(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

ya, dun get too stressed now. I'm sure you'll work something out. Maybe like roo, u just send cae for "part-time" cc first then slowly full day. at least with i kids in full-day cc, it's more managable. Then, CL, u can also get for 2 mths instead of 1mth. That's wat I did. It's for my own sanity. Otherwise it is really challenging to cope with one 2yo and 1nb.

Sigh, your hb hor...why he lidat. shd ask him next time take a week leave and look after nb and toddler by himself....then you go on a holiday! kekekeke!

no use de coz the man will know tat after tat week of bbsitting, he is going back to work!
i agree w mbb! no use one! they noe there's a break in e near future so won't feel like SAHMS who's looking at 2-3 yrs later for a real break. hahaha.. but den he might get a feel o e workload lah. tho prolly they'll throw e kids in front o e TV more n ignore them more. den dabao food everyday n tell u 'manageable wat!'

tt brings out my pt. my hubby always say our mums oso can take care of 4-5 kids by themselves w/o help. but tt is if we can accept letting e kids watch tv, eat junk etc e whole day lor. er, i cannot leh. hehe. but if it's one adult to 2 kids, gotta compromise on q a no. o tings lah. like now, gotta accept mandy can't eat home cooked food everyday lor. n a few others. hubby told me i must lower my stds.

but i tink u can lah. as long as 1st few mths got help. routine is set den u shld b able to cope. jia you! oh i haf a PT cleaner lah but hse still messy like shit. close eyes liao. hahaha. ya, dun b too stressed. tho it's normal to b. i cried alot during pregy cos i was soooo worried bt childcaring arrangement.

thx. i'm not qualified lah. haha.

Haha.. "Throw them in front of TV and tabao.. Then say it's manageable.." I like tat..

Anyway, Ace is also in full day childcare.

He started from 2 hrs playgroup at community centre when he was 19 mths..
Then we put him for about 2 mths of half day childcare..
Now he's in full day childcare for bout 2 mths already (planned in this way so that he will not feel like suddenly being thrown away when the 2nd one is here) so far, so good,..

Only thing is, I'm also quite pissed at times with the childcare too..
They also throw them at TV too.
And also some China Teachers who are simply irresponsible towards the kids.
Running nose also never clean for the kids, doesn't change diapers often (Ace worn diapers only for his 1st 2 wks, after that, we simple insist that the teachers should also help to toilet train since they are not changing diapers anyway, coz Ace was already 90% toilet trained at home before he went to childcare)
Ace brought his big water bottle to childcare they also complain, but they also never bother to refill the water when we gave him a small water bottle last time.

Anyway, childcare centres got it's good and bad lah.. everywhere is the same, just let them go in to mix around a bit can already...

Dun get too stressed. We all want the best for our children, but in order to do that, we ourselves must be in the best form, physically and mentally before we can do our best for them. Let Cae try out half day and then full day childcare. Find a good CC that serves healthy food. I remember cae is also a very picky eater right? They will learn to eat better in cc. JT has a few classmates who were also very picky eaters, but they get better after a few months. Now they all eat very well, whatever is being served to them. And putting half day CC doesn't help in training them to eat, cos they know if they dun eat in cc, they can go home and eat. Give yourself and Cae a chance. Can always pull him out later if you really think he is not managing well. Initially I also think I dun wan JT to eat food with sauces and salt and sugar. but now I that she is eating so much better, I dun regret exposing her to adult food. Of course must choose a good cc, and also give more nutritious food for dinner and weekends.
Hi Mummies...

Thx for yr concern...after a few days of moppin ard...I m feelin better liao...since nothin can b changed...so I may as well get myself braced up...

Actually...my hb is a gd daddy...hez in fact rather hands on in certain tinks...like bathin Cae...changin his diapers...playin wif him...but in terms of milk n food prep...hez clueless ...juz tat I rem the tiredness I faced when I handled Cae alone when he was an infant durin the 1st few mths (no time even to run to the toilet at times)...n the chaos now tat hez a tod...I cant grasp the kinda situation tat I wil face...2X all over...

When u dun c me appearin online...u wil noe tat I hv gone bonkers...haha...


I tink I shld borrow tat bk fm NLB to read too...juz in case...


U mean yr parents r not able to help u next yr...

I noe wat u mean...men r very "straight fwd" creatures...


Cae is in haf day cc now...but really...I realised tat 3hrs in sch doesnt gif u tat much time...

Haha...my hb actually had a taste of lookin after Cae wif me when my maid wen on home leave tat time...I stil rem him sayin, "we NID a maid"...after 3 days...well...men r forgetful creatures...


Precisely...do u noe wat made him so determined to do w/o a maid???...he has a fren who doesnt hv a maid n she has 3 kids...but I rem tat she hd her mum's help n she wen to c her kids everyday at her mum's pl after work...plus she told me tat her kids were on cereal milk til 2yo!!!...

Anyway...the verdict is...unless. we really cant cope wif 2 kids n hsework...no PT maid...oh well...I wil juz open my eyes big big n see how lah...haha...

Cae stil cant eat table food...no chance even to ta bao for him...


Even tho Cae has oni been in cc for a wk now...(hez at home yest n today due to a cough)...I speak to the Director everyday...n if I notice tat his fm is stil intact if he refuses his lunch...I write n write in the comms bk til the teachers get it...I tink I m a horror parent...


I noe wat u mean...I hv to learn to let go lah...but where food is concerned...in a bid to get him to eat...I m really feedin him everytink liao...even potato chips n ice cream n choc!!!...he stil doesnt wanna chew lah...

Mentally I wil try to b happy n pos lah...cos I always tink we r already very blessed compared to many pple...physically...I wil hope for the best lah...I guess if I try to remain optimistic...the physical side wil fare better...

my current fav topic - child care!

Jen, SG men really good life.. the wife give birth still must pay for her gynae (yes its the same case with me and my hb... sigh!) From ur desc abt S, she have definitely improve by ALOT since she went to playgrp!!! My gal still canot answer Q or ask Q....

Poor Fizz *sayang*... u can put Cae in full day cc but pick him up around 5pm after u cook his dinner mah..then its like 3/4 day at cc rather than full day :p and men are such funi creatures... they always must compete and compare.. well dont them competing with their frens on who give their wives a better diamond ring or help out more with the household chores! 'teach' u something..u say no PT cleaner unless u really canot cope right? Then 'keng'..pretend u canot cope... work slower, whine louder, ask him for help more... act more distressed... in other words, get ur PT cleaner before u really canot take it and just suddenly break down one day....

QH... ehehe. u make ur hospital stay sound so 'enjoyable' :p have u decided on no2's name liao?

kimi..wah...first time i heard u 'complain' abt ur hb... :p totally agree that last time it is possible to take care of 4-5 kids... esp if we got neighbours that we can play with.....but nowadays neighbours are like strangers.....

Dora, ehehe..find a cc that serves healthy food... i was netsrufing and read someone say that some cc with the healthy food award was serving bland miserable noodles with soup with very little cabbage and small pce of hotdog.... ahahahah.. my colleague is jio-ing me to send kate to jt's cc...but then they dont have a branch near my pl..ahahahah

to those mommies with kids taking schoolbus... how far is too far for our kiddos? 15min ride? half an hour ride?

Actually there are quite a number of kids like that in JT's CC who can't chew table food. But when they see their friends eat, they are more willing to try and eat. There was this boy in JT's class who can't chew, so the teachers let him eat the infant's porridge. But later it was he himself who requested to eat the tablefood. after 2 months, he is eating very well now.

You got to go and see for yourself lor... visit the centre at abt 10am and also 11+am when they serve lunch and see what they have. Doesn't necessarily have to be JT's cc lah, I'm sure they are not the only one that is good. You want in woodlands or Jurong? I help you ask my cousin.
aiya, i always complain bt him one, u dunno nia. but he has lotsa complaints bt me too. it's lidat isn't it? but at e end o e day, we noe we're doing our best. since barry came out, we have so many more 'talks'. a lot o tings cannot see eye to eye, childcaring matters mostly. n we're all so stressed. to b fair, he reads n plays w e kids, bring them out by himself occasionally, bathe one everyday, iron his own clothes, mops e floor, washes dishes, changes bedsheet... he really does a lot. it's just tt, when it comes to childcaring, to me, we can always be better. tt's y he said i'm e one who give myself so much stress n work n i shld lower my std. w 2 kids, it's impossible to stick 2 e previously hi std when we had only mandy. i agree lor.

tt's y i'm learning now, rethinking a lot o tings n trying to understand his perspectives lah. i tink i give him a lot o stress too. oops.

eh, no need to ask fizz to pretend. w no help, it's impossible to keep e house spick n span one lah. just let him see piles o toys, clothes, papers, STUFF lying everywhere can liao.

yes yes totally agree w u. i realise i din take gd enof care o myself. tink i failed in tt sense. bcos if i'm nt in good shape, how to be a gd mum? so ya, working on it

mandy used to refuse outside food oso. for the 1st few weeks when we started to let her eat out w us w/o bringing home cooked food, she just ate fruits n raisins n biscuits to fill her tum. she refused everything. but now she eats. i dunno to luff or cry but everyday she chants 'eat out eat out! no eat home!'

when i go, i add seasonings oso. started w bland food but me n hubby cldn't stomach them. haha. so i dun feel so bad letting her eat outside food as long as they're not deep fried, oily, or full o sauce. but harder to maintain balanced diet lidat. sigh.. wat to do. eat more fruits lor.

er, i dun mean to scare u but in e early mths w 2 kids, it's a lot o multi tasking. it's not even a matter o whether u haf time to rest or poo (dun haf lah obviously) but how many tasks u need to do at one go. carry bb n telling ur tod a story WHILE u cook. hahaha... ah but it gets better. ya, open eyes big big lor. when e time comes, see problem den solve lah. wat to do.
yes. Selinna also makes me pissed whenever Hazel is at home. She pushed her, snatched her toys, etc etc lar. I also angry till I shouted at her closed her outside the kitchen while i be inside etc.. even snatched her btl to drink her water even though i have make another btl for her.

If bath, she also like to come in to play.. also go touch toilet bowl water, else tap her sis head with water lor while her sis is sitting in the bath tub.
Else keep wanting me to carry lar. dun carry she cry lar.
else if hazel want to slp in yaolan she will also want to help me rock her to slp then when she do that her sis get so much awake that eventually she dun want to slp liao.

I din bring both back everyday lar so wkday 1 nite when I bring selinna back i will showered her all my love lor. Hazel ard hazel will get 70% while Selinna 30% lor. hehe.

MBB, where to get that book?

slowly lar.. Last time i also very kancheong. but then slowly she improved lar.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mommies,</font>
wow this thread still very active!
Sorry been MIA for a long time, hope everyone still remember me &amp; Hayley!

<font color="0000ff">Congrats to Qianhui! your bb is indeed very huge!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Hi Shihui,
Congrats to you too!
Hope you r feeling well this time.

As for me, I've a good news to share with you here. Hayley is going to have a sibling this Oct.

I also recently started my new work after resting at home for est.7 month being SAHM, busy with baking
and bento &amp; taking care of Hayley's needs and diet by myself. Not an easy task but I enjoy
spending the moment with her. I always feel not being a good mom, not spending sufficient time
with Hayley in my previous job.

I'm also glad my new company still accept me despite my current situation.
It is a job change for me and I glad to learn something new.

In order to prepare Hayley and her sibling's arrival, I also enrolled her in full time cc.
Hoping she will learn to have her own circle of friends and will not feel left out
when her sibling arrives. So far so good, she has been there for 3 weeks and she eat/nap/play well there.

I wonder if any MTBs here experience evening sickness? I do and my headaches started from
5pm onwards and I feel so sick throughout the night. So different from my 1st time.

I also peifu Kei's for being such a capable mom! I dun think I can handle 2 lil ones the next time.
I also need to get a PT cleaner to clean our hse as in my current state, I'm too exhausted
&amp; my hubby been helping me with the hse chores too.

Also, like to express thanks to doggiebb and dee for sharing their contact with me on their CL.
Too bad, their contacts are fully booked. This time, my hubby allow me to engage a CL to cook yummy food / bbsit the
bb while I enjoy and sit back, enjoy my confinment. Think likely will engage one from bliss confinment agency.
Hope the CL will turn out good. Does anyone engage CL fm this agency before???


<font color="0000ff">Hi Bloom,
Yeap Hayley also took the school bus and the journey to her school is like 30mins as the bus has
to stop many times in Yishun areas to pick up other students along the way.</font>

Which area r u looking? I think Cherie Hearts is very near your place &amp; always got good feedback. Maybe u wanna check it out.

Here some babydust for other mommies ttc
<font color="119911">Jen</font>,
oh...that's mean it is quite common for no#1 to copy what no#2 did.
hmmm since u did not bring both yr gar hm during wkday, do u visit them (but yr 2 gar are at diff location??)?

think this is the pharse blar...what no#2 does, no#1 want the attention etc....

mentioning abt yao lan, dunno why my mum said my boy werid dun like to slp in there, will grab the cloth if inside. tx then will go then rock him and i scared that she will use the yao lan as a punch bag man....so either mum or me has to hawk eye on didi and dun let him go near it.

<font color="119911">Gan{</font>,
congrats! gar or boy??

re: eveining sickness.
this happened for my 2nd preggie. my 2nd and first preggie totally different. hmm maybe habving a boy this time...
hi ladies

havent posted for a long long time. Hope everyone is doing well.

Congrates to afcai and QH for ur #2 arrival.

I MUST contribute to this topic of taking care of 1 todd and 1 nb. firstly, i sincerely pei fu Kimi for taking care of 2 kids on her own. Secondly, i must say that taking of 2 kids is very tiring, even tho i have 2 helpers. Ya, I live in indo and I am a SAHM with 2 helpers (labour here is cheap la, one to clean and cook, one helps out in childcaring), and i still constantly feels tired. sign. sometimes my #2 wakes up like 3 times a nite, in that instance, i wont be able to get up at 7am the next morning. Things are worst when the kids fall sick together, as it happenned last week. I only get abt 4 hours interrupted sleep a nite, and had to make up for lost sleep in the day while #1 naps. Imagine, if i dont have a helper to take care of #2, i dont think i can nap together with #1. Tho i tried to make the 2 kids nap at the same time, sometimes my #2 only takes 30mins at noon nap. BUT but i must say it feels fulfilling when I am able to take care of both kids on my own, as it happens tonight (today i had to sack the maid who helps me to take care of kids coz she steals). BUT But..since labour in indo is cheap, i am definitely getting another maid.

Hope i dont put anyone off the idea of having #2. Kids are really a blessing.

hahaha.. aiyo... i want to keep it a secret oso cannot liao lah.. so many pple congrats me.. heee.. :p thanks everyone!

now wk 12 into preg.. but this preg i hav been feeling very down.. not sure if it's the hormone, the MS or the uncertainty of providing for 2 kids.... or the guilt for neglecting PH due to my MS.. i hav not been bathing him, feeding him, playing with him ever since MS set in.. was simply too moody.. n too tired to take care of him.. the poor boy is so deprived of mommy love now.. so much tt whenever i hav the energy to carry him, he will give me a kiss as a reward..

PH is really sweet.. he knows i'm not well.. he will come to me, ask me if i'm fine.. if not well, muz see doc... when i vomit, he pats me on my back.. give me tissue paper.. all these made me feel so touched but at the same time increase my guilt towards him...

MS was getting better initially.. but dunnoe y suddenly made a downturn for the worse.. was nearly admitted into hosp again.. lost 6kg this time round... last time only 4kg... and seems like it's going to continue for a while.. maybe will be losing more kgs.. i think i gained too much aft having PH.. tt's y my body is making adjustment so tt i won't gain too much during preg...

congrats to u too.. was thinking of bliss confinement too when the CL for doggiebb was not available.. den luckily managed to get dee's CL..
read online tt bliss confinement is quite gd... got gd review fr many leh... and the price is reasonable too...

my MS has been evolving.. fr full day to evening only n now full day again... sometimes will hav headache as well esp on days when i dun drink enough water... it will be helpful to hav a PT cleaner to help.. i hav been engaging a PT cleaner ever since i hav PH.. it's helps alot when i dun need to worry abt ironing clothes n household chores..

i find tt the cc does not change diaper frequently too.. PH has been a diaper-rash free bb since young.. but ever since he started cc, he has been getting diaper rashes on n off.. the recent attack was so bad tt he walk with open legs... was so heartpain... but i can't really complain too much.. coz my PH oso weird guy lah.. when he poo, he dun admit.. when u ask him, he will say dun hav poo.. with so many kids in the center, how can i expect them to keep checking on him so tt they can change him immediately... hai...

Congrats too! Wasn't in office thus didn't say that to you hubby.. hahah!

Actually same, when I was preggy, my mum and hubby doesn't let me carry Ace.. occasionally I piggy back him lah, but sure got many naggings..

Feel so sad to at times coz sometimes too tired to play with him or run with him during preggy..

For the childcare wan.. u train him a bit at home?
Just take a potty at his little birdy and let him stand and aim. Thats wat we do, coz letting him sit on potty is more unstable.. and sometimes the urine also kanna shoot out. Coz Pin Heng can talk very well, you can just tell the teacher to also ask him..

Afterall, the childcare teachers did tell us that 'They will train him'.. even though they didn't really train him, we just insist that Ace is toilet train and all they need to do is to ask him occasionally IF he didn't say. Else, they will have to clean up his urine (they said they will train, but IF they are not doing their part, too bad for them also...)
PH can speak very well... but he always refuse to admit tt he wants to pee or poo... whenever we see him squat at a corner quietly, we know he's pooing liao.. but when we ask, he will deny... if we want to bring him to the potty, he will refuse.... hai...
Hi Mummies...

Can someone share wif me wat washin powder can I use for a front load washin machine to wash nb clothes...hee...since I wil b maidless soon...I wil hv no one to handwash for me liao...

Do u tink the confinemt nanny wil help me to cook Cae's porridge...hee...luckily I insisted on hvg a confinemt nanny tis time...

R there any recommendation for tingkat meals during the mth after the confinemt nanny goes home...I dun tink I wil hv time to cook...but I nid food to establish my bm...mabbe I wil depend on fernugreek n med again like last time...

Sorry to ask so many ques...I muz prepare myself liao lor...


Hee hee...now I can congrat u openly...

Dun feel guilty so much...when yr MS subsides...u wil resume yr energy to carry him...

Cae is oso another boy who doesnt wanna admit tat he pooed/is pooin...even when hez gekin...he wont admit it...

Cae is quite prone to birdie infection...hez hvg it now again...so itz off to the pd tom...haizzz...my hb wanna circumcise him wor...I cant bear him goin thru the pain leh...


Congratzz to u too...
dora, have email u liao..thanks for ur help... my colleague jio-ing cos she wanted to send her son there too.. but different mah..i dunwan to bring kate all the way to Jurong..not as if i will work here forever...

kimi..yes.i have to agree that ur hb is much better than many others..! and u 2 are doing much more with ur 2 kiddos than other parents!
i think ask fizz to 'break down' befoer it really happens..cos looking for maid etc will take time...

jen, i know must take it slowly..but am impressed with S's improvement!

gan, congrats!!!!! went by SL on saturday...one small road with 3 ccs! Hb is whining ! I thot ur mom lives in sembawang too? Why does the schoolbus need to go yishun before going back to sembawang? r u referring to the cherie hearts near RP? Yest took a look..no playgrp nearby

Karen..ahaha..ur posting is so funi! :p

Shihui, ayoh..my future SIL is so swwweettttt.... oh no.. i suspect that once kate goes to cc she will get diaper rash too... cos now she is already wearing panties at nanny's pl (she will force her to go loo often though she is not toilet trained)...

fizz, if u wan ..though its after confinement..can still order from those confinement tingkat ..they have bigger portions and better food :p canot rem which one i ordered from last time...
NO wor. I dun visit them during wkday night cos my hb restrict me to go out one. I must stay at home to be "vase" one. So I have no much chance to bond with #2. but lucky she still very clingy to me even I bring back on wkend. Even when bring her back to my mom hse last nite. She knws I am going home she faster wants me to carry her and refused to let maid take over.. She will cry.

your PH is very sweet and diligent leh. so caring son. good training..

you can always request the CL to cook for Cae one. But make it known in the 1st place lor. Else they not happy with additional job one lor.

u started sending Kate to presch or playgrp?
<font color="119911">Karen P</font>,
thks for the wishes.

<font color="119911">Shihui</font>
COngrats. ppls say MS gd (tot remember u mentioned b4 u miss the mS days....oops.) so that u know yr preggie is smooth. unlike mine, fresh blood bleeding during first trimster, more scary...admitted to hosptial thrice.

for me, i also neglect tx too thru my preggie cos my preggie not smooth. also felt guilty etc...

did u enegage any CL last time?? my CL not gd so not recommended.

<font color="119911">Fizz</font>,
currently, I'm using ABD pureen washing power to wash my NB clothes.
KKH selling 2 for $11. usually price at shopping ctr is $8.90, chinatown sells $5.80.

<font color="119911">shihui/fizz</font>,
hmm...just nag and scold him when he poo. ask him want to sit on his smelly poo meh....we did scare tx last time, say her poo so smelly, wait later stain into her favourite bedsheet etc..then the mattress , tedy bear etc throw away. so then she will tell us. of cos, now she dipaer free during day time (make use of my ML to trian her)liao.

<font color="119911">Jen</font>,
huh cannot go out wkday night..ai-yo...u only go and visit yr little darling mah, not go shopping what....but then did yr hubby himself got go out or not??

gd leh...mummy is still the best...even u dun bring them hm during wkday...think dkid not sticky to daddy right....
Hi Afcai,
thanks.. still dunno gender.
We no preference this time so long bb healthy n guai guai.

Hi Shihui,
So when is your EDD? Your MS sounds so worse than mine. U take care too! My evening sickness also turning worse and not
better. Wonder when it will end soon.

All this while, I and hubby sharing the hse chorse. Yeap time to get a pt cleaner to help out, so we can spend more time with Hayley and less burn out.

Yur PH very sweet hor.. Hayley also the same been sayang me whenever I've splitting headaches or feel like vomitting.
She even sing few songs everynight to 'bb'. Hope she will remains this good when her sibling arrives.

Hi Fizz,
Thanks and when is your EDD?
U too take care! I am sure all will work out fine and no need to worry too much.
I also yet to think abt who to assign to care for my no. 2. My
hubby this time prefer his mom or sis to take care. I also dun want to waste energy thinking too much or forseen too far.

Hi Jen,
Actually envy your arrangement!
So you have more couple time with your hubby.
Initally we also spend in this way for hayley but too bad it doesn't work out the way we want.
Do treasure it and your kids will understand &amp; still stick to you as the bond is still there no matter wat.

Hi Bloom,
Take your time to search the suitable cc since you no hurry to enrol kate.
Yeap my mom lives near me but coz of her health, I rather enrol Hayley in cc as not to stress her.
But she help me to prepare H's dinner when the schoolbus drop her at her blk in evening.

ya.. i think they r not ready yet lah.. refused to be toilet trained.. anyway, not in a hurry oso.. i dun want to give him stress too...

there was once when PH had birdie infection too.. den pd oso advise tt if it's something recurring, better to go for circumcision.. though pain pain, will recover very fast one.. at least better than recurring infections..

bloom, jen,
ya.. very very sweet hor.. hope he will still be as sweet when #2 arrives.. :p

wah.. if my hubby dun let me go out when i want to, i think i will cry down the house.. hahahaha.. :p but then, both of u hav lots of couple time leh..

thanks!! me too, not too worried abt toilet train issues.. but my parents n in laws r anxious liao.. :p

ya lor.. tt time big mouth.. dunnoe y say miss MS.. so this time MS visit me early lor.. sian...
i dun even hav the chance to put on weight b4 i start losing weight... :p

i engaged CL last time.. but not gd.. tt's y this time go for Dee's recommendation..

i dun want to scold PH during his toilet training.. feel tt it's not gd for his self esteem.. dun want him to feel stressed bcoz of toilet training too.. let him decide himself when he's ready lah..

my EDD is 12 Nov.. my wedding anniversary is on 6th.. who knows if this one will be our wedding anniversary gift.. heee... :p

Hayley is so sweet too..
let's hope tt both kids remain as sweet when their sibling arrives... now i'm so worried abt sibling rivarly... :p
my hb is a homely man. He dun go out. If I knw in advance that he is going out I also planned my night activity to catch up with my sis to shop liao. but then my hb goes out also reach home by 10pm. haha. So i also have to reach home faster lor. haha. he must see me at home.

Stick to daddy:
I will ask selinna to stick to daddy lor. but she will only greet him when come back home. other than that she dun look for him. but ok to play with him awhile. then Hazel is ok with daddy. smiles to everyone and let everyone carry. But recently only want mommy. Esp she scare of me leaving her even tho i tell her I nid to work to earn money for her milk and pampers. hahaha.

Ya alot of couple time lor. basically our parents all stay near us. So put them at where also easy lor.
Ya i agree. Selinna only wants me when she sees me. Like yday night. we went out for dinner with my ILs then she came from my MIL hse mah. So supposed to go back to her hse cos my MIL dint bring her uniform for today school. But i was carrying her to the carpark &amp; I told her she hv to go back popo hse. but she say she dun want only want mama hse. I told her no uniform leh. then I hv to go work tomolo leh. but she insisted that still my hse. my PIL tried to carry her over but she cling to my tightly.. The best action came when she cried out loud to follow me home instead of my IL. haha. my MIL must be jumping angry.. cos she always says my gal "mei liang xin" one.
Another example is when my hb called his mom and told her that he is bring S back. my MIL then turn ard tell her ur daddy bringing u back. she jumped up in joy &amp; say YEAH. i think my MIL will flip lor.
ur selinna so cute..
mine hor, will hate me if i put him at grandparents place for too long leh.. he will ignore us, refuse to call us..
den when we bring him back, he will yang ow to his grandparents.. dun want us etc... hai~~~~
urs is boy leh.. aiyo so cute on his yang ow part leh. haha. unbelievebale boy also have this kind of reaction leh.

Mine no choice one. she din see me she will forget me. but every nite before slp she will climb to my MIL bed &amp; point to jurong point and say is mama hse. then say gd nite to mama. ahha.

Thanx...I m considerin confinemt tingkat...but I wonder if it wil b too heaty...n the cost...haizzz...


Thanx...I guess I wil hv to ask her bah...


Is the Pureen washing powder low suds...as itz not stated on the box...r u usin a front load washin machine...


Now I wil tink of it as a blessin to b wif my kids all the time whenever I worry abt the arrangemt...my EDD is early Aug...


Everyone in the hse is kan cheong abt Cae's toilet trainin except me...so I get scolded for not tryin hard enuff...

My PD said tat she doesnt encourage routine circumcision wor...at least til 3 to 5 yo...as itz very common at tis age...
ya lor.. sometimes i really wonder if i wanted a gal too much when i was preg with PH.. now my boy yang ow like a gal.. hahahaha... :p

yup... i dun like routine circumcision too.. unless it's for medical reason.. my fren had her boy circumcised the day he's born... i was so shocked.. she said her gynae strongly recommend her coz it's cleaner this way.. aiyo....
Congrats to Fizz, Gan and Shihui, do take care, eat well and rest well. Did i miss any other mummies out? ;p

QH, glad to know that you are doing fine.

Hi mummies,
Abby arrived on the 19th of April and I am still learning to manage two children at this point of time. Thank God for mummy who is helping to attend to Nat's needs. Have temporarily withdrawn nat for the month of may as i dun want her to fall ill again and am taking the chance to bu her body with good stuff. hee. she had taken too many a times of antibiotics in the early part of the year so i hope my decision to keep her at home for my month of confinement is a right one. Abby looks exactly like her sister and i'm glad nat adores her little sister although sometimes she exerts a little too much strength when sayanging her, its cute to hear her say 'dun cry abby, jie jie is here.'

mbb, you found a ballet sch liao? where?
Hi tan SL,
congrats on your arrival of Abby.
Do post pic of your princess too.

Hi Jackies,

Hi Shihui,
12 Nov also a special date for us.
Its our ROM anniversary date

Going to meet up agent fm Bliss Confinment this sat to pay the deposit. Hope the CL auntie is good. keep my fingers crossed.

Hi Fizz,
2nd one is prince or princess?
U too take care! You book your CL lady yet?

My Hayley also yet toilet trained.. been trying to train her but she is still not ready.

Hi Jen,
I also stay near my parents and inlaws but too bad, my girl so sticky to us since she is newborn.
Too used to our place or maybe she likes it too much. She always cant sleep well or whine a lot whenever we try to let her camp over at
my mom place. In the end, we brought her home everynight to bbsit her. Even after school these days, she will keep asking her Mama to bring
her home asap. Dunno why? Miss us or our home? So i rather like your arrangement. At least you got freedom haa..
I do miss my night time activity with my friends.

Hope my 2nd one can stay over at someone place as we also hope to bring it back only on fri night as cant
forseen can cope with an active tot and a crying newborn at night.

Sigh I am down with flu again and been to doc this pm, given an MC to rest tomor. I been feeling very weak and
keep falling sick since beginning of this year.
no lar. sometimes boys yang ow also cute lar. sayang mommy kind of yangow is ok lar. cannot be too girlish in others lar.

Tan SL,
Congrats on the arrival of Abby.
Ur elder gal is so sensible. I remembered the 1st day I bring my baby home, the sister saw her sister cried like hell manz.. machiam an alien come home lidat. dun want to touch her, go near her all dun want. till nw also feel jealous when i tell her say we bring mei mei come back to play together. she say Dun want.. but after coaxing and teaching she will be alrite. They both oni knw hw to fight.. at such young age. #1 dun like #2 to take her toys. will snatch back and push her sis. then #2 nw bigger liao will also refused to give the item back so she so clever hold tight and hide it behind her back and play those kind of high &amp; low technique so that jie jie cant catch back.

It not easy to cope 2 lil ones at home.. take care and recover well .
Missed ur post. my #1 also dun like other pple plc. will cried for more than 1 hr be4 slp. refused milk refused everything. just cried. that time she was 2mths lidat. cos i went for holiday during Maternity leave lor. put her at my mom hse.
go my MIL hse same thing. until my MIL scare she got fit returned her back to us lor. haha.
But i think main reason is becos she wanted to be latch to slp lor.
Hi Mummies,

Had not entered this thread for a while, and am so happy to see it's so active!

To all the mummies who had delivered, CONGRATS!!! Rest well and brace yourself to manage more than one kid! It is challenging, tiring but VERY fulfilling. Just sleep a bit lesser, eat more "bu" and vitamins and try to catch cat naps if you ever can. But I find eating "bu", lots of caffeine and vitamins very important. For me, on average, I only sleep 4 hours or lesser a day, but caffeine, vitamins and love drive me on

To all the mummies who are preggers, CONGRATS too!! Take care of your BB in the tummy, and dun worry too much about child caring arrangements at this point of time, cos our hormones are usually raging now!

For those of you who read my blog on Nicole's horseriding accident, I am elated to say that she is fine now
Her bruised eye is completely ok, the bloodstains in the eyeball had faded except for some pink remnants, and her 2 stitches seemed ok. I am praying for no permanent scars.

Annette is being a lovable girl but still not going to school yet, so we are still treating her like a big baby, haha. She is fully toilet trained and does not even want to poo in her diapers when we are out. Sigh, so that means lots of trips to the toilet between her and jie jie.

Their sibling rivalry is TERRIBLE! Thanks, MBB, for your book recommendation. I am surely gonna read it. I had tried SO many methods, but to no avail. Hopefully the book helps

Keep up with all your postings!!
<font color="119911">Fizz</font>,
hmm..any diff for low suds washing powder? no, I'm not using front load washing machine.

<font color="119911">Tan SL</font>,
congrats on your arrival of Abby. take care.

<font color="119911">Gan\shihui</font>,
hmm..for me my wedding date also fall on Nov. it's 5/11.

<font color="119911">Jen</font>,
hmm before arrival of yr no#2 and bring her hm, did u keep telling selinna that she is expected a NB bb hm??

yr no#1 has similar case as me. tx is a hao bao bb, cry machiam like murder when wanted to slp and scream like dunno what when gg to new environment. when latch her on, she ok....

<font color="119911">Linette</font>,
hmm tot consuming caffeine esp when bf is no no leh.....

re:toilet train
is she also off diaper during the night? hmm how to train night toilet training?? any tips? need to woke them up every 2-3 hr??

<font color="119911">shihui</font>,
do take care, hope when u pass first trimster will be better.
jen, kate has been attending playgrp since sep 08...

shihui, haha.. u r like me, canot stay at home for long.. :p

Fizz, dont think its too heaty.... cos its not everyday they have those pig trotter vinegar soup.. all i rem is big portions of rice and big portions of fish... yummy... :p but yes, its much more exp...

Tan SL, congrats on the arrival on Abby!!!! Can show some pics????

Linette, congrats too for gaining temporary freedom!!! :p

Gan, Dora, now hb said postpone cc till swine flu is over...
Oh, for bf moms, no caffeine, of cos! Else your BBs will end up not sleeping!

Annette is not off diapers at night. For Nicole, I only do night toilet training when she is about 3-4. Get them to pee just before bedtime, and just let it be. If they are urgent at night, they will wake up to go toilet. If there are a few "accidents", just let it be.

Hee, freedom is good...for now ;)
Tan SL,
congrats on arrival of Abby..
she looks juz like jie jie.. aiyo.. i can't differentiate when u posted both Nat's n Abby's photo side by side.. :p

hahaha.. ya lor.. i need to go out with frens once in a while.. else i will feel miserable.. :p but hor, recently stop all outings due to MS.. really feel miserable liao... :p

wah.. postpone till swine flu over ah.... going to be a long wait... :p
<font color="119911">Jen</font>,
for me, my hubby opposite. like last time, we only bring tx home on fri night. but not like yrhubby, my hubby will work till 9-10pm then reach hm. he is not so homely man....

<font color="119911">Linette</font>,
tot, caffine not gd for bb that's why cannot consume. then if mummy was to consume essence of chicken, hmm wondering will bee end up not sleeping(essence of chicken dun have effect on me....).

re:night training.
oic...u will place the waterproof mat under their bum in case of accidents? sometimes, tx diaper over the night is totally dry loh. she only pass a lot of urine in the morning when she woke up.

I received the samples n voucher liao...thx so much...

I just went Giant to grab Enfa which was a few dollars cheaper during its offer...so desperate right...I shudder to think of the cost of milk powder for 2 kiddoes...:p
<font color="119911">Fizz</font>,
hmm...tbf yr no#2, if got excess milk then give no#1 loh. for me, I wanted to give up this time, so tired. but whenever I think of the cost of fm and the benefit of bm then I just preserve preserve. cheers.

so now, I just like mother cow moo prince cow. when is yr due date?
yes. I did told her sister is coming.. I think is just sibling rivlary lar. hope they grow up they are as close like me &amp; my sis lor.

My #1 when bb time scream is becos she wanted to latch but no nei nei to latch . hahaha. but with me ard she is ok lar. all bb same lar. hahaa let them latch liao they keep quiet.

which playgrp is Kate attending?? I bring my gal home yday leh. haah so funny leh. She learnt a new song keep singing in the car leh. haha Rain Rain go away, come again another day. wow bian had a hard time catching what she is singing cos her pronuciation is not strong yet. oni the 1st sentence very clear. 2nd sentnence is mumbling over manz.

I wish my hb also not a homely man manz.. best is work late late ar. see his face also angry lar. last nite told him to cancel the AUS trip dun want 2 kids to kana the swine flu. he talked sooo loud to me leh. I LL keep quiet let him blast my ears and Selinna ears leh.

where r u going? I also gg to cancel my AUS trip leh. Why timing sooo giam one leh? my trip is nxt wk leh. the swine flu comes at the wrong timing manz. affect alot of pple who booked ticket to bring children to holiday during the vacation. Lucky my ticket can get full refund ar.. Actually the term &amp; condition stated fully non refundable one. but i think becos of this swine flu can cancel liao.

u are welcome.. I thot Giant is expensive one? I never want to buy from there even they are having promotion. I still find is expensive compared to NTUC leh. haha. maybe I want to get linkpoints so i prefer NTUC lar. haha.
<font color="119911">Jen</font>,
re:latch on
hmm my boy depends on his mood. sometimes want to latch on but sometimes latch until pek chek, gek till face like lobster then er ni. it is bec nipple/aerola soften liao so he cannot grab properly. I am trying to help him and all he need to do is close his mouth and suck. anyway, he is impatient to suck cos milk flow slow. then he will scream.

hmm...how long u bf yr no#2?

same as tx. usually, first sentence very clear then the rest mumbling.

funny wor...as mentioned see his face angry...aiyo....seems like yr hubby similar to mine now, talk to him abt kids, he talked so loud like buay siong.

gd that u can get full refund for yr AUS trip. better to be safe than sorry.
wah.. u so nice.. still can lun n let ur hb blast ur ears.. if me hor, i sure shout back louder.. hahahaha... :p but usually i will give him warning like "can u speak in a nicer tone?".. if aft 2 warnings he still lidat, he will see colour fr me liao...... :p

now i oso start to worry abt sibling rivalry liao.. when i tok to PH abt his future didi/mei mei, he refused to acknowledge tt he's going to be a big bro liao.. but he will say bb in tummy cannot push hard hard hor.. den while saying tt, he will push my tummy with his hand.. let him see bb scans, he said tt my belly button is the bb... :p faint......
I more timid and always give in to him lar. This is his character lor. used to it liao. His @%^&amp; character oni he can shout pple, pple cannot shout him back. if i do so, he throw things liao. so sometimes he realli makes me pissed to curse him dead..
In term of voice, i sure lose him one lar. so no use quarreling as he also MCP he is forever right. I forever cant outspeak him.

still small to understand lar. Selinna so big liao still cant love his sister like other can.. haha. still can tell me yday she pinched her sis at her face leh. haha. she demo to let me see by "having the pinching action on my handphone as my wallpaper is Hazel mah". then i say cannot pinch mei mei.. she is too small to understand. she then showed me by actions also that mei mei pulled her clothing. hahahahahah. so she is somehw expressive and will bully back one. not the quiet one to be sit to be bullied.

no bah.. bb all hv the knowledge to suck milk one leh i saw from article one. my milk flow last time also slow leh. maybe Selinna is small eater last time. so she oni want to latch for comfort more than drinking. I somemore very bad one. latch on for abt 15mins my hand tired liao. dunno she full anot i also unlatch her.. haha. tell her enuf liao. hahahaha.

My #2 ar. i oni BF for 4mths oni.. but that 4 mths is like 95% BM one lor. except for nite feed which is FM lor. hehe. then return to work lazy to pump then slowly v v v little until i also dun want to give liao lor. Selinna altho my milk is less.. but i stil bring her home to latch every nite. so with my lil milk supply can tong until she 7mth+. but hazel oni 4mths+ nia.
<font color="119911">shihui</font>,
oh, u bringing pH along when u go for scan? now, hosptital lots of alert(like SARS lot of orange, red and dunno what color alert) wor...advisable to let kids to stay away if possible.

<font color="119911">Jen</font>,
wow, u steady man....when u tell selinna enu, she dun make noise meh. my boy will scream, gek until face like lobster. so cannot use this method.

oic...thks for sharing the bf issue. at least selinna still want to latch on till 7mth wor...won't she bite that time (tx does)?
linette, but u r studying right? (saw ur msn nick..)

shihui, tan sl, where is abby's pics??

shihui, yeah, afraid that swine flu will come in waves and waves
but also afraid if we 'fire' the bbsitter, later cc close, then we got no other child care arrangements
or if some parent spread the flu to the kid and the kid spread to the other kids in cc...BEFORe the symptoms started.

jen, kate is attending little friends near my bbsitter's pl, recently she also mumble some rhymes with actions but i have no idea what she is talking..... sometimes i also wish my hb will work more OT (he works from home so no diff..ahahha)..but then if he works lots of OT then i canot wash my hair at night and still sleep before midnight :p

mommiess..Q time .. :p....

Q1 : my in laws bought a battery operated soft toy for kate last time..now it is dusty..how to clean beside sending for dry cleaning?
Q2 : for those with kids in cc/know of ccs, where do the kids have their meals? i went to visit one yest and the kids have their meals inside their small little classroom! i like the teachers but the classroom is so small and gloomy (maybe canot expect much from ground floor units) and they just increase their fees by $90! sigh!
ya ya they will sing in their language one with action learnt from teachers.
Huh what u mean if ur hb works OT u cant wash ur hair at nite and still slp be4 MN?

Kate: for me the answers are as follows:
1. If me I will just throw away.
2. I didnt send Selinna go CC so not sure. I thot they have a round table at a corner for their meal? I taught Kindgerten children be4. they got a table so when it is meal time go sit ard the table to eat.
no lah.. i let him see the scan pics.. now hosp dun allow kids to go visiting together liao..

ya lor.. if no alt childcare arrangement.. really better not to put kate in cc now.. esp initially, sure easy to fall sick one...

for the questions..
1. same same as jen, i will throw.. :p
2. PH's childcare hav meals on the classroom table as well.. no separate dining area.. but the whole classroom is quite big n airy.. so i find it okie...
Re the soft toy, I will clean it with a wet cloth and Dettol.

As for my MSN nick, it is not me who is studying. It is Nicole's mid year exams ongoing now! Sigh, her first exams....is also like my exams like that. Keke.


Haha...I m very "weak" mentally de...if tbf is too much...I tink I wil juz gif up...the last time I managed to persevere is due to laziness...I prefer latchin as itz rather enjoyable n I was too lazy to keep washin the pumps...:p


(1) How abt dustin it wif tat MagicClean pinkish feather duster...or vacuumin it...for dust...if itz not too dusty...I m not very particular...(but I m paranoid abt chemical n dirt on the grd outside)...errr...I hv tis tink abt storin toys n not throwin them de...
(2) Cae's cc is an open space / classrm concept...so therez no particular "dinin" rm...
