(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Hi kym,
ppls said cannot bath with tap water loh during confinement month cos wind will get in and in future, will have back ache. the only timeI touched tap water is wash my feet, hand and buttok after bowel.

for me I asked hubby to boil 4 kettle of water and pour into the pail. the pail will be 3/4 fill.

yup, mine is first bb, u leh? same, I also delivered 10 days earlier than my edd.

oic, so yrs is normal delivery or c section? mine is normal delivery cum episiotomy without epidural only consuming laughing gas. hubby is surprised that I did not go for epidural cos he always said I have low pain threhold tough it is true. but I told myself I dun want epidural cos it will be troublesome for another jab at the bck and I want to have the kind of feeling to push the bb out (just like passing motion feeling). when MO is doing the episiotomy, I also felt pain and wriggled too tough already jab the painkiller into my legs but still can feel the uncomfortable. can't imaging gg for pap smear...

yup, first wk, bb really such an angel slp most of the time but after that nightmare begun.....

so how is yr new nanny? are u on totally bf?

Hi Vanessa Lu,
ok, do monitor to see how. maybe it is the way that yr gar react (fight back the medicine) thru her immune system.

do take care.
dunno why these few days keep on having a few letdown reflux(tough when bathing time and esp after waking up fr nap).

ai-yo, also these few days, my gar slp soundly in the noon and at night will be active.
the cleft clinic called to say the orthodontist refuse to confirm a date for madeleine's lip n gum surgery. now at a loss of whether to proceed with her ent surgery on mon. i think her hearing improved tremendously liao leh, she's turning her head towards rattles that r placed out of her sight n she also startles at loud noises. if her hearing is gd enuf to delay ent surgery for another mth, i will really prefer to delay the surgery. cannot bear the thot of my little gal going under the knife even b4 she reaches 2 mths old.

shihui, jackie, kimi,
lousy surgery date rite? i found out that all the bb around madeleine's age all hv the same surgery date, so this is really a v. tentative date. they dun bother to check individual bb's progress yet.

chang, kimi,
9 hrs! envious ah. madeleine usually wakes up at 4-5 hrs interval leh.

one thing i dislike abt govt hospitals is how infrequently their hotshot docs hold clinics. even as a private patient, it's difficult to see or call madeleine's docs, cos they only hold clinics for half a day twice a wk. n some of these docs in govt hospitals hv v. poor bedsides manners, doesn't matter if they r registrar, consultants or senior consultants. talking to them is like talking to a wall like that, no response.

glad to hear u r getting help for ur wrist. i will be bringing bb out for yet another doc appt on fri pm, but my maid will still be at home. i will instruct her to pass the diapers to u? i sms u my home number, u give her a call b4 u come n she will bring the samples to u? i give u enough to try for a day lah, since the s size cannot wrap around my bb's round round tummy anymore. :p no need to exchange samples. i hv tried bb dry, quite like it, waiting for promotion to get more. :p i hv a sample of drypers, but hvn't tried that yet.

yah lor, if surgery is really in end mar, she will hv the nose stents longer than anybody else in the cleft clinic leh. we give her some mittens free time in the day. but mittens r quite useless as a tactic against her. she managed to remove all her tape even with mittens last time, something that surprised everybody at the cleft clinic. they couldn't understand why i was so much tape. i was watching her yesterday night. even with mittens hor, she still rubs n rubs against the nose stent to try n remove it. n her actions will cause the stent to rub against her nose, n she will start bawling cos the skin in the nose is v. thin n sensitive mah. i'm also v. afraid she will cut her own hands against the thick metal wire one day.

my gal also sucking her mittens.

the guidelines for fm is similar to bm. refigerated, can be used within 24 hrs. at rm temperature (defined as 24 deg C), up to 4 hrs. in sg's temperature, i dun let my gal drink milk prepared more than 1.5 hrs b4hand. once bb's saliva is in contact with fm, must be discarded within an hr.

i was told that there is an enzyme in bm that causes frozen milk to hv a fishier taste. apparently, the way to get around that is to heat up the milk first to deactivate the enzyme b4 freezing.

madeleine's milk consumption dropped to 80ml after inserting nose stent. she's crying a lot since she's perpetually hungry n not getting the rest she needs. we hv to feed her every 2 hrs instead. hate it when she cannot even feed well. carrefour's promotion better than ntuc's promotion!
really very heart ache whenever i read tat madeleine is in pain.
i hv a colik whose son had cleft lips. the surgery went very well and non of us knew tat her son had cleft lips till i read abt it in the mag (she was interviewed).
so, keep up the good job!!!

if madeleine's hearing has improved then can delay monday's surgery, she dun need to suffer twice.
do update us so tat i can say prayers for her.

i m going back to hk beginning of apr but now already felt like missing my bb leh....cham cham.
I know what you mean...i am looking forward to going back to work, but when i think abt not seeing my bb at work, i oredi start to miss her...worse, i think i will be jealous of my MIL who will be looking after my bb. I oso worried that bb will become more attached to her than to me.
did u check if the yellow discharge is coming fr the ear? previously my bb had that smelly yellow discharge from her ear too n pd say it was earwax. she gave me some ear drops to clear the ear.

glad to know reyna is back liao!

hear u explain abt nose stent etc.. feel v pain for madeleine. maybe can check w the ent doctor to see if can delay the ent surgery?

bloom, mbb,
do u all pass another set of items to your bbsitter (cot, sterilizer etc?). also do u all have clause (ie 1 month notice for both side, need 1 month deposit? etc) or just play by the ear only?? me got 3 response for bbsitter from the notice i paste ard my block.. gg to see them one of these few days.

ya.. i think abt gg bk to work n not able to be wit her during the daytime oso feel sad. i think would be worst for u since u will be based in hk, while bb in sg.

these few days i have been throwing away ebm until knees week. coz now introducting her bottles during the day... her consumption is erratic! sometimes 4 oz not enough, sometimes she dont even drink 2 oz! she now is slowly accepting pigeon peristatic teats. sometimes while drinkin she will make sad complaining noises. hehe! but only my mum can feed her.. once she smell me, she will totally reject the bottle.
Hi starluster,
yeah, got great diff. my gar also got the hamburger face look now. haaa.... wow, u shave yr bb's hair?
i got the nanny thru an agent but the agent asked me to do my own contract according to my requirement. most important is tat the nanny only can bbsit Meg alone, cannot raise the price in the future, one mth notice for both side should either side wants to end the service.
i m paying her half mth deposit coz i need to hold her till end of March.

yeah lor....i hope i dun miss Meg too much when i resume flying. haiz, wat to do? need to earn a living. see can adjust or not lor.
worst scenario, will resign but financially is tight

wah, u did a good job in fattening ur princess!!
well done

i like the pau pau look
Hi bobianah,
u are welcome. hmm... at least, u still went bck for checkup but no appt is made for me (maybe for all kkh patient) to come bck for checkup.

now doing pelvix exercise now and then cos first 3 wks after labour, quite bad, when bladder a bit full and by the time reach toilet, urine leak out. now better liao.
Hi Dora,
oic. maybe u upgrade to m size now loh. how's abt buying ntuc or other supermarket brand, much cheaper.

even accto the label that s size supposed to be for bb weighing 3-8kg but it seems not accurate.
Hi ladies,
anyone bb dun poo for so long?

my gar hasa not poo since sat(20/1). but fart a lot so smelly. really poison me. acc to book, it stated bf bb dun poo much.
yeah, dun yr co u work with have a branch in sg so tat u can stay in sg to work mah. sure will miss bb. so when will be flying bk then?
So many posting today read until i also blur blur...

Went out alone with BB today to meet my GF for lunch
....BB was very guai and didnt fuss...Infact he sleep quite a fair bit in the sarong sling....The sense of satisfaction is so great that i dont mind being tired

The mattress is tailor made from seahorse...Cost ard $20+, quite reasonable. I am not sure abt the weight cause hubby is the one that replace the mattress

Glad that both u and Reyna is recovering well

doggiebb, serene,
Oh ya i watch the monday evening programme too
....Very informative for 1st time parent.

That the thing abt public hospital....Maybe u shld write in to relevant department and highlight the issue.

I also sign up with Mt E on the BB massage. It a group session on 30/1

Love BB with 'bao' on yr ger ger face....So cute hor
qsg, i see..then it might really be bcos she don;t like the taste of frozen milk...

alabone, i see... but then i was thinking abit funny not to get some savings plan for education esp since education in singapore is getting more and more expensive.

Jen, instant relief when u drink the bu yao jing? which one did u drink? I had the huiji bu yao jing but had not started drinking yet cos i am afraid some of the ingredients will go to the bm....

sylk, if really need it u let us know.. we ship some over
i always do this kind of things for friends staying in caucasian countries

afcai, i see..and i was wondering why u choose ntuc and prudential..eheheheh ..more like the bb overstimulate us (by making us gan cheong by crying) then over stimulate themselves

vanessa...wah... kkh so bad one har? cause discomfort and harm to bb still so fierce..touch wood but scarly more serious allergy leh?

mbb, thanks for checking with regina on using her premises.. if its just 1 session can ask her if i can use my yogamama card to offset ? cos don't think i have the time go back for regular yoga... i still have 4 sessions left. So far today is 2nd day that kathleen is with nanny.both times she is asleep when i went to pick her up. Not sure of what scary things happen when I was not arond though... should i request to stay there one day and monitor or what? So ur bbsitter will take care of meg when u fly? Current company cutting costs.. workload will increase....
so funny that u do the contract har? Then what is the commision to the agency for?

och, i have to agree with u abt how often the docs had office. Its like pp dont need help on other days like that...

starluster, eeeee...actually i never discuss with her abt termination notice period leh.. for my case, cos the bbsitter had her own set of things (cot, mattress, etc, as she bbsit alot) so i only need to pass minimal (detergent, pampers, milk powder) to her..so thank goodness the costs get cut down abit... For steriliser, most aunties will still use the boiling method so u can don't get them a steriliser. What I did when I am not sure of my bb's consumption vol is that I use FM again..eheheh..so wasted also not so sim tia cos its not ebm :p heheh.ur bb got as little hair as mine :p very alert looking bb!

afcai, i thot bf bb poo all the time?

eerrr..why my name disappear from the feb list again?

Gathering in Feb
1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
11. Mabellsh
12. berry
13. serene
14. bobianah
15. Dora
16. bloom
i dun need to pay agent fees. it's the nanny who need to pay the agent commission for getting her a job.
so maybe tats the reason the agent dun bother to do the contract for me.
good also lah then i get to write watever i want....hee heee.

my nanny also said she dun need any major item from me but i din see cots etc in her hse. must find out more tis weekend.

we must try not to imagine bad things happened to bb while at nanny's otherwise sure worried till no end. as long as bb gain weight, no cuts and bruises and dun seem to be afraid of the nanny then ok kua.

yeah lor, when i am back in sg, i bbsit myself. so it's kinda good deal for the nanny coz i m in sg for 2 wks most mths.

company base in HK, so no choice.
Hi Afcai,

The rashes appear alot on her neck! I presume like you say due to sweat. Hope it recover itself :D.

Hi Mbb,

Can I have the agent no for nanny? As I am in search for a nanny for my bb gal.

Hi hi! Wish I can join all of u for the Feb gathering, but I guess we'll have to wait for Jul/Aug.

Yah, I know what u mean, it's such a strange feeling... so near and yet so far hor....

The temperature outside is about 6 degrees today. The heating facility in my apartment really cannot make it. Hb had to urgently go buy 2 mini portable heaters yesterday. And guess what? When I activated both heaters at the same time last night, kenna power trip. Hubby had to make a trip to the mains located at basement to re-set the switch.... my goodness, this place is so backward. So can only turn on one heater at any time...

Hi Jen
Aiyah, I should have asked u about backache earlier... now cannot do anything liao, can only hope for self recovery.

You are so sweet, unfortunately I'm closer to Milan, not Rome. But if you ever have trips to Italy, must let me know.

Sigh... diapers here cost 2x the price in Singapore. And according to hb who went scouting for stuff yesterday, he couldn't find bottle detergent, baby laundry detergent and rubber changing mat. Can u believe the supermarkets don't even have proper box tissues? ... aiyoh

err..you are right! 16 mummies + 16 babies + possibly 16 hbs! wahahaha!

think my place would be too cramped.


aiyo! how can italy not even have such basic things! *pat pat* yeah like bloom said we can easily ship stuff over. i remembered the other time i shipped 12 bottles of fei zai shui to my friend in Germany! wahaha!
mbb, thats cool. How i wish I can bbsit 2 weeks out of every month too! But u will definitely miss her when u r away.

sylk, u mean u just shifted to another place or last time u never spend the winter there and never lookout for those bb stuff so u didn't know they exist. I think u really need to do some courier from singapore liao.. abit silly but 'no choice'

doggiebb, u ship 12 bottles over har? I found a UK site that time and ordered 1 bottle for my friend in germany :p

Bb cried last night till after midnight again, then hubby lost his temper again, and ask me to call hospital and ask hospital what can be done..alamat....
ha ha...your hb din ask hospital can take bb back?? sometimes, i wish i can do tat

tha agent's name is Christie and her tel is 90114180. hope you can get a good nanny

last time we get to spend a week in Rome then i can go over to visit you. now it's juz a miserable 2 days. but if the long pattern is back n i am lucky enough to get it, i will go visit you. can even DHL all the bb stuffs you need to your doorstep as i hv loads of free cargo

i wrote to the yoga workshop leh. if the price for one session is reasonable then we see if we can hv our gathering there. less stress plus we get to learn bb yoga.

go gal! can go kai kai with Jovey leh.
everytime i go out, i still hv bodyguard. even when i go brisk walking every evening with Meg, my hb or mum will tag along. hee heee....i still no guts.
Morning Mummies

I solved my diapers problems for now. Hubby bought Pet Pet M sized last evening. It looks a bit big on my girl, but at least no leak. I was telling hubby my girl really win liao lor.. 3+ weeks only using M sized diapers liao....

Your girl really looks different, now her chubby cheeks are so cute. You did a good job!!!

Ranting abt IL....
That day my MIL and SIL came and asked me how come my girl look thinner... I was like $%#%@%$ she put on almost 1kg in 2 weeks leh, just tat it all went to her thighs and arms... They come once a week then pick on this and that. Then my girl got infant acne, my MIL and SIL say its because we never clean her properly... told her PD say it's not, it's because of leftover hormones from mummy... MIL said she never heard of it before, all her 3 babies didn't have this problem... I was so pissed I told her every baby is different lah! My girl was already so hot and in sweat already, my MIL still scolded me for switching on the fan for her... say her tummy got wind because I switched on the fan....and my girl is so small shouldn't take any medication, why are we giving her the Ridwind medication from the PD.... and they came at 8pm + and stayed till 10pm....My SIL still went to take the rattle and keep playing with my girl....both me and my girl were so tired liao....I was so pissed I told them it's time to feed my girl and went into the room and bo chup them..... then later that nite, my girl kept fussing and fussing and slept only at 12pm when her usual bedtime is 10pm.... I told hubby next time ask them dun come so late can or not... hubby say they not free mah... wah lao... so the baby have to accomodate their schedule lah!!!Grrr...

Ohh... things in Europe is super expensive one lah... And I think those environmentally unfriendly things like diapers and tissue (if any) will be doubly expensive cos they discourage the use of it. Think you have to ship them over liao.

Wah detox ah... sounds terrible leh... hope Reyna is ok now.

Glad to know that your girl's hearing has improved. Poor girl... hopefully her discomfort will be gone soon and she can feed better soon.
Just now saw a notice at the void deck for 18 month playgroup... $310 for a term of 10 weeks..wow..makes me feel like going to study for myself then open my own private playgroup class :p

mbb, he knows that is not possible lah.... else KKH will have alot of leftover bbs liao :p
Guess u must be staying at some outskirt of Milan that y the plc so 'wu-loo'....How to bear with the cold when u can only on 1 heater??? Hope yr ger ger is coping well

What are u waiting 4, quick quick give yr BB shopping list to MBB

Bloom, doggiebb,
U ladies sent food to friends while they are oversea...I sent 8 days...hahaha

doggiebb, MBB,
BB yoga gathering sound interesting
....But i have one problem....Going to start work on 1st Feb, so hope can still make it for the gathering...Dont want to miss the fun..

Just do it, u sure can make it one. At first abit worry but once u r alone somehow u know must be able to handle BB no matter what. My FIL offered to pick me up but i didnt and try taking bus with Jovey. I have so much fun
..Than this KS mummy prepare some FM just in case Jovey become cranky halfway through the journey. Lucky BB on good behavior and we reach home happily
Morning Ladies,

Jus a pc of information 4 u from wat I see in the hospital... There was this boy having high fever and both his parents were there but guess wat, he soesn't want his parent at all, his parent were jus like some not so close ppl to him. He's sticky to his granny all the time, even when his father was ard. When I saw this I knew what happen... ie the boy is taken care by the granny all the while n only goes home on weekend. He stayed wif the granny day n nite, hence he is more sticky or shld said glue to her all the while. So, if u r leaving ur bb with the nanny most of the time, u can expect this to happen. It's not the first time I've seen such scenario.

Yes, the rashes were like those fake measles, but not sure if she's itchy with it.
Bonjour ladies,
Yesterday spent whole day @ my mum's place, to monitor my bb's progress.

Still trying to read all the postings while I pumping milk now.

Hi Vanessa,
Glad u n bb Reyna r recovering. Do take care.

Hi Kimi,
wow.. u just recover that day fm fever n you went to jogging. Really peifu you. I always said want to go jogging but end up too lazy to do that.

HI Starluster,
yur bb looks so chubby now n eyes so huge. hee so sweet

Hi Ruffybear,
pls advise if you need to spend more time pumping using Medela Harmony?

Hi Sylk,
U must take care hor.. lucky now the euro is dropping. But stuff in Europe r still super expensive.

Hi doggiebb,
I forgot which one mention she has the bumper mat fm smallworld. Is it you? Is the mat very comfy for bb use? I also thought of getting one too.

wow.. a gathering in Feb. Must be real fun. Do count me in too.. n babies can get to make many friends on that day. Hope the gathering is held before CNY.

Gathering in Feb
1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
11. Mabellsh
12. berry
13. serene
14. bobianah
15. Dora
16. bloom
17. Gan
i didnt shave my bb head lei... she's born like that.. near botak. my mum said she got more hair than i did when i was born! so i guess she got my hair gene..

mbb, jackie, dora,
honestly i dont like pau pau look, coz i had big pau when i was young, and even now.. my cheeks are chubby. always kana tease while growing up lor.. tat is why i hope my gal not chubby cheeks coz i dont wanna her to go thru the teasing that i got.

jackie, mbb,
i oso havent go out w bb alone.. always got someone around... not say dont dare or wat.. but no chance lor.. always mum around or hubby ard. :p

tat is why i dont want to send my bb back to msia, though my mum have been offering. i got a lot of colleagues doing that.. but i just dont feel good abt it.
wah.. alot of posts to catch.. can't rem who wrote wat again... heee~ :p last night bb room in with me.. kept waking up every 1 1/2hour for milk.. den he din sleep well kept "eh eh eh"... me dunnoe wat's wrong with him.. juz keep patting him to sleep.. finally, my mom came to check on both of us at 5am.. told me tt bb too cold lah.. juz need a towel to let him sleep peacefully.. aiyo.. me really jialet.. i was already all wrapped up in blanket liao n forget tt bb afraid of cold too... bad mommy here...

kept reading tt reyna got allergic reaction.. is she getting better?

thanks alot.. wah.. a day's worth of sample ah.. dun need lah.. paiseh.. :p gd tt ur bb is outgrowing her size S soon.. a gd size tt she's eating well.. heee~ mine hor, my mom kept saying tt mine is tiny aft she saw qianhui's bb at my bb's full mth... :p kept asking me to bottlefeed so tt bb will be able to drink more... :p

hope madeleine's cleft surgery can be brought forward aft individual review.. wah.. never expect her to be able to disturb the stent even with mitten..

wah.. weather there really cold leh.. rem to dress bb warm warm.. dun be like a blur mommy like me.. onli noe tt i'm cold but forget abt bb... :p if u need help in getting anything in s'pore, can always let us noe..
den we won't feel as paiseh when we ask u to help us buy cute bb's clothes when u coming back.. hahahaha.. :p
i also predict tat such scenario might happen to me sooner or later but not to the extend tat Meg wans the nanny and not me.
on a positive note, if bb is sticky to nanny then i dun hv to worry abt bb being ill treated.
i will juz hv to do as much bonding as possible with Meg whenever i am back.
some parents really bo chap abt their child thus end up lidat. like one of my fren's SIL. she only spend like half a day with the bb in a week.
the rest of the week, she put the bb at her IL's.
cannot blame the child for not being close to the parent.

how many bottles did you give Kathleen's nanny? did you provide detergent as well?
are you using cloth nappy at the nanny's place?

tonite i will try to go out alone with Meg.
i like the idea of having gathering at the yoga place.. can learn yoga with bb... so nice....
but i afraid i will ended up twisting bb... hahahahaha... :p
True, that's why I'm expecting this to happen to my nephew's gal, they r putting her with her nanny full day, initially dun even want to visit her after work, now nearby liao, so willing to go...

yeah yeah! it's me! so far i only open up once but i like the feel and texture of it. plus the colour is so vibrant.

just realised that CNY is 3 weeks away and i am still too FAT to wear any of my pre-preg clothes ~WAILS~ what am i going to wear for CNY? hate the idea of going out shopping for those GIGANTIC SIZED clothes!
Talkig bout CNY, I only bought 1 set of clothings for myself.. so miserable rite? Is never so poor thing b4...
Even the bags and shoes I also going to wear old ones.

Now, everything is just baby, baby and baby... He dunno got how many sets of new clothes liao.

Only comfort is that, this year CNY will be more lively with BB around..

Btw, my baby already went to live with my mum liao... Now only me and hubby at home, sometimes a bit miss baby. Everyday just go over to my mum's place for a while then back to our own home.

ask u sthg hor. now tt mandy's sleeping 4 a longer stretch at nite, i keep having v painful blocked ducts come nite time cos too long nv 'use' e breast. but during e day, she'll eat a bit more.. wld tt increase e ss n worsen e blocked duct at nite? like tt v cham leh... wld our breasts eventually get accustomed to bb only suckling in e day?

another thing, just got 2 medication 4 my reflux fr e GP - Veragel (antacid) n Maxolon. wld u noe if they're compatible 4 BFing? GP said they r lah but i wanna make sure... some websites say ok, some say nt ok... v luan leh!

MBB, Vanessa,

I've fren who oso put her son w her parents n only fetch him bk on weekends. she got v upset cos her son din want her to carry n wanted her parents. somemore she stayed at home to look after him 4 q a few mths, even after ML... q sad lah...


me oso sian bt CNY cos we can't go visiting this yr since my dad just passed away... her 1st yr leh! there goes e ang pow n e dressing up (4 her lah, nt me). like when can she start wearing her nice clothes??? haiz...

y bb go live w ur mum? then u must pump n bring milk 2 ur mum everyday ar?

ha ha... new yr clothes ar? me every yr oso wear q e same thing...i dun haf e habit o buying new clothes during CNY n i've been wearing e same pair o shoes 4 CNY 4 bt 5yrs liao...
Gathering in Feb
1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
11. Mabellsh
12. berry
13. serene
14. bobianah
15. Dora
16. bloom
17. Gan
18. Ruffybear ( if can make it)

Yeah takes a bit longer then you double pump. For me takes about 15min to get 75ml from each side.. My supply not that great but at the moment enough for roy as the most he takes is 120ml per feed

Just back from supermarket shoppung and Mcdonalds breakfast with Roy.. supermarket shopping is a challenge coz have to 1 hand sling this 6kg bb and the other steer the shopping trolley.
I've just lost another bottle battle with bb, she rather sleep than drink. In the hospital she also like that, I went out to see GP n told nurse to feed her EBM, then she simply refuse n sleep... ARGG.....

Our breasts wkill get use to the schedule. At nite jus pump a bit to relieve the engorgement lor, dun empty it totally. This will reduce the ss...

U got new clothing this yr lah.. those u jus bought from MIM? I'm using those as my CNY clothing... now I got prob with the bottom, same as doggiebb, dun wish to shop for gigantic size clothes.

As for the medication, I wouldn't know. If GP say ok, then shld b fine, cos they also dun want to thrash their professionism rite... how u check the medication on thw website huh?
Bloom, tried feeding thawed EBM to Evee again last nite and today. Seems that when she is hungry she will take some of the EBM after giving me a weird look then halfway through she will reject. Think have to keep giving her some to try everyday till she accept.

Vanessa, checked with PD before when my elder girl got the rashes in the past that the rashes will not be itchy, but that time the rashes took about 2 weeks to totally disappear...

Gathering in Feb
1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
11. Mabellsh
12. berry
13. serene
14. bobianah
15. Dora
16. bloom
17. Gan
18. Ruffybear ( if can make it)
19. QSG ( if can make it)

thx 4 answering my qns. i just typed in e medicine name then e word 'breastfeeding' n do a search lor. dunno leh, some website says e Maxalon is consumed by BFing mums to increase milk ss, just lik wat e GP said... but there's one website saying e e med wld pass into BM n tt Bfing mums shld not take e med. u tink i shld trust e GP?

those tt i bot at MIM ar? those r t-shirts leh. just plain tops. only bot 1 nicer black top but it's black lor, dunno ppl wld mind me wearing it 4 CNY or nt.... anyway, i bot them 4 nursing one... until u mentioned CNY then i remembered CNY's coming... heh heh...
me too!!!!!! still oil barrel

like wrong timing to give birth lidat. so stressful having to lose sooooo much weight in such short period.
doggiebb, Vanessa,
Me too....Didnt have a chance to go shopping for CNY clothing and at the same time dont want to upside my pants....Hope by so doing will encourage myself to exercise and slim down faster...But than the stubborn 2kg just refuse to go away

Enjoy yr outing with BB Meg

I have the same habit as u...At least 2 sets of new clothings for CNY...Now wondering what to wear for CNY liao

BB eh eh eh mean cold ah??? Than i am gulity of the same crime lar...Last night was rather cold but never put extra blankets for BB...Lousy mummy....

vanessa, doggiebb, kimi,
i juz bought new nursing wears fr milky way n going to wear them for new year lor.. but realised tt i won't be fully untilising them.. coz i may be switching to bottlefeed bb with EBM...
will be wearing my old jeans.. in the past, it's loose fitting.. now is tight tight fit... become hot mom liao.. hahaha... :p

actually had a qn want to ask u since beginning of the wk.. but dun dare ask coz u very bz n tired liao.. :p

ask u hor.. if i want to switch to bottlefeed bb with EBM totally, how do i pump? still pump every 3 hours? or is there a way to reduce number of pumping sessions but still maintain the supply? want to get myself prepared when i return for work too.. i can't be pumping every 3 hours oso.. at most can squeeze out 1/2 hour session during lunch time...

abit sad tt i can't persist total latch on leh.. but really considering switching to bottlefeed bcoz i really can't bring myself to bf in public.. everytime i go out with bb, i will be so stressed.. the moment bb is fully awake n starts figeting, i will be worried tt i won't be able to make it back home in time to feed bb.. den poor bb oso like no chance to enjoy the air outside lidat.. he onli wake up awhile see the surrounding lidat.. once he cries, it will be home for him liao...
