(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Hi ladies,
Just clear office work and now reading through all the post.

Its a matter of getting use to the new routine while back to work.

I also
when MIL is the one updating me on BB milestone. But i cant affort to be yellow face woman, sigh.....

Aiyo, than better dont buy from that shop already. I rather pay abit more and get quality FM.

All the bb ger ger so cuteeeee....How come no mummy pic???

Yr plc really 'wu-loo' ah... Even though it tough but still have to take proper meal whenever possible cause u still bfing. Take care k

same leh... my girl's last feed is around 10+ at night then she wakes up either around 1 or 3... always pray that the milk will make her sleepy else like yours, eyes big big then dun wanna sleep, then i end up rocking her or singing to her for an hour plus before she dozes off.

berry, jackie,
i dun want next wednesday to come, sob sob... going back to work for a day and i am already thinking how my day will go without being with my daughter. so sad leh. i think after that day i will all the more wanna be a sahm but like berry, finances will be tight lor... then no spending power liao. now i step out of the house, will return with something for her, pretty dresses, clothes, toys, educational stuff etc. if i dun work, wanna buy things must have approval from hubby cos he pay one mah. aiyo, shang nao jing.
then becos of returning to work on that day, will miss the meeting at shihui's place. sob.

the meeting must have been another successful one seeing all the bbs having a rolling good time on the lovely pooh pooh mat. By the way, pai seh leh, was not able to return to the msn that day cos was caught up with feeding, dinner and washing bb up for the night...see you online soon ok. any news abt the bb blessings? hee...

WHERE IS MY MAT? sigh... was hoping to receive it...
Good morning ladies,
Happy Valentine Day -->@

Hi doggiebb,
another successful gathering. The babies look so adorable rolling on yur lovely bumper mat. Looking fwd to receive mine.

Hi Tan SL,
Me going back to work next thurs.. suddenly hope the time will freeze and dun pass too fast. Will definitely miss my bb during work and hope I still have time to pump my bm bet. work.

Hi Berry,
I can understand wat you feel. Next week, I will experience you r going through. The good part, we will bring my bb home every night, so we can get to see her everynight n before work. Hope this arrangement will works even though more tiring on me.

Hi alabone,
yur bb nat really can zzzz the other day. If I were you, I wont wake her up. Haa haa. So how is her zzz pattern, still sleep till 10am? Mine highest record is 8am (one time only). The rest of the times is like 7am (quite routine), drink milk n back to sleep again till 10am. Then I wake her for bath n then milk.

Hi Linette,
actually noticed many bbs here start to sleep through the night. I also had a hard time b4 when my bb keep waking in the night n wanna to play after feeding. Think you have to play with her more in daytime or bring her for walk, so she will feel more tired in night time. After her last feeding, normally we dun play or talk to her much. Hope this advice can help u in some way
Hi ladies,
<font color="ff6000">HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY!</font>

<font color="0077aa">CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at Bukit Batok</font>
I would like to join in as well.. Hopefully can make it!

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person
hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan
4) doggiebb and bb talia ann
5) Vanessa n Reyna
6) CF Chang n bb philson n hubby
7) afcai n bb
8) Jackie n Jovey
9) Bobianah n hannah
10) Serrich n Shania n Sherilyn n hubby n maid (tentative)

<font color="aa00aa">Photo taken during gathering at Vanessa's place</font>
Paiseh tat i took so long to upload this pic. Been busy spring cleaning, shopping n managing my gals.. Hahaha..
morning ladies! more pix fr yest.


Doggiebb's Talia n my Mandy



Talia n Mandy

Conniemummy's Isabelle


thx 4 having us yest. tho nt many turned up but it's cosy n we cld exchange bbsitting tips! say thx 2 ur hubby too! he's v friendly.

connie, diana,
nice to meet u all n ur bbs. diana, i MUST take a pix or darling next time ok? heh heh... connie, isabelle's really so smiley!
u make me xin yang yang u noe? i like e bumper mat leh... but so ex! *grumble grumble* shall show hubby e pix n psycho him 2 buy. anyway, it'll come in useful. e small small world where u bot it fr, where is it huh? is there a website? ur cookie gal oso v cute lah altho i'm nt really into dogs. so funny, u call her 'jeh jeh'. heh heh...

wld love to join u all 4 e CNY gathering but a fren is visiting tt day...

i wanted 2 take mummy pix. started off w doggiebb but she squirmed away so i nv continue liao. eh, maybe connie n diana wldn't haf mind hor? shld haf taken their pix then... heh heh...

so many pple going bk 2 work liao... so if u all want gathering, must faster organise liao. next time, only me, vanessa, choo, (who else huh?) can haf wkdays gathering... but we dun stay v close 2 each other leh...
Gan, me going back to work on next wed...kinda dread going back.Time like really pass by very fast.

Doggiebb, Evee has the same dress as talia. What size did you buy for talia?The one i bot for Evee still too big for her though is 3-6months and Evee is already 3 months. How big is the bumper mat?

Kimi, mandy very sweet got 2 "jiu wo"
Hi serrich,
the bb pics are so cute.. thnks for sharing

Hi Kimi,
wow.. yur camera skills very gd leh. Closeup of all bbs n all are so adorable. Seems bb Mandy not small sz, u've done a good job of fattening her.
How I wish I was at the gathering yesterday.. guess must be very fun.

Maybe if u free tomor afternoon, u r always welcome to drop by my place since u stay so near my place. U still got my no right, just sms me lor. (hi alabone, this applied to u too
there's bp for the playmat (20% discount) but be prepared to wait long long 4 delivery coz mine n Tan SL also haven recieve ours. we r in e 2nd batch bp. now 3rd bp awredy close liao.

i like Mandy's dress. where u get it from? i m sick of pink liao plus tink Meg dun look good in certain pink. wanna revamp her wardrobe.
haiz... i dun like BPs lah cos i've no car then it's q inconvenient to go collect. plus like u said, must wait long long...

mandy's act wearing a romper. it's a hand me dn frmy fren. i like it v much also. there's no brand on it leh. it just says 'exclusive for Decoration' so i guess e brand's decoration? nv hear b4...

guo jiang le. act my skills nt so gd leh. some pix r oso q blur. cannot flash leh n e place's nt v bright so a bit hard 2 take. but luckily e bbs were q cooperative.
i still haf ur no. o cos! thx 4 inviting. so anytime i'm sian, i'll msg u! heh heh...

tot will b able 2 meet u yest!

quick go buy buy! hehheh! I bought the mat from the BP here. i saw your ergo also soooo gian. it's so nice and the way you carry like so effortless like that. WHEN IS MINE COMING? *ROAR*

wah your pics so much nicer. i lousy photographer lor.aiyo me so hair messy messy, dunwan take pic lah!


talia girl is also wearing the 3-6 mths one. the bumper mat quite big lor. eh exactly how big i not sure leh. hehe.
tis bp delivers to ur home n can pay cash on delivery. tats why i join coz i dun hv acc to transfer $$ n dun wanna hb to noe i spend so much on playmat. heeheee
morning mummies... Happy Valentine's Day...

but i sian cos need to go back office later for meeting..

doggiebb, thanks for opening your house yesterday.. had fun... nice place u have there..

diana & kimi, nice meetin u gals too...

kimi & doggiebb, can send me those fotos u taken yesterday? me forgot to bring camera.. my email address is [email protected]

next time can come my place for gathering.. but quite out of the way lor.. at punggol end...

i m interested in both the mat and carrier... siong man... both items easily adds up to 300 liao... maybe wait for bonus see how la.. heehee

me yesterday so auntie, wun wanna take photo too.. heehee next time la... me dress up more than take foto..
Thanks for inviting us to yr hse for gathering and yr hb for buying our lunch.

Kimi & Connie
Nice meeting the both of you and hope to see you in the next gathering.

Hope when I go for the next gathering my gal will be better lah. Must train her by gg to friends, mum & mil hse more often. So that she wldnt cry once out from the sling.

Yalor, the bumper mat very nice hor. Me also being tempted after seeing doggiebbs. Look nice as a pix backdrop & material very nice to feel also. Considering to buy or not. If hb know the price sure say no also.

Thanks for replying to my enquiry on the fridge-to-go. Will check it out either this weekend or next week. How was yr brazilian buffet. Isit the one at 6th avenue? Very good selection of meat.
Calynn, me too! now have to depend on bbsitter to tell me what my bb did, what my bb learn.... that's why i am trying to bring her home every night so at least i am not just a weekend mom

decBB, i also eat alot during confinement..like double my usual portion ahhahaha . U r right, it might be letdown. Its ur maternal instincts working when u carry ur bb. Maybe u had more ss than me so more difficult to stop. You want to hand express/pump abit out to relieve engorgement?

starluster..well at least u got something! i also got a rose! from a female colleague who gave us roses every yr!!! hahaha.. can understand why u feel that way lah..now whenever we buy somethign must think of budget...

MBB, wahh..like that har.. then i better warn all those pp whom i sent the AD url liao...

sylk, ask mbb to ship campbells over lah.. but then hor.. how abt u get a slow cooker imported over then broil soup with alot of goodies inside? will it be better? Last time my bb also fuss from 8pm - 2am then sleep.then one of the mommies mention abt setting up routine.. now its beter.maybe u wana try?

afcai, my bb also sleep with head slanted.. think it has to do with scn days when they place her on her left side after feed to prevent vomiting. Keep tilting her back but her head will slant again after a while.

Didn't someone say that the smallsmallworld pooh mat can be bought from HK? Which shop is it?

serrich..ahah..u got so many bb head snapshots like adoption agency website liek taht....

conniemummy, isabelle is so cute even with short crew cut hair!
Hello Mummies

Happy Valentines Day!!! Nice pics of the babies...

Boo-hoo... my Jing Ting is sick!!! She caught the flu from me and hubby... yesterday morning her nose totally blocked, can hear her grunting sound... then she threw up all the milk that she drank... then brought her to see PD.... haiyo, PD say she got so much mucus in her nose, so had to suck it out, then her mucus is a bit yellow, suspect infection so she's now on antibiotics... then she also has eczema, reflux... haiyo she's on so much medicine now, my heart really pain leh

Dun think I can go to the gathering at Shihui's house next week liao... since she would have just recovered, dun wan to spread to the other babies..

isabelle never cut her hair lei.. its the result of her hair dropping, now just started growing out.. but her hair at the back is dropping now.. siao liao lor.. dun know need to wait till when to have the full set of hair lor
the tingkat is ok..save me a lot of hassle, and i even extended it. however, i think eat for abt one mth will be sian, so u may want to try diff caterer every mth...
hi mummies,

Happy Valentines Day..
time flies so far. will b bk to work next wed ;( gotta miss my boi alot..

cant go to ur hse liao. start working tat day. i bought the ameda pump from robinson. no choice cos need it urgently leh ; (

serrich, ruffybear,
still got other photos of my boi,javier? can email mi @ [email protected]. tks.

choo's bb is admitted to kkh due to fever yesterday nite. currently she is staying in the ward wif her bb. pray for her boi's fever to subside n get well soon.
hi bobianah, mbb,

i also been ordering tingkat after my confinement. so far tried 3 caterers. meihao, kim's kitchen n buffet paradize.
i recommend buffet paradize. good is nice n portion is big. everyday look forward to my diner. keke..
Hi Mummies,
Happy Valentines Day,
Actually wanted to have romantic dinner at sentosa beach but the weather spoil it..raining now.. anway had quiet sushi lunch with HB at his office.

Only took 1 pc of Javier(that I posted).. don't have any other photos.

nice pics of the gals at your house.

Hope all the sick bbs get well soon.
serene, mbb
i only tried 1 caterer, lexin, for lunch.
din my MIL cook or we eat out.

looks like some of u r oso like me...leave bb at MIL or mum's on weekdays, visit every nite, but bring home on friday nite for weekend... im reluctant to be weekend parent, but guess no choice. think its oso easier for my MIL rather than i early morning everyday knock on her door to drop off bb. Sigh... me go back to work on 26th...HOW TIME FLIES!!!
juz got back from clinic. meg is coughing n hv slight fever.

i hope meg n i recover by friday. otherwise have to skip the gathering liao

buffet paradize got website? cheers

i will nd to order 1 mth only coz starting work leh....sob sob
<font color="EE9A4D">Hi Linette,</font>
yup, so many 'problem' at first thinking that bf is difficult etc but then when weaning off also worried...hai...

how much ebm did u bring to yr mum'plc daily? I think I will bring 4 bottles of those 'liang cha' bottle which sold in the medicial hall.

yup, yr mum is my neighbour. if u have yr own transport then it is ok mah. more conventient.

did yr gar slp longer in the day? my gar do not slp so long in the day, only take sjort nap or slp 1/2-1hr then woke up bec her nappy cloth wet.

<font color="C47451">Hi DecBB,</font>
my gar 's feeding intake is similar to calynn. early in the morning when she woke up, she will be smiling, quick happy and when she realised she is hungry(usually, super hungry cos she missed all her nite feed_, her in take will be a lot. but will slowly lesser and lesser in the noon. so I break her drinking intake into smaller portion, give her every 2 hr 30ml-40ml cos she drunk very slow and I dun wan her milk to be cold by then.

but will give her more abt 90ml during her last feeds at 08++.

this feeding intake only happened when my gar is past 2 mth. she will miss all her nite feeding.

as what u mentioned a small pain ard nipple etc, I think it is a let down but milk just block there since u consume the pill cum putting the cabbage method.

<font color="F9966B">Hi choo ,</font>
the cute little girl lying beside yr boy is serrich's gar.

<font color="E18B6B">Hi QSG,</font>
yeah, those ppls can't think that pink is related to gar's color. where's got ppls (maybe one out of ten) dress their bb boy in pink huh?

meg got slight fever huh? the poor dear! hope she recover soon.


ur little jing ting also sick huh? sayang sayang

van n choo's bbs also sick...aiyo
hi ladies,
just came back shopping fm causeway point. During shopping n trying on shoes, guess fm the expression on my bb.. she must be bored. A 'bo chap' look... lucky she din fuss. Finally bought my cny shoes at metro. Yippee

hi diana,
yeap, we had the brazilian buffet (the one at 6th avenue). We had a few round of meats n I already very full. The ambience aso very nice.

hi mbb, dora, choo & vanessa,
*pat pat* hope yur bb recover soon.

my hubby saw my posting here bt e bumper mat. he came bk n asked if i wanted it n asked 4 e price. surprisingly, he said it's ok, nt v ex n asked me to go ahead n order. i told him i ordered e world map (cheapest mah). he said boring leh. then he went to choose e animal one cos it's more colorful, bigger n thicker! wah! tt one $80 more ex leh! heh heh... so happy! i oso like e animal one act..

MBB, dora, vanessa, choo,
oh dear! so many bbs sick! n CNY coming! hope they all recover soon n u mummies must take care oso ok?

congrats! finally can get ur playmat. i chked e BP thread. like q quiet now leh. 3rd bp closed liao ar? like tt i've 2 wait super long lor!

i've to figure out how to email u cos resolution o e pix v high so file v big. if i dun change e resolution, one email can only take 1 or 2 pix n wld def jam up ur acc... so u wait a while hor..

punggol how 2 go huh? i v blur one. dun even noe if it's north south east or west? can access by mrt?

connie, doggiebb,
haha! show u e ergo carrier make u gian rite? doggiebb, when's urs coming? once it's here, u'll b mobile like me liao.... take mrt, bus, go everywhere, no problem lah!
but some ppl dunno it's a carrier leh. this auntie told me at 1st she tot i's carrying a bag infront, cannot tell there's a bb inside. heh heh...

if u're free, can put e names to e faces o e bbs u posted? i can only recognise evee, roy, javier n choo's son. ur gal is e one beside choo's son rite? shania or sherilyn?
Dora, goodness..on antibiotics..bet it taste terrible...

conniemummy, ehehhe..ok..but her hair look very neat, not patchy here and there

Serene, why choo's bb suddenly got fever? You suddenly decided to go back to work early?

mbb, another bb sick..poor meg!

kimi..wahh..ur hubby so good..willing to pay more for a good pic....

vanessa, sayang reyna....
Hi mbb,
dun worry.. u can do it with Meg too.

wow.. u can receive yur bumper mat tomor.
Wonder when am I going to receive mine as I under 3rd BP.

Hi kimi,
so gd yur hubby allow u to buy the mat.
I order the mat without letting my hubby know.. wait till he saw it and blow his top lor.

Btw, 3rd BP for bumper mat has been closed. U just wait for a while if the BP re-opened again after cny. I ordered the world map design (although i prefer pooh n friends) n my order is under 3rd bp. Hope to hear fm ssw abt the delivery asap.

Today, my bb hayley super tired. She woke up at 7am for feed and then I woke her up to bath at 10.30, then she really can zzzz after her feed at 11.00am to 2pm. After our shopping trip, she zzzz again at 5.30pm till now. Just now at 8pm, I am the one to woke her up for feed and after tat, she went back to zzzz again. So strange today. I getting very worried.. scared later suddenly she got her engery n dun want to sleep at night. I try to wake her but no use leh. Help!!

*tonight, find the forum very quiet leh.. maybe many ppls went out for valentine dinner.
Hi Gan,
my gar also like to slp too. she only drunk a lot when she woke up in the morning during her first fed(ard 7am or 8am) and the last fed (ard 8pm). after that, in the day, when latched on, she drunk a little, need 2-3 feeds to empty my breast. so today, I express out milk for her (t least better, foremilk + hinmilk together) and feed her in small feed meaning that 30ml or 40ml every hr or 2 hr cos she drunk quite slow. I dun want her to get wind when the milk is too cold.
fianlly got chance to read... dunnoe who wrote wat again.. :p

CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at Bukit Batok (Shihui's house)

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person
hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan
4) doggiebb and bb talia ann
5) Vanessa n Reyna
6) CF Chang n bb philson n hubby
7) afcai n bb
8) Jackie n Jovey
9) Bobianah n hannah
10) Serrich n Shania n Sherilyn n hubby n maid (tentative)
hi hi,
looks like the gathering at doggiebb's house went well yesterday and mummies and bbs had fun (all bbs so cute... lie on playmat together). the pics really turned out nice and really like the playmat... but think hb won't agree to buying... and i bu she de the money also...

ya lor... we miss meeting again! but if you are free tomorrow, we can go to gan's pl?? heehee. mandy v cute leh. got dimples. my girl don't have... your hb v nice leh... let u buy e ex playmat... if i buy, sure won't dare tell hb real price. will surely only tell him 30% of e real price!

nat has not slept for ten hours straight again. her father must have told her she needs to eat lah.. so now 7hrs will wake up and play by herself until i give her milk then she sleep again. all the way till 1plus 2 when i decide to wake then i go wake her and bring her to my mum's pl... my sleeping hrs really screwed up man... when i go back to work then die liao... your hb v nice leh...

sounds like many r going back to work... me too... sianz... will miss my kids...

mbb, choo, vanessa,
hope your little darlings recover soon!

shihui, can i join e others for gathering @ your pl but i bring jared instead?
i'm going to pick my maid tomorrow. you got yours yet? i so stressed even b4 maid come i got nightmares leh!!!!
WOWEE!!! The babies' pictures all look sooooo CUTE!!!!! Looks like you guys had an amazing gathering! Wish I can join you guys on 21 Feb but am attending another babies and moms gathering with my friends leh...

Tan SL,
Last night, I only had 3 hours of sleep cos my girl was awake from 3.50am to 6am! She was cooing and talking with SUPER BIG eyes. I just ignored her but eventually she geked and started crying for me to carry her, sigh.

Thanks for your advice. I brought her to walk around my estate for a while at 6pm, so hopefully tonight she will sleep more. But she knocked out at about 8-9pm, and from 10pm till now...so guess I better sleep as well, instead of being online here, hee hee.

Will only bring baby and EBM to my mom's house when I start work on Mar 5 (sob!) When are you starting work? I think I will pump out about 2 bottles of Medela milk storage bottles....hopefully my supply will still be there when I start work!

My girl usually will not sleep much in the day, only about an hour in the morning and 1-2 hours in the afternoon, and another hour around 7-9pm period. In fact, I think she only sleeps around 10-12 hours per day!!

Good lucj on the maid tomorrow! I also felt very nervous when I first picked up my maid in December. But after training, it's a real blessing to have a maid! Is yours a Filipino or Indonesian?
thanks for wishing me gd luck... you think i'm a bt over reacting?? really v kan jiong leh... mine is filipino. i hope mine will also be a blessing also. any advice for me???

act i oso like e world map. oso q educational mah. but hubby saw got thicker ones, somehow he thinks thicker is better so we went 4 e animal one lor which is a bit bigger oso... 3rd batch closed ar? seems like gotta wait super long liao! but nvm lah, no hurry...

gan, alabone,
today me nt free leh. gotta go buy groceries. tmr no tingkat svs so gotta cook tmr... now must seperate my grocery shopping into 2 parts, wday m tmr... one trip cannot finish lah cos still must carry bb..

i bo bian lah... no income mah... so gotta depend on his money... heh heh... luckily he's e kind who won't stinge on things he find useful. but then, even when i had income, i'd oso discuss all expenses w him one lah. but hor, he said e playmat wld b my v-day gift! chey.... where got such things one? tt's 4 e bb wat!

wah! buffet paradiz's menu looks gd eh? i might consider changing cos tt stupid neo garden always late one... can wait until 6.45 then come... by tt time, i'd b starving liao n e food nt so nice anymore... at least buffet paradiz's got a menu. wat's their delivery time?


aiyo...so many bbies sick ah...poor thg

dora, choo, mbb n vanessa
hope ur bb get well soon n u mummies must oso take care ok

oooooooh...the bbies pix re so cute....the mat oso very nice......i wan iwan ;p

hey mummies, those who re interested in the bumper mat, mini toon is now selling at a discount of 15%..can check it out...i dun know same as the one in the bp ornt but looks gd to me
