(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

heee...i tink it is more stressful then you having to take the exam hor?

Meg's sch have a canteen where they makan lunch which is a very nice open area.
alot of CC let the children eat inside the classroom.

it's ok if they dun slp in the same room coz when i went to Mindschamp, the child eat n slp in the same classroom.
i din like the idea.
i doubt the teacher is able to clean the room well enuff for the child to nap on the floor.

tats why i have problem sending Meg to CC.

<font color="119911">bloom</font>,
haa got to play guessing game with kate to find out what she is mumbling loh.

re:Q time
1) I will throw away. if not, I will use wet cloth with dettol to wipe and then sun it loh.
2) for tx's ccc, the ccc got a dining area (ccc not big, a dunno how many stadium (maybe 2)added up and then they divided section by section). so different age grp will schedule their time to go there to makan.

<font color="119911">shihui</font>,
oh...tot u bringing ph to hospital. some mummies do jio their toddler along when they go for their checkup.

<font color="119911">Fizz</font>,
oic. if no helpers, then latching on is the best cos pumping still need time. if bb cry then cannt pump liao.
jen, cos i usually wont bath/wash hair if hb is not around, cos no one will be around to catch kate when she is up to her mischief.... so if hb work OT, then i canot wash hair, then can only wash hair after kate sleeps..means i can only sleep after midnight loh...

mommies, thanks for the reply re the soft toys... think i think wipe with dettol..cos hb sure will scream if i throw it away...

linette..ahaha..i c...

shihui, i will NEVER have alternative childcare arrangement loh, cos my mom definitely canot handle her full day... so forever kate canot go cc?
whcih cc is ph in? canot recog from the school uniform...

mbb, i also dont like (find it funi) the idea of eating and studying in the same area loh... but forget to ask them where they sleep :p
Hi hi

Just a quick one regarding eating in the same classroom for cc. There are pros and cons on eating in the same classroom lah. JT also have lunch in her classroom. For her I feel thats the best, cos if eat in a communal dining area, then they have scheduled time (usually 30min) and after that the class has to leave the area cos another class would come. For slow eaters like JT, this would mean that she won't have the chance to finish her lunch. Now at least they don't have such strict adherence to timing. 1 teacher will bring the fast eaters to go bathe 1st and then slow eaters like JT can still take her time to finish her lunch. They also nap in the classroom, but they have "beds" which they sleep on. A lot of CCs also have these type of beds instead of sleeping on the floor, so no issue on the cleanliness of the floor.

I think the issue with the cc is that the classroom is gloomy, irregardless on whether they nap there or not. Must find one that is bright and cheery mah. No support, I also no support when JT was sick. So just have to accumulate enuf leave lor, or can you discuss with the nanny if she can take care of Kate when she is sick?

Yah...I tink yr pt is valid...
...for Cae...sometimes when we fetch him at 12pm...the teacher may stil b spoonfeedin him milk...yes...they wil try to feed him lunch 1st...but if he refuses...which happens on most days...they dun force him...they wil juz make him fm...I tink the teachers r tryin to get him to chew now...juz yest...the director was tellin me tat she tried tokin to him while feedin him...so tat he wil chew n swallow his rice...

Tatz one of the reasons I put him in cc rather than kindy for tis yr...he stil has many "trainin" milestones to reach b4 he becomes "independent"...
Yeah lor, I take exams also never prepare so much. I made the family stay largely at home over the weekend so I can have time to revise work with Nicole. Sigh.

But luckily for Annette, I still bring her out whenever Nicole is in school. Otherwise, like very poor thing like that huh...

Can someone tell me watz so gd abt California Baby Calendular Cream?...Cae is 2.5yo...n I stil dunno watz all the craze abt...thanx...
dora, "beds" ? got pic? never see those before :p i thot ccs still use those small little mattresses one... maybe i din look long enuf..i find it gloomy loh but the lights are on..so maybe i find it gloomy cos i was outside before then and it was bright and sunny... btw, is jt's cc aircon? good idea re the slow eating part... cos my gal is also slow eater... hb is thinking of 'abandoning' nanny... so i tink abit paiseh to ask her to take care if kate is sick right...

fizz, i uses that cos its for kids and its non-'chemical'.. u know my gal got skin problem... but i dont see it as a miracle cream cos it is not the one that solve her eczema previously ...
<font color="119911">bloom</font>,
hmm ask yr hubby for alternative solution what he do for the soft toys loh.

<font color="119911">Dora</font>,
for the 'beds' thing that u mentioned, do u need to buy PVC mattress for JT for she enrol?

<font color="119911">Fizz/Dora or whoever mummies who send their kids to ccc</font>,
do yr toddler cry when they are being enrol into ccc? what will u do then? so heart pain seeing them scream man...but no choice got to leave them.

Pic of the bed here.
Is it possible to send kate to CC half day, half day nanny 1st. Then let her get used to it 1st then "fire" the nanny? I mean you still pay her mah...if not see if your co can let you take no-pay leave or not? My friend took 6 mth no pay leave to put her boy in CC. Her boss gladly let her take also as the co also not doing well during this recession.

No, the CC didn't ask us to buy mattress. But her CC is already ultra ex, I'll complain if they still ask me to pay for mattress. JT didn't really cry when she started CC. In fact she loved it there so much we always have problem trying to get her to go home in the evenings. so I can't help you with that.
<font color="119911">Dora</font>,
hmm...interesting bed wor...so JT will be napping on this type of stackable bed at ccc?
dora..ahahah... my dept head now is trying to make things difficult for us liao.... always threatening us over small things... i will see how it goes.. hope she will be like jt... enjoy herself very much :p the bed look so cool! most prob will not go for halfday alternatives... cos i intend to let kate take school bus to my mom's pl after school.. wihch means another transitioning phase when she switch from half day to full day...
This CC thingy is driving everyone gaga

Due to the H1N1 flu, I've postponed Denise CC programme to Sep.
Guess partly I'm quite reluntantly to change the routine.

My colleauge use the cream for her son who has slight ezcema. Then she apply for her bb gal like normal cream when they sleep in air-con.
Hi Bloom,
U decide which cc to put kate? SL?
Yeap if can, better enrol her at later time after this H1N1 virus.
Hope i did not misled you too much on my comment on Hayley's school.
Again, diff ppls have diff expectation n preference. So go with your guts feel when u visit the school.

hee your arrangement sounds exactly like mine.
I also engaged school bus n it will drop hayley off at my mom place in evening.
At the moment, it is the perfect arrangement for us. Hayley also adjusting pretty well within 4
days in her cc. N we start her off in full day as actually there is not much price
diff bet half day n full day. Maybe u wanna to try placing kate on half day
but paying full day fee. Certain day u can try to leave her longer in cc as times goes by.
I'm sure Kate will adjust very fast too.

Oops, recently we received newsletter fm cc. There is 2 HFMD reported case... sigh!

My evening sickness has evolved to whole day. I even puked during my train ride to work 2 days ago.
Dunno why too.
roo..ahahha... so i am not the only one paranoial over H1N1...

gan, ahve not decided where to put her yet... eeeksss.. puking in train..must be terrible (esp with the train motion..)
I very kiasee. :p
Better safe than sorry cos I'm always very stressed whenever Denise is unwell. <font color="ff6000">(TOUCH WOOD***)</font>
regarding cc:
Do u live nearby Mindef Gombak? U own a car right? I would like to recommend Jav's cc. Cherie Hearts. His school is big, airy. They hav individual classrooms and even a veri nice dining room. I like the environment veri much. Teachers are friendly n patience. As it is located in the camp, do PM if you are interested to find out more.
<font color="119911">serene</font>,
is there lot of kids at Jav's ccc? what is the ratio of teacher to kid? I also like cherie Heart but if I' away fr course or mc then got problem fetching her since not so conventient.
Dora / anyone who knows,
Can I have the link to JT's blog?
I think you blogged about JT's allergy/prick test. Sophia gg for the test soon. Wanna find out more about it. Thankz.

Any tods taking Mamil Gold? I got 2 $3 vouchers. Please PM me w your address if anyone is keen. Cheers!

Thx for the info on the California Baby product...hmmm...if itz no miracle creme...I tink I wil juz stick to the Avent Liquid Talc...

The teacher wrote in the comms book tat Cae beat someone, pulled someone's hair n scratched someone today...hez usually non provocative...haizzz...I wonder y...


Cae also cried in the mornin when we bring him to cc...but he stopped for the past 3 days...so itz not too bad...

We tried to find out the reason for his behavior...n he wld tell us in his limited conversational skill...

Cae: Cae Cae scared sch
Mum: Y is Cae Cae scared of sch
Cae: Coz Teacher Karen close door
Mum: Wat happened then
Cae: Cae Cae cry...*make cryin action*
Mum: Mama wil ask Teacher to open door...therez nothin to b scared...okie...*kiss*

We repeated the assurance again n again...

Oh yah...it took many tries b4 Cae actually voiced his fear of sch...initially he jus kept sayin..."dun wan sch dun wan sch"...we wld keep askin him..."Y dun u like sch...did the teacher scold Cae Cae...did the teacher beat Cae Cae..."

U may wanna try askin Tx...but do b patient...she may not even hv the words to express herself...tok to the teachers...n keep reassurin her...we even came up wif an improvised song of sch is fun...to the tune of one of Barney's songs...n a Thomas song of dun b scared...hee...


Y does Sophia nid to do a prick test outta the blu...is she okie...
<font color="119911">Fizz</font>,
oic. today is 7th day where tx attended ccc. she did not go bec she is not feeling well. for the past 6 days, she cried during separate time. teacher did tel us that she is scared of the gate closing (similar to Cae). so the teacher left the gate open.

only on her the first day, she is excited and willing to share what she did. she will say teacher teach her drawing, singing (managed to sing few sentences of 2 songs) and what did she ate etc.... but after that, I needed to prompt her for answer. 5th and 6th, no matter how we tried to ask her, she just smile and dun want to say.

thks for sharing the tips on the ccc. will need lot of patient to coax her.... I saw some toddler in the forum that their kids dun even want to go to sch (more jialat).
roo, same here.. super stress when kate is unwell...

serene.. wah..i go and visit the website..its so big and beautiful!!! unfortunately i live in woodlands and hb who drives work in the east/north... :p

mommies, this cc thingy is really... oh well.. exhausive.. eg went to one with playgrd..ask them how often the kids go to the playgrd??/ once a week!!!!!! alamat!!!!! so sad..its like jail time for them!
really wonder if its wise of me to send her to cc..
hello mummies,
I am a silent reader here at time I post only.

Saw u all discussing abt cc so thot of sharing wif u all the experience.

My younger gal oso Dec 06. Hse just started cc in April. She is very independent and not fear of anyting. LAst time when we drop her sis at cc she will cry wanting to go sch. when the day finally come, she is very happy went into the sch i stay there only 2 hr, cos hse din cry and when i leave she wave at me.

After 3rd day, she cry everyday when we drop her. She will hook her leg to the car seat refuse to get down the car, will cry and sit on the floor refuse to let go. The process go on for abt a week. Teacher advise maybe she cant get used and sch have a fix routine unlike at home they can do what they want. After few day their concept of sch is diff tat why they reject. All these are normal.
What we do to tackle this problem is very day when abt to reach sch we will find a topic to talk to her distract her when drop her in sch and it work well and she back to herself after a week.

I agreed fully wif u, i alway feel tat cc is like a jail. last time when i see my sis's kids i tell myside i wont let my kids go cc cos it so pity. but sigh now i still have to let my gal go cos cant really rely on 1 salary..
I alway cry on the first few day when both my gal attend cc i feel very sad why i have to send them, actually is mixed feeling cos sch really teaches them alot.
some sch they have daily playtime. My gal sch is they have 30min playground time everyday b4 bf as a form of mornign exercise

Which CC is tat???!!! Playground only once a week!!!! I tot everyday they would have some time at the playground one mah...Find another CC!!

I actually dun feel that the CC is a jail at all, if the cc can actually arrange meaningful activities for the kids everyday and the kids enjoy themselves there. The kids will only feel that its a jail if they dun enjoy themselves there.
I am now helping out at my cousin's student care centres, and I just want to share some observations that I have. There are quite a number of P1 and P2 kids which have tremendous problem adjusting to sch life, and their studies are definitely suffering as they are often in the Principal/ sch counsellor/ discipline master's office while the rest of the class is having lessons. The reason? They were brought up by maids/grandparents and they have no boundaries in their lives. Their parents either can't or don't play an active part of their growing up. And the maids/grandparents just give them whatever they want, and they are so used to their lives having no schedule, no boundaries whatsoever, and they can do whatever they want. The 2-3 hours kindy that they go to is very different from P1, and its a rude shock for them having to listen to instructions, being independent and to sit down for more than half of the day. Consequently they have a lot of behavioral problems. I am not saying that grandparents/maid is no good, but if grandparents dunno how to discipline and teach the kids, only know how to spoil them, my advice is to put them in CC. Its a lot easier for them to adjust at a early age, rather than P1 where they have to adjust to both discipline and academic at the same time - way too much for a 6 year old to handle. I know a lot of pple feels that young children should be given the freedom to do what they want, but unfortunately, this is the Singapore education system. Unless you dun intend to put your child in a singapore sch, this is the truth that your child have to face. Of course, there are grandparents/maids out there who do a wonderful job in bringing up the children, but we do find a great majority of children with behavioural problems fall into this category.
Of cos, must find a good CC lah... the child should enjoy him/herself there. If they keep having nightmares and still crying very badly after 1 mth there, I think its time to evaluate if its the right CC for your child.

I've PM-ed you.
hmmm... talking abt crying in cc, PH is still crying every morning we drop him at the ccc... at a lost.. can feel the teacher's stress too.. they are all very puzzled y he's always crying in the morning when he can be perfectly fine aft wailing for 10-15min in the morning.. daytime he's quite gd too.. and when we go n fetch him, he even goes to every teacher to give them a gdbye hug n kiss...

we tried talking nicely to him.. explaining tt he will be going to sch n having fun etc.. or using peer pressure tt other kids are not crying.. he's the only one crying etc.. and oso praising him lots on rare days when he dun cry... but no use leh..

oh.. tried asking him abt sch oso.. but everytime when we ask him abt sch.. he dun want to tell us anything.. juz keep his mouth shut n dun look at us..

now wondering if crying has actually becomes a routine for him..
Applause! I agree with you totally. Sadly, life in Singapore has a certain routine, and although it is hard for toddlers to adjust, it is an inevitable fact. Which is why I do not believe in the montessori way of teaching. The kids will have difficulty coping in P1.

A good kindergarten is very important in setting the right foundation for P1 - the hanyu pinyin, Chinese characters, homework, spelling, etc.

Yah, the academic part is important. but fr my observation, what is seriously lacking in a lot of P1 &amp; P2 kids is the discipline. They cannot even obey simple instructions from teachers. Their parents/grandparents use materialistic things like sweets, watching TV, PSP, toys, etc to coax them to go for their enrichment class, tuition etc. But in fact they have problems even obeying simple instructions in class, cos they are so used to doing what they want. How do you expect the kid to have any meaningful academic learning?? That's why I feel having a schedule and having rules is important in the upbringing of a child. Of cos the child must still be happy lah... let them choose whenever possible so that they can feel that they are in control, which is important for their self esteem. But at the same time, they have to understand that while parents/adults respect them and give them what they want, they are expected to listen to the adults as well. Those grandparents/parents who always give in to their kid's whims and fancy are doing them more harm then good.

Hmmm... you want to try peeking into the cc and see what happens during the day? Is he truly happy and does he participate in the activities? Does he have any friends? If you ask him if he wants to go to sch, what's his reply?
Hi Dora, linette

I agreed wif u fully, kids under grandparent care will resulted in "get wat u want" theory. My younger gal is under PIL care till April abt 27mth I send her to cc. At first she enjoy gog after a week she start to cry daily. Teacher feedback cos sch disciple is diff at home. At home MIL allow her to roam everywhere in the hse while in sch they have fix schedule to do certain ting. Wif the restrict, she feel the stress. We try talking to her telling her then impt of sch and friend there after a week she back to her usual self.

Do u watch the 9pm chinese drama? I feel what they show really reflect the current sch life. Schooling is getting tougher in SIN now. My elder gal in K1 the techer expect them to have spelling on Mon and fri. Being a year end kids (both mine are dec gal) really loss out to the peer.
yesterday, i tried asking him abt sch again.. as usual, he kept quiet n refused to answer me.. he even tried distracting me by trying to chit chat with me abt other things.. but i persist n kept asking.. so he gave me the same answer for my questions.. ie. 'bu4 hui4' (dunnoe).... hai..

asked him if he wants to go to sch.. he said dun want... hai.. really wondering if we shd switch ccc instead... but i'm worried tt he will have to go thru the adjusting period again..
wendypooh, care to share where is ur gal's cc?

dora..sighhh... re not being able to adjust in school..how did we manage last time? did our teachers just let us run wild or we really guai guai and sit down and listen? i cant remember... :p

shihui, so wat did u see at the cc??? did u ask him why he does not want to go cc?

roo, thanks for the info... might be visiting this... but lets see how.. hb is quite keen on putting her at the cc in his HQ cos its subsidised (u know how my hb's brain work lah..)..thing is ,... he is not in HQ... so mah fun!

Its good that you are able to peep in and see how PH does in CC so that you can understand better why he doesn't want to go. Do share what you see at the cc.


Yah, the stress of our pri sch kids is really too much. But I think KS parents are also partly to blame. I hope more shows like this would get more parents to realise that there are much more to a child's school life than academic results.

Erm... I dunno abt you, but I dun think I was brought up with the "I get what I want" type of environment. I think my mum made sure that I have absolutely no problems in obeying instructions, if not out comes the cane, so obeying instructions in sch is no prob at all. And teachers in the past also very fierce one... on top of that last time if cannot finish homework also ok one lor... and we never had so much homework.... Last time you can go into P1 w/o knowing ABCs.... now... the expectation is soooo different.

Where is your Hubby's HQ? Is it very far?
i stay in the east my gals sch at east coast too far for u.

ya nowday sch life really sucks. i am the kinds of mother that dun let my gals go pte class/ course tat why attend cc is the best choice. Soemtime i wonder am I a lousy mother tht dun care abt my gals future.
My hubby is those easy mind tat feel kids should have happy and enjoyable childhood and play to their fullest and not every moment rush for classes. They will have 10 over yr of education to attend after they reach 7 yr old
I rem I din attend any playgp or nursery too now kids go cc as young as 18 mth.
Sometime i din even wan to force my elder girl to learn spelling for cc too. Btw my elder girl have speech delay indirectly affect her learning therfore she is slower then her peer.
<font color="119911">shihui</font>,
hmm..at least u can peek thru pH's ccc..mine cannot...

think now, tx is also experiencing what PH did. dun utter words when ask abt what she learn etc...she will talk abt other things too. today is the only day she did not cry (have not been attending sch since last wed when she was sick) cos she saw a kor kor crying and got distracted and even bid me bye bye.
Dora, Bloom,
went to the ccc today.. wat i saw was quite okie leh.. went there at 2 timings.. once at 9.30am and another at 11am..

at 9.30am, he was at the table together with his classmates.. guess they were waiting for class to start.. he was quite happy n had his cheeky look on him.. even ran off the table to chase his classmates.. so there's interaction with his classmates unlike wat we thot initially..

at 11am, he seems bored.. was playing with toys.. but all the kids seem bored leh.. maybe they r waiting for their lunch.. there was minimal interaction too..

din manage to catch him during lesson time... so not sure how he is during class...

hmmm.. how huh... he seems behaving well in sch this morning leh..

i purposely chose a ccc with lots of windows so tt i can peek easily.. n oso more windows means better ventilation oso.. :´)
<font color="119911">shihui</font>,
yeah. but PH's ccc to my caregiver is quite inconventient esp when it rains cos need to carry a baby to fetch tx mah. that's why I got no choice but to place tx to the nearest ccc where it is sheltered all the way fr my blk.
Hi mummies,

Very interesting to read about how we shd bring up our kids in these challenging times. With a kid in P1, I can tell you that their syllabus is way ahead of our time. My girl just did a question: If Ali is 5 years old in 2007, and this is 2009. How old would he be in 2 years' time?

The natural answer for a P1 kid is 7 years old, cos of the "2 years' time", but actually the real answer is 9. Even I had to read the question twice!

And one of my friends' kid had this question in their Math exam, a heuristic one - if there is one cow in the field, how many cows are there if the total number of legs is 6 more than the tails?

Bear in mind this is P1!!!!

And compo writing starts in P1 these days too...

Hence, parental nurturing in terms of academic schoolwork is most important. I have friends who just throw their kids to those tuition and enrichment centres without teaching a bit at home. In the end, they failed their Maths. Some of my girls' classmates had gotten marks like 39/100 for their Maths, virtually unheard of in our time!!

So, enforcing a schedule at home is very important - a time for work and a time for play. That being said, we must make sure that we do not enforce our expectations onto our kids...just create a routine for them, work with them and reassure that we will love them no matter how much marks they get. I just heard of a sec 2 girl commiting suicide by jumping down the block of flats during the exams period. Everyone's speculating if it is due to exams stress. Scary huh?

But I agree with WendyPooh that Dec babies tend to be a bit slower, but just in the first few years, not to worry!

Parenting is never easy. Esp once they start formal schooling. And to think that we want them to grow up fast when they were babies! Those were the easiest times!
I agree...I think our kids face a much tougher curriculum then our time.
I get the age question, but the Math exam question floored me!! This is in a P1 exam???
Die liao.... what school is that??
Don't scare me....

those math qns is killing the kids brain cell. Sometime my sis told me she got problem teaching her kids science qns. heard now Pri4 they learn abt human body and puberty alry.

1 got 2 dec gals arggggg the elder is 24 dec and younger 13 dec. Elder beig diagnose with speech and learning delay which further stress me.

FYI it seem so common in sin now kids havign such problem. The appt date is KKH HPB are alway full getting a slot is as hard as striking 4D. Sigh wonder is it got to do our are nowday diet.
wah.... the questions r scary... the reasonings involves in it is like my P3-4 maths.. :p

wah... human body and puberty were topics in my Sec sch textbook lor... they r really teaching early..

Yah it sounds quite ok leh. But being bored at 11am is quite strange leh... a bit early for lunch rt? I mean they usually have lunch at 11.30-12pm rt? Then stone for 30min? can't be bah...One of the things to look out for is that the kids are engaged and not too many free plays, if not they might get bored and dun like sch. You can go and look for other cc and then ask PH if he would like to go to this sch or stay in the other sch? Sometimes how the teacher engage the kids is also impt. My friend's son went to another cc (quite a high end one), but he cried very badly, then withdraw. Then they went to look for another one and brought him along. The teacher there took the initiative to talk to him and the boy actually liked her. Then my friend ask him if he wants to go to sch here with the teacher, he actually said yes. After that he did cry a bit lah, but he got used to it very soon after that. But the boy is older lah, abt 1 yr older than JT.
You go hunting around and see. If PH says he wants to go back to his original sch, then let him stay put lor.


Yah, their stds nowadays are really high. But I was wondering if its a case of "learning to run before they can walk". Like the maths, if they can't even do proper addition or multiplication well, its no use throwing them to do these application based questions. Another thing is that children with poor reading skills would be put off by math even.

Yes, diet is partly to blame. There are studies that show that a lot of artificial colourings are responsible for hyperactivity in children. They are considering banning the colourings in food in UK, although in singapore we are still eating all those brightly coloured sweets, jellies, cakes etc. Can read more here
Actually its not to say that our generation dun have all these cases, its the increase awareness. My cousin who has been in cc business for 20+ years says that the problem of special learning children has always been there, just that last time it was not so academically challenging, and these kids just float through pri sch and then drop out. They will just be classified as "cannot study" last time, but educators and parents were not aware of this problem in singapore back then.
I agree with you. I was stunned at my girl's homework too! i think she's one of those that fares badly cos her reading skills are not so good. I'm wondering if they are testing the kid's math or english knowledge at times.

you'll see when you turn comes. really need to sit down and spend time with them. :p

ya, std too high le. the kids are stressed and so are the parents. its not good to everyone. and i'm not helping my girl by putting her in a sch that also demands a lot from her. i don't know how else i can help.... sigh! maybe change her sch later on if she cannot cope lor.

WAH!!!! Wat a stressful topic!!!! Scary man!

Anyway kaisu me is going to move hse and will b doing PV asap so that both my boy can get into the sch which is nearby n has affiliation to sec sch. Looking at my students, i can see that boys usually ve prob with their studies as they are not as mature as the girls their age and philson is a dec kid so will b worse lor. *headache*

And i dun think i can give tuition to my own kiddos as i really scare dat i will either kill them or kill myself. keke

Eh! regarding cc....hmmmm...i m happy as long as philson is happy there n eating well there n the teachers like him can liao...abt wat they learn in cc i dun really look into it....too lazy as i juz wanna send him off so dat he dun stay at home n irritate me...hohoho

come come wanna try little footprint bo? I m thinking of sending philson there. I checked with philson's principal, she said little footprint is better and it has its own playground n water n sand play area
dora, hb's HQ is in AMK.... yes nowadays the expectation for P1 is soooo differenet.. poor kids..hope that moe will 'revamp' to something less stressful by the time our kids reach P1

wendypooh..ahaha..of course i am not asking in hope of getting my gal in..just kapohing.. :p cc got spelling? yes KKH is always full...

shihui, so did u ask him how was cc on monday?? hahaha

linette, for those FTWM, FTWF.. everynight only got like 2 hours to help their kids with homework!!!!

hwee, u r back! how's ur 'new' house? actually putting her in a school that demands less is also not that good..cos once they hit PSLE/O levels which is the same across board then those from school that demands more.. its a difficult balance to strike..

CFChang... where r u moving to??? can give tuition as PV loh :p :p :p where is pics of no 2??? :p
hmmm... maybe i shd really bring him go cc shopping.. dun feel comfortable with him crying every morning.. oso.. the teachers are showing frustration already.. hai~~

i agree.. really wondering if they r testing maths or english.. :p i'm one of those with very poor english skills in pri sch.. n i always struggle with these lengthy maths questions.. i still rem my father struggling too while trying to teach me.. hahaha... :p

hmmm.. maybe i shd really go there take a look hor... how u find little footprint? nice?

i asked liao.. as usual, silence....... :p

i haven't moved yet. still in the process of packing. now trying to get rid those unwanted furniture since i'm moving to a smaller place. the actual move will be sometime in July.

well, if she cannot cope in this sch, then i have no choice if i have to transfer her out. take a step at a time.

i think my girl will be one of those that needs a lot of help with her sch work. even after she finished her homework, i asked her the same question, she will still give me the blank look. -faintz-
