(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

for frozen BM, how do we prepare for bb? do we need to thaw at room temperature or straight away put in warm water to warm it?

no wor. i think i din ask them to chg my EDD bah. from the scan machine it show my EDD is 27th most of the time.

Huh? ur bb still high up? Is bb head down aldy?
U good ah, can BF and reply post at the same time

I have not try Angel's restaurant but heard some good review. BTW, have confirm ordering from them

Me start to feel the stress of BF liao...Yesterday hubby was telling me that confinement shld be the period for me to rest and not wake up every 2-3hrs and BF. Feel so
that i dont have hubby support even though he is worry abt my health.

i went through natural delivery with epidural. My wound didnt hurt but alway have to be careful no big movement to avoid damaging the wound. Feel normal ard 1week+

I normally start with the right side n boi boi suckle for awhile n start screaming....So now hor will alternative feed till i also blur...

Me BM flow not as good as yours. So hor alway need to give FM after BM....Yesterday BB also vomit alot of milk after feeding. So worry leh....Now hor alway try burping him in-between the feed....
Hi Hi mummies

Me reporting strength today. Just came back fr gynae...Yeah!!! BB engaged liao!! Also blood pressure slightly higher n lost some weight last week which Dr says all points towards signs of imminent delivery liao! Cervix also soften oredi but no dilation yet. Ask Dr n she said practically nil chance of bb becoming a Jan bb. Hopefully wun be a giraffe for much longer

I can also feel some changes to my vaginal area. Seems abit swollen n more moist down there.

Hah, hah, quite siao but I can't wait to morph into a milk cow!!

Good to hear fr u. Ur baby is so adorable and fair. Wah u eat alot of birds nest ahh...her complexion so nice.

Sounds like u got show liao. If not sure wat to do better call hospital n check but I think if just show no need to go in yet one loh.

Come in here n chat whenever u need to talk to somebody ok. Dun worry, u n ur baby will be stronger when u both get thru this.

Ur eat, sleep, surf net days wun last much longer. Better enjoy while u can

Can I ask, has any mummies tried the Avent duo breast pump. Any good?
DecBB, frankly speaking, I would rather wake up in the middle of the night cos of hunger than becos bb is crying or had to pump :p At lesat I love food ! :p

QSG, ordered tingkat during one week of confinement. Already quite sick of eating repeated food..ehehe... but if really no choice have to do so loh..any good suggestion?

kimi, could it be wind in the stomach ? hahha.that bad har.. at first blue also short of nurse..then alot of bbs got discharged in the end there is only 5 bbs left :p

Jackie, at least ur bb don;t mind suckling for a while... sighhh....

These 2 mornings overslept and CL feed bb EBM..not started to get block ducts again..
I seem to get block ducts very easily....

Here is a suckling Q / block ducts question for all - bb's sucking supposedly can clear block ducts right? Since my bb refuse to suckle on the left breast, can i ask hubby to do so instead? Otherwise it gets blocked very easily and I have to go back to see LC once a week which is such a hassle. Does adult suckling have the same effect (though hubby die die refuse to do so lah)
Bloom, previoulsy i ordered a few like neo garden, kim kitchen.Like you said, get sick of the food after some time. This round if i do order, i am thinking of ordering from lexin, according to some reviews like quite okay. You didn't buy any breast pump ah? Do you massage before or during bf? It will help to clear the ducts.

You can get your hubby to do that for you as well. Though it's slightly different from bb sucking but at least it's better than going to LC every week. Massaging with hot towels also help to clear ducts. Alternatively, you can also use your hot towels to massage just your nipple. As there is a little sensation on your nipple that you massage will also help to loosen the ducts and clear your milk. Try that to see if it does help.
hahah..ur idea is funnie. well, why don't you put hot towel on ur breast, take a cup of hot drink, then massage your left breast diligently? massage would be able to clear block duct...but i think need quite a lot of efforts la....
burp ur bb after every feed, if time is not up don't feed bb first cos bb might be just need a hug from mummy thats all.
is normal for bb to get cranky at nite and sleep all the way during the day time, slowly they will adjust themself to sleep at nite and play in the day time.
this will happen after baby is full month so just bare with it.
Just came back from lunch... gave in to my cravings and had KFC!!! yum yum


Seems like you're also having some symptoms... happy for you
, but haiyo dun tell me I'll be the last giraffe!!!
I;m back here...

So many posting and questions to answer... I tried to answer everyone of it....

Kimi, Doggiebb,
Haha, last nite I also like that, I woke up a 1am feed, put back, 1.30am wake up again, forget it's to change or feed her.... this continues all the way to 4am, I cannot tahan already, put bb beside me, latch her on in lying down position and she slept till morning 7.30am.

BB is going thru a stage of transistion... their pattern will change... Initially, ur bb may b very guai, don't need to carry, but as they grow, they gets to be more alert on their surrounding, hence that's explain y bb keep waking up crying, sometimes they just need to be hugged for sense of security like in ur tummy like that....That's the reason y my gal managed to sleep till 7.30am while I sleep beside her, cos she can sense the similiar feeling like in my tummy. I'm not fret over the waking up, cos I know this stage will pass soon.... I also latched her on everytime she wake up, but I realise sometimes it's for comfort sucking, anyway, I'm fine with that lor, but for awhile and not too long lah....

Get ur hb to do a thorough massage for you.... That's what my hb did on the very day when my milk starts to flow, so everytime when I pump or feed, I just make sure that's no pain or lumps around the breast, if there is any, I just quickly massage it till the lumps cleared lor.... Train ur hb to be LC lah, my hb now charge me $40 per session, cos he said he's my personal LC now, so he charge $2 less....hahaha...

Welcome back, seems like u also like me huh, missing the forum, that's y back here so soon

ur gal is sooooo cute n chubby.... aiyo, so sweet.... I can't post my gal's photo leh... file too big n can't resize....

Don't be too stressed, tell ur hb, if u r feeling ok with the waking up 2-3 hrly, if u r ok, then both of u shouldn't deprive bb on the goodness... unless u feel very tired over it. In long terms, u will see that all these r worth it.... haha... now my hb only make sure I wake up to feed and rest in the day.... hee hee...

if u have the time, u can actually place the frozen EBM in the lower fridge first 1 day b4 hand, or u can place it in rm temperature to thaw it, but if really really very urgent, place straight into warm water and change water frequently to make sure it gets heated up fast enough to feed ur bb lor.

Dr Sim did tell me if I had any problem, I can make appt to visit her when I bring Reyna back to Dr Ong for her jaundice review, but since I got no problem, so I didn't go lor.... I may not go back to Dr Ong for the injection, but for my no.2 we brought her back for injection and the charges including consultation lor. So bringing bb back to him is better in a sense that he actually give her a check up every visit, but I;m not sure if polyclinic doing that or not.
Normal consultation i think it's about $70 - 80.

My mum only allow me to shower on Tues with the herbs once n I told her I need another one, and she promised me either tml or Sun, but yesterday I cannot tahan, so I jus on the shower and rinse myself lor, didn't use any soap lah, just a quick cooling rinse nia...
My tail bone not so pain liao, but the other pain still there, like when I turn my body, those joints like rusty and cannot move n turn like that, but now better liao.

I've nvr heard of "Sheng hua" soup leh...anyway, I think I'm too late to drink now....

It's SHOW, give u another 2 days of Freedom at most...hahaha... enjoy while u can!! Good Luck!
Hahaha, now I so happy, can tell ppl what was the symptoms of labour....

I've opt for 4-bedded but was given a 2-bedded instead. My hospital bill is only abt $600 which include the extra days both my bb n me had stayed. This time round was real cheap.... I rememebered my hb paying another $1K+ when I gave birth to my no.2. That's was with epi and not including the extra days my gal need to stay when she returned for Jaundice Treatment....

There are milk bags available in the shopping centre. Do not freeze milk in bottles, ur bottles, either glass or plastic will break. My mum broke my medela plastic bottle once, cos she drop the frozen EBM on the floor and the bottle just cracked. For frozen EBM, it can be stored in freezer for 2 months and remember to store in milk bag, though some ppl got no problem storing in glass bottle, just remember not to fill to the rim. My recommendation for milk bag will be Lanisoh milk bag, cheap and good. Avent one mayb cheaper, but Avent one is milk liner, which means it's thinner and more prone to contamination if stored together with raw meat... try to separate the milk with raw meat while storing

I also used to waking up feeling hungry during my pregnancy period especially the last few weeks... but now no more, I rather sleep than to wake up for food liao

Actually u r my inspiration to go under shower.... all the stickiness u talking abt make me lagi buay tahan, so I will just tell myself, qianhui also shower everyday, so aiya what's the heck...comfortable is more impt...hahaha....
hi bloom,

i also asked my hub to suckle for mi when i hav abit of block duct when my milk supply come in. He suckle n spit out the milk. dun dare to taste my milk.. haha..

my confinement ends in 1 week time. finally is over. i still hav abit of mens leh. wondering when the mens will totally stop.
Ask those who gave birth.
Did u told the counter nurse to claim for u all Maternity package benefit that is to withdraw $450 from medisave to reimburse your earlier maternal checkup & scan??? So hv u all recv this check aldy? Dun tell me they lump together with hosp bill & use this $450 to waive off leh...

I want to know end of the day do i get to see this check of $450? I called CPF they say they will send the check to hosp then hosp will then send us the pymt lor.
No lah...no dramatic symptoms not like u all got show lah etc. Jus happy bb may be out by EDD so wun be giraffe with extra long neck.

Ur joints ache after shower is it? I'm planning to shower leh but my fren said her body also ache after tat, so I feel abit scared.

Vanessa, ask u hoh cos I'm so confused now. Do we need to pump rite after delivery in the first 1-3days b4 milk come in?
Hi Bloom,
With regard to the clearing blocked Breast Ducts, try these method:
- Breastfeeding frequently
- Using a breast pump
- Applying warm compresses to breasts prior to feeding (to stimulate milk ejection reflex)
- Offering the baby the infected breast first (to promote complete emptying of infected breast)
- try massaging the breast at least 10 mins before feed. Massaging included:
Applying pressure on breast at 4 sided, it will become soft. use finger to go round in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. next, apply U shape skill on the aerola using index and thumb. Lastly, apply c shape skill on the nipple using index and thumb.

all these will help to soften the breast and also one can see the small opening ard the aerola opened.

tthat's what I learnt from one of the nurse at KKH
Hi Vanessa Lu,

I also did not hear the "sheng Hua" soup before (it's a kind of herb with red flower) good to flush out the system. yup, for u, it was too late to drink. I told my mum to let me drink by this week cos at least flush out all the 'dirt' first before consume more tonic.

did u manage to burp bb after each breast feed? cos everytime, tried to burp but nothing come out cos bb will be closing her eyes and sleep.
No lah, nvr ache after shower.... the ache is continuous from pregnancy....
We need to latch n feed bb on demand during the 1st 3 days so that milk will come in faster.... pumping will not get u anything unless u have plenty of supply like Kimi, else u can pump like 1-2 hrs also get nothing or a little colostrum only... and that amt is wat bb needs at this moment.

I also didn't manage to burp after each feed, sometimes I don't even bother to burp especially at nite... too tired liao.... =P
ask u ar. i saw online that medela got this stroage bag for milk. its a box of 20s. Can reuse the bag again anot after i pour the milk out to bottle??
Hi Jackie,
initially for the first 3 days at hospital and 4th day at home, I needed a lot of pillow/cushion to support. but dunno why on the 5th, automatically, I just sit on the chair with 2 cushion (one place behind my bck and another beside me) then hold my little gar with one hand and use the other hand to type.

anyway, both mummy and bb will perspire if sitting on the bed. the mummy will be spending the boring time (maybe up to 1hrs or more) 'staring' at bb while she is latching on.

me also dunno why when come to night time, both breast will become very full and started to leak man.

better to let bb empty one breast first before offering her another cos if not bb won't get to drink the hind milk which is more nutrient.

for me, hai..hubby always slept like log. didn't hear bb cries. so he is always asleep when I wake up 2-3hr for feed during the night.

Erh.. coz I think I will die if no bath..

Cannot tahan, wear spagetti strips at home also will feel hot, just pumping milk and lookin down also make my neck hot and sticky lah..
Hi Karen P,
dunno leh, I was given 3 separate package for the herb. so I told my mum tried to finish it by this week (first wk of confinement). so today, gg to drink the last packet liao.
Vanessa, where will you be bringing Reyna to for her injections?your $600 is including the deposit you paid? really cheap.

Jen, i haven't receive any cheque.
Hi all,

wow so many postings.. a bit hard to catch up.
Been busy with my gal these few days.. hardly got time to catch some winks too. Again congrats to those mummies that just given birth.

Our bb was admitted to kk hospital on last mon nite after follow-up in polyclinic. This was due to prolonged jaundice and what we din expect her level goes up to 292. During her stay. the nurse keep taking her blood test and din even go for phototheray. She was discharged the next day, got to follow up on next tues at KK again. Hope her jaundice level goes down next wk.

Btw, our bb full month celebration happen to falls on x'mas day (exact day). Now checking out cater n needs to be halal as there are muslim invited. Has anyone try Stamford Catering Services before?

Hi Qianhui,
we r planning to do taimaobi for our bb too. But I dun intend to shave bb'hair botak, dun know can use some hair will do. Will check out the details @ the shop next week when going down for a checkup.Keep u updated then.
Hi mummies,
need to check if anyone has finish the malay massage yet? Did you manage to lose few kg after the sessions? I yet to start the massage as right now, I am doing the confinment alone. Planning to start the session after bb full month celebration.
Medela Storage bag is v v v expensive.... it's not advisable to reuse any storage bag, hence really cost a bomb to purchase medela one... lanisoh one is cheaper....

My hb told me to bring Reyna to polyclinic leh.... ya $600 is the deposit we paid, in fact still got $20-30 refund back

My neck is now very itchy n red....

u trying to delay ur bb's coming out ar? i tot u want her 2 come out quick... heh heh... true lah, last few days o freedom, better cherish n eat all e stuff u like.

jackie, bloom, catherine, vanessa,

i'm super scared o stopping bb's suckling midway to burp, unless she initiates e break herself or i let her suckle on 1 breast until she shuang lor, can b up 2 25mins. usu by then she's full anyway. cos if she doesn't initiate e break, she'll cry n wail when i try to burp her cos still q hungry. if she's semi full liao it'll b super difficult to latch her on a 2nd time but bcos she's nt totally full yet, she'll start to cry 4 food bt 5-10min after i put her dn, clean her etc. then i've to do everything over again.... haiz.... so i just take e cue fr her lor... i just make sure after every feeding she burps completely.

ask u all har.. she can burp n cough n let off wind thru her mouth n fart etc... but still can vomit after tt.... how wld i noe she's gotten rid o all e wind? i tot bbs burp once can liao... she seems to let off wind multiple times leh!


u v funny leh, ask hubby 2 suck. my hubby used to say he'll try my BM by sucking oso but now he can't stand e smell. always complain tt i stink! heh heh...he see my breast pad wld run far far away...

vanessa, afcai,

so good ur bbs dun haf much wind! how come mine so much? so BF wat! hiyoh...


ur hubby v garang! really suckle for u!!!

bloom, qsg,

i ordered neo garden tingkat leh! it's starting coming monday. hope e food's ok... tink bo bian haf to bear w it 4 1 mth until i'm more adept w taking care o bb n managing hsechores.


my gal only eats fr 1 breast at each feeding then full liao. so now i alternate breasts at each feeding. but is tt ok? cos tt means each breast must wait 6-7hrs for one feeding. ss rite now still enof 4 her tho. i tried 10mins on each breast b4 but she seemed to be hungry after tt... tink she din get enof hindmilk? n i read too much foremilk makes bb vomits more. so i just continue like tt until she's hungry enof 4 2 breasts, can?
ftmtb06 and qian hui,
yah my backache is sooo super suan... today also still like abt 15-20secs each only and sometimes i can feel the stomach cramps tog. with the backache...
but i think still practicing only leh... not the real thing yet... i'm sure real thing will b much more painful!!! eeee!

Qianhui, thanks for including me in ur update
Mine is a boy and was abt 2.9+kg at 39 wks. lil boy so hope he comes out painlessly? heheh :p

Lil, Dora, DecBB, Choo and Jen... heh...looks like we all still waiting patiently lo... Inside too comfy redy, baby must be very happy...heh :p

Oh yah mummies, anyone got any tips re. claiming of Medisave etc etc before i check in to labour ward? I have nooo idea leh... need to instruct them anything special? I read from some other thread last time sthg like baby's expenses claim from mum's medisave then mum's expenses claim under dad's medisave...then can claim more in total? really got such thing?? pls adv. thanks!

ohhh after delivery sit on float works?? haha maybe shd borrow my hubbby's lil brother's swimming float then... hope i dont burst it.haha :p
OIC ok, thx. So only start pumping after milk come in if bb cannot empty breast or if bb not feeding regularly?

Ya lor. Hopefully wun hv to wait too long hor. C all the bb pictures really makes me yearn to hold my bb oso.
Your ger so cute leh..the cheeks so chubby! Looks like you leh...there will be lots of adjustment you have to do once baby is back home with you but dun worry, by the second week, u should be able to manage liao

tks..Angel's restaurant looks good..may consider this instead of neo garden...

What item will you be doing for Taimaobi? I am interested to put my baby's cord into a crystal but the price is quite ex leh..about S$100+
Hi Jen,
bb registrataion in KKH cost $33 while ICa charges $18. anyway, ICA is only2 bus stop away fr bugis. after registrataion at ICA, my hubby walked to bugis and then to KKH. cos at that time, it 's sat and there is no shuttle bus. if got shuttle bus, one can take it to KKH fro bugis.

I believe walking a lot will fasten the delivery and make the cervix open faster. I started to walk daily from my hse to interchange fr 1/12 onwards without taking feeder bus. it took me 40 mins brisk walking. that's why did not realise cervix is already dilated to 4cm during my wk 38 when I went for checkup.

try to call the delivery suite (dun call KKH hotline, one need to pay) to ask them with regard to brown stain. anyway, they will tell you to monitor.
the bird nest may have helped a little but it's God's blessing tat my ger is healthy

very happy tat her jaundice is down too.

the only complain i hv is my water retention is still very bad!!

yeah lor, the few days in the hospital, i really missed the forum. luckily got exchanges of sms

i also dun noe how to resize and post pic here. tis morning quickly ask hb to help.
i cant wait to see bb Reyna's pix.

your hospital bill is really low leh.
mine was alot. i had a pain free labour but hb's wallet suffer big time. hee heee

my ger look good in pink meh?
tho she is of average weight but all the clothes i got her are still way too big.
still cannot dress her up yet.....hee heee.
vain mum. today, wanted to fashion show on her trip to PD's clinic but failed.

cute and chubby??? so, got chance with Jovey?
(juz ignore the cooo cooo mother

she is looking more like hb leh. even have his bad habits!!!

our ger looks alike?
quickly post pic leh

i really enjoyed my stay in RH

may i ask if it's common tat bb dun sleep at nite?
my ger sleep very well in the day but at nite is wide awake.

may i noe how much is consultation and jab in poly?
My water retention is also quite bad on the first week after i give birth..my gynae had to give me some medication to relieve the water retention...now it coming third week..my feet is no longer that swollen anymore...

My boi also eyes big big in the night...think they hvn't develope the day and night concept yet...

how's ur wrist now?

ok, i will guai guai wait for it to subside.

Nathan also eyes big big at nite har? hmmmm, i did read abt it but din really believe tat it can be so bad.
hee heee....the joy of motherhood
Yes, just do that and remember to massage b4 pump, it's very crucial, cos once u r able to clear the ducts these few days, it would blocked it n cause blocked ducts which required hard massage.

Don't worry, just suffer for 2-3 weeks and I believe they will adjust back their timing.... Try to keep minimal noise at nite, ie when she's due for feed, just pick her up n feed and don't talk to her, let her know it's nite time n not much activities going on.... try that, hope it will help u to sleep better n longer
Hi Vanessa Lu,
wow, for me, my breast milk started leaking liao. need to go n find bb instead of bb finding me.:p.

did u totally empty one breast b4 offering another? bb dun empty the breast. I am wondering do bb feed enough hind milk?

cos b4 I managed to empty one, the other already to be full liao. wondering any solution to it.
tried to squeeze out the extra amt to prevent breast pain. milk quitw waste this way.
Hi Jen,
Am not sure if the $450 is lump together with hospital bills cos the bills has not reached me yet. will let u know it.

but acc to the customer service at kkh, she mentioned that this $450 is another claim amt for pre-antental checkup package. another caculation is done for the maternity package. I have filled up 2 form on reimbursement fr medisave.

anyway, will know it when the bill arrived.
HI Qian Hui,
wow, yr prince 's jaurnce quite high. did u ask doc how come like that?

so how much is the birth registration at NUH? KKH charged $33 while ICA charged $18. really got a lot of diff. so did u fill the mCYS form to get the bonus as well?

anyway, ICA is near bugis and it is much conventient for hubby to drop by KKH after that since hubby immediatley go to ICA early Sat morning.

yrs contractions can considered very fast. mine 1-10, 1-4 or 5. so MO, medical student and mid-wife need to stand there and wait.
Hi Bloom,
which ward are u staying at that time? nurse told me that there are video on bf and demo on how to look after yrself and bb every morning at 0930am. nurse will come and tell u before that esp on the day when one can discharge to attend these session. I went for the session. the Indian nurse who discharge me at B2+ is really good. she is quite attentive, helpful and patient in explaining the procedures (on bf, discharge procedures).

ask u how long does the lochia stop flowing? cos one of the mummy still have lochia after 1 mth.

Hi ladies,
anyone know the following:
1) Do the stitches need to detect by doc or let it resolve by itself?

my friend said 1 wk later, she has to go bck to her gyne to remove the external stitches. for me, doc did not mention anything. my fren mentioned that the inner stitches will dissolve by itself.
