(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hi Trixiebelle, mycrysania, nov mum

Thanks for sharing your birth stories, interesting! Helps me to imagine and pretend to go thru that very moment, like a rehearsal. I noe its gonna b a different outcome, but juz cant wait to see the turn out so use imagination to fulfil..

Hi Bearyhugs & Gingercat

Your bb so lovely & handsome! Tat's my dream bb really! but i m worried of my bb face, bcos his head was engaged since week 16 and his face is pressing against the placenta wall now. So whenever I sit straight I can feel he goes pushing and pushing wif his little hands and den, hiccups.. Gynae says very cramped down there.

Hi Nov MTB

Sorry to hear of your frenz's case. Me oso panic at the thot of epidural, cos I hv bad backache eversince aft 2 surgeries to remove ovarian cysts. But think I wl gv in to epidural cos can't endure pain. Anway, wif my age catching up, I dun wan another. But u dun worry, every case differs. U dun hv backache pro' do u?

Mei Lik, are you still having your morning sickness?

dumbger, I wore my binder for exactly one day when I was still in the hospital - I found it so uncomfortable so I took it off and rather go through the pain. I think I should try to wear it when I go to bed, because it looks unsightly under clothes when I go out.

Ewwww.. ur boy got a very stylo look! :p


1am~7am <= no need to teh neh (milk)?


Mi too! today "last day" liao... hee... my boy's full mth celebration is tml, tml i eating buffet food liao loh~~~~ so today "last day". hee! YEAH! :D (me too had economical been hoon yest wif fish fillet &amp; chicken wing.. ^5!)

Mei Lik,

Since on ML liao.. u rest more loh, prob will feel better... *sayang*


is de medela cream good? how's de texture like and how much does it cost? i'm using avent's one.. very thick &amp; it cos mi $22+ for 30ml.. ex sia..

Straw Berry &amp; Nov_MTB,

hey, abt the epdiural story hor, i asked my gynae abt it.. she say.. she wun deny dat its impossible.. but its EXTREMELY rare.. and for de EXTREMELY rare cases hor, its usually becoz de patient have severe back injury eg. accident..

dun worry too much, when u really have to use it, jus adminster loh..
i only let him latch on when is milk time, never do EBM also.. cos i dun want after pump no more left :p
wow no wonder got sore nipple! aiyoh...
I will try to do the cluster feeding after the CL left. cos now she is doing the nite feed so i have time to rest.

mousy_pig, i bought the medela mini, single pump.
pai seh only used once, but definately better than the event manual pump.

Gingercat, after i delivered, i told the nurse i want TBF, but the first nite i want them to feed only glucose, so i can start my TBF the next morning. But the following morning the PD check and tell me saying i better let him drink FM, cos he cry so loud! As our milk not coming in yet, so no choice started partial since in the hospital liao. So the baby kind of expected the FM which flow faster than the BF.

For my boy, the first 1-2 weeks poo many time till i scare. But now establish to once a day. And the CL thought us how to let him poo, so won't be that messy.
Do you gals have a routine to poo-poo him/her? or just let it come out then clean?

Eh i also find while doing BF feel very tired keep yawning...

Question: which postion did u use for the BF ? lying down or sitting?
If can master the lying down then nite time easier... so far i can only do one side... haha!

so most of the time i have to use the sitting down position.

cuclainne, haha my hb the same, when he reach home he will ask did baby poo-poo today?

eh you gals didn't use cloth diapers? i mixed both. abit le-cheh have to keep changing but save some $$ lor...

bearyhugs, yeah FM work wonder, but just worry he will get too used to it and refuse BF liao...

mei_lik, jia you, hang in there, you will join us soon ;)

eh didn't know economical been hoon taste so nice hor ? haha u will appreacite it after the confinement period.
Me miss coke leh...
hello mummies,

educational to hear about your experiences as I wait for my boy to arrive. today is 2nd day overdue but am at peace with it since i'm not going for induction.

falling asleep (mummy and bb) during BF is very normal, sometimes due to lack of sleep for mummy, but many times also because of the 'love hormone' (oxytocin) produced during feeding, so bb also will fall asleep. can wake him/her up to continue feeding.

when i think about it, i wonder if i'll be able to implement all the things i've read and learnt from books and classes when it's finally my turn to nurse and lose sleep over my little boy. probably i'll be the one typing away furiously on this forum seeking for help and advice... well, hope not; hope to still be able to keep my head on my shoulders then.

time to go shopping!
these few days i've been out with my MIL and she's been looking at clothes for me to wear at the full month celebration cos she remembered not being able to fit into her old clothes during my hb's full month, and ended up wearing her big and roomy maternity dress.
but ah, i suspect i'll end up wearing one of my maternity dresses but luckily they're not sackcloths so can still see a bit of figure (if it's regained by then). i'll save the shopping for when my pre-preg weight returns.

just had my agar-agar coconut, finally! my MIL says that with this final craving satisfied, my boy should be out soon.... hahaha. i hope so lah.
littlecat, actually, i do pump abit every now and then before feed. i dun pump 30 mins, i just pump abt 10 mins. then after abt 1/2 hr, i just latch bb on and there is still milk....no need to try cluster feeding if your boy do not demand it..... they will naturally ask for it when they need. how to let bb poo without a mess, teach me leh!

bfing position
i usually use cradle hold. at TMC, mrs wong popped by my ward b4 i discharged.. she showed me the football hold and lying down position as well. lying down position need abit of practice... i find that my nipples are being "slightly pulled at" using the lying down position..think i did not do correctly...

on cloth nappies
when my girl first came home, i used cloth. but hor, i dun have a dryer and it has been raining these few weeks.... ordered nepia to use in the end.
Little cat, my mum will hold my boy (one after another) on top of the potty and "hm hm" for them every morning. It works for my elder twin, his face will turns red and his lip stretches as he poo.. but it hasnt work for my younger one though. What''s ur CL's method?

Greybearie, which caterer are u using for ur full mth tmr? What abt the cakes? I am holding my bbs full mth next wk.. still havnt decide which caterer to use. I like the Gobi cakes but they are non-halal (cant get it for my muslim colleagues).. looks like I'm left with Bengawan solo &amp; Melrose.

Mummies who has given birth, did anyone try the traditional massage? I'd put on 20kg during pregnancy and though I am now 3kg away from my pre-pregnancy weight, my tummy really looks big and "bouncy". I hesitated to engage the service of the massage lady cos mine was c-sec. Now that 3 weeks had passed, I'm thinking of having one. Anyone has gd massage lady's contact to share?
mycrysania/gingercat, shld u be updating the table.. pls help to amend my delivery date fr 27 to 26 oct.. tks.
Hi all,

I'm doing TBF since day 1. Although very tiring, its all worth it :D I'm bfing Xander every 1 1/2 -2 hrly.

I'm also C-sect. My tummy had got tummy A LOT!!! My massage lady is very professional and very popular in this line too. Not sure if she's available or not. Her name is Rohaya.
Hi Greybearie

^5!!! Tomolo also my sonnie full mth celebration. So many things to prepare. keke!! expecting a lot of people to present tomolo.

Morning time, hubby will drive us back to my mum place for a while ( they say a must to do it during bb full mth ) and I will be having buffet lunch. Agree with u, eat all I can tomolo.

Scribbler, I wearing back my maternity dress. No choice, who ask me put on too much weight during preggie. Keke!!

Littlecat, I am using the lying down position to breastfeed my boy. I dunno how to use cradle one. :p Lousy and kayu mummy.

Jannie, the medela cream I use... seems not working. Very thick and gotta mix with some breast milk. Mrs Wong asked me to air it for healing, how to air... sure leak one.
hi straw_berry,
I dun have back problem..just think of in case kena the bad effect of epi..but no point thinking now..when it comes think we should know what to do then.
hi congrats to all mummies...

sorry have to budge into this thread but wanna ask what is the difference between Avent and Pigeon steriliser... which is better...

and i've noticed Avent breast pump comes with 2 types of containers? what is the difference...

Hi Bearyhugs,

We will be having buffet lunch at home. Then we also order some cakes, ang ku kuey and red eggs sets for relatives. Not ex, $5 per box.

Hi Dumbger, Hehehe!! I think I will feed him honey water in between feeds. His miliria, I use johnson powder and see if condition improves. If not have to use medicated. Which medicated powder are u using?

Hi Hapybaby,

I am using Pigeon sterilizer, can sterilizer all kinds of bottles and pumps. I dunno abt avent but i know that it is quite restrictive.
thank you Gingercat.

was thinking getting Pigeon too since its $87 whereas the Avent is around $169.

my gynae same as yours, n after reading your experience, very 'fang xin'...

what about breast pump? n the Avent containers? 1 type with normal lid, 1 type with blue lid? VERY confused!!!

but Takashimaya there's a manual pigeon pump and looks quite handy and good. but no experience at all very difficult to go shopping...
Hi hapybaby,

I will not recommend u to buy pigeon breast pump. Heard from my friends it is really lousy. If u are investing in a manual one, I will recommend u avent. I am using avent manual pump now and it is very comforting. Actually dun have to buy the containers first if u have a few avent bottles. Just need to buy a disc sealer and convert ur avent bottle into milk container. Save money. Oh! You are also engaging Dr Joycelyn Wong to be your gynae? When are u due?

mi currently oso using a mixture of cloth diaper &amp; disposables.. but i will switch to jus disposables after nanny leaves.. coz hor.. i count count, nappy liner, detergent, water oso cost $, moreover washing the diapers' tiring too.

i'm craving for alot of food already, but right now... i wan.. boon lay nasi lemak with many many chilli! :D but i will be staying away from my kopi-c till i stop breastfeeding..


Caterer i'm using neogarden (coz got 20% off for baby's full mth), as for cakes, bengawan solo... ((coz i tink its convinent, plus its halah)..


how does Avent normal lid looks like? i'm using de one with blue lid...
gingercat, i take off my bra once in a while right after feeding.. can tahan abt 1/2 hr to 1 hr without leaking (depending on how empty they are).

mommies, i read somewhere not to feed infants below 1 yr old with honey. may cause infant botulism. and apparantly, botulism may lead to death.....
Hi Mummies,

Just update that I delivered my boy on 10/11/06 at 19.46 pm.Natural birth with Epidural.

Wow, i tot giving birth is tough but taking care is even tougher.

Now bb was admitted to hospital for jauniced photoshine...So got time to login.
Had a tough time trying to feed bf bb...supply low...but bb wans more....
so now will do partial bf and FM....i think pumping milk out helps...maybe will invest on electric one
Greybearie, tks. There're a lot of positive feedback on neo gargen but they're not halal leh. May have to cater fr continental delights. Tks for ur info anyway.

Eileen, how many sessions did u have with Rohaya? How much per session? Can PM me her contacts? See my tummy very upsetting.. my twins really stretched my tummy.

Gingercat, where are u getting the cake fr? $5 very cheap leh.
Hi Jannie/Gingercat,
I'm using both the football hold and cradle positions for BF. Depending on my mood...haha.. but my boy can latch on using both methods quite well. Don know why I still end up having sore nipples esp on the left side. He seems to be suckling v hard leh... anyone of you experience your bb choking during BF? Is it becos my milk flow is too fast or something? Then he would seem to struggle at my breast, looking v uncomfortable.

Gingercat, your $5 cake very cheap leh. Where do u buy from? I was intending to order frm Neo garden too. Tried n tested by my frens. Mus order their chocolate eclair, thumbs up!
bearyhugs.. my girl too! will choke on my letdown if she is too sleepy... but she is smart to break away if flow is too fast leh... i try not to hold her head to tightly against my breast so that she can move away if letdown is too fast for her.

greybearie, medela cream not cheap either. but it is not cream leh.. more like oil.. machaim lard like that..it is pure lanolin oil.

Jlyn, PM me if u are interested in my massage lady. she is not as popular as Mdm Rohaya (i think alot of mommies use Rohaya in this forum). But i find her not bad.. only bad thing abt my massage lady is that she is not always punctual....
Hi all,

I have delivered my boy on 11/11/2006 natural w/o epidural, baby weight 3kg at birth.

Was screaming in the labour ward until the whole hospital shaking..:p but all worth it after seeing the little fellow...

Gingercat,where u get the $5 cake from? Very cheap le.. Can i have the contact?
hi rachel,
screaming coz of labour pain? y didn't give in to take epi? let us know ur labour story when u are free.
congrats !!
Hi GingerCat,
BF bb dun need to give water cos breast milk itself already contains water. mummy just need to drink lot of fluid to produce milk. also cannot give bb honey, it will cause allegies or smthing like that to bb.

try to be awake when bf, maybe talk to bb. got an incident reported in newspaper that a mummy bf her bb till asleep and when another daughter of her 94 yr old) wake her up, she found that her bb 's face is in blue. by the time, it is too late, bb is dead then.
Hi cuclainne,
you are right, acc to the LC at KKH, bf bb will pass less stoools and tools color is diff. some bf bb even only poo one a week cos the breast milk break down so easily that the bb absorb most of it and nothing to pass out. LC also said, her grand daughter did not even poo for 15 days and it's normal if bb still able to drink, urine and active during the feed.
Hi trixiebelle,
Congrats. thks for sharing yr birth story. yr delivery is fast. go in at 10pm and delivered at 1143pm. wow really fast, hope mine will be like you. you also seem to be very relax, a good form of pain release of edopine...(dunno how to spell).

take care.

Dun buy PIGEON MANUAL PUMP!!!!. Damn lousy !!
Invest in Avent ISIS Manual Pump instead...
I m a user for both and Avent is such a darling compared to that stupid PIGEON.Basically can only buy Wipes &amp; diaper from them only.

Congrats to mummies who had popped...
hi mummies...

wah!!! u very e CAN leh..!!! 4.7kg bb n u can still do natural... reli admirable!!! can't wait to see Corum's photos...

my boy also hiccups very often leh.. sometimes very very loud somemore.. i read tat it doesn't hurt them, n they aren't actually bothered by it.. but we heart-pain lor... will keep trying to "pacify" it by patting his chest, or feeding him water too....

Poo Poo =
on e poo-poo thing.. my boy still poo-ing 4-8times a day leh... i give him 3 formula feed in e mornings n afternoons.. e rest its bf... he's been this regular since birth till now leh... is it normal??? cos i see ur babies poo frequencies all reduced liaoz...

Cluster feeding =
cluster feeding is normal?? cos i'm wondering wats happening with my boy.. in e afternoon between 2-7pm, he can cry every hour / 1.5hr for milk... n this is e period of time i do formula feed somemore... he also refuses to sleep "properly" during this time n keep wanting to be carried... is it normal too???

baby full-month =
hehe.... dumbger, i'm also doing next saturday.. only slot 12-4pm for people to come. having buffet...
i dont intend to give cakes to the frens &amp; relatives tat i'm inviting.. only giving to those not coming &amp; hb &amp; my colleagues.. if not like "double" e cost leh...
i have another concern... during full-mth, r u all going to allow people to keep carrying ur bb??? mayb i'm paranoid, but i dont like e idea at all.. but dont know how to "stop" them from carrying bb.. cos afterall, we r inviting them to come see bb mah. i'm worried some of them dont wash hands dirty... or some smoke / sick / juz went toilet etc etc... very very scare will pass germs to my boy leh... how ar???

hehehehe.. i also miss coke.. especially ice-cold one.. i ask my mum if can take soft drinks next week (cos do full-mth liaoz mah).. she told me if can tahan i have to tahan 100 days!!!! cos i never take any ginger, DOM, wine or do proper confinement w confinement food...

sore nipples =
mummies, maybe u r holding ur babies incorrectly?? i attended e antenatal class by Mrs Wong @ TMC, n she showed us tat bb muz be "horizontal", so tat their sucking wont "drag" ur nipples downwards. i tend to tuck one of bb's hands "below", n turn his whole body to face me then feed.. he likes this position, n recently been using both his "fists" to hold my breasts during feeding liaoz.... so far, i got no problem with sore nipples...

ok lah... nitez nitez mummies..
will try to drop by more frequently...
share a couple more photos here...
this is e "funny" face ayden makes when bathing him... he likes his baths, doesnt cry during bathing, but will make "noise" when we take him out of water.. n he will always make this funny face... i always say his mouth like "bird" like tat...


n this is an "almost" smile photo tat managed to capture.. very difficult to catch him smiling on camera... coz he will only smile to our face, dont like to smile at e camera...
Hi nov mum (happymumtobe),
Xiaoyun, Aimei, meiling, Linda Tan and xiuli would like to send their regards and congrats to you.
Haha, actually I think the reason I was allowed to give birth naturally is because my doc never believed that the baby is actually 4.7kg. From his clinical examination, he thinks baby is probably 4.1kg max. But I am very happy that baby did not go into distress during the one hour of pushing... if not hv to go for emergency c-section.

Please share which supplier you using for your baby cake gift set. $5 is really very cheap, have not seen this price at any of the websites I have visited...

I am not sure about Pigeon, but I am using Avent Manual, and it's really good. Easy to assemble, easy to use. Only thing is, it's getting a bit tiring, haha, pumping manually.

Breastfeeding Position
I am using the cradle and the crossover most of the time. Have tried football and lying down. Not so comfortable with football. As with lying down, it's very comfortable, but difficult to get a good latch on. So sometimes baby gets very frustrated and will start crying the house down... haha!
jannie, the CL said when he want to poo poo his face red &amp; like try to push, so she will remove diaper, hold his legs up, put a pcs of toilet paper on the diaper, then make the 'hmmmm...' sound. After he start passing, just put a new pcs of toilet paper on top, till he finish. She said the last pile of poo poo will have some water, then u know he is done.
Then use cotton and water to wipe, then follow by the baby wipe. it is cleaner this way. If wait till he already done his business in the diaper, it will be a mess.

Need more practice though,cos sometime false alarm, althought face red but he is not in the mood to poo. The CL can tell since she is so experience.

Jlyn, wah you mom very good leh can use potty to train liao.. but i find very difficult to hold him upright leh...
eh Jlyn, show us your boys photo leh... it must be very hard for u to take care of twins.
did u BF ? sorry if i have miss the previous conversation, just wondering if u BF how u do it? if both cry for milk how?

greybearie, u r right too, some time the water and detergent and the time waiting, may be cost more than a disaposable diapers... but the good thing abt cloth diapler is not so hot for the baby buttok, so less chance of nappy rash.

Another tips for nappy rash, the CL ask us to get the liu-yi-san (direct translate to chinese is 6-1-U) from chinese medical hall. It is in powder form, after clean baby buttock, put some to replace the normal baby powder.
My boy was having very bad nappy rash due to the 1st CL didn't do a good job. The 2nd CL (replacement) recommend this powder and it is really working, you can see the rash gone after few days.

starz, 100 days? aiyoh... my CL recommend me to eat the confinement food till 40days... i assume after that can eat anything liao.. 100days too long lah...
But after eating the CL cooking, less oil, less salt, i kind of used to such food. This 2nd CL is really good.

starz, me same as u, for full month party, i will buy the bengawan solo card for those not invited to party. those come to party one just enjoy the buffet.

Gingercat good leh u can master the lying down pos, me mainly cradle positions since lying down only managed to do it one side.
Hi afcai,

Please help me thank them for their well wishes. Btw, Gingercat is Baozhu, same class with us also.

And also Yuping has delivered liao but baby is premature, still in TMC.

Hi elmo,

Now I try to pump out BF during the day so that in the night I can give EBM and no need to latch on. So far it works for the past 2 days and I get to sleep throughout the night cause hubby and my mum will help to do the feeding. Diaper changing in the night also by hubby.

So happy I managed to TBF for the past 2 days. Will continue to try.

Littlecat, earlier, I also top up FM after BF my boy cause he seems not enough and will cry until I feed him with FM.

Gingercat, maybe you can try the avent soothing nipple cream. I find it works better than Medela Purelan.
I'm using Avent ISIS iQ UNO breastpump :D so far used 2 times only cos I'm doing TBF. Only expressed out when I'm feeling engorged... I hv both Medala mini electric and Avent manual pump. I find that Avent ISIS iQ UNO breastpump is better than Medala cos very quiet. So far very satisfied with the product. I also use hand expressed a few times. Will mixed the expressed milk to my elder son's milk :D
hi eileen,
Thanks for your feedback. Y u have so many breastpump? i intend to buy electric breastpump, found that this Avent ISIS iQ UNO can adjust according to ur frequency, sounds good. Many ppl told me by using electric 1 might have problems as diff pump have diff frequency, which might not suitable to us..and this Avent ISIS iQ UNO can adjust it to what u want...sounds good.
Hi all,

yup i am also using Avent nipple soothing gels but i find it abit expensive. it work well for me. i had a hard time BF too intially with severve breast engorement. Glad that i hang on for a while and now the breast is not painful anymore but my milk supple was low about 40 to 50ml only, thus manage to give 1 BF feed each day only(better than don't have). Do you all wear bra during the daytime? I have not being wearing bra after i gave birth till now cause i can't bath and waering the bra make me feel so hot and my skin start to itch. So scare that my breast will go sagging down.

Can i know how much is a 3week old baby suppose to drink now. i am giving my boy about 90ml(FM) now, sometime after 1hrs plus he will wake up and find milk again? i s this normal? I am worried that i overfeed him.

One more question. Does babay cries when they bath, change diaper, changing clothes, wipe body? How come mine keep crying.

Sometime so fustrated. My confinement will end next week, can't wait for the day to come. I have being counting down the day on the calender. Everyday eating food with ginger make me sick and tired.

Wow, i see all the baby picture so cute and chubby. Hope mine can faster put on some more weight cause he was born quite small size.
Hello mummies,

Long time no online to surf forum! Congrats to all the mummies who have given birth. For those still waiting, enjoy your freedom! Once baby is here its all totally on baby demand and time.

Yep my son also keep crying when change diaper, bathe and wipe body. I think its because he does not like the cold air on his body after the warmth of the clothes.
Hi Nov_Mtb,

I am also using Avent ISIS Uno pump. I find that it is quiet and can adjust to own frequency. So far have used the pump for many times and am satisfy with it.


Mine also cry when changing diaper and bathing. It is normal, not to be worry.

And baby will encounter growth spurt on the 2nd or 3rd week so their milk intake will suddenly increase. Not to worry over feeding
Mononoke, so i presume most baby should behave this way. Wondering why my CL keep telling me my boy was different from those babies that she had look after before. Even said that my boy ambilical cord(belly button) was big unlike those babies that she had seem before.

She make me so fustrated sometime that i wanna to change her. i alway thought baby do cry alot. Since i left with 1week 1day with her only, i am counting down the days...........
Thanks Mononoke,
Yah me still enjoy freedom, but how I wish to join in the rest who have popped, can't wait 2c bb oso.

Hi Nov_MTB

My colleague gonna lend me her manual pump, bcos she has switched to electric one. It's oso Avent brand. Think it's worth investing for a longer BF plan.

Hi mummies who hv popped

Congrats to u on the arrival of your newborns!!

Notice so many bb are born thru' the natural ways leh. All brave mummies here, i heard u need lots &amp; lots of strength to PUSH, is it true? Do u need equal amt of strength to push if wif the help of forceps or wat they call the vacuum suck?

I thot of go straight for c-section cos I oredy got a lousy stamina at wk 36 &amp; oso got tat bacteria infection which I read from books that bb's eyes &amp; mouth wl get infected if he passes thru' the canal.

Besides Scribber and Nov_MTB, wondering who else is on waiting list?

I bot the Medala one during my 1st pregnancy and the Avent manual one was a hand me down. Avent ISIS uno pump is really a good investment :D
yup, initially was using cloth nappies for my boy, but he's poo-ing so much and using up alot of detergent! plus water and electricity used for the washing machine and dryer...and not to mention the poo stains the white cloth and the effort put it to scrub very hard to remove the stain. hubby and i did our sums and realised that it's more cost-effective, less time consuming and reduced effort required to buy those cheap diapers instead.

i'm currently using pigeon steriliser, no complains!

haha, u exact opposite of me, i can't do without the binder leh, only take it off when i nap and sleep.

yah, i know how u feel...whenever i hear my boy hiccup i also heart pain leh. like very poor thing like that.

haha, ur boy's full month also nx wk? i ordered from neogarden...seems like they very popular leh!
i didn't wan to give cakes to relatives actually, but both mums insisted leh and wants us to deliver personally to their homes so more! wah lao! where got time and who take care of my boy like that?? so managed to convince them to distribute the cakes during the full month party. and i also wun be letting everyone carry my boy...as u said dunno where their hands had been previously...if they really really wan to carry i'll insist they wash their hands first! which reminds me to remind both my mums to do the same thing...sheesh. oh ya, btw...i like ur boy's eyebrows!! quite distinct liao leh!

my boy also 3 wks old exactly today. i'm now feeding him average of 120ml each feed (both FM and EBM). if FM it'll last him abt 3-4 hrs. if EBM, 2-3hrs. i usually try not to latch him (maybe jus once or twice in the whole day only), cos i wan to monitor how much is he drinking each feed as the days go by.
and abt the crying part...my boy also cries sometimes when change diaper and bathing. shldn't need to worry bah, but if u feel really uncomfortable maybe check wif his PD.

Pigeon manual breast pump
err...just for all mummies' info, i'm currently using the pigeon manual breast pump...so far am very satisfied wif it leh. very easy to use and the pumping action very smooth, no need to exert much strength too. and one extra thing i like abt it is that no need to fit pigeon bottles, can fit ANY bottle onto it while u pump. this saves me the money in not having to buy only pigeon bottles as any bottle also can (which i've got alot from gifts from pple). maybe it's the old manual pump that has lots of problems? cos when i bought the pigeon manual pump i saw got two types which the sales lady say was old and new one.

honey water
hmm...why does my gynae advise me it's ok to give honey water to my bb? but he did tell me to dilute it very thinly though, and only if he's not taking in plain water.

counting down to one more week till end of confinement!! yippee!!!

Dumbger, I've order Napia diapers... Each piece is about $0.25. Pampers (I'm using my 3rd pack in 12 days!) is $0.43 per piece.
Kiddos can only take honey when they're one! Err... why ask you to give baby honey water ah? The milk supply has not built up? Try Frisco (soy based milk). When Sammie was at KK, she took Nan (Nestle) but it gave her a lot of phlegm.

Sigh... going to throw a party for Sammie in 2 weeks' time. A little stressed about it cos have not even ordered food or book venue! No nice breastfeeding clothes to wear either! Bummer...
