(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

My girl same as yours, feeds every 2+ hours, including the nights. Sigh, very tough very tough. There's just no way to force her to drink more at one go. And she wants to be carried and walked around most of the time, leaving me with little time/hands to do anything else. Barely can squeeze in the time to eat, express milk, wash bottles, sterilise and do housework.

addy sent!
hi every1,
me been busy doing some light spring cleaning today.

Hi doggiebb n ladies,
enjoy yu gathering tomor n remember to take photos of the babies n show us.

hi diana,
my fridgebag model is model FTG-1200.
i find the fridgebag is good to use n really can keep our ebm cool for up to 10hrs. I bring that when we plan to bring bb out for one whole day like for abt 9hr to 10 hrs. However, i find the bag very heavy n bulky.

tomor afternoon i going shopping with my hubby to shop for our cny shoes n having brazilian buffet in evening. this yr aso lazy to get any gift for my hubby.

hi mbb,
hope you can use back yur own nick.
<font color="800080">Hi QSG,</font>
this is the 6 days where my gar is on bottle training. in between, if at home, I only latch her. when I fed her, she just stared at me with the avent teat in her mouth. but when hubby or my mum(over the wkend went to her hse) fed her, she drunk. ai-yo...

for swimming, I think ppl might advise to start later cos scared swimming pool etc not so clean, germs etc.

<font color="806D7E">Hi Bloom,</font>
yup, when one still pump, it will train the brain to tell breast to let down. wearing tight bra might stop leaking(encountered b4) and resulted in block ducts.

maybe yr cabbage not so cold enough. nurse said cabbage shd work. hmm yup, maybe next time when u took yr bb to kkh ( is it o kkh) for review then "shun bian" ask doc abt the bm thing left behind will it cause lump?
yo kimi, diana, connie and the rest who are coming, tomorrow about 11.30am like that hor. then after that, we decide what we want to order via delivery
friday should be okay for me too... but i am still wondering how to bring bb.. coz i dont have those sling carrier, and bb head is not steady enuf for the ergo carrier.

oh yah.. u got those bumper mat? me v tempted to buy but wanna see how its like first. not cheap those bumper mat.

our bb really same pattern? maybe coz born same day, got same characteristic?? hehe.. but so far (touchwood) my bb dont need to carry all the time. haiz.. me wish my parents are here! dunno how to appreciate them and use my time wisely when they are here. anyway.. think its so much tougher on u since u are in a foreign land.

oh, my ss is dropping as well coz not much time to express out.. sometimes express halfway, she cries to be carried/attend to.

i tried mrs wong's method.. but she cried terribly, and i think that intro a lot of air in her tummy. coz then she gets fretful. does it happen to your bb? dunno whether i am doing it correctly or not.
hi ladies,
CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at my place at Bukit Batok!!
interested mommies pls register here... heeee~

1) Shihui n bb
yup... am busy w thinking wat rules to set. suggestions??

i told you all yest nat's last feed was 1230am and slept till morning 1030am then feed right? told hb abt it n kena scolding... he said how can i let her not feed for 10hrs... he said even adults cannot last 10hrs... sigh... thought he would be happy for me tt i can hv sufficient rest... he said 7hrs she still sleep i must go wake her to feed... anyone of u hv bbs who go for 10hrs w/o feeding??
Yah, blame it on my indulgence and her persistence. I hate to see her cry. On good days, I can manage to whip up some one-dish meals for lunch. On bad days, I survive on Mars bars, kit-kat, biscuits or cereals.
i cannot go leh, first day back at work. sob sob.

i'm bad with rules, think the pple over in the maids thread r v. much more detailed. for house rules, i only tell her not to go out n jalan jalan without permission, no admission of anybody without permission, n strictly nothing fr the house should be found inside her room unless i give her explicit permission. as for bb care, most of the rules r hygiene related, e.g. must wash hands etc. the other thing that i always tell the maids explicitly is the hierarchy of power in the house. i'm her employer so my word always count, but i expect her to obey my mum's instructions when she's taking care of bb in the day n on all things related to cooking. i find this impt lah, cos very often, my mum, hubby n myself can give quite different instructions which confuse the maids. if my maid is confuse, she will check with me when i'm home.

actually hor, madeleine goes for 9-9.5 hrs without feeding quite often at night, n she's not even asleep during all the 9 hrs. at least nat is sleeping thru it all, so she needs v. little calories.

dunno what happened to madeleine this wk. she went fr drinking 800+ml a day to drinking only 600+ml a day this wk. went fr 7 feeds to 5 feeds.

that sounds v. siong, especially since u r alone n do not hv support. do u hv a carrier? it's v. siong to carry bb in ur arms all the time. a carrier will at least free up ur hands to wash bottles, make a sandwich etc.
hiyoh, poor thing. no such things as tingkat over there hor? can't possibly eat pizza everyday! tingkat reaaly save my life man. but it's nt gd 4 ur health 2 snack everyday leh. y dun u cook more at 1 go so can at least eat 4 2 days?

och's suggestion is q gd. usu bbs dun cry much in a carrier or sling. at least can get some respite fr e crying even if u dun intend 2 do chores in it.

q a lot o bbs here go 10 hrs or more w/o food leh. tink xhld b fine bah. wat bt jared?was he like tt?

u din buy e infant insert huh?

seems like u've got an exciting day lined up 4 u! enjoy urself 2day!
thanks for e suggestions. will take heed.

quite relieved to hear that... but nat like got 'direct orders' from his daddy like that... this morning, after 7 hrs, zun zun got up to drink milk leh... xianz... jared? that boy was so different compared to nat. never sleep like she does. he sleep two hours then must wake to drink milk already. then at 2mth old was still drinking 90ml or less... and in the day, sleep half hour at most. most of the time don't want to sleep. he was a terror to take care of!

poor you... perhaps you can stock up on biscuits there so that you can eat when hungry and don't have to snack on mars bars or kit kat..
Morning mummies,
you received my addy? I PM you y'day
I have the cheaper version Thomas the train bumper mat not the expensive $120 type. You can always get a playard to put around the bumpermat to restrict the area the bb crawls on when they are bigger. ( Have a playard at home can show u )

How about making some food at night then just microwave it during lunch time the next day so you don't need to starve. Or cook bigger servings at dinner so can re-heat and eat for lunch/breakfast the next day?

bb not too well..having colic...
creid non stop for 30mins..brought him see pd...his blocked nose still not clear hence he suck in lotsa air....so stomach full of air..poor boy...

anyway thanks Vanessa for organising last thur gathering! was really meeting the cute bbies!!

still bfing...thanks so much to vanessa encouragement..she is my motivation!!


hey when i first saw u i find u familiar then went back home saw the thread then know u were from 04 year end mummies rite? n u got an elder son too!! your bb really cute leh..bah bah! wish mine like yours too! cant wait for my boy to have more meat!
i envy mummies who can train bbies to sleep thru the nite..how did u do it??

my bb slightly better now ...now we put him go zz at 9plus pm...then the next wake for milk can be 1plus or 2plus considered good for me lor....
can bring ur ergo over tis friday. i wanna see e real thing...pls pls.

meg sleep past 10 hrs at times without feed. she is still gaining weight, so dun worry. bb r smart, like during e day when she is hungry, cant get her to quite down. so it should be e same at nite.

tkz. kinda given up leh coz till now no reply fr chin leng.
nvm, will stick to tis nick. as long as i can post n u all noes who i m, i m happy leh

CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at my place at Bukit Batok!! interested mommies pls register here... heeee~

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan

ladies at doggiebb's gathering later,
have fun!
QSG, maybe she is used to latching thats why..but now since its better u might see more wgt gain next round!
Don't know why my sis said must wait till a few yrs old... but then I dare not bring her swimming alone cos I don't know how to swim too!

alabone, nat is not fat lah! jared is skinny! :p The locations for aquaducks are so far. I was hoping hb will teach her since he knows how to swim then at lesat its 1-to-1 coaching but hb is so lazy! 30 then no more energy? So those of us in our 30s die liao!

DecBB, means by 3rd or 4th not rock hard liao.. still not pre-pregnancy (cup AAA) size so I assume still got milk inside then. Yes my occasional pain is around nipple and breast area. Hahah..u also AAA size har? I thought only I am so small :p

doggiebb, me north kaki! but start work liao so cannot join u all!

och, wow..u r already using the bjorn carrier har... so fast! i dont dare to put my bb in a carrier yet...

sylk, got it be that u need to burp her abit before feeding her at the same go? How's ur side? Got a domestic helper yet?

afcai..ahaha..this is so funi.. just hold the teat in her mouth..sometimes my bb does that too..i think she didn't realise she is supposed to drink cos to her, seeing mommy means latch on. hhaha.. i guess all mommies in the end will have milk left behind right ?

Shihui, 21st is weekday leh!

kimi, actually what does the basic set do? teach the mommies (with sound) or what?
That's a gd start... mine initially also like tat, now sleep thru liao... just endure n u can do it....

I want to register too.... haha, suppose to be at my place now change to urs... think most of them registered with me want won't mind going too.

bb still sleeping since 12.30am last night.

some bb will naturally wean off night feeds themselves.

how i do it is to set a routine for feeding during the day, and do the feed-wake-sleep which means keep bb awake for a short while after feeding to play so that she will know it is daytime. the night feeds, we dim lights, speak softly and do not play after feed so she knows its night time. once the body clock is set, then can sleep through liao.
55 sign up!

CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at my place at Bukit Batok!! interested mommies pls register here... heeee~

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person
hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan
3) doggiebb and bb talia ann

shihui, can bring hubs?
CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at my place at Bukit Batok!! interested mommies pls register here... heeee~

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person
hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan
4) doggiebb and bb talia ann
5) Vanessa n Reyna
count me in ;p

CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at my place at Bukit Batok!! interested mommies pls register here... heeee~

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person
hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan
4) doggiebb and bb talia ann
5) Vanessa n Reyna
6) CF Chang n bb philson n hubby
hihi... seems like we going to hav overwhelming response.. hehheee~ as my house not very big too.. shall hav to set first come first serve policy liao... i can hav 18 adults comfortably in the house.. guys may hav to sit on the floor.. hehehe.. :p
aiyo.. u all worrying abt bb feeding too little.. mine still feeding at 2 hours interval in the day n 3 hours interval in the night... wondering when he will start feeding less....

so fast back to work liao ah.... too bad lah.. can work half day?? heeee~ :p

can take off? :p
<font color="0000A0">count me in also</font>

CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at my place at Bukit Batok!! interested mommies pls register here... heeee~

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person
hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan
4) doggiebb and bb talia ann
5) Vanessa n Reyna
6) CF Chang n bb philson n hubby
7) afcai n bb
whoich part of bukit batok do u live? is it near mrt? :p

i did take my bb swimming yet...cos i cant even fit into swimming costume myself! haha! maybe later.

bb will protest and cry, but must be firm lor. my bb will oso resist for a bit. sometimes i will tell her, ok, we rest, then give her 1-2 mins rest, then feed her again. did u use a bigger teat size too?
Cant miss this gathering

CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at my place at Bukit Batok!! interested mommies pls register here... heeee~

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person
hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan
4) doggiebb and bb talia ann
5) Vanessa n Reyna
6) CF Chang n bb philson n hubby
7) afcai n bb
8) Jackie n Jovey

DecBB, Bloom
Today is the 3rd day after popping medi n still leaking so sian. Last night put cold cabbage to relieve the pain. Today wake up with slightly less engorge breast but still very full with milk. N ya, my pain is ard the nipple area. Hope to clear before CNY than dont have to worry abt the leak liao
Alabone, seems that all bbs are different hor though they are siblings. Initially i assume Evee's pattern will be same as her sis..but they are so different. Hubby was saying if we have Evee first we won't dare to have another bb.

Bloom, i also can't swim, its okay lah..initially only bring them to bb pool..water very shallow.
Who recommended ADS for the infant formula ah? I just enquired with the guy and it seems like he doesnt do delivery for infant formula even if it's an order above $150.
U have seen me before? I can't remember if I have met you before. Yeah.. I frequent the 04 thread also coz my boy has friends there too from his former weekday playgroup...and we used to have a mummies night out thingy..but no more now as most of us busy with #2. U have an elder boy also??

went to toyrus forum.. dun have the skates..haiz..maybe have to check with their paragon branch.. they only have BARBIE skates..HB still not keen on getting skates for him.. coz he the PC adict type.
Yr ger really bully mummy oh. Really tough to be SAHM without domestic help. But i believe BB will out grown this stage very fast one. Just hang on
<font color="C5908E">Hi alabone, </font>
my gar also slp thr the night since 5/2. if we dun go out, her last feed will be 800pm+ and she can slp all the way to 6.45am or 7am++ then work up for the feed. if we go out and come bck at 10pm then her last feed will be ard 1130pm then she will slp quite late till 8-9am.

my col told me that if bb can slp then let them slp, dun need to purposely woke them up in the nite for fed. this will cultivate bad habit.

<font color="B38481">Hi doggiebb </font>
my gar now slp lesser in the day unless she super tired or she is on diapers. if not, when she is on nappy cloth, if she slp then she will wake up an hr or half an hr interval cos nappy cloth wet wet mah. then sometimes, got to entertain her , play with her, she will smile at u. she will make those 'coo' sound then I 'coo' back, she smiled and 'coo' bck.

<font color="C48189">Hi Bloom</font>
Did u watch y'day bb show at 1030pm on channel 8? it mentioned abt swimming. a doc fr NUH said can take bb to swimming as young as 6mth provided the swimming pool is clean and more to private pool. if not, ppls will take bb to swim after one yr as public pool is not so clean and also scared chemical fr the water can harm bb.

it also talked abt if bb throw temper, dun give in. a mother shared her view that she will gave warning first, then use hand to smack him if cannot then use cane. like that, bb will know by crying also cannot help in getting what they want. cannot spoilt them.

next week, issue is on how to toilet train bb.

yup, hubby squeeze the teat to aid in the fast flow of the milk so that my gar will drink. dunno why sometime, the teat tend to flow fast, sometimes not.

so now bottle fed, hubby fed her she drunk fast within 30 mins can finih but I cannot be ard, if so, she will stare at me and then hold the teat in her mouth. haa...my gar see me like walking nipple...oops...
<font color="7F4E52">Hi MBB/MMB,</font>
u can still edit yr original nickname to MBB under
Profile (found at upper part of the page beside Help) then key in yr password and username -> go to Information About You then edit yr nickname.

looking foward to meet u at cny.

<font color="7F5A58">Jackie/doggiebb/Calynn </font>
same goes to u,looking foward to meet u & bb at cny.
hubby and I went market on sun. then hubby went to buy fish and I sat down on the bench to wait for him. this old woman came and asked if my bb is gar or boy. bb is dressed fr head to top pink color. then she used the index finger(her fingernail black black and then wear a few big big ring) to touch my gar's face.

wondering why ppl like to touch bb's face tough they know that their hand is not so clean. the moment I reached home, I quickly used the handerchief (with water) and wipe her face clean. fingernail and finger contains lot of germs.
xie xie ne...me too looking forward to meet u n ur princess

e other day my fren was in e park w her child (ard 3 yrs old). one auntie ask her if child is boi/ger. my fren fedup coz it's obvious mah. so she said to tat aunty, "see yourself". guess wat e aunty did??? tat aunty pull e child's pats n look at e private part!!!
i was inform tat i post in other thread selling items tat is y my account got suspended.
weird coz from time to time also ppl post to sell FM/bb stuffs in our thread mah.

anyway, just take note n dun repeat my stupid mistake hor
wah... my royal highness let me off liao... she has poo, bath and fed... now zzzzzzzzz...

me... i have finished my laundry, sterilizing and cleaning the bathroom!!... big accomplishment!! ha ha ha

now waiting for the next cycle.... life getting a bit boring... but the thought of going back to work next week freaks me out...

so sad to leave my bb....

Jackie, Choo...
both of you back to work liao right?... how is it like? do u miss your kid terribly?
wow, the auntie so self-service huh = rude.

yup, tot many of them are selling their bb stuff at the market place corner there. quite funny, then yr a/c got suspended.

me gg to pil's hse for early union dinner(eat out).
looking forward to the gathering too!!!...

aiyo... i hate these pple who start poking their fingers at my bb's cheek also... even my MIL also does tat... and she dun clean her hands b4 doing tat... hate it esp when she starts poking and ask my bb to wake up and look at her...

wat's there to look at!!!!

how are you handling things now tat your mom's back home?? coping well?
din recieve ur email leh.
[email protected]

oklah. Meg is getting more guai (fingers n toes crossed!). so can do lundry and cook simple dinner all by myself
like u, i also felt big accomplishment.
but i still have not gone out with her alone.
tis friday's gathering will be my first....wish me luck.

aiyo, so fast u also go back to work.
i tink we will need some time to adjust when we start work.

hey, u hv pram still wanna buy another one?

got my sms?
hee hee...tis yellow face see lai always change...sorry to bother u. juz tot tat not so good to owe u money during cny. i hv frens who pantang.
juz let me noe if u wanna me to collect for u as i m collecting for Calynn n Doggiebb
juz called Daniel regarding the FM order.
according to him, it's cny period so they cut down on delivery to restricted places.
he is checking stock for me and is willing to deliver to me if there's stock.
Count me in!
CNY gathering on 21st Feb, 12pm at my place at Bukit Batok!! interested mommies pls register here... heeee~

1) Shihui n bb
2) MBB/MMB n Meg (bear in mind only 2 person
hor..hee hee)
3) Calynn n Megan
4) doggiebb and bb talia ann
5) Vanessa n Reyna
6) CF Chang n bb philson n hubby
7) afcai n bb
8) Jackie n Jovey
9) Bobianah n hannah
sorry ah, email u on wat?

ya lor... tink of going back to work very xian...

i will bring Megan out every morning to the market and have my breakfast... after tat stroll around the market while she nap a while... then bring her home for bath and feed... then she'll zzzz until 2 for next feed...

then after her 5.30pm feed, will bring her to the park again... then come back... tink the exposure makes her sleep better... so she's less cranky in the eve...

the current pram is an old one... wanted to get one tat can hang stuffs... the one i have cannot hang stuff on it... saw yours can... like better... where did u get it?... i get to bb kingdom and bb hypermart dun have leh...
wah....hv to wear mask at home tis 2 days coz dun wanna Meg get infected.
remind me of sars period in hk. wear masks till i got breakout!

MBB, how you manage to get your account reinstated?

Afcai, last time i dressed my elder gal in all pink also got people ask me boy or gal..i was thinking...isn't it obvious...would i be so crazy to dress my bb in pink if boy...
