(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Nov_MTB, yes you are right.. bb is most effective in clearing the milk.... I normally try to pump and let bb latch on...cos pumping can only relieve the engorgement... but does not clear out the milk totally....massaging..if can feel lumps... concentrate on those lumps... pumping... then let bb latch.... if still have.. pump some more...

PoorGer, I find this method helps to increase my milk supply.....I was only pumping 80ml at one time....so after bb feed.. I will pump out the remaining.....even if nothing comes out liao... I let the pump continue to run for 3-5 mins... after 2 days the supply will increase a bit.... but it's very tiring...cos after bb feed it's already almost 1 hr.. then pumping plus washing... by the time you done... bb almost up for 2nd feed.... for 2nd feed... wake bb up exactly 3 hrs from the start of the 1st feed when bb is not crying for milk.... then let bb suckle.... this will stimulate more milk.... if bb is hungry, they will suckle a bit longer... if they cry for more milk after suckling for the normal feeding time and your breast seems empty liao... then feed bb with the extra you pump out... only feed after bb latch on for the full session......I do this only 1-2 feeding sessions for 2 days in continuous.... but very tiring lor... so give up liao...normal supply just enuff... so dun care la.... when bb wants more... then I will do that....if my milk supply dun inc....
now I just take fenugeek.... easier..

starz, yah we have confinement period too .. about 44 days but my mom never makes me follow it because my husband don't believe in this sort of thing plus it was difficult because my MIL was here and i felt obliged to go out. but on the bright side, i managed to shed my pregnancy weight pretty quickly .. i went back to my office today and everyone commented that i lost a lot of weight .. well, try pushing a stroller up an overhead bridge everyday in order to get home and then carry the stroller with the baby in it to the second floor (the building doesn't have a lift). that is my exercise regime ..

i must confess that i never watched what i ate - during and after the pregnancy - i drank coke, i've ate quite a lot of junk food, etc.
starz, i find it plasticky.... it seems to me a more plasticky version of huggies dry comfort. dunno abt quality though cos i dun dare to try to leave it overnight...
hi everyone
for me, i think papaya fish soup and eating lotsa fish helps in increasing milk supply. also drinking lotsa fluids helps.

i have been latching bb all these while but bb tends to fall asleep after a while...sometimes after 3-5 mins. then when i put her down to sleep, she will cry for milk again and i will latch her back on and the same cycle continues. sometimes this can drag for hours and was wondering if anyone here have the same problem as me? if yes, what did u do to improve the situation?
starmoon.. me! me! same situation as u!! i just let bb repeat the cycle.. if it is too late at night, i will let bb latch on the lying down position.. just unlatch bb when she appears sound asleep and try not to stir her (i have to forego the burping). how abt u? how do u handle it?
jannie, i oso like u lor...juz let bb repeat cycle till she falls asleep den i sleep lor....been very tiring so whenever she sleeps (even for an hour or two) i will oso get some shut eye to rest. yah, sometimes i oso forego the burping if i see her sleeping liao but sometimes the moment i put her down on the bed, she will open eyes big big and search for my breast liao. oh, i oso try latching her lying down on bed but hor the moment i pull out my nipple, she'll wake liao. haiz, really dunno wad to do to help improve situation? really envy those whose bb feed 10-20mins on each side and den sleep.

haha.. dun worry too much abt her dipping her fingers in de soup when scoping.. coz i bet she already dip it many times during de cooking process liao lah.. LoL!

starz & jannie,

I bought de red pampers too.. dun like it either.. dun feel too good abt it.. anyway.. de S is too small for my boy too.. his tighs are all red after wraping.. i prefer de blue pampers cotton care..


Fenugeek realli good? i wanna try too... mi only 120-150 per pump nia.. hoping i can produce more, freeze it so i can "retire" earlier.. i realli worry abt the time when i need to return to work.. storage & sterilizin..
Mummies, I personally find pampers red ok, cheap and gd enough for me. Drypers so so only but I dont like the sticky tape. My younger twin will "jump up" from his sleep when I undo the tape.. so funny. Drypers s size getting small for my twins also, must use m size.

Coping with twins is tough. One cry both cry.. so during the nite, they will sleep separately. One of my boys will be taken care by the maid at nite and the other sleep with me. I wonder if they knw they have a twin brother sometimes cos when I put them together, they "treat" each other like stranger.. hai. They are on FM now. U believe or not, they can finish 1 can in abt 4 days.. scary hor. Diapers also used up very fast. Anyway, I'd wanted to post their pic but didnt knw how to re-size and didnt have the time to figure it out yet.. will do so later on.

Weeks back, my younger one was very cranky. Now it's my elder one, he has just recovered from diarrhoea. I always find alot of wind in his stomach. I dont want to always rely on using those rid wind solution cos he still so young. Always been careful to make sure that the milk fills the bottle teats also. Any mummies experience the same? Hope things will get better as they grow.

Anyway, my wgt stagnant leh.. still 3 kg away fr pre-preg but tummy hor.. really lose and ugly. I am thinkg of engaging Mdm Naini for massage, anyone used her service or has other recommendation?

Complaints aside, we are all great mummies to carry our babies and go thru the pain to delivering them. They are certainly our love and joy!
Jannie/Starmoon, sometimes my bb does that to me too... I very bad one... if bb keep doing this and refused to wake up... I will let bb cry for a while before letting her latch... the purpose is to let her know she can't do this... if she do this, then she has to wait for her milk.....she still does that sometimes... but much better liao...

greybearie, dun store too much... cos some bb dun like frozen bm.....

Jlyn, i can imagine how tough it is for you.....
then do you switch the bb abt, so sometimes taken care of by you and sometimes by the maid? if not, they get too sticky to maid how? :p
me also leh... tummy still lose and ugly...got to work out to get back in shape....
Hi all,
Jannie, I brought my boy to the tui na at Yu Guo yesterday n today. Total mus complete 3 sessions, so tmr got to go for the last session. It seems tat my boy quite enjoy the massage leh esp the back part. He slept quite soundly today, record of 3.5hrs straight without waking up n getting disrupted. So I strongly believe in the massage now. But his spitting milk problem is still the same though a bit lesser now. Greybearie, why don u try your boy on this? Maybe his GERD might improve cos I think my son also has milkd GERD. Now I avoid overfeeding, feeding him smaller quantities each time n pumping out the remainder.

I don really like the red pampers leh. A bit too thin for the material. My boy was given 3 big packs of the red pampers but nvr use at all. I prefer to use Drypers, though I face the same prob as Jlyn abt the sticky tape thingy.

Greybearie, can I check with u how much does your boy vomits out each time to consider tat he has GERD? Really like a merlion each time? My boy spits out milk curds which shows tat the milk had gone to the stomach n not digested yet? Think he has a very weak sphincter muscles.

My boy enjoying his massage...
Ewwww.. i see u all talk abt latching i very guilty leh.. out of hospital nia, nv latch him liao.. *guilty look*


Har? Lydat ar.. i got 10+ bottles of frozen BM in my freezer wor..
later he dun drink i heart pain sia..

Eh.. ur hubbies tried ur breastmilk b4? i wanna make mine try leh.. i feel mine's abit sweet sweet one.. not sure if there's problem with my taste bud.. is it suppose to be sweet?


Are ur babies sleeping well? my boy more or less has his sleeping routine liao.. but hor.. many times, he's awaken by his own scretching leh..

wat's GERD?

Wah.. u noe how to do baby massage! i dunno how to do leh, everytime jus chin chye rubba rubba.. den he was no feeling lydat..

ohoh.. forgot to ask u mummies, does ur baby keep getting chocked by their own saliva? mine does leh.. sometimes sleep or play halfway, he jus go cough cough cough.. den hor.. everytime after coughing.. he will make 1 very loud "Awwwwwwww" noise.. is it normal?
I also gulity. didn;t latch on my baby...cos he doesn't want my breast. Baby either sleeps on my breast or "pui" it out. Haiz. So pump, pump & pump.

How are you? I went to gynea today, my external scar heal already, hardly see the scar. But internal takes times lah.

How is your breast feeding and pumping getting on. My left side 1 hour of pumping only miserable 40ml. Right side, total no milk supply but i still continue to pump at least for 15 mins to get it. LOL
Mei Lik,

tomoro see gynae. see wat he says :p

I never direct breast feed martin, few time kena bite liao, i scared liao. u one breast got 40ml , i 2 breasts only have 20ml every times, i m sad. think going to give up liao coz really make me depressed nia. got to be realistic liao. now whenever i pain, ipump, sometime mid nite also pump. mumasked me to tahan till full moon see how lor.i prepare somany glass bottle and storage back, think can sell it away liao, as well as my two pumps.
elmo, me tried your method 2...let bb cry for awhile b4 latching her but the same thing happen...she latch on, suckle a while and doze off. haiz....really tried all means and ways liao...really hope got miracle soon.
meilik and kelly
dun despair...at first me oso like u all...pump only abit niah...den CL keep giving me fish and papaya fish soup and my milk supply started kicking in after dat. so dun give up...try to think positively. can oso try to haf a cup of hot drink and massage wif hot towel b4 u pump...shld help. mrs wong oso told me after pumping for every 5 mins, stop to massage yr breast and pump again.
hi meilik kelly,
I believe the more u pump the more milk u'll have, initially i also have total about 40ml, now after 2wks time, i have total about 160-200ml. U must pump consistently.
Initally i pump every 3 hrs, now every 4 hrs. Stil the same milk supply. I only let my bb latch on once per day, coz his eating timing and my pumping timing was different.
Ya, bb tends to feel sleep after 5-10min, and really dunno how much he've drink. So i prefer feed him using bottle.
I got high fever yest night, til 39.8 degree, just went to see doctor, he said is virus attack
. So cham...
I have problems feeding my baby..it only started this week. he seems to want milk more often during the day time and he would wake up almost every hour. after i feed him, usually about 20 min on the first side and after 10 mins on the other side, he'll fall into deep sleep. can't seem to wake him up, so usually I'll put him back to bed. but after a while he'll stir and want milk again cos he keeps opening his mouth (rooting reflex) or sticking his tongue out. so i'll feed him again. this is really tiring cos I don't know when he's actually full now.

I do burp him after about 10 mins of suckling, but he still vomits some milk after his feed. after vomiting, he refuses to go back to sleep and wants to feed again and he'll suckle for another 5 min. this is confusing me; am I overfeeding him or is he still hungry??

i'm using drypers size S for my boy and it works great. absorbs well and he seldom cries to have his nappy changed unless he had a major poo. yeah only bad thing is the sticky tape. sometimes when my hubby's changing diaper for my boy and I'm sleeping, even i got startled by the sound. hahaha
mamy poko NB leaks! and i still have 2 brand new packs of mamy poko S. terrible..

my baby wakes up every 4 hourly for feed at night most of the time. maybe thats because he's more active and feeds more frequently during the day.

===Slimming down===
How's everyone's progress in slimming down? i still have 3 inches to lose before i can get back my pre-pregnancy waist of 25.. and 2 inches to lose to get back to 28 inches. seems to be stagnant now. trying to use the binder to wrap the tummy but havent seen any results for the past few days. it has only been 3 weeks and so far i've lost most of the inches gained..but maybe i'm just impatient..how are you guys trying to trim down?

Do you all pump if you latch baby on? like if you latch baby on when feeding, do you pump out to empty the breast? or do you pump simutaneously when feeding baby? i've tried this method today, thinking that it can stimulate the body to produce more milk since the demand is doubled.. seems to improve milk supply abit. however, with my baby's erratic feeding schedule during the day, i worry that he will not have enough to feed when one boob is empty..

===Night Feeds===
Do you latch on your baby for night feeds or do you express out and let hubby feed? would you wake up and express every 3 hourly at night..?

===Taste of Breastmilk===
I read that the taste of breastmilk varies alittle with the food that we eat. i realized that when my hubby secretly sneaked some sugar into my longan water, my breastmilk tasted a little sweater than usual. haha i have been trying to make my hubby try tasting my breastmilk and he doesnt want to. haha wonder whats so scary about breastmilk..
**Stacey, am using your post template... very organised!

I think I have the same problems as you. I am also not sure if I am feeding him enough. He has this tendency to fall into deep sleep after about 15 mins of feeding. Then he will wake up again, and feed. But now, I am beginning to know his cues better. He needs to be burped between feeds. And sometimes, even though he has rooting reflux after 20 mins of feeding, he actually has enough and want to be put to sleep. So when I offer the breast, he will 'protest'.

I'm using Pureen Basic size S for my boy in the morning and Mamy Poko size S at night. I was using Pureen Dry 5 before this. Anyway, my gf recommended Petpet. Once I finish my Pureen Basic will give it a try. Pureen Basic is very cheap, but then gf says might not be good, cos it's plasticky so air cannot go through, baby's skin cannot breathe.

My boy is still waking up every 2 hours (or sometimes 1.5 hours) at night. Because he sleeps in the day. Now still ok, my confinement lady still can help. Once she's gone, I also don't know what to do. Any mummies have tips on how to teach baby that day is day, and night is night?

===Slimming down===
I have another 2-3kg to go before I hit pre-pregnancy weight. Waist has about another 4inch to go, and hips another 2inch to go. My confinement lady 'bengkung' (wrap with 12m cloth) for me everyday. Very effective! In 3 weeks, my tummy almost flat, some people who saw me say, how come you never put on weight at all.

I pump between feeds, and sometimes after feeds, depending. The most I can get from both breast is 8oz. Trying to increase milk supply so that I can store up.

As for the method my friend recommended i.e. latch on one breast throughout the night and pump the other one in the morning... she says it's best to try after 6 weeks, when milk supply already stabilised. I have not tried it myself, think I cannot tahan also, probably will be leaking throughout the night! Haha!

===Night Feeds===
I let my boy latch on at night. Only one feed will be either expressed breast milk or formula given by my CL.

===Sleeping Position===
Ask the mummies here. What sleeping positions do you let your babies sleep in? I know that all the books recommend sleeping on the back to reduce risk of SIDS. However, I find that my boy sleeps a lot better on the stomach. Which the books say that it's normal cos babies prefer to sleep on their stomach.
u using sime breast pump?
Try going to parent craft at TMc to let them message your breast then they let you pump it out. see if it is any use.
kelly, meilik... just continue pumping regularly.. little breastmilk is better than no breastmilk.. i was also like that for my elder son so i can understand how u all feel... i could only get 30-40ml eveery 3 hrs. despite that, i still pumped diligently for 4 months...... just accumulate a few pumping sessions for 1 feed...

oh, i find drinking milo helps in my milk supply leh... but pls drink moderately cos it is very heaty.. may get sore throat if drink too much

stacey, at abt 3 weeks, most bbies will undergo a growth spurt where they will feed more frequently. some bbies will sleep more during growth spurt. just feed on demand is ok... will be over in a few days' time.
hi congrats to all mummies here
my BB ED is only in mar 07, was viewing this thread and ech indv's birth giving story and BB gals makes me so touched and cried. going thru a smooth pregnancy is not really not easy. Cheers for all e brave mummies
Starmoon, try letting bb cry for 15 mins... but you have to make sure bb is asking for milk and not just for comfort... meaning bb has been fed at least 3 hrs before....so bb is really hungry.. try again...

greybearie, i dun dare to try leh.. I did hear that some milk taste like the condense milk mix with water....abit sweet.... but the taste also depends on your diet...
thanks all mums for moral support

Today making the first time I pump and press more than 20 ml. After encouraged by u mums, I become more persistent liao, and today can see the improvement. Little Martin on his 11th days. I find that express milk by hand also fast ler.. I using avent manual, going to try medela electric
About the lumps, I checked with gynae this morning. He asked me: Are you practising 30 days no bath? I yes:p he said the lump nothing to do with breast. It's becoz the perspire being blocked to come out due to no bath. Will kena infection if getting serious, asked me to clean my armpit frequently. Me haha abit phaisei. TOday he remove the stitch knots also. 10cm scar still looked red.

Same here! Milo works for mi too...
after my confinement, i tried subsidizing de red date drink with milo, and i tink it does increase my supply abit.. but yah loh.. very heaty..
Ulcer come out liao.. :p


Cool, no wonder babies enjoys milk.. sweet sweet one.. but i got no guts to try the frozen ones leh, de mummies say got fishy smell.. eeeeekz..
hi greyberie,
Actually u must try the milk b4 u give to baby, sometimes the milk will turn sour and u have to throw it.
ya, me drink milo every morning and red date drink to replace plain water. My milk supply keep increasing. These 2 days i was fever, so didn't drink milo, soup and red date drink, my milk supply went down
hi elmo
thanx...wll try it out. so if bb cry for comfort, wad do u do? MIL says cannot carry bb when she cry cos later she become spoilt and wants ppl to carry her all the time. so only time we carry her is when breastfeeding. most of the time will leave her in cot or on our bed.

yup, i noe gotta try... but... i dun dare leh.. wahahhaha.. very bad mummy hor? so far only took out frozen milk twice, so far so good.. my ah boy no lao sai... :p


same here, my MIL n those elderly all tell mi baby cry dun always carry, will spoilt one.. but my MIL's de one who always carry during my confinement.. now spoilt liao loh..

i read somewhere dat says, actually we shld carry out baby more often, research shows dat babies who are carried n cuddled often fuss n cry lesser. moreover, now's de only time dey wan us to carry, when dey grow older, dey might not even have time for u...

aiyah... all the theorios always clash one.. not easy being a mother.. especially new mummies..
Thank you all the mommies for the support

Today i try expressing using avent electric uno. My right side got result leh, at least 10ml. Better than nothing hor. Hubby see me so stress over breast milk, also sim tia.

My left side feels a bit pain and sore, is it engorement har? Suddenly i feel so cold today, also don't know why!
Kelly, har? my gynae say it's the breast tissue...say it's normal leh... anyway I did shower so cannot be lah....

Starmoon, if bb cry for attention, I will carry her if she is very persistent..after patting her and talking to her a bit.... anyway my MIL will run to bb and carry her even if I dun....haiz...but I normally carry her for a while and then try to pacify her...I find that bb now is very instinctive....so no harm carrying her.. but just dun carry her for too long.....i think it's ok to show her some comfort and love.. makes her more secured.....

Jannie, I do drink milo... 1-2 times a day... dun dare to drink too much.. cos fattening :p

Mei Lik, the soreness is where? engorgement feels a bit like your breast very heavy and also full....and swollen.....

greybearie, I also no guts to try...:p

Maybe my lumps and yours different. at first he also said mine is becoz the breast but when he touched, he said the lump stick with the skin one, not with the flesh wor...so it's not bcoz of breast lor...
drink BM will not heaty lah..coz BM contains about 87% of water. Dr advice not to give baby water else will dilute the BM. If u dare not try, then try to smell it, if spoilt can smell "suan suan".

hi meilik,
good, at least can express some milk liao..keep trying..will see more and more coming. When u express can try listening to some soothing music. If u can feel a small part hard hard thing on ur breast and is really painful, then is milk dust. U have to massage and express it out..else very painful.

haha..y u all no guts to try ur own milk??
starmoon, greybearie, actually there are diff schools of tot on giving attention to bb when they cry. some practice attachment parenting, that means attending to bb's wimps and fancies cos they will only cry when they need something. this will help them grow up more confidently since they feel more secure this way.

another school (our mothers' school :p) is not to spoil them so that they will be more independent next time. but must make sure that they are already fed and their diapers are dry, ie, they are just fussing for nothing.

i think most impt is that we, mummies, must be comfortable with whatever method we adopt.

mei lik, kelly, i find that if i pump in my girl's presence, i can get let down faster leh... must have loving tots abt BFing then the let down will come... i rmber the feb/mar 05 mummies used to joke that it is like looking at porn like that.. :D. i know that some mommies have to bring bbs' photo to office when pumping in order to have a let down.

greybearie, i dun think heatiness can pass to bb leh. then all your confinement food is so heaty, also pass to bb? at least your mum only say your BM is heaty.. my MIL used to tell me that my BM is salty cos my food got salt, so must feed bb water in btw feeds!!! i gong gong believed her till i tasted my BM 1 day then told her that my BM is sweet.....

meilik, if breast is very painful with a fever, pls go see a doc.. might be infection due to blocked ducts (i cann't rmber the proper name for this). doc will give antibiotics. but u have to throw your BM away during the course of antibiotics.
jannie, that's true. the only time I can pump the max 40ml, little martin is around. But after that pump again, cannot liao, still 20ml, coz he not around
. And I am very very frustrated when I close the room door and pump, cl tend to knock knock ask me thing. Very angry ler, sometimes is MIL around, then suddenly comes in. Phek chek...I will shout at my hb if he around
pity him. WHen I pek chek, I won't do the pumping well...
GERD stands for infant gastroeosophageal reflux disease. I thought u said your boy has it? My boy seems to spit out milk after every feed n its causing him some discomfort each time cos he cries whenever he has such reflux. Anyone here also experienced the same thing?

My boy seems to have sleeping problems. He can doze off to deep sleep after feeding but only to wake up suddenly after abt 10mins with incessant crying, not wanting to eat but wants to be cuddled. Very tiring on us too cos by the time we coax him to sleep, its already time for the next feeding. Anyone experienced this before?
Not bad got improvement. Max 40 ml.
The max i can pump is 20ml one side, the other is miserable 10ml.
Little Martin so cute.

My gynea said maybe i have hormone imbalance. one side have, the other side don't.Given medication to booze the milk supply also like that leh.

Haiz sad. See how by end of full month end of dec, if really still pump 20ml, the got to stop liao lor.

I have lumps on the breast but after massaging and expressing okay liao. So far no fever lah.
hi Kelly,
I also very pekchek when i pump milk the CL keep open the door and talk to me..really frustrated. Then i told her next time if i sleep or pump milk i'll close the door, and u dun come in. Now ok liao.

Now after i have 2 days fever, my milk supply also decrease
and now right side can pump much more than left side..i really dunno y.
Hi mums,
I've search around for baby vaccine during 1 month, 2 month etc till b4 12 months. They call it 6 in 1. 3 jabs, $95 each jab inclussive of consultation. Is the price reasonable? How much if we get it from polyclinic?
And after how many months I can go for malay massage as I delivered thru c-setion? Hubby always covers his eyes when I change sarong
