(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

hi gals,
abt nepia, I'm not sure also cos Haven use before... size smaller ah? Hope not too small for my bb cos I already order 2 pkts. oops!
I find my bb poo a lot sometimes like very wasted cos only got poo on the diapers....but got to change....I intend to use pampers only for night... so will try out the nepia ....

Nov Mum, my hubby went back to work this week, so night time I have to start taking care of bb myself... cos if not hubby will be too tired to go to work next day... and I very scared hubby will ask me to let his mum take care of bb at night... cos he has been talking abt it..keep saying we must lead life normally.... and my MIL has been asking me to let her take care at night....but I dun feel comfortable....... a bit stressed over this actually....hiaz!


u stay with ur in laws?

y stress leh? if MIL help not good?

*kaypoh abit*

cuz my hubby oso tinking move back to MIL place NOW till birth... SIL and MIL oso pressurizing so now considering my options, whether get CL, or nanny near my place or nanny near MIL's place after bb is born...
How nice Scribbler! Signs of delivery! Soon we wl hear good news!

My gynae adviced me to wait for signs too. My cervix has thinen to 1cm but still sealed. But the pain along pelvix and bottom tummy is getting more intense now. My gynae says mine is a special case, contractions kick off b4 everything else. Now got to bear wif the pain & wait for the day... sigh

Hi Mycrysania,
So 2 in 1 hah? Your CL so good leh can do massages for u, den u save $$ to get a massage lady. I didnt get one, thot it's exp.

Hi Choo,

If my signs are not showing soon and drag on, we will be partners for Dec delivery...

All the best Kelly & Mei Lik!
Hi Elmo & hapybaby

Initially I feel blessed wen my MIL wanted to quit her job to care for my bb (nxt year), since I dun wan a maid or nanny. I agreed she takes care day & nite on weekdays liao. But now I wonder is it good or not.
Hi mummies,
Starz, think it was greybearie who first mentioned tat there's a bigger funnel for Medela pump. I followed her advice to go buy it cos I suffer from sore nipples after using the mini which shouldn't be the case. Then my lactation consultant told me tat the bigger funnel is useful for ppl who have bigger aerolas and nipples. It comse in sizes 27 and 30. I bought size 30 n it fitted me quie alright. Actually, I find the Avent manual pump works better leh...

Gingercat, how do u use the pacifier to prolong the feeding intervals? Don worry lah, so long as your son is pooing and urinating the correct amt, he's getting enuff. U should be happy tat your training works! Nvr mind abt the nepia diapers, thanks.

Betterworld, I also suffer from engorgement initially but my jamu massue was able to massage for me each time she comes. I think massaging the breasts is extremely impt... it helps to get rid of engorgement n clear all the blocked milk ducts n prevent mastitis too. If u r interested in my massue contact, PM me.... she does house calls to your place.
Hi all,
I forgot to ask u all if your babies make loud gurgling sounds at night (like clearing throat sounds)? Mine was so thundering loud tat my MIL next door could hear it lah! Is it normal? It sounds like they are in discomfort. Jannie, my boy wakes up with loud gurgling sounds the moment I put him back to the cot sometimes. Does it mean tat he has colic? I don really know how to massage his tummy but would try administering Infacol wind drops tonite for the last feed.
straw berry,

hehe. also wish you all the best as you wait for more signs to set in! i also didn't expect to start off with leaking. Now my contractions building up already and at the rate it looks to be going, don't think i'll be able to log in for the next 2 days. so, take care too!
hi bearyhugs

where did u buy the bigger funnel? I also thought of changing the current one that I'm using. Does it help you to express your breastmilk better?
bearyhugs, infacol got to take a few doses b4 u can see the effect. i m not sure abt gurgling sound leh, but my girl also makes alot of noise at night, keeping me awake most of the time... but they are actually still sleeping when they make noise leh. when bbies have colic, their tummies tend to sound "empty" when u lightly tap on them... u can try to see if your bb got colic or not.

elmobride, dun be to stressed abt taking care of bb at night.... most bbies will sleep more at night by now. anyway, it is your own bb, so look on the bright side that u will be able to bond with bb, ok?

betterworld, yah, latching bb on will help clear your blocked ducts. bb is really the best "pump" in the world cos mine can still suckle out more milk right after i have finished pumping. motherhood is like that one lah..... bb will take up alot of your time, esp if u are breastfeeding. pump out your milk once in a while and let someone else take care of bb, then go out to relax with your hubby.
Hi bbroom,
I bought the bigger funnel from Mums n Babes at United Square. Heard tat they are the authorised dealer of Medela products. I couldn't even find the funnel at KKH.

Hi Jannie, thanks for the advice. I would try tapping then but am so afraid tat I would wake him up from his sleep. My boy always got problems sleeping during daytime. So diff to coax him to sleep, cos if he doesn't sleep, his mouth would be searching for my breast! Now, the only way to make him to sleep is either to cuddle him tightly in our arms or place him in the bb sling....sighz.....When he sleeps in the bb sling, it can sometimes last him 3 hours on BM. Best record already for my son who sucks like a piranha each time..
Hapybaby/Strawberrt, MIL stay with us now...she also agreed to continue to stay over during weekdays after confinement so that we dun have to fetch bb to her place every morning... which is great for us cos save us a lot of inconvienience.....
it's just that she keep saying we shd let bb sleep with her so that we will not feel so tired.....but if I were to let bb sleep with her, somehow I find that I wun have much time with bb esp if I go back to work.....cos we normally reach home at abt 7 plus which means we only have a few hrs everyday with bb.....so I find that it's not a very good idea and insisted that bb sleep with me..... cos if not bb will not be close to me liao....
it's just that MIL keep asking and maybe I feel threatened by it lor..... initially, she ask me to pump out so that she can feed bb at night....now she even ask me to let bb take formula at night so that she can take care... but it all doesnt make sense right....cos I still have to wake up at night to feed is not will have to wake up to pump.... I rather feed direct than just pump...cos that's not gonna help with bonding mah... hiaz...
Jannie, my bb makes a lot of noise at night... she stretch she will also make noise...she also make very loud noises that seems to sound like she's very uncomfortable......last couple of nights was esp bad.....every hr also have noise and she will cry a lot more now....so very cham... if this continue... hubby gonna ask me to let his mum take care.....so maybe I'm a bit too stressed by this....
I dunno how I'm gonna cope with things carrying on like this.

can understand wat u mean, like someone wanna 'snatch' ur bb like that... like possessive like that then keep u out of the picture...

my situation opposite, MIL back out helping me bb sit, say prefer keep her job so we would have to find a nanny...

but they pressurize me MOVE BACK either NOW or after bb born n get nanny near her place den more pple to help bb sit if bring back every night but i'm very comfy in my own home n suggested getting nanny near my place but she said we can't handle being first time parents...

den now she insist letting her sister in law bb sit everyday after work she go pick up baby herself... but i dun like the idea loh...
elmo, bb will outgrow this stage, dun worry, dun stress.. just take things easy. i know for 1st time mums, it does not sound that easy.. but just take it lightly n tackle things as they come. at most u just lose a little more sleep in the night which u can make it up when your bb sleeps in the day. dun stress yourself too much, ok? MILs are like that lah.. my MIL too.. always want to come over and sleep with bb.... but u r right to insist to sleep with bb at night - like what u say, u will only have that few hrs with bb everyday, if dun sleep with bb, then bb will be closer to someone else....

bearyhugs, colic dun just come in the night like that.. it is accumulation of gas... so if u tap in the day, u also can hear. does the gurgling sound like phelgm stuck somewhere? my girl also like that leh.... worse if she sleeps in aircon. so these few nights i kept her out of aircon room and she does not have that much "gurgling" noise liao. oh, check if there's alot of mucus in the nose.. sometimes that restrict the breathing... that's why they dun sleep well when u put them down.
yup, know how u feel, i used to latch my boy on 100% of the time ended up wif painful engorgement too. but i stopped doing that now; now is abt 30% latch on and 70% i express out into bottle and feed him. breasts hav since stopped being engorged and also i now am able to monitor how much he drinks.
who told u can't express? y?

past few days (not only nites) my boy also like that leh, make very loud noises like very uncomfortable like that and also cry a lot more now. plus he's throwing up alot now, seems to me watever amount he feeds he end up vomitting it out. he's also drinking less. i dunno is it colic or wat, but i wan to bring him go see his PD, but my mum say to monitor a few days first.

any other mummies experiencing this?
haiz... yes... that's what I feel... she even say feed liao push to her room... then makes me like a feeding machine is it? so I dun feel good lor...

Jannie, I think it's the lack of sleep...and the tiredness making me lose focus liao...I will just insist on it...I even told hubby if he cannot sleep then he can sleep in the other room..... I told hubby that I bu she de bb cos wun be able to spend much time with bb... and I think he understand where I'm coming from... so hopefully he will stand by me....

Dumbger, my bb have vomitted out milk twice so far..... now I try to burp her a bit more... hopefully she will not vomit that much...
if she vomit, she will wan to make up for the feed and I think my current supply is just enuff for her normal appetite, if not she will cry while nursing....makes me so heart pain....
Dumbger & other mummies who express,
Do your babies get nipple confusion ar? I have been expressing. So I will let my CL give baby one EBM per day, the rest all latch on. Some friends advise me not to give bottle, because might cause nipple confusion. So far, baby seems to manage quite well alternating between 2. What are your experiences?

Ya, sort of 2-in-1. My CL does massage for me twice a week. And 'bengkung' (the Indo way of wrapping the stomach) everyday. Quite effective. I think my stomach has gone down a lot liao, and has only been 20 days. I got her from agency, pay more than usual, but if you factor in the massages, think it's worth it. Furthermore, am paying in Malaysian Ringgit, since I delivered and am doing my confinement in my mum's place in KL.

i also give my baby one EBM per day, usually in the night. one formula feed also in the night. the rest are all latch on.
i'm not sure if my baby is playful or is it nipple confusion, but sometimes she would only suck the nipple..then would be a little painful.
but most of the time when she's cooperative, it's quite ok.

btw, how many feeds do u all express everyday?
Hi Elmo

It's a bonus your MIL stays in your house during weekdays. That makes it perfect to have bb stay with u at nite! Bcos u are oredy spared the hassle of sending & fetching bb daily right. Muz be firm to tell your MIL u can still manage. But in case really too tired, u can still pass to her, how about tat?

Hi hapybaby

Maybe your MIL made these suggestions bcos she is trying to cover for her back out to help. If I were u, I wl tell her I wl consider her ideas, but right behind faster go and find a nanny near my house. In case sueh sueh cannot find a good one, den boh pian u can still revert back to her SIL. Think back, own relative still a better choice than stranger. Wat u think?

Whao mycrysania
Tats a good deal isn't it, and effective some more...how envy. Do take care and enjoy your confinement in KL
Hi Mummies

Meilik has given birth to her baby boy today via c-section.

Scribbler also given birth to her baby boy today at 1 plus pm via natural delivery.

Well done Meilik and Scribbler!! Congrates!!
my boy will have the "gurgling" in air cond environment too. i will on the air cond for 1 hour then switch to fan later.
Anyone let baby sleep in air cond too?

gingercat, the qtn on walker - must make sure the baby can sit first. i saw some try to put baby sit on it and stuck with pillow, but if their body is not ready yet, better dun start too early.

dumbger, so serious throw out everything? better monitor closely. but for baby with colic, i know they will cry / scream very loud, some happen everyday around evening time, but it won't be throwing all leh.. better check with PD.

congrats Meilik and Scribbler! welcome to the sleepness nite club!
hi Straw Berry,

maybe she is trying to make up, but i'm not going to give up so easily.

I've moved out from her place after staying together with her for 3 yrs! n now after having my own place, I won't move back so easily...

Plus, she's staying west, while we are staying Sengkang and hubby's work place is near Sengkang as well...

Only plus point is if get nanny near west, there will be an extra pair of hands to help out during nights, n dinner... other than that, I dun see any 'advantage' plus i'm secretly still pissed and mad that she back out only after we 'succeed'...

before we tried for bb, she always say will quit her job, will help us bb sit, now got liao den back out!
===New mummies===
Congrats to meilik and scribbler!

===MIL Woes===
I'm also experiencing some problems with MIL.. MIL is always telling me what to do and trying to take over the caring of my boy. telling me that i should put my baby to sleep on his stomach instead of his back. says that lying on his back will make him scared more easily? I told my hubby that I'm against it. What if he suffocates? Those baby guide books have also adviced against putting baby to sleep on this stomach to prevent infant cot death.

when my baby's crying and is inconsolable, she's making all sorts of assumptions like baby's teething and asked me to put a pacifier in his mouth when I know that he is just hungry. I'm against using the pacifier cos I feel that I should try to take care of his basic needs first before trying to shut him up with a pacifier.

It makes me frustrated when she carries my baby or when she bosses me around like asking me to take the changing mat, diapers etc. its like..hello?? I'm the mother of the baby, not you! I should be the one carrying him! I know i am possessive but i can't help it..and it seems like I'm not to only one facing this threat from MILs here..

Now she says she's going to quit her job and maybe going to take care of my baby. I know this would be a better arrangement as we're currently staying with my in-laws.. but i doubt her ability to take care of my baby. although she's had 3 kids but all of them were taken care by nannies since they were born..and her hands shake when trying to wear the clothes for my baby.. how to trust her to be able to hold my baby while trying to bathe him etc..? and what if she secretly puts him to sleep on his stomach while I'm not around? what if anything happens to him..?? sighs..

regarding when to start putting baby in the walker..i think we can only start when baby have better head control and can sit up unassisted?

Anyone can advise what are the signs that baby is irritable due to teething? Cos when my baby's born, he already has one tooth. PD says although this is uncommon (it occurs in 1 in 2000 babies), it is normal.. I'm a little concern that when he cries, its cos of his teeth and not due to other factors..

===Breastfeeding problems===
When my baby was admitted to TMC for phototherapy last week, he was on formula. when we brought him back, i had a hard time trying to feed him. My milk supply was low, maybe because I did not express out religiously at every 3 hour interval.. My baby was waking up every 1 hourly to feed and he was suckling for 1-2 hours and was still not satisfied. my hubby and i were so frustrated and I was stressed about the milk supply. it was really hard on my breasts having him to suckle for so long and so frequently. After getting advice from TMC, i was advised not to let him suckle for so long and give myself a break. I ate more fish and drank more fluids to get the milk supply back. now I can express out about 100 to 160ml each time.. so relieved that my milk supply is back..can save me and my hubby so much headache..

Now he sleeps and wakes every 4 hourly. Last feed usually at about 11pm and wakes up at 3am and about 8 am for his feed. He only fusses when he's hungry and he poo poos immediately after his feed so we only have to wake up one time at night to feed and change him. hope he'll stay like this!
Hi Mummies,

sorry to intrude. I am from Aug/ Sept mummies and wanted to buy goat's rue, a herbal/ vegetarian supplement to increase milk supply. However, the local supplier need min. order of 25 bottles for a discounted rate of 40sgd..(each bottle has 60 capsules, 1 capsule to be taken 4x a day) As i am not making profit from this purchase at all, juz wanna get my goat's rue @ cheaper price, so would like to find out if anyone interested to share? If so, please PM me. Thks! PS, so far, i have order for 5 bottles already, and need 20 more!
dumbger, I experience wat u were experiencing few days ago . My boy was also having loud breathing noise and vomit abt three times in a day. In the end I brought him to e PD and found out that he got nose block and as a result he used his mouth to breath and resulted in colic and tat was y he vomited . N also partly his nose block might be due to sinus as both my hb and I had it so we were adviced to off air con n use fan as now is also rainy season. Hope this could help u and ur bb can get well soon .
Finally!! Congrats Mei Lik & Scribbler! Looking fwd2 to hear their birth stories...

Hi Littlecat, Gingercat, afcai :
I thought walker is no good for toddlers hmmm... I heard its not quite safe & no good for the bb's legs development. My little nephew had bumps on his forehead, bruises & little cuts on his fingers, and once the walker even toppled over and he was kicking away for some time, as he didnt cry or make any noise so he was in that position for a while. He was abt 8mths den

===Awkward Question====
Can somebody teach me how to PM? What do I need to PM? Is it stand for "private msg"?
Heehee SheRhino, that's cute! Esp. 2nd photo - looks like Sashas squeezing out a smile.

Hey Hapybaby:
So we are staying nearby
Yaloh, can understand the frustrations. How can she persuade u both 2hv bb, promised to help & then later leave it to u both to solve the problem wen her wish is fulfilled? Better to get a nanny near your place lor & forget abt MIL, kao zhi ji liao.

Hi Stacey :
U r right, its dangerous to place bb stomach down, can cause suffocation if theres not be enough air circulations aro his nose area. Placing a beans-pillow on his chest can soothe and calm him better. Too much pacifier oso no good for teeth development leh. U hv all reasons to worry your MIL way of caring bb is quite traditional wif little knowledge of the consequences. So wl u b getting a nearby nanny to help? Can avoid conflicts oso.
strawberry, yest MIL ask me again abt letting her take care of bb at night... I told her very straight that I prefer to take care of bb myself and things will get better after 3 mths... cos she keep saying it's very tough for us......

littlecat, yest night I tried to on the aircon for a short while only 1-2 hrs... think bb did not have that noise anymore... it could be that the aircon is too cold for bb....

Gals, are you still swaddling the bb ?
Strawberry, if you wan to PM somebody, just click on their user and select send message...
the message will be send to the user email address registered.

thanks for your concern. best part now is MIL even wants to 'tailor made' a nanny... say musn't be too told, got kids etc... easy meh? Sengkang all new estate wo, how to find experienced baby sitter...
Congrats to Scribbler and Mei Lik!!

Elmo, I stop swaddling my boy today. Let him wear long sleeve and long pants instead, at least not so warm. As for aircon, I only on it for a while, let the air circulate the room, then switch off liao.

My Mil so far no give me any problem, only visited me twice. My mum is the one doing the confinement for me. Initially she will rush over to my room once my boy cry and start to nag at me and hubby, say cannot let the baby cry too long, wait got wind. Me and hubby still not very fast in changing diaper, so no choice, baby cry a bit longer.

But my mum hor, say change halfway also must carry to let my boy stop crying first, it made our job very tough, keep carrying and putting down many times just to change a diaper.

There is once my hubby so fed up with my mum that he urgue back, my mum so upset.

My boy quite hard to pacify, especially in the night. We are against to pacifier and yao lan, now all bo bian, give in liao...
elmo, i only swaddled my bb for 2 days after coming back from hospital.. she is very swift in getting both her hands out no matter how tight we swaddle... so gave up in the end. she is quite ok with loud noises even when asleep leh.. maybe she got used to her gor gor's noise when inside my tummy...

nov mum, maybe try to feed bb abit before changing diaper? i find that mine fuss less when she is not hungry... i will not give a full feed b4 changing diaper lah. i just latch 1 side, change diaper, then feed the other side...
Nov Mum, everytime I swaddle my bb, she will try very hard to get out of it.... so can hear her struggling to get out.... so we stop trying to swaddle her liao... but I'm not sure If I shd try again.....

It's like that one... my MIL also cannot stand bb cry......
when hubby is around, we wil both insist....but now only me with MIL, she will go into my room and carry bb when I'm not in there... so sometimes a bit tough to do it our way... when I'm back to work.. bb will sure be spoilt... but we do what we can lor....
Jannie, I managed to swaddle her for 2 weeks, but she always managed to kick out everything... now really everything... the blanket will lie open after a while.. so we give up liao... think she dun like....she will make a lot of noise when she is trying to struggle to get out of it....think I will stop swaddling liao...
Hi bearyhugs,

thanks a lot for the encouragement. My engorgement is much better now. I am still trying to establish a routine. If i need the massage contact, will get from you.

Hi Elmo,
Out of curosity, why did you have a C-section? I tot you were having regular braxton hicks already.

Congrats to Scribbler and Mei Lik! So, it is a boy for Mei Lik!
hi mummies...

been reading e posts recently, but nv reli hv time to sit down n post properly... nw my boy is sleeping, hope he allow me enuf time to finish posting...

Congrats to all e "new" mummies... n those not yet join our "sleepless club", enjoy ur sleep now...

dont know if i shd be "pantang" n not praise my boy or not... but so far *touch wood*, *fingers crossed*.. he's quite managable.. have not given him pacifier, nor "yao lan"..
he's been alternating between formula n bf due to suspect breastmilk jaundice.. (but yestday checkup confirm clear liaoz, so yestday start to go tbf..) i've been following e "timing" by only feeding him 15mins each side, until 2weeks ago, think he needs more milk, so increase feeding time to 20mins each side...

now i realise sometimes he tends to feed very frequently in e afternoon n evenings.. but night time, sometimes he can go with 1 feed only... think he fills himself up during e day so nitetime dont hv to feed so much...

ur baby hv to be able to hold his head firmly before putting into walker leh.. but not reli recommended to use walker liaoz... bb will not learn to walk properly cos they r used to being "supported" at e bum by e walker...

Swaddling =
i stopped swaddling my boy almost immed after he came back from hospital.. i think abt 7days old(?)... not by choice, but cos he kicks away everything... in e end, now we let him wear "pants" to sleep lor... btw, we dont sleep in aircon rm at all, only fan.. n he doesnt make any "gurgling" sound leh...
i read from one of e magazines tat once bbs are used to their surroundings, n themselves, they will sleep with their limbs all stretched out.. its an indication of a relaxed baby... so no need to swaddle liaoz...

eh.. i have a couple of questions to ask tho... abt mummy rather than bb...
- any mummies here start to have menses already??? i think i'm having menses since yestday, cos lochia already stopped for close to 2wks liaoz.. n e colour is brighter than lochia.. is it normal to have menses so soon??? (my bb exactly 1mth old..)
- does any mummies have "lop-sided" breasts?? i noticed mine became very uneven in size abt 2-3weks ago... e size n aerola area very obviously different in size... any way to "rectify" or "minimise" e difference or not huh???
Hi all... sorry I was missing for a while and couldn't answer the Nepia qn. Anyway, I'm quite disappointed with the quality because the sample NB size was so soft! Thankfully Sammie is not fussy about her diapers. I'll stick to this cos I like her to have fresh diapers.

Betterworld, are you pumping out the milk? Can pump and freeze. Relief you of pain also... You can massage to release more milk. Any spot that feels like a bruise, just massage that area/spot.

Discovered that baby cries cos she just want me to carry her and help her to sleep.
Straw Berry, abt walker, dun put too long hour should be fine. also for safety reason, u need to tie a string to the walker to limit his movement at certain area only. if is free form he might 'walk' to place like kitchen or some other not so safe area.

elmo, i didn't on air cond these few days cos weather quite cooling. also i think my boy also inherite some of my nose problem... thta's why he has the sound..

starz, i realized after bf will have some stain there, could it be due to u go back to TBF ?
i dun think the mens come back so fast leh..
starz, i also have bright red "menses" 1 week after brownish lochia cleared. i asked gyane if it's menses and she said it's still lochia. abt diff breast/nipple size.. i read that they will go back to the same only after u have stopped breastfeeding.

june, i find nepia NB very soft liao leh... of course pampers is the best lah.. but nepia is considerbly softer liao as compared with other brands...

on swaddling
i think as long as bb does not get startled easily, can do away with it. old folks believe to swaddle bb till at least 1 mth old so that they will have not "so many hands" when they grow up.. meaning that they will not anyhow touch things next time..
Hi Elmo, thks for your help!! Aiyoh its juz so easy hah to PM. Ok wl try out.

Your MIL is not wrong but she has to be more practical loh, like u said muz consider location & timing factors oso, u may not get wat u want. I find it heng sueh finding a good nanny unless u hv recommendations. But hv u thot of how to go abt getting one? I saw pple pasting little notes at the lifts/letterbox areas, dunno works or not.

Hi nov mum:
My mum oso says better to stop bb cry asap to avoid stomach wind. Whereas my MIL says dun immediately pick bb up wen he cry, instd try talking to distract him abit while finding out the cause. If not next time he wl get impatient if not attended fast enough.

Me still not yet pop but oredy join sleepless club liao. Due to low lying placenta, bbs hard against my bladder now. I woke up 4-5 times every nite to clear bladder bcos once I change sleeping position, I wl get the pain. Also, my colleague who has been breastfeeling her bb for more than 8mths said she didnt hv her mens, & wl only hv it wen she decided to stop bf. Dunno if other bf mums hv the same situation?
Hi Littlecat,
My SIL didnt tie a string to the walker, maybe tats why the bbs force rolling the walker from one end to the other was great & so caused those little accidents.

Btw, my colleague advised me to go for a walker tat makes bb stands & control like this one, what do u think?


gynae suspected that the cord was aroubd bb's neck cos bb's heartbeat went down when I was pushing...... and bb was also facing up... so no choice... gynae made the call for c-sec for safety reason...

For engorgement, just keep massaging.... I find that's the best.... whenever you feel your breast is getting full, just massage....

june, wat do you mean, you mean the Nepia sample is softer than the one you bought?
So far, I'm ok with the nepia diaper... not as absorbent as the pampers one... but ok for use during the day cos anyway need to change cos bb poo alot...at night I will use pampers... so can last longer....
but the NB size is indeed smaller than the pampers one... I hope I can finish it before bb get too big....

Starz, you are so lucky....my bb still pretty irregular in her feed.... so everyday is different situation for me....

I think it's still lochia... menses wun return so fast.....esp if you bf.... lochia will drag longer....

littlecat, i find bb made less noise without aircon also....

jannie, that's what my MIL say... but we told her... more hand also good lah... good motor skills... lol....
elmo, littlecat, ferlyn
my boy keeps vomiting out his milk leh, even an hr after feed he will also vomit. plus he's very irritable and feeding less. i brought him to PD on wed nite...turns out he has infant gastroesorphagal (spelling?) reflux, not colic as i tot previously. he's on medication now...so hopes he gets better.

nope, no prob wif my boy switching between bottles and nipple, and he feeds on the bottle at least 5 times in 24 hrs.

i express 3 times a day.

yup, i've got MIL problems too man...and my MIL only comes over on the weekends i cannot tahan liao. and like u, the worst thing is i doubt her capability in taking care of my bb when i go back to work. even now, all she does is carrying my boy and feeding, nothing else!! when my boy cries and she can't quiet him down, he'll throw him back to me. when he poos, she will call me or hubby come and change the diapers! when i bathe him, she'll stand over me and tell me dun play water wif him (hello?!?). she'll also give all those unneccessary "advices" like bottle teat too big lah (my boy is not complaining u complain wat?), i sing too loud for him lah (hello, i've been singing to him since i was 5 mths pregnant!), window open too big lah, must close and draw the curtains (wah, no ventilation ah?) etc etc etc.

i only swaddle my bb at nite when i go sleep, purpose is to get him to differentiate between nite and day, and hopefully he'll sleep longer hrs at nite.

no leh, my menses not back yet. i heard that as long as we bf menses wun come? and abt the breasts...yah, i find my right side bigger than my left. dunno how leh. :p
side track abit...

i was reading the news yesterday abt how this black woman murdered her baby by putting her in a microwave oven...MY GOD. she must be NUTS, PSYCHO, MAD!!!

can't believe any mother can do this to her own child...
oh dear.....dun worry too much ok? Hope your bb get better soon....
do you fix your pumping time?

then do you have alternative arrangements to take care of bb?

aiyoh! Really siao! I also cannot imagine... maybe it's post-natal depression or something...very sad....
Hi all,

my boy also vomit quite often especially at nite and the milk came out fr his nose too! Quite worried leh....

My son clothings are always wet during the nite... using pampers premium leh...

I swaddle my elder son till ard 4mths... I find him sleeping more soundly when I swaddle him. If got sudden loud noise he won't get a fright and keep him warm as well :D
I still swaddle one younger one too

I got another prob. My boy is very difficult to take care. He kept crying for milk every 1 1/2 hour. I tried latching him longer but still the same. My supply is ok leh. I can expressed out at least 180ml every 3 hourly. My mom seeing me got no time to rest kept telling me to give him some FM so that he will be easier to take care. She or my hubby can also feed him... dunno how leh...

My elder boy is extremely easy to take care during his baby's days. Seldom cry and sleep by himself too! I really missed his baby's days :D I total BF him for 6mths.

Hi all,
Can I check if anyone here uses the petpet brand of diapers? Thinking of using tat for daytime use n pampers premium for night use.

Managed to train my son on a 3 hourly feeding interval now. TBF now... I make sure that when its his feeding time, he feeds till he's full full. Approx 20mins on each side. Then if he cries in between the 3hrs interval, I would carry n cuddle him till he sleeps back again, then put him on a rocker chair. Sometimes, I might use the baby sling too. Both works for my boy.... contemplating to buy those electric cradle or yao lan. Anyone using tat? Comments?

dumbger, can I check wat meds your boy is on since he has infant GER? It stands for gastroeosophageal reflux. My boy also vomits out his milk occasionally but after I administer infacol winddrops, he seems better so din bring him to see PD. How did your PD diagnose tat its GER?

My boy still make loud noises when he sleeps at night leh. Is this known as cooing? Ferlyn, my boy also has nasal congestion so tat's why he probably sucks in wind during BF n resulted in regurgitation of milk. Hope its not like infant GER.
