm section with bb tx. her rection when she drank her first slip is not that gd. she frowned her eyebrows and then milk flow all over her mouth.(think she still prefer my ebm) ai-yo...anyway, after the struggling half an hr, she only managed to finish 130ml out of 150ml. then placed her onto the playpen, she auto-slp liao.

my gar 's back

need adviced fr mummy who give partial or slowly wean off fr bm to fm. how is yr bb first rection etc? also how to 'pao' fm huh? hubby poured 80ml of hot water + 5 scoops of FM and 50ml of cold water. is it the correct way if my gar drink 150ml (5oz) ?

also wondering do we need to sterlise the milk container for holding the milk powder? will it melt if sterlise?

so are u the 'first' one to go and grab the sale item at toys "R" us warehse? haa...gd not to have a/c in sg, then hubby can pay all the expenses..

wow...yr mil so gd in her IT conside her age, even flash card with yr gar. so lucky. my mum said it is still early to do those thing. she even said ai-yo, look after yr gar already still must teach her(be teacher) this huh.

CF Chang
haa pouring the coke onto yr white jeans. yr hubby is so happy during the birthday party or drunk after consuming coke. haa..so funny. oops no offences.

u are very wei da mummy (most mummy in fact will try to protect her child at the veri best). hope yr knee is not so bad. it must be @#$%^ hurt right. hurting knee no joke esp very different to bend and squat after that.

haa..the way u describe yr fall really amusing (oops sorrie, u already fall and hurt yet I still giggle silently liao but can't help).but thks gods, philson is fine.

last time, during preggie, i'm also crumsy, almost trip my own legs and nearly fall.

agreed with hand and leg up that mum's luv is smthing that guys will not experience and also we mummy are the wei da 'creature' man...

hmmm seldom 'talk' to u via forum. anyway, yr boy 's name sound nice.

oic. seem nan is popular.

hmm...as mentioned thta u suppose to pump milk at 3.30am. hmm...how come u got no standarise timing to pump?(correct me if I'm wrong)

wow, when u are at holiday, pump and throw away, ai-yo so heartpain of throwing ebm man...

ai-yo. so dangerous man...we mummies tot by placing bb at the ctr of the bed shd be ok, but ai-yo, bb really veri smart, will move till edge etc. my gar also like that move to the side. after that, we put bolster to block all the edge and she will be 'locked' ard the bolster liao but she still struggle to find way out by using her super strong legs man....

wow...so luckily, won a car.my gar see her mood, sometimes, whole day dun want to talk but other time, whole day talk and talk, ai-yo...

hai...why hubby snatch bb fr u...so rude...shake head...life havin a bb is totally different liao...most of our time are absorbed by bb. hai...maybe both hubby and wife need to communicate more often loh.

today, I gave bb tx fm during her last feed (8pm+). when she drank, she like bu song...spilt milk all over her mouth etc. after that, she did not finish drinking the whole bottle of 150ml. at least, fm wasted, I'm not heart pain.

Hope bb hayley get well soon. enjoy yr holiday. for me, at least , I weaned off bf then I will go for holiday.
starluster... thanks for the eubos pic and ingredients..sounds great! why dont they have it in spore!!!! argh! so bb will be with ur mom in msia on weekdays and u will bring her home on weekends?


berry ,extracted.. "give him some FM/BM before the solid food so that he is not too hungry when u spoon feed him. After he fini the food, u can give him a little boiled and colled water and the rest of the B/FM. For the first few days, each meal should not be more than 1 tablespoon ebfore mixing with liquid"/ For one solid food meal a day, the suggestion is to give it during lunch..for 2 meals, during morning (not first meal of the day!) and noon. No later than noon cos u want to be awake when allergies (if any for newly introduced food) develops.

hehhhe... with so many mommies wanting to buy the blender, we should have tried to do a BP ourselves right? :p :p :p

mmm..and the govt is wondering why singapore women dont want to have more children...
bloom,dun think can do the BP la..
tmr i will try to give him milk first...then 2 hrs later feed him cereals... so far i am feeding him cereal once a day..if everything ok, then twice a day... then it will be the day he turn 6mths liao...
i can start my puree...masak masak time...i bought the grinder also...haha...
but i gonna buy blender too... ambitious mummy...

hi veil..i am feeding my boy cereals when he's 5mths plus... not sure u wanna start so early...u wanna check with PD? i started b4 6 mths coz i wan him to get used to spoon feeding coz its difficult to start them on spoon they are too used to teats...
but from the heinz cereal packaging..it stated there that to start with 1 teaspoon for the first day and dilute with some BM/FM...then next day 2 teaspoons...can increase if your baby stools are normal...hope this helps...
hi hi all
can't catch up w d postings...
oso gg to start solid food when bb turns 6 mths, can expert mommies share share experiences...

Nana, Linette, siman
ya! let us partner each other on sat since we all 1st timers...hehehe

Gathering at alabone's house (woodlands) on 5 May:
1) alabone, hb and kids - providing drinks/ice cream/konnyaku jelly
2) Gan, hayley (hubby not cfm yet as I havent ask him) :p
3) bloom and kate (hb not confirm) (hope hb wont suddenly say want to go in laws place)
4) Vanessa, 3Rs n hb
5) CF Chang, Philson n hubby
6) Linette (first time joining you ladies!!) and 2 daughters - satays
7) Shihui n PH (haven't ask hb.. not sure he in s'pore tt time anot.. :p) - jiao zi
8) Calynn & Megan (hb overseas) - dessert, cake
9) Jackie & Jovey. - muffin
10) Kimi n Mandy
11) Dey n Nathan n hubby - kammis
12) Berry n Kieran n hb - otah
13) Serene n Javier
14) RainV n Vernice n hb (1st time joining, v shy) - Royce Chocolates
15) siman and bb Jolayne (1st time joining too, also shy)- Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs
16) qianhui and ace
17) dora and jingting (grilled chicken wings)
18) nana & ryan & hubby (1st time joining three ) - tiong bahru zui kueh
hi mommies,

so much postings, see stars already 8 )
babies who are not feeling well, aunt koru here wish u all a speedy recovery.

wow, the gathering sure gonna be real fun but too bad i can't join in the fun this time. i'm also not feeling too well so better don't go. otherwise, if i spread the virus to the babies, mommies here will sure kill me....kekekeee

when is a good time to meet you to collect the kammi? can't wait to give it to bb tim.

btw, HaPpY LaBoUr DaY!!
aiyo same leh....mine also sit there play his psp. but these few days he is better liao, cos nat needs our full attention, got some bacteria 'attacked' her face, so got red spots and we had to restrain her and wrap her like she is a few days old so that she does not rub her clothes or hands around the area and cause it to spread. So my hb has been helping out, thank God else I sure flare up one ah, everything also I do. This psp really taking over ah, i ever jokingly tell everyone that the psp is my third party, we watch tv, he plays, we on the bed, he plays, i drive car, he plays, in short, the psp is in his hands more than me lah. Stupid technology!

your knees better liao bo? Must take care ah...esp when you have started your SAHM career, your body must be in good shape else ache here ache there.

you are so sweet leh, think of your mummy's interest. so bb stays in muar for on weekdays and you pick her on weekends? how about getting a nanny instead? we mummies here can understand how you feel about being away from your bb. if you need to talk to anyone abt your heavy heart, you know we are here!

we same same, hb snake, me horse and bb dog. is it the snake hb that are not really helpful at home ah? hee. sayang selinna for me k.
morning ladies!

bloom, tan sl,
no.. this one week thingy maybe every few months.. like giving my mum a short break from sg life. then bringing my mum n baby back to sg. my mum is very very attached to my gal... dont think she wanna give up babysitting my gal.

tan sl,
what bacteria? what's the cause of it? poor nat.. must be feeling itchy tats why she wanna rub rub.

heehee.. dont worry.. the psp phase will be over one.. at least for my hubby, think he already sianz of it liao. last time he oso super crazy.. everywhere we go, psp goes along. at every chance he got, he whip it out to play. even few minutes of free time (like me tryin out clothing) oso must play.

not true that snake hb not helpful lei. my younger bro snake oso... but he model hubby lei.. does most of the housework + taking care of their son. my sil like princess like that.. no need to do anything one.

think if u wanna do bp.. must contact the main supplier.. think they might be able to give the discount.
Mummies, may i know what time is the gathering next saturday? Response is very good.

berry & bloom, the spoon and bowl dun need to sterilise lah..also not all are made for sterilisation. If wanna play safe, just use hot water to rinse before using.

Chang, you are very quick in that situation. Strong mother's instinct to protect bb

Jen, have to be more careful now as i realise bb can rotate 360 deg within a short span of time. Dun dare to leave bb on bed alone unless i in same room but sometimes i my stil forget.

Gan, can i tobang you to buy something when you go buy your hello kitty toaster?
berry, which grinder did u get? why u need anotehr blender?

to those mommies that had their hb glued to the psp/tv/internet..hahaha..for a while i had 'if govt ban tv/internet, there will be less divorces and more babies' as my msn nick

tan sl, how did u all know its virus attacking her face?

starluster, i already bought the blender liao..but i know kimi and berry also wan to get mah..maybe if a few more mommies are interested someone can organise bp :p
Hi Ladies,
Wow, so many postings, hardly can catch up.
Nowadays my gal got new 'toy' for herself....Her FEET!! She will hold her toes and play with her own feet.... so cute...another thing, now she always "pu pu" and play with her saliva, spray 'water' everywhere she goes....

aiyo, y ur hb like that... but dun care abt him, u just concentrate on taking good care of Selina, she will understands ur love one day.

Sayang Selina for me ok, I understand ur feeling. Last time I also let Renise fell off my bed once when she was abt this age (4mth +) hence now with Reyna, I'm very cautious.

Soooooo sorry, I can't go to the gathering liao, although I really wished to make it there....it will be fun, but I got 101 things on my list to be done on Saturday, really can't attend liao, mayb the next round.... hiaz... how to take my PXXX Show huh...

If the handsqueaker is here, can you help me to pass to Shihui, then I can collect from her.

Do you mind helping me to take the handsqeeaker from Calynn, I'll collect from you either on sunday or one of the weekday.

U really very brave...can't imagine if I'm in that situation...sometimes when I walk hor, I will keep thinking if I trip, will I b brave enough to cushion Reyna or not. :p
Gathering at alabone's house (woodlands) on 5 May @ 1pm:

1) alabone, hb and kids - <font color="0000ff">providing drinks/fruits</font>
2) Gan, hayley (hubby not cfm yet as I havent ask him) :p <font color="ff0000">may not be coming coz hayley unwell</font>
3) bloom and kate (hb not confirm) (hope hb wont suddenly say want to go in laws place)
4) CF Chang, Philson n hubby
5) Linette (first time joining you ladies!!) and 2 daughters - <font color="0000ff">satays</font>
6) Shihui n PH (haven't ask hb.. not sure he in s'pore tt time anot.. :p) - <font color="0000ff">jiao zi</font>
7) Calynn & Megan (hb overseas) - <font color="0000ff">dessert - cake</font>
8) Jackie & Jovey. - <font color="0000ff">muffin</font>
9) Kimi n Mandy
10) Dey n Nathan n hubby - <font color="0000ff">kammis & proper food</font>
11) Berry n Kieran n hb - <font color="0000ff">otah</font>
12) Serene n Javier
13) RainV n Vernice n hb (1st time joining, v shy) - Royce Chocolates
14) siman and bb Jolayne (1st time joining too, also shy)- <font color="0000ff">Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs</font>
15) qianhui and ace
16) dora and jingting <font color="0000ff">grilled chicken wings</font>
17) nana & ryan & hubby (1st time joining three ) - <font color="0000ff">tiong bahru zui kueh</font>

hi vanessa,
really ah... very sad you can't come leh. but you are sad coz you can't get the p***. aiyoh...

poor you. i can understand how you feel. but since you already have a bb, must try to think on the bright side and not think about divorcing hb. you are still young, so like what qianhui says, must da ban mei mei. then maybe it will let your hb, yan qian yi liang again and know he better not treat you like dirt! you take care too.

don't worry too much about bb's fall. since bb is all right now. my son also fell when he was 9 mths old... sigh... long story. his nose bled some more leh. had to go hospital to stay... just be more careful next time.

hi ladies,
I think 1 pm is a good time to come. so you all can come at 1 ok? i will PM you ladies my address later. Once i've sent out PM, will post here to let you all know. Email title will be 'alabone's home addy'.

so excited! both my kids recovering liao. by then must fully recover lah.

also, i invited a personal friend to come along. she has a bb who has just turned six months, so she will answer questions to how to make solids for bb. hehe. like q and a session like tt. hahahaha.
Hi Jen,
hmm.. bb hayley is a ger when u said 'handsome'. Haa.. nvm, i guess she got this charming look, u r not the 1st one to said she resemble boy. At the clinic yesterday, there is this mummy also mistook her as boi.

Pat pat u. As qianhui n alabone mentioned, try to dress up n go out with yur friends more often. Makes yur hubby jealous n appreciate u more.

can u pm me the item u want me to help u to look out? Hopefully pic and yur budget too. I try my very best hor.. no promise as I joining tour, not sure if i have time to shop on our own.

hi alabone, looks like i n hayley going to miss a lot of fun in yur upcoming gathering. Hayley still coughing.. haiz.. dun think we can make it.
Pls take more pics n share with us.

i yet to start hayley on solid food. Which rice cerals n brown rice cerals would u recomend?
bloom i bought this munchin grinder..can be found at BP...also bot the cubes...but dam exp...wondering how come cubes so exp...
but i cant stop thinking abt the blender after i saw the demo some time back...

QSG,really cannot sterilise huh!!? i also using hot boiling water to rinse coz the bowl is too huge to put inside the pigeon steriliser...

vanessa, u not coming ah? tot i can try out ur cake...

alabone...1pm is ok for me coz i got to leave for bbq ard 4plus...i should recover by then, if not i will not be coming...
btw, can u PM address & HP no? in case i lost my way there...
Hi ladies,
Went to Rasa Sentosa for 3D2N with hubby and Jovey. Reach home this afternoon, so tried but really enjoy the short break. N most important of all Jovey behave himself. Now can plan for another trip :p

This thread is moving so fast n i read until blur blur...

Poor Made, hope she is much better liao.

Wow, wow, Japan trip. Enjoy yourself...

Sound so scary and lucky Phlison is safe n sound. Guess Philip would look at u differently n can understand abit more on the power of MOTHERLY LOVE. Hope yr kneecap also 5 5 recover.

I just email Jovey's 1st and 2nd mth pic to u. Hope i am in time for the collage :p

Listen to the advise from all the ladies, think for bb and make yrself mei mei. We must all be pretty mummy

Really so 'qiao' that we went to sentosa at the same time hor. Me keep looking at all the BB n toddler and hope to recognise u by yr 2 prinesss
. Pass by Siloso beach resort and tell hubby that we shall try out the plc during our next trip
Pic of my sick Hayley which is just taken today.
She has been confined at home since yesterday. She is getting listless n sleepy esp after her medicine and we dun dare to bring her out to crowded place.


Hi Berry,
thanks for the info. is it the one that is suitable fm 4 month onwards? I went to NTUC @ sun plaza during last wkend and in fact planning to get that but currently out of stock.
vanessa..haha.kate is also pu pu-ing these days... until her whole mittens, hands and even the bumper mat is all wet...

alabone..ahhaha... u r trying to stress ur fren or stress us :p :p :p

gan..so sayang that u canot make it this saturday...

berry..oh i c..i also nearly bought the munchkin grinder..but read from some other reviews said not good so i didn't get.. the ice cube tray is exp cos its individual covers plus i guess the material is better lah..

jackie..wah... another one just back from trip.. hehehe..i think my first trip with kate will be year end when we stay at hotel intercontinental for SIL's wedding :p

so gek sim... can go into blogger liao..then do halfway i kena the error again...
so kimi will need ur help to continue to update again

yesterday bbsitter said her hb's company got bbq so hope we can pickup kate early..so hb knock off earlier so i ask him to pick her up..and when he reach there he said the whole house got cigarette smoke! she said its her hb's colleagues ..duhno true or not... must talk to her tomorrow liao... .. siann....
Gathering at alabone's house (woodlands) on 5 May @ 1pm:

1) alabone, hb and kids - providing drinks/fruits
2) Gan, hayley (hubby not cfm yet as I havent ask him) :p may not be coming coz hayley unwell
3) bloom and kate (hb not confirm) (hope hb wont suddenly say want to go in laws place)
4) CF Chang, Philson n hubby
5) Linette (first time joining you ladies!!) and 2 daughters - satays
6) Shihui n PH (haven't ask hb.. not sure he in s'pore tt time anot.. :p) - jiao zi
7) Calynn & Megan (hb overseas) - dessert - cake
8) Jackie & Jovey. - muffin
9) Kimi n Mandy
10) Dey n Nathan n hubby - kammis & beef rendang + Lontong rice
11) Berry n Kieran n hb - otah
12) Serene n Javier
13) RainV n Vernice n hb (1st time joining, v shy) - Royce Chocolates
14) siman and bb Jolayne (1st time joining too, also shy)- Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs
15) qianhui and ace
16) dora and jingting grilled chicken wings
17) nana & ryan & hubby (1st time joining three ) - tiong bahru zui kueh

Hi Gan,
Will mail out your kammi tomorrow..No worries
gan, ya thats the one..suitable for 4th month onwards..my PD gave some nestle brown rice cereal samples...think that one only can take after 6mths...

bloom,i haven tried that...but i gonna buy the blender... and also a slow cooker... met some of my friends today with 9mth old baby... they say the u-like blender can blend rice...then go and cook very fast can eat liao...

tan sl,
guess our 3rd party is psp..^^ honestly, i m rather unhappy wif tis loo~ hopefully i can get used to it~ i doubt he will give up his "xiao laopo" cos of me n bb...haiz...PSP...haiz...T.T

it's a good suggestion on the banning of psp/internet, etc...but hor if no internet, i won't hv the chance to meet so many nice mummies here. perhaps hor, only men cannot access to these technology cos they tend to abuse it..hahaha...

oo..ur trip sound so nice~ ^^ really envy..hope i got chance to plan a family trip too. till then must set rules, ie no PSP allowed..haha...
Morning mummies

So many postings, read until blur liao...
Hope all sick mummies/babies will recover soon to join the gathering this sat!! Can't wait

Aiya you not going ah?

I have a big problem leh... JingTing suddenly reject the pigeon bottle that she has been drinking since she was 2 weeks!! She was still happily drinking at MIL's place last thur, then Fri I not working so latch her the whole day, then Sat hubby fed her, struggled 1/2 hour then she finally drank, then after that sun, mon and tue, she totally refused to suck at all, even after struggling for >1hr (>5hr from her last feed). Dunno what's wrong leh,
after that she would drink when I latch her on.... Then yesterday went robinsons to buy Nuk premium bottle with latex teats.... she finally drank without struggling, but she took 20min to drink 50ml!!! Faintz lor... last time she could drink 150ml in 10min leh...
Can I check with those mummies who use the Nuk premium latex teats, what size did you buy? I bought the size 1 medium hole, which is supposed to be for 0-6 mths.... is it too small? Should I try the 6-12 mths one? Does kiddy palace sell Nuk teats?
I am working this Fri, die die have to solve this problem leh, if not how to go back to work??
berry, yes, i saw the demo of the u like blender at istean..can grind rice... very impressed :p u mean grind until very fine still need a slow cooker? cos i alraedy have a super big (5 pax share) slow cooker at home... too big for 1 bb porridge..

doremi..ahhaha..i like that! only ban man from internet/tv/psp! :p :p :p

Dora... hahaha..i think she test test then realise mommy's breasts is still the best..eehehe..... cannot remember what is the size that kate uses..i had been using the same teat since birth but its silicon so still sturdy.
Dora, Evee has progressed to use the cross cut one from 2nd month.From 3rd month onwwards i have to poke 1 extra hole. Recently i just changed her to those for 6 mths onwards with 1 milk hole and i have to poke another 1 hole. Kiddy palace should have. Could be the flow too slow that's by JT rejecting the bottle.

Bloom, how big is the U blender?

Berry & Bloom, no need to use slow cooker if you grinding the rice...with grinded rice, at most you take only 15mins to cook the porridge.
Gan, will PM you sometime this month. Need to go and find pics first. If no time during the tour then bo bian.

Berry, no need unless you really afraid esp if bb health not good? Only some bowls and spoons of certain brands can be sterilised.


Dunno leh... but the thing is, she will use her tongue to push out the teats the minute it is put in her mouth, and the milk keep flowing out of her mouth she also dun swallow....

Just now tried to give her bottle again.... she drank after struggling for about 5 min, keep using her tongue to push out the teats, and milk keep flowing out of her mouth. Then I pushed it in she finally drank, but after drinking about 30ml, she started to push out again, and then cry....
I want to faint already.... how how?? How to go to work like tat??
