(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

my folic acid is from my last pregnancy and it's 5mg. how come yours so high one? then when shld i start taking the fish oil? and how bt the milk supplements? shld i wait as well?

and my son's now 10 half months. he's qt a handful. i dunno how i'm gonna manage him and a newborn.
morning all
mine folic acid also 5mg, prescribed by my office GP.
was feeling so tired yesterday night, slept at 10pm...
good morning mummies...

so many more "new faces"... welcome welcome!!!

thankfully, today feel much better.. i realise that for my own situation, the more tired i am (like lastnite sleep late), the more serious the MS the next day... last nite had much earlier sleep.. today feel better liaoz...

gingercat, dont worry abt that mere 2kg lah... i still dont dare to weigh myself, but i can guarantee you i definitely gain more than that liaoz... of the past 3weeks that i realise i'm PG, i been eating like a PIG!!!
only yesterday i didnt feel like eating much, but still put 3 full meals into my big fat mouth...
i think few more weeks n nobody will recognise me anymore... hahahahahahahaaha.....

valc, i seriously admire you... your energy level must be amazing.. i'm so tired (n lazy) nowadays that i dont even have energy to do anything at all.. but you still got to look after ur 10mth old son... are you working? or a stay at home mum???

don't mind me hor.. as everyone here knows... once i'm feeling "normal", i very the talkative n kaypoh one...
hi welcome to all the new members ! and congrats !!!

hi starz glad to see u again ! hehe so u know lah try sleep early lor..
me teruk leh, other than MS, i have running nose ...

yesterday was on MC, and today is like very sick but still go office to work lor...

i check my weight this morning, lost 0.5KG. i can't eat much at nite, morning and lunch still ok...

Valc wow u good leh, prodcutive! but i think the gap is just right, dun drag too long.

i tried the fish oil before, the only drawback is when u burp the fishy smell coming up....
if u not sure can ask the gyane the right dosage... last time i took half bottle from one of my fren, after i finish never go buy also
thanks all for the advice.

nov mum, I'm also like u, crave alot for spicy and sourish food... like tom yum soup, really opens up my appetite.

Does anyone know whether it is ok to eat mayonnaise? I had some on few occassions and only after eating then realise that mayo is made of raw egg yolk... how ah???
actually i dun feel pregnant yet. jus eat alot that's all. no morning sickness, no tiredness. mebbe not yet. mebbe too early on in pregnancy. during my 1st i had mild nausea in 1st tri, and sleepy. 2nd tri i was up and going. end of 3rd tri, my legs swell my tummy itch like crazy.
but the worst is when the baby came out, i was like a walking zombie. sleepless nights, keep trying to feed and feed. always dun want to drink milk my naughty son.
starz, oh i stay at home. i find it more tiring than working. hehe. but when he's older it's qt fun. v cute, can play. when newborn v boring, dun respond one.
Hi ValC and bbroom

Sorry, my folic acid is actually 800mcg, not 800mg. 5 mg folic acid is much higher, and only avail upon prescription leh.. how come you both need such a high intake?

I thk I'm only in 4th week, so not much MS. Still can eat very heartily

But from 4th week hor, I can already see my tummy protrude out a little leh, my HB also confirmed that as well. Anyone of you like me too? Can you feel that area protrude but is still firm (ie not flabby due to becoming fatter)??
Hi Mummies to be

Starz > Wah... My Hubby now wanna me to tolerate for another 2 more months. Meaning to control my body shape and after actual day he dun bother any more. I think I am into my MS already... cannot eat much during dinner and worst, feel like throwing out at night.

Little cat > I envy u... can lose weight somemore... anyway, by how many weeks can we see the bb heartbeat??

JovialGer > Congrates on your oncoming newborn.
My tummy protruded a lot. Now I am in my 6weeks plus preggy.
Hi all

Just went to check out on normal weight gain for pregnancy. For 1st 3 mths, aver is to gain 3-5 pounds (ie 1.4 - 2.3kg), and then about 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg) for each remaining week till delivery. Guess we have to monitor our weight gain accordingly ...

Hi Gingercat

I saw from other threads you may be able to see heartbeat from 6th week, if not latest by 8th week, has to detect heartbeat liao...

My next gynae visit is 2 weeks later (shld be 6th week), hope I can see both the sac and detect heartbeat too
my tummy is also potruding already. my gynae told me that 2nd pregnancy will show more obviously cos the uterus wld already be stretched. my 1st took a long time to show. 5 months and still not showing. not that my baby was small, he was 3.46kg at birth. jus that uterus was tight.
hi blue rabbit
i think need to stay away from del monte bananas....bascially itz the big big kind. those small small one den can eat.
hi ginger cat

It is not really good news leh to lose weight, cos with the MS u really no appetite that make u very sian leh...
hi blue_rabbit, your company so healthy one got fruity day
take those small one "pisang emas' is ok.
good morning mummies...

doggy, r u still around??? R u okay? havent "seen" you whole week liaoz.. hope all is well with you..

valc.. u so "cute" one.. where got pple say their newborn baby boring one...
hehehe... so shiok, can be stay at home mum... i also wish.. but don't think i can.. with so much financial commitment... *haiz*..

my stomach also protrude alot liaoz... but its very firm one lor... especially in sitting position, very obvious.. then, the sides of the stomach also look like its "growing" le... i also dont know whether its bcos of growing fat, or bcos of PG...
Hi ladies,

Morning!! I was on mc yesterday so did not log in. Today I am back to office. But my email username change and I have problem receiving my email now...

Wow, so many new faces!! Welcome to all new mummies.

Hi littlecat,

I also lose 0.5kg. But hor my tummy is still the same, so big and protuding. So dunno where the weight lost is.

My gynae told me that for the first 3 months, he usually dun take weight for us as our weight will be like roller coaster, up and down, not very stable. He will only do so after 1st tri.

Hi blue rabbit,

Now i not only like spicy and sour food. Practically I have to think hard what I feel like eating everyday. Yesterday night fried rice taste horrible but my hubby say it is the usual nice tasting fried rice.

Then this morning I crave for crystal jade bun so i go buy..haiz, now got to think lunch what I am gonna to eat...hehehe
starmoon/LittleCat, oh ok...luckily I only had 1 monthful of the del-monte banana yesterday, otherwise, I'll be very worried.

nov mum, I also like u... everyday hv to crack my brain to think what I feel like eating. Luckily my DH very chin cai with food, otherwise I headache.
hi Nov_mum, i just sent u the file to your yahoo email, let me know if u receive it...

my MS is getting stronger liao... plus my running nose, i feel like going to toilet to get rid of the phelgm but scare at the end the lunch will be out better dun do anything now...
Hi everyone,
I lost my bb!!! I m coping well and wish all the mtb here have a smooth 9 months.....

Hi JacJen,
Congrats on having a twin.....must take care.
Hi doggy

sorry to hear that.. be strong.. when ur ready.. care to share ?

i had spotting on tue.. rush down to dr ho clinic.. given a jab, then spotting stop. was told to go for jab every twice a week until end of 1st trimester.. as i am working in tuas.. i decided to use self apply viginal gel instead of taking jab and i was told to eat some hormone pill 3 times a day.. and i get stomachache everyday.. so worried.. am due to see him next tue..
Gals, my MS is really getting bad. Couldnt even go to work last few days. Couldnt stand perfume smell in the mrt also. Been throwing up like two to three times a day.. can be more if I dont control. How miserable..
nowadays i try to control MS by not eating too much. i think i feel better using after eating light food instead of using favourite hawker food. My MS was bad after eating fried prawn mee the other day despite the craving to see before going to the store. i also got craving for spicy food, but colleague asked me not to take too much curry, in case stomach upset. despite that, so far so good, have been trying to eat well.
hi all
i'm also a nov MTB...tot i shld join in wif all u gals to enjoy and suffer thru our pregnancies together. =D

i'm so sorry to hear that u lost ur bb...take care of urself.
Hi all,

Me too Nov MTB. I just found out 3 days ago and now already 6 weeks plus. Still quite blur as to what to expect. But yep tiredness and nausea comes in this week. Last week still busily eating away twice my normal portion.
Hi Blessed,
Me have slight spotting last 2 weeks, like wat i mentioned here, notice oni when i wipe myself. So thot its ok. When i see Dr Ho on Thur, i told him have slight spotting, he checked and actually, i was bleeding badly internally. I was given a jab and went for some blood testing.

So on Mon morning, when i wake up, i was extremely surprised to see so much blood!!! I was rather calm coz i was mentally prepared as my spotting did not stop after the jab and pills. My hb sent me to Dr Ho then. Dr Ho see me and confirm BB is not growing and I was then given a pill to prepare for the D&C.

I cried and so do hb. it was a tough decision but i think we have no choice.

Anyway, don't get too affected by this. Rest of the mummies, bear with the MS...afterall, i believe its all worthwhile after the bb is out....
hi doggy

thanx for sharing...

rest well, eat more tonic.. built up body and womb.. then try again 6 mths later.. dun rush.. mst make sure body is well first... kay.. take care..
Hi All

I am Nov MTB too. Just tested positive this Mon and confirmed pregnant through a blood test.

HCG at day 32 : 584
Progesteron at day 32 : 97.4

HCG at day 35 : 1300
Progestreron at day 35 : 470

Progesteron is a bit low in the 1st test, so was given a jab and bed rest at home.

I still have on and off menses-like cramp. Anybody feel the same?
gosh, sounds terrible...feel really sad for u. is this ur first bb?

i'm almost 8wks, and still hav menses-like symptoms...sore boobs, cramps and bloatedness. except now the nausea has kicked in oledi.

nice to see so many MTBs!! hi all!!
hi Doggy, I am so sorry to hear that, please be strong and take care of yourself.

welcome all the new mtb!

My running nose is still there, it block all the smell, so i can survive my MS. But i can't taste the food though. I was cooking last nite have to ask my hb to taste the soups make sure is not too salty the chicken taste just nice....
But I have probelm sleeping, i have to take the flu tab (safe for pg woman). May be due to PG can't take the antibiotic so it takes longer time to heal.
Hi littlecat,

Thanks for the file. I received it liao.

My MS getting better and I am very worried leh. Although not feeling nauseous all the time but my appetite is still not that good.

Dunno why I keep worrying dunno if bb is growing or not as the worse the MS indicate the bb is growing well.


I am sad to hear about your lost. Do take care, eat more bu to build up your health.

Welcome all new mtb!!

you got MS yet? I heard the MS will start to kick in as early as day 40.

I am day 39 today, so yet to feel anything except for nausea occasionally when I brush teeth in the morning. But I was like that even before I got pregnant....


u r in 8 weeks already ah? have you done any ultrasound scan yet?
yup, almost 8 wks. i went twice already. once when i was 5.5 wks and another jus two days ago. actually i started to feel symptoms very early...even before i know i was preggie. was very very tired, kept going to pee and boobs very sore, that was only 5 wks, no nausea though. my nausea (mild ones) started at 6 wks plus, which is day 40+.

nov mum
why dun u check wif ur gynae to see if ur bb is well? then no need to keep worrying. ;)
morning all.

this thursday will go and see the gynae near my place again for another scheduled checkup.

How often do the rest of you go for checkup?

So far, I've done 2 blood test and 2 scans oredi.
This checkup is supposed to monitor the development.

I have the Mamil Mama for sale. It is 400g. Selling at $10 neg each or can exchange for similiac Follow on (From 6 mth onwards)

It is suitable
*Before pregnancy - to strengthen your body *During pregnancy - to meet increased demand for nutrients

Email me at [email protected]
Hi dumbger,

I went for a scan on Week 5 and Week 6 and my next appt is Week 9. Last thursday i went to see gynae cause not feeling well.

I am afraid my gynae will find me a bother as I am like seeing him or asking him question every week...hehe..but I think I will call him later to ask if this was normal.
u hav went for 2 blood tests already? is it the compulsory one to test for HIV?

nov mum
haha, dun worry lah, i dun think u r the only one who keeps asking ur gynae questions!! =D for me i dun ask my gynae though, if i'm not feeling well i jus go to my usual GP and get medicine...of cos tell him i'm preggie.

speaking abt milk powders...hav u all started already?
Hi dumbger,

I did the first blood test during my first visit to gynae to confirm the pregnancy date coz my ovulation was a few weeks late.

the second test was because gynae couldn't see the sac during 4/5 weeks. he told us maybe have a problem so asked me to test again and go hospital for another scan. (made us panic whole night)

then second day, went hospital..and could see the sac.. then after that blood test results also showed HCG increasing normally. never do HIV test, only test the HCG.

gynae asked us to go back again this week for another check.
hi all mummies...

doggy, i'm so sorry to hear abt it.. take care okay.. *hugz*...


so many more new "faces" liaoz.. welcome welcome..

nov mum, count your blessings liaoz lor, dont complain no MS... i'm suffering like mad..
i still didnt throw up, but the feeling inside is so bad that i felt so miserable until crying... if this continues i going to be worried i'm getting depression liaoz...

Got MS, we suffer, no MS, we worried. Really dunno how....hehe..

Just msn my friend, she told me sometime is lidat, won't have MS all the time one. At least made me relief.

As for your MS, did you found any food or fruits that can curb it??
i'm like u!! i also didn't throw up, but the feeling of nausea is jus sometimes so overpowering that i can't take it! and it gets worst nearing the evenings.
My MS started exactly on my wk 5, but these few days are better, not as bad alr. Very excited about tmr, cos going to see my baby for the 1st time... hopefully can see something lah.
hi nov mum n dumbger... i used to have some food or fruits that can help curb the MS.. the earlier few days i still was able to use "mental strength" to overcome.. but these few days, nothing helps at all.. n i just feel so miserable whole day, the only "relief" comes only when i sleeping... today at work, my face is so "black" that my colleagues all "scared" of me...

nov mum, u reli dont have to worry, cos my girlfren had no MS for the entire 9months, n she gave birth to a very healthy n active baby boy...
how i wish i have the same luck...
some people say when MS is so terrible, high chance its a girl... dont know how true... i'd love to have a girl.. but.............. *haiz*...

thanks for your assurance. Cause initially I dun feel like eating anything and now my appetite is better so kind of worry lor..

I too wish for a gal but now i can only wish it is a healthy baby..


You sure will see something. Update us after your visit, ok.

hi mummies

I have bad bleeding yesterday afternoon... And luckily when I reach hospital, bleeding stop. My foetus is okay... The heart still beating... but my hubby and mother in law very fed up with the KK A&E doctor.

Just went to Esther Ng clinic and find that she is a very good doctor. Very meticulous and careful.
She said my baby size now is about 1.5cm. That is fast
