(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hi all,
Gingercat, din know tat we have to change our breast pads so often. I've been changing twice a day only. Will hav to change more often now. Wat kind of breast infections can we pass to bb if we don change tat often?

My boy is currently 22days old and weighs ard 4.3kg. I latch him all the time cos I'm jus too lazy to pump. Think pumping also require efforts n it may not suck out as much milk as bb's suckling power. By the way, one way to calculate how much milk your bb needs is approx 150mls per kg per day total. Jus been told by PD.

Myscrania/Monocake, my boy also falls asleep easily after suckling for a good 10mins or so. Initially, I just let him sleep but i find it so very tiring cos he wakes up every hour to find milk. Too weary on my poor breasts. Then I read from the book "What to expect - the first few years" tat we have to constantly wake a sleeping bb up during feeding time in order to prolong the intervals between feeding time. U can use methods like unwrapping the bb, tickling the bb's feet etc. I find doing chin lifts to the bb n detaching him to burp him for a while works best.

Jannie, thanks for sharing the info on breastfeeding time on each breast. I tried our your method yesterday n I find tat my boy can last longer now for at least abt 2.5hrs intervals. So happy. He used to cluster feed for the past one week, nip nap every hourly. So very exhausting...

Hi joyce, I don mind going for the bb's massage thingy. Been wanting to go too. Will find out more and sign up later.

Angeline, don worry n giv up. I also have sore and cracked nipples like you initially. I find tat the fastest way to heal is to rub milk onto it and let it air dry after feeding for abt 5mins. I bear with the pain and continue to latch my boy on, after some time, u will find tat the nipples would toughen up and be numb already. Tat's when u would find it a breeze to BF. Endure....as long as your bb is pooing and urinating at least 8-12 times a day, its normal for a BF bb.

Hi starmoon,
congrats to yr arrival of yr bb and also yr smooth and fast delivery. hope mine will be a fast one.

take care!
the flow from breast is slower that from bottle, and also could be bb like your breast better. I also find sometimes bb like to latch on breast longer... try not to let bb stop in between the suckling, if bb stop suckling for too long, unlatch her by breaking the suction.... dun let her get used to seeking comfort from your breast.....

I'm getting better... still have a bit of pain.. and some soreness and aches around the womb area... so trying to rest more now... but hard esp at night when bb's demand for milk seems higher.....
Ya, I let bb latch most of the time.. so far only pump 4 times and bb seems to prefer the breast....but I have to start training her to take the bottle, if not next time how to work....

bearyhugs, I also have problem bb sleeping during feeding, but I find that no matter what i do, bb just dun wake up..... I tried stroking her chin, massaging her cheeks, ears, doing exercise, undoing her nappy... just dun work.... haiz....
the only thing I haven do is undress her....

everyday her feeding time is eractic, on good days (occasionally), she can sleep 5-6 hrs, but mostly, every 2-3 hrs and nowadays she have 1-2 hrs pattern also..... very tiring for me....
some more feed liao poo, poo already feed....

I guess we just have to endure and do wat we can for now... should get better right...I hope...:p
mycrysania, me and the husband didn't want to give Sofi a pacifier too but in the end, we gave in. she still hasn't learnt to suck on it yet - we have to hold it for her and when she's had enough, she pushes it out with her tongue.
One word of advise: Bf positions must keep changing else bb get too used to a certain position and also the milk ducts might be clogged. I yesterday go for my one month post partum check and my obgyn says got clogged duct and ask me to try lying down position to get the milk going. I try but bb wail too much cos he too used to the cradle hold. Sigh. So 2nd option is to take some vitamin supplement which is said to make the milk flow.
hi all,
Finally i've delivered on 22Nov 431pm due to water bag burst at 130am..is such a long delivery process due to slow dilation and long push

Baby's Name : Li Ian
Birth Weight: 3.79kg
HC : 36cm
Length : 51cm
Most mommies have pop, I am still here waiting patiently.
HAHA...anyway, my due date is on 28 Nov, so will just hand on and see.
Hi Mommies,

For those who have babies throwing out milk, a doc advised me to let e baby sit upright for 15 mins after feeding. It said can help prevent it from vomited out e milk. Hope it can solve e problem.

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for comment
I think all babies here are so cute.
Nov MTB,

congrats! your bb came out on my birthday! hehe; i hope you're enjoying holding him in your arms right now.

mei lik,
you have me for company. my boy is still reluctant to meet us leh.

and doc said y'day that he's had cases which have dragged on till 43 weeks gestation. He may do a VE for me next appointment and if my cervix has effaced, we have the option to induce by pellet insertion (not by breaking the waterbag) or continue to wait patiently. sigh... i wonder if i'll be the final mummy to pop, ha!

btw, i even asked him if it's ever possible that my body doesn't know how to give birth to the baby... reassuringly, he said that nature will not sabotage like this. well, I'm sure my God won't sabo me like that
perhaps you want to consider propping your bb up with a towel or pillow, or get the netted device that he can lay in it at an inclination. my cousin advised that it is a good investment to prevent regurgitated milk. but of course bb will need supervision when seated in that (the cheaper one doesn't come with harness etc) esp when he starts to roll over. i think it retails at about $27 in most places.

i'm contemplating putting him in the carseat or stroller we bought while he digests his milk and the added bonus is he can learn to get used to the carseat and won't struggle when we go out.... hmm. aiya, but i'm still waiting for him to arrive. hehe.

I don't feel kan cheong too. Just waiting. Haha we are all waiting.

Had my VE check, no sign of dilation, so will have pellet insertion tomorrow. The max pellet insertion will be 2.

If 2nd pellet insertion still no sign of dilation,it will be c-section, as my gynae worried about BB distress.

Keep my fingers cross for tomorrow.

Thank you. Will be soon, tomorrow see how is goes.When are you due?
Hi Scribbler

Thanks for your concerns & encouragement really! Now I remember I used to burn Lavender oil & did some basic meditation. I digged my drawer & found the essential oils still there. Will take up your suggestions, thk kee!!!

So Scribbler, Mei Lik & Kelly

I wish u all well & smooth in your deliveries. Feel so happy for u all leh, got partners can encourage one other. Me still a long way unless my gynae suggested an induced delivery in today's apptmt for some valid reason!
Angeline, you can call Nepia direct at 62262650. They have promo until end of Nov, the diapers are $14 per pkt, but must order 4 pkts for free delivery.
I've ordered 2 NB and 2 S.
NB comes in pkt of 60's and S comes in pkt of 54's
Hi Angeline
Thanks for sharing. Will take note if my bb throw-out milk in future. Jotted down in my notebook liao. Your bb very cute, so bubbly...

Whao Nov_MTB

Congrats!! Finally! It's all over for u! Now waiting patiently to see bb photo
Hi all,
Today due date. Gynae said tomoro midnite admit TMC, get ready for induction :|

Can I sterilize all my bottles, pump now? How to keep it? How should I bring the pump to TMC? and

Mummies who have done the malay post natal massage?
What do you wear when u do the massage? wrap in sarong? I saw a shop at Chinatown selling the sarong kinda sleepwear.. dunno if we do the massage we need that kind of wear or not..

Kindly please advise..
Hi little cat,

So far i use nepia quite okay. Can last for 2 to 4 hours depends how often ur boy urine.

I ordered direct from Nepia and therefore they charged me $15 per packet.

I still using pamper premium small size during evening and night for my boy.

Overall, pamper premium still the best.
With regards to the pacifier, oh well, as my hubby says... all these 'tools' are made for a reason, to make our lives as parents easier.
As long as we have tried our best.

My CL does the Indonesian massage for me. I don't wear anything apart from my undies.

Elmo, Bearyhugs,
I have tried all sorts of way to wake him up during feed. Now he seems to be better, at least nap also not too long. Now every feed is about 45 mins max. Shorter than the previous 60-90 mins. What I do now is burp him when he 'rests', and that seems to work.
Hi kellychin, i paid about $13.50 for the synotocin drip for my induction at TMC. Assisted labour for 4 bedded (with free upgrade to 2 bedded) is about $750. Cash outlay for my delivery is about $80. Mine is induced labour, natural without epidural, forceps delivery.

Nope you wont need to sterilize your bottles and pump now cos you wont be pumping it out while u are in the hospital..you'll most likely be latching on your baby directly instead. plus.. the bottles and pump can only stay serilized for about 6 hours..

Good luck for your delivery tomorrow!!
Today i due liao.

Now going to TMC to be admitted.

Nurse told me to eat my normal breakfast before admitting. LOL.

Today i delivering, still vomitting. Haiz. Puked all the way from pregnancy till deliver.

Kelly, maybe we will see each other leh
Hi Mei Lik,

Jia You and all the best. You going to see your baby soon!

congrats to all the mummies who have pop.

I am still struggling with my baby especially night time cause most of the time is hubby handling the baby, if not will be my mum. I only feed. My boy very impatient, once wake up, cry loudly for milk, cannot wait even a while...next week I will be alone at home myself, dunno can handle or not...
littlecat, i find nepia softer than alot of other brands, so i like it. of course pampers is still the best. but nepia NB cutting is smaller than pampers NB. if u want to order, order S size and above.

any bbies here are hard to burp? my girl is so so difficult to burp leh... i think so far, she's burped less than 10 times since coming home.. which is 4 weeks ago.. sigh... i think that is the main reason for her colic... sigh.....
mei lik,

think you won't be reading this in time but ALL THE BEST!

i think i'm on the way too. Waterbag started leaking clear early this morning... went to pee and saw some bloody tissue come out... then the leaking started turning pink... and i'm still leaking on and off pinkish waters after more than 5 hours.... sigh. but ah, no feeling of contractions, only uterine muscles tightening.

probably later today or tomorrow, i think.

wish me good luck!
Hi Mei Lik,

Good Luck to you!! Hope u have a smooth delivery and keep us updated okay?

Hi Scribbler,

Probably today is ur D day too.. U take care too. Keep us update.
thx gingercat & jannie on nepia

as long as not like Dryper, i find it is very rough & hard.

MeiLik, have a smooth one! and say goodbye to MS

nov_mum, wow your hubby good in handling baby.
my boy also impatient type, open his eye and cry very loud for milk.
sometime i see him about to wake up about to wake up will prepare the milk first.
hi jannie, i find when my boy is sleepy he's hard to burp, otherwise he'll usually burp himself. the moment i sit him upright, he'll burp. but when his eyes are closing, no matter how long that i rub his back, he'll not burp. perhaps you'll want to change a method of burping or burping positions?

my method of burping is to make him sit upright, hold his head by the chin and rub his back until he burps..

I very scared of night time. Sometime after changing diaper, finish feeding, my boy's eyes still big big. Both me and hubby so tired liao, feel like sleeping but still need to coax my boy till he sleep and it took a long time.

After feeding, I will pass my boy to my hubby to burp and i rest. If cannot manage to coax my son, I will pass to my mum. Next week, no one to help me liao in the daytime. Somehow because i rely on my mum and hubby, that causes me to stress and scared.
Hi Scribbler,

If you are reading this, pls go to the hospital immediately as your waterbag is linking. Do not wait for contractions to set in. The risk with waterbag leakage is infection. Congrats. Looks like your baby is finally on his way.

Hi mothers,
Do you anyone of you has problems breastfeeding?
Hi Littlecat,

How are u coping now? Just quick check with you on ur boy's feeding pattern. Is ur boy sleeping thru the nite now after his last fed at night? What happen to Drypers? Heard some of my friends said that the improvised version not bad leh. Keke!! I dared not try it cos in case my boy get nappy rashes.

Currently my boy feed is every 4 hours interval and usually after his last fed at 11 plus, he will sleep thru the nite till next morning about 5 plus 6 am. Hopefully this is normal for new borns now, cos i scared he is not eating enough.
hi mummies!
scribbler, mei lik...all the best!!
hav almost all of us nov mothers popped already huh??

yeah, sometimes my boy really takes a long time to burp. wat i usually do is change positions. the position i find most effective on him is sit him up, hold him under his armpit (right armpit if he's facing left and vice versa) while the side of his head rests on my hand.

nov mum
wah...envy u leh! nite time got ur hubby and mum to help. i'm totally solo during the nites...mum will be resting in another room so can't hear and my hubby jus sleeps through like a log all the way. anyhow, i'm the opposite of u leh, i actually dun wan my mum and MIL to come over help me anymore. i find that i'm perfectly capable of taking care of my son without them. i'm now in the midst of discussing wif my hubby how to shoo them away...since my 1-mth confinement over liao.

u hav problems bf? wat difficulties are u facing?

my boy feeds on formula at nite at 3 hr intervals. think u don't hav to worry abt ur boy not feeding enuff cos bb will naturally cry for milk when he's hungry. u shld be very glad that he's sleeping all the way through to nx morning!!

is nepia good? so far i find only pampers works best but ex leh. i've tried petpet but it always leaks, and i dun like dryper's material. i've also bought pureen but hav yet to open up the pack.
jannie, i put baby on my shoulder, he burp very fast. sometime if not working i will put him back to feeding position then lift up again back to shoulder and he will burp.

gingercat, wow your baby good leh, one feeding all the way till morning! it is good u should make sure he keep that routine. Doc said while they are sleeping it is ok, no need to feed. When they hungry they will wake up.

My boy's time still unpredictable. Day time sometime 3 hours, sometime 2hours+ already screaming for food. i very scare overfed him.

then nite time also problem, he still following the 2-3 hours interval. so have to wake up at least twice. then never mind, after he sleep, he will make some noise that make u wake up to check, so it is sleepness nite. lucky i have maid to help, if not i dun think i can sit here to type liao... *yawn*...

i got some Drypers from the hamper, find it very rough, not like pampers so soft. i think ok for older boy, but not for new born.

gingercat, do u breastfeed your boy?
Hi all,
Gingercat, understand u had a packet of Nepia to sell off right? Is it still available? I can pick it up from u at a designated area or your place? Wanted to try it out first before ordering 4 packs under delivery. Heh, your son is real good! 4 hourly intervals? On BM or FM? Wow, then can sleep thru the night? Wat's your secret manual? Share share leh. My son is currently 25days old, trying to be on TBF if I can. Sometimes, alternate days, I might supplement with FM for the last feed. Now he's better, can last for 2.5 - 3hrs, so glad tat he's been thru the growth spurt phase cos in week 3, he was feeding almost every 1 hr. Really siong on my breasts man....

Anyone has trouble trying to coax their bb to sleep? Each time, he would fall asleep after a BF session of approx 30-40mins but would wake up immediately when I placed him back in the cot. Either eyes big big or seem to be looking for food again. Actually, he just wants to be cuddled to sleep. I find the bb sling from both "Hotslings" n "Moms in mind" very useful! My boy falls asleep the moment I placed him inside. But how to wean this thing off?! Another big problem....sighs....
nov mum, i also very scare during nite time after feeding he still eye big big!

me too, can't coax him, cos when he scream i got kan-cheong then very difficult to calm him. so i will leave it to others to do it.
i heard if u get tense up the baby feel it too, so they will be more difficult to coax.
hi all,

for my baby, she will ask for feeding every 2-3 hours in the day. Night time almost every 2 hours she wakes up for feeding. (no matter i give her breastmilk or formula milk).

recently my latchon time is getting longer and feeding almost every 2 hour. not sure is it becoz if this my expressed breastmilk supply is decreasing.. anyone also experiencing so?
yeah u r right once we found some good method but worry how to wean it off later..
for me sometime when he already taken milk, trying to sleep but can't sleep and become cranky, i put him on breast & he will doze off easily. we were jokingly saying we are like the 'human pacifier'. i give him pacifier too, but sometime when it drop he will cry very loud...
also worry if he suck on breast and will drink more then become overfeeding.
Hi Mummies

Littlecat, I breastfeed my baby and initially during the night, I feed him with FM. Recent week, I express my breast milk and feed him at night but din expect that he slept thru. I din really like drypers after touching the material.

Bearyhugs, I had already given the packet of Nepia and Pampers Premium for newborn to Meilik since no one response to my posting. My son is on BM and direct latch on. Secret manual.. I think is pacifier bah.. hahah!! Now Iggy is already 5.1kgs and 60cm tall. Cannot wait to see him start crawling or playing in the walker.

Bbroom, maybe ur baby is cat napping during breastfeeding time and he did not had enuff. That may be the cause y his feeding time is every 2 hours. As for formulae milk, maybe his demand had increased and did not drink enuff... how much are u feeding him now?
Mummies do you all know how old can we place our baby in the walker?
hi ginger cat,
my baby is now coming to 4 weeks..she's drinking around 100ml each feeding for formula milk..and still wake up after 2 hours.. i think she's programmed by the time and not by what she drinks..

only in the day when she's really tired, she'll sleep through then fed around 4 hours interval.
bearyhugs, nov mum, my girl also will sometimes open her eyes big big at night... i just leave her alone if she doesn't make noise.. sometimes she will just fall back to sleep herself...

bearyhugs, i find that if bb wakes up right after i put her down, that means she is having colic... i will press lightly on her tummy and usually i m right cos her tummy will be hard. if it is not too late at night, i will ask my maid to help massage her tummy (i cannot massage cos i have very sweaty palms).

betterworld, do u want to share here abt your bfing experience? we can all chip in our similar experience to help each other along.
betterworld and gingercat,
thank you both for your advice and well-wishes.
Just an update: I've just come home from a CTG scan at Dr. Tseng's clinic; all is well.
He has respected my wishes to wait at home for the contractions to set in and intensify before admitting to hospital.
But if nothing picks up, I'll have to see him first thing tomorrow morning for another CTG scan, and probably be induced, cos the risk of infection is high after 24 hours.
I'm praying hard. And I'm actually v happy that I'm starting to feel the cramps on my front and back getting slightly stronger each time....!!! hehe.
hi mummies,

sorry ar, i remember one of e mummies here bought a medela mini electric pump, but was advised by Mrs Wong tat e funnel is too small, tats y cant express much / take too long time rite???
how to confirm if its too small ar??? my nipple is filling up almost e entire "tube" after e funnel... n where to buy e bigger funnel??? how much???
thanks in advance!!!

Jannie and Dumger,

Thanks! I have painful engorgement.
Even though my fever has cleared, I still feel that my breasts are so full and painful most of the time. Sigh. Yet at the same time, I was told that I should not be pumping, but rather let the baby latch on.

Also, I also feel that I do not have much of my own life now that I have to answer to baby's hunger pangs every 2-3 hours. Sigh. It is tough and tiring.
