(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

nov mum,
Glad everything is okie for you now. Must take care hor!
Mimi ang, yep its natural to have vaginal infection since now our hormones all haywiring. I also used what your doctor prescribed one. Its called Monistat and insert the cream into your vagina one. Use it for 7 days but to me, it does not really work so I am asking my gynae tomorrow again. It seems pregnancy will make vagina infection goes on and off.
ValC, I am having 1st child. So right now still quite sotong on what to expect.

is it too soon to talk abt confinement nannies? cos with my 1st i din have one. thought it was going to be ez but in the end kalang kabo that's y like zombie everyday. v siong. so this time abit more gan cheong.

wow, those having 2nd lucky your bbs older now. i'm scared that i got no time for him when the baby comes.
I also went for my scan yesterday. Now into my 8 weeks and could see the bb heartbeat. So excited
but could not see the shape of the bb yet.

Hi ValC
I think not to worry too much. I got a gf who is a stay home mum has 2 children now. 1 is 6 mths and the other 1 yr+.She got herself a confinement nanny when she was having her 2nd one so that she can assist on cooking,hsework,bathing the babies and playing with the elder one. I guess as your stomach gets bigger, you slowly introduce your baby to your 1st child. u will be surprise that things may go smoothly.
Morning Mummies

Well, I am really out of job this time round. My boss cannot accept and tolerate preggy woman in her company. She finds that we are troublesome and ironically she is a mother of three kids. My hubby said likely I will be resting at home now till next year and my in laws think it is good idea too. I am very prone to bleeding... especially bleed like menstruation 2nd day.

Mummies, do you know if there are any chances for employers to hire pregnant women for temp jobs?

Poohger, I am in my 7 wks and 3 days pregnancy. Monday I went for scanning, and able to see the baby's head and rum. But i think the baby is too big... 1.5cm. Dun worry about your stain, I am sure your gynae will prescribe some medication for you. My gynae gave me some Duphaston but it is so expensive... Spend about $500 to see gynae just for these 2 weeks.
hi gals i am back...yesterday on MC, the nose problem not really the MS.
PoohGer, u can see the normal GP just tell them u PG so they will know what medicine to give u.
Nov_mum, so fast u already spend 500+ liao..
Gingercat, wow didn't know KK hospital is like that one.. i thot they are specilized in Woman and children should have the relevant Dr there mah...
Lucky everything is fine, take more rest.

ValC, it is better to get confinement nanies. Eh u so brave one. I very ks, my first one, i have maid + confinement lady. so the lady quite 'eng' but she is quite good lah train my maid how to cook.
My first one is 4 years old now, no maid at home hired some weekly cleaning lady to do housework. But i find during confinement MUST have a confinement lady.
Even if u have MIL or relatives to help, better think it is worth to spend the money to hire outsider or to see their 'face colour'. Cos i find own people hor sometime they will take things for granted, i would rather spend the money to get someone so called 'profesional' one. At least if they dun do accordingly to what u want u still 'dare' to tell them off, but if is MIL or some relatives, sometime u just think close one eye, but later u both eyes close, cos no eye see liao...
Hi gingercat,

Ya, agree Duphaston is really ex. Because I got to keep on taking, this month alone i already spend $560+ for everything.

hmm, I think you can try your luck to look for temp when you are in your 2nd trimester.

Actually I am quite stress with my work and I feel like quiting and stay at home. But with a single income, don't think we can cope. So in the meantime I got to continue to bear with it...haiz!!

Hi gals,

Today is Week 7 for me as my gynae only start measuring my bb size on Monday nite and was told I was lag behind again due to very late ovulation. If couting by my last menses i should be 8W4D. But never mind lor so long my bb is ok.

I will be asking my mum to help me as my MIL dunno how to take care of kids. Wat about you all. This is my first bb so kind of dunno what to do also.
Gingercat, take this opportunity to rest more, forget about this heartless company !
Family is more important than anything else. Yeah u can try to look for temp in 2nd trimester when everything is stable.
Nov_mum, i find getting a confinment lady is better choice esp u first time mom.
I never regret although have to pay like around $1900 for the 28days. Exclude food hor...
I go thru agent last time, but hor the agent close shop liao... :p
hi mimi

congratz.. i had ectopic in my tube last yr.. and for this pregnancy, i had spotting during my 7 week.. was asked to take jab every twice a week or 1 jab a week but apply vigirnal gel every day.. the gel tube is almst 10 cm.. and its a bit messy coz i will have those discharge like beancurd... anyone using virginal gel has the same experience ?

thght a few of u also had spotting.. mst u go for jab every twice/per week until end of 1st trimester ? my bb is 13.5mm in week 7 and 20.1mm in week 8.

Ginger.. which gyne are u visiting ? seems expensive like my gyne.. every week my bill is almst S$250/-
Consultation S$50/-
Scan S$50/-
Jab S$38/-
V.gel S$82/-
Urine strip S$7/-
smthing like that if i remember correctly..

can someone tell me if its expensive or oki ?
yeah, i heard of that myth...they say cannot tell pple u are preggie during the 1st trimester is afraid some ghosts or spirits "take" the bb away. depends on individual to believe or not i guess. i personally dun bother.

i also find that i've increased amt of discharge leh...yellowish too. i tot it's normal?

u hav twins? how wonderful! initially i was wondering if i'll get twins anot cos my dad is a twin. but too bad only one heartbeat detected, my hubby still dun believe the scan; he says maybe the two heartbeats are on top of each other so that's y scan cannot see!! haha! my bb was 1.3cm on sat @ 7 and half weeks...so maybe now that i'm 8 wks is 1.5cm? ;)

u mean when ur boss found out u were preggie she jus told u to leave??? can companies do that??? it's in the law that once a pregnant women has worked in the company for 6 mths (incl probabtion period), the company is entitled to give her the full maternity benefits.
wat kind of medicine u gals get? my frens are asking me how come i got 2 extra kinds since mine has no complications watsoever. my gynae gave me duphaston and neogobion on top of folic acid.
my gynae gave me folic acid, calcium & Sangobion (iron + folic), for without complication.

didn't hear from starz for awhile too busy or MS too strong ?

Blessed, my first visit is about $160, consultantion, scan + suppliments.
I know they charged the first time scan more, subsequently slightly better but around $50 like that.
hmm, my baby is only 8.3mm at 6W5D, kind of small as compared to your....

dumbger, Duphaston is "an tai yao" as per my gynae. I have been taking for 3 weeks and got to take for another 3 weeks. As for neogobion, I dun know what is it.

littlecat, think I will ask my mum to help since I cannot cope financially. Got to save the $$ for other things...
hi all.
for me, i'm only taking folic acid. not given other supplements. will ask the gynae tomorrow when i go see him.
by the way, i read from other threads that we should keep the receipts so that after we give birth we can claim for it. antenatal claim up to $450 i think, not too sure the details.
anyone heard from friend regarding this?

oh ok. a bit hard on your mum for her age. As for my mum she is only 48 and she plan to quit her job and look after my baby.

In fact I also feel safe and comfortable for her to take care instead of my MIL. Cause mum can negotiate mah...hehe


I think I heard about the antenatal claim. But dunno how to go about claiming. I thot is to claim again the antenatal package we be signing up later. Need to find out.
hi dumbger
wow got so many versions....now den i noe...hehehe

wow...seeing u all had oredi gone for scanning makes me even more excited abt my visit next week. hopefully everything is well.

hi wtan
*wink wink*. r u oso nov MTB??? heheheheh....btw, i can't see yr multiply leh...think u didnt grant me access...send u message thru multiply u oso nebber reply. haiz...
little cat
you have calcium tablets already? i tot that's taken during the 2nd trimester?

nov mum
yes, duphaston is an tai yao. it's actually a hormone pill. i heard from my other frens who were PG before that duphaston is only taken when bleeding or spotting occurs, that's y i was wondering how come i needed to take. neogobion is an iron tablet.

u need a jab everytime u go see ur gynae? wah, $250 quite siong leh. per trip my bill is abt $180; scan ($60), consultation ($50) and the rest is supplements and med.
hi hi starmoon..
so nice to hear the gd news from u..haha..i was guessing if it's u lor..coz i m gg to jump with joy if it's really u..slowly lah..cannot to vigorously also..haha..oh, i didnt log on to multiply for a long time liao..so i didnt know that u have send me message there..so sorry abt that...i wanted to PM u but u didnt have the access for PM so i have no other choice as to post here to search for u..heehee..hope u dun mind..i m a Oct 06 mtb..surfing the Oct 06 mtb thread...but happened to chance upon this thread lah..heehee..u r in ur how many wks now? any MS? ur in-laws must be very happy, right? u long time didnt surf the Sept 05 bride thread..we are having a gathering this coming 21st Apr..do hope if u can, come & join us lah..

<font color="0000ff">sorry ladies for me being an intruder into this thread..pie-say..pie-say hor..</font>
hi hi nov mtbs..
here's just to share with all what i read abt on the food to avoid during pregnancy..hope it will be useful to all..cheers~

<font color="ff0000">http://pregnancytoday.com/reference/articles/dietdonts.htm</font>

<font color="119911">http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_fit/nutrition/eating_pregnancy.html</font>
nov_mum, yes own mother can negotiate hehe and she is more understand than MIL definately!
U r lucky leh can have own mom look after...

dumbger, yes my gynae very KS leh, one time give me 3 diff tables to take, luckily i m those can pop pill type. I have fren can't pop pill, prefer syrup...
I know after 2nd trimester no need to take folic acid, this is his style lah.
I think no harm just keep all the bills, for me i always keep the bill + the scan.
Who knows later our PM decided to give more bonus to MTB leh... hehe dream dream only lah anyway i am so sleepy now..
poor eileen... i used to call myself vomitting machine becos of that...
just bear with it... becareful though dun vomit too hard, last time i had blood when i vomit, really vomit blood... guess it injured the throat.

how abt eating some sour plum does it help?
hi Eileen.. you may wanna try taking small meals instead of full meals. nowadays i can only take in 50% of regular meal portion. but taking tea breaks and snacks when i get hungry.
otherwise can take small candy or sour plum when you feel like throwing up
hi wtan
congrats...when is yr EDD? how many weeks u r in liao? im in my 7W3D...will be seeing gynae for the first time next week. looking forward to it with excitement after hearing from all the nov mtb abt their experience. both families very excited and happy to hear dat....hubby is the happiest. My MS started with nauseous with very few votmitting but starting late last week and beginning this week, i throw up more often. at least once or twice a day. usually i try to curb my urge to throw up in the morning cos of the folic acid i took. so normally itz afternoon and/or night time i throw up lor. juz this afternoon, oso throw up my lunch. been feeling super super tired too....told hubby cannot take it...feel like taking a couple of days to rest. yah me long time didnt go there liao. my face has broken out like nobody business oso....really huge and angry zits...not one or two but alot. wad abt u? wad physical changes haf u gone thru?
hi hi starmoon..
thks..congrats to u too..heehee..me in my 12th wk plus &amp; still growing..my EDD is 8th Oct 2006..was hoping baby co-operate &amp; come out on our 1st yr wedding anniversary on 2nd Oct 2006..haha..i put on lotsa weight..i guess i hv been eating non-stop..LOL..same here, my in-laws are very happy too coz it's the 1st grandchild..for my parents also, they have been asking me for one since the day we got married..haha..i was quite surprise also at 1st..coz didnt expect lor..i went to Hokkaido during the CNY for 2nd HM..then even brought lotsa pads..was so worried that wat if it comes during the day we went to play with snow..then was thinking maybe the weather is too cold there so probably wait till when we are back to Spore..but wait awhile, didnt come, kept thinking maybe i m too stressed at work lately..then tested positively liao..soo happy..oh, u got MS ahh..i think u might want to try taking some crackers, might help to relieve ur MS..or trying drinking a little Ribena..some says it helps..try to intake some hot soup at times..do hope u feel better..have u seen ur gynae? by now, u shd have heard baby's heartbeat, very exciting one..i heard baby's heartbeat when i was at my 6th wks plus..was so touched &amp; amazed lor..huh..ur face broke out ahh..u have the best complexion among us leh..hmm..i guess bcoz our body is at work so things will be changing at times..do get more rest if u feel tired..my breasts increase in size..even have to get new bra, change in cup size..i think u shd also get a new bra or at least get bra extension so that u will feel more comfy..me so far no MS..only once in a while, when i brush my teeth will get some puking..but so far manageable..heehee..just eating alot &amp; get tired more easily..do hope to hear frm u..heehee...u r still in my msn list..do hope to see u online soon..cheers~
hi wtan
we oso hoping bb come out on our ROM date or his sis birthday. my inlaws oso happy cos 1st grandchild too. me oso put on weight...think becos i eat alot now. wow, so is this bb made in japan? hehehe....i been drinking yakult everyday now during the nite. dunno whether any help anot but thot at least good for body...i hope. me will be going to see gynae next week for the first time cos the nurse told me to go at 8 weeks otherwise nuttin can be detected...but hor it seems so untrue cos most of the gals here can see sac by week 5/6. aniwae, not much diff to go now or next week so will wait till next week. which gynae and hospital u go to? guess my hormones all hay wire liao so all the pimples popping like mad. abit sad when look at the mirror lor...hoping it goes away soon. my bra so far still can wear...only a few skirts and pants feel a bit tight. my mommy told me not to wear too tight as it will restrict bb's growth so now try to wear all elastic ones. yah, me oso feeling super tired...me slept at 10pm last nite and today still feel very tired. heard from mil dat it gets better in the 2nd trimester as they called it the honeymoon period. only 1st and 3rd trimester not such a good time for the mommies. me no longer using the hotmail oredi...now using yahoomail. will send u msg thru multiply on my email lah...keep in touch
Hi Wendy

Din realise yur EDD is our 1st yr anniversary leh.. wah, so envious.. too bad we cant time it perfectly..
hi wtan
i dunno how to send u msg thru multiply....tried but somehow cannot. aniwae, i activated my PM here. so if u wanna chat more, can PM me.
hi hi Jovial..
haha..we are also hoping that baby will co-operate with us..so that we &amp; baby can celebrate our 1st yr wedding anniversary &amp; baby's bday together..heehee..

hi hi starmoon..
i duno if drinking yakult is gd for the baby now leh..coz at 1st tri, try not to eat too cooling stuff..not very gd also..ya, dun restict urself to eating now..if u feel hungry, just eat..coz the baby is growing..u will feel more tired easily..i also sleep very early nowadays..get more tired easily &amp; really get to sleep more easily also...haha..maybe u can start looking for some baby doll tops or baby doll dresses to wear also..me managed to get some baby doll tops from "Shibuya" at Level 1 Far East..u can go &amp; check it out, it's rather cheap, i remembered i bought 4 tops for less than $60..dun have to start buying maternity wear now..but as u grow bigger later, then start buying lor..i will also suggest that u go to the library or any bookstore to get some books to read up abt the growth of the baby..i managed to get a book from Popular (Pregnancy week by week) which tells me abt the baby's development week by week..some pple also felt that now must be careful with what u r eating..i believe ur in-laws &amp; mum will advise u on this..but i think dun intake too much tonics at this period also..better to take only in 2nd tri onwards..but must take folic acid..my baby is made in spore, i didnt know i already got preggy b4 leaving for Hokkaido..heehee..so still went to eat lotsa sashimi &amp; soaked in the hot spring which is a big NO NO then..but didnt know abt it lor..ya, me went to see gynae at my 6th wk..gynae also let us hear baby's heartbeat pumping very fast lor..very touched then..didnt expect to hear baby's heartbeat lor..haha..
oh..i long time didnt log on to multiply liao..duno if the account is still valid..heehee..u take gd care..feel free to PM me too..cheers~
hi hi starmoon..
oh ya, my gynae is Dr Koh Ghim Wee from Raffles Medical Group..his clinic is very near to my house..just walking distance only..i just took up his package lately..i will be delivering in Raffles Hospital..
hi littecat,

wat do you enter for timezone. For me I not too sure on which date is my conception so i roughly put one.

And i got a boy. Then motherhood website also have this gender prediction, mine is boy too.

Maybe I really got a boy..hehe
hi littlecat,

wat do you enter for timezone. For me I not too sure on which date is my conception so i roughly put one.

And i got a boy. Then motherhood website also have this gender prediction, mine is boy too.

Maybe I really got a boy..hehe
hi nov_mum

the timezone i put China (since it is same time as singapore) and later i tried 8 (cos we are +8hour timezone) both giving me same result.
And same as yours - boy ! haha...
anyway dun trust 100% lah

aiyoh i start to feel hungry liao leh, now only 10:30...
Hello Mummies to be

Little Cat, my family boycote KK Hospital now...and that is y I am visiting a private gynae even though it is more exp. Now I am on hospitalization leave at home shaking leg... think later part of the preggy then I look for temp if not I will just wait until my maternity over.
No maternity leave for me... hiaz....

Nov_Mum, agreed with you. My gynae told me that my bleeding is cause due to work stress etc. As a preggy woman, I should stay stress free and perhaps I will try my luck to look for a temp job during my second trimester.
Single income is hard for us too but my hubby willing to do it. I so touch until I cry out.

Blessed, the reason why I have spend so much is because of the bleeding. My bills is as follows:-

1. First Gynae visit ( Dr Heng ) = S$160 ( consultation, scan, turinal and folic acid )

2. Second visit : KK A&amp;E = $110 ( Consultation, scan, medicine )

3. Third visit : KK Women's clinic : $80 ( Consultation, scan and medications )

4. Fourth visit : KK A&amp;E : $75 ( Consultation, scan )

5. Fifth Visit : Dr Esther Ng : $135 (consultation, scan, medications )

That is how I spend almost $560 for this month... Out of 5 visits, 4 are for bleeding.... sianz....

Mummies... think my MS come in already... This morning took breakfast and started to feel like throwing out... Stay in toilet for sometimes. Hiaz... This saturday visit my gynae again.. Make sure the placenta stops bleeding.
Hi Mommies to be

Can I join u all here? Been reading this thread for a while but not posting yet. Looks like you all are all bursting with joy so here I m...popping in to share my joy too. This is my 2nd pregnancy and my son is 13 months old.

Visited gynae this Mon and I should be about 6 weeks 5 days then. But my fetus measurement was only abt 5mm then... very small as compared with nov mum's... but I m not that worried yet lah.. my first boy also came out very small... 2.6kg at full term :p

BBroom.. I also asked gynae abt supplements.. she said for 1st trimester.. folic acid is enough.. leave the rest for later... I remembered that I had to take multi-vits, calcium and fish oil everyday since 2nd tri everyday that I feel nausea just thinking that I have to take them last time...

I think my doc's cost is the cheapest amongst here? My consultation is $45 and scanning is $30. But maybe my gynae charged me cheaper rate as I intro quite a few frens to her (they are all charged marginally higher).
i dunno when is the day of my conception leh how to check the guess the sex of my baby?? i'm really hoping it's a girl.
ValC, agak agak lah, like check backward base on how many weeks u r now. like me i guess my is around Feb 23-26 and these few days we are still in lunar first month.

Welcome Jannie ! of cos u r welcome to join us

Do u mind if i ask are u or your hb very small size ? 2.6kg for a boy is really small leh..
anyway important thing is he is healthy lah

wow your gynae really good still give u discount price, do u mind to tell us which gynae ?
thanks for the welcome little cat. nope, both me and hubby are at least 7 pounders at birth.. and we are not small built pple....my mom blamed it on my bad appetite thruout my pregnancy... although i put on 16kg during the pregnancy. so can u imagine how much i need to do to shed off everything after delivery? sigh.....

my gynae is at tow yung clinic at tanglin shopping center. dr tracey lim. just started pte from KKH. but after checking with my frens.. she has charged them higher. actually, i was seeing her husband.. then he went to london.. but she is nice as well....

valc, i just checked the gender predictor at both babymed and the one that little cat just posted.. both predicted differently... let's see which one is accurate.
Hi Nov Mum

I already tried Little Cat's website and the one at Motherhood.. both predicted a boy too..hehe. Hope they are right!

Hi Jannie

Both websites shld show the same results, cos both Mom's age and month of conception have to be the lunar versions right?
haha, i tried the one at motherhood it predicted will be a boy. ;) actually alot of pple hav been guessing for me say that they think my will be a boy. =P i'll go home then check on littlecat's website cos my company's server blocked the site.
Hi Nov Mum

I also tried Little Cat's website and the one at Motherhood.. both predicted a boy too..hehe. Hope they are right!

Hi Jannie

Both websites shld show the same results, cos both Mom's age and month of conception have to be the lunar versions right?

hi Nov MTB,

jus tested +ve by my GP yesterday.. i m now in 5weeks 6days counting from my last AF.. calculate most probably EDD around end of Nov..

any good gynae at cck to recommend??
