(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hi strawberry

Chloe was a really good girl. She sat throughout the NDP, without figeting! She didn't want to put on the poncho when it rained, so I let her wear the NDP cap (which she kept taking off!)

Here's some photos to share with all.

Mummy and I getting all patriotic.


President is waving at us!


Phew! Black Knights are awesome.
Hi mommies, some lobang on what to do with your kids this weekend.

Junior Angel's Club (JAC) KIDS' AFTERNOON OUT

Venue: Grace Kids, 1 Kim Seng Promenade,
Great World City, #03-06/10, Singapore 237994

Date: Sat 16 August 2008

Time: 4pm to 6pm

Exclusive Junior Angels Club Member’s Price: $35/child (Usual Price $70),
Non member : $45/child

Suitable for kids 12 months and above

Does your children like
to sing and groove?
get creative with their hands?

Here’s your chance to see how kids truly have fun at Grace Kids.

Immerse yourself in an exhilaring session of music & movement then create your own masterpiece in a creative craft workshop.
You will also take home a special goodie bag!

Come dressed in your JAC Club T-Shirt and be prepared for an afternoon of
non-stop FUN!

To register please call 63580055/63508876
or email at : [email protected]

Registration closes Wednesday 13 August 2008.

For more information on this event, log on to :


For more information on Grace Kids, log on to www.gracekids.com.sg
Hi Mummies,

Long time didnt log in liao. Have been veri busy since my #2 pop out.

Just an update of Avril, she has started going to childcare(half day AM) on 4 Aug. She has been crying since day 1, but duration of crying has been getting shorter. When i ask her whether she wan to go to school, she will say she dun wan and start crying. Veri heart pain when i see her crying. She also cry in her sleep at night.

But my hb say she will get use to it soon and insist on continuing.

As for my #2 (Ashley), she was born on 2nd June @ 3.89kg. Had a smooth & fast delivery - normal delivery w/o epidural in 1 hr. She is currently on half FM & half BM.

Will post some pics soon.

Good day to all!

Welcome back..wow.ur bb so big..3.89kg n u r lucky to have such a fast n smooth delivery..somemore without epidural...well done...

It is normal that when they just started CC, they will cried at nite..they juz need some times to adapt...My gal took 1 week to adapt n now she is so happy to go to school...n come back still dance n sing...
Hi Moms,

I'm actually a Mom of an August 06 baby, but I just thought of sharing with you moms what's happened to his health (skin infection, to be exact), so that at least you moms are 'more informed' than me if you ever get to see such a case in the future (I was totally clueless when we first encountered this).

Vai (he's turning 2yo on Aug20) has red spots on his face, and it all began on the nose (that looks like the skin was 'inflammed'). The skin dried up, scabs came off, but it didn't get better as more 'sores' appeared.

It's only when we saw a dermatologist that we're told that it was Impetigo! I knew nothing about it before.

He's prescribed antibiotics (oral) and cream too (now we're waiting for the skin infection to clear)

Anyway, I shared about it on my blog, please do click and read about it, fyi. It's apparently common among kids between 2 - 6yo.


Wishing all moms and kids the best of health!


Our Everyday Things
- Loving Life with Children, Everyday
Hi Apple,
Congrats on your second one! Wow, 3.8kg is quite huge n u managed to do it without epidural? This is really admirable... I wish I could do it too but doubt so cos my pain threshold is so low...

BBlush, Chloe looks so sweet in her clothings. Was it strawberry shortcake? I had wanted to go to the NDP with my parents too if not for my big tummy. I'm not afraid tat Zavier would fidget more of junior in my tummy. Haha....By the way, did u go for the S'pore Flyers event by your company? My HB was there...
U have changed to part time already?

Mummies, any of your kiddos can jump up with both legs off the ground? I kept teaching Zavier how to bend his knees n jump but he just can't do it leh. So far, can only jump with one leg, can't take off with both legs.

oh, i wouldn't have gone to NDP if I was in your situation
Yes, I was there. I brought Chloe and hubby along for flyer as well. Your hubby went alone? I thought she would be scared in the flyer, but she was very excited and kept running around in the capsule. I took the ride with her twice :p

I will change part time after Chloe starts Nursery next year. But I have spoken to my boss and he is ok with the arrangement. It was either that or I resign.
Xiaoyang & bearyhugs,
I also very thankful that this round was a smooth & fast delivery, unlike my #1 which take almost 15hrs. When admitted to hospital with contraction pain, i was already 7cm dilated. No time for epidural liao.

Some pics to share:



Ur gal is on half day or full day CC? My gal will start to say 'dont want' 'go home' when i bring her to CC and cry once i reach the entrance. Her teacher will carry her and i'll go off immediately. I'll hide outside to observe her. She will stop crying after 5- 10mins.

Avril can do the jump with both legs off the ground. She juz do it herself one day, and we were surprise. Zavier shld be able to do it soon.
hi Apple,

My gal is now in full day. Actually, on the 3rd day, we started to let her on her own but we still hiding n see her respond. Good things is she onli cried 4 a while. On 2nd weeks onwards, she is alright now. U have to talk to her after she back from school like keep reminding her how fun the school that she can play with her friends..I do a lots of talking to her aft her school. Now she is very happy to go to school..Once she can starts waving bye bye to u..means that she is alright..Now, when she come bk hm, she will dance n sing n clap clap when she listen to certain familiar songs that taught in school. i guess it is very good
see how our bb have grown up..the pic may be too small to view..u all have to squint ur eyes hor...

top left..zavier,lorriane, corum, zhiyo
below left..avril, YH, kenise, Cayden, starmoon dd , Lucas

kelly, my hubby took the photos with his Canon SLR. Can't remember the model of the camera. He is interested in photography.

Apple, Avril looked really pretty. All grown up with lovely hair. Chloe was born with a full head of hair, but her hair is taking so long to grow long now. Congrats to your newborn. A really good weight!

peng!!! ai yoh, you still got time to take camera and capture yuheng in the act!
BBblush...aiyoh he so notti 'scold' him also not scare, keep climbing up...so i capture shots to show his father how notti he is at home loh..there is a mattress on the floor so i not gancheong
Wow Peng, YH is really active..maybe can train him to join the gymnastic team and represent Singapore for Olympics in 2020? Heehee..
Was he crying in that picture?
peng, ur memory is so GOOD! u can rem the babies' names in sequence. i'm darn impressed! those were the good old days, man...when they are so much easier to care for. drink & sleep, drink & sleep.

my gal is getting "naughty" this week. guess she's "venting" her anger at us for leaving her alone in the CC. when my mil went to fetch her yesterday, she was already carrying her bag, waiting at the door for her. everyday return home with swollen eyes. i will fetch her this friday & see how she's coping.
bblush, whao nice shots leh, not easy to snap a photo of the planes at cross points like this. And can see Chloe really enjoyed.

whao peng! if not for your words, I am really shocked with YH's stunts... kakaka

He's really grown so tall, the cot seems too low for him oredy. and the bb photo u posted, aiyoh the bb were once so chubby and bubbly rite.. i kind of miss his bb fats and shortie cute limbs but pls dun ask me go for #2, hehehe...

bearyhugs, Owen can jump on the bed niah, on the floor he hops but dunno is that considered both legs off the floor or not, bcos he didn't go high enough.
Bbroom...yah he was calling help...mama mama...hahaha me too also have that idea sending him to learn gymnastic...there is a school located in bishan teaching kids 3 yrs above onwards!

Twendy...hehehe...i can remember most of the babies except a few of them whom i cannot recall...

Strawberry...the rail can be adjusted...but the railing got stuck so not able to push up..haiz if i change the rail...which he is able to climb in n out on his own then i will not be able to 'lock' him in the bed if i want to do other things leh...
Peng, i think better lower the rail or let him sleep on mattress or junior bed.

my uncle's colleague's kid recently also fell while climbing out from the cot..kenah big "bah-lu-ku" on his forehead coz fell around 1m down..
Wow, I had a shock when i see YH standing on the cot.

Mhhhhhh...really miss those days when they are still baby.

Now Lucas come out all sort of different pattern of mischief. Do you find your child getting more and more cranky?

Sometime it make me wonder if they were too bored at home. I was thinking if i should send Lucas for 1/2days CC when he turn 24mth, than perharp can help to keep them occupied.

Now he basically keep calling me on my phone and ask me the same question again and again.
Lucas: Where mummy?
Me: Mummy is working
Lucas: Where daddy?
Me: Daddy is working
Lucas: Where gei gei(sister)?
Me: Gei gei go to school.
Lucas: Mummy pekapoo cus
Me: pekapoo
and this can repeat and repeat.
Guess my phone bill going up already.

If i hang up the phone without him saying bye bye mummy 1st, he will cry and make big hoo haaa at my mum hsg.

Than like to jump on the bed, lucky my bed is on the floor.

Like to run around naked after bath.

Will throw tantrum and cry if we don't get what he mean.
Hi mommies.
Long time no chat. I am having a very high risk pregnancy so seldom chat. Hope all of you are doing well.

Have a smooth delivery tomorrow ( be it natural or c-sect). Do update us on your progress after your delivery.
Mei lik
pls take care!

Congrat to all mummies having 2nd one!

My Zhe Lei also like to climb n hang himself at the side of the bed rail even I have change to a normal single bed. That day he tried to climb on the safety gate of the kitchen. Endup the whole gate fall on him. Lucky he was not injured n he didn't even cry n still pointed at the gate which was on the floor and said: open the door! Faint!

Any mummy has stopped giving pacifier to yr kid? I have stopped giving ZL pacifier coming to a week. He was making a lot of noise when he wakeup in the midnight. But I don't care tried to make him calm down n sleep again. Not a easy task but no choice lor!

Cayden automatically gave up his pacifier when he was abt 1 yr old. Guess he didn't like them much..

Mei Lik,

Wish u have a smooth pregnancy !!

<font size="+1">Here is Cayden's latest pic, like a big boy already...</font>

yoyoz everyone..
good morning...
so.. anyone trying to the 2nd or 3rd one real soon??
16weeks ML + 6days CL perks :p

Mei Lik,
take care...

JK sucks his thumb instead.. now his left thumb got a "gian" (hard skin) liao.. but sometimes i really heartache to see him sucking his thumb.. he actually bites it and can see the teeth marks.. wonder y no pain to him :p

for the past 3 weeks, JK suddenly grows up just like that.. already started to walk without support and busy wondering round the house!!! mummies, now i really understand your "pains" :p
also starting his terrible 2 syndromes, all those "No", "不要", "不可以", "不知道" "EEEEE", "AHHHHH" starting to come out.. starting to imitate my neighbour's kid and climbing up the iron door grill..
now also starting to be very talkative.. everytime try to find topic to talk to me, also starting to form 3 word sentences...
I'm glad I postpone my Mexico trip, all else I will be missing all these fun things.. though I had to work US timing during our nites but it's worth it :p
hahaha... Eileen, Zhelei so cute leh. They tends to do or say things that makes us laugh sometimes.


So fun rite, JK can walk liao. As they started to walk they oso learn to imitate very fast hor.

Owen can run now. Last Sat, brought him out for a walk. He started to run and refused to let me hold his hand. Keep saying " liat bueh diot li!" He picked this up when my MIL could not catch hold of him while he was running away, so she said tat in hokkien loh.

JK can say so many words ah, so cute. Owen still at NO phase. Everything says no. But he can distinguish between yes and no. When I purposely asked him questions that he needs to answer yes, he will force out a soft "yeh.."

Meilik, jia you!
Hello, hope everyone's getting on well and enjoying motherhood :>

Been terribly busy at work and now that MSN is blocked at office, I am less connected to friends.

Anyway, thought I can add on my name to the #2 list.

1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. xiaoyang (born:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Jennifer (EDD: 03-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Kelly (c-section :15-08-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
9. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08; Gender: "To be surprised" )
10. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
11. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
12. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
13. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)
14. Smiley74 (EDD: 31-12-08; Gender: TBA)

Take care!
hi smiley, congrats...! hey, ask ur bb to "dong" one more day... be born on 01/01/09.. if come out at 0000hrs, wow, you'll appear on papers and receive $$$ leh...
Haha Gouma,
You so farnie. But its true... wow so many of us from this thread really support govt policy man. Don know when would the effective would be for the 16 weeks of ML, so certainly hope that it would be implemented before I deliver junior.

Mycrsania, I saw u on tv during the national day rally! Wow, so u were one of the lucky ones being invited. No wonder cos the hot topic now is on matchmaking and getting more married couples. U must be super busy now!

Mummies, was so surprised that Zavier dictated out from A to Z just now to me without missing any alphabets. But he still doesn't know how to identify the individual alphabets except for ABC. I'm really enjoying listening to him talking everyday, never fail to amaze me. So serenemeow, wait for more miracles to occur!

Brought Zavier to Hortpark to play last Sunday, was really hot.


1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. xiaoyang (born:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Jennifer (EDD: 03-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Kelly (born :15-08-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
9. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08; Gender: "To be surprised" )
10. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
11. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
12. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
13. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)
14. Smiley74 (EDD: 31-12-08; Gender: TBA)


Congratulation..welcome aboard...I'm really tired now after the CL left. #2 cried will trigger #1 cried..Putting #2 sleep follow by #1..by the time i want to rest, is the time for #2 feeding again. So tiring..and still got to wake up and 'mooing'...Now still got help from my mom taking care of #1..i wonder if i can still survive after she leaves next week..
so many mummies here supporting govt policy!

hubby was disappointed that there is no extension of paternity leave. I had wanted more childcare subsidy, but only for 5th child onwards. ??? wah lao, nowadays still got people have 5 children meh?

l think maternity leave and some tax rebate are the most obvious one . l dun think people will purposely go and have children becos of these benefit. U see the mummies here all get preggy without Mr lee announcement. Hehhe by the way..it doesn;t attract hubby at all to consider to have another baby. Sob Sob.
haha, babyblush, my colleague have 5 kids. first 4 gals, last 1 boy. really desperate for a boy lor.

i heard the benefits all start from 1 Jan 2009, so smiley, u must *tong* to enjoy the 16 weeks maternity leave hor.
i was really disappointed with the perks.

so what are the reasons that people decide to have children? I had one because I wanted to complete and fulfil my married life. I am satisfied with my family now. Based on the amount of money I've spent on Chloe (from gynae, delivery, milk powder, diapers, enrichment classes, preschool etc etc...) I don't think I can afford another one without sacrificing our current lifestyle. In today's competitive world, I would rather focus all our resources on one child and make sure she gets the best I can offer.

If I have more money, I wouldn't mind having more children. For a working mum, it does boil down to affordability and opportunity costs.
My suggestion for benefits that would make a difference:

1. Exempt GST for all preganancy and childcare services, baby products and education.

2. Free compulsory vaccination for all children under age 2.

3. 4 months maternity leave which includes option of 1 month to be taken by either parent.
Goodies for childcare subsidies announced:

From 1 Jan 09, childcare subsidies will increase from $150 to $300 per month per child (full time).
For every Singaporean citizen.

Now that's more like it! yay.
1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (born 02-06-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. xiaoyang (born:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Jennifer (EDD: 03-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Kelly (born :15-08-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
9. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08; Gender: "To be surprised" )
10. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
11. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
12. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
13. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)
14. Smiley74 (EDD: 31-12-08; Gender: TBA)
aiyoh babyblush,
don't be happy yet...
sooner or later the increase in the childcare fees will offset the increase in subsidies.
In last nite's news, the govt is saying that they will look into the qualification and the salary of these early childhood teachers in order to bring up/keep the standard on the child cares. This subtlely will means that school fees will be revised with higher salary and qualifications? Not sure.. just monitor :p
hmm, l think the benefit all goes to working mum, what about those not working..think our dream of staying at home to being a taitai get further and further liao
i'm not concerned abt school fees rising. cos i have "locked in" my gal's school fees at current price, all the way till kindergarten!!! hoho...

i have a chinese colleague with 5 kids (2 pr of twins). she's power, man. i really salute to her. she's my role model of an "octopus" mum.


I absolutely agree with you. I am quite sure there will be an increase in price!

But most of the teachers in the expensive childcare centres already employ teachers with dip. in early childhood, so I'm hoping their prices will remain steady for a while.
