(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

I hvnt read posts today. I just want to share that I'm very very upset.
I went on the Forum's Marketplace to buy a Glenn Doman Math set. This seller emailed me that she have the full set with black dots, numbers and symbols cards on top of the red dot cards. In the end, I checked and discovered that it was only red dot cards! It's not the complete set! I didnt chec on the spot as I was carrying my bb.
I told her i wish to return the set to her and get my money back but now she's ignoring me!
At first I wasn't angry with her, thinking she'll agree to the return of set and money. But she ignore me since last nite sms her till now. So, what can i think now except that I've been cheated??

I am so stupid.

Hi mummies,
I am from Feb 2007 thread. I need some advice from mummies here. I am currently using Avent manual. Wondering if i should get an electric pump. Any recommendations? Is it better to use electric than manual? Please advice as I am hoping I could express bm once I start work.

For working mummies, how do u sterilize your pump at work?
Actually, Avent manual will be quite silent...I use the Medela mini electric plus and its quite noisy...Electric is just faster, cos can pump both at same time. I have a steriliser in my office. Some mommies here just use hot water to rinse, go home then sterilise. I bring my pumps home once a week for a thorough wash (i have 2 sets of Medela pumps, one office, one home and an Avent Manual standby).
yes, i pass driving first go...but i hardly drive now, so quite wasted.

hv u booked ur tickets? Im not going to bring to many bb stuff cos want to shop there. I will bring 2 flannel blankets as Im staying at apts and cottages, then will bring some long sleeves for bb and layer on the clothes. Diapers will bring some, but can buy there la. Steriliser, i bought a medela steriliser microwaveable bags. It's a new product. So, not need to bring big one, tho i was thinking of bringing my Avent microwave steriliser. :p that's abt it...usual bottles and see wat else depending on whether bb start on solids yet.

this weekend, hb working all day...so im quite lonely.
MIL here to help me look after bb...feels like my 3 mths ML time...
take it easy... we do meet bad pple in forum oso... maybe she's really bz n will return ur sms... if not oso bobian liao.... got to treat it as lesson learnt...

i'm using avent manual and ameda dual.. both r gd... ameda dual is fast since pump both at same time.. but manual is more effective in emptying the breast..
hiyoh. which seller is tt? go spread e word ard n we'll all blackmark her! so mean! it does seem like she cheated u deliberately. u nt stupid lah, just trusting. dun blame urself. dun worry, 2 days wld go by v fast. do u haf msn to chat w e gals? but i guess they won't be online much on a sat..

so how was ur 7 hr spa????

e muscular tan tan one is calynn's hubby!

i was v scared 2 draw on e wall too but hubby kept encouraging. he said there's leftover wall paint, if turn out ugly, just paint over lor. e scariest part is e last part when i had 2 outline w a big thick marker. paint until so xin ku liao, cannot make mistake n e outline must b drawn in big continuous strokes or else v ugly. luckily ok.
my hubby just asked me to continue 2 paint e rest o e hse. since he's on 1 wk break, i'll try 2 paint some dustmites. aim 2 finish in a wk! so ambitious!!!
Wah the pics all sooooo nice! I wanna ask you ladies if any of you have lobang for diapers and baby wipes? Diapers like drypers or huggies? Nepia too ex for a cheapskate like me...lol
shihui, kimi
i thot she bz too...but since last nite till now...i sent her a few sms liao.
yah lor, if really she dun reply, i just learn lesson from it...expensive lesson leh...
i trusted her cos she said she hv complete set and list it all down, thats why i agree to buy. I kick myself for not checking before handing money over lor...

you think i shd call her? how long shd i give her?

kimi, if she really dun respond, i won't hestitate to name her, but i only got her nickname, email and hp number...she live bukit batok area. at least thats what she claim
the bb cot i buy can convert into toddler's bed. so it's a good buy. i paid $290 (was given a free set of bedding n mattress). tink Meg may slp in it till she is ard 3 yrs kua.

i hate Fitti diapers. one of the worst for me.

aiyo! how much was the card? its not cheap rite?
sure heartpain kena cheated lidat.
dun be upset hor. maybe she will return ur call/sms.

7 hrs of spa was good but towards the 5th hour, i wanted to go home to see Meg!!!!
life is really diff after having a bb.

come and join us tis wed. u share cab with Vanessa. so in a way also not going out alone with bb
hee heee

really cannot go to anymore bb fair.
Taka fair dmanged $180. supposed to go down to trade in milk bottles, now those bottles is darn ex!!! hee heee....ended up spent $180. haiz..

i have someting yummy for u on wed. u pray tat Meg dun hv fever hor otherwise cant give it to you.
call her lor. there's still a possibility tt sthg's wrong w e svs provider n she can't rec e sms-es (tho unlikely lah) but call, she shld pick up bah! if she still doesn't pick up then too bad liao lor...

so e spa worth e $? yeah man, i'd miss mine too if i'm out 4 so long!

4got to reply u. u haf picasa? just select pix, clivk collage n select 'picture pile'. it'll do e job 4 u.
the vendor should realise that there're chat forums like this and not offend customers unnecessarily. Go ahead and post your experience if she doesn't respond!
The medela microwave steriliser bag sounds like a great idea cuz I give baby one formula feed a day. Where can I buy it and how much is it?
We haven't booked our tickets but will be doing it online this weekend.

I also spent money at the bb fair. Bought some new bottle teats and a baby gym from tiny love. After buying then realised that there're so many different designs.

I've 2 breast pumps, ameda and avent manual. I find both ok but I prefer the avent cuz I feel that it expresses milk more effectively. But i hate washing and sterilising. so much work.
Pigeon or avent also have microwave steriliser containers. You intend to bring them on a holiday? Normally on holiday I will just sterilised the bottle by boiling it in hot water. Or bring along sterlisation tablets.
Hi Mummies,

Just took these pics today

Huh Who's dat infront?

Oh! it's a hairy monster!!!

I m a Mini Commando!

It's finger licking good!!
wow....wOw.....WOW....u re so talented!!!!.....the painting re so beautiful....i cant even write properly not 2 mention paint...kekeke

eh.......mayb she went 4 a short trip cos wkend mah n next wk school holiday...give her mayb afew days more.....

choo, dora
share cab with me lah.....we stay so near each other....after dat go long bang van....then all go 2gether...

yo shihui u going or not? if more than 4 pax we book london cab lah....hehehheh so exciting....

hope everythg ok 4 u liao....anythg juz come here 2 vent....dun keep it 2 urself ok
Hi Chang,
yur boi look so adorable esp the one with the dog.

Cant resist posting my hayley pics taken today.

1) Closeup

2) playing with gym set

Aiyo.. tomor i need to visit chinese seiseh as I seem to sprain my left waist. Been having slight pain whenever I try to turn my waist.. been like that for abt 2 week. But today the pain getting worse esp when I carry hayley.. no choice got to see doc tomor.
hi kimi,
wat is picasa? I forgot where to download. Seem very fun to do the collage. Want to try that n post interesting pics on hayley blog too.

hi bobianah,
u managed to contact that seller?? that person very dishonest...

hi Bloom,
how are you? Just vent yur frustration here.. dun keep everything inside loh

Hi Kimi & Alabone,
If I cfm going to doggiebb place on next wed. Shall we share cab together to her place?
thx, but u r v kuA zhANG!!! ha ha.. wat do u mean u can't write properly???
philson is sooooo adorable. fair fair w rosy cheeks n big eyes, no wonder everybody tink he's ang mo kia.

philson's chinese btw.

u can d/l at picasa.google.com
oh, share cab ar? nt a bad idea, if alabone's going lah... or else public trsp cheaper. heh heh... oso depend on our feeding times leh.... c how! gd tt u're going too. we can finally meet! so close, yet so far away!!!
hayley has grown so much! she's so chubby now leh! so alert oso!
regarding ur waist hor, if u dun haf a chi doc u wanna c, i can recommend u one. he's like those die1 da3 kind. v gd. i pm u.
Philson so handsome and fair
Roy very dark leh..compared to him. Nice dog too..hee..finally see the pic of 1/3 of the dogs u have at home.

Hayley looks very chubby in the pics..does she enjoy her gym?
Very very fed up and PISSED off by my @#$%^& sister during the stay at my mum'plc. she 's so senitive. I only told her a few things tor emind my mum in case she forgotten. for eg, my mum like to be with my gar every moment and she tended to forget she cooked the soup or boiled water. just told my sister to remind her or help out. another eg is told her not to place my gar near the tv cos not gd for her eyesight and the tv radiation also not gd. the third eg is told her not to give my gar pillow, boster etc and place it on her tummy in case my gar kicked and cover herself which is not gd. better to be safe than sorry. she 'yell' via msn to me stating that I everything also need to calculation, also need to follow my instructions etc..., said I better wrote a long list of reminder and paste on the wall. also use the pharse better to be safe than sorry is not approiate and saying me unreasonable. really very pissed. this is not the first time....

also, my gar cried non-stop from 7-740pm (I was pumping milk half way so let my hubby go and attend to her during the feed but in vain, got quarrel with hubby and hubby is so frustrated that he raised his voice and shouted at my gar so I raise my voice too). but when I finished my pump and I carried her and said sayang her, she stopped within 5 mins but still wailing softly. think she dun recongise hubby anymore as experiment show that my hubby feed her thrice today, she cried via screaming type. cos 2-3 nights at my mum'plc, my gar did not see him. she cried non-stop whenever what my hubby did. even hubby smile at her when I cry her, she cry. ai-yo. dunno why why why.....
hi ruffy,
thanks for teaching me the picassa thru msn just now. so fun playing it.. still got to try n error. here my 1st pc sharing with u all.


hi kimi,
yes we can share cab if 3 of us are going. Otherwise, we also can meet at mrt station n go together.

Thank for the contact and will consider as I also not sure which good chinese doc to go to.
Hi CF CHang
haa...yr boy 's eyes so bright. u owe a dog? I dun dare to place bb near my sil's chihuachua cos scared my gar will allegic to fur. my gar when smell of perfume and mao mao thing, she will sneeze.

is it why fitti no gd. gd, it 's kind worth to buy those cot that can convert to toddler bed. wow free bedding and mattress.but hor....what if bb grow liao, bed cannot be used.hubby super kissu, bought a bed that can last 'life time" (haa...then all furniture shop will close like that since no need to buy bed in future for kid).
Not everyone pass the 1st time round. Better luck the next time. Btw, think u need to have a good talk with yr hubby, otherwise not healthy for the relationship.

The seller really dishonest leh. Give her a few more days and if she still dont reply that u can email the moderater and blacklist her.

7 hr spa??? Wow, shiok hor. I have not went for facial, spa n body massage ever since preggie. Think got to start booking and get my life back :p

Love the pic of Philson with the commando cap, so cuteee...

Ping Heng angry with something?

Hayley is so cute and chubby, feel like pinching her cheek

Dont take the matter at heart, dont think yr sis understand how a mummy feel till she is one herself.
afcai, jackie,
my sis took the pic with her hp.. dunnoe wat she did with him.. she claimed tt it's an accidental shoot... :p

bb at the stage of recognising pple liao.. tt's y she seems like she dun rem her papa... now i wondering how pin heng will react when his papa back.. :p

today very cute.. my sis was taking photo with him.. den she mishandled him n he wail loudly till face red red.. i quickly carry him back.. den aft tt, whenever he sees my sis, he frown n turn away.. very funny.. :p
Hi Shihui,
wow, u can man...bought bb to jab and yet to shopping after that. I dun dare to do that cos scared she kana fever. will be taking her to polyclinic jab next mon and will kept her at home for that wk.

haa..maybe, yr boy 's expression tell yr sis not to anyhow take her handsome face.

yup, my hubby so
cos ah gar not close to her now. haa...now I know why mummies are so 'wei da'. mummies are so close to their kids. my gar also 'sticky' to me.

now, waiting to delay 1 more hr to pump milk cos need to re-adjust my pumping timing so that I can advoid 12 noon pumping on mon as I needed to go polyclinic.
Hi Jackie,
thanks for the console. really pissed off. just tell her to remind my mum if she happened to see those eg I mentioned (there are more). anyway, it 's a long generation gap lah betw me and my sis. my sister younger than me by 10 yrs. she SUPER stubbon like bull.

also she want to borrow $$ fr me too for her tour. now, she dangling in the air, dunno want to study or work. she has been doing part time for at least 2 yr at NTUC(she studies retail management for 1 yr at NTUC which NTUC sponser her studies) liao. hai...dunno why work part for what....
hi kimi, gan,
will definitely be going for the gathering since it's my sch hols. won't miss going on that day. and this time, will definitely bring bb nat.

hayley has grown chubbier since the last time i saw her. like jackie said, she makes me wanna pinch her cheeks! so cuuuute!

that seller really no good leh. if you've smsed for a whole day and she still hasn't replied, better call her with an unknown number. see whether she pick up or not.

what happened b/w you and hb? hope everything's better... actually i was angry with hb just now too... shan't tell my little story here. but if you do wish to vent frustrations, we are here to lend our listening ears. take care!

shiok shiok? your 7 hrs spa? you've spent so much time with meg, so it is no wonder that when you go away for such long hours you miss her. but must get use to it coz you going back to work soon right?

i think sometimes ji ren li xia will encounter this... last time i had to get my brothers to help with taking care of my son. so once in a while i get the 'chow bin' look... can't do anything but to tolerate...

cf chang,
your bb philson really very handsome leh. aiyoh! i think i a bit the smitten also leh... keep looking at his pic. i love the last one. the one where he's sucking his finger. so endearing!

hahaha. pin heng really very expressive! although the pic shows him frowning, i still find him so cute!

a lot of you like miss bb very much right? then i must be one detached and lousy mum... the whole of today i didn't see my kids... angry with hb and got no mood to take them back tonight... so they are at my mum's...
Hi alabone,
I did not ask much for my sister, just want her to remind my mum in case she forgot. she just give me that kind of attitude.
hi afcai,
i see... then perhaps you can adopt her idea of pasting notes for your mum instead of asking her to remind your mum... why is your sis reluctant to help?
Hi alabone,
she just could not be bothered. too lazy, not independent..etc...hai...hopeless man...work still need to ask mum for $$. my mum not working now bec she is gg to look after my gar.

old folks are like that one, tell them a few times (maybe paste notes dun help too) they also like to do their way.

now, my gar 's feeding and slp time fixed liao, more stable and when back to my mum'plc, all mixed up . arrr......all training gone down the drain. crying....

luckily, when back to my plc y'day night, my gar did not get up for nite feed cos she slp at 10+ after crying (dunno why bb like to cry before slp, can't they just closed eyes and slp).
Should I try to stop bb from suckling thumb?

Why it happens
Toddlers suck their thumbs because it's comforting and calming. Your toddler probably practiced this habit while he was still in the womb and perfected it as an infant. Now he may turn to his thumb when he's tired, scared, bored, sick, or trying to adjust to challenges such as starting preschool or going on a long car ride. He may also use his thumb to fall asleep at bedtime and to lull himself back to sleep when he wakes up in the middle of the night.


Shaken baby syndrome

If you're breastfeeding, continue as long as you can, as breast milk changes the pH of your baby's urine and stool, making it less likely that they'll cause diaper rash.
Hi Vanessa Lu,
even ebm fridge also got strong smell when I used the gg to expire ebm to bath. can't stand it man... but fresh milk ok, dun have strong smell.

Hi mummies
with regard to the qns for jab, do u still need to give bb the med after the jab to prevent fever?
r u feeling better? will ur hubby be open to counselling?

oh dear, i hope the seller is away due to june hols n will reply to u soon. if she doesn't, that's really dishonest. think u should inform chin leng abt this so that she can be banned.

philson so handsome! he's charming a lot of mummies here, myself included.

pin heng never fails to make me laugh with his expressions.

bb haley so chubby! madeleine lost her cheeks these two weeks, so i can only drool at all chubby bb i see online.
hi ruffy, kimi, jackie,alabone & och,
thanks for the compliments... glad to know that Hayley has put on some baby fat nowsaday.

HI afcai,
thanks for sharing the info 'Should I try to stop bb from suckling thumb? '. My Hayley been sucking her thumb so much that no matter wat I do, she still want her thumb. See already.. feel like giving in to pacifier. I recently bought her some teething toys.. and she also happily keep sucking as though very delicious.

Maybe u can try having a talk to yur sis?
pumping away again.. aiyo, really tiring to switch to bottlefeed... very mafan.. if not for the fact tt i'm going back to work liao, i won't bother to bottlefeed liao... :p

gan, afcai,
mine suck his fist like nobody's business.. :p initially was so against sucking fist... but really can't control him.. take out one hand, the other hand immediately go in.. i try to "reform" him until i give up... :p

now we wish bb to be chubby chubby... few years later, we will hope tt bb can shed some of their bb fats... den another few years later, we will pray hard tt bb won't be selected to go to those "weight lost programs" in sch.. :p
bb hayley is so cute
btw, bb philson has the same gym set as bb hayley but he does not seem 2 like it....bb hayley likes hers?

my wrist oso pain like kana sprain since the 1st mth....but i cant b bothered....lazy 2 c doc lah ;p

heh heh i m not kuang zhang lor cos i m a left handed but my mummy thot dat i m abnormal so during primary 1, she forced me 2 write with my rite hand n after awhile, i can oso write using my rite hand but the handwriting is terrible....since primary school, my teachers always wrote "untidy" or "write neatly" on all my homework ;p there was once even worst during my sec school days....my maths teacher cannot stand the way i wrote my no. 8 n punished me 2 write "8" on the blackboard 50 times ;p....it's all my mum's fault!

aiyo, pin heng so expressive....

heh heh....as for my dogs, u see one is the same as u see 3.....kekeke they look exactly the same except the size....the one u see in the pix is boy boy so bigger....the other 2 re ger ger so abit smaller

u like dat say i very pai seh leh....(but very happy at the same time haahaahaa) 2 bad bb philson dun look like either of us....hiazzzzzzzz

yup meds, philson is a mixed....hokkien mix with hainanese heh heh heh ;p

cool down....mayb ur sis is still young....young people nowadays re like dat....

philson is exposed 2 dogs' fur (as i ve 3 dogs at hm), dust(as i m very lazy 2 do hsework), loud noises such as 3 dogs barking at the same time, mummy screaming 4 the dogs 2 shut up....etc etc since birth....i m building up his immune sys(excuse 4 being lazy) ;p

alabone, och
wan a god son????

gan, afcai, shihui
philson loves 2 suck his thumbs as u can see in the pix....even after i give him pacifier, sometimes he still prefer his thumbs
u worried now?
i start to post swimwear leh. the next one will be bb "pointed guns". heee heeeeee

it's my first time being away fr Meg for so many hrs thus not used to it. we all will miss bb but i am sure from time to time, i wanna have my personal time.
so, occasionally we dun miss bb is normal. it's not bcoz we are lousy mummy hor.

CF Chang,
i juz stated facts

go do a collage of Pin Heng's expression. it will be very very cute. and dun forget to post here hor. i cant wait!!!

is madeleine's flu better?

i wish Meg can have chubby cheecks like Hayley.
woohoo! so cute! picasa v fun hor? i tink i'm q obsessed w taking, 'picasa-ing' n posting bb pix now!
wat is pointed guns????

oic. so r u left or rite handed now?

i'm 4 mandy sucking her fingers leh. i'm more agnst pacifier. so i'm nt stopping mandy fr doing tt. hope i made e rite choice man...
Ya lor, my boi also. Just bot him Fischer Price rocker n he refuse to sit in it for long. He keep leaning forward n go "ehh ehh ehh". V funny. Sometimes when I try to put him in the chair he will stiffen his legs so tat I can't put him in the chair at all. So small so naughty liao.

Can I ask wat if ur baby got cradle cap. I suppose it will go away on its own when bb is older but can apply anything to make it go away faster? My boi keep scratching his head n I dunno if it is bcos the cradle cap is itchy leh?

Also wanna ask...anybody can recommend good brand of cot mobile to buy n also let me know where you bot it from. Thks hoh.
Hi hi! It's now 5:30am here, and I just finished pumping and feeding Regina. Sometimes at night, I'll wake her up to drink milk so that she will stop sucking her fingers until red red.... Sigh, between sucking fingers and letting her sleeping through the night or waking her up to feed, dunno which is better.

Philson is so adorable! Handsome boy!

My hb also say Meg very pretty... heehee.

Do you have a webcam and skype account? If yes, then Regina and I can join in the BATHTUB gathering in virtual mode.... hah hah hah.
my boi got cradle cap too.. i apply olive oil 1/2 hr b4 bathe time to soften it... aft a few days, the cradle cap will soften n can use hair brush to brush off... but it will still grow back..
Haha, u same as me leh, I'm also allow Reyna to suck her hands or fingers. I find it very cute leh. I'm not against pacifier, but she doesn't take it....anyway, I also haven't try to give her any pacifier since she started to taste her hands.

I think sleep is more impt lah.... just let her sleep thru lor....
will go download picasa asap when i'm home... it looks so fun..

is it hard to wean off finger sucking? i really afraid he can't wean off in future.. :p
