(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

aiyoh, that gethering timing clash with my gal's class leh. think i have to skip this time. wait till the next time we organise again, think i can bring along 2 kids liao.

Hello all Mummies,
Been busy at work lately and with Zavier. HB was away on business trip so got to take care of Zavier at night n morning before work. Surprisingly, he's been very guai. Waiting at his bed for me while I go bathe. Thank god. Me now entering to the last 2 months of 3rd trimester, movements getting so clumsy. Can't possibly carry Zavier for long anymore. Pregnancy had been quite smooth this whole time except now cos entering the 3rd trimester, leg cramps and bum pain starts to kick in as bb is pressing on the nerves. I always hate the last trimester.

Bblush, I was considering pat's schoolhse too but their schlfees are really high, so still considering. I thought I liked the teaching styles at both JG n GUG. I might put Zavier at the GUG kindergarden. I find that his speech had improved by quite a bit after attending the GUG lessons. He's getting really chatty these days. Like wat u said previously, I really enjoy a two way conversation with him after work now n I look forward to it. But now both me and HB realized that Zavier doesn't seem to speak any Mandarin! So both of us now are intensively teaching him lots of mandarin. Went to borrow chinese books too. So u intending to stop at one? Hmmmm....

Peng, YH looks so grown up now! Which beach did u go to?

I just brought Zavier to the library last weekend cos he luvs story telling and books. N he was making quite a lot of noise there cos he was having fun playing with the books on the shelves. Faintz.... but it was time well spent cos he enjoyed the books that we borrowed.

Mummies, any of your kiddos talk during their sleep? My Zavier tend to laugh when he has a good dream buT he would frequently talk in his sleep! E.g. I don't want this/that. What's over there?

Lesson at GUG recently. Teacher was teaching alphabet "C" so Zavier volunteered himself to be the cat!
Heh, count me in for the outing too!

Tentative date: 2 August (Saturday)
Time: 3 - 5pm , or 4.30 - 6.30 pm (Depending on indoor or outdoor)
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden @ Botanical Gardens

1) Peng (4.30 nice timing for me)
2) Bearyhugs (3 or 4.30pm ok)
Tentative date: 2 August (Saturday)
Time: 3 - 5pm , or 4.30 - 6.30 pm (Depending on indoor or outdoor)
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden @ Botanical Gardens

1) Peng (4.30 nice timing for me)
2) Bearyhugs (3 or 4.30pm ok)
3) Doggymum (3 or 4.30pm ok)

Remember the Playground @ EC I was telling you gals about over in msn? Here're some photos taken there last weekend.



GM, the pictures look fun leh..
i think that can be another option where we can go.. need to pay entrance fee?

Tentative date: 2 August (Saturday)
Time: 3 - 5pm , or 4.30 - 6.30 pm (Depending on indoor or outdoor)
Suggestion 1 - Jacob Ballas Children's Garden @ Botanical Gardens
Suggestion 2 - Playground @ East Coast.

1) Peng (4.30 nice timing for me)
2) Bearyhugs (3 or 4.30pm ok)
3) Doggymum (3 or 4.30pm ok)
4) Bbroom (3 or 4.30pm ok) both venues ok.
bbroom, the entrance fee is $12/kid/hr for weekends, and 1 accompanying parent is allowed (FOC). So it may not be a good choice cos it would mean the daddies got nowhere to go, and nothing to do leh..
bbroom, the other day when I asked about the additional charges should daddy joins in, they said they normally do not allow, even if it's paid for. But that day, since it wasn't very crowded, they actually allowed both me and hb to join in FOC.

Here's the link. The place is called Frisk 'n'Romp - Kids'PlayClub.

Hi Mummies....

wats ur kids nap timing now hur? once or twice? nowadays YH usually nap only once..below is YH sleep n makan schedule :D

7.30am wake up - milk
9.00am bread
11.00am porridge or oat/cereal with fruits
11.30am nap time
2.30pm wake up - milk
4.00pm snack time
6.30pm porridge/rice
7.30pm bedtime!....sometimes sleep thru till morning no feeding...
hi Peng,

wow, Yuheng sleeps so early.. I'm not even home at 7.30pm..

For Ashley's,

6am wake up for milk, then continue to sleep
9.30am wake up - bread/cereal + milk
12pm lunch - porridge/noodle
2.30pm milk
3-5pm nap time
6pm dinner - porridge/rice
10pm milk
earliest 10.30pm bedtime
dumbger, the "jersey" with the number is for the staff there to keep track of the "ëxpiry" time of the play session for the individual kid
Bearyhugs, Zavier so cute with his kitten face. What did they use to draw on Zavier's face? Is it easy to clean off?

Tiwi, dun worry. Lucas has a partner here, but I believe they will change. We are oso helping Owen to overcome his fears. Juz last Sat my hb drove us to Changi and parked at a spot where planes would fly across the sky at low heights until you could see the wheels and engines clearly. Of cos the sounds oso super loud. At first, Owen was so scared that he would grip me very tightly like a koala each time a plane passed by. Den we distracted his fear by clapping our hands happily and cheered hoorays!!! yeh..!!! yapiyapido!!!! when a plane was coming. Soon he oso laughed and clapped his hands and could even lie down to enjoy his milk while watching planes flew pass. Passers by thot we abit ting dong lah, but it's worth it loh.

Hmmm.. the gathering will be the 2nd day of 7th month, & my hb quite pang-dang so difficult to join liao loh.

Peng, Owen's sleeping time very unpredictable nowadays.. he seems to have 2 routines :

8am milk
11:30am lunch
1pm bathe
2pm milk
3pm nap
5:30pm dinner
9pm milk
10:30pm sleep


8am milk
10am nap
12nn lunch
1pm bathe
2pm milk
5pm nap
7pm dinner
9:30pm milk
11pm sleep
Strawberry...YH sometimes also got 2 timing ...like today 11.30amnap..12.30 climb up liao!!! so he tired loh 4pm go nap again! Owen so late then sleep 11pm leh!! oops i din know is 7th mth leh...must think abt it again for the gathering !! kekeke is true that young kids better dun anyhow roam and stay late during this month though i not really pangdang but play safe loh...
My Zhe Lei timetable as follow:

9am Wakeup (Fresh milk, bread & cereal)
12.30pm Lunch (porridge or rice or anything)
2 or 2.30pm Nap
4 or 4.30pm Snack
6.30pm Dinner
10pm Sleep
JK still having his twice nap time per day.. cos he has to wake up damn early with us...

6.30am Sleep drinking.. either wake up or continue to sleep to my mum's place
7.30am Finally wide awake if he sleeps in the car
10am Milk & 1st nap
12noon Lunch
2pm Snack
330pm Milk & 2nd nap
5.30 or 6pm Wake up
630pm Lunch
730pm Pick up to go home
10pm Milk & Sleep

Weekend oso similar pattern though no need to go my mum's place.. he will still wake up latest by 730am and beat us up to go to his "M"

sometimes feel sorry for him cos he need to wake up so early... got panda eyes liao... not handsome liao

And just kena BIG arrow again.. Potentially going to miss the NDP and fireworks.. Flying AGAIN!!!
hi mummies,

Finally, i gave birth to my bb boy on 18 of july through induction assisted normal delivery. Wat an unforgetable experience for me, especially my 1st one was c-section. His birth weight was 3.4kg and 53cm long after i struggle for more than 20 hrs...Now, trying to cope with new bb and he is drinking a lot and no choice got to suppliment him with formula milk to meet his demand.

talk again, Will try to upload the photo once it is transfered.
hi serenemeow

so coincidence...me also travelling again..just got to know that i gotta travel to bangkok from wednesday - friday next week.. lucky this time not so long..
congrats congrats!! recuperate well and we look forward to pics!!

my Cayden's got two feeding and nap schedule:

7:45am - bring him to MIL house, sometimes he's awake liao, sometimes will continue to sleep at MIL house.
10:00am - Breakfast (cereal/porridge)
12:30pm - Milk followed by nap
3:00pm - Wake Up
4 to 7pm - Light snacks like fruits, biscuits etc.
7:00pm - Dinner
10pm - Milk followed by sleep

8:30am - Wake Up
9:00am - Breakfast (cereal)
12:30pm - Lunch
3:30pm - Nap
7:00pm - Dinner
10pm - Milk followed by sleep

hahaha we always travel around the same time...
me this time again back to Mexico for 2 weeks.. now don't know how to tell my mum.. she's going to kill me.. already told my hubby and he's killing me liao...
congrats, xiaoyang! a successful story of VBAC. post a pix of ur darling soon.

i have mixed feeling abt travelling for work. used to like it cos get to travel (sometimes hubby will tag along) at the same time. but with the arrival of my gal, a bit sian everytime i need to go away. i have transfered dept so now no need to travel anymore. but, that also means, no more krisflyer mileage for me *sniff*
I'm ok to leave for a while, just to get sometime for myself though abit sad to leave JK.

But nowadays is becoming more of a burden cos my mum and hubby will show very black face everytime i mention i need to travel.. perhaps they are not used to it cos I did not travel at all for my 1st 5 years of working.. only started when I switched to my 2nd job with only minmal travel (twice per year)... ever since i switch this 3rd job since last Dec, this is my 4th time and all very long trips... sigh
Congrat xiaoyang, JIA YOU!

Serene, what are you working as now? engineering or sale? aiyo...l understand how ur hubby and mum feel. Dun say you travel for so long, even if l am late to reach my MIL house..she will somehow show the very very tired face to me ..not totally black face and can scent that she is not very happy.

As for my hubby travel oversea, l had to take double responisblity of taking care for my girl..so my face will become black when he mention he need to travel oversea..
chin chin,
me in production/factory planning.. so need to jaga the factories lor... my mum oso will face black black to me if i'm late or if i wan to go pak tor with my hubby at night... sigh...
hubby grumble one side say y my mum cannot help to take care while others can, then my mum grumble one side say y hubby don't help out... sianz

paiseh all my grumblings again...
hi serenemeow

this time when I travel, on one of the days my hubby gotta take full day leave to look after my girl coz my mum has to do some stuff.. no choice..luckily for me, my hubby is very supportive of my job.
usually when I have to travel, Ashley will stay over at my grandma's place with my mum so in the morning, my hubby doesn't need to rush ..just visit her in the evening.

my next trip in October will be over a week..so my mum gotta take care of Ashley 24 hours again.

looking forward to our family trip to Japan in NOVEMBER!!!!
wow serene production planning can be very hectic. as l am in production for local company now, can be very stressful when production line down.

bbroom, wow you must be very well paid and under good allowance scheme. if l am getting paid of 5-6K, think my hubby will be very supportive of my job. hehe...as l am so low paid now. hubby will always say you better quit and take care of jeanette someday...

Talk about black face, think my MIL would be more happy than black face if I reached home late and unable to bring Owen home. Most of the time, I reached her place at 7pm but she would bring him downstairs, sometimes until 8pm. Quite sianz men when I reached her place and didn't get to see Owen.

Chin Chin. Hmmm... u makes me ponder over bbroom's $$$ keekee

serenemeow, sianz hor. Imagine working hours already very long and yet still have to be away for weeks. The overall time we spent with our bb so short niah and very soon they will grow up liao.
congrats xiaoyang.

peng, bearyhugs. On stopping at 1, it's not a firm decision yet. See if gahmen can convince me to do more national service by offering cheaper child care and worklife balance

Ok, I've completed my orientation visit to Eton, Chiltern and Pat. My favourite is CH. The kids there are absolute darlings!!! They can sit still and wait for their meals. The teacher calls them one by one, and they take their food and self feed. So polite and sweet. When Chloe entered the room, they greeted us, and allowed Chloe to play with the toys.

I find that ET is too 'play-based' and I'm worried that the kids may have problems transiting to P1. Pat's kids seem very happy, but I prefer a school with more structure.

So, I have placed her on CH's long long long waiting list. In the meantime, I was told that Pat is opening up a branch even nearer to my home by year end. So I've placed her on that waitlist as well. Ahhh. I can rest easy now.

bearyhugs, how much is GUG nursery and kindergarten? If Zavier likes it there, you should consider staying on. GUG is too far for me.
looks like the "business" for our gathering next week not very good .. mummies, are we continuing or postponing?

chinchin, i dun mind short trips..in fact can let me catch up on my sleep..haha.. but if the trip is around a week, then I'll miss my Ashley..
of course another consolation factor is travel allowance..otherwise I wun wanna go leh..
chin chin,
me have in production planning since 1st day into workforce.. last time young still can cheong but now abit lax liao.. too much commitment thus cannot take long hours that's y i quit a local company to join a US co.
I'm still trying to get into Strawberry's co :p
Cao Mei, got lobang or not?

so good.. my husband's job cannot take leave anyhow one and worst case, he cannot handle JK alone.. he don't know when is his milk time or makan time.. pampers can also wear sala direction.. u say leh :p
so if i'm not around, my mother will suffer so call...

Cao Mei,
ur MIL is whom my husband is wishing for.. cos he then no need to leave his son behind and enjoy himself liao :p

govt should be announcing some perks during the national day rally abt the baby bonus soon (based on yesterday's news).. so you can start considering ur #2 liao :p
yah peng, Owen sleeps very late bcos since bb time over my PIL place, he followed them slept late. With the lights and TV on, difficult oso. Now it becomes a fix pattern in him liao.

bbblush , thot u joined my ONLY-ONE Club liao, so still considering har.
when i look at chloe's baby photos, i really long for a second baby. it would also be nice if you could have a sibling, as I grew up with 2 sisters and were very close to them.

BUT, I really don't have much time and energy to fit a newborn baby in my life at this moment. If I think back of those days when I have to bf, express milk and survive on 3 hr sleep, and still climb the corp ladder at same time, I really don't know how to do it all over again.

Another reason is that I still cannot shed the weight I put on during my preg!!! arghh... so i'm very afraid if I go for second one, I will end up at a point of no return and be a fat mama forever!!!
Hi all,
BBlush, totally understand what you mean by the second bb and worries that come after that. But if you have good family support, better to start soon rather than to wait. Well, my 2nd one came as quite a surprise to us too and I thought it's just good time for Zavier to have a playmate with so close in age. Wow, I see that you've visited quite a no. of schools indeed. I'm now considering between GUG and Gracefields kindergarden at Gilstead road. Would be visiting the two of them next week probably. But the strange thing was that Gracefields told me that I could start Zavier on N1 next yr if I think he's ready. So I thought that was a bit early. School fees abt 330 per month.

Xiaoyang, CONGRATS!! Show us your bb's photos soon!

Strawberry, I also understand what you mean by MIL's black face. Even my own mum would also start calling me if I reach her place later than 7.30pm. Think they just want time of their own at night after taking care of the kiddo the whole day. Worries of full time working mums, not easy hor.
Hi mummies,

My friend gave me Pediasure Complete voucher S$3 but NQ drink Gain IQ. I can mail the voucher to the mummy to want it.

totally agree. I hv oso gone thru' tough days carrying a low placenta pregnancy that now resulted in Owen's uneven eyes, and later got to cope with after birth blues, poor health & chest tensions. Deeply I admire mummies wif #2 but I knew I cannot make it lo so dun force myself. But u still can afford to wait la, so not to worry.

Bearyhugs... Oops, my MIL no black face leh. She only black face when we cum home early to fetch Owen home niah. I worry she gets too attached to him now, bcos she doesn't seems to support my idea of putting him into playgroup nor hourly lessons for reasons like he is too small la immune system poor la wait till he is 3 yrs plus la * urrrgh *
Hi mummies,

Just an update of Wayne, he has started playgroup since 21 July, first few days he is ok, very happy to go to school. My mum told me he dun even say bye by and rush to the room liao. But recently, he starts to cry, today start to cry when he is taking the lift.

But my mum say after a while he is ok liao. The school actually gave them worksheets to do everyday , mostly colouring. And I believe teacher hold his hand to colour else won't be so nice. But I feel really happy to his work and I bought a file to keep. Next time can show him when he grows up.

However somehow I feel the school is not very good, ask the kids to eat their snack on the floor which I found out when I was with him the 1st day. Think I will withdraw him after the term finished. After that think probably next yr then enrol in CC full day.

Xiaoyang, CONGRATS!!! Great job done. Have plenty of rest during your confinement and take care
hi mummies
I think this timing maybe not right for our gathering.. shall we postpone it to another date?

I'll be going for my business trip from tomorrow to friday.. but if I have time i'll try to check the forum for your reply.
Hi bbroom,
Yah, just realized that my new maid would be coming in this Sat, hence I got to fetch her and train her this Sat. So I probably won't be able to make it for the outing. Wish me luck! Seriously hoping that she would be a good one n most imptly, both her and Zavier can get along. Praying hard.... : >
another news to share on JK...
He's finally picked up the courage to WALK!!! though still trying to find my hand for support while walking... so far only a few steps but that's encouraging enough... FINALLY.
i am shocked! I didn't know S&S sells fake stuff, thought they were flawed and thus sold at factory outlet prices. Afterall, they have several outlets in legitimate malls, unlike push-cart sales.
I'm also surprised since quite a lot of mummies actually recommended S&S as one of the popular shopping sites...

I don't really know whether it is S&S since they didn't put down the shops' name.. but from the profile pics, they really look like from S&S shops...

CONGRATS!!! JK can walk liao, u gonna be into another phrase of his life. Very exciting and enjoyable to see him being able to walk and do new things, actions, movements. Mummies like us hor with bb who walks late, will tend to appreciate these new experiences... kekeke

Strawberry...how is Owen now? has he recovered? YH ganna cough virus from his daddy again!..nowadays he very notti leh..not happy will just lay flat on the floor wail and kick...driving me nuts liao..after bathing dun want come out also lay flat in the bathroom! when he cannot reach something he will carry his stools and stand on top and take things..carry stool in front of the gate and trying to open it..
