(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hello mummies!

Bearyhugs... hehe, you caught me on National Day Rally ar... yup, cos there's a lot of focus on dating, marriage, babies etc... we have been invited to attend.

Just checking with all you mummies, will you be sending your kiddos to nursery soon? I am enrolling my son into nursery next month. They are ok to take him in this coming school term. However, have heard some horror stories from my friend who sent her daughter to nursery before she turned 3. Keeping my fingers crossed that he will enjoy it.


l think you business will be very good soon.There will be more professional looking for 'you'

Afterall, what babyblush mention is quite true also. Calculating my girl enrichment classes already spend $500 per month, not to mention insurance, pamper, milk powder, food and clothing etc etc
hey smiley74

think you do not need to 'Tong' liao..cause they have backdated the date from 1st jan 2009 to 17th Aug 2008. So mummies that gave birth after 17th Aug 08 should entitled the benefit.
ya loh..good for mummies who're giving birth in 2008. otherwise super lugi.
By the way, it means that we can have 6 days child care leave from 17 August also?
Hello all!
I'm one of the many who've also joined the online petitions too. So glad that govt actually listen to our pleas and backdated the effective date. Yippie!

Mycrysania, of cos, I've caught u on tv. U were so promninent in your purple suit. Hehe... Which nursery are you enrolling your Corum into? I'm enrolling Zavier only starting Jan 09 next year. I thought that was a bit early already.
Twendy - how you managed to lock in your girl's school fees? Share le! )

Bearyhugs - enrolling Corum into Little Woods. Will tell you how it goes.

Btw mummies, I have joined the 2nd babe club... Hehe, just recently went for first check up. Am in my 7 weeks now I think.
regarding the bb bonus, i actually heck-care. dun really want the 4th mth, cannot even finish clearing my 3rd. hence, got petition, i also didnt join. hmm, now that it got extended to me, i must re-plan my maternity leave strategy liao.

mycrysania, i also saw u on tv. i did tell my hubby that's u sitting quite near the front. but ur hubby not next to u rite? so, i got a bit doubtful. regarding the "locked-in" school fees, that's just the way that childcare operates. once u enter, u pay the same fee all the way until u "graduate". so if u enrol later, after the fees have risen, then u have to pay that higher price lah.

hehe, update my girl photo...coming to 22nd months....l dun think l will hold a birthday celebration for her this year...think will just buy a small cake and cut with her.

wow congrat! Violet...u are very supportive of the government! think some mummies here are planning for number 3 liao.
Hi Twendy,
Actually I'm one of those who also have problems clearing even my annual leave this year (haven't touched any of my 26 days this year; still clearing last yr's leave leh!). But who doesn't welcome extra leave n extra bb bonuses, so I just joined the petition lor. Anyway, which nursery or kindergarden r u enrolling your girl into? U should be due soon already? Jia you!!

Xiaoyang, jia you too! I would be joining u soon in sept. I gather I might be early, tummy really hardening up like a rock now in the very last month. Pressure also a lot at the bottom. Now just trying to grab all opportunities to bring Zavier out to play while I can in the weekends. Can't imagine being confined at home for a whole month once i deliver. SO very boring...
i think i still have 1 more day of last year's leave to clear. just managed to clear my 2 days childcare leave this week. my entire leave entitlement this year still intact & untouched!

for my 1st pregnancy, i took 2 mths ML 1st. but once back at work, i had difficulty taking leave to clear my 3rd mth ML, forfeited 2 weeks i think. this time round, thot of taking 2.5 mths 1st. but with this sudden announcement, dunno if i shld take 3 mths str, then 4th mth flexible. i'm those type who cannot stand staying home too long, i need to go back to work & get myself busy. also paiseh that my colleague (position higher than me) has to cover me for so long. so, stilldebating how to strategise my leave-taking.

i have enrolled my gal in MMI lah. cos my office bldg got one branch. next time, she will go to work w me :) i can pop over to see her over lunch too.

am due in 2 weeks' time. bb still not engaged. so it's a waiting game again...

U all veri lucky leh..entitle 4 4 mths ML..i'm super rugi..so gd that u guys got so many leaves. I guess now i will need more since yao2 now in CC n maid will b taking care of my son after i back to work. If either yao2 or my maid is sick, i definitely got to take leave. So, meanwhile, i'm taking 2 mths maternity leave...

Jiayou both of u...still rem hoe suffering i was during the last few weeks..

Be patient..bb wont engaged until u gonna gif birth...for my case, bb never engaged at all...overdue some more.
wow many updates...long time didnt come in cos both babies sick...elder one passed to my younger one. now both on nebulizer and megan had to stay home for this week...this month i think she only attend half month of cc.

twendy, dun worry abt bb not engaging cos the nurse told me for 2nd pregnancy, even if bb not engaged yet u can still give birth de...cos for my case my bb has not engaged and suddenly i give birth liao cos contractions kicked in and bloody show for 6 days.

congrats to all who have popped and those who are gg to pop soon.

here's a pic of my boy & girl...he weighs 6.82kg at 3 months 3 week old. PD said on average bb weighs 9-10kg at 1 yr old so my boy is doing very well on his weight gain. PD called him "ah fat". hahahah. my girl on contrary is still as petite weighing 10.3kg at 22 months.


1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
4. Apple (born 02-06-08; Gender: Girl)
5. xiaoyang (born:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Jennifer (EDD: 03-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Kelly (born :15-08-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Jaline (born: 25-08-08; Gender: Girl)
9. Twendy (born: 29-08-08; Gender: Boy)
10. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
11. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
12. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
13. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)
14. Smiley74 (EDD: 31-12-08; Gender: TBA)
Hi all,
Sorry to disturb. But for those who going to hire maid,just to let u all know. I've sent back my maid to indo who has work with me 4 mth +, then the agent advertise her again. When my friend call, the agent told my friend this maid has finish contract and went back indo for holiday. This is the link

Please be careful on what the agent told you, please check the wp no on MOM website before u take the maid.
Xiaoyang...there is a new pd clinic at Punggol Plaza at 4th level..not sure the pd good or not..i usually bring YH to Rivervale Plaza Kid's clinic or gp at healthway clinic at PP..
haiz.. getting busy wif my work again. Juz got alittle time to drop by.

heehee... peng, juz get to see the video. So cute leh yuheng seated in the basin.

bblush, I agree with you. In today's competitive world, I also rather focus all our resources on one child and make sure he gets a quality life. Anyway, I really feel tired with one so dunno how great mummies here can cope with number 2.

Thks,,but the Dr Tan, who used to b GP in healthway punggol left the clinic liao..now the doctors there not as gd

Me also agree with you. I'm also very tired after work and taking care of my Cayden at night.. Believe it or not, Cayden stills wakes up for night feeds....
Pauline, waaaah... siong leh like tat. But Owen is no better. He does not sleep soundly, always wakes me up 3-4 times a night, 1am, 3-4am, 6am... ganna broken sleeps until my mind cannot focus at work. Jiat lat.

peng, xiaoyang

I really no choice but to bring Owen to AMK SBCC to the famous Pd Dr Koh everytime he got flu and cough. The medicine there really good & effective, we have better confidence and trust oso. But very costly, each time is like $120+/- type. If got neubolizer it will double.

Hope he will overcome and be stronger as he grows up so that the intervals won't be so close and we can oso switch to normal family doctor.
yeha...Dr Tan Yeow Meng very good leh..but sad that he resigned liao..now the dr over there is not as good...my whole family sick and see they GP there but never recovered till now..i think i gave up liao..taht's y asking for PD cos my daughther also see Dr Tan the last time..
pauline and strawberry

Chloe still wakes up in the middle of the night to drink milk as well. I don't know how to stop her. If she doesn't eat much during dinner, then she would wake up twice for milk. But she sleeps straight after that.

In the middle of the night, she will tell me "want milk", I will tell her "No more milk". She will ask "a little bit?" hahaha... like so poorthing like that.
bbblush...hahaha Chloe so cute...u cant bear not to give her milk then hor...

Strawberry...Owen wakes up so frequent in nite! wakes up for milk? yuheng last feed is about 8pm then usually dun wake up till 5-6am for milk...if he wakes up at 6am he will not go back to sleep!! but i make him laze in his cot till 7am cos i very sleepy!
Babyblush, chloe is still very well behave when she ask for milk. I tell my boy, no milk already, wow he make a hoo haaa in the middle of nite. If i tell him ok, mummy go get your milk now, he will just lie on the bed and wait. I don't think my boy will said "a little bit".

I am use to waking up at night and make milk for him already. The worst part is he doesn't like his daddy to make his milk. So my hubby will sleep like a pig..............
peng, tiwi

that's why it is hard for me to go 'cold turkey' with her. cos they say if you want to stop night feeds, you should just let the child cry it out. Chloe doesn't even cry, she just keeps repeating her request "want milk, a little bit, make milk, a little bit...." if you don't give it to her, she will wake up and it would be difficult to get her to sleep again. So preparing milk is the lesser of two evils.

Tiwi, i am also used to waking up at night. i still sleep with her every night because of these night feeds, otherwise, I would like her to sleep by herself in her room. sometimes, if i'm not feeling well, i will ask my maid to help for one night while i sleep in my own bedroom. Even then, my body will automatically wake up at 3am.
I'm lucky in a way my gal takes her last feed at abt 9-10pm and her morning feed is at 6.30-7am.

There was this period when she woke up at 3am also. I ask her if water will do, she said ok so I gave her water for a while and she stopped waiting up in the middle of the night.

But she will always crawl secretly to my bed at night and squeee in between my husband and me.
Didn't noe so many bb still got midnite milk leh. Did u all try adjusting last feed time? I give Owen dinner aro 5:30pm, last milk (extra oz) aro 9-10pm. He slept late aro 10:30-11:30pm & still wakes up midnite but doesn't need milk to put him back to sleep.

Morning time, he will stay on bed to play wif his bony or pulls books to read, until I attend to him

hi peng, Owen doesn't wake up for milk. He juz wanna bangs his legs until I wake up to tidy him, or moans/cries in his dreams, or sit up & quietly cum close to my face. Normally I wl quietly press his head down and position him back to sleep.
JK sometimes also wakes up in the middle of the night and shouts: "Mama, yao nen nen"... usually if i'm too tired, i will just brush him off " orrhh ok... wait"... then i fall sleep :p sometimes it works but most of the times if he's really hungry, the ignore will turn into a messy cryout.. hahahaha

same thing, JK always don't finish his milk if his daddy feeds him.. tat's y i always try to feed him his last milk feed of the day before sleeping.. cos if he can finish that bottle, he can last thru the night or else i will suffer.. if my hubby feeds, JK will only drink half at most, then i jia lat..
