(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

hi Nov_mum, hope u can see the scan picture and hope u find it useful...

aiyah the gynae will be happy to see u more, anyway they are charging u what... hehe...
eh appetite better is good for u, try to eat better food.
For me with the block nose anything taste the same and i can pass by the foodcourt without any problem, cos i can't smell it either...
Hi gingercat, glad to hear everything is fine. Btw what happen at the KK A&E ? do u mind to share?
Btw how many weeks are u now?
sorry i really lost track...

hi mononoke
mine also similar to little cat's.
scan at around 4/5 weeks (see only sac).
This week (6 week), to check again.
ya loh..also dun know why need to go back so fast. one of my aunties said some doctors (especially younger doctors) like to ask patients to do many tests.. i'll go back this week.. after this appointment, may want to change to another gynae.
Hello, Just found out that I am pregnant too! And likely EDD in Nov

I have not seen my gynae yet. Although I have booked one with Dr. Han at KKH, I hope I am making good decision?

May i know generally what questions should we ask them with regards to the prenatal & delivery packages? I have run thru some topics here but very confusing...

Please help! Thank you in advance!
Hi bbroom,

I also visited my gynae when I am week 5 to scan for sac and week 6 to scan for heartbeat. My next appt is week 9 which is next sat.

Why you want to change gynae?? Care to share?? What is his name??

Hi littlecat,

Ya, now can eat better with the MS fainting. Told myself not to worry liao. Maybe just call the gynae to confirm this is normal then i now safe.

Hi smiley74,

Congrats and welcome!!
Hi everybody,

I'm a MTB in Nov06. This week is my 9th week and going to see gynae next wednesday.
So far no MS and no vomitting, Thank Goodness!

Anybody care to share about their gynae? Mine is Prof Mary Rauf and I will deliver in NUH.
Any comment on that.


Hi Smiley74

If you want to 100% sure, you can ask for a blood test to test on HCG and Progesteron to check if the baby is growing well. You may need several blood test to see if the HCG is doubling every 48 hrs. If everything is ok, you can go back around wk 6 to 8 for the 1st ultrasound scan. If you are luck, may be able to see the heart beat.

By the way, ask your gynae for some health suppliments, eg folic acid. It is important to take folic acid in the early preg.

Hope it helps
Hi Winny

I am seeing Dr Fong Yang at Paragon. Have been with him for quite some time. likely to continue with him until delivery. Haven't quite decided if i want to deliver in Mt E or Mt A.
Hi Girls

We just ordered some furnitures (a side table and a bentch from Barang barang) just before I tested positive. They were supposed to be delivered early April. Is it ok to move in the furniture during pregnancy?

Heard it is no good to move around the furnitures during pregnancy.

Any advice? Thx!
i saw went at 5 wks plus...like little cat cannot see heartbeat yet. ;)

wat happened? did the doc say y u were bleeding so bad?

so gd that u dun hav MS!! mine can happen anytime...MS, AS, ES and NS. *faint*
my gynae is Dr Yong, i'll be delivering at Mt A.

gals, y dun we have a list compile all of us here; who's our gynae, EDD date etc.
That's good idea.
No MS but I'm sleepy most of the time. Eventhough I have 10 hours of sleep the nite before, next morning on the way to work, I will be dozing off in the car =P

Well obviously, You cannot move the furniture lah. But your hubby can. So long you stay away from the moving. The reason why this myth come about is, it just want to make sure that the mommy is safe and don't move heavy things.

So many new mummies on board. Welcome

my gynae at Mt E Dr Kowa.

Little cat,
looks like we have the same problem. I have blocked nose and itchy throat for the past week. Going to bring forward appt with Dr so that I can get some medication that is safe for bb.
Agreed that MS is tough already but with the blocked nose,any food is so bland.
Hi Mummies

Little cat, yesterday when my hubby and MIL send me to KK A&E, the gynae just simply check and tell me baby is fine. Ask him what happen and what causes the bleeding ( like menstruation bleeding ), he simply says he dunno. My hubby feels that he is not professional.. din even give me any medications etc or propose to give me a jab to ease the baby. Accoridng to the scan, now I am in my 7 and half week preggy. Then when I see the Gynae today, she told me that placenta is bleeding and my bb heartbeat is good and clear. So gave me some medications and wanted me to CRIB in bed for a week.

Dumbger, I also dunno y the bleeding is that bad... but according to my gynae, she told me that the placenta is bleeding and she needs me to rest completely. Told my hubby about this... and he rather i rest and take good care of bb. I can see my bb's yolk and body already. So excited!!
Littlecat, bbroom and dumbger wow you all so fast go checkup already? I am going this week for the detailed one I think. Last week at 6 weeks scan the doctor says must wait another week cos week 7 more stable. Anyone got heard of such a logic as more stable? And hor aiyo I duno wat to ask the doctor.
hello gals,

I went to see my gynae again last nite. I insist my gynae take me in yesterday...quite pai say..

So gynae did a scan for me and i can see my baby grow bigger liao. And dunno why I am still in 6W6D as of today although I thot I am in my 7W3D liao. Gynae say i have a very late ovulation, that is why.

My due date is 15 Nov and bb is 7.8mm...so happy!!

I think i am the most KS. Just in March alone, I went to see the gynae 3 times for scanning. All in all consultation, scanning and medicine, I spend around $560 liao.

Got to tell myself to be relax and not to worry and make sure go back in 3 weeks time and not any earlier..hehe..
hi ladies
me only gg to see gynae for the first time when i'm 8 weeks...seems like most of u has gone at least twice to gynae by the time u r 8 weeks. dunno whether normal anot cos when i called and told the nurse i tested postive using HPT and asked when i should see gyane and she told me 8 weeks cos before then cannot see anything. but it seems not so cos most of u can see sac/yolk by week 6. hmm, anyway will be seeing gynae next week lor.

hi doggy
sorry to hear dat...like the rest of them said muz bu yr body and try again in a couple of months. do take care in the meantime.
nov mum, you not KS lah no worries. My EDD is one day earlier than yours. Heehee. Eh sometimes the scan not very accurate one, plus minus to even one week leh.
starmoon, they say earlier see the better. Mine also want to wait longer but I bluff say I got other feminine issues I want to talk to her about so she no choice but to see me.

hehe, gynae ask me not to see him any earlier than 3 weeks from now unless got bleeding..choy..

Just only i went to the toilet and saw some light brown spotting. Is it normal.. Do your experience light spotting still??
Hi Nov mum

I also had very light brown spotting 3 weeks ago and I called up my gynac. He ask to see me immdediately and gave me a ject + medicine. He told me it could be signs of threatened misc. Not to scare you but if it happens more than once, i think you better go back see your gynac

hi Gingercat
how many weeks are u in now?
Hi PoohGer,

Oh really. 2 weeks before I have a bit of bleeding. After taking Duphaston, no more bleeding nor spotting. Then this morning, I notice a bit. I will monitor closely if it gets more, I will call my gynae.

I got to try my best to keep this baby. As I nearly gave up in TTC after trying for 18 months before I strike.
Hi nov mum

if you see any spotting. must go and see your gynae.

I had some spotting last Mon and went to see gynae. Was given a jab and some medicine to take.
hi mononoke
i guess now even if i go oso makes no difference since my appt will be next week liao. guess will juz wait lor.

hi nov mum
yah, like the rest of them said better be more KS and maybe go see gynae at least can get peace of mind. do take care in the meantime.

anyone here heard of the myth we are not supposed to tell outsiders (friends, colleagues, etc other than family) that we are preggie during the first trimester? heard they said better to tell only after 3 months at least foetus stable liao. i ask one of my colleague who is cantonese and she said never heard of such myth and she told me cantonese somemore very pantang one...so shld be ok to tell.
yes, was told by my gynae himself and my close friends that it is better not to tell b4 the 12 weeks.

btw, will the gynae check ur vagina when you mention that u have spotting?
Ya, it is common myth.
Personally I am trying to follow but difficult, b'cos like me, MC for 2 days, my colleagues are nice to help cover for me and encourage me to rest well. My Boss ask why 2 days MC, so I had to explain lor :p

Of course, my closest family and parent in laws know about this too.

Din really inform Friends etc. As for other colleagues, my team partner say wait till they notice the difference lor.

I guess most importantly during this time, is to ensure you eat healthy and walk carefully.
Hi all,

I shld be in my 8weeks now if using LMP andEDD shld be on 7 Nov. Hv yet seen my gynae cos he's on leave. Had made appt to see him next mon

Feeling very tired, bloated, nausea these 2 weeks. Just puke out my lunch too
I have not told my colleagues and friends (only a few close friends) abt it too.

My EDD is 1st Nov but this is my 2nd pregnancy so my tummy protruding a bit liao.

I am wearing blacks most of these days as it makes me look slimmer. Now, the figure is like neither here nor there. too early to wear maternity clothes... haha
hi dolphin and smiley
thanks. i oso find it hard to follow cos ppl haf notice the unusual tiredness and ask me abt it. dunno wadz the reason for this myth??
hi starmoon, it is not exactly myth but rather, the fact is the foetus will be more stable after the 12th weeks. it is like to save us from any unnecessary explaination if anything happens.
hi smiley74, during the 1st consultation, there will not be any tests conducted unless there are some complications in your history. the gynae will just tell to you some basic dos and don'ts and do a ultra scan on your tummy. they will also prescribe you folic acid which you must start taking it now.
haha, it's up to individual lah. if u are comfortable and eager to share your good news, why not? this is just a pantang thingy

like some other mummies who are suffering from serious MS, even if u dun tell, ppl will be speculating lah.
i told them i am not feeling well when my MS kicks in during the late afternoon. but then, sooner or later, they will be able to tell since, i only "face green, lips white" during the late afternoon.... ROFL
Hi gals,

My spotting no more liao so I guess no need to see gynae. Think is i worried too much liao. Just a bit just now. Now totally no more. But i shall monitor closely. Thanks for all your advice.

And for the myth, I heard also but I am not able to hide as my tummy is showing liao..hehe

Just to check, when your scan, your gynae do Ultrascan or Vagnial scan. For me it is always Vscan.
i have not done Vscan b4 leh. it is always Ultrascan. btw, i m with Dr Lawrence Ang at Thomson Womens Clinic at Sun Plaza.

he delivered my first bb in 2004.
hi all,

jus do a vscan last nite.. hubby n i so so happy to b able to see the sac.. (8mm) I am in 5th week.. We have bn prayin very hard that the baby will be able to go thru my tubes to uterus cos my 1st baby didn't make it to the uterus..

My next apptmt is two weeks later.. gynae said should b able to see heartbeat.. hope everything goes well.. Mixed feelings.. happy n fearful.. haiz..
anybody had vaginal infection? I have an increased amount of vaginal discharge after i got pregnant.. it's yellowish.. told my gynae and he gave me medicine..

The medicine is not oral type, it had to insert into my vaginal n let it melt.. cos gynae said for the first few weeks, he feel it's much safer to avoid any oral medicine.. so every nite, i had to insert the medicine for a week.. Hope i will be getting better cos heard that vaginal infection will affect my baby..
Hi Doggy,
Pls take care of your health.

Hi all newcomers, welcome onboard.

Hi Starz and little Cat,

I went for my injection again, found slight spotting this morning so decided to go to my gynae in case of anything. Lucky, I'm fine. My gynae told me, maybe due to stress or some other factors but need more rest. So I'm on leave from today until end of this end. A bit peisay leh.
Glad to see both my bbs are growing well. One of them is 1.63cm and the other one is 1.43 liao. I'm on 8wk1day now how abt u gals?
Hey JacJen, I'm slightly less than a week behind you. Me also got spotting today.. again.. so went to see gynae. Unfortunately, he was on leave and I saw another gynae instead. Both bbs are more than 1cm now.. heehee.. so small hor..interesting to see the heartbeating. Gynae gave hormone pills to me for the bleeding. As for MS, he told me to bear with double MS. My MS is horrible.. been vomitting so much that my office's cleaner aunti also know leow.

Nov mum, I did two v-scans at wk 4 and 5+ and today at wk7+ ultrascan can see already.
i think for my 1st pregnancy, can detect heartbeat in 6/7weeks. by 3rd or 4th appt my gynae cld guess the sex of baby already. but guess only. and she was right.

where are you guys getting your confinement nannies from?
I saw my bb today... so happy. My bb is 6.5wks and now can see the yolk and heartbealt and everything is normal, except my fibroids seem to be growing too and hvg mense-like cramp on and off. My gynae said it can be worrisome, hopefully will get better soon.

Is anyone here seeing gynae at KKH - TPS. Is the waiting time very long?
