(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

we'll look forward to your return then!!!
Maybe by then, all our darlings will be crawling around !! hee hee....

wah... you're really artistic boy!!.... and you already slim down to your pre-pregnancy figure liao leh... so envious!!!

huh? my gal sweet?? ... aiyo... you saw her swimming pics right? i told hubby she always look like pple owe her money never return lidat!!... hahaha.... and when she screams hor... hiaz.... no need to say liao....

slowly lah... like choo... start with neighbourhood areas... if u dun start hor, you'll never get going!!!... hee hee...

aiyo... your bbies flipping liao ah!!!... die lah... my gal hor... getting lazier and lazier leh... she used flip herself over when i put her on her sides... now hor, when i put her on her sides, she just flip back on her BACK!!... to lazy to even try... tink maybe she getting to fat hor?? hiaz...

another weekend gathering... boohoohoo... i can't go liao... can't be sick everyweek... kenna sack ah... you gals enjoy yourselves...

BATHTUB gathering at bishan 14 March around 1pm

1. doggiebb
2. MBB
3. CF Chang (want to go from one end to the other end wor!)
4. Tan SL (To Be Confirmed)
5. Gan (To Be Confirmed)
5.Ruffybear(shd be able if Roy is 100% okay by then)
6. Vanessa (To Be Confirmed...HOpe REyna is 100% well, cos injection on Monday)

U really talented leh...Can I invite u to my house to paint me barney, babybop n BJ for my gals huh? Hee hee
i love spirited away too. i've always wanted to draw on my walls, but till now, still dun hv the courage to do so. haha.

these r some of the things i noted down for the fair. see if u ladies r interested:
high chairs:
grace contempo high chair: $189
fisher price super saver high chair $79
fisher price rainforest healthycare high chair $239
fisher price healthy care booster $69
safety 1st swing tray booster $29.90
safety 1st deluxe care fold up booster $39.90
aprica high chairs $399-$499
combi high chairs starts fr $188.

1st years simple and secure stair gate (up to 44") $99
1st years hands free gate (up to 34" n for doorways) $79. extensions $23.90
another 1st years top of stairs gate $129 but no display yet.
evenflo 4 in 1 pressure gate (up to 42") $69
supergates, but too many, din note the price.

of cos can. yesterday alabone came without bb too
so nice to chat with her, but must ask what time is everyone leaving though.


one week! wah! double peifu!
Hello Mummies

Wah seems like everyone really enjoyed themselves at MBB's house yesterday. Too bad I stay soooooo far away if not I would have gone....

Haiyo why Wed ha....cos Wed my IL always come over to play with BB one... See if I can ask them dun come next wed hee hee hee... BTW, is your place within walking distance to the MRT? If yes then maybe I can go... if still have to change bus etc then would be a bit difficult lah...

You're really multi-talented leh!! Those drawings are sooooooo professional!!! Hehehe... can help me draw Winnie the pooh in JingTing's room?

Dun worry lah, we are all 1st time parents, so we all make mistakes once in a while.... dun be too hard on yourself okie? You've done such a great job, Meg is such a lovely girl!!

My JingTing can flip onto her left side, but not on tummy yet... but see the way she keep struggling I think should be soon... I put bumper on day 1!!! I'm the KS mummy... but lucky put bumper lor cos she will shift away from her original position and end up at the side of the cot :p

Going to shave my JingTing's hair this weekend... It's super curly and super long liao... It's so long, I can actually tie it up :p I feel a bit reluctant to shave leh but she is sweating like mad and her rashes are very bad.... Will post a pic of Botak JingTing after that....
doggiebb, Shayna was born on 29 dec.

by the way, mummies, how many times do you express milk at home an in office? what times do you all express and how much can you express each time. do let also let baby latch on when you are at home after work
no lah. me oso tech idiot. nv use msn b4. only noe wat it is a few mths ago. my blog's k-newestnews.blogspot.com i'm in e process o uploading pix. join e gathering! then i can finally c roy!

doremi, jackie, calynn, vanessa,

me tinking o giving up bottle feeding liao. it's such a hassle n i dun tink it'll work no matter how long i try. n u r rite, bb is so much happier w/o bottle. u leh?

yah. u can 1st take ur boi to go walk in e park or sthg, then go buy groceries or neighborhood mall to walk walk lor! once u're mobile, u'll wanna keep going out! heh heh...

i'm nt exactly bk to pre-preg figure. i's thinner last time... but i'm nt complaining lah! ;p

u'ev got such a big bathtub ar?

4got 2 thk u 4 helping me look after mandy while her irresponsible mama went ard taking pix!
I only give once for her to bite n get use to the teats, nvr force her to drink lor. Talk to Doris Fok regarding this, she told me some bb jus tat clingy. Join me as volunteers in bmsg since we r both sahm.

normal size bathtub!

so gotta take turns to dunk! pwahaha!

but got jacuzzi lah so i can turn on and create some waves, can pretend it's swimming in the sea!
My MIL put 3-4 slice of paoseng into a small cup of water. Can agar-agar the amt of water, so long got taste can already. Lucky Jovey love paoseng like his daddy (I hate the smell and will puke). But than he still got fever leh
wah...your pics really nice leh. very very professional. you must have so much patience to do all these. pei fu.

mandy is such a goody girl, i'd help to look after any time. and you weren't irresponsible. if not for you taking the photos, we won't be drooling over the cutie pies in their swimsuits right?

i'm definitely going for the bathtub meet. lucky next weds i got holiday.
thanks! haha! my hb very heart pain...keep asking me got anything to give bb so that she wont kena fever after jab, so had to ask u lor. :p

I guess we just have to pray that she won't get fever!

Wah, so many cute pics of bbies swimming!
So sad I can't join gatherings cos back at work liao...

No time to read thru the all the posts...

thanks for the list of items at the fair!
I was thinking of going, but this weekend hb working ah, so i cannot go. Plus, bb go for jab tomoro...scared she kena fever. must pray hard dun hv!

sooooo artistic! Can i hire u to paint mural on may walls?

talia ann's temp only went up to 37.3 degrees the next day and was ok after giving her liquid paracetamol. so dont worry too much. just pray!

BATHTUB gathering at bishan 14 March around 1pm

1. doggiebb
2. MBB
3. CF Chang (want to go from one end to the other end wor!)
4. Tan SL (To Be Confirmed)
5. Gan (To Be Confirmed)
5.Ruffybear(shd be able if Roy is 100% okay by then)
6. Vanessa (To Be Confirmed...HOpe REyna is 100% well, cos injection on Monday)
7. Calynn (To Be Confirmed.... ANOTHER MC????? oh no!!!!!.....)
sorry, din know my settings were like that! i fixed it redy but i also PM-ed you
see u soon! thanks!

hey mummies,
wow! sooooooo cute all the swimming beauties! Were they afraid of the cold water? :p

lucas can't turn yet but i can tell he wants to! now changing his diaper has become a wrestling match cos he keeps twisting to his left! one night, we put his on his side to sleep in his cot then when we picked him up for his next feed, he was on his tummy!! think maybe when we put him on his side, his legs were crossed so it was easy for him to flip over. Luckily nothing in the cot that he could smother himself with... scary!

meg's hair is soooooooo cute!!! my Lucas is so botak! dunno when he will have that amt of hair! Everyone keeps asking me if I shaved his head

doggiebb, och,
thanks for the shopping lists! i'm looking at high chairs too but dunno how to buy tho... Do u think the chairs at the fair are cheaper than at,say, Cheong Choon?

wowee. u are really talented! even if u gave me the pic to paste on the wall also i'm sure i wd've made a mess of it. I have zero artistic sense :p
sylk... do u have a relative called anita? cos u look like a ex collague of mine ...

stephanie..wahh..not fair leh..some grandparents look after teh grandchild foc then the parents still can get relief.. but i hve to pay bbsitter to take care of my bb and i cannot get any relief from there
if my hb knows abt this he will make noise and wan his mom to take care of kate liao... lucas look more alert than a 3 month old leh!

och, that time tell u abt how we did to kate abt making her sleep right? these few days does not work liao (after working for abt 1 month)..now she just cry and cry the moment we put her on the bb cot or try to feed her her last feed before nighttime..

doggiebb..ehehe..ur bb look lke a lifesize doll with that shirt and jeans..so cute! Sorry cannot make it next wed cos I am already working

vanessa, ur gals are all so cute..no 2's hair was cut after the last time we meet at qianhui's place right? What is the speed of the mio broadband?

kimi, i like ur collage! everythig is white white so it blends in every well...

mbb, dont be so hard on urself...

mommies..i fail my drivin again
duno when will i manage to pass it

doremi..i think the doc scare u har..i think my bb got sore skin, dry skin and flat head too..but too busy to worry abt it.. and i think poly/kkh docs not so dramatic... so r u planning to visit nanny one evening during weekdays to paly with ur bb?

alabone, u select picture grid from Type to have the pics side by side instead of piled up.

starluster..how big is ur tin? so far i can only find 900g for NAN.....

Lil, kate is also like that..can talk while having the teat in her mouth.... really dont understand where she get that genes from cos both hb and i are not the super chatty kind.

welcome snowy and melody!

afcai, b.s is bull s**t hhehehe... so not fair that i cannot claim
unless i count my friday dinner at my mom's place ad grandparent relief?

The swimming pcitures are cute! U all mommie so fast then buy swimming costumes for ur bbs liao...

kimi, the pics u took are so nice! i think u really got an eye for collaging cos ur collage always very nicely combined... ur totoro so cute! u draw using stencil or what? Use wall paint or special kind of paint?

gan...wahh..hayley can flip already..wow! thats fast!
where r u? msn-ing again huh?

nt raining today hor! haiz.... but it's e last day o sch b4 e one wk hols! yipee! so hubby wld b home to bathe mandy!

alabone, bobianah, bloom,

wat's stencil huh? i tink i used stencil 4 e 2 small ones if my understanding o stencil is correct. 4 big one, my poor hubby had 2 b stationary, holding e transparency in one hand n e torchlight in e other while i quickly trace on e wall w a pencil. it was a huge risk. i used normal wall paint. still got lotsa leftover, v wasteful.

volunteer? no lah, me nt as wei da n patient as u leh... any org haf me as volunteer sure puke blood one.. heh heh...
Wow looks like the mummies n babies had a great time at MBB's place yesterday! the pics are so nice... Hope I can join u guys for future gatherings, when I hv enough "practice" going out with baby alone. So far only dare to bring her out in pram to nearby shops alone...

ur Meg is so sweet n pretty!
Wonder when my ger (Kellene) will look so girly... she looks like boy now. When we let her wear dress, its like asking a boy wear dress like tt... hahaha...

The collage u did for MBB is so nice!

Btw, for those babies who went swimming, did they wear any diapers? Heard there's this "swim diapers", anyone knows how it works? Which brand carries the swim diapers? Dun think I ever see it b4 leh...

Nan 400g can be found in Cold Storage and Guardian... think Giant also hv. Guardian selling slightly cheaper than Cold Storage, but we still buy at Cold Storage coz not sure if the stks in Guardian are older stks (normally pp seldom buy fm in pharmarcy, so i presume their stks will move slower compared to supermarket...).
hey mummies,
anyone knows what's the difference bet pigeon size M and Y teats? Both says 2-3mths+, peristaltic nipple variable flow. My ger is now using size S (0-3 mths for newborn)...thinking whether i shd change to the next size since she seems to be drinking slower recently.
There's 2 speed in the mio plan. I took the lower one which is cheaper. It's abt 2/5 Mbps.

Huggies got swim diaper.
me bringing madeleine for her jab next wk, that's why quickly rush to the fair to take a look. i only hv a couple of hours every weekday to shop, weekends r spent with her, so i was afraid she will kanna fever, then i cannot go liao. shopaholic giving excuses... :p

sigh, madeleine is also getting quite difficult to coax to bed after she caught a flu. she basically wants to play n play until she's dead tired, then she collapses in my arms n it must be my arms b4 she is willing to drink her milk n doze off.
Yeah should change to M I will be doing that soon... Y teat means the stronger u suck the more milk will come out from it.
also anti leaking .
Hv u used the Huggies swim diaper b4? The diaper is waterproof? Any idea how many pcs they sell in? Shall go supermarket and find again... Think I may need to let my ger wear swim diapers if wanna bring her for swimming, coz she poo like nobody's business everyday... hehehe...

hmmm.... so means after size S, next level is M, then followed by Y? Or both M and Y can be used after S? I hv the pigeon bottle starter kit... it comes with 2 S teats n 1 Y teat. So not sure if I shd replace the S with M or Y...
haha yah sounds unfair hor, they shd just give us more child relief for anyone who has children!

yep, i also saw 400g NAN at Giant but the last time i checked 2 days ago, outlet at Parkway has no stock for NAN HA 1. Do u buy the HA version or non-HA? Do u know any diff in taste? :p

ohh din know the diff between the teats. googled and found this site: http://zabonne.com/?action=product&id=10588&category=10030&PHPSESSID=083d248f801d77bc5f2f966dcd8ff02c
think i need to upsize teat already also but dunno wat to get leh. Dunno if baby is ready for Y cut teat cos seems like he must be able to control the flow first right? Was thinking of changin to Nuk cos er...i like the shape of it... so cute! haha! but my mum scolded me... saying if bb is happy with Pigeon, why change n confuse him! haha lousy mummy :p
OHHHHH!!! the starter kit has one Y teat?! i'm using the bottles from starter kit too and i din know the teats were different!! My MIL sterilized the teats and bottles all at once the first time so all mixed up. So no wonder I found that last mth, baby drank using one teat and it kept leaking n leaking!! so that must be the Y teat!! I thought there was sthg wrong with the teat, nearly threw it away! Thanks for the info!! see lah... really lousy (and sotong) mummy! :p
now i will try to see if he can handle the Y! if not, i'll go buy the M then
thanks again!!
thanks for the link... now i understand better. ya the starter kit comes with a Y teat. Its together with the largest bottle. Think i will also let my ger try the Y one 1st before buying more to replace the S.

As for NAN, i bought the non-HA one. Heard the HA one got a bit of bitter taste, whereas the non-HA one is sweet. Some babies dun like the HA one coz of the bitter taste...
depends on whether u bb like fast or slow flow.. for me I will change to M teat ( bought some already).. coz Y teat more expensive .
Pack of 2 Y teat = pack of 3 M teat. I don't advise to change to NUK at this moment coz replacement of teat is more expensive and there are limited no of sizes that you can up to. For Pigeon when bb get older you can replace with any other normal size teat (same shape). like Tollyjoy XL or even the kisper X ( Y teat means 3 focal point concentrated when BB suck) X-would mean 4 focal point and so on..
that's why some like Avent the No 2 teat has 2 holes, 3 teat have 3 holes etc etc.

HA milk normally for lactose intolerance bb.
wow so many cute bb,but where's those pretty mummies? dun the bb scared of cold water? my gar does scare and dun like cold water. she will scream.

also seem like many mummies also bringing their bb for a jab next wk. same same as me.

Hi Vanessa Lu
hmm..is the internet access unlimited then and what 's abt the hp plan. is $68 a standard flat rate for these 3 service?

Hi Jackie
thks for explaining the breast infection. hmm...so scary, milk become green color like green bean soup. that's serious man.
oic. I also been training my breast to let down 6hrs interval since cny but sometimes, slp 2-3 hr late and will pumping session delayed.

hmm did not empty breast can cause infection one meh? tot only produce lesser ss only.

Hi monica
it is common for bf bb not to poo for many days. my gar who is tbf also did not poo for max 7 days b4 but do farts very smelly like poison gas.
when u go and see doc for flu and cough, u must tell the doc that u are on bf then the doc might took note of it and give u a suitable med so that it will not affect the bf.

Hi bobianah
hmm...think the weather in syndey during may shd be cold. might need to bring plenty of warm clothes.

Hi Dora,
my ting xuan opp fr u, flip to right side but still struggling and cannot flip to tummy yet but also like yr jingting, gg to turn soon.

Hi Bloom,
oic...thks for the definition of B.s? haaa....oic, maybe just submit loh and tell yr mum abt it.

Hi Calynn
wow, yr gar smile so sweety.her hair all stand up one and very long liao, can tie up. do u intending to shave her hair when she is 4 mth?

haa..yr gar is so cute, praying for something (with both hand clap together).

hmm, u buying cot now, wait later bb cannot slp when grow older how, then will be wasted. do u intend to buy those 3 in one type whereby consist of cot, bed and dunno whatever. tought it is not cheap but it is quite useful compare to cot which can only last for a few mth only.

CF Chang
haa...u describe that calynn's gar skin is like tofu, wow and want to touch some more...haa...want to eat tofu huh...just kidding...

Hi Kimi
wow, yr drawing is nice man. u realy gd at it.

Hi gan
wow, yr gar can flip liao, so fast. gd man...
any mummies letting their bb use fitti? cos see that fitti cost $13.95 only. any feedbck on this diaper? seems cheaper than what the diaper - dry 5 that my gar use.
kimi.hahah.if ask me to hold the transparency and shine a torch thru it i sure shake until its a shivering totoro! :p

decnk.... ok... though i did not see it at the guardian near my place..i thot the larger size is > 900g..cos i think the milk powder get finsihed very fast was wondering if there is a bigger tin to get :p

bohbiahah, sigh!
bet u pass urs at first try!

Vanessa, have to check with my hb to see if ours is the slower / faster plan..cos ur plan does sound good!

och..haha..for my case, she prefer hb now cos he play with her more often..and kate din have flu leh..duno why suddenly start throwing tantrums nowadays and refuse to sleep!

stephanie, i buy the non-HA version cos that was what kkh let kate drink when she was there.... have not drink yet so don't know if there is any difference in taste :p You mean you like the tilted look for nuk teat? fyi, i used to like it too..but then now i am fully fm-feeding my bb, i find that i cannot rotate the teat as well as as it is a normal teat as nuk teat can only be in 'one' position (if u know what i mean..not good in explaining) and i rotate alot to dissolve the undissolved powder and to make bb awake.

afcai..scarly iras found out then kena fined..i am such a good (read : timid) citizen! :p heheh.... now u can be more relaxed when feeding bb cos u dont have to hold the bottle liao! (frienster is so slow!)
Have been staying at my mum'plc these 2 days (3D2N). will be gg off later. hai...my gar cried non-stop for almost an hr during the first day stay. think her tummy shd have wind, have not give her grip water yet this wk.

hai, all along, there 's no night feed at my hse, but at my mum'plc do. my gar actually loves to stretch her and wriggle too. so my mum then carried her fr sarong and place her on the mattress to slp. she slp so soundly. however, during the night at 0330am, my gar only stretch but eyes not opened yet. then my mum said she hungry, need to feed so she went to prepare 100ml of ebm. I told her we never give night feed since 5/2 and she is like that, sometimes, she do make some noise and then fell bck to slp. yup, my gar did fell alsp cos eye not opening and my mum who has prepared the ebm (warm up), woke her up to drink. hai...really piss off and then I went to pump my milk at that time. she told me my gar finished the ebm liao, dunno how true.

this afternoon too, my gar is slp fr 12 noon till 15pm, she just stretched and have not woke up yet. my mum then said it's time to feed her cos 3hr interval liao and she went to prepare the ebm. I told her she still felt sleepy and may continue sleeping and I won't give her the ebm till she opened her eyes. but then my mum then 'focred' her to drink then. dunno if she finished the milk or not cos I went to pump my milk liao. hai...

staying at my mum's plc is kind of bored. hai...sis locked the pc, no plc for me to pump, only can pump in storerm, so warm and stuffy. now using my brother's laptop to go online. anyway, i went jalan jalan a few hrs loh before I came bck to pump my milk.

today, I have a milk bath (fresh milk leh) cos the facial ppl (went facial this morning cos still got package left since 05) told me to discard away the first milk express after the facial. this is to discard all the impurities.

finally, can go home today, hope my gar won't cried.
hi ladies,
just came back fm the fair.

I managed to grab the last S sz swim diaper (I play) at just $5.90. I saw the BP selling abt $13 plus. So I just grab.. since i guess hayley will outgrown it very fast too (although it indicate 6 months, 5.5- 8kg). I guess hayley can wear it too. Their 1 pc swimsuit sold out liao.. haiz should go yesterday.

I bought some teething toys n pigeon teats. Many ppls @ the fair too but din bump into anyone I know here. hee

hi mbb,
the fair end 25 mar..
thanks for the info on places selling the swimsuit. I like the pc that bb Meg is wearing.. she looks so sweet. At the fair, the I-play also got sell2 pc swim suit that also has UV protection, $19.90. But not much design to choose except one pink n one blue. So i din get that.

hi kimi,
i just visit yur blog.. cool pics. can u teach me how to do the pics in the snap shots format?

hi doggiebb,
now i must try my best to apply leave on next wed since hayley got her swim diaper n bathrobe. Ready for dipping
now reading thru some posting..

Hi afcai,
yur ger so clever.. can hold milk bottle on her own. so nice. Mine still very lazy. haa :p

Hi Vanessa,
hmmm.. Huggies got swim diaper. so interesting. next time will keep a look out for this when I in supermarket.

TGIF.. always looking fwd to wkend now = more time playing with our bb.
No leh, no sisters and no relative call Anita.... aiya, maybe I got "common" face, easily resemble other people... hah hah. Jia You for your driving test!

I have been using both tollyjoy S and pigeon Y for my girl. Like what Ruffybear said, the pigeon Y teat has a different flow... baby need to suckle then the milk will flow. My girl is not that fussy, so she has no problems alternating between the normal S teats and Y teats... so I guess there's not much difference once in the mouth. Only thing I find is that when using the Y teat, cannot "force-feed" baby... coz milk will not flow if they refuse to suckle anymore... :p

Sigh, my girl also starting to want to be carried upright all the time. Got her a bouncer chair last week, and she keeps leaning forward.

Yes, I like all the hayao miyazaki works. Very different from disney. It's interesting that the studio releases one anime film a year only.
hihi ladies!!
brought pin heng for his 5 in 1 jab.. cute boy.. wail for few seconds aft the jab.. den stop liao.. hahaha... :p went taka bb fair aft the jab...

i think i saw u.. i was there abt 2pm.. but quite far n alot bb n i going off liao.. so din go say harlow.. :p

wah... u really very artistic leh.. admire ur courage to draw on the wall too.. ever thot how to remedy it if u make mistake?? :p u really did a gd job..

me wish to go ur place too!!

the water wasn't cold as there was sun that day. also we slowly lowered our bb in. in fact nobody cried.


oh dear! my place need to take bus from mrt station leh. but only 3 bus stops but walking slowly will take 15 to 20 mins like that leh.


by monday i will start chanting for you...FEVER FEVER FEVERRRRR!!!


yeah lor! this will be my last weekday gathering! *sobs* next fri going back to work already!


Good luck wor with your leave application!


COME COME! share cab with van van lah!
yup, the access is unlimited and the hp plan got to be ione plan. all flat rate of $68 / mth.

actually hor, our starhub plan was 65000 kbps n now only 2/5mbps, the speed not much different leh. I can't feel it.

I've nvr tried the swim diaper b4 leh, so can't answer ur question. I've only seen it in supermarket.
sylk..its ok..when i saw u 'live' at qianhui's house u also does not remind me of her..its just that picture.... and its not a common face cos she is quite pretty...

vanessa..i know i am supposedly IT..but still duno if 65000 kbps or 2/5mbps is better..ahahahha

just now hb lost his temper at me again.....
tats why cannot sleep..but he is already zzzing so soundly.... it does not bother him at all....
Swim diapers are not waterproof. They are for keeping poo in if bb poos while in the water. If you go swimming very often washable will be more practical then dispoable as dispoables cost about $1.50 per piece.
oh so u actually looking for >900g one ah? Thought u looking for smaller size one... paisei... ;p

Ruffybear, sylk,
thks for ur info on the pigeon teats. I let my ger try the Y teat last night, she finished 120ml in 5 mins then start crying for more milk. Think she drank too fast liao so dun feel full yet. In the end gotta burp/pat her for a while b4 she feels full n stop crying. So think most prob i'll let her try the M teat 1st...

Vanessa, ruffybear,
thks. i'll go take a look at the disposable ones 1st...

Hubby n i bringing baby to IT fair n taka fair later... hope she guai guai later... Hv a gd weekend mummies!
sylk..thanks..i never forget

decnk, hehehe... i am greedy right? looking for such big tin..cos someone mention she bought the big tin so i thought there is a tin bigger than the 900g type... wahh... she tried the Y teat immediately but does not choke! That's good!
Hi mummies
Didn't manage to get online here yesterday and there're so many posts! My baby girl, Nicole, went for her jab yesterday. She wailed for a short time then started smiling at the dr. Is anybody considering going for the rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccines? I'm not so sure because i read somewhere that it may not be such a good idea to introduce so many viruses into baby's body so young.

Vanessa, yes my gynae is Dr LN Sim. Is yours Dr Sim too?

we're also planning to go to Sydney in late April/early May. Will you be bringing alot of baby stuff? I've been thinking how much things I'll need to bring and what kind of warm clothes I might need to prepare for her.

Do any mummies breastfeed here? How do I store my expressed breastmilk? I took some that I froze last month and realised that they smelled bad. Am I supposed to put the expressed milk straight into the freezer after expressing or can i leave it in the fridge first? I'm trying to figure out what went wrong. And how long can the milk be in the fridge before going into the freezer.

Does anyone know how to get baby to sleep through the night?
wow so many fun gathering!!!

my hubby asked who is the muscular hubby in the pic ah? :p

anyone buy Lasinoh milkbags?my sis doing BP 50 for US8.99 exclude shipping cost.let me know ok!
Hi Snowy,
Yes, my gynae also dr Sim.

Store ur breastmilk in milk bag if u r freezing it. FROZEN ebm can be kept for 2 months n fridge (4 deg c) can keep for 48 hours. U can leave expressed milk in fridge first but must transfer to freezer within 24 hrs of expressing if u decided to freeze it.

FROZEN ebm tends to have a very strong iron smell (fishy), tat's y some bb may reject frozen milk. The smell also depends on the food we eat. If we eat lots of fish, the smell will be stronger.

hope this helps.

tat muscular hb think shld b Calynn's bah?? or was it someone else?

We r going to doggiebb's hse tis wednesday at Bishan. Do u want to join us? U can share cab with CF Chang n me.


BATHTUB gathering at bishan 14 March around 1pm

1. doggiebb
2. MBB
3. CF Chang (want to go from one end to the other end wor!)
4. Tan SL (To Be Confirmed)
5. Gan (To Be Confirmed)
5.Ruffybear(shd be able if Roy is 100% okay by then)
6. Vanessa (To Be Confirmed...HOpe REyna is 100% well, cos injection on Monday)
7. Calynn (To Be Confirmed.... ANOTHER MC????? oh no!!!!!.....)
8. Alabone and natalie
