(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hi Nov mummy,

Need advice from u all, how come my gal got quite a lot of discharge from her eyes for past few weeks? anyone encounter this? Please advice, I m very worry, don't know need to bring her to PD or not?

hi ppp, my girl also got discharge from her eye, but it is only 1 eye. the PD said it's ok cos it's most prob blocked tear duct, which should clear by itself in a few months' time. if not, a little procedure will be required at the age of 1. as long as eye is not reddish (look infected), it should be ok. consult a doctor if it can put yourself at ease. my girl's bocked tear duct cleared by itself when she was 4 weeks old.
Hi Jannie,

Thanks a lot for your info, my gal's eyes looks normal but sure got discharge whenever she wake up from sleep.In this case, I will wait for couple of weeks to see the condition can improve or not then decide whether to bring her to PD.She will be four weeks olds on this coming wedesday. Thanks ya.

Oh, One more thing to check with mummies here, does your baby poo everyday? mine is two or three days once! Is it because of the FM not suitable? My MS is not enough for her so I have to mix with FM.
Yep I defrost the two bags and then mix into one feed. So far so good!

My son takes like 100ml to sometimes 120ml which last him 3 hours. He is currently 6 weeks old.

Nov MTB,
Huh cannot mix the EBM? For me, I use Lansinoh milk storage bags and after pumping, just pour in the bags and freeze.

Hug hug. Dont worry too much ok?

The PD says different babies different one leh. For formula babies, some can even poo once a week. She says as long as poo is consistent can already.

Can I check with you what colour is your baby's poo after you have fed the baby for 10 min on each breast? It is seedy yellow or green?
Hi everyone .. just wanted to find out if any of you ladies have brought your child for 1st month immunisation ..

I haven't decided if i want 5-in-1 or 6-in-1. KKH charges about $400 plus for the 6-in-1 immunisation package .. don't know how much a PD would charge. Poly is free but doesn't give the 5-in-1 jabs right .. only those booster shots? Dilemma now cos her one month is tomorrow ..
hi culainne, at polyclinic, only the hep b is free if u give birth in KKH (not really free cos they hv already charged u in your hospital bill). i did some comparison n find that polyclinic is not alot cheaper than at pte doc. only thing u save is the consultation fee if u take it at polyclinic.

polyclinic used to give only 5-in-1. but i heard they r bringing in 6-in-1 these couple of mths. u might want to give them a call to find out.

PPP, i think it depends on which FM u give ur bb. most bbies ard me dun poo everyday if on enfalac. similac n friso bbies poo quite regularly.
hi all,
My boy was fully on BM, his poo poo was seedy yellowish, he poo 5-6 time per day. My boy also got discharge fr his right eye, my mum said not enough water
so gave him more water to drink

I've ask PD during the last check up, this is normal.
If liner cannot use to freeze, then i really got to ask the bottle from TMC liao, else can't afford to use the Avent Cup which only can recycle 4 times.
all mummies please taste ur BM b4 u feed ur baby, sometimes frozen milk will turn smelly as my fren told me, so each time u warm the frozen milk, please taste it 1st b4 feed ur baby.
My fren told me not to mix the EBM, especially those frozen 1, if ur milk was put in fridge and not frozen, then u can mix those expressed same day.
the injection so expensive ah? But Poly got to queue and take the injection 1 by 1...very tiring leh..especially baby got to suffer so many times.
Heard fr my fren, pls give Friso if u give ur bb FM as this was the nearest to BM.
hi everyone..

my baby Ashley had her baby shower last Sunday and I've officially finished my confinement liao.YEH!! Mon went to watch movie and Tue went shopping..

my girl sometimes also vomit a little after she drinks.. usually it's becoz we lay her down on the bed after drinking.. but she has been drinking quite a bit..every 2.5 to 3 hours..
how would we know whether it is GER?

NOV_MTB, i think we can mixed the expressed breastmilk..but gotta make sure the time period is the same ones..

my baby's poopoo is yellow/mustard colour wan..
mine still poos a lot..

ok..here's Ashley's picture taken last week

nov mtb, elmo, mononoke
thks so much for ur well wishes, i've started my boy on Enfalac AR (anti reflux) as per PD's instructions and am happy to say that though the vomiting has not stopped but it has definitely improved.
but he's still not really recovered yet but at least PD say no need to be admitted. me so relieved to hear that. i've to still keep doing all these special instructions and monitor for a few more days.

when my boy was well, he was pooing at least once a day. now that he's sick it's a bit erratic.

has ur bb gone for the Hep B 2nd dose (done at 1 mth)? if not, u shld take the 6-in-1 which includes the Hep B 2nd and 3rd dose jabs. if yes, go for the 5-in-1 which does not include Hep B injections...which means on top of the 5-in-1 jabs, u got to go for separate Hep B 2nd and 3rd dose jabs. my PD charges $400 for the 6-in-1.

any mummies considering taking the rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccinations too? i think i will definitely go for the pneumococcal but still undecided for the rotavirus.
vomit a bit after feed is ok. unless constantly vomiting and in big amounts, like two 50cents size like that, and also vomiting during other times of the day, like 1 hr after feeding, during sleep, etc. other symptoms which my boy had were:

1) projectile vomiting, which my boy throws up and the vomit shoots out like a missile like that.
2) frequent crying, or painful crying
3) arching of back or twisting of the body, esp during/after feeds
4) feeding less
5) bloated and hard stomach
6) weight loss

btw, ashley's eyes are quite big hor!
Dear mummies

Sorry to come back so late.

FINALLY. Me given birth last Sun (3Dec) via natural delivery wif epidural. It was much easier than I thot, 5 hrs duration only. Maybe bcos bb arrives earlier than EDD.

No. of weeks = 38
HC = 33.5cm
Wt = 2.8Kg
Ht = 48.5cm

BUT.... UNTIL today I hvn't see my bb OPEN his eyes. It's still sealed with no eye lashes!
He slept throughtout the day & nite, cries only when he's hungry, but NO tears at all.

I am latching him on from day 1 but no sign of milk until today oso.

Tomorrow gonna see pd to find out wat happen to his eyes
Hi Jennie,

My gal is on Nan1 which is recommended by nurse in mt.A. She has finished 2 tins(450g & 900g)n just open a new tin! I really don't know how to judge whether Nan1 suit her or not.

Bought my gal to poly two weeks ago and nurse there said it is too early to get 2nd jab of hepB. 2nd hebB jab can only be given one month after 1st jab. so, they ask me to book an appointment on 12/12. When I ask further about 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 immunization, they just told me when I come on that day, nurse there will explian to me! But they told me that if I let my gal complete the immunization jab at the same poly, they will issue me a cert to certify that my gal has taken all the compulsory jab which is very useful when my gal start school. Is it true?

n as per my PD, they charge $150 per jab X 3 + $50 for consultation chrg each jab for 6 in 1. which mean I have to pay $600 just for 6 in 1! Heard that Poly only charge $300+ so if really diff by so much, I will choose poly.

I'm finally back to the forum..

I have delivered my baby girl, Hayley on the 11/11. Havent really dare to sit up for long to visit the forum often. Cos many eyes are looking at me..asking me to lie down on bed..

Delivery was terrible..I had show on 10/11, went for my usual check up and was told that my cervix has not open and given an option to induce. I refused and went home.

1am Contraction starts..5 mins interval. Bear with pain for 2 hours cos i was so sleepy..keee..tot of admitting only in the morning at 9am after a good breakfast. hahha.

3am Buay tahan..cant catch a wink at all since 1am. So took a shower and wake my hubby up.

Admitted at 3.30am. Cervix only 1cm dilated.

8.30am...finally gynae arrived..4cm dilation. I could not bear with the pain anymore. Quickly opt for epidural. Strangest ting is no one gave me any jab (pethidine) or taught me how to use the laughing gas. Through out..i was juz tahaning the pait..how sad.

11.30am 7cm dilation. I was elated. gynae says I'm doing fine and should be pushing by 2.30pm.

2.30pm 9cm dilation....Fever started..

7.30pm Still 9cm dilation. Still feverish. BB heartbeat dropped.Gynae says no more waiting. Emergency C-sect. My heart dropped. I was so sad...and disappointed. No normal delivery for me.

7.45pm OT awaiting for op. I requested to be awake thru out my delivery. When they are ready, they tested whether i have any feel on my tummy by pinching..den wen i say alright..quite manageable..they started to cut me up and I got the shock of my life..I jump up..machaim like a chicken being slaughtered. They try again..and I jump again. Whats happening? I tot i have taken epidural and with increased dosage? In the end I juz tell them..pls put me to sleep. Sobsob..
oops anyone still updating the table? can help me to do so..if updating is still going on. Thanks.

Arrived on 11 Nov.
Baby's name : Hayley
Length : 49cm
HC : 43cm
Wgt : 3.24kg

Some pics to share with u gals..
Hi Mummies,

hadn't log in for 2 weeks coz i've been hiddin at my niang jia.. not convinent to go online..

mi havin MIL problem too.. during my confinement, when nanny is ard, she pop by 3 times aday to disturb n quarrel wif nanny, right after confinement (after nanny left), when i 1st day alone wif baby, she nv call, nv turn up.. end of de day.. she actually told my hubby "let ur wife noe taking care of baby not easy".. fricking angry.. he actually allow his mum to tekan mi lydat.. den.. after dat.. he left for his oversea trips.. wun be "available" for abt 5 wks... wanna leave mi alone in jurong west n let his mum tekan mi?!? so i moved to my niang jia.

and dat day full mth celebration.. after mi n nanny dressed my boy, she tell mi de clothes not nice.. wanna change.. i say it look fine wif mi.. so not changing... i turn ard nia.. my boy's clothes was changed.. damn no respect for mi... and have de cheek to say de color dat i choose make my boy look more "yellow" (jaundice)! alot of stories like this.. she jus wanna take charge.. wans ppl to tink she very kiang lydat...

but life at my niang jia oso not peaceful.. she pop by every 3 days to "inspect".. i call it "inspect" coz she realli scrutinize my boy's bakside (as if mi n my parents will torture her grandson lydat), dig for boy's long pants (even thou we told her my son hate long pants) n do watever things she like to my boy <= at my NIANG JIA leh. dat day she launch another surprise visit at my niang jia (without informing).. it happened to be a sat n i was at our clan gathering at my granny's hse.. guess wat.. she oso turn up there.. act like her hse.. n piss my relatives off.. worse of all.. she's very tactless with her speech.. even hab de guts to tell my aunt.. "y har? y he dun like u.. y he only like mi? farnee hor? dunno wat's so special abt me.. he only wan mi..." i was so embarrassed!

when i complain to my hubby, he jus tell mi things like "wat's done can't be undone. wat's said can't mi take bak... wat u expect mi to do..."

i tink i'm sinking deeper into my post natal blues.. i'm hate my MIL, hate my hubby too.. for leaving mi in lurch at a time like tis n not doin anything to help. tots of divorcing him to get away from my MIL keep flashing across my mind.. i went to see doc today.. and he gave mi a list of family centers to go to.. saying dey got professional consellors and will be able to help mi... consellors.. wat can dey do.. talk talk talk nia. can remove MIL from my life meh?

Pissed off..........

I know how you feel.

For now, enjoy at your niang jia while u can.
Before your Maternity Leave ends...worst is yet to come if your MIL is looking after your boi boi.

I agree with you, consellors talk talk only, nothing they can do.

Ignore your MIL, do what u need to do. Good things listen or else ignored.
My boy's poo is mustardy yellow n seedy. Sometimes, greenish n watery too. He also poos at least 5-6 times a day too. Me now switched to using Drypers rather than pampers premium. Much cheaper. Petpet was good but like wat dumbger said, he has leakage when using tat.

I brought my boy to see the PD yesterday cos he was kindof agitated when suckling at the breast for the past 2 days at certain times esp in the evenings. He would howl after suckling for jus less than 5mins but still hungry obviously. PD said it was signs of colic. Asked me to administer infacol winddrops before every meal in fact. Seemed to improve a little today but was still fussing ard my breasts this evening n had incessant crying too. Anyone experienced this before? I hope its not some nipple confusion tat my boy refuses to suckle... sad sad cos I need him to clear my engorgement. With a more established milk flow now, I can pump up to abt 150mls from each side but if he refuses to drink, then I would be in overproduction.

Dumbger, my boy also spits out milk after every feed n amt seems quite a lot esp after a good burp. He also arched his back during feeding when taking breaks frm suckling at the breast. Is tis sign of GERD? But PD says she din want to start any meds leh...

I'm bringing my boy for the 6-in-1 immunization package at KKH. Easier though they charged 450 for the whole thing. Poly also has 6-in-1 n they charge 320 bucks I think.
Hi Bearyhugs,
For the 6-in-1 immunization package at KKH, do you see the same paed for every single appointment, or do they just send you to any paed that's available? Also, is there a fixed appt time, or you have to go there to take queue number for every appt?

My boy also has discharge in his eyes. When he was first born, both eyes had lots of discharge, now it's only his left eyes with a bit. When I went for checkup in the first week, doc gave me normal saline eye drop.
hi bbroom,
Thanks for your info, is easier for me if the EBM can mix together, else i got to prepare 2 separate bottles, feed 1 liao follow by another 1.

Hi greybearie,
Please dun think so much on ur MIL, just think of ur baby and talk to ur baby more to calm urself down. I also feel a bit frustrated even thou my MIL or mother not here. I got a CL, which make me very fan(2). She already 60+ yrs old, that time was too late and can't find CL, so she was recommended by fren's fren. Thot is good..but...aih....
- She always can't hear wat we talk to her, must increase our volumn
- She very forgetful, tell her something the next moment she forget liao, must tell again.
- She do things very very slow...she only bath for my boy, cooking, washing and sweeping and mop floor.
- She took nap at 10+, 3+ and at night sleep at 8pm. She sleep in study room, if my husband using the computer in study room and she dare not go to sleep, she'll sleep on the living floor and lie on sofa and sleep

- she cannot go market buy vege/meat which just opp my house, coz she can't recognize the way to come back even my hubby has brought her there few times.
- she only take care my boy at night for 1st wk, i got to take care myself after seeing feeding my boy like 2-3 times in an hour, just coz my boy cry then she feed, stop when my boy sleep, then fee again...

- she keep coughing at night when she sleep, ask if she sick she said ok, but day time she'll be very sleepy even not taking care bb at night..

I really sian.......she only can help in cooking, washing, and clean my house. She even mop my house without sweeping.
greybearie, i also went thru the same thing like you for my first born... also had the thinking to divorce my hubby just to keep MIL away from my son.... also tot abt applying for protection order so that she cannot come close to me and my son (she always try to take him out (as in out of the house)without asking me, even when i m in the same living room). PM me if u need to talk about this more....

bearyhugs, try to massage his tummy and then wrap a nappy ard the tummy to keep it warm. if it is very serious, i would recommend bb tui na. i know of one at joo chiat called yu guo, another one at jurong east called shantou something... both are ok (i did not try them, but frens who tried said they are ok). they will massage tummy and acupoints on the hand to dispel the wind. whao.. u can pump 150ml from each side ah? *envy* i think i can at most do the same from both sides combined only... any secret to share to have such good supply?
Hello Greybearie, Dun brood over MIL issues, try to talk more to frds or come into forum to "open up". u will feel better cos u are not alone. I tink alot of MIL giving us ladies problems. I do have my fair share of MIL problems. Some times it worsen, with other SILs and BILs joining in. Can make me go mad. Worst still, my hb defends his family more than me and baby.

My CL leaving this weekend and my hb juz informed me that he is going outstation for 1 week. I already Gan Cheong spider..let alone ur hb goes outstation for so long. Hmm..my niangjia got no space for me and baby. Guess i have to be on my own. Tink my hb does nt like the idea of me going back niang jia oso. Dunno y lar.

Hi Nov_mtb
Oh dear ur CL seems to nap alot leh. den most time, u take care of ur own ar? Den very siong leh. I cant imagine doing without CL. I'm glad i engaged one, at least i have more rest at nite and day. EAch time bb cry (in the day), i try to let the CL pacify her. Try to lie down as much as i could.

U ladies suffer backaches or not huh? esp those with epidural administered?

Could you gals give me some advice on what are the food/drinks to avoid since we are breastfeeding...i heard no cold drinks..no coke, coffee/tea, etc. I reallie craving for my coke man. YEt cant drink after delivery. Please help give me some tips. Thank u
yest I went out .... in the end ganna very painful engorgement! Makes me a bit depressed.. next time how to go out like that... haiz!
Somehow my left breast supply is not good... most of the time can only pump 1/3 .... now improve to abt 1/2 of the amt of my right breast..... think I must let bb suckle left side more...

betterworld, mostly my bb's poo is mustard in colour and seedy...occasionally it will be a bit greenish also...

greybearie, i think it's partly hormonal.. try to think positively...if cannot, dun go and think abt it now... just do your best for your bb... let your hubby know your feeling also.... hug hug....

Pa&amp;Ma, can take coke lah.. occasionally ok one lah... just dun take too much....
I even took some coke during my confinement... but not cold one.... :p hee hee
I only avoid anything with alcohol...be careful of medication....or if bb is gassy or windy... avoid such food... like brocolli....if not... there shd be pretty much no restriction....as bb is only absorbing our nutrients... not directly ingesting the food we take....

Cuclainne, I'm also going for my bb 2nd hep B jab next week... you mean can opt for 6-in-1 ah?
the jab very ex hor.... I think I better call and check the price out...
Think the 6-in-1 would see diff PD each time. For my boy, it happens to coincide with his actual PD's visit for his first vaccination at 2nd month.

Jannie, I heard abt the tui na before. Might bring him there this sat; see how. He was still colicky last nite. However, I read from the First Few Years that colic can be caused by either wind in the stomach or reflux. I guess my son might have a bit of reflux since he kept spitting out milk each time. For the good milk flow supply, I drink plenty of water after every BF session and I think the trick tat works is breast massage. My Jamu massue massaged for me my breasts each time she comes n clear all my milk ducts as well as engorgement. So milk supply increased tremendously aftertat.

Pa&amp;Ma, try to go for tui na or massage too. I did jus tat n my backache was very mcuh reduced. I had it in the first 2 weeks after my delivery n found it very tough to BF with a backache. Now much better after the tui na.
hi Pa&amp;Ma,
My CL motion very very slow..relly cant depend on her..thot of sending her back today on 14 days..paid $1700 for such as simple household only..really not worth it...
elmo.... i think engorgement is not very painful leh.. painful lah.. but not that painful. if it is very painful, i think u might have blocked milk ducts.. that may also explain why your left breast has less milk (although this is very common if your bb favours one side more). maybe can get a masseur like bearyhugs to clear for u? mine also clears for me.. but it's been one mth since my post natal massage and i dun have time for anymore massages.... either that, i think parentcraft at TMC also does milk ducts clearing.

bearyhugs, your 300ml per session is how many hours apart?

pa&amp;ma, i cannot rmber what food not to take.. no cooling food like cabbage i think.. also no brocolli and onion.
Jannie, today not painful liao leh...yest I did feel some lumps and I keep massaging and also I keep expressing and letting bb latch..... does that mean I dun have blocked ducts?

Gals, for the 5-in-1 and 6-in-1, how many injections are there?
I called my PD, the nurse say $130 for 5-in-1 and $160 for the 6-in-1 including consultation.
hi ladies
i am fr the Oct thread... am selling away my Ameda Dual Pump which i bought like 2 wks back. Still under warranty and condition of the pumps are excellent. am selling coz i still much prefer my manual pump as i dun need to search for power supply when i return to work soon. anyone keen pls PM me. for info, the intensity of the suction can b adjusted, and u can choose to use 1 pump instead of 2 as well.
Elmo : so stylo..take coke during confinement? Aiyo my hb hor..very strict one..tis cannt that cannt. can die man..hee. But i rem wen i was in the delivery suite awaiting dilation..me secretly took some mouth of coke..cant resist the urge and very thristy in the suite. So scared to be discover cos we are not supposed to drink..so quicky throw away after a few mouths.

$130/160 is per jab. If i m not wrong 6-in-1 got 4 jabs..so 160x4 in total.

Bearhugs : me already tinking of accupuncture, if dun recover. Now my c-sect wound oso hurt. Esp wen i bend up and down to pick bb up. Once cofinement is over, maybe i will seek tui na.

Nov_mtb : Aiyo i had some similar complaints as urs wen i first came back. My CL hor, seems to listen to command from my MIL and hb. Den wenever i call her..she machaim deaf one. Make me so frustrated. Me standing less that 1 arm length to call her, she oso dun ans me. after 3x of calling, me swing my hand very hard infrt of her to catch her attention. hahah..so bad and rude of me.Den wen it was time to go msia to chop the passport after 14 days, she only inform my hb instead of me. Wat the hell, she was here to serve me n bb leh. CL loves to talk on phone, got 3 mobiles with her..imagine? Everyday ringing, chatting..happily. Cary my bb and talk at the same time. I abit paranoid..afraid the frequency might be too strong for bb cos she held the phone in the arm which is holding my bb head....Everyday i will call my hb to complain..heheh i tink he oso buay tahan. AFter 2 weeks, i simply cool off a bit and let tings be. Swallow the frustration myself...

Jannie : Thanks..i will try to avoid cabbage den..i tink its very "liang"..and i still get cramps after delivery..so better not take "liang" food.
Thanx Mei Lik, Nov_MTB, jannie, Pa&amp;&amp;Ma &amp; Elmo,


ur CL sounds very jialat leh... how much u paying for her? she sounds like "no-help"..


so how's ur relationship with ur MIL now? Is she still de same now?


Yah loh.. my hubby oso.. he defend his mum more den mi.. sometimes tink liao very heartache.. he knew dat his mum is at fault.. yet he still snap at mi...

Mi oso having backache.. but i'm not sure if its due to epidural.. coz i have back problem all the while one...


Can u feel lumps when u massage? if u can feel big bulge, i tink its chock ducts..

Breast Feeding

Eh mummies, issit realli true abt de saying "wat mummy eat = wat baby eat"? my parents nag at mi when my boy haf high temperature on few occasion.. dey say.. "see lah... eat laksa lah, curry chicken, curry fish &amp; sambal prawn lah..." <= realli got connection meh?
greybearie, my relationship with MIL is better now. after a confrontation with her (a really bad one which sent blood gushing to my brain, i was paralysed momentarily and i tot i got a stroke), she learnt to step back sometimes. but i do give in now and then too.. like she wants to take care for a day or 2.. as much as i dun like, i just give in.. knowing that she also dotes on my son and will give him her best care. although sometimes not up to my expectation. like she added hot water to my EBM to heat it up quickly, feed water instead of milk when it's feeding time, etc. a day or 2 of such "care" will not really harm the bb... but it will not sour your relationship further... so i just give in loh.... this to also to salvage our marriage lah....

i agree that what we eat will go to the bb... that's why we always have to tell doc that we are bfing so that they can prescribe the correct medication. strong tasting food like curry, laksa, garlic, chilli - we should not take too much (i try to avoid totally). seafood is a definate no no for me cos i know of alot of bbies who have eczema and doc did advise those mummy to avoid seafood if possible. they did not pin point directly on the connection.. but the possibility is there.
hi mummies...

so many posts since i last drop by.. cant catch up liaoz...

Pampers / diapers =
any babies here "upgraded" to "S" size for diapers already??? there a promotion @ NTUC, 3packs of e "red packaging" pampers for $29.95, very worth it.. i want to buy, but duno if e quality is e same as e green packaging one or not... any advise???

6-weeks checkup =
want to check if all e mummies here got 6wks checkup with ur gynae??? i juz realise my gynae nv arrange for one for me leh.. e only appt is 2mths (which is end-Dec), whereby i hv to do pap smear.. wat do gynae do at e 6wks checkup ar??

Baby sleeping on e same bed =
actually i also find tat my boy enjoys sleeping in e same bed.. as he sleeps better n longer when he's there.. shd b becos they can sense tat mummy is very nearby, therefore feel secure.. only thing is, i can only do this after his daddy goes to work in e morning, cos his daddy is a sound sleeper.. wherelse for me, i realise i dont even move in my sleep when my bb is in e same bed..

hi.. welcome...

swaddling baby means wrapping e baby up with a bb blanket / cloth diaper (e way they do it in e hospital leh..)...

ur bb so good, 10mins each side can liaoz ar??? how often does he feed?? i duno is it cos my supply nt enuf.. my boy suckle for 15-20mins each side, sometimes like not enuf, as he wil cry for feed within 2hrs..

hope ur boy recover soon... u take care urself too.. dont b too upset or stressed as bb can sense ur emotions too...

milk supply =
as i "feel" tat my supply is running low.. n tried eating some recipes supposedly will "boost" supply one also didnt help much, yesterday i went to buy a bottle of fenugreek from GNC.. now i dont know if its bcos of e fenugreek, or cos i drank more water yesterday, lastnite my breast leaked till half my top wet liaoz then realise.... i'll continue monitoring to confirm, if reli so good then will recommend to e mummies here...

Frozen BM =
i tried feeding my boy e frozen BM i kept abt 2weeks ago.. upon "warming", e smell is abit "fishy" leh... but i kept in a seperate door freezer.. plus its seperate drawers from e other food-stuff... he did finish his usual intake.. but i juz wana confirm, is it alrite to hv tat smell??? e "fishiness" is like e Papaya n Fish soup we take tat kind of smell.. with a layer of "oil" like tat..

*hugz*.. try not to brood too much lor.. anything come here n "explode"... concentrate on ur precious boy n treat everything else as nonsense, adopt e "one ear in, one ear out" mentality, or simply treat it as "er3 bian1 feng1"... remember our bb will pick up our emotions.. try to stay happy for ur bb's sake okay...
i also donno if "mummy eat = bb eat".. but i've been taking some spicy stuff on and off.. also drank coffee a couple of times liaoz... i guess its e same as pregnancy time.. everything in moderation shd be fine...
if ur baby hving a temperature frequently, monitor to see if its related to any particular food u eat or not.. if not, then check with PD is e best....

Baby's development =
juz wan to check, any of e babies here already know how to "play".. those baby gyms (place on floor, let bb lie down n play with those "dangling" toys) , or can follow a movement of those musical mobiles u hang above e cot??? juz curious....
Hi mummies, have not been following the thread .been so busy with my bb...

Had been stressed lately cos MIL said my bb seem not having enuff......My bb abt 4 weeks old.....taking 100ml of EBM....can any mummies advise is it a lot? and how much is enuf for bb at this stage? how to tell...
hi PoohGer

I think it depends on how frequent your baby feeds. The formula is [baby's weight(kg) x 150gm] / number of feed. This is to calculate how much baby should drink each time.

Generally breastmilk supply is lower in late afternoon and early evening. So maybe you can increase the frequency of feed around that time if u latchon.
Hi Bearyhugs,
Thanks for the info!

My boy is 3 weeks plus, he's taking about 3.5oz per feed, so that's about 100ml too. He feeds about 8-10 times a day.

To mummies who are planning to store EBM,
My friend just shared with me this tip. From 9pm onwards, she only let her daughter latch on the same breast (e.g. right breast), then in the morning at about 6am, then she will pump her left breast, can get as much as 9oz.
Starz, the "red packaging" pampers is good. I like its absorbency &amp; material but the cutting quite small. I bought the s size for my twins last weekend but it was too small for them. My boys are about 4.5kg now. Hope this helps.
Hi ladies,

Thanks for your input on the colour of the poo. I was a bit worried about the occasional greenish poo. It seems that it means it means that there is not enough hind milk.

By the way, what does 6-in-1 immunization mean?

Dun think that your friend's method would work for me. The block ducts accumulated in one breast will be too painful for me.

I know what you mean. I have got phobia of going out now too.

Straw Berry,
Congrats on your smooth delivery
Hope that everything goes well for your baby after your consultation today.
elmo, in the end i signed up with KK immunisation package for the 6-in-1. it costs me about $450 but i understand that she will be examined by a specialist at each visit. sofi turned one month today so we needed to decide if we wanted the 2nd hep b jab today or since we've signed up for the package - it will be done on her second month ie in Jan 2007.

starz, my gynae appointment date was one month after the delivery - i think it's to do pap smear and also since i did a c-section, to check the stitch site. but i'm still having my discharge (lochia) so i had to postpone it - according to what the ward nurse told me (she said i had to postpone if i'm still having lochia).

Jlyn, the husband bought the pampers with red packaging too - he prefers it though i think it's a bit too small for Sofi. but he said it's supposed to be like that .. so ok la.

Pa&amp;Ma, I drank coke throughout my pregnancy and even now .. hehehehe. even though almost everyone (my family, my colleagues) told me i shouldn't, my husband didn't stop me .. in fact he would even share the occasional can with me .. hehehe. that's why i also didn't follow the usual confinement rules .. i was out and about since my discharge and Sofi has spent many, many hours in a lot of shopping centres!
I m using Huggies size M, quite good. 1 pcs can last sometime till 5-6 hours. Abt 27 cts per pcs.

Breastfeed :
I read this from Babycare magaine:-
Cut out 'windy' foods if you're breastfeeding, you may notice your baby cries more after you've eaten certain foods, such as grapes, orange juice, chocolate, curry or Brussels sprouts.

starz, my gynae see me after 1 month to do the Pap smear &amp; check the wounds. Like cuclainne mentioned if u still have lots of lochia then have to wait. Probably that's why your gynae ask u to wait till 6 weeks, cos most of them clear after that.
Let us know if the fenugreek works

Me try the black bean with lotus root soup, not helping, try the oatmeal also didn't really work that well.
I heard from my indonesian maid said the 'sayur manis' (hokkien mani-cai) is very good to boost milk supply. So i try few time, looks like got effect leh.. yesterday nite i took the soup, this morning wake up left side wet and left breast stain.
But hor Chinese believe mani-cai is abit 'liang' so if u r still on confinement better dun take first.

Hi greybearie, aiyoh can not tahan such mil. But pls stay positive, dun think too much, focus on baby.

jlyn, yeah we want to know how u cope with the twins?
me one already so kan-cheong... my 'mood' depends on how often he cry... haha!
mycrysania, i also think i cannot cope with engorgement at one side till morning...

starz, i dun really like the red pampers bb dry. my fren's daughter used it overnight though. those bb gyms can take out abt 2 mths old... can even take out now if your bb has a long stretch of waking time..... some diaper cutting is small.. like drypers too... i took out the s size sample to use last week.. already cannot wear.. but my girl still can wear pampers premium NB size..
I was the person must wash hair every day. Surprisingly, it's been 10 days never wash but never feel itchy also. Maybe the confinement shampoo does help

I delivered on 29th Nov, I found my armpits got 2 lumps each. Any one had it too? Not painful in the beginning, but i tried to press on the lump and its a bit painful...Any reason caused the lump?
hi greybearie,
I paid her $1700. She charge my fren's fren $1600 thru agency, she only got $1300, when talk to use she insist wan $1700. That time is really late liao, we have no choice so just take it loh.

Hi Pa&amp;Ma,
My CL always put her "dirty finger" in the soup when she take the soup for us. Thats y now we dun wan her to take for us. That day she cook mi sua soop for me, then i diarrhea and yest got high fever. I only eat the food she cook and bread for breakfast. I wonder y i got diarrhea and high fever. Now whole body aching due to fever, think is virus attack.

I got 2 check up with my gynae, 1 after 1 wk i deliver, another 5 wks after the 1st check up.
hi mummies...

thank u so much for e info.. it certainly helps.. cos my boy already 4.5kg 2wks ago.. so dont think he can wear S anymore.. thanks!!!

why u dont like e red pampers dry? quality issue or?????

cuclainne n littlecat,
thanks for e info on checkup... mine is not 6weeks, but 2mths later leh... abit long leh.. i'm thinking of juz making an appt to go for a checkup as i'd like to find out if e "internal parts" (womb or uterus) is back to "normal" liaoz.... juz concern abt this lor....

i thought malays got alot of confinement rules to follow.. plus i heard from one of my massage lady tat u all do e postnatal massage / wrap for 40days... ur mum never make u follow ar???
altho i didnt follow all e rules, sometimes i wld be "worried" abt certain stuff like drinking coke = caffeine = breastfeeding = baby will be taking in e caffeine... donno leh.. i seem to be stuck in between following n not following these rules...

i tried e mani-chai once already... doesnt reli feel like got effect leh.. i also dont know how to gauge.. cos never express out these few days, n my breast never get engorge liaoz.. mayb another few more days then i try expressing n see got increase or not...
yest i think i got blocked ducts on my right brast, damn painful, pump and massage also no use, end up let my boy suck and it getting better.

heehee.... bo bian.. I was feeling really depressed.....
the nurse say 5-in-1 has 4 doses @ $125 per injection, 6-in-1 has 3 doses @ $160 per injection.

greybearie, I feel some small lumps...so I just keep rubbing it towards my nipples....
for me I believe everything in moderation should be fine.. I will take curry and laksa, but I will not take things like cockles... in case it's not clean then I get sick....I'm going to go for a sashimi spread soon...cos I really ren too long liao... hee hee...

Starz, I'm supposed to go for pap smear.. think it's the same... maybe your gynae wants to make sure your lochia clear totally... that's why arrange at 2 mths... I'm supposed to call for reschedule if my lochia did not clean totally by then...

I've tried the fenugeek from GNC... think it does help a bit for me.. I'm taking 4 capsules everyday...

it's normal for EBM esp frozen ones to smell fishy... try to give bb fresh milk if possible...unless bo bian... cos frozen milk has less anti-bodies....
just swirl the milk a bit before feeding to bb to mix the milk...

PoorGer, my gal 4 weeks plus... taking 100ml every meal abt every 3 hrly.... so far looks ok... occasionally she will seems to want more..sometimes a bit lesser... but mostly 100ml... if you think bb wants more.. let bb suckle longer at your breast.... that will help in preparing your breast to increase supply also... mai stress.. me also trying to think positively...

betterworld, ya lor.. but hor.. we must try to get a more normal life... cannot just 100% on bb.. if not will go crazy...

Kelly, I have that also... actually since I got pregnant, I found the armpit swollen liao.. but that time engorgement, it was a bit hard....try use hot towel.. and just keep massaging... I mean really massaging.. and keep pushing towards your breast directly... it took me abt 8 massage of 5 mins each to finally relieve the engorgement....I've also checked with my gynae... she say it's breast tissue...so it's normal....
but dun let it stay too long... cos quite uncomfy...
