(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hi Mummies,

I am back!

First time log on to computer ever since delivering Corum on 11/11. Just do a quick update for now, will tell you my 19 hours labour story later... haha!

DOB: 11/11/2006
Delivery Method: Natural (+ Forceps) w Epidural
Weight: 4.7kg... Now, you know why forceps needed

Head Circumference: 36cm
Length: 54cm

Will post birth story and photo later.

To all the mummies who are waiting, enjoy your sleeping time... sleep ALL you can!!!

hi betterworld,
Can you tell me ur labour story? i really wan to know how to cope without epi? I really dun wan to take epi..but no idea can take it o not..hope u can share with us ur labour story.
It all depends on my #2.So far she's still very comfortable inside me leh. Anyway if by this coming sunday and there's still no sign of her willingness to come to this world,i will be admitting to hospital to get her out.

betterworld ,
wow u so hiong ah... No EPI and is yr 1st bb somemore...Really peifu u man...
yaloh..my baby also happy inside...and the water still more than enought for him..if no sign by this thur i got to induce too
Hi Nov MTB, Straw Berry and SheRhino,

My total labour hours were 16 hours, including 2 hours at home. Contractions started at 4 am and went to the hospital at 6 am. Doctor came in and told me since I have decided to go without epidural, he would not burst my waterbag for me, as I would likely not be able to take the fast and furious contractions. So, I progressed naturally on my own, using the laughing gas once in a while, walking around and finally delivered at 8 pm.

I think it all comes down to sheer determination. I had already made up my mind that epidural is not an option, so I did not consider it at all. I think the worst part of the labour is the last part. It lasted about 1 hour plus for me. If one cannot stand the initial part of the contractions, then maybe should just go for epidural straight away.
hi nov qualified mamas,

Can i check with you how long the gynae will let baby be with us after pop while gynae stitching for us? heard if can, should take the opportuny to let baby latch on us to stimulate the milk flow as soon as possible...err..is there convenient for us to do that? I mean we bare-breast in front of the gynae and nurses?.....just wonder...

WELL DONE!!! you're my inspiration! congratulations many times over for a safe delivery and without epidural! Dr Tseng is good, right? (Now I really hope to be able to catch hold of him for my boy's arrival - praying hard!!)

kelly chin,
i believe different gynaes and different hospitals do things slightly differently. you should find out from your doc the details.
but it's true that immediate latch-on (i.e. before the baby gets cleaned up etc) will start stimulating the breastmilk AND stimulate contractions for the placenta to be delivered naturally. (otherwise standard practice is an injection to get the placenta out).
don't worry about being bare-chested; the gynae and nurses would have seen our private area by then and anyway, they are used to the woman's body already.. probably numbed. haha.
but yeah, do find out.

nov mtb,
yeah, walking and squats help stretch the pelvic region... but be careful that we don't injure our knee joints especially with the extra weight we are carrying. warm up, start slow, and remember to cool down.
hi kelly chin, at KKH, they will measure bb, clean bb up and give all the vaccinations while you are being stitched up. they will hand the bb to you when u request after that (that means while waiting to be transferred to normal ward). but the nurses did not offer to me leh, it was my gynae who asked me after she stitched me up.

at TMC, they will ask u after bb is out (i think their SOP), that if u want to latch bb on (after cleaning and PD assessment) in the delivery ward or after going up the normal ward (after bb has bathed, that will be a couple of hours later).

both places will hand after bb is being assessed and after u have been stitched up. so what i did was to latch on in the delivery ward while waiting for my ward to be ready.... then latched again after bb has taken her bath. i rmbered that i delivered 9 plus at night, pushed up to ward abt 1 hr later, they only brought bb to me abt 2am.

i think it is abit messy, and your position will be abit awkard, if u latch bb on right after he is out, b4 your placenta is being delivered and you being stitched up. anyway, PD will have to examine your bb immediately after giving birth to make sure that bb is well...

and yes, u will have to bare your breasts to everyone. but think of it this way.. they have seen countless ones. so yours will be "just another one". the midwife will be able to help you position your bb correctly at your breasts... oh, for the 1st time, the midwife will also squeeze your breasts for colostrum..
hi all..good morning
today i work fr home again. will do more squatting later as tomolo i got to go for check up. Ya..always will feel knee pain when do squatting..so i never force myself...at most i do til 10+ times then stop liao..i do very slow...

hi betterworld,
how's the labour pain? many ppl take epi coz cannot tahan labour pain...hope i can follow ur step
HOw are you feeling?

Relax, don;t think of epidural.when time comes then see how it goes. or else you will get disspointed more.
coz many ppl advice me dun take..then no idea can take it o not..kind of stress..
tomolo my due date liao..stil no sign
stress also
*sayang* u so stress up, poor thing.

maybe your due date is *agar agar* not accurate, that is why no sign yet.

u will do great, let us know your check up tomolo. You will be in good hands with Dr J. Wong.

your squatting is squat all the way down or just half squat?
nov mtb
hello! don't stress ah; bb can feel it too.

i think the ideal situation is not to have to take the epidural but taking it doesn't make you a lesser person or a worse mummy, right? it's all down to the situation, and our ability to cope with the pain. in fact, it's very personal, so don't worry about what others say about it.

if really need to use it in the end in order for safe delivery of bb, then do use it. if can tahan then don't need to lor.

relax and go with the flow! you've got me to keep you company in playing the waiting game. hehe
ya..try to relax at home with some music...
i did fully squat..my fren told me squat down and hold for while b4 get up.
ya..i'm comfortable with Dr J.Wong....
Dunno wat bb feel, he still actively kicking inside now..
Hi Mummies,
It's been a long time since I last logged on. Just some updates on my side. I've delivered my little princess via c-section at 0731 hrs on 10 Nov, and she weighs 2.85kg at birth.

Total labour hours: 6 hrs

9 Nov 06
1140hrs - Waterbag bursts, with bleeding (apparently was told later that membranes had ruptured, causing the bleeding)

10 Nov 06
0120hrs - admitted to Oberservation Ward for CTG
0215hrs - Insertion of pill to aid opening of cervix. Quite immediate, contraction came every 2-3 mins.
0430hrs - Buay tahan liao, requested for epidural to be adminstered.
0445hrs - Was told by nurse 1cm dilated.
0637hrs - Still 1cm dilated (can't believe it, after sooooo much pain, still 1cm???)
0655hrs - Gynae came. Now 2cm dilated, but with even heavier blood flow, and slight foetal distress was detected so Gynae suggested for emergency c-section.
0720hrs - Pushed in to labour ward
0731hrs -Princess Alyssa was born.

Hi Kelly,
We're having the same Gynae. You can be assured that Dr Chen will be very gentle with you during the whole process. As to how long the bb will be with the gynae is stitching for you will depend. For me, I only held my bb for like 1 min, cos I was too giddy after inhaling the gas and the loss of blood.

Ok, that's about all for the updates. Will upload my princess' photo and share it with you mummies later.
yup, my boy gets the hiccups everyday too. i would say at least 2 or 3 times a day! my PD says it's normal though, said i could feed him a bit of water when it happens.

wah! w/o epi?? u r indeed very brave!!

4.7kg!!! OMG! and u went thru natural birth?? am indeed waiting to hear ur birth story!!

i dunno if it's "recommended" that u let ur bb latch on as soon as possible after delivery. but for me, the day my boy was delivered he was on FM for that whole day. i only started BF him the next day as due to my c-sect, i couldn't get up from bed at all. was too tired and weak and in pain to BF. now my milk flow is doing ok.

congrats!! btw, i love ur girl's name! ;)
Hi Dumbger,
Thanks! I thot the name sounds nice too...
haha, buay pai sey hor

And here's pix of Baby Alyssa on her 2nd day of birth:-

Nov MTB,

Don't worry so much. Relax and enjoy your remaining days left pending the arrival of your baby. (I think that's why I went on compulsive shopping last week! haha). Maybe you can go shopping or go out and do something that you really enjoy.

As for labour pain, just have to think positively. I told myself many times over prior, that generations of women had done it, so hence could I. In the days of my mom and before, there were no such thing as epidural. Also, I know of personal friends who have done it without epidural, so they were my inspiration!

For me, the labour pain is manageable, until maybe to the last stage whereby baby head is about to be crowned. By that stage, you would feel the strong urge to push, similar to bowel movements, and the thought of seeing the baby soon will inspire you to push hard anyway. I think hubby's support is very important. My hubby massaged my lower back continually and gave me verbal support. Walking around helps too.

Anyway, don't give yourself too much pressure and think too much about epidural. Just relax and enjoy the thought that you are a life-giver.

Thank you.
Dr Tseng was very professional. I just trusted him to do all the right things at the right time.
The mid-wives and nurses at Mt A were very good too. Very nice and supportive of me going without epidural. They kept on asking me for my birth plan. I was a bit embarrassed cos my birth plan was just a small scrap of paper which basically said no to everything except laughing gas. haha! My hubby stayed with me throughout and we were truly blessed to have a double room, which they converted to a single room (since they had ran out of single rooms) for my hubby to stay with me.


I think usually the hospital staff will ask you if you would like to latch onto the baby immediately after delivery. I declined then as I was totally exhausted after all the pushing. Anyway, to make sure that you get to do that, you can always let the nurses know of your intent once you are admitted and remind your hubby to ask again once you have delivered.

Oh, the baby will have his own timing on when is the right time to see the world. Don't worry if it is the right time yet. I have babies being engaged only a couple of days before birth.
hey mommies, dun worry abt bbies' head not engaged. i think mine was only engaged during labour itself...

betterworld, me too, told nurse that i will latch on later in the normal ward cos i was shivering non-stop after bb came out. it was after 15mins that gynae asked me to try latching whilst waiting for my ward to be ready.. by then, my shivering has subsided so i tried... and i m glad to see that my girl had no problems latching on...
Whao betterworld,

16hrs! no epidural! No joke men. u my brave idol. I m a looser to pains really, but your last few words are important to me, sure wl cum useful... thanks for tat.

Hi mycrysania

Congrats on your new born bb! how envy it's all over for u. But 19hrs worse no joke leh. My god, 4.7Kg & 36cm HC is huge leh! Thot the cervix only dilate to 10cm + some stretching allowance... u had a tough time?

Nov MTB,

i oso v scared of the side effects, but after reading articles abt epidurals, it actually has its advantages, like epidural helps to calm or relax our anxiety, tensions or nervousness due to pain, & this speeds up delivery in some cases even... I hv a frenz who took epidural b4 the pain kicks off, & she delivered within 2 hours. But it may varies individually though.
hi straw_berry,
Coz i have a fren have very bad side effect, her spine got problem til dr advice her not to have 2nd baby. Her 1st child already 5 yrs old but she stil cannot have 2nd child as the spine cannot hold.
Hi Mummies,

Just like to update that I gave birth Monday night (13/11). Baby Riley arrived at 11.43pm and weighed 3.505kg. 51cm long with head circumference 34.5cm.

Here's my birth story for those who are interested:

9.30am Had my regular appt with the gynae. Was 3cm dilated. Yay!

Went off to finish my Christmas shopping and met up with my brother for lunch.

12.30pm Started feeling regular contractions 10 minutes apart. Wondered if I ought to go home or stay for lunch with my brother. Decided to stay.

2.30pm Got home and started timing the contractions properly. Wanted to call the husband to come home but thought I'd better to very sure first.

4pm Called the husband and told him he'd have to cancel his dinner appt that night.

Contractions got more frequent and lasted longer through the evening. Informed my doula that tonight was most probably going to be THE night. Finally!

9pm Was resting in bed when there was suddenly this loud 'pop' and a very strong feeling that something had burst inside me.

Went to the toilet and realised the mucous plug had dislodged. Tried to clean up and told the husband to call the doula. Just as I picked up the phone to speak to her, my waters started leaking.

9.30pm Left home for the hospital. Contractions started getting less and less bearable.

10pm Arrived at hospital and went straight to the delivery suite.

11.43pm Baby Riley came into this world into his daddy's hands. And I'm happy with myself for having done all this as planned without any bit of pain relief!
But not planning to do this again anytime soon... Heh heh heh. ;p

Now home and settling in with baby and breastfeeding. All the best to all the other mummies to be!
Hello mummies,

Just finished feeding & pumping, thought I will pop in quickly to tell my birth story before going to bed...

10 November
5pm: Went for checkup, Corum is now 2 days overdue. After scan, doc was very shocked and say, according to the machine (which I think he checked 3 times), he's 4.7kg. Then he reassured me that machine can be wrong sometimes to about 0.5kg, so from his estimation, baby should be about 4.1kg. Advised me to induce on 13Nov if baby does not arrive over the weekend. Was 3cm dilated then.

11 November
12.30am: Thought I saw something like the 'show'. But now sure since I just had VE, so could be from the VE. Called up labour room, and asked for their advice. They say, if I am having contractions, to go in.

3.00am: Checked into labour ward. Contractions are regular at every 5 minutes but mild. Still only 3cm dilated.

8.00am: Contractions getting increasingly painful.

11.30am: 4cm dilated. Requested for petidin.

3.00pm: Petidin wearing off, contractions getting worse. Only 5cm dilated. Could not take it anymore and requested for epidural.

4.30pm: Epidural administered.

8.00pm: About 9cm dilated. Doc burst the waterbag.

8.30pm: Feeling a lot of pressure down there even with epidural. Asked to start pushing by midwife.

9.30pm: An hour later of pushing, head could be seen, but still not out. Doc suggested forceps. Hubby and I agreed.

10.00pm: Baby Corum is out!

And after they weighed the baby, turned out the machine was accurate... I have given birth to a 4.7kg baby!

Strawberry & dumbger,
At some point, I thought I was not going to make it, as in doc will suggest emergency C-section, but I am very happy that the doc did not suggest and I managed to deliver naturally. He did an episiotomy for me cos baby was so big.

It was a painful process, but looking at my baby everyday, it is worth every moment.

I wanted to not use epidural, but now looking back, I don't think I can pull through the final stage without it. So for all the mummies waiting to pop, I think like what some other mummies have said, if you cannot tahan the first stage of the pain, then you really should consider.

Ok, time for bed... good luck to all the rest of the mummies about to pop!

well done! was very surprised but happy for you when i saw ginny's email to us that you've popped and it was a short and sweet one (at least for the stage 2 labour) - hope you and bb riley are settling in at home and getting to know each other.

so, would you say that our lessons with ginny were worth every single cent? i think you've been a great example of all the breathing and relaxation techniques that we've learnt from her. *pat on the back* and i really do hope i'll be able to remain calm and collected like you've been and not throw everything out of the window when the day finally arrives for me and my boy.

i was just telling my hb that i feel a bit disappointed that you've delivered and I'm still waiting at home and climbing stairs to accelerate things. but ginny has been very encouraging, i must say, and i keep going back to her website to get encouragement from the birth stories posted there. So, will we be reading about yours in there as well? No rush; bb riley comes first.

Please do send my heartiest congratulations to your hb too, and my love to you and bb riley!

hope to see you at Ginny's christmas party if you're in town, or we should arrange to go for her monthly sessions with the breastfeeding talks and stuff. keep in contact!
Hi, Congrats to all the mummies who have pop!!

Me so far still not much time to login. In fact I have no rest at all since delivery.

Everyday busy with massaging my breast, feed, then pump. So far supply still low. Have thot of giving up breastfeeding but hubby keep encouraging me. Yty depress until cry. My left breast, got one vein feel like blockage and right breast, aerole is sore....sob..sob..

Pump for half an hour only 40ml, not enough for my boy....

Here is my birth story,

6 Nov : Went to see gynae cause baby movement decrease. Gynae advise me to admit at 9.30pm.

9.30pm: Admitted to TMC
11.10pm: Gynae inserted pill
11.30pm: Waterbag burst and contraction pain is every 5 min

7 Nov
12:10am: Push to labour ward

03:00am: Contraction is less every 1 min, dilation 5cm

03:45am : Contraction is coming less than 1 min every time and reaches the peak, cannot tahan, ask for epidural.

04:00am: Epidural administered.

06:00am: About 6 cm dilated

08:00am: About 7cm dilated

12:30pm: Midwives start to ask me to push

01:30pm: After an hour of pushing, only head can be seen, no strength to push anymore and gynae advise vacuum.

01:35pm: Baby Wayne is out

Total labour:14.5 hours

Baby Wayne weighs 2.89kg, length is 48 cm and head is 32cm.

I dun know how to reduce the size of the photo. Here is a link of Baby Wayne.
Morning mummies!

Hi Nov MTB,

Nope, didn't need the epi. The pain was intense but thankfully, nature designed labour so that there was an interval in between each contraction. Anyways, I'd admitted myself so late in the labour process that the epi probably wouldn't have helped.

Hi Scribbler,

You were one of the first people I wanted to tell!!! But no internet access in the hospital and didn't have your hp no. Yes, we must keep in touch.

Yes, will be sending Ginny my birth story. Like you, I found the birth stories very encouraging in helping me stick to my birth plan. In fact, when I was at home the afternoon before Riley arrived, I'd gone to her website to read through my favourite birth stories again. Heh heh. Hopefully your baby will come out to see you soon. We all know the EDD is only an indicator - but it does make us more anxious. I spent many days too getting very frustrated wondering exactly when baby was going to come out. Strangely, he came out the day I didn't think about the EDD... Hang in there and be patient. Like Ginny told me, baby is still baking in the oven.

Let us know when you deliver, k? Take good care and enjoy these pre-delivery maternity leave days as much as you can. And yes, let's meet up at Ginny's Christmas party or one of her regular sessions. Will get in touch with you!
hi nov mum
saw the photos of your darling son - very cute! looks a bit japanese korean with his long almond shaped eyes. enjoy him!
Hi Mummies

Crysania, WAH!!! Kudos to you! Ur baby is really big but I guess it is easier to handle.
Anyway, Congrates to you!!

Nov Mum, ur baby is so cute! Agree with scribbler, he look like a bit jap and korean boy. Enjoy Cuddling him!!

Time flies, Tomorrow will be my last day of confinement and I look forward to eat those normal food again on Saturday. Little Iggy also grown alot during this period of time. He is already 55.5cm tall and weigh 4.5kgs now.
Hi mommies

I am MTB frm Feb07. Congra to all your lovely little ones!
Need to chk w those mommies who delivered at KKH. Do u mind sharing yr hospital bill w me? [email protected] Thks so much! I can't wait to see my bb too aft hearing the wonderful stories frm the brave mom here.
hi cuclainne,
taking shower is very agonising for me cos the moment I take off the binder, I can feel the pain...really struggle to put on my clothes.... today the wound seems to be less painful... finally can see some light...
Last night bb managed to sleep thru' 1am to 7am... Hurray! So, I'm feeling a bit better today.

hi Nov mum, hang in there.. I know how you feel... I was so drained the last few days or should I say ever since I delivered.
it will get better..... dun worry about the pump amount... I also didnt seems to pump enuff...but I just keep feeding bb on demand... so far bb seems to be satisfied.... so that's good enuff for me... I will worry about the pump amt later... probably next week, when I wan to intro bottle... if not now, try to sleep whenever you are not feeding... will keep your energy level up... and drink more fluid....
and also ask hubby to help you...bring bb to you on the bed so you can rest as you nurse... then also ask hubby to help change nappies for you... then you just need to concentrate on nursing for the moment....
jia you!
Congrats to all the mom !!

Gingercat, your boy so cute! so fast hor, last day of confinement liao.. aiyoh i sick of the confirment food too! Then the CL recommend to take 40days.. how to tahan keep drinking the water without plain water...

Me abt another week to go.
Will have little party for my boy on Sunday and I CAN'T FIND NICE CLOTHES to wear!!

Check with you, how is the poo-poo thing for baby? when he normally do it? is it once a day?

My boy sometime drag slightly more than a day then we all so worry...

Did any one try from partial BF to TBF ? is it workable?
i m doing partial BF, but everytime after BF he want to top up, anyone experience the same?
littlecat, do u latch on or give EBM? mine will do cluster feeding sometimes.. that means demanding to feed every 1/2 hr - 1hr during certain timings...these few days are from 8pm to 11pm. and then abt 4.30am till 7.30am. i just offer alternate breast each time loh...until my nipples are sore, then i go make a little FM.. like 30-50 ml... if after FM still want, i will latch again.... i managed to go without FM for the last few days....maybe u want to try also? but abit siong lah.. someone's got to help u with your elder one so that u can keep on latching... standby some nipple cream as well for those sore nipples....

elmo.. i also dun have alot of BM supply.. think what i have is just enuff for bb.. not enuff to store... what guide book recommend is to pump after 6-8 weeks.. not b4 that... i m going to try....
Little Zavier very adorable and handsome.

I am also still waiting for D day to come.
Now still vomitting and urine more each day.
Hi all,

May I know which electronic Medela breast pump are you all using?

I heard it is quite good and thought of buying. Where can i get it and what is the price?

Hi Little Cat,

I am on partial BF and FM now. I think ur boy demand for milk is increasing. I will supplement FM if he does not have enuff BM. Perhaps u can check with ur PD abt this?

If my boy is on TBF, he will pass motion almost every feed. But when he is on FM, it usually takes him a long time to pass his poo.

Yah, today last day of confinement already. So happy!! My MIL even buy beehoon and fried chicken wing for breakfast today. She says can tell I am damn sick of confinement food. Cannot imagine if she asked me to carry on to 40 days. Hahaah!!! Tomorrow, I having headache, I dun have any nice clothings to wear either. My old jeans still hanging in the wardrobe, tried to wear but apparently backside too big now. Have to wait for a while... now I just start applying the anti cellulite cream ard my leg, arms, tummy and backside area.

Hi Jannie, I surrender... hahah!! 1/3 of my boy feeds are FM. I think I have nipple crack and soar problem now... all the veins around my aerola has pain on and off. The medela nipple cream lousy, not working well for me. Eh... latching very tiring one right? I dunno, whenever afternoon I latch my boy, I will fall asleep too. hahah!! Not completely deep and sound asleep but cat napping for me. :p

Any mummies here knows when we can feed water or honey water to baby? My boy got Miliria on his body. Think must be the heaty weather.
elmo, maybe it's cos it's still early days for you .. yeah, i remember how painful it was after the caesarean. but when i look at Sofi, i think it's so worth it - perhaps one more .... hehehe

lucky you .. Sofi will wake up for her milk in the middle of the night - she doesn't cry immediately though. she will make some noises and entertain herself first and if no one responds, that's when she will let us know by making louder noises. she usually wakes up twice during the night and we'll .. or rather me (her father can sleep right through) will take the opportunity to change her diaper too.

LittleCat, i read in a book that breastfed babies usually pass less stools than formula-fed babies cos there's nothing for them to process (BM contains all the nutrients that a baby needs). There was a day when Sofi didn't pass any stools and the husband was a bit worried but on the next day, she poo-ed twice so it should be ok.
Hi little cat and Jannie,
I agree with u tat TBF is not easy esp when babies go thru a growth spurt phase in their 2nd and 3rd week of life n demand for more each time. I was TBF for the first 10days for Zavier when I gav up after day 10 cos I was feeding almost an hour plus at midnight n he still wants more. My HB in the end succumb to giving FM so as not to stress me up. FM really works wonders, enuff to last him for abt 3.5hrs so at least, both of us could catch some decent sleep.

Jannie, my boy also follows the same pattern as your bb. Cluster feeding too at certain times of the day, really tiring on our nipples. I checked a few times with my lactation consultant frm KKH and she says its perfectly normal in bb's 2nd & 3rd week of life. If they are behaving this way, tat means our BF has succeeded...

I think hot towels over our breasts and regular massage does help. Try lying on the bed, n place hot towels over your breasts n massage with both your hands on each breast. After abt 5-10mins of massage, u should feel your breasts softening n becoming supple. Tat's when the relief would set in. My jamu massue did it for me n I think it works..

Mei Lik, thanks for your comments. Jia you! You would see yours soon too!

Gingercat, my boy also poos everytime he BF, wat a waste of diapers! While mothers who TBF can save on milk powder, we can't seem to save on diapers leh... haha

All mummies out there, can share share how you are going to organize your bb's full month celeb?
Where do u all order the cakes or gifts frm and doing buffet style as usual at home? Thanks for sharing....
hi mei_lik,
i'm at same situation as you. today i overdue 1 day liao...still waiting and have to count baby movement now. went check up yest, stil no dilation yet
only baby head is really low liao..gynae told me should be soon..no idea how soon..the latest i should deliver next sunday..cannot overdue for too long...
gingercat, must be generous on the medela nipple cream... i find that it really helps on the soreness...

for pooing - last time when my son was on 50-50 BM and FM, he pooed once a day without fail. now my girl on TBF, she will have abt 2 times decent poo.... the rest of the times are just farting that bring out some of the poo...

bearyhugs, my hubby also asked me to give FM at night so that we all can get some sleep... but i find my breasts so full that i have to get up and pump ... so defeats the purpose of trying to get more sleep....in the end.. i just latch on. if she can latch both sides... she can sleep for at least 2-2.5 hrs. if i cannot get her to drink from the 2nd side cos she is too deep asleep, then it will be abt 1.5hrs for the next feed... darn siong ah..

yup, know exactly how u feel. even now, 3 wks after my c-sect, i'm still wearing my binder. the surface wound doesn't hurt much already, but inside the uterus still feels a bit strange whenever i don't wear the binder. like there's a tingling numb feeling. so i'm still wearing it and only take it off when i sleep.

littlecat, jannie
wah, my boy poos almost after every feed! i always seem to be changing his diapers...he's on BF during the day and only at nite on FM. agree wif bearyhugs...waste of diapers!!! and if i use nappies...waste of baby detergent!!

i'm already giving my boy some water and/or honey water to drink. this is in between feeds. he also has a bit of miliaria so i changed his powder to the medicated one, his condition has improved since then.

gingercat, littlecat
yeah, i know wat u mean...one more week till my boy's full month and i'm still pondering wat to wear...it's like maternity clothes are too big for me now and my usual clothes are still too small...sigh...weighed myself and i've still 8kg more to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. sigh sigh.

my boy's full month is nx wk...nothing fancy lah, jus the usual invite guests to my place for buffet. relatives for lunch and friends for dinner. at the same time also distributing the cakes to relatives when they come.

meilik, nov mtb
hang in there, shld be soon liao lah...shld cherish these last few days of "freedom" that u hav...cos when baby comes u don't get much free time on ur own liao. all the best!!
