(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Any mama of New Born tired Pureen brand diaper?

Need some feeback


hi mummies...

littlecat / jannie,
huh.. from partial bf to tbf will cause more lochia flow?? im still monitoring leh.. e flow very irregular, sometimes more somtimes abit.. my mum also say cant b menses so fast.. i also donno...

huh.. then i'll have unbalanced breasts until i stop bf-ing... cos mine is so obvious tat wearing bra also can tell by e "cleavage" area tat its 2 different size leh... one side loose, one side tight one... another "price" of being a mummy...

dont worry too much ok, ur bb will get better soon...
me e same as u... right side bigger than left.. actually every part of me is right bigger than left.. but didnt expect now breast also like tat..

ya.. i know wat u going thru even tho i didnt hv low lying placenta, last few weeks of preggie also had to wake up at least 4-5times to pee.. then tummy too heavy also difficult to sleep..

since u can express out so much.. y dont u express out n let ur hubby n mum feed him sometimes.. so u can rest??? if not, no harm letting him take some FM too... most imptly is not to cause urself stress over this...

actually, i learn that my boy cries for these reasons:
- hungry,
- tired but needs to be cuddled to sleep
- tummyache but wants comfort (he will shit once we carry him for awhile)
- juz want to "move around" (i.e. we got to carry him n walk around abit)
- juz want attention, we sing / talk to him n pat him can liaoz...
so whenever he cries, we juz try n identify what he's crying for n give him whichever "solution" he needs.. which is why up to now, we've not given him pacifier nor "yao lan"..
bearyhugs,yah according to PD cos sometimes when babies cant breath through nose , they tend to use their mouth and breatha nd tat is why they got wind in their stomach . So far my boy is ok after taking e medication. So for his case I dont think is infant GER. If u r worry maybe can bring him to the PD to confirm .
Hi Straw Berry,
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as for the walker, not sure, I might not be buying it in future cos it is too danger as bb will knock item in my living rm.
Straw Berry, i have those walker too. but this type u really have to watch them closely

But this is for much later when they already know how to stand and learn to walk on his own.

dumbger, oh dear hope he is better now. The medication for how long?
wow your MIL story sounds scary..

starz, i think is more like if u let baby latch on, the uterus will contract more thus cos the lochia. If partial BF less contraction so less lochia.. my guess only..

eileen, come out from nose quite scary leh..did u check with PD?

Question to all mum: how many hours your baby sleep at this stage? how many hours he/she is awake ?

My boy is like eat & sleep most of the time leh.. except when poo-poo & bathing time.
Sometime we put him on bouncer trying to play with him, but less than 10min he will make noise. So far i observe seems like he is more interested in sleeping then playing with us.

i use pacifier, yao-lan (sarong), bouncer...

And he prefer to be carried 'vertical'(the burping position), not sideway. if is sideway he will try to find nipples liao...
but carrying this way very tiring leh..
hi all,
Now only realised how busy my life with a new born baby. Really hardly have time to read the forum. Everyday feed him, clean him and pump milk. I'm like a cow now

Any one know will we continue to have the pain on both breast whenever there's "pump time"? How long u all pump each time for each breast? What's the interval for pumping milk? 3-4 hrs once?
Ya, in the end i bought Avent IQ Uno breast pump, is kind of expensive, but is worth..the suction power is good.

Normally i feed my boy, then stil got left over, then i pump and keep in fridge. Sometimes really dunno how much he has drink if i let him latch on directly?
Will get my boy's photo uploaded shortly..all photos in my other PC..need time to transfer
yup, my pumping time sort of fixed lah. when i wake up i will definitely express, cos my breasts feel so full! and before i sleep i will definitely do one more time, this is to prevent my breasts getting engorged when i wake up the nx day. my third time will be somewhere around 5pm or so, halfway between the day and nite expressing.
no leh, my only other option is to put him in infant care which my hubby does not wan to consider at all.
only thing i can do now is jus hope that my MIL learns fast on how to take care of him.

ur boy's clothings wet at nite is it cos u tuck his shirt into the pampers? so when he poo or pee, it may kena the shirt. abt ur boy not getting enough milk...maybe u shld try supplementing him wif formula, at least he's getting enough food for growth rather than let him go hungry.

yup, i tried petpet diapers, didn't like it cos i find that it's a bit too loose at the thighs for my boy...got lobang there so that when he poo, it'll leak out. and my boy is a bit bigger than average the diaper can be loose...see how ur bb, if ur bb on the smaller side better dun try. if ur bb is on the bigger side perhaps there wun be any lobang.

i am trying pureen now. so far so gd, no complaints yet. only leaked once but that's cos my boy had a big major poo.

nov mtb
u experiencing pain while expressing? i only feel an initial slight pain at the beginning when i start to pump, but that's cos the nipple haven't...how to say..."open up". after a few strokes of pumping ok liao. i pump 3 times a day, in between latch on. no definite time of how long, jus pump until no more milk come out then stop.
it is recommended to pump at 3-hr intervals to maintain ur bb's daily supply of BM.

bearyhugs, littlecat
the GER medication given to my boy is Motilium and Zantac, which treats his vomiting and reflux-cum-abdominal pain respectively. the Zantac is only for 3 days and Motilium is until he stops vomiting.

as to how the PD diagnosed, first is the symptoms:
1) excessive vomiting; vomiting jus after feed is ok, but hrs after feed is not. plus vomitting even in sleep.
2) feeding a lesser amount despite being hungry
3) irritable, cranky, looks like in pain
4) excessive crying

second is physical examination, PD probed my boy's stomach and said it is quite hard and there's alot of noise. she also examined his balls, which are normal, so she eliminated a sickness (can't remember the name) that has symptoms of GER but instead it has something to do with the balls.
hi starz

Regarding the question on lochia or menses, i have the same problem also. My gal 7 weeks. My lochia cleared on the 3rd week of birth. it stopped for 1 week then i started to see RED. initially tort is menses also but like what u say sometimes more sometimes abit. had been there for continue 3 weeks liao. i check wif my gynae he told me is normal. Some women will have lochia for up to 6 to 8 weeks.
Dear mommies
I am back. Was discharged yesterday.

Wanted natural birth but even after induced,then came the show and the contraction after 24 hours, only 1.5cm dilated, so discussed with gynae to get baby out via Elective Spinal c-section. (rather than elective epidural c-section, i think the recovery is faster).

My baby was on formula since he arrived becos of my c-sec, difficult to carry him and was drowsy.
My baby suckle well on the left breast yesterday but on the right breast is still a real struggle. Can feel a little harden on the right breast already.

Some pics of Owen. He was demo baby at TMC parentcraft for teaching new mommies and daddies on breastfeeding and bathing.



Will let u all know the birth story later. Rather funny in the operating theatre.

Any of you has difficulty putting baby to sleep? My baby cries when I put him in his crib so we resort to carrying him all the time. Put him down he will cry one minute after putting him in his crib. SO tiring! Any advise?

Also, expressed milk. I pump some today and some yesterday so can I mix both amounts together and feed him in one serving?
Hi Mei Lik,

Congrats! Owen is so cute. All your months of enduring morning sickness is worthwhile, right?
Rest well for now.

I mix the expressed milk too, but do not mix those with intervals more than 8 hours apart, if they are stored both in the fridge, not the freezer.

I also have problems putting the baby to sleep in the mornings and at night. Had to resort to using a sarong yao lan in the end. It helps.

Wow, 20 min for each breast every 3 hourly. That's long. I can barely do it. So tiring. I have to resort to expressing sometimes.

Nov MTB,
I use the Avent ISIS Duo now. I try to keep to 10 min per breast. Don't want to over-simulate the milk glands and over-produce. I pump every 3-4 hours if the baby does not latch on.
Hi Mei Lik,

Surprised that it was u! :p
I was there too during the demo. The one suddenly coughed and the nurse gave hot water :p. The cough really make my wound pain
dunno why these few days sometime cough.

My labor history...sigh...

Never thought to take epi but in the end gynae adviced to take after 12 hours unbearable pain 5 minutes interval and baby heartbeat down/distress..

Never thought to go by C-section but had to do so when baby was in OB position. Tried natural at first and already seen his hair, but still the face tangle at my pelvic...
hi dumbger,
For 1st few days it was kind of pain, now ok liao..as wat u said, only 1st few pumping will feel a bit pain. I pump every 3-4 hrs and each side about 15 min. Is really tiring, everyday feed him, pump milk, clear his poo and pee...really exhausted.

ISIS Duo very expensive for me, so i bought the

My fren told me can only mix the milk that pump out same day.

I just gave my boy the pacifier whenver he doesnt want to sleep. But have to observe him til he sleep as he'll cry when the pacifier drop out from his mouth.
this morning almost cried when saw the first drop of breast milk flow into the pump. But now breast engorge, milk collected not reaching 5 ml after pumping for 1 hour. Got sore nipples some more, feel so discouraging
Hello Kelly
How are you now? I hope your are recovering. I can't really cough too, will cause wound pain.

My boy doesn't latch well, and use Avent Uno to pump my milk. Left sight got a bit of milk but the right sight, sigh..no milk.

Kelly, don't stress yourself on the milk production, try latching, if really cannot then pump for 10/15 mins each side.
The ebm if both put in the freezer one, can mix even though different day?

Nov MTB,
Same here. Give pacifier and it drops out he will cry but then aiyo someone must carry him all the time else he no want to sleep.

So sad!
Hi all mummies here,
I'm oso a nov'06 mum. I gave birth to my boy on 17th Nov. May i ask wat u girls mean wen u swaddle your babies?
Hi Mei Lik,

Congrats, Owen is so cute! Enjoy your journey to parenthood

Hi Mononoke,

My boy also, hard to pacify at night. Got to carry all night long. Last night "play game" with me from 10pm to 2am. Then continue again from 4am to 5am+. Every night is lidat, no sleep. Even lao yan also dun want. He only want human yao lan.
hi Mek Lik,
Dun give up, i also got no milk on my 3rd and 4th day after gave birth...pump almost 1 hr only got 30-40ml..and the nipple was very pain, try use the nipple soothing cream, it really helps. I used the cream for few days only, now no need liao. The more u pump the more u'll produce the milk, just dun give up. If baby cannot latch on well now, use pump to pump out ur milk 1st.

Yest i whole night didn't sleep, feed him then pump milk then he makes noise
keep doing the same cycle whole night..and now he sleep so tight

I wonder how i'm going to cope when get back to work?
hi kelly chin,

don't despair ok? try massaging with a hot towel before pumping. when engorged, get your hubby to massage for you, paying more attention on those engorged lumps and blocked ducts. by the time he's done i think you'll have to deal with two leaking boobs that you have a hard time trying to collect the milk.
You are right. Mrs Wong taught my hubby how to massage my two boobs when leaking. Mrs Wong touched only, leak liao. haha. Hubby do until hor, my two boobs got bruises.

I pump for 1/2hr at least produced 20ml. Then stop to do second breast. Cannot do too long, sore leh. I also got use nipple cream. Now every 3 hours i will pump. One side pump, one side hubby massage.

Thank you. Now no more puking. What a relieved. How are you getting on with your two boys?

Nov Mum:
Thank you. How are you coping with Wayne?
My confinement lady so far so good. Enjoying it.
I do mix milk expressed at different time (store separately) for a single feed...no problem with that.
Storage wise, can only store together milk expressed within the same 24 hrs... but I think better to store it separately.

Kelly, dun despair... will get better one.... the fact that you have engorgement means you have milk... you have to try to keep massaging and keep latching....

Nov mum,
me same leh... my gal fuss alot more lately.. last night I was up almost every hr...feed 12am...1am change nappy...2am feed...3am feed... 4am bb fuss again... I cannot tahan liao.. cannot even open my eyes... cannot take it and cry....and just hand bb to hubby and I lie on the bed... refused to move.... so tired....
then in the end, I ask hubby to place bb beside me on the bed and she fell asleep....
Dumbger, probably you MIL does know how to take care of your bb.. just that she dun do much now... when the time comes, she will be able to handle it?

I'm the opposite... my MIL almost fighting with us to take care of bb... haiz...makes me a bit uncomfortable sometimes... me possessive lah... eveytime bb cry..she will run to bb...
meilik, kelly, dun despair.. first week is like that... milk supply will be more after u get over the initial engorgement. dun over pump or over latch.. if your nipples become too sore, your next few days of feeding will be a nightmare.

elmo, sometimes bb just want cuddling to feel secure.. placing her beside u is not a bad idea too. at least she can feel your presence so can sleep better.
Me too, I used to have problem to sleep at night , especially between 11 pm to 4 am cause my baby want to be feed every one hour and, he cry alot and need to hold him and to take him to walk arround my apt.Really tired and I have lack of sleep.

Thanks God, I got good solution from my PD ( dr angg poon liat- TMC level 3 ), he sugested me to turn off every light - bed room's light start from 89 pm to induce baby's brain so he can produce melantonin( hormone to sleep). And this tips really work on my baby, in these two days my baby can sleep better and he only neesd to be feed every 2-3 hours at night.

Hope this simple tips can work on your baby too.

Good luck.
Hi all,
Mei Lik, congratulations on the birth of your bb boy.... So did u really find out the gender only when he's out? By the way, don give up on pumping to stimulate your milk flow. Things would get better as the days go on. I experienced the same thing as you initially. Actually, bb latching on produce the best results cos their suckling power is much better compared to any pumps. If your bb is not latching on well, bring him tog to parentcraft n get them to assist u till both of you get the technique. Meanwhile, I also get sore and cracked nipples even till now when I'm past one month. In fact, I find tat the best way to cure it is to air dry with some breastmilk rubbed onto it. N the best way to cure engorgement is breast massage. Get the massue who's doing jamu massage to do it for u, they would usually know how to clear all the blocked milk ducts.

Betterworld, my boy used to suckle for 20mins on each side but now tat he's past one month, feeding time had reduced to abt 10mins on each side. Think he's slowly getting the hang of it. The first year book says it takes abt 10mins to drain a breast but you should let the bb suckle a bit longer so that he gets the nutritious hind milk.

Ferlyn, what meds was your boy given for his nasal congestion? My boy was given some saline, anti-inflammatory nose drops. He was also given illiadin nosedrops to clear his nasal congestion.

Monocake/Nov MTB, jia you. Don giv up too. I went thru the same phase when my son was feeding almost every hourly. So weary on my breasts but he's past tat week 3 growth spurt n I've slowly learnt to take his crying cue signs. Sometimes, if your bb cries an hour after feeding, don rush to feed him. Try to cuddle him back to sleep or coax him with a lullaby first. This would help to prolong the feeding interval n prevents snacking (nip nap) feeding habits. Of cos, u might need help frm your helper or HB to coax him into sleep.

By the way, what are the signs of nipple confusion? I intro bottle feeding to my son last week with expressed milk using the silicone teats. He seemed to be rather frustrated at my breasts starting yesterday n refuse to suckle after abt 5mins at each side. The LC at KKH told me tat its not nipple confusion jus bb being fussy?
My boy was given a small bottle of nose drop that only can be use for one wk and then PD gave me a nose that is to be use for cleaning of nostrils. He said the spray is safe for babies to use as it is a seawater solution. so far i only used the spray once.
My boy was given a small bottle of nose drop that only can be use for one wk and then PD gave me a nose spray that is to be use for cleaning of nostrils. He said the spray is safe for babies to use as it is a seawater solution. so far i only used the spray once

I don't quite understand your question. Do you mean that you mix the frozen EBM together, after they have been defrosted, into one feed? If this so, I don't think there is any problem, especially if you defrost them together. If you pour the fresh milk into the frozen EBM , then it is not advisable as it will thaw the frozen EBM.

Does that mean that you offer both breasts for your baby to latch on, all these while? It seems that some babies will be full after latching onto one breast for 20 min.
betterworld, u r right, my girl is usually full after latching on to 1 side. but some bbies are bigger drinker, maybe that's why they need to nurse on both sides.
Ferlyn, my boy was given the same thing as you. Its Illiadin nose drops, can only be used for a week cos it can cause rebound congestion if used for too long continously. I used it on him for 3 days n his breathing plus suckling did improve quite a bit.

Betterworld, yup. I usually offer both breasts for my baby so tat they can be drained effectively. Else, one side would feel more engorged most of the time. My son is quite a fast sucker n big eater.
I have to let bb suckle on both breast for 20 mins... if not bb will fuss after 1 hr.. cos she is not full... maybe I dun have that much milk....so she needs to suckle both side...

bearyhugs, it does seems like your bb is fussing...why not observe a while longer... unless your bb is doing that all the time now... if not should be just fussiness....
my bb sometimes after latching on for few mins... will give a cry... then continue to suckle... I just let her be...

Mummies, how much does your bb takes every feeding session if you do give bottle? Mine is taking 100ml now...normal?
hi all,
We all have to be very patient to bb. For me i wont feed him if he cry after 1-2 hr feed. Think we just need to cuddle him or give pacifier to make him sleep again. We have to train bb eat every 3-4 hrs, each feed must give him enough milk, dun feed a bit by abit, then u got to wake up every hr at night just to feed him.
Ya, night time is damn tiring...after feed, got to make him sleep then got to pump milk, then when i wan to sleep, bb make noise again

We better dun mix the freezed EBM. When taking out just use the tap water to melt it, then pour out watever amount u need to warm up, the rest keep back into fridge (NOT freezer). I wont mix the milk, i'll pour into 2 different bottles and warm it 1 by 1 to feed my boy.
Btw, how u all store ur BM? i bought the Avent cup but only can use 4 times. Any cheap and good way to store BM?
hi mei lik,

congrats on the arrival of your bb!
continue to perserve on your BF!

me jus seen gynae yest..bb engage so any time bt hope it's next week due to CL only available on 14th dec..


how r u getting on?! bb is turning one month old tomorrow right?! congrats! take care!
I store my BM using those glass bottles from the hospital...

Choo, excited? :p
good luck to you and hope you have a smooth delivery... ;)
....just very tired.... need to start getting my life back on the track.... till now focus has been on feeding... really no life... feed.... sleep...feed..pump.. sleep... I'm going out tomorrow to give myself a break...if not I feel very depressed....
nov_mtb, i also want to train my bb to feed on schedule, not on demand. but i really dunno if she has enuff to drink or not (cos i dun have overwhelming supply).. that's why i dun dare to starve her or give her pacifier. i prefer to latch her on so that i can increase my supply thru her demand... chicken and egg problem, right? sigh.....

my friend is using avent liner to freeze her BM.. alot cheaper than milk bags. just go to ikea to buy the plastic clip to clip the liner top and then freeze. save space also.

elmo, my girl is abt 6 weeks old and on 100ml as well. but she is abit small, so dunno if you can use her as a gauge. she is borned 2.3kg... should be abt 4kg now.
hi mummies

jus wanna update that my boy's GER hasn't improve much. he's still having the same symptoms...vomiting, crying, arching of back, feeding less etc. i brought him to another PD yday, who told me that his stomach has a huge amount of gas, and his throat is inflammed due to excessive vomiting and crying. my heart so pain upon hearing this.

I've been instructed to keep a logbook for the PD as to wat time and how much he feeds, when he vomits and how much, etc. in addition, was instructed during each feeding to feed him less (but more often), double-burp him, keep him upright while feeding and half hr after feed to lay him on his stomach for 15min. i've also hav to feed him a special formula milk to try and curb his reflux.

tmr i'm suppose to go back to the PD for her review. she mentioned to me that if still no sign of improvement, my boy has to be admitted to hospital for further examination. sob sob.
hi elmo & Jannie,
I only got 4 bottles from hospital and without cap as the teat was disposable type. I'm now used up all 4 bottles, 10 Avent cup and 8oz milk bottles...got to buy avent liner i guess.I thought i wont have so much milk, now really depend on demand, more demand will have more supply. Now i try to change fr pumping every 3 hrs to every 4hrs, coz is too tiring especially at night.
My boy today 2 wks old, i feed him 80-100ml, which depend on wat's the interval. If he demand milk less than 3 hrs, then i give him 80ml, if more than that i give him 100ml. How much i think is depend on baby, u might check with ur PD.

hi dumbger,
hope ur boy getting well soon.
Jannie/Nov_MTB, the avent liner is not meant for freezing leh....it's only for frige use...

Nov_MTB, you can go back to the hospital to get it...you can get the bottle caps from Mt Alvernia at 75 cents each......I think TMC also sells them, but 3 at $3

Dumbger, dun worry too much now..... I know very hard pain.....just do what you can and see if it improves....hope your boy gets better soon...
my gal is 4 weeks old.......i dunno if that is how much she is drinking now all the time but that's how much she drinks from the bottle.....
yah, nov_mum, unless u need to store up for future use, try not to pump at such a close interval. i m trying not to pump after feed even though my breasts are still pretty full cos i dun really like the idea of frozen BM. will try to hold off freezing as long as possible cos thawed BM got a slightly metallic smell (prob taste too).

elmo, yah, liners r not meant to be frozen, but alot of mummies in this forum are using this method... i tot just to share it here.
Hi Jannie,
better not leh... cos if the liners are not meant to be frozen... not al plastic is suitable for freezing.. I fid the glass bottles most economical as it can be recycled....

I envy you gals for having so much milk... I'm trying to pump some for freezing cos I intend to use those frozen ones as backup only...use only if required.....cos I dunno how long my milk supply will last.....but it's so tough to squeeze out extra....

you got any problem with storing milk with those food stuffs?... I find it a bit unhygenic.. .cos dunno if the smell will leak into the milk or not... :p
Hi Mei lik,

I recover quite ok. Baby also growing well, tomoro will need to go back to TMC for his check-up, hopefully the jaundice no prob...

elmo, if u want, u can try some of the herbal supplements like fernugreek or goat's rue. if not, i find that drinking milo helps me leh.. i usually take a cup of milo before i sleep..... bb is usually satisfied after suckling 1 side. dun stress lah.. i also dun have alot of supply.. just nice (or a little more than required).. not like some of the mommies here.. can pump out so much each time...
