(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs


Same here, my son oso cry when bath, changing diaper, wiping body. But my boy terrible rascal, alot of time he jus cry coz he wanna be carry...

My boy is 1mth old now.. he's drinking 80ml per feed, and he need to be fed every 2.5~3hr..

Cloth/ Disposable Diapers
Hee.. another reason why i will switch to total disposable is my hubby will heartpain to see mi squating in toilet scrubing de cloth.. thou i "graduated" from confinement liao, but hor.. we are still consider "weak" n need more rest one u noe? too much squatting n bending (while scrubing) is no good for us wor.. ;)


Have u ordered ur buffet food? mine hor, de fried stuffs doesn't stay nice, i ordered sweet & sour fish (sauce seperated), butter prawn & sotong you tiao.. dey ended up cold n hard leh.. but my guest commented de bee hoon, porkrib & curry is nice..

Vomiting milk,

Mummies.. does ur babies vomit milk after feeding? mine hor.. de milk came out of de mouth & nose after practically every feed.. i tried checking with PD & TMC Mrs Wong, dey told mi as long as dey are drinking, poo-poo-in n wee-wee-in.. its normal... but den.. every meal leh.. can't help worrying, moreover my nanny leaving tml, i'm gonna be alone with the baby..

hi mums,

my due date is 27th, visited gynae last evening, head down but not engage. he said if by 27th haven pop, will induce me in 3 to 4 days. Any one here knows if induction charge expensive? Quite worry.

We almost paid $1,200 for all tests, scans, medication and the package before the baby pop. Wonder if there is any other cheaper option for our second one...
Hi all mummies out there

Long time no log in liao. hee hee hee busy playing with my bb ger. she five weeks 2day. hee hee hee first time bring her out shopping. but feed fer full full before going out scared she cry hahah

just wanna share how sotong HB and me, hope mummy and daddy not that sotong. haha yesterday, while bathing bb. My HB saw a big swollen 'pimple' with pus on the left side of bb buttock. and since she keep crying the whole morning, we suspect tat this 'big pimple' cause pain to her so she cry lor. So we bring her to the PD. when the PD c bb, he gave a big laugh and told us : My dear parents, tis is BCG. U dun noe huh? aiyoh, so paisei leh. in the end we spent $80 for consultation and taxi fare to learn a GOOD EXPERIENCE. hahah

attached her photo at week 4

the manual breast pump for both Avent & Pigeon is almost the same hubby say get Avent cuz 'more branded' =P

steriliser will get Pigeon but remember price wrongly, its quite ex too. $116 for the 6 bottles type right?

congrats on ur Iggy's full month! enjoy!

my EDD 1st May... *Labour Day* =P


when we went Takashimaya to 'get a feel of bb products & prices', we saw there's those 'normal type of milk containers with normal/transport lids' & 'milk containers with blue lids' some blue lids come with the words 'dispose or re-use' so that's why we are very confused why there's 2 types... meaning the blue lids can recycle? which is better?


Pigeon breast pump so jialut ah? Been using Pigeon wet wipes these 3 yrs for my doggy, will continue to STOCK UP as well for baby...

Hi Gingercat, May i know which buffet catering r u ordered? nice? b'cos this coming sunday i also will celebration full month for my baby.

Any Mummies recommend know which buffet catering is good?
Hi LittleCat

As requested, photo of Corum @ Birth.
What I eat ar, I also don't know la... actually the first trimester I did not put on weight at all. Then start from second trimester start to put on weight quite quickly. In total I put on 16kg. But I think most of it goes to him... in the last month, I think he put on 0.9kg!

nov mum
think this brand of medicated powder quite trusted lah...alot of my girlfrens using for their bb and it seems gd so i also follow. :p

i bought drypers, a pack of 64 for $12.80 so it's 20cents per pc. yah, pampers is so ex!
oh, my gynae suggested giving water to my bb once in a while and also if he has hiccups. he said if my boy's not taking in the water i can sweeten it slightly with honey. i didn't ask him why though. my mum also supports the idea of water leh.

i ordered the food items liao leh...alamak, i ordered the butter prawn and sotong you tiao! but i think shld be ok lah, cos i ordered both lunch and dinner, so for those who coming later, they will hav new set of food to eat.
yup, i ordered the bee hoon and curry! :D
abt the vomit after feed, i think maybe u didn't burp ur bb enough? so the air from the tummy escape out through the throat along wif the milk.

wah, ur bb has a very 'girl' face!! so sweet looking! and her hair so nice and thick! so lucky!!

neogarden has 20% off for full month bb catering, but it's not halal. www.select.com.sg is quite good too.

Yup my boy also vomit milk after feeding. When he was about 1week old he does vomit alot out and the milk look sticky. Now he is 3week plus already and i see that vomiting amount had reduced. Sometimes when we burp him, he will split some milk out but not alot.
However the milk come out from mouth not from nose ler.
Your daughter very cute, got girl-girl look.

The 2 manual pumps that Avent sells is the same, it's just the bottles that are different. The blue cap ones are disposable bottles which Avent recommend that you can reuse for up to 4 times, but some people told me you can use it until it starts to 'disintegrate'.

I bought my Avent pump at the Taka baby fair couple of months back. They were having a promotion. It was the disposable cups one. But I bought my own bottles separately. Personally, I prefer to use the normal bottles, and store using milk bags. So I think it's up to personal preference.

Think it's normal that baby cries most of the time because that's the only way they can communicate at this point. My boy cries when he feels uncomfortable e.g. change of temperature, or if I am not holding him in a position he likes etc.

If you are still checking out electric breastpumps, you might want to consider Ameda. It's a double breastpump, and the price is the same as Avent ISIS Uno if I am not mistaken. I have the Avent manual, which I have been using the first 6 days. Just got my Ameda yesterday, and find it so more convenient, cos can do other things while pumping, and it's lots faster.

After pushing for an hour, the doc suggested that we use forceps. So with that, what will happen is the doc will ask you to push, and he will also pull. But I think the doc won't use forceps/vacuum unless you really cannot push.
Hi, I'm back from the hospital and finally got a chance for a breather to come online. Baby's sleeping soundly now..

I've delivered on the 15th nov as planned by gynae..here's my (short) birth story..as its only 4 hours. i gave birth to my boy Brandon via natural delivery without epidural with forceps.

15th nov
- 6am woke up to go to the hospital
- 7am bought breakfast (planning to have my last meal before delivery) and reached the hospital
- 7am the moment i reached the hospital, i didnt even get the chance to even touch my breakfast before being separated from my hubby (& my breakfast) and was ushered off into the delivery suite. I thought i had until 8am until doc comes
- 7:15 was strapped to the fetal monitering machine and shaved by the nurse. kept asking her if i could eat cos i was famished and i dont think i can endure a 12 hr labour without food!
- 8.15 doctor came, checked my cervix dilation..still 1cm dilated. he burst my waterbag and administrated enema
- 8.30 contractions started coming and it was still bareable. went to poo and took my time to take a long hot shower. the hot shower helped to aleviate the pain a little
- 9:15 pushed to the delivery suite and was administrated syntocin via drip to induce the labor. the needle was super long and i found it very painful..was wondering how on earth i can take the contractions if i couldnt even take the pain from the drip...
9:15 - 10:30 contractions are about 5 mins apart and pain was making me shiver and very tensed up. asked to check dilation and it was only 2cm
10:30 - 11:00 contractions are 2 mins apart and the pain was concentrated on my groin and rectum area. the pain was bareable but it was the frequency that its coming that is making me frustrated. nurse asked if i wanted epidural, i firmly said no. she gave me gas and initially i found it useless.. but after hubby taught me how to use it more effectively, i found it useful as I felt more relaxed and it dulled the pain.
11:00 - 12:15 feeling relaxed and dilation was about 8cm
12:30 had the urge to push and doctor came
12:30 - 1:11pm kept pushing but to no avail. pushed with all the energy that i had but baby doesnt seem to be able to crown. doctor had to use vacuum and forceps to deliver the baby
1.11pm: Baby Brandon is born!

Brandon's statistics:
birth weight: 3.21kg
Length: 49cm
Head circumference: 34cm

greybearie, Sofi just started vomiting out her milk feed this morning. She regurgitate a bit in the early morning after her father fed her and then in the afternoon, I had finished feeding her the EBM but since she still looked hungry, decided to give her some FM as well - that's what she threw up. Then she started crying and fussing. I really didn't know what to do .. had to call my mother. In the meantime I rubbed the telon oil (like medicated oil, but milder) on her tummy, changed her diaper and fed her a bit more. Then she settled down and fell asleep. My mother came and told me that she has a lot of wind in her tummy - I also realised that when I am feeding her, she would suck a few times and then stop to breathe before starting again. She doesn't have a blocked nose and she is also beginning to choke/ cough in between feeds. I think I need to bring her to PD already .. wonder how much is the normal consultation charges?

stacey, congratulations .. you are very lucky to have a short labour yah .. how are you coping with motherhood?
Congra stacey, wow your boy got lots of hair ler.

Wow, seeing all babies here look so chubby and cute.

Hee hee i have just downloaded some of his pic to PC today, thought showing him to you gals also. Let me try to attach and see....
Hi,just an update of my delivery on 16 nov

Total labour is 3 hours plus. i gave birth to my princess Andrea via natural delivery with epidural and assisted.

15th nov
9pm - in gynae clinic, checked only 2cm dilated
9pm plus - doing ctg. Aft ctg,sudden backache pain. Gynae said probably delivered tmr so asked me to rest at home.

16th Nov
12am - Contraction pain came and a bit unbearable. Called e gynae n straight to hospital.
12.40am - arrived hospital and contraction at 2min interval.
2.30am - waterbag burst. Very pain until screamed for epidural. Still 2cm dilated.
3.00am - epidural done. More relax.
5am plus - 8 to 9 cm dilated maybe not so painful and can relax, that why dilate fast. Need assisted help as my celvis wall blocked my baby head.
6am - Babay Andrea is born.

Andrea statistics:
birth weight: 3.19kg
Length: 49cm
Head circumference: 34cm
Hi mummies,

Need to ask a question. How can we tell that the baby's jaundice is at the minimial safe level?

Straw berry,
When is your EDD? By the way, I also had bacterial infection. If it is any inspiration to you, I had a natural delivery. Only thing is that I took antibotics and upon birth, the baby has to undergo a blood test. I think Gingercat had the same problem and had an antibotics drip for her natural delivery.

By the way, didn't see Scribbler in today. Hmmm... Maybe she is delivering.
hi mummies
can i check for those mummies who went thru induced birth whether it is possible not to be put on drip? most likely i gotta be induced cos still no sign of labour.
hi cuclaine, thanks! still feel quite fresh with the whole motherhood thing and fretful whenever baby cries. this is my 2nd day having baby at home and i'm getting better at handling him and knowing what he wants when he cries.

i'm breaking all the confinement rules.. the only rule that i've not broken is the food that i'm eating.. sticking to the confinement menu. but i'm not eating ginger so that i wont aggravate my baby's jaundice. i'm bathing everyday and washing my hair every alternative day. i switch on the fan and let it blow directly at me 24/7 cos i cant on air con and i really cant stand being so hot and sticky. and i went out shopping on the day of discharge and went downstairs to suntan my baby today. looking forward to the day when i start to drink cold drinks!

quite amazed with myself that i had endured the delivery without epidural. the contractions weren't the most painful part of the labor, for me, it was the pushing! for the labor to be short, it'll be better to be relaxed so that dilation can occur faster..so just make use of pain relief methods.

more pictures of my boy..

-4 hours old Brandon

-Brandon hugging tigger

hi starmoon,i think it is dependent on your gynae? for me i asked him if i can opt not to be on a drip cos i'm quite fearful of needles and pain and opt for the pill. he said nope. plus once on the drip you cant move around and any slight movement on my hand is rather painful.

so i think its better you ask your gynae?
Hi Mummies,

I m now going to hospital for induce liao.

talk to you all again when i m back with my hopefully smooth labour...


Congrats to all mummies who have popped!!
dumbger, did you put the nappy liner on the cloth diapers? if put hor when poo-poo can just throw the nappy liner away. So won't stain the cloth diapers.

Abt 'Napia diapers' is this how it looks like ?

btw can anyone adv how is the quality? cos i know pampers is very good and soft, diapers i find very 'hard' leh.. Any comments?

yoko, you baby look like japanese baby so cute!

mycrysania, from this photo doesn't look that heavy

So how many KG left to shed now?

tiwi, wow your baby double eyelid so obvious hor? my still not coming out, now look like single eyelid...

stacey, cute baby, eh so fast playing with tigger liao

Anyone got cheaper lobang on breast pad?
eh can dun wear bra meh? won't leak?
starmoon, i think there is no way of escaping having the drip - cos they will need to give you antibiotics, oxytoxin (this is what induces labour), etc via it. i tried not to look when they came to do it at 12am - the husband was like, why didn't i scream cos he yelled at the nurses when he kena during his hospital admission a few months back .. he doesn't like needles or blood.

when i was up in the ward, even best la .. the drip finish already but when finally someone comes to check, blood from my hand had already gone into the tube - I also didn't realise that the drip had gone dry. It happened twice and the second time it did, the nurse told me that she will get someone to check if need to do a new line (wah, I don't want!) but luckily when the doctor came, she said can take the drip off already .. so another nurse came and took it off .. she said pity me because have to be confined to bed if continue to have it.

Jia You~ All the best.. may u have a smooth delivery!


Yah loh.. if mouth not so bad.. my boy, de milk always come out from nose, young time not so jialat.. but now, getting more frequent n more milk coming out.. making mi worry.. anyway.. he goin for his hep B jab tml, i'll check out with de PD..

To 1st Time Mummies,

Anyone have problem pacifying ur baby? I dunno why hor, everytime he cry, other ppl carry him, he will stop crying instantly, but when i carry, it doesn't work leh.. i checked wif my CL regarding de way i carry, she say nottin wrong leh.. anyone like me??

My CL left yest.. today 1st day alone wif my boy.. i'm scared.. last night was terrible.. he keep crying from 3am~6am.. nuttin i do could stop him.. but ard 6am.. he jus stop crying suddenly n Zzzzzz..
greybearie, i hope the PD will be able to tell you what's wrong .. pity your little one yah ..

so far i have had no problem pacifying my little one .. she likes to be carried when she's alert but once she's in anyone's arms, she will fall asleep. Maybe you want to try swaddling your boy - I do it with my girl and she will sleep throughout the night except when it's time to feed. Sometimes she doesn't even wake up, I have to wake her to feed otherwise she will get up cranky. Now I only wake up twice in the night to feed and change her diaper ..

I know the feeling but you can make it .. I also dreaded the day when I was left with Sofi on my own but so far so good. She has a favourite bouncer and if we put her in it, she falls asleep or entertains herself until she falls asleep or someone carries her.
hi stacey
thanx and congrats. okie, will check wif my gynae later. i got very low threshold of pain so i think it will surely be very painful for me if put on drip...somemore movement will be restriced?? den if need to go toilet how ah? i was still thinking of walking around to help wif the dilation after induction....guess cannot liao. i hope mine will be as short and smooth as well...me oso hoping i can endure without epidural. hope the laughing gas helps cos my sis told me itz useless as it only makes one giddy.

hi cuclainne
thanx and congrats to u 2. wow, yr threshold of pain muz be really good since u didnt even scream!! so when on drip, was it painful when the liquid go through? me nebber on drip b4 so dunno how it's like. wahhh...den i better ask hubby to keep an eye on the drip and not let it go empty....wouldnt want them to poke me again. so in the end, did the drip help in dilating?

hi sherhino
good luck! me oso gotta be induced. hopefully it'll be a smooth labour 2.
starmoon, you don't feel it when the liquid goes into the needle .. it's only when they are setting up the drip for the first time (inserting needle into your hand) that you feel a little pain. in the delivery suite, they will check up on you about every hour or so .. it's when you're up in the ward that they will check about once every two-three hours. The drip didn't help me at all .. I still had to go for c-section in the end.
hi stacey,
Y u kena induce? when u induce, have u dilated? Just checked with my gynae today, if this fri stil no dilation, got to induce on sat
. But i worried after induce stil no dilation then will kena C-section. Is it u have dilation after induce? I'm really wan to know how can make myself have dilation
hmm..me also scare kena induce but i think if thse few days stil no sign, then no choice liao

I only hope i'll dilate as i dun wan C-section.
Hi mycrysania

Thks for sharing, gv me hopes tat forceps/vacuum sure can get bb out even if not enough strength to push. BTW, your bb's face looks round & chubby, he really absorbed all the goodies out of u. CongratS!

Hi betterworld
My EDD supposed to be early Dec, but looks like going to happen anytime now due to early contractions since wk34. Mayb I shld req for antibotics drip like Gingercat. But were u both given antibiotics to take during pregnancy? Me was given capsules to take until EDD... I hv oredy swallowed 40 over capsules to date, v worried for my bb but gynae says it wl b worse if I dun take and bb cums out getting the infection.

Hi kelly chin
I have a frenz who paid very cheap package, the gynae is Dr Lawrence Ang, he was my first gynae in KK many yrs ago. Now he has his own clinic. Maybe someone here might hv his contacts for u.

your bb gal gal got very nice hair, did u drink plenty of coconut juice during last trimester?

How many days old is your bb boy? he looks v alert & eyes big big on the little face. It's wonderful.

Hi stacey, Angeline Tan

Thks for sharing your birth stories..another short labour natural dely!!! Congrats Brave mummies!

But I think Stacey, u better not do tat during confinement loh. My sis, my frenz did tat during confinement now aft a few years liao, they both got the same side effects... very severe headache that won't go away. BTW, your bb skin so ang ang like got jin pu.

I feel excited for Sherhino, hope everything gonna be fine so tat we can ready another natural dely story.
HI Betterworld
The most accurate way to test bb jaundice level is through blood test. My boy had slight jaundice and this is what the doctor at the polyclinic shared with us:
5 days old - level shld be 260 & below (per ML of blood or something like tat)
7 days old - level shld be 300 & below

you can try sunning your boy in the ealy morning sun, pref before 10am. I dun know if it's scientifically proven but it helped reduce my boy's jaundice level.

Hope the info helps!

that picture was taken on the day 13. think both my hubby and me got double eyelid so he might have inherited from us, maybe....

I was put on drip(gulcose and oxytoxin)when i gave birth 3week agao. I am 3cm dilate when i reached hospital. Doctor want to break my waterbag but i was too tense up and very painful so he let me smell the gas and i nearly knock out by smelling the gas. my whole body become numb and i can still sub concouisely hear the doctor conversation with the nurse but don't feel any pain. that was the time when they put the drip and break the waterbag for me. Don't feel any pain at all.
Hahah - I still remember how it felt like when the waterbag burst. I was lying on the bed, watching tv after lunch and the husband was playing a game on his PSP. All the sudden, I heard like a soft pop and then i just felt very very wet. I called the husband and told him that my waterbag burst - he can ask me what he's supposed to do. Hahahaha - call nurse la .. so he rushed out and called the nurse. Some more he can look at the bed and told me that there's a lot of water .. siao!
good luck to sherhino and all those mummies who are going to be induced..!

starmoon: not too sure whether you can go to toilet, most likely you wont need to cos of the enema.. and if you really need to go, they have a potty that allows you to do your business while lying on the bed.. i found it to be quite cool ..hehe i used it when I've just delivered when the stitches are too painful for me to even walk to the toilet.

nov_MTB: i was induced cos my gynae was concern that the baby might be too big for my frame and for my pelvis as i'm rather petite. he didnt want me to have to go for an emergency c-section if the baby's head ends up being too big for me to deliver virginally.

when i went for checkup one day before i was induced, my dilation was only 0.5 cm. had show the day before. the syntocin will definitely speed up the dilation process, but try to relax and not be too tensed up. when i didnt use the enthonox, i was shivering and dilation was only 2 cm.. after taking the gas, the pain was dulled and i felt relaxed and i closed my eyes. i kept doing this and my dilation went up to 8cm in less than 2 hours.. so try to take your mind off the pain and relax..not easy without the gas or pain relief i must say. but thats the way to prevent having a long labor with slow dilation which end up having to go for emergency c-section.. jia you!!
good luck to sherhino and all those mummies who are going to be induced..!

starmoon: not too sure whether you can go to toilet, most likely you wont need to cos of the enema.. and if you really need to go, they have a potty that allows you to do your business while lying on the bed.. i found it to be quite cool ..hehe i used it when I've just delivered when the stitches are too painful for me to even walk to the toilet.

nov_MTB: i was induced cos my gynae was concern that the baby might be too big for my frame and for my pelvis as i'm rather petite. he didnt want me to have to go for an emergency c-section if the baby's head ends up being too big for me to deliver virginally.

when i went for checkup one day before i was induced, my dilation was only 0.5 cm. had show the day before. the syntocin will definitely speed up the dilation process, but try to relax and not be too tensed up. when i didnt use the enthonox, i was shivering and dilation was only 2 cm.. after taking the gas, the pain was dulled and i felt relaxed and i closed my eyes. i kept doing this and my dilation went up to 8cm in less than 2 hours.. so try to take your mind off the pain and relax..not easy without the gas or pain relief i must say. but thats the way to prevent having a long labor with slow dilation which end up having to go for emergency c-section.. jia you!!
Congrates. So happy for you.
You brave girl.

I still waiting to pop. Went to gynea on sat, my edd no change but will go back to see gynea this coming fri, to do ve check (alamak) and do CTG for bb heartbeat. My bb happy inside me. so will be full term at 40 weeks. so taking it easy.

however, i am still vomitting every morning. Dare not brush my teeth, before or after brushing, sure puke like mad woman.

Has Nov MTB pop liao?
Hi BS S,

Thanks very much for the info. Is there any way to gauge the baby's jaundice level, without doing the blood test? I am wondering how many days more should I suntan my baby....

Straw Berry,
I was given oral antibotics, but it was only a week supply. Are you still taking the oral antibotics? Strange. That's a very long course. I did a lab test after taking the week's supply of antibotics and my strep B was gone by then.

Welcome to the no-epidural club.
betterworld, i m also wondering abt jaundice... my girl is still slightly yellow and she is 4 weeks old liao..... dunno if i should bring her to see doc.. but i very heartpain abt the blood test leh...
hello mummies and mtbs,

no lah, I haven't popped. My boy likes to keep everyone guessing, hehe.

Enjoyed myself over the weekend watching Casino Royale with my hb and having nice meal with my in-laws, so didn't have time to come in to say hi. That will probably be the last time I'll be going to the cinema in a long while.

Just came back from weekly checkup; my boy is v healthy and placenta has no calcifications (i.e. signs of ageing), and his heartbeat and blood supply is v good, so doc says we'll let nature take its own course. My doc, however, will be away from tomorror till Friday, so now, my hb and i have changed our tack and encouraging bb to come out after he comes back instead. Haha, hope this little boy won't get confused from all the different signals.

Doc says according to calendar, my EDD should be 23rd but ultrascan measurements show 15th, so that sort of relieves my anxiety now. Anyway, induction is not on the cards, so we'll just have to wait VERY patiently.

thank you for thinking of me! Now hoping that he won't announce his arrival on my birthday!

take care everyone; i borrowed some books on breastfeeding from the library to tide me through this waiting period. hehe.
hi mummies
me back from gynae check up...me oredi 3-4cm dilated!! yippie...was telling gynae we dun wanna wait anymore and wanna induce so gynae said ok but nid to do v-check first. who noes when he checked me, i'm oredi 3-4cm dilated. he said maybe 2nite might haf some action since by "disturbing" it, it might trigger labour. he told me the induction most likely will be a successful one so it kinda ease my mind cos i was afraid dat i might end up emergency c-section and gynae said most likely wun happen....phew!!! so 2molo will be gg in for induction unless something happens 2nite.
hope mine will be a smooth and short labour.

hi cuclainne
oic...okie...at least now noe only when inserting needle pain pain...so at least not so scary.

hi tiwi
so u only used the laughing gas...hope it works for me as well. gynae was asking me if i want epidural 2molo but i said dun want and he asked me y so i told him i got phobia for needles. my sis and anoher fren told me laughing gas useless wan but i think i will try it lor. hope i can endure and not give in to epidural!

hi stacey
oic...thanx for the info. hope mine will be as short and smooth.
hello mummies and mtbs,

no lah, I haven't popped. My boy likes to keep everyone guessing, hehe.

Enjoyed myself over the weekend watching Casino Royale with my hb and having nice meal with my in-laws, so didn't have time to come in to say hi. That will probably be the last time I'll be going to the cinema in a long while.

Just came back from weekly checkup; my boy is v healthy and placenta has no calcifications (i.e. signs of ageing), and his heartbeat and blood supply is v good, so doc says we'll let nature take its own course. My doc, however, will be away from tomorror till Friday, so now, my hb and i have changed our tack and encouraging bb to come out after he comes back instead. Haha, hope this little boy won't get confused from all the different signals.

Doc says according to calendar, my EDD should be 23rd but ultrascan measurements show 15th, so that sort of relieves my anxiety now. Anyway, induction is not on the cards, so we'll just have to wait VERY patiently.

thank you for thinking of me! Now hoping that he won't announce his arrival on my birthday!

take care everyone; i borrowed some books on breastfeeding from the library to tide me through this waiting period. hehe.
starmoon: no problem and jia you!!

went to see the PD today and checked on Brandon's jaundice level. took a blood test for him and it is 17..2 points over the acceptable level of 15.
so tonight have to send him back to TMC for phototherapy. I'm feeling so heartbroken, having to part with him tonight.
*sobs sobs* I'm missing him already..
Hi Mummies

Bess, I am using Pang's Catering for my boy full mth.
It was arranged by my MIL and if u need the contact, just pm me.

Yoko, ur baby looks so chio and cute! Next time sure a lot of bfs.. Keke!!

Stacey, ur boy so smart, knows how to hug a soft toy liao...
He also very cute, can make lots of expression.

Tiwi, ur baby boy looks so alert! Is he a wakeful baby?

Greybearie, colic babies will throw out their feeding at times. So long he dun throw out like merlion, doc says it is fine. Just make sure he is not dehydrated. My boy got his Hep B 2nd dose today. Funny, his BCG no scar ???

Starmoon, good luck and all the best. Awaiting for ur good news.

Heh, I am back to my TBF again. This time not pumping out anymore, instead, I let my boy direct latch onto my breasts with the help of the breast feeding pillow. It really works!! So happy!
Laughing gas was useful to me only in the 1st portion and during injection for the stitching portion. I wanted epidural but hor i dilated too fast after putting on oxytoxin drip. I was 8cm dilate already, nurse tell me no point injecting epidural so i tahan lor. Starmoon i am sure you can do it. All the best to you....

Yup, too wakeful that i feel so stress. Sleep for awhile wake up, play with him on the bed for a while he will start to cry, carry him, he fall a sleep(not deep sleep one), thought he sleep already, put him down he open eye big big. sigh....Does all babies behave this way.........

I bring my boy to polyclinic for jaundice check up on the 3rd or 4th day after discharge from hospital. That time the level was high but still within the range(no need to go for phototherapy), think about 230. Doctor advise us to come back to check few days later and the level went further down to 190. I am still quite worry so the doctor ask me to go back again 4days later to check. this time round it goes down to 160. She told me as long as it is going down it should be safe. If you find your baby abit yellow its best to take to doc for a bloodtest. The result will put your heart at ease. That time i go polyclinic, the lady doctor told me no need to bring baby for suntanning ler. She told me suntanning only change the surface skin colour not treating the problem ler. Don't know how true lah.
hi strawberry

Oh, i oni drink one coconut during last trimester. hehehe. My hubby's baby time also alot of hair so may be like him lor

Hi gingercat

hahahaha but i 'cuter' than her during baby time. hahaha thick skin

Do you all feel more hungry nowadays while nursing? I feel hungrier than when I was pregnant leh. In fact, every junk food in the house I also eat. Morning can eat 2 crosants and one milo and then one bar of chocolate.

hello. read that nursing burns alot of calories, hence the great appetite. and tend to get thirsty too. therefore even more important that you watch what you eat to ease the hunger pangs
or what you eat may 'outweigh' what you'll be burning during nursing.
Hi Dambger & Gingercat, thanks for your information. i've order neogargen cartering for my baby full month celebration this sunday.

Hi betterworld

Oden u lucky, recover fast leh. Me given 2 week's supply & now asked to continue until delivery. Ya lor I am on the course still. Scary hor. Tat's why I encourage my bb to cum out earlier to avoid these antibiotics.

Hi Scribber
...may i noe how your gynae check whether placenta has any calcifications? & Oso the blood supply of bb? 'bcos I went for my routine check up yesterday & gynae only uses the ultrasound graph Chart to determine my bb's heartbeat/movements & my contractions frequency plus other routine checks for GV, bb HC/AC growth, cervix dilation...std ones.

Hi starmoon & Nov_MTB
All the best to the both of u. Must relax & b brave hah... so tat u wl hv short birth stories to share share!
