(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Bloom, do you still have lochia? Dunno why already 1 month, i still have abit of brownish discharge on and off.

kimi, your bb can sleep well in the daytime already?

the bb blisscard is a Cashcard.

then follow up the pkg with KKH more worth or go polyclinic better? cos i rem Qianhui say be4 bb less than 1mth have priority in polyclinic wor. but i dunno the cost of each jab liao lar.

mine suppose 2 be done on 22 Dec, she was born on 22 Nov but i pulled forward to 17 Dec coz want to do on weekend mah... tink it's like b-day lor, just on the same day????

oh thanks for your advices!
i dun remember you posting yr girl's photo?
Hi choo,
thks. didn't expect to deliver so early and furthermore no syptoms to show I'm gg to delivered till doc told me cervix open 4cm.

my mum mentioned that pig troters can only consumed during the 3rd wk of delivery.
Hi Jen,
guess polyclinic would charge cheaper for the jab. will ask hubby to find out when he took bb to polyclinic next wed.

gg to bath later, hubby can't stand my smelly sweaty hair. actually,intending to bath after 12 days but chubby can't stand it liao. :p also advise by person at the medicine hall tat as long as one use boiled water with herbs, it is ok to bath even evryday.
Hi Qianhui,
wow, the jauniceof yr bb is rather high. mine is 187 when discharge but rose to 205 next day. 2 days later, hubby and my mum took her to BB polyclinic, jaurnice level is 200 so need to follow up next wed.

I didn't buy any breadst pump.

NUH really suck leh...Lucky u r one strong mummy... Do take good care of yourself cause BB need u

Yr gal gal got alot of expression hor. My boi also but we can never capture the moment...

My ah boi also prefer my left nei nei...End up now right nei nei ss is low...Sigh, working hard to make him latch on the right side....

Will we end up with one big and one small nei nei after stopping BF since BB got preference???

All the best for yr delivery
gynae is mary rauff. i still think she is gd, but too busy liao. 3 births ongoing n one turned into an emergency c-section. when my labour was going on, another of her patients came in n they had to prepare for her scheduled twin delivery in the evening also. so many things going on at the same time... a bit too much lah. also, i'm a bit disappointed that her condition wasn't discovered earlier. at least i will hv time to prepare myself mentally.

i'm v. suay. a lot of deliveries going on, so there was a nurse shortage. only 1 trained nurse monitoring me, n she is also monitoring another delivery next door. the nurse counter was empty, so all i had were the filipino "nurses". the nurse asked them to set up gas for me, the filipino will open every cabinet door one by one to find the tubes. being left alone with the filipinos is v. panic inducing, they dun understand a word i say n they obviously dun know where things r.

as for the frenzy that my bb created, i was told it's common cos many hospital nurses dun actually know how to deal with clefts. my bb is getting her condition treated in kkh, met another mummy there who delivered in mah, she said it was the same, total frenzy, no idea how to feed bb.

what is the funnel size u r using with medela? medela has 3 different funnel sizes. if the funnel size isn't right, bleeding will occur bcos of friction.
hey gals,
ask u har. i go toilet & clean hor.. find that got slight yelloiwsh discharge leh. is that "sign"? but din stain my pantyliner at all. Oni wipe "there" then hv .
You are such a strong mother to have gone thru all these..stay strong and I am sure your baby will be fine after the ops..stay postitive... Meanwhile take good care of yourself too as u r still in confinement..

By the way, i hv been expressing milk every 3 hrs but my milk flow seems to be keeping constant at 80ml per pump and no sign of increasing..will expressing milk regularly increase the milk flow or do we still hv to latch baby on to increase the milk flow?

My boi is born on the 28th Nov and I am putting forward the celebration on the 23th Dec as it is on a weekend.. i think it should be ok as long as the date that u select for celebration is not later...

By the way, do u ladies hv any caterer to recommend for a good buffet? I am still cracking my head over the choice of a caterer for baby's full month celebration
Hi Calynn ,
same here. bb dun latch on for more than an hr cos she will fell asleep after that. no matter how hard I tried to wake her up, she just dun bother to wake up. so need to get up to feed every 1-3 hrs depending on her need.
i heartache for you and your girl after reading your post. Hope everything will be fine. most important u don't stress yourself ok?

Btw for my experience i happen to miscarriage b4 and was sent to NUH for emergency, mary rauff attend to me. I find her unprofessional at all. she told me got to wait for 8 hours b4 cleanin of my womb but i waited for more then 8 hours and i was very very hungry. I wait for her more then 8 hours suppose the surgery is 8pm i waited for her till 12am she still not there. I have a bad experience with her so i never want to go back NUH anymore.

so your girl will have her surgery at kkh or nuh?
i think kkh doctors are more professional then nuh.

gd u so kan de kai. but if anything dun keep it inside hor. can come here n vent! we'll always b here. at least i tink i'll log in everyday lah...


i tink it's e training at special care. my hubby always say our bb can 'sleep thru a shit storm'! heh heh. in e day, we play loud music on our hi-fi, watch action movie, talk in e rm etc etc she oso won't wake up one. n she doesn't cry. she only whimpers when she's hungry but will usu sleep it off herself... until maybe 30-40min later she buay tahan liao then wld cry. other than tt, she doesn't cry during bath, when diapers soiled, diaper changing time etc. can move her ard vigorously when she sleeps she oso doesn't stir! maybe she's used to being ignored at special care lor!
tt's y v easy to take care of. besides e 3-4hrly feedings (q fixed liao) n bathing, e rest r free time 4 me.


i tink u desperate liao! heh heh... i tink show shld b brownish, pinkish or w blood. yellowish shldn't mean anything bah!


nvm lah! u did ur best. if force urself n kena so stressed up, bb can also feel e vibes oso nt gd wat! as long as bb's thriving can liao.
so how u stop ur milk ss? take medication huh?

our bbs born on e same day leh. u holding ur full mth this sun? so fast. it's act. next thur then 22nd rite? u brought 4ward huh?

jackie, bloom,

my gal bv get to feed on both breasts at one session one. then must always start w alt breasts. now i v confused. 4got which breast she was feeding on at e last session... *scratch head*
I am holding the full mth celebration on 24 dec (lunch time)....Have shortlisted Angel's Restaurant and Neo garden. BTW, most carterer only serve x-mas menu and rather $$$$. Hope the information is useful

afcai, Calynn,
My boi boi also sleep whenever i feed him...End up got to tickle, hold him up-right, etc. to wake him up....He still sleep like no-body business. But when i put him down he will start crying for milk....BF really not easy but we shall "JIA YOU"

Recently i start with the right side which boi boi dislike...Hope to built up the ss otherwise kana one small one big nei nei than i
Hi Jackie,
yeah. now typing with one hand only with my little princess latch on.

breast milk contains foremilk and hind milk(rich in calcium etc) but dunno when the foremilk stop and the arrival of flow of hind milk. I tried to empty my breast as much as possible so that bb can get both kind of milk.

really need lot of effort, patient and satifice of sleep to bf. so how long will u intendung to bf? for me, will stop after my ML cos woorkplc not conventient to express.

did u look for mala lady for massage? intending to do that. will call either later or tomolo morning?
Hi QianHui,
my hubby went to ICA for registration of birth cert for bb. much cheaper than doing it at hospital. yr bb's BC no seem like a pizza hot line. mine also easier to remember, first 4 digit same as u and then followed by all no 1.
Hv u try angel's restaurant before? Is the food ok? I didn't consider 24th cos worried most pple will be busy on Christmas Eve...
Hi Geri Zoe Lim Poh Hoon,
yup, the voice of the mid-wife is loud and no so friendly type. luckily, she changed shift liao. the other one is really nice , supportive and encourgement.so I did leave feedbck on the form. the nurse st KKH also taught bf skill when asked. learn it during my third day stay. shd have asked earlier or else my nipple won't be so sore till now. it might due to not properly latch on.

hmm tot bb stayed in nursery care mah , how come got 1 bedded for bb.

yup, that's what my mum said pig trotter suppose to eat 3rd week of confinement. she only start boiling the vingar and ginger (without pig trotter) last week so that the ginger 'lu wei'.
Hi Ladies,
Just managed to log in now... haiyo, this time round confinement really not easy leh.... So damn hot n humid and smelly.... just now cannot tahan, instead of wiping myself, I jump under the shower head to have a quick rinise, now feel better.

Bfing is really not an easy task, even I got tired of it. I'm basically deprive of sleep
Wait up almost every 2 - 3 hrly to latch her on, cannot use lying down position cos my no. 2 on the same bed as me, so no place for no.3... bobian, got to carry her and latch her on while keeping shaking my head to keep myself awake....

Think most ppl can't escape not crying during confinement period.... I just cried this afternoon, felt so stressed up with my no.1 and so tired, since I've already been deprived of sleep for almost 3 days....

Don't worry too much regarding ur ss. the ss will not increase if there's no sudden spurt like pumping every hrly instead of 3 hrly..... bb will go through a growth spurt think at 3rd wks or so, this is when they will request to nurse almost hrly hence u got to fulfill that, so that ur breast will produce more ss for them. The ss didn't increase cos ur brain did not receive a signal saying that the production is unable to meet the demand, hence it's always remain at 80ml, cos that's wat ur bb need at this moment. Hope I've answered your queries.

Dr Sim did mentioned to me that the Locia will be "Cleaned" after abt 6 weeks, hence she scheduled me to see her again in 6 weeks time for the PAP Smear.

Don't worry lah, during bfing period, mayb will be 1 big n 1 small, but if we stopped bfing, the nei nei will regain the usual size lor... Try to latch ur bb on the side that he hates.... hahaha... very jik ark hor, but no choice lah... else u pump out that side lor

U very heng, got such a good bb....

Oh, when I read ur birth story, I was like huh?! NUH really so inexperience with child birth, and they sound so unprofessional.... anyway, it's over now... what u need now is to stay strong, remember we will always be here for you.

During my delivery, my gynae also very busy.... she was at RH delivering another bb, so when I was having the urge to push (suddenly), the whole labour ward when into chaos, cos they haven't prepare anything yet for my bb's arrival plus my gynae not around.... then I was given the gas n I think suddenly there's so many nurses around me, cos 1 got to give me gas, the other got to stop me from pushing while the rest preparing those labour stuffs.... Everything just happen so suddenly.

Don't feel sad abt not able to give bm, as long as u had tried ur best, no one is to be blame.... my no.1 also on formula, so no worry, formula bb also will grow up strong n healthy. Try again for no.2 lor...

Issit true? just bath with the herbs n it's ok to shower everyday?! That's a good news man...hmm... see if I can talk to my mum over this....haha... really cannot tahan, hot, smelly and sticky.... then bb also feel sticky too...yucks!
Hi Jackie,
thks for the wishes. dunno why the veins all come out. 2 even burst. I did push hard cos mid-wife etc told me to push hard.
Hi Vanessa Lu,
thks for the wishes. yup, hubby was shocked, I did not use epidural.

is it didn't realise that and didn't know liver will reduce milk. will ask my mum not to cook. have beenc consumming for the past 3 days. y'day and today, i did not eat cos I told her that I'm eat a bit scared. I consumed veg, fish soup, pig tongue.

yup, 4th day then got breast milk supply only.

did u hear abt the "sheng hua" soup? the tonic is used to flush out any 'dirt'. during ym stay in hosptial, the mum of another mummy intro to my mum. so have been consuming 2 packet (total got 3 pck) . wow, the impact is I keep on farting, also pooing for 2-3 times per day.

did u engage any malay massage?
Hi Shihui,
Congrats for the new arrival of yr prince.

yup, I did not even know my cervix is already dilated. at first, the mid-wife is trying to stop the bleeding by pressing hard on my lower part. no one know where the continuously bleeding come fr till the medical student is observing and then the mid-wife that the bleeding come fr the veins.

hubby was quite nervous and scared cos he saw a lot blood flooding out. yup, after my delivery , whenever I stand up, my head spin and then also felt breatheless during my sec day stay. so blood is drawn for testing and the doc said blood count low.

now feeling ok, no head spinning, heart pump regularly. so given iron tablets loh.

so how are u now? (dun forgot we are neighbour 2 block apart only.)
Went out the whole day today after seeing gynae.

I'll be delivering at TMC. Thought your edd is 25 Dec? My bb is also too comfy inside. Gynae says that bb is likely to be overdue. Still very high up my stomach...Sian. Can feel my neck growing longer.

Jen & Dora
Admire your courage. Never cross my mind not to have epidural. Am just too timid...

Seeing your bb fotos make me so envy...She'so adorable.
Hi Jen,
I always got to go early during my appt tim with doc. hai. only managed to consume 1 coconut on 1/12. but when I wanted to consume 1 wk later (8/12), little princess of mine can't wait to come out.
Hi mummies who have popped,
Can you share with me how long it takes for your wound to heal and be painless? Juz want to be more mentally prepared!

My colleagues shared with me that normally mummies who went thru c-sect have bigger tummy and find it harder to losing weight. True? Juz curious.
Karen P, so will u cooking/eating out after CL left?

QSG, thanks for advance... I am thinking of the same thing for lunch but for dinner I might still have to go out and buy cos hubby works late.... still got to 'cater' time for laundry etc...really peifu u handling both at the same time!

Vanessa, my concern is that my bb (since premature) has lower immunity and might fall sick easily if I bring her out to dabao everyday..sighh...

kimi... u really can squeeze into alot of things to do! really peifu! :p

Jen, my gynae is TMC but last minute went KKH cos bb is premature the the costs at TMC is very high.... on my last day got a nurse come in and told me got a short briefing on bathing bb, breastfeeding etc.. it was held at a corner with a fake bb doll..ahahhaha

Calynn, dont worry abt not bf-ing. Like what my colleague says, if we cannot eat well, the bm is not very nutrious anyway. How did u stop? Did u just stop pumping and let the ducts block or what? FYI, my sis' bb is on FM too, and she is now double the size of my bb though they are only 8 days apart!

afcai, they never told me abt the jab package leh..seems that kkh not very consistent leh...

QSG, I still have lochia..gynae said since I am c section , I should have it for about 1.5 months..I check with a c section fren and hers lasted abt 1 month 1 week..so around there lah... not sure if thats the case for normal delivery...

Jackie, Vanessa, actually I feel like closig the factory on the left side since production is not much.. ehehhe..anyway to just close factory on one breast? :p

och, I have no idea what is the funnel size... cos I had used the medela in the hospital and then the one I use at home used to belong to my sis so I am not sure what size is it... anyway to find out?

kimi,..ahaha... ur bb really good to take care.. maybe tougher training at SCN pink... cos SCN blue has less bb so I guess more attention?

Jackie, today I tried to start my bb on the side that she hates (left side)..in the end she cries non stop for 1 hr .... biang!
yikes, u had backpain too? Can i ask u ah... when u had the back labour pains, did u totally not have stomach pains or did they come together, just maybe the back pain was worse?

had a scare this morning... woke up at 3am last night with severe backpain and some stomach cramping but somehow i figured that wasnt the real labour pain so tried to sleep but cdn't for next 2 hrs.
Woke up ard 7am and got fresh blood in my discharge so hubby brought me to TMC. Doc put me on CTG then said my contractions not strong so definitely not time yet. She also did internal examination n said no dilation yet so wait summore lor...

but whole day today, off and on got back pain for like 20+ seconds each time, every half hr or so.... anyone know whether those are Braxton Hicks or the real type of contraction? how we know ah?? whether practice or real one?? jialat man...

nways, meanwhile, still giraffe also lah

conniemummy, all the best!! jia you!

My BB also got the green butt leh.. My mum said it's common, will go away wan..


I think must either fax in or mail in.. didn't find any option for the online sign up... It's a cashcard with $38 top up inside..


Yup quite high lor.. on his 3rd day, is 242, then 5th day is 240 I think.. then today (15th day), is 144.. next week must bring again.. under 100 then dun need to go again..

Doc said breast feeding BBs common to hv longer jaundice leh.. plus I've been feeding him total breastmilk since day 3 onwards..

For the birthcert, yup, NUH must pay $5 more as admin charge, but to me it's ok, coz from my place to ICA, the transport and time taken will be much more liao.. Some more at NUH, I dun even need to queue at all.. Quite fast and done liao.

Ya lor, very easy to remember, I'm a lazy one, my IC number got so many numbers, write forms or even lucky draw form also write til hand tired. So I choose short short name for my son too..


Agreed, I also dunno cried how many times liao... half of the time I also cried. Sometimes simply to sad, too pissed, be it by BB or In-laws or hubby.

Me also simply go under the shower, I cannot tahan the idea of being dirty and expressing milk..


Dun worry, my BB is only 4 days earlier then EDD. Even during when I had 1 contractions in 5 mins, then 1 in 3 mins (by then was 4-5cm dilated) but the BB is still very high and not engaged. They burst my water bag liao then BB slowly slowly move down, BB is low only when I was 8-9cm dilated. So dun worry bout BB being high up, though I understand, it's very irritating to know BB is still high up and not engaged.

For me, I had contractions 1st.. when I was 4-5cm dilated, I had some kind of backache, then they broke my water bag, contractions became worse then the backache also became worse, they both can come at the same time. Backache is not neccessary 'PAINFUL' as in those hitting/bleeding/bruise kind of pain, but it's kind of aching and very very 'suan' til you wish you dun have a back. At least, that's what I hope when the backache is really bad.
Qian Hui
Thks for your assurance. Gives me some hope....Sure hope I can be like your case. 4-5cm dilation without realising it though my gynae says my cervix is still thick and 'stubborn'.

Getting tired of waking up middle of nite cos of hunger. Do you ladies experience this? From time of conception till now, I've been feeling hungry every few hours and often have to wake up at nite just to munch. Have already piled on 20kg! This explains why I'm online at this hour!!!

me still here...sigh...now instead of asking bb to wait....got to ask bb come out quickly!!


thank you for the full mth date advice! if i am holding a full mth buffet shd be taking Neo gardens instead!
heard it's nice!!


thanks for the info on blisscard!!


your bill for TMC one bedded was abt $1680 does tat include the earlier $1000 deposit?


Can share your bill too? how many bedded did you take?
btw if i express milk n to be store into fridge must i use bottle to store it? is there any other milk bag to store the milk? for milk to be consume within 48hr i shd be putting in the normal compartment right? how abt for milk store at freezer?thanks!

tis is my bb Megdelene

the delivery is almost pain free. it's the bbsitting part tat i hv to get used too.
hi stephanie
i think my bad backache had covered over my adominal cramps. like wat qian hui says, my back was v v v v v v (to the power of infinity) 'suan'.
to know whether its braxton hicks, try to chg position (like from sitting to going down on your fours) when you had the pain. if the pain goes away, then its braxton hicks. if not, see if there is a regularity, like every 15 mins, you will have the pain for say about 15 secs.

yeah! it includes the $1000 paid earlier


your little darling so adorable!

thanks everyone who answered regarding my "orh chey" piku...heheh

aiyo..last night soo tired. latch from 10.45 to 12am, then 2.30 to 4.30am, then 6.45 to 7.45. then CL carried bb in at 9am and say bb need milk again. i nearly fainted. just 1 hr ago i finished feeding leh. quickly ask her to give the 40ml EBM stored in fridge. i so zzzzzzz.

if this go on, i don't know how much longer i can last
your bb gal megdelene is so chubby. Nice sexy lips also leh.

can i know how much is the difference if do the bb registrtaion in KKH & ICA?

Ur bb realli very kuai & wonderful. U are so fortunate as bb dun give u crying pblm leh. Easy to take care also leh. Must talk to my bb also.

aiyo poor u.. always hungry MN @ hv to wake up to find smth to much. So poor thing. I wakeup to pee aldy find it a hassle liao ... hehee

Hey gals,
I very scare leh...... This morning went toilet & saw brown stain on my undies leh. Somemore sticky one. I very scare. I know this could be sign aldy. but i dun experience tummy pain nor contraction or anything yet. Can i still WAIT? Dun call KKH hotline or delivery suite to ask 1st?
Vanessa, your mum allow you to go under the shower? I made appointment to see Dr Sim on 29 Dec for post natal but janelle said cannot confirm yet as she may be on leave. Did you go back to see her after 1 week of your delivery? Btw, will Reyna be taking her injections with Dr Ong also? I am thinking of letting Evee take 6 in 1 there. I heard each jab is $165, any idea if that includes consultation? Usually how much is the consultation?

You still have tail bone pain? the area around my tail bone all pain when i move certain positions...jiat lat.

Bloom, maybe you want to consider order tingkat for dinner.I did that during my first bb's time. Actually what i heard is if c-section, lochia will end faster bec gynae already clean up the womb during the surgery.

DecBB, my first delivery was via c-section and this time is natural, i find natural the tummy reduce in size faster.

thanks a million!


opps!! tink you are going to pop soon leh..shihui also has brown stain then soon she popped! tink u try call KKH hotline see wat they say first!u jump queue!!
but i dun experience pain leh. i shall SMS shihui ask her now. ahaha
Then now just went toilet to check bo liao... maybe my bb let me work 1 more day lar. Somemore my mom ask me to eat more vinegar thing i havent eat leh. later want to go out eat Lor Mee then put more vinegar cos my mom say by eating vinegar more easy to give birth leh.
Morning ladies

Giraffe reporting here...

Your girl is soooo cute... Glad to hear that your delivery was almost pain-free.
Hope you're enjoying motherhood!!

Hmm... looks like a sign, but then I also had that before, gynae told me to wait for contractions... and I am still here
Think according to the antenatal class lost of mucus plug can precede delivery from a few days to 1-2 weeks.... But you better get everything ready and prepared just in case...
Good luck!!

Oh you still here? Think your baby too comfy inside liao :p

Hahaha... I also woke up at 5am feeling hungry this morning, then I forced myself to go back to sleep :p

Last nite's gynae check-up was uneventful... he asked me how I was, I said the same, then he checked and said... "everything normal, now just wait to see when baby wants to come out..." alamak... I felt so sianz when he said tat... now can only continue waiting and be giraffe lor

Can you please update for me? My baby is 3.1kg at 38weeks. Thanks

Your gal really sounds very very guai.... I hope my gal will also be guai like her

You sound like your big day is coming soon... so excited for you!!!
vanessa, qianhui,

last nite (or rather this morning) my turn to cry. my bb oso those kind like jackie's, feed liao lie her bk on e cot, change diapers, wipe her mouth etc... after a few min, she's smacking lips liao. hungry oso dun wanna show earlier kind. yest, she smacked lips again n i fed again. feed halfway she vomitted out lotsa milk, staining my shorts n our master bed. then i v confused. dunno if she's overfed. but then y she smack lips leh?

so after tt i v paranoid liao. at her next feeding (2.30am) e same thing happen. she open mouth n smack lips after e feeding but i too afraid 2 feed her. end up she kept making noise (like grunting) so i fed her at 4am. she din latch n fell asleep on my laps. i's so frustrated n confused tt i just cried lor. smack lips bcos hungry? wants to suck 4 comfort? but she nv wants to suck 4 comfort... if yes, i overfeed her n she vomit again how? really din noe wat 2 do.... so put her bk until 5am she started crying then nurse her again.... so whole nite like tt lor.... wait 4 her to get hungry n latch n trying to decipher all those confusing signals.... haiz.... y these kinda things always happen at nite huh?


SCN blue less bbs ar? SCN pink like always short o nurses one. we always go there during feeding time n bbs wld b wailing 4 food n nobody wld chap them. sometimes, it's even q hard to find a nurse who's free to talk to u. so my gal trained liao lor. once i overheard a nurse say "this bb v irritating, cry all day. let's ignore her." heh heh.... not referring to my bb lah, mine hardly cries.


mine epis wound took 2 wks+ to b painless. guess it cld b faster i used a float rite at e beginning. cso once i started using at e 2nd week, it healed v fast. it'll be more painful after few days cos u'll haf moved n caused friction.

oh btw, waking up in e middle o e nite wld b ur routine after u give birth so u can get used to it now. heh heh...


me going polyclinic today. doc oso said must b under 100. went on monday was 136. was tinking so fast go again will b under 100 meh? haiz.... hopefully lor or else keep going v troublesome..

finally heard fr u! was just wondering how u r. ur gal soooo cute n chubby n she can take pink v well! heh heh... mine hor, skin nt v gd n q reddish, wear pink like suckling pig like tt. heh...
bbsitting's tough eh? nvm, will get used to it lah... got time then rest.... need some sanity then come in here to chit chat a bit...


sticky brown stain? sounds like show wor! but horonce haf show, labour cld still come as late as 2 wks later. but at least it's some sign liao lor!


nursing so tiring hor? e 2 times i cried after giving birth were all during nursing. tired n frutrated n confused. i din gif myself any choice at all. i dun haf formula at home n my ebm all frozen, won't thaw in time 4 bb. i die die oso must latch her on lor. luckily her schedule's q fixed now. just tt she's started vomitting after feeds... haiz.... *shake head* dunno if it's anything i've done wrong....
I also dunno leh. Gynae fix appt to ask me see him again nxt wed wor.

I am pleading her to let me extend few more days of freedom . ahaha somemore mom keep asking me to eat veinegar as it can make labour easier. So later i gg to bring my bb to eat Lor Mee & add in more vinegar lor.

Glad to hear ur labour is almost painfree. hehe
Mommies sorry to interupt...

Thanks again for yr bday wishes for EnEn..
so fast hor.. 1 year already.. last year this time, me still at Mt A recovering from my c-sect pain.. haha

Must keep me posted via sms when U pop ah.. tell yr bb to come out quick quick then can collect christmas presents ma... haha..

just to share, last Sat we celebrated EnEn's 1st bday and we catered from MeiHao99 instead of our usual Neo Garden cos everyone complaining that they have been eating Neo Garden everywhere they go.. I find the food from MeiHao99 is yummy and their food presentation is nice too.. if U want their contact, let me know...

The medical hall and my CL say only need to drink the "sheng hua" drink once le....

actually i have a maid at home but as our house is kinda big, she would only be doing housework and not helping me to take care of bb. but i suppose i can still get her to cook for me. actually my boi is always sleeping around noon hours. i think i should be able to cook myself, if i want to. oh ya, i don't need to do housework, so i suppose my case and yours is different.
