(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs


Specially logged in to wish you all the best for tomorrow!!!
Jiayou jiayou!!

Hugz hugz! Don't worry, I'm sure you girl is very strong. With today's medical technology, I believe she'll be ok after the ops.... dun worry too much okie..

You super cool leh... still can decide if you want to call gynae ah... think jaundice really quite common... make sure you rest well!!!

I saw Mamypoko newborn diapers selling at $16.80 for 52pc at NTUC, calculated its abt the same price as Nepia. Anyfeedback on Mamypoko?

Hi all
would like to seek your advice.

i have inverted nipple on my left breast. my gal dun wan to latch directly on that breast and i have been feeding her on my right breast only.

Any idea how can i latch her on the inverted nipple? Or the only way is to pump out the left side?

anyone has same problem? pls share with me. tks!
afternooon all!

had wonderful dinner at Dian xiao er at vivo yest evening.....bb good boy didnt make me emergency yesterday! now ask bb can come out anytime now!!


wow! tomorrow is your turn!!
happy for u! have u done all your makaning and pak toring?!

relax and dun be stressed! you wil see your girl very soon!


congrats on the arrival of your bb!
enjoy motherhood!!3.9kg wow!!


log in to wish you happy birthday!!!
enjoy your day!!! or r u in labour?!


*sayang* dun worry too much ok!
thanks...and all the best to you for tomorrow! no more tai tai life after this liao.. hehe!

please do take care of urself and stay strong.

i saw got those shield (medela etc) for inverted nipples. not sure if that will help?

wah, your gynae so bz! if it were me, i will definately hold on to her hand n not let her go anywhere! hehee. hope bb jaundice level is down already. heard doremi your ward mate? how is she?
Hello, anyone online?

I'm back from hospital and I'm very happy.... I've got my bb back with me today, now she's sleep in her cot... she seems so small in the cot... poor bb feet, kana poke so many times and the plaster is full of blood.....

Thanks ladies, for all ur wishing...

Thanks for updating.

Wow, ur turn to pop tml... all the best to u and Congratulations in advance

Congratulation to u too!! Though we didn't make it to give birth together, but ok lah, just a day or 2 different nia.. Take care n rest well

Pls check ur email, I've email u some tips to help with ur inverted nipple so that u can breastfeed well...

Apply bm to ur sore nipple and air dry it, they will heal faster with bm apply to it. Tentatively, if u still wish to latch on ur bb, u can get a breast shield, it will help to latch on ur bb w/o any pain, or may little pain. I've tried b4, it's useful, but then cannot use it for too long, cos it's silicon and the texture is different from the breast, hence will develop nipple confusion if use it for too long.
Good Luck n all the best to ur breastfeeding.

Oh, so sad to hear that, but like fatbear had mentioned, with the advance medication technology, u don't have to worry too much. Meanwhile, take care n rest well.

Just like to say my feeling of my birth... I was really very glad n happy that I went thru the labour with such a short time and w/o epidural... The feeling of birthing w/o epidural was really great... the feeling cannot be describe. So I will advise all those who haven't pop, pls try not to get epidural, afterall, if u r going into the labour ward, dilation can be very fast.... Mayb u can try what the midwife asked me to do, sleep on 1 side, the side where ur bb backbone is.

As for my breastfeeding, aiyo, ladies, dun worry, I'm also pumping like 40ml from both breast each time... think my bb only need that much and I got blocked ducts, very painful and my hb has to massage for me everytime I pump or feed. So, blocked ducts, low supply and sore nipples are all common among the first few days of birth, just make sure things are all under control. For sore nipple, what I did was to air my nipple after every pump / feed after applying BM on it and making sure that bb take most of the aerola rather than the nipple only.
For blocked ducts, just make sure u massage b4 every session and uses a hot / warm towel compress on it b4 massaging and feeding / pumping.
Low supply, simply just got to latch or pump more diligently and of cos drink more fluid and rest well.

Doremi not my ward mate lah, she's just happen to be in the same hospital as me but different ward.
She's doing great and was discharged on the 2nd day with her bb. But she's struggling with breastfeeding, cos she didn't initial it earlier due to her wound.
kimi, I also spent alot of time trying to latch my bb on..so many times i give up and give her EBM cos I am afraid that she will be underfed... :p pls dont follow my bad example... at lesat u dont have a CL to nag at u every time u try to latch on... I think its norm to poo and pee non stop if bb takes bm.... mine did when she was at the hospital... mastitis is ok now but doc cannot explain why my left nipple got this 'growth' over it.... have to go back to kkh breast center again in 2 weeks time... I did not go dd feeding cos bb prefer to sleep instead of latch on..in the end she drank so little she didn't poo much so i panic...now most of the time feed her EBM from bottle so at least i know that she drank enough milk.... you eat ice cream during confinment????

doggiebb, my doc did not say anything about recurrence..but remember reading somewhere that reoccurence is not common... dont worry about the milk ss... u have to build it up slowly..the most supplement with FM... eheheheh my gynae said even abit of BM is better than no BM....

jkjt..ahahha... but seems tat its the secret of some pp with good milk supply leh... and they eat it unprocessed i think :p

3 more days to end of confinement!!!!! ehehhehehe

och, don't worry about ur bb..everything will be fine...

feire, note that some nipple cream must be cleaned off before bf/expressing. LC suggested getting those that does not need to be cleaned off so that it can protect ur nipple during latching on/expressing too.

so happy for you! wah! 40 ml per breast! i only get 50ml from both breast!


thanks for your encouragement. i will jiayou! wah! 3 more days to end of confinement! can see that you really can't wait to see your CL off. hehe!
Och, understand it isn't easy for you and bb. Stay strong for bb okay? Take good care of yourself during confinement as bb going to need your care in days to come after surgery.

Vanessa, welcome back. Didn't know Dr Sim deliver babies at RH also thought only TMC and Mount A as these were the 2 i was given to choose previously.

Dora, mamo poko absorbency is comparable to Nepia but usually Nepia is preferred as it is softer and more comfy.

Bloom, me also counting down...2 days to end of 28 days confinement...but anyway my confinement not that bad since i get to shower, wash hair use fan and aircon
just very tired from bf Evee who doesn't really sleep in the day sometimes even nite. You already plan where to go once your confinement ends? You got full month celebration for your bb?
Hi Ladies!

I just came home from hospital today! Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers!

To all the mommies who recently delivered, congrats too!

MBB (and the others (soory i can't remember) delivering on 11/12 or 12/12)
All the best to you ladies!!! Will pray for you!

So sad to hear your story. But I know you are a strong mum and cleft lip can be corrected very well by surgery. Hope you get the correct and best medical advise soon and in the meantime, take good care. will pray for you and bb.

To share my birth story a bit:

Thurs 7 Dec
Getting ready to go hosp at 2359. At 8pm, surprised to find some "show"! I was feeling relieved as well cos i was worried abt induction with 0 dilation and the "show" was like a sign that there was some progress.

11.30pm, still had some "show" and some slight "cramps" (I cldn't tell if it was contractions). left for hosp as planned.

12mn: Arrived at hosp, told them abt show and went ahead to start induction. 1 pill inserted. Strapped to CTG.

From here on, most things were a blur as i started feeling what i called "cramps"/ contractions...

2am+(about): started vomiting cos of pain, lots of "show" coming out, thot it was waterbag broken, but the nurses checked and said waterbag not burst yet...and that it was the mucous plug. I was like, mucous plug so much one meh??!!

Cannot tahan so asked for epidual. In the meantime, was given the gas to breathe. They oso administered edema. Anesthesist came and gave epi...it was quite a fast procedure, like 5 mins... i was breathing the gas so that i will stay still for him to do the procedure.

The contractions disappeared after that, but I started feeling intense pressure at the vaginal/cervix area. Kept asking for nurse to check. Nurse said waterbag not burst thats why feel the pressure. They said the bb head still quite "high up". So, still in pain, though diff area.

At abt 6ish am, after i kept telling them abt the pain and the waterbag not burst and dilation was abt 7cm, I think they called my gynae and he must hv asked them to burst the waterbag as it must be what's blocking bb head from dropping. Once waterbag burst, it was quite a relief! And very messy too.

Abt 9am, nurses must have informed my gynae dilated 9.5cm liao and they gave instruction to start pushing. Never knew it was so tiring to push...I was always out of breath. Even ask them to lower the epidural so I can feel the pain!

9+am, gynae arrived, saw that i wasn't making much progress pushing and decided to use forceps.

9.42am: Once forceps were in, it helped as I could feel it and direct my pushing. So, with one Push and the forceps, Hannah was born!

Gynae said she was face up, so that makes bb more difficult to deliver than if faced down. He said would hv to use forceps anyway.

Thank God everything was smooth and rather fast. God also blessed gynae's hand as there wasn't any visible forcep marks on bb's face. Also thanked God that although Triple Test showed chance of DS, bb is perfectly formed.

Will post her pic in a while!
Hello ShiHui,
Could you please help me to update...
My gal, Dawn, born on 30 Nov thru emergency c-sect w/ epi. She weighs 2.695kg.
Thanks alot! =)

hannah so cute! she's got v nice complexion leh! u drank lotsa bird's nest ar?


i've 2 girlfrens who recommned mamy poko as an alt 2 pampers premium leh. so shld be q good.


from my experience, i had bleeding nipples cos i's v rough n impatient so i pumped v fast. no more milk liao i still pump n pump. when it started to bleed, i got gentler n oso applied avent nipple cream (no need to wash off but i did anyway). it helped. oso, if u're using manual pump, u dun haf to release e suction completely everytime. oso remember to break suction w ur finger b4 u remove e pump fr e breast. they helped me lah, hope can apply to u to. gd luck.


how's w/o epi diff fr w epi? share leh!


yeah! ate ice-cream. hwo 2 resist magnum n bens n jerrys? in fact, ate roti prata this morning. heh heh... me diff, no parents, no in-laws, no CL... just me n hubby. so no govt one. can do wat we want. oso gd cos we can take care o bb e way we deem fit. can't imagine if somebody's to nag at me everytime i feed bb, eat, bathe, etc etc.. tink will g crazy!!!! so din regret our choice to bao ga liao w/o help, cept 4 food.

i'm going crazy seeing all those xmas food on brochures n newspapers n reading bt shopping malls!!! I WANT TO GO OUT N PLAY!!!!!!

haiz.... but since on TBF, tink haf to wait until 6 mth when bb on solid then can really go out n play... unless i can master nursing in public. hmmm....
U mistaken liao, I've only managed to pump 40ml from both breast...hopefully now bb is back and I can rest more, ss can increase...

With epi, u cannot really feel bb coming... I don't even know that's there will b a urge to push if bb is coming...Without epi, I can feel that bb is coming and also feel that the bb is out... without epi, I was much alert and active after birth, hence I really enjoy the feeling of birthing w/o epi. Dunno if it's the gas effect, I don't feel contraction painful except the feeling to push nia, machiam pai sei like that, every push was a relief

This time round I'm not so guai to follow strictly to confinement rules, cannot tahan and in fact I'm feeling quite alrite n not weak, hence I feel like my pores not open, so don't bother. I was wearing shorts and sleeveless in the hospital n not wearing any jacket. I on air con to sleep at nite, but wear long pants lah, cos the gals r sleeping with me, so no choice, but tonite, I wonder how, cos I'm not sure if my bb able to take coldness, though I only on it at 26 deg C. Haha, now I'm also blowing the nature wind from the window, whole body sticky n smelly... my hair are so oily, today only 4th days, in fact on the 2nd day my hair already like so oily n dirty.

Overall, I'm very grateful to my hb and felt so loved during these few days, cos he went to n fro to hospital and really take care of me n bb well. I'm also very happy that he is now so supportive of bfing, cos while I was nursing my gal in the nursing room with another mummy, I heard him telling the other daddy the benefits of breastfeeding. He also told me that if he's not supportive of bfing, he would not have to spend the money for me to stay another nite in the hospital just to breastfeed my gal and drives me to n fro after I discharge to breastfeed her....
No, Dr Sim don't deliver in RH, she was telling the nurse that the mummy has signed her package n insisted to delivered in RH, so she got no choice lor.
Vanessa, no wonder, the mummy also very strange lor. Btw, i agree the contraction pain is not really that bad when pushing without epidural. In fact i think i dun feel the pain when pushing bec we are focusing all our effort and breath to push so the pain was ignored. When you push, do you push with eyes open or closed? I pushed so hard till when bb come out, i forgot to feel.
Good to hear that your hubby is supportive and caring to you.
Congratulations again to all u new mummies. Bobianah, Vanessa, Feire...thx for sharing ur labour experience.

Sorry to hear abt ur bb. Stay strong for both urself n bb ok.

Please update for me. BB is 3.1kg at 37.5wks. Gynae said my boi boi is head down n cannot turn ard aready but is not engaged yet. I'm getting more n more anxious now...
HI Ladies, Heheh It's Me again. Well CF CHANG is still busy with Philson so I m task with the updating of Philson Pic

Anyway, Philson was admited last Thur nite becos of Jauntice but luckily all is well now.

Also, we congrat all Mums on their newborn and thank god for his blessing.

Och, Congrat to ur newborn and be strong and we all know things will definitelky turn out fine.

Pic of Philson:
glad to noe tt bb is back with u liao..
Thanks for your encouragement on going without epidural.. will try my best to achieve tt as well..

ur hubby really sweet to u..
so nice tt he's so supportive of ur bf career..
hopefully mine will be as supportive.. worried tt he will "xim tia" his son if i dun produce milk fast.. :p

yeah.. u r back too..
Hannah is very cute..

congrats on the arrival of your princess...

wah.. u r eating nice food leh..
i think i can't be like u leh.. MIL already gave me briefing liao.. :p

mine oso.. head down liao.. but not engaged.. now keep hoping tt bb will arrive sooner.. hee~ i dun like being giraffe leh.. :p

thanks for updating..
Philson is another handsome looking boy.. hee~
glad tt he's recovering fr his jaundice..

My eyes were closed, cos I was on the gas and it makes my eyelids heavy n sleepy... at certain point I actually had fallen asleep when there's no contraction..heehee... mayb I'm too tired liao, cos I didn't sleep well for the last few days.

I think most of the active one here had popped, except for a few giffras (sp?), don't worry, u ladies will soon pop and join our mummy club.

I'll update Reyna's pic soon once hb d/l to PC, cos now all photos are in his phone memory.

Hihi, glad the Chang is coping well bb Philson, I was still thinking how is she cos she still havent give us any update.
Ur bb is so cute
<font size="+2">Counting down list..</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>roundnbloaty (p0o9i8)</TD><TD>??-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Vincent Lee</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kiost</TD><TD>03-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Theresa Cheng</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>adora</TD><TD>04-12-06</TD><TD>Dr ???</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>JLim (jlimdan)</TD><TD>08-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Clifford Chan</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 1835g @ 31wk 3d </TD></TR><TR><TD>Monica</TD><TD>08-12-06</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>2700g @ 37wk 3d </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gwen (gwenchye)</TD><TD> 09-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Mahesh Choolani</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fizz</TD><TD>10-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan</TD><TD>East Shore</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 1823g @ 34wk 3d </TD></TR><TR><TD>curious</TD><TD>10-12-06</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mae (gemi_mae)</TD><TD>11-12-06</TD><TD>Dr KC Yeo</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cream</TD><TD>12-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Chew</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 445g @ 21wk 5d </TD></TR><TR><TD>Conniemummy</TD><TD>12-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Woo</TD><TD>Mt A or TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> 3000g @ 38wk 1d </TD></TR><TR><TD>MBB</TD><TD>14-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Watt</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> 2700g @ 37wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>choo</TD><TD>14-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 3000g @ 37wk 2d </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenny (freesiajen)</TD><TD>15-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 394g @ 21wk 3d </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sylk</TD><TD>15-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Tham</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> 3200g @ 37wk 4d </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starluster</TD><TD>15-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Loke KL</TD><TD>East Shore</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> 2008g @ 37wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>snowy (weemo)</TD><TD>17-12-06</TD><TD>Dr LN Sim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunflower</TD><TD>18-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 590g @ 23wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ying Ling (stormmie)</TD><TD>18-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>afcai (afcai)</TD><TD>18-12-06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> 1550g @ 31wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ruffybear (ruffy_happy)</TD><TD>18-12-06</TD><TD> Dr Tan</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>deardar (precious_moments)</TD><TD>20-12-06</TD><TD>???</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kermit2006</TD><TD>22-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>decnk (ninikiki)</TD><TD>22-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Thong</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Siman</TD><TD>23-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> 2100g @ 35wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jen (eliciatan)</TD><TD>25-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> 2507g @ 35wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shihui</TD><TD>25-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Mary Rauff</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 2400g @ 33wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiL (momtb)</TD><TD>25-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Selina Chua</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 3100g @ 37.5wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berrysweet</TD><TD>25-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Tham</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> 2200g @ 34wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>dora</TD><TD>26-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> 2580g @ 35wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>yin (yin2)</TD><TD>28-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font size="+2">CONGRATULATIONS to..</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Birth weight/length</TD><TD>Method</TD><TD>BB Name </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bei Bei (bei)</TD><TD>04-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Soong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>10-11-06</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>c-sec </TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Leanne</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>QSG</TD><TD>04-12-06</TD><TD>Dr LN Sim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>13-11-06</TD><TD>3.18kg</TD><TD>Natural w/o epi+assisted</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Evee</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pokemon</TD><TD>04-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Lim</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> 13-11-06</TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD>Natural w epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Isabelle</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yukiee</TD><TD>02-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>15-11-06</TD><TD>3.12kg</TD><TD>Natural w epi+forcep</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Anthea</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bloom (bloom75)</TD><TD> 24-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Adelina Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>15-11-06</TD><TD>1.8kg</TD><TD>epi c-sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Kathleen</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>berry (merryberrys)</TD><TD>06-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Theresa Cheng</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>18-11-06</TD><TD>3.17kg</TD><TD>GA c-sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Kieran</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karin Lee (mittyball31)</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>20-11-06</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> c-sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Gabrielle</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene (coolman)</TD><TD>05-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>21-11-06</TD><TD>3.165kg</TD><TD> Natural w/o epi+assisted</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javier</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kimi</TD><TD>04-01-07</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> 22-11-06</TD><TD>1.86kg</TD><TD> Natural w/o epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Mandy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Calynn</TD><TD>05-12-06</TD><TD>Dr KW Lee</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> 22-11-06</TD><TD>3.11kg</TD><TD> epi c-sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Megan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Puffybunny (reyne)</TD><TD>02-12-06</TD><TD>Dr ML Yeap</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> 24-11-06</TD><TD>2.995kg</TD><TD> Natural w epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">YingXuan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gan (muffingan)</TD><TD>17-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> 26-11-06</TD><TD>2.49kg</TD><TD> epi c-sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hayley</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ftmtb06</TD><TD>07-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> 26-11-06</TD><TD>2.865kg</TD><TD> Natural w/o painkiller</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jackie (doggies)</TD><TD>05-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Kek Lee Phin</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD> 27-11-06</TD><TD>3.19kg</TD><TD> Natural w epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Jovey</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muahchie</TD><TD>01-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Tony</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD> 27-11-06</TD><TD>3.14kg</TD><TD> Natural w epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Caleb</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geri Zoe (sweet_heart)</TD><TD>12-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> 28-11-06</TD><TD>3.19kg</TD><TD> Natural w/o epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ariel</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dey</TD><TD> 09-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> 28-11-06</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> Natural w epi+assisted</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Nathan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qian Hui</TD><TD>02-12-06</TD><TD>???</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD> 29-11-06</TD><TD>3.22kg</TD><TD> Natural w/o epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherly</TD><TD>07-12-06</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> 29-11-06</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CF Chang</TD><TD>02-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> 30-11-06</TD><TD>3.13kg</TD><TD> epi c-sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Philson</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dad2B</TD><TD>10-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Lee</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD> 30-11-06</TD><TD>2.695kg</TD><TD> epi c-sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Dawn</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fatbear</TD><TD>25-12-06</TD><TD>???</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD> Nov</TD><TD>3.165kg</TD><TD> c-sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>och</TD><TD>02-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Mary Rauff</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD> 01-12-06</TD><TD>3.885kg</TD><TD> Natural w epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Madeleine</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggiebb</TD><TD>21-12-06</TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> 01-12-06</TD><TD>2.9kg</TD><TD> Natural w epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Talia Ann</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qwer</TD><TD>07-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Beh</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> 02-12-06</TD><TD>3.145kg</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen P</TD><TD>05-12-06</TD><TD>???</TD><TD>Gleneagles KL</TD><TD> 03-12-06</TD><TD>3.24kg</TD><TD> Natural w vacuum</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Darren Tan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>JKJT</TD><TD>12-12-06</TD><TD>Dr TC Chang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> 04-12-06</TD><TD>2.705kg</TD><TD> epi c-sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Jorene</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doremi</TD><TD>24-12-06</TD><TD>Dr CH Koh</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> 05-12-06</TD><TD>3.25kg</TD><TD> c-sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>feire</TD><TD>04-12-06</TD><TD>Dr See Tho</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> 05-12-06</TD><TD>3.9kg</TD><TD> epi c-sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vanessa Lu (vaness81)</TD><TD>10-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Sim Li Ngoh</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> 06-12-06</TD><TD>3.14kg</TD><TD> Natural w/o epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Reyna Chua Wen Qi</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bobianah</TD><TD>04-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> 08-12-06</TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD> Natural w epi+forcep</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah Gan Jia En</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>Wedding/Baby Photos &amp; Other Links </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qian Hui</TD><TD> Multiply / Yahoo / Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yukiee</TD><TD> Pixagogo / Yahoo </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bobianah</TD><TD> Yahoo </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene (coolman)</TD><TD>Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vanessa Lu</TD><TD>Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dey</TD><TD> Yahoo </TD></TR><TR><TD>MBB</TD><TD> Yahoo </TD></TR><TR><TD>Afcai</TD><TD> Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shihui</TD><TD> Yahoo / Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
My hb is supportive bcos he witness the benefits n difference between a bfed n a ffed bb.... If this is my 1st bb, I'm sure he will not want me to stay for another nite to bfeed her nor drives me to n fro hospital to bfeed her, he will ask me to give formula, then no hassle at all.
u still online at this hour ah.. :p ya lor.. me one of the giraffes lor.. :p juz now experienced some lower abdominal cramping.. but i think it's juz braxton's hicks lah.. coz now no more liao... was still hoping tt it's the sign.. heee~ :p
Ya lor, very boring, no show n me still not ready to sleep yet, VERY HOT N STICKY!!!!

Aiyo, better ur bb don't come out so early, he may b smaller than ur scanned weight, hence it's better to keep him inside u for as long as possible.

U will know if it's contraction, cos contraction is very painful pull at the lower abdominal.
ya.. i think they really need to witness the benefits of bm to be convinced tt all troubles are worthwhile..
i'm lucky tt my MIL is very supportive of bf leh..
she herself witness the diff between her 3 children lor.. coz onli one of them received bm.. n she's the most healthy of the 3.. seldom fall sick one.. so she is very supportive of me breastfeeding too... told me tt at least muz persist during my ML... n a little is better than none aft i return to work..
felt so lucky to hav support fr MIL regarding bf..
Glad to hear that u have a supportive MIL, very seldom will have them so supportive abt it. But then hor, for the first few days, if they see that ur boi cry for milk badly, they will sure to ask u to give in to FM first, cos they will heartache if the bb cry alot.... so u better start massaging ur breast area so that colostrum will start to flow the moment u give birth, but do watch out not to stimulate any contraction.

Ok, got to go liao, sleepy liao, tonite still have to wake up to feed. Good nite... will log in again tml if got time
hee~ ya lor.. my gynae oso ask me to start massaging my breast to stimulate milk flow.. :p my gynae actually ask me to massage my aerola n nipple everynight for 1-2min.. she said it will be normal to feel slight uterine contraction while stimulating.. n the first night i massage the aerola, i got one tiny drop of colostrum appearing on my left nipple.. hoping tt means my milk will come fast.. :p

hav a gd night sleep... hope to see u here tml..
take care..

tt's wat i tot oso. like i said b4, e feeling o bb coming out is so special n indescribable rite? can feel e wriggle? so cute hor? i oso agree tt e pushing was e best part o all! i act enjoyed e pushing. e most torturous part is want to push but not allowed to push! erm... act, 4 me, e most torturous is want to go ahead n haf labour but doc still want to lessen my contractions, e feelin o in-pain-but-dunno-when can-gif-birth was horrible!


both my mum n mil r also v encouraging bt BF. esp since my bb's premature. surprisingly, they both knew tt BM's v impt 4 premmies. my mil was q gan cheong e 1st few days, kept asking if i've milk.
but vanessa is rite leh, seems like most ladies haf prob when bb starts crying during feeding n e e grandparents start getting gan cheong bt whether bb has enof. must persevere orr!


4got 2 say. today bb's much better at latching on liao. she'll initiate e latch-on which is supposedly e rite way. (vanessa, correct?) must wait till bb's hungry enof so she won't b half-hearted n waste our time. but when she's frantic, she tends to swallow too much air n get full on air v fast.must burp q a bit halfway thru feeding. it takes practice too. last time, she cldn't initiate e latch on, now she can even readjust herself. so if u try n try again, ur kathleen might just get it n aim 4 ur nipple.
but all bbs r diff... hope it works 4 u.

philson is so adorable. he's got v nice features. so who does he look like?


as 4 food hor. i need to make myself happy n motivated lah. my hubby oso v sian if he can't eat this or tt. if i can't eat, he'll b pai seh to eat oso mah. so sometimes he'll tempt me to eat w him lor! which, as u can c, i dun mind at all! hah hah!

hiyoh... i post n post.... looks like i'm e most 'eng' mother ard...
hi all,

Wow.. so many postings to read..
once again congrats to all those mummies that just given birth.

Going to bring my bb to polyclinic to check on her jaundice level. Have an nice day ahead.
yup.. like wat u said.. it's gd to hav supportive parents..
but sometimes when milk doesn't come fast enough, they will panick faster than us.. hee~ tt's when they will suggest FM even though they noe tt BM is better.. :p hope i won't give in to the pressure.. :p

haha.. ur hubby very cute leh.. tempt u to eat this n tt.. :p but i think it shd be okie as long as it's nutritious..
think i'm lucky bcoz i dun mind eating confinement food.. quite okie with any food i eat actually.. since i'm such a glutton, as long as can be eaten, i okie liao.. haha.. :p my onli worries are the bathing confinement rules etc... really wonder how i can go thru it.. heee~ :p
so sad to hear abt ur bb cleft lip &amp; palate. Dun worry with advance medical now sure can be solve by minor surgery one.

So sorri. I wont be buying the Nepia pampers online aldy. Yday went NTUC saw PETPET got promo so buy that aldy. Cos i heard my colick dotter using that &amp; he say is ok. I dunno how ok lor. i bot 2packs of 46s @ $14.95.

thanks for ur wishes. Yday was a boring Bday celebration for me. Oni stayed at home to watch TV &amp; do hsework and wait for hb to cut the bday ice cream log cake at nite. Never even sing song for me cos it was a LOG CAKE not Bday CAKE. hahaa

today is ur turn Ganbette!

Welcome back. How we know where is bb backbone ar? Left or right side to turn to?Wow ur labour w/o epi is encouraging leh. I scare my threshold is low leh. Then i be "qu fu" by the epi liao. Unless i aldy 4-5cm dilate when i reach hosp. But pblm is I dunno how is contraction like leh. &amp; i dunno how to like those who attended class on the timing of 3-5mins of pain or what leh.
I think if i experience that i be wondering to call the emergency delivery ward hotlint to enquiry anot ar.

your bb hannah resemsble u hor...

your son looks alert &amp; is very handsome leh.

my gal hor dun haf fixed nursing schedule. e intervals b/w feedings can range fr 2.5hrs to 4.5hrs. last nite was 6 hrs! scared me to death when i woke up n realised it's 3 am liao! (e last feed was 9pm) but she din seem tt hungry oso. previously, she used to stick q closely to 3-4hrly. now schedule all haywire. n sometimes nurse 4 15min, sometimes 45min. y like tt huh? but i did try to burp n re-latch n re-latch until i make sure she's full n satisfied at every feeding.

read tt all r bbs seem to take a fixed amt at every feeding. or is it bcos u're using bottles too? me on total latch on so dunno how much she's taking. poo n pee still fine.

anybody experiencing e same problems? she used to wail whenever she's hungry. now i'm worried tt she might b sleeping thru feedings. y e change huh?
ask u har. do u feel ur lower part either the thighs or "down there" sore lidat. When stand up time feel like dunno is stretch or "suan" or ache lidat?
dun worri. Maybe she is full from her earlier feeds thats why the longer time she ask for nxt feed. I have a frd her bb dun wakeup for MN feed at all when bb is bring home from hosp leh. Lidat i feel more weird but her PD say is perfectly alright is bb dun wakeup for feed lor.
Or maybe ur bb is bigger liao. she can drink as much to store also until nxt feed perhaps.
Thx for updating the chart hoh. Wah...u massage massage then got c a drop of colostrum, so encouraging. I massage massage nothing leh. Am i doing it wrong. HOw do u massage, can u share?

U r amazing leh...got so much milk. Hope I can enuff too. Did u eat anything special to help stimulate milk?

I dunno much abt bfing lah, but my mum told me bb's stomach is their clock, no fixed time one. So if they dun cry for milk, they should be ok bah. I remember the LC say with bfing bb, as long as pee n poo still frequent means they r taking enuff.
Morning mummies

Reporting here... hubby on leave today so will be pak toring today later... so will MIA for the rest of the day

QSG, Kimi
Thanks for your advices.. think we're quite certain we will the the mamypoko liao

No prob... think i'll buy the mamypoko, less of a hassle also

Your babies are sooo cute... can't wait to see mine

Think I can feel my baby lower liao, and I think I finally have some water retention... dunno if its a sign.. but then I think baby is not that low yet, cos I am still very mobile, have been running around.. so I'm still part of the giraffe gang for now :p

Wah the way you described your labour, like so painless.... wish mine will be the same...

So glad that baby is home with you.... and wow 3 days to end of confinement...freedom at last !!
Kimi, dun worry. Breastfed babies esp in early stage are like that. Evee is also like that no fixed schedule that's why very tiring for me. Sometimes i even have to feed her every hour sometimes can be 5 hours. If she is hungry, she will wake up for milk
. The schedule should be more stable at about 2-3 months.
Is it ur bb engaged oredi tats wny got such feelings. Me like shihui got some lower abdominal cramps onli...bb not engaged yet. Dr said may become more uncomfortable once bb engaged.
So good can go pak tor. My hb go HK today again
U hv a good time. Since ur bb engaged oredi, u may pop anytime now n desert us fellow giraffes
jen, lil, qsg,

thx. feel more reassured. a bit worried cos i feel she's got lotsa wind. tot BFed bbs supposed to haf less wind but when i burp her, she doesn't burp but coughs. at most 3-4times lah. then i'll lie her on her tummy n she'll burp somemore. sometimes after a long burping session, she can latch on n feed again. sometimes she knocks out. n she makes this funny sound after feeding like nasal congestion like tt. so scared she's sick. but she's no diarrhoea, no fever etc. am i paranoid?


gd to hear tt ur Evee can oso stretch her feeding to 5 hrs... does she eat varying amts during each feed too?


i din eat anything special during pregy leh but i drink 2 glasses o milk everyday. dunno if tt helped?

so contradicting ar all these info bt Bfing. internet, books, PD n personal experiences can all say diff things. well, i guess tt's y they say all bbs r diff.

dora, jen, lil, shihui,

hah... seems like less n less giraffes here liao. oso gd lah! u all can read bt e mummies' experience n get prepared.

In case didn't see you when you are about to delivery, have a smooth delivery and have a well deserve rest.

In no time u will get to see your Bao Bao liao.
Kimi, Evee also got this nasal noise and sometimes like got phelgm. I asked PD before, he said its normal for very young babies. He even has a FAQ book to explain what are the common things we are concerned for newborns. Evee seldom stretch to 5 hours as she sleeps very little esp during day as she wants to be carried to sleep and the moment put her back to cot she cried. But if she didn't sleep during the day, at nite she can sleep longer stretches. I didn't pump out to feed her so doesn't know how much she is drinking but she pees and poo kinda often but i suppose the amount for each feed will be different since different intervals. Btw, if didn't latch on properly, bb take in more wind also when suckling.
Last wed went checkup but gynae say bb hvent engage leh. I also do feel lower tummy cramp abit. but very fast go off when i make my "ouching" noise. haha
doggiebb, unfortunately CL will be staying for a while more cos bb just come back..but she just broke one of our light covers and did not even offer to pay for it! So now even hubby is getting abit angry with her!

QSG, wahh..2 days! even faster than me! hehehe... I also get to bath etc lah.but this CL really inexperienced... kathleen also refuses to sleep at night and keep fussing..must carry her..then hubby getting pissed cos he cannot sleep in peace.... I want to go and eat durian ice cream again when confinement is over..ahhah..have not really plan full month yet cos bb just come back..my parents side will be down minimal and I ask my in laws to handle their side themselves.... really no time to organise...

bohbiahah, your bb look so cute!!!!

kimi, I am also pumping now
wasted some milk for a few rounds..so sad
even using my avent manual pump does not help...
wahh..u still got time to read newspapers and see sales har.... Kathleen sometimes goes the other direction and look for nipple..ahahah..sometimes she cannot find then she gets agitated that even when I give her the nipple, she release and goes elsewhere...sigh! The stupid CL likes to wake her up and ask me to feed her when she is groggy! So alot of my middle of the night attempts are not successful. Getting lazier and lazier..even now she throw bb to hubby to feed... I think so long as poo and pee is fine it means she is taking enough..mine did not poo enough so I switch to fixed bottle sometimes for ease of mind...

Dora..yes 3 days!
then can wear short sleeves and go out..I feel like the MRT terroisits featured in MRT stations' TVs whenever I go out now :p
Glad that yr princess is back with u and confinment over in 2 days time...Me still counting down....Another 16days to go....

Be strong k....Yr darling will be fine after the op together with yr tender loving care

bobianah, philip,
Congra on the arrival of your princess and prince

kimi, QSG,
My boi boi also make the nasal noise and sometimes like got phelgm... Glad to noe that ir normal. At 1st though BB having flu....Phew

I face the same problem as u....Sometime my boi boi drink till choke and cough...Think my BM supply increase liao kekeke
....Will continue to work hard on BF....
Bloom, how come your CL broke the light cover? What was she doing then?How long are you extending her service? Evee like kathleen also like to go opposite of where the nipple is, sometimes latch on already she spit it out..i was wondering if got sweaty smell that's why she dun like
Wish the best for your bb. Heart ache to hear abt ur bb's story.

Do we need to use baby powder on the baby? Also, would you use be drinking the "tun" soup w/ dome/alcohol? can we drink everday?
very good that ur BM supply increase. How did u do it ar? isit frequent latching?
Now does ur MIL still go into ur room w/o knocking?
hmmm.. sometimes i feel lower abdomen crampy pain lor.. den when bladder full n dun go toilet hor, will feel the pelvic floor there quite pain.. n usually by end of the day, my back n thigh ache like mad... :p

i think i juz being lucky for the first night leh.. bcoz hor, aft tt, subsequent night no more liao.. :p i juz kept squeezing the aerola area lor.. gynae din teach me how leh.. i juz imagine when bb suckle, shd hav squeezing effect.. den i juz squeeze the oppsite side of aerola lor.. :p

haha.. i think we r the "siao" few who feel lucky to experience water retention lidat.. :p my feet oso finally water retention since last wk.. n i finally feel tt my wedding band is too fit for comfort.. :p but like u lor.. i'm still relatively mobile.. though not as mobile as b4.. so, think i'm still part of giraffe gang too.. :p

aiyo.. ur CL seems really inexperienced leh.. can't imagine how she can break ur light covers..
so nice.. ur confinement over soon... mine haven't even started.. :p

not bad leh.. ur milk supply increasing...

heard fr midwife during antenatal class tt it's better not to use bb powder on bb coz not gd if bb breath in.. but i think a little on the body to keep bb comfy shd be okie lah.. dun pour like powder is free is okie liao.. :p

my mom said cooked alcohol shd be fine.. but again antenatal class mentioned tt best if we can avoid hard liquor when we bf.. but i supposed drink abit shd not be a prob bah.. :p heard somewhere tt we can drink immediately aft feeding bb so tt by the next feed, the alcohol lvl in milk shd be minimal liao..

I'm so hot, so sticky, so pek chek...


Yup, initially for the 1st 2 days at hospital, I got not milk at all.. Kanna forced to give Formula milk. Luckily come home liao slowly got milk.. Now, milk is sort of there, normal pump from both breast is like 80-125ml. But every nite, coz me piggy, sleep thru the nite of like 5-6 hr no pump. End up leak milk all over the bed lor. But when pumping rite after these, today broke record, 200ml.

I dun latch BB often, I pump instead. So far, very happy with the Avent manual pump. Sometimes when I'm lazy then I switch it to the electronic mode (Avent UNO) but personally prefers the manual one coz I can control the speed better. Sometimes slow sometimes faster..

My BB still eat and poo like nobody's business.
Happily spending his parents' money!

And yup, I bought the Mamy poko 52 pieces from NTUC at $16.80.. Offer now.. That time bought Mamy poko 30 pieces for $12+..

The amt I spent on sterlise and using hot water is very very extreme..

Think the govt baby bonus can only be used to cover my bills nia!

For those in Southwest CDC (Jurong, Bt Batok, CCK, Yew Tee, etc areas) Remember to apply for your Baby Bliss cash card within 3 mths after birth of your BB. Vanessa, Och, Shihui, Afcai, Serene and I think Jackie also, should be able to get it. Remember to apply ok? Maybe we can see each other on the day when Amy Khor give out the cards during one of those block party in Hong Kah area.

Have u all done BB's birth cert? Me should be going down in next 2 days.. 14 days up liao..
