(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Mononoke, yes u will feel more hungry than before. Therefore, u realli need to watch what u eat. I was told that whatever we eat will affect the baby, so food like coke, chocolate, alcohol etc better avoid or take moderately.

Breastfeeding will realli help to lose weight provided u ctrl ur food (dun take too much junk). So far i lost another 6kg within one month of my confinement.

Hi starmoon

3-4 cm dilation is refering to cervix's opening gap is it? is there any pain or backache?

Before dilation, were u detected for any 'rehearsal' Contraction signals, suppose to be painless one..?
Gingercat: thats my favourite picture of my boy.. hehe

Mononoke: yeah breastfeeding burns alot of calories! I tend to be more thirsty than hungry when feeding..and i perspired alot. my boy feeds alot in the morning and more frequently than other times of the day that I dont even have time to take my breakfast before he wants a feed again! by the time that he's done with his feeding, i feel like a dehydrated cow. haha..
hi straw berry

my doc first used a doppler to listen to the heartbeat. then we did the ultrascan and he showed us the placenta lining. there are a few white spots between the inner and outer lining, which are calcifications, but are normal. So long as there are none along the inner and/or outer lining, the placenta is not ageing. then he pointed out that i've got plenty of fluid and it's an indication that bb is receiving v good blood supply from me, hence producing a lot of urine, hence lots of fluid. doc even showed me bb's bladder which was full of fluid.

then he measured bb's head circumference, which he says is average size at 34cm. if it's above 35cm then it's considered big and will need a wider pelvis to deliver smoothly.

what else ah... he checked the scrotum as well and was pleased that the testicles have descended. if not descended usually will have to have surgery at birth.

i wasn't checked for cervix dilation. I'm not sure if it's standard practice for him, or is it because i specified on my birthplan that i wouldn't want to have a vaginal exam until the routine one during admission.

anyway i think it's good that he didn't do it cos he may accidentally strip the membranes, causing induction, which both doc and i don't want to happen.

i also didn't do CTG scan for contractions since i've only been getting painless braxton hicks.
Hi all,

I'm back from my c-section on 10 Nov, baby leanne was deliver at 6.33am
hi all,
I also think breastfeeding makes us perspire more. For me, I feel less urge to go toilet to pass urine. Maybe because not so much liquid inside. What about the rest of you?

Wow..last night ah..my little girl screamed so loud when we tried to change her diapers..i think the whole block woke up ..I think now they start to know the power of screaming to get what they want liao.
i just have bathed and clean the nipples and found they crack (a bit blood). So fragile ah? I haven't give birth ler. dun know can tahan baby to suck next week or not
These 3 days MC at home, a bit bored and gan cheong..coz the day coming soon...hope that i wont go for c-section.
hi starmoon and Kelly_Chin,
When's ur big day?
Hi all,
Gingercat, I was also using the breastfeeding pillow initially. Found tat BF became such a breeze aftertat. But now, my boy is slowly gaining weight n I find tat whenever I want to BF, I need to sling the pillow around me n it seems to be a hassle these days. So slowly getting used to BF him by jus propping 1-2 small pillows underneath. U might find tat its very warm too if u BF for long using tat pillow.

Tiwi, I also face the same problem as u! My boy seems to like to sleep in an upright position last nite. The moment we put him back in his cot, he would howl. Then goes back to deep sleep again in our arms but howl again when he's back at the cot. In the end, we have to place him to sleep on our bed propping a pillow behind him, so he ws like sleeping in a sitting position. Haha.. only then, he was able to sleep for a good 2-3 hrs. Brought him to see Dr today, n we suspected tat its blocked nose, so used some nasal drops to clear his blocked nose. At the same time, got some infacol for fear of colic too.

Gals, can i ask how often do we need to change our bra pads for those who are BF? Any babies here tend to struggle n make growling sounds when they sleep? Mine does n he seems to be in discomfort but each time I check on him, he would go to sleep after struggling for a while? Is this colic?
Hi Bearyhugs,

So we have the same fate.
Last night was the worse night, he just refused to sleep and we carried him, put him down(cried) and carried him again until 3am. Than the nanny take over.

This afternoon brought him to see PD. PD said seem like there is some sound inside his stomach. so was given infacol also, suspect colic also. Also ask her about the crying when changing clothes, diaper, bathing, doing big business. She said it is normal, some baby just do not like to be expose to cold air.
betterworld & jannie,

dun worry abt de jaundice.. i went to my PD today, he say most jaundice shld clear by 1mth.. my boy oso still look alittle "yellow", PD checked wif mi de color of de poo-poo n urine, everything is fine.. but to play safe, my boy was sent for a liver test jus now.. result turn out fine..


dun worry too much k.. he will be fine after de phototheraphy, my boy was admited de other time with a 20.1, and discharge with 8.5.. he will be more energetic n fresher after dat..


My boy BCG scar oso not obvious leh.. i didn't notice till dr.Ong show mi today...


^5.. my boy oso same like ur boy.. wan ppl to carry den sleep, put down nia, cry again.. nearly driven crazy by him.. especially at night.. when i myself already so tired..
Hi nov mum (happymumtobe),
ok, will thank them for the wishes. baozhu and yuping, hmmm yup, remember them....

so how are u now?

quite hard not to be worried about him in the hospital.. seeing his body getting so dry and peeling skin from the phototherapy makes my heartpain.
missed him tremendously when he's away in the hospital. thankfully i'll be collecting him home from the hospital tomorrow.
Aiyo quite difficult to control what I eat, especially since preggie I not much appetite to eat what I like so tend to wack more on chocolates and donuts now.

Wow lost 6kg? Whats the secret? How you control your hunger?

Yah do feel like a cow at times but well glad that your baby knows day and night. Mine likes to sleep in the day and super active at night. They say one month old babies will know the difference so keeping my fingers cross that he switches soon.

Yep less urge to go toilet. Last time preggie is every half an hour but now is every two hours go once.

Bearyhugs and Tiwi,
Yep my son also leh. He will make growling noises even while he is sleeping. Then he will toss and turn a bit but you know he is still sleeping. The fidgety part, nowadays whenever he fusses, just put a pacifier into his mouth and he sucks the pacifier to sleep.

Yep guess our kids all like to be carried to sleep but then really got to make the effort to put them down or else poor us no need to koon. For me so far pacifier helps.
Yup, pacifier does help abit but hor, my finger got to tahan the pacifier preventing it from droping out from his mouth. Once drop he will open eye and stretch than after a while cry. However this is better than carrying him.

My boy(24days old now) was a big drinker ler, Last week we were still giving him 80ml only. nowaday he is drinking more and more. Now we are giving him 100ml but sometimes 100ml cannot satisfied him, he wake up in an hour time to look for milk again. This time we gave about 50 to 60ml. Sometime he can finish all but sometimes cannot. He is 3.4kg as of yesterday(he was born small). Like to check how much does all your babies drink at about 1month or less.

Aiya, so worry, don't drink also worry, drinking too much also worry. Headache har.
Hi Bearyhugs,

We need to change our breast pads every 3 hourly. Confirm with Mrs wong and she says that this is to avoid breast feeding infection to the baby.

Erm..mm I still prefer the lying down position to breast feed my boy. Pillow still not very used to it especially Iggy now is heavier.
Hi Tiwi,

My boy is current 35 days old. He is drinking abt 120 ml to 130ml of breastmilk and 110ml of FM. My PD says if baby can drink let them drink. If I feed lesser my boy will cry for more milk! My boy weighs 4.6kgs now.
u are here ok. I had post at the other trade and ans ur questions.

btw Burping can help prevent colic as well. for newborn less then a month best is burp offen inbetween feed so that they can digest their milk and continue drinking and also prevent hiccups and vommiting of milk out. they might be sleeping while u trying to burp them. just try to burp even he is sleeping..
I totally let baby latch on to breast so never really know how much he eats. Pacifier hor, can try to hold it for him till he sucks it then let go?

Mummies, how much do we let baby feed on from each breast? Is it 15 mins each breast then considered emptie?
thanks Scribber

but i m wondering if we dun do a scan for contractions, how do we noe tat we r hvg tat painless braxton hicks?

hope u hv a smooth dely soon.
hi straw berry,

braxton hicks for me is the contraction of my uterine muscles on the middle and lower parts of my abdomen. The muscles harden up and feel as hard as rock. They will soften after a while but when they harden, without touching my tummy, I can feel the tightness and even feel breathless and sometimes nauseous, especially after a meal.

the BH for me can happen quite frequently but may or may not be regular. Ive checked with Doc and he says that as long as it's not painful or the pain does not increase in intensity, it's not the real thing.

hope this info helps.
Mononoke & Tiwi,

How long had u been using pacifier? i jus surrendered to de pacifier last night..
was trying very hard not to use it, but hor.. everytime my MIL come, she hug my boy "non-stop", den when she leave, my boy super hard to pacify liao.. so no choice.. gotta gib in to pacifier..
i heard pacifier will affect teeth growth leh..


yest my PD say my feeding method not right, my boy is 4wk5d, and he's drinking 80ml x 10times/day... my PD say for a 1mth old baby, it should be ard 90ml~150ml x 3~4hr interval, average is 120ml, i tried to increase my boy's intake yest to 100ml.. dare not increase too much at 1 go...
gingercat, have u used S size nepia yet? is it alot bigger than NB size?

greybearie, i always tot that it is ok to give less, but more frequently so that their stomach can slowly digest and not so much at one go? anyway, i m on direct latching.. so i also dunno how much she is drinking.. i just latch on whenever i see her mouth searching... but for my no. 1 hor, i remember he was taking 90ml every 2hrly at 3 mths leh..after calculation, he is taking more at this rate in 24 hrs, than 120ml at 3 hrly.

on pacifier - best to wean off when they start teething. my nephew had nice straight teeth initially, but now, his 2 front teeth is sort of misaligned towards the front liao. my mum says it's bcos of the pacifier. he is almost 3 yrs old now and still on pacifier.

mononoke, different books have different suggestions on how long on each breast. gina ford advised to give 20-25 mins on 1st breast, then abt 10 mins on 2nd breast. this is to make sure that bb gets the hindmilk. if 15mins on each side, then bb may not be able to get hindmilk. the "what to expect the first year" book advised to give 10 mins on first breast, then as long as bb wants on 2nd breast. for me, i dun really keep track.... i see bb getting tired and not latching on tightly, i just take out already. then burp and wake her up to try on 2nd side.

i ahve being using from last week till now. no choice because i don't want to give him milk yet cause the feed time not up yet.
Hi Scribbler

Thanks for sharing. Smthing new to me leh abt how BH feels like. The book juz says it's painless & the mummy may not even noe it wen it happens.

So when actually is your EDD? Your EDD refers to week 40 or week 42? Must be very big if u r at the final week. Mine at 37 weeks now, feels like a balloon in high pressure pressing against thighs, gonna burst anytime.

Dear mummies,

May i noe if anyone had low lying placenta before & yet went thru normal delivery successfully? Or came across real life cases?
hi ladies,

I m bk.Just discharged today.BB sleeping now & hubby brought #1 out so i can have so free time. Aiyo,now my nipples are so sore... Was advice to change diff feeding position to avoid further cracks/sore to nipple. Milk flow not here yet.Bfg consultant said she can spot some lumps at my breast liao.Asked me massage b4 each feed. Dunno why leh simply can get my whole areola into my girl's mouth. Dunno is i buay hyao or her mouth too small.Haiz....keep trying lor

My birth story as follows:

20th Nov
7am- Admit hospital
9am- Put on drip to induce.Waterbag burst by
gynae and was 3cm dilated(thick 3cm according
to gynae)
10am- Still 3cm( But not as thick laio...)
11am- Dilated 3cm to 4cm
12pm-1pm - Felt like puking due to pain.achine
graph shows my contraction is hitting
80 to 90.Gynae checked me and i m 6cm
dilated. ASked how long more to 10cm,he
said it depends..could be
1hr-3hrs.Decided to opt Epidural now
cos pain (to me is rather unbearable
liao and no 1 can confirmed how long
this is going on)
1.20pm - Doc arrived to administer Epidural
1.40pm - Process done and was informed that i am
dilating to 8cm now...I can still feel
the contraction every now and then.So
Doc had to increase the dosage 4 x
higher than normal yet not too much if
not i will be numb when need to push.
1.50pm - 10cm dilated. Waiting for gynae to come
and i still can feel all the
contractions and the last stage where i
can feel bb is pressing on my bladder
which i feel like urine,then feel like
Pang Sai and worst feel the bb is
pushing her head down.
2.10pm - My bb finally arrived after 1 push. It
was such a RELIEVE when she was out cos
all pain sunddenly just disappeared.
Btw,i can also feel the placenta being
pulled out from me...

All in all,after epi adminsitered,it takes me 50mins to dilated from 6-10cm... Waste $$ man....

Pls update:
Baby's Name : Sasha Ng
Birth Weight: 2.72kg
HC : 33cm
Length : 49cm

Will update my girls pic shortly. Me going shower now since dad also out with my Hb & #1. Nipple so sore now as me also sweating..Yikes....

Bye for now.
Hi Gingercat, Envy you got alot of BM, for me no more BM since two days ago, so now i totally feed my boy FM.

My boy initially drink 90ml of milk milk every 3 hours, but recently he reduce to 60-80ml for 2.5 to 3 hours. duno whether he dun like the formula izzit. Anyone of your baby same as mine?
hi to all Mothers & MTBs,

congrats to those who have given birth. i'm a first-time MTB whose due date is 30 Nov 06. i'd read some of your labour diaries...and it helps to prepare me a lot.

currently, i'm still waiting for my labour to kick off. baby's head down liao but my cervix not dilates yet. i'd been having high blood pressure since my preg 7th month. gynae said may have to induce labour if BP still high. i'm quite worried and hope that some of the mothers here can share your experiences with me. thank you!
My boy been on pacifier since last week, about 3 weeks old. Give in cos after feeding he still seems like he is still rooting etc and yep my folks carry him all the time to pacify him so when they go back, he cries all the time. I know some books say let them be on pacifier till three months then wean.

I also let him latch on totally but my boy falls asleep sometimes 5 mins while latch on so I have to estimate how long on each breast. Sighz.
Mononoke, why don't you continue to feed him until he rejects? First week was a little tough for me cos the BM supply was low. I neeed to give her formula. Sometimes she just need that extra 20ml, and she'll be contented.
Have to wake your boy boy up to makan... my girl has the same problem. So I must be very awake to watch her feed. Sometimes I'll wait till she's really awake before offering BM.
Hi to all November mums!

I gave birth to my boy on 3rd November. I've been reading about all your experiences and stories for inspiration too!

Anyway I was wondering if any of you are interested in a Baby Massage class at KKH. My poor son has colic at night which keeps poor me and husband up. Read that massage will help.

The class needs minimum 5 couples to start. Dates available are 9, 16, 30 December from 12.30 to 1.30. I've signed up for the 9 Dec class but need 3 more couples to start the class.

Do sign up at www.kkh.com.sg - For Patients and Visitors - Classes for Women and Parents if you're interested!
Hi SheRhino


Thanks for sharing your birth story, I like the way u describe leh, v explicit & straight to the point :D

But I m wondering wat is the drip for? Does it hv pain relieve effects? I hope I wl b like yours, your bb size close to mine leh and now bb is not growing much bigger at wk 37. Dunno if this is a signal tat it's ready to pop.

Hi dappy

Congrats on your first bb! Me too first bb.

did your gynae gv u Nifedipine for HB? Me given Nifedipine not for HB but slow down early contractions. I oso thot of beg for induced labour as the lower tummy pain is becoming more frequent and intensive now at week 37.

I hv read the birth stories & realised quite a few brave mummies here hv induced labour + normal delivery, think keeping calm & understanding y it's needed to do so helps.
hi straw berry,

you're welcome. everyone experiences it differently, i suppose. your pregnancy sounds rather advanced at 37 weeks.

I'm 40th week today, according to calendar , but no signs yet. Just BH. I too wonder if it'll drag on till 42 weeks though i really hope it'll be this weekend. My boy is starting to feel heavy and I'm not as nimble as before. and the backache... aiyo.
Hi Straw Berry,

Can't you request to do a lab test to ascertain that your bacterial infection is clear? Surely it must be clear by now after taking so many days of the antibotics. I just feel that if you have to go on antibotics drip during labour, it is going to be very restrictive. You won't be able to walk around, which could aid helping you to feel better, especially if you intend to go without epidural.

My philsophy is to hang on there. I always feel every single day more in the womb is good for the baby.

Hi Scribbler,
Looks like you are going to make it for Dr Tseng to be back for your labour.
Sigh... SheRino, only one push and baby come out already ah?... Wonder if there are others like me who push for 2 whole hours. Next time must really watch my diet already!!!
Hi LittleCat,
I also don't know how much more I have to lose actually. Cos I did not use my own weighing machine, always rely on the doc's one. Think mine and doc's slightly different. But anyway, if using my own weighing machine, I have about another 6kg to lose.

I pushed for 1 hour. Thought quite jialat liao. Yours 2 hours is like wow ok! Respect man!

My boy is 4.78kg now, and he is 13th day old. He takes about 3oz + per feed. I also don't know whether that's a lot. But my paed did a calculation for me based on his weight @ birth, he should be taking 88ml per feed, so I think it's around there la.

I feel that my boy sleeps better when I bottle feed him my milk, rather than when he latch on directly. Any other mummies have this experience? I think maybe cos, I know exactly how much he's drinking. And he also does not dilly-dally so much when he's drinking from bottle. When direct latch on sometimes he takes like 45minutes to 1 hour to feed, cos he naps in between.

I also succumbed to it. At first I was thinking really don't want to use. But it really helps in time that baby just won't stop crying, and you have checked that he's not hungry, not wanting to change diapers, not wanting to play... etc. But I am still adament of not letting him suck the pacifier to sleep. I am using the Avent one, so it's the flat one, apparently it's call the orthodontic pacifier.

Congrats to all mummies who have delivered!
And to all who will be delivering, good luck! You will be holding your bundle of joy soon!
hi mummies
thanks for all your encouragement b4 i went for the induction. i just got discharged today wif bb. here's my birth story (natural - induced as bb is overdue. glad dat i did it without epidural):

21 Nov
7.30am reached hospital, went to observation ward, changed and was given enema to clear poo. within 1-2 mins, had urge to go toilet and cleared everything. proceed to labour ward and waited for gynae to come

9am gynae came and broke my waterbag and told me i was 4cm dilated already. still didnt feel any pain. after dat, nurse came and put me on drip and was put on ctg to monitor bb's heartbeat.

10am pain started more intense and hubby helped to massage my back...relieve a little and then pain keep coming more frequently and more intense. nurse came in around 10.30am and asked if i wanted the laughing gas and i said ok. it helped in relieving my pain and i was kinda gorgy. around 11.10am, nurse came in and asked if i wanted the injection on the buttock and i asked her if that will help and she told me will provide some form of relief and also fasten the process and i told her ok. was given the injection and seriously i dunno if that helps anot as i still relied on the gas to help me. after sometime got urge to push and nurse checked and told me i'm 8-9cm dilated and 1 more cm to go and told me to hold.

11.50am nurse said i'm fully dilated now and can start pushing.

12.50pm bb is finally out after 1 hour of pushing! was so exhausted by then. nurse said bb came out very clean. i think the coconuts did help!

okie, CL juz nag at me to rest liao...will try to catch up later.

hi nov_mtb and scribbler
all the best to u both.
the drip is not painful except when they insert the needle into my veins..anyway pain just awhile only-2secs. Btw it's not any kind of pain relieve.

ya only 1 push..cos bb been pushing down during each contractions whle waiting for gynae to come to delvier..abt10-15mins...i think...
hi Strawberry,

i'm given another kind of medication for my high BP. i'm hoping my BP will go down since my due date is very near (next Fri). I really hope for a normal delivery...will be seeing my gynae again tmrw. will keep u update if i will have induced labour.

let's encourage each other and wish all MTBs a smooth delivery!
Ok dappy,

Let us noe d outcome. Dun wori, cos most of the brave mummies here hv normal deliveries even wif induced labour. Tat's why I m oso hopeful

Hi SheRhino

U muz be wondering why I asked. Pai seh, I thot induced labour is only done by inserting a tablet or something into the virginal to dilate the cervix... So yours was done thru' drip if i understand correctly?

Congrats Starmoon

Lucky u, less than 6hrs! but i think u hv a good start wif 4cm dilation w/o much pain lor. So happy 4u :D

Hi betterworld

I still feel ichy & heavy discharge so juz last Mon my gynae did another lab test. Results wl b out nxt Mon. But my gynae still wan me2 continue till EDD cos I hv tat recurrance history w/i short period. Tat's why I thot of early labour to reduce the intake period. Otherwise, I hv to take for another 3 wks.

If early labour, I think I wl need antibiotics drip, & epidural. Me v problematic u c, got low lying placenta, panic disorder which I stopped medications for bb's sake, so scared wait my panic wl errupt during labour if I not calm enough. Sigh

Hi Scribbler

Your stimina good, only feel it at wk 40. Me oredy feel all the weight and aches at week 37.

Wish u all the best
hi straw berry,

thank you for the well wishes.

don't think too much about the impending delivery ok?

how about taking your mind off it by reading something humorous, watching comedies, or even learning how to relax.

i recommend dimming the lights in your room/home and using some Lavender essential oil aromatherapy - it really helps one to calm down. and whatever it is, take long deep breaths to counter your fears...
And maybe you'll like to speak with your doc on the recommended ways to ease your delivery?

take care. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying hard that my boy will stay in for another day. Dr. Tseng will be back on duty tomorrow.
My boy latch on and fall asleep on my breast and his grip on the breast is super strong. Waking him up also difficult.

Yah bottle seems more efficient. I am using the Avent bottle so the milk drips drips and he finishes it faster rather than breast where he got to suck and then sleep. Maybe bottle no need effort to suck, just open mouth and the milk drips in.
Hi, seems like everyone are successful in breastfeed. Me still stuggle with it, can't seem to latch on my baby. Last nite, she latch on 1hr each but still crying for more. However my nipple already sore. Think i have to pump it out. Any electric pump to recommend and no so x one? TMC recommended two but quite x.

This is a pic of my baby Andrea :-

Angeline, dun let bb latch for so long, if not, will get sore nipples very easily.
Try massaging before every feed. I find that helps with the flow... and also take more fluid... and rest is essential!
Hang in there ok? It will get better.

Hi Elmo,

Thanks for ur encouragement. However my baby seems having problem to suck fm my breast. I did massage it with hot towels and drink a lot of fluid but not enough of rest as she will poo and urine a lot. Actually i don't have e problem with e flow when i pumped it, but don't why she cant have enough when latch on direct

How's ur wound? recovering? U also latch on all the time?

Hi June, I also like to know where to get the nepia diapers? Thanks.
