(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

din reinstated

they juz reply my email telling me my crime.

Afcai teach me to change profile....tats y i m back to MBB


no lah tis is my first bb..i used to see 04 thread cos i got fds there
really love your bb size cute cute!!

really wish go your hse for gathering but hubby act take leave to go see mrs wong for one to one bb massage..
ah...those who went vanessa'hse..who is the cute little girl lying beside my boy ah..
saw the photo i took..they holding hands..very sweet.

thanks! i wil try your method! hope my bb faster get used to a routine!!

i might not come in these few days liao..so here's me n bb ivan wishing all mummies,bbies n daddies a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
shihui, cannot leh..cos my backup is going for med checkup so i have to be around....

bohbiahah..ahahah....i also did not try on my bikini ..just now sit down and chat with colleague she said my tummy look as if i am pregnant :p

jackie, 3rd day sure still leaking one... sometimes i wonder if its bcos since didn't pump so all leak out..ahahha... at lesat ur leakage didn't float on the cabbage and wet the other parts of ur bra right? :p

afcai..wah..ur bb sleep alot leh... and she can adjust herself so well when u all go out and come back late! i don't have access to private pool leh
next week wan to watch! but then its putting-bb-to-sleep time leh...

afcai, mbb, wah lau...how come the strangers all so scary one.. next time i must hold my bb tight wheni go with her liao

Just now went Jln Tepong during lunch to those shops supposedly selling frozen seafood at wholesale price..too bad no car cannot buy..ehhehe...
mbb: think u better reconsider..cause he told me the price for the f.milk is for f.milk from batam and malaysia...that's why the price so cheap...if he gets from local dealers is about the same price in NTUC...and he told me if I want delivery I have to pay...

oh... u didn't go back and tender? so good... my hubby keep asking if i want to... very tempting... but worried tat will have no life... now 3 months... getting a bit routine liao... everyday... messy hair in pony tail.. no makeup... big big t-shirt and shorts... dunno hubby see me xian not?? hee hee...

i called up HR they allow me tender without going back.just need to refund them one mth pay can liao..

i know how u feel..sometime i wish i still working..cos working is so much easier than taking care of bb..me alone with bb ah...very stress...

tat's very nice of your co...

it's a struggle b/w the two choices lor... but i do tink it's good to be a SAHM if you can... my friend was telling me it's disheartening having to hear from someone else facts like wat's yr kid's fav toy, fav food etc

it hit me hard... esp now i know my kid's routine inside out, i work so hard on it... i can tell wat kind of cry means wat and wat she likes to play with.... but next time, i'll have to rely on my mom to tell me... so sad...
Ya, I'm AAA size and I much prefer it than now! Problem is after delivery, sigh, I didnt lose much weight and still look 5 mth preg! So with AAA size and XLLL tummy, can you imagine?!?! I actually gained wgt during confinement. Think I indulged too much. Was hungry almost every hour.

As for leaking, same as you, I experienced a few times the milk leaked through the cabbage, my bra and on my t-shirt!!That's why I stopped putting. V troublesome & uncomfy. But today is my 4th day, my breasts are still rock hard, painful and itchy. As for the sharp pain around the nipples, wonder what caused it? I seemed to feel it more when I'm holding bb. A letdown?

I doubt mine will clear by cny. It's still so full...Really pity that cant give to bb.

Do your babies suddenly start to drink less & sleep more? Ever since I intro FM, my bb seemed to drink less (sometimes 70ml instead of usual 120ml) and less 1-2 feeds a day. Is this coincidence or just a normal bb cycle?

My bb is almost 2 mths but still got to wake up 2-3 times for feeds every night. He's sleeping more during day and I cant wake him up..
Really envy those whose bb can sleep thru. Then do you bb drink less since they sleep longer?
hi all,
sorry dat i din read all the msgs earlier...since my mum is here, i 5 5 come in to drop by to say "HI" to all...

really miss all of u leh...haiz..my boy hor, really very noti...can really made me cried..haiz...but when i told my mum and my mum is here..he very guai leh...haiz....really cham one....

i wonder when can i really join back this thread, it seem dat i miss out alot leh....and i only can b reached by hp...oh, btw thks vanessa, mbb, shihui and jackie for sms me once in awhile..and thks for ur birthday wishes...really feel like coming to post msg in this thread whenever i rec'd ur sms..btw, my pc break down now and both my pc n my hb's pc broke down earlier when i was home...so cham loo...then even if my pc ok jor, i also no time to really on the pc to keep track on wat topic u all are chatting...sob sob...T.T

i really miss those days ah~

haiz...tink i got to go le...pie seh to let my mum looki`ng after my baby for so long. u all take care~ wishing u all an advance Happy Lunar New Year~
I feel so depressed 1 day before going back to work :p....On the actual day itself keep thinking of Jovey and the day seem to pass so SLOWLY. After awhile get use to it liao.

The thing with working mum is that we tend to miss out a BIG part of BB growth. Guess it something we have to live with unless we can be SAHM

Confirm the milk powder from batam and malaysia ah???? Thank for the info, dont have to make the trip down and check
dun worry... FM more filling the BM... so should b quite normal... my gal ranges from 80ml to 150ml... some days when she's cranky, she drink only 50ml... need to coax very long then she continues some more....

not really drink less lah... she will feed more in the morning... she's really hungry when she wakes up... so tat's when she can down 150ml for the 7.30am and 11am feed... then her 2pm feed onwards, she'll start to cut down liao... by her last feed at 8.30, she'll drink only about 100ml... then conk out for the whole night...

i find tat my gal sleeps better when i bring her out for walks in the morn and eve... a bit of sunlight very draining on her energy level...

in b/w feeds, i try to entertain her with her cot mobile and play gym... she'll look and kick around for about 15-20mins...

let them expand some of their energy during the day... so night time will be sleepier...


din see u around for very long long... u take care leh... u boi boi very clever... know tat the grandmother around... better behave mah!!
see u around soon huh...
so have to get thru the 1st couple of days first huh? at least you go home can see yr bb already... i have to go my mom's place everyday just to see her...

and my mom dun want me to bring her home for the first few months... said very tiring for the bb... so i have to leave her there overnight and bring home only during the weekends...

tink i'll go into depression next week... dreading the day....
afcai, qsg
wah piang! all in pink still ask boi or ger?? That day I bought a shirt from mothercare that says "In case you are wondering, I'm a GIRL". Heehee! But I bet, ppl blind, sure still ask!

jackie, calynn
yah, i going back to work after CNY. Sure miss bb.
my MIL oso say just leave bb at her place and we take her home weekends. Cos bb wake up after we leave the house anyway. And sleeps around 9pm+. I oso a bit cannot bear it...but i think no choice lor... lucky MIL live only 5 mins walk away. Everynite go her place for din lor... I oso will dread missing all of bb's major milestones...hv to rely on other pple telling me.

wah.. u only live 5 min away??? tats good... mine not too bad lah... about 10 min drive... but prob is my work tend to have a lot of OT...
so worried tat my bb won't be close to me next time... and tat i have to ask my mom wat my gal likes to eat...

u already throw yr letter huh?? all prepared to be a full time "yellow face woman"!!

so envious...

i told hubby i will go back work see how... if really cannot take it, will quit and let him "feed" me... he said no problem... as long as i stop shopping!!!
got your pm liao! thanks! what time we are meeting ah? is the bus stop for bus 28 near to your place? thinkin of takin bus, coz easier to just flash card than take out cash for cab. but hubby don't think so lei.

btw, wats the diff between both mats? is the cheaper one harder or something?

me oso the first time. how u gg to manage ah? u got those sling? will bring the ergo. me just took out n see.. dunno how to use it yet. hehe!

no leh.. didnt buy the insert coz tot its kinda ex and just use for abt 3 months or so.

no.. me still using the same teat pigeon peristatic teat 0-3mos. will go n buy a bigger teat to try it out.

hahaha.. me oso the same lei... really like ah soh like that. last time already dont feel pretty.. now feeling ugly. at least u got an option to quit if u cant take it.. me dont think its possible to live on hubby's salary yet.

haiz.. i am a very mafan woman! just got a huge bouquet of flowers delivered + oso got a necklace (hidden under the pool table) for V day pressie from hubby! should be very happy rite? but hor.. i got mixed feelings lei. very happy coz well, usually get flowers + gift feel happy n loved.. blah blah blah.. but kinda 'frustrated' too coz here i am thinkin that bb inserts are so ex.. dunno whether to buy playmat... so many things i wanna buy for bb must think twice... and there he goes spending a bomb on such gifts! already told him we have to be on a tighter budget since now got bb liao. i am actually more touched by what he wrote on the card than the flowers / necklace itself. but then hor..i think if he never give anything.. i oso will feel funny or a bit disappointed. haha.. told u i very mafan woman. and then hor.. i dont have any gift for him coz with bb really hard to go shopping la.. usually go oso is with hubby.. and he keep saying he dont want anything. so maybe oso feeling guilty lor.. :p

b happy tat u have received such nice gifts... dun worry yourself over the expenses at this moment... sometimes it's good to feel pampered... esp now we are so busy and haggered looking all the time...
<font color="0000ff">Mini East side gathering @ Ruffybear- Tampines - off Tampines ave 7 </font>

<font color="ff0000">Time 11am onwards </font>

1. MBB
2. starluster
3. calynn
4. tan sl

bus 28 stop just outside my house. Just need to alight at the East Spring Sec school side(that bus stop and walk in. less then 5 min.
The difference is the "softness". The more expensive one feels more rubbery like the rubber changing mat that they sell. The cheaper one is more like the hard foam ABC mats.
yah, mil live only across the road frm me ;a...n i dun care liao...no more working late! taking pte bus home...everyday leave on the dot!!! but i'll still hv to let mil tell me her fav food, when she first sit up on her own etc etc...

envy u!!

my hb ever ask if i want to quit...but i think no lor...
55 put up pics

bb talia ann and bb mandy

bb isabelle

bb talia ann playing her leg rattler

bb talia ann and bb mandy zzzing away

didnt manage to take diana's bb cos she too comfy zzzing in the sling
u all dun lidat leh....made me wanna cry be4 going back to work liao

i tink will take cab to ruffy's place coz no direct bus. will juz carry meg.
juz enjoy e moment....hb sayang u. envy envy

how? we share cab or u hv direct bus from ur place? tis time i pay first if share cab coz call cab price diffrent mah.

my hb is going down to check the FM in AD. will update u after tat.

i wan ur playmat!!! i still haven recieve mine

Meg today like blur blur. how 2 check if bb is sick?
For my boy, his overall consumption for the day actually dropped cos he missed out 1-2 feeds.Is it still normal?

When he's sleepy, there's no way I can wake him up cos he'll be very cranky and cry non-stop.

When do you start reading stories or singing to your bb? I'm a very lousy mummy cos I don't know any lullaby at all. Cant sing to bb and I always dunno how to talk to bb leh...Will this affect development of my bb?
Och, Kimi,
I have the MIM sling, but only use it when I need to go to the supermarket.

Alabone, Ruffybear,
We don't have microwave oven, so heating up food is quite troublesome. Too bad the sandwich loaves they sell here have expiry dates stretching up to 3 months, so we don't dare to buy. Otherwise, I'll be happily eating bread. Can u believe that Heinz and Campbell have not penetrated the market here yet? There're no such things as canned baked beans or canned soups here. *shake head*

No lah, don't intend to get babysitter or domestic help at the moment. DIY.

Thanks for the encouragement. We used to take 2-4hrs just to put her to bed at night, enduring endless crying and fussing. Until last Saturday, we decided that since she doesn't want to sleep, then so be it, let her stay up lor... and guess what, she fell asleep around midnight without crying.
how's ur tingkat food?
i tink after cny i hv to order leh.
stupid hb's job always finito ard 10 plus at nite....i really cannot tong waiting for him to buy me dinner.

Meg like teasing me today....every feeding time, she fall asleep. made me so worry

tat AD shop for FM is not very honest.
when hb was there, they said e price on e website no longer accurate. quoted very hi price.
hb ask why e price diff, they claim tat all their stock now is fr sg instead of m'sia.
tis morning wen i spoke to e boss, he quoted me e price on e website.

dun buy from there....risky.
bbies all look so nice... never take with your doggie??... the bumper mat makes a very nice background!!!

no worries about the cab fare lah... not much diff...
... i call cab from here and pick u up... but going home cannot share with u liao... coz i'll be going over to my mom's place in Tampines also...

Mothers very stress hor... bb sleep too much stress... never sleep also stress... dun worry lah... maybe just super tired?? monitor another day? for me, i just take Megan's temperature whenever i worry... coz tat's the only thing i know!!! at least no temp not so worrying...

dun worry... should b fine... I ask the PD b4, he said the bb will know when they have enough... maybe try to increase his feed and cut down on the number of feeds? i did tat for my gal...

i've been singing and reading from start... bought a set of mother goose nursery rhymes from MPH... came with 4 books, an audio CD and VCD... so learn from there and sing along...
same lor... every nite wait for hubby to buy dinner home... then when he come back late... my face black black... a hungry mother is an angry mother!!!
Hi all,
Wahhhh, so envious seeing so many gatherings! Am very busy with sending my elder daughter to school so no time to join for the outings leh, sigh. Wonderful pictures too!!!! Just discovered a slight squint in my elder daughter, so worried, am going to the Singapore National Eye Centre tomorrow for thorough eye check. Anyone of you with older kids who experienced any squints?

Could not log on over weekend cos baby had a cough, so brought her to my family GP on Sunday. Sigh so young eat medicine liow.

You mentioned you started her on bottle feeding. Do you still latch on? I am starting work in 3 weeks' and am wondering if I should wean her off my breasts. My mom will feed her bottle EBM every afternoon when I send my elder daughter to school, but every night, my baby will kept crying, refusing pacifiers or bottles, until I offer her my breast. How to wean off like that!?
Hi linette,
yes, I still latch her on esp the night if she woke up but she did not woke up since 5/2 for fed liao. I only bottle fed her when I went out or during her last fed. after cny, intending to bottle fed her all day except at night.that's what my hubby suggested. when I bottled fed her, she will look at me (as if i'm the nipple...haaa_ and the bottle training feeding part will last long so each time, I only gave her 30ml of milk so that her milk won't be cold by the time she finished it. but when I returned to work, I will tranport ebm daily to my mum'plc. then maybe latched her on (provided she still know how to latch during wkend) when I brought her back.

hm...at first, my gar also cried when i fed her so I let my hubby took over and it's ok after she calm down. she do take. sometimes, dunno why the milk flow very slow fr the teat but sometimes flow fast. i'm using teat 2 (avent brand).

maybe u asked yr hubby to feed her during the nite to see if the same situation happen when u fed her.

my gar sometimes sucked my nipple for comfort man during the day. tot she sleep liao but pretended one. I removed it and she suddenly woke up and cried. then a few times, she really go into deep slp.
Hi calynn,
yeah, same thing, I also either wait for hubby to buy dinner or cook dinner. can't get off fr my gar.
haa we will be like bb cranky...due to hunger.
Hi mummies,
any one let bb sleep on the head support. I just got 1 head support fr my sil today. then I used it on her pram now she slp liao with the head support. my gar like to slp with her head slanted. I tried her post and got neck pain. wondering will bb 's neck pain when slp like that but she never complaint and cried leh.

hmm someone is selling the head support for http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/651020.html?1171346875

wow, the head support that my sil(she got it fr her friend) give cost $16.90 loh.
calynn,im back to work and this is only the second day...was missing my boy so much during work...couldnt wait to knock off...
my boy supposed to stay at my mil place..but i brought him home last night instead coz couldnt bear to...
tonight he's staying with mil..tmr i will bring him back again... just now stay at mil hse till 10plus den come back... really bu she de...
very mixed feelings...wanna be SAHM so i can see him growing each day...but our finance will be tight just rely on hubby's salary...
vanessa,good for u...u can see Reyna growing up...also can be with your 2 girls as well...
Thanks for the tips. Whenever baby hears my voice when my mother is bottle feeding, she will stop drinking and kept looking at me. She also always use my nipple as a pacifier which is a problem. Somemore, me and hubby going for a short hol next Sunday for 4 days! So, I really wonder if I should start weaning her off my breasts now, sigh.

Your girl girl is like mine...always pretending to sleep whenever they "song song" at our breasts! Hahaha....

Will u bring your girl home on weeknights? I won't cos my mom's house too far from mine
Hi Linette,
same, on sat, I let my mum feed the ebm first time. then I sat beside talking to my mum. bb stare at me, ai-yo and hold on to the teat. then I walked away and my mum said she drunk after that.

let her get used to the bottle feed, what kind of bottle u using? no choice, sooner or later, she still need to train and accept the bottle even she dun like.

hmm...then dun u miss yr gar if u dun bring her home? I told my mum I'm still giving her bm even after I return to work and then will tranport the ebm daily to her place tough it is kind of tiring and troublesome but getting to see my gar daily will brighten my day or else will miss her.

I will only took her back on fri night and return her to mum'plc on sun nite. I stayed at west side and my mum too. so the distance fr my hse to her home is abt 30 mins bus journey + 10 mins walk.
it's too late so i din sms u. i chop e color u wan for e carrier coz only got 3 left (black w cranberry lining). still dun noe when to transfer $. will update u tmr.

ok, u pick me up n i go home myself after tat. cheers
Hi afcai,
Same lor. I will bring EBM to my mom's place every night and maybe let her latch on. Will only bring the 2 girls home on Fri night and usually we send them back either on Sunday night or Monday morning. My mum also stays in the West but I live in the North, so distance wise is a bit far.

Now, I am just afraid that she will want my breast every night before she sleeps, like my elder daughter like that. Sigh, bf also problem, have to wean off sooner or later, unless we are SAHMs.

Wow just realised most of your babies are sleeping through the night. How do you guys do it? Mine will usually sleep at 10am, then wake up at 1-2am for a feed. Then, the worst time is around 3-4am. Sometimes she will sleep through her feed, but sometimes she may open her eyes BIG BIG and then wanna play! I had resorted to co-sleeping with her in order for her to sleep longer, sigh.
